#madcom matchup
nevadasgreatest · 2 years
Here's some rough matchups, I definitely need to move some things around. As of right now Sheriff, Rich, and Gestalt are left out. Anyone have any clue how to fix this? Do these seem fair?
Hank J. Wimbleton VS 2BDamned
Sanford VS Deimos
Jebediah Christoff VS Tricky the Clown
The Auditor VS Director Phobos
The Maker VS The Machine
Church VS Jorge
Torture VS Scrapeface
Dr. Hofnarr VS Dr. Crackpot
Garrett Goyle VS Dr. Skinner
Chopper Dave VS Victor
Quartermaster Bert VS Bossman
Hotdog Vendor VS Boombox Guy
Romp VS The Sun
The Gambler VS MPN Player
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Two matchups: The judges and the killers
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Jebus: When i first heard of saint from Judge, i wanted to belive that all he said wasn't true, i couldn't belive all the atrocities came from someone who called themselfs a F#%/NG saint. But now i see he was right
Evil! Saint: What can i say! Reality can be often dissapointing.
Judge: Enough is enough, it's time to end this. FOR GOOD!
Hank: I would like to see you even try...
Im back to MadCom x Rain World! at first i wanted to keep it to only the canon slugs, but then i remembered, this is F!#0=ng MadCom.
So here is The Judge and Jebus vs Evil! Saint and Hank!
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vinnival · 3 years
H👋🏻iii hia👋🏻👋🏻a👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻 hellooo 👋🏻👋🏻hii 👋🏻👋🏻hiiii👋🏻ii 👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻
Is it okay if i ask for a madness combat matchup???????(if not then you can ignore this, i will understand you)
I'm a 5'2 , female, straight. I have fluffy curly dark brown hair, about chin length, wich i desperately straighten every day😩 I have grey eyes. My skin is pretty pale, because i rarely go outside, except work. I wear glasses, bc I have very VERY poor eyesight, sometimes i feel like an old man............
I think i would call myself quite friendly, but on the other hand afraid to make new friends, because I'm afraid to seem stupid and uninteresting to them. I am always optimistic, laugh a lot and try to cheer up my friends somehow. i am quite calm, very rarely show aggression to people i don't like. Also i like to bite and pinch my friends.
I am interested in programming, guns and other military stuff, play retro games. My favorite game is Blood and Doom!!!!
op u sound so badass wtf !!!!! though as a person w/super curly hair and my knowledge on hair safety you should probably stop straightening it all the time :( it could damage your hair beyond repair, but otherwise you do you!! Enjoy :]
You got a match! You're matched with...
Agent Torture!
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You were a teacher for A.A.H.W., teaching newbies about different guns and training them
Suddenly, you heard gunshots in the distance
"Aw fuck another ANTI attack?!"
You groaned as a MAG agent tore through your small doorframe, destroying it yet again for the third time in the past two weeks (you JUST HAD IT FIXED AARRRG)
But you paused
This one looked like the infamous Agent Torture, one of the first MAGs to survive the tests
He scanned the room, looking at all the rookie students
His eyes landed on you, and grunted very loudly, nodding to you
"Okay, everyone, file out calmly, MAG Agent Torture will lead you to a safe area where you won't get attacked"
You had to stay and defend your room, it had valuable tools in it that could NOT be taken
Once everyone else left, Torture stared at you strapping up
"Go, Agent. I'm tasked with defending my ground in these cases."
The gunfires were getting louder
He left after that, wanting to protect the newbies
You did a bit of fighting, but the stragglers that survived and made it so far were weakened and you kind of felt bad
Kind of
Torture came back to check up on you
You were very soft spoken and considerate to him, and he couldn't help but reach his hand out to pet your hair
You were dumbfounded at that djsndndn
He quickly pulled back and kept staring at you
You could tell he liked your curls :) so bouncy huhu
You love being his friend, especially since you know he wouldn't judge you :D
I mean,, he was physically altered into a giant with the intent of killing and given the name Torture, why would he judge others when he already faces judgement from others nearly every single day?
(That broke my heart to write)
He holds you a lot
Very gently
Also loves petting your hair
When you mentioned you like to bite/pinch a lot, he offered you his finger
he lets you bite him bc he doesn't feel the pain from it HHHHDHDFF
You feel very extremely safe around him
He sits in your room when you're teaching newbies
Some of them are nervous most of the time but you adored the fact that he appreciated you and liked you enough to actively be around you
He also watches you play retro games :]
He wishes he could play too sometimes poor boy
He loves it when you pet him, pet him a lot pls
You woke up to him carrying you somewhere one day
"Where are we going, Tor?"
A low rimble came from him, and you looked out to see a nice view of Nevada
He brought you to the cliff near the A.A.H.W facility!!
You two just sat there for a bit, taking in the view of the oddly beautiful gray desert
You felt very gentle taps on your shoulder from a large finger
You looked over, and Torture was twiddling his thumbs
He hesitantly leaned over to you, and then placed a kiss on top of your head
You almost c r i e d
You hugged him immediately and planted kisses all over his face
He loves you aweee!!
I hope you liked this op!!! Writing for torture is fun I might (might) do more sometime soon👀👀👀👀👀
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grayfilmsandstuff · 3 years
Ya still doing madcom matchups??
If so, I‘m 5‘2, with short red hair (like uh, natural not dyed) nonbinary, I like to draw, absolutely love scenecore and punk style, and try to carry a conversation with jokes as best I can
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HI RED HAIR BRO hello you seem very very cool!!
i match you wiiiiith...
- he probably got to know you because you worked together and he liked your energy
- Phob can and will sit there and watch you draw. just staring. it disturbed you at first but after a bit you really didn't mind
- he thinks your style is so very cool with all the colors and designs. the man literally just wears shades of grey so you are a very nice change of scenery to him
- whenever you have conversations with him, he'll laugh at every single one of your jokes, and because his laugh is contagious you end up laughing with him
- Phob's brain is, as you explained to him, 'goofed up' as well, so if you don't pick up on a social cue or you're not comfortable with doing something he'll understand and help you out however he can
- you and him are the most chaotic people Auditor has ever had to work with. you two are the dynamic duo at pulling pranks and being wackos together
- "...hey Phob, you want to go put googly eyes on all of Audi's stuff?"
- "boy, do i!! he's gonna hate us so much"
- he may not tell you too often because you're too busy laughing or spending time screwing with people, but he really really cares about you. he's the happiest he's ever been when he's with you and he loves you for that
sorry if this isn't who you had in mind!! phob is definitely bonkers though you can't prove me wrong
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rotshop · 3 years
u shouldn't have now i gotta psychoanalyze you for everyone to see ://// /j
u gte a two for one deal bc ur epic swag and also a bestie <3333
[ no tws necessary ]
I match you w/ Deimos platonically ;
-I feel like you two would have sibling / cousins kinda dynamic. you both cause problems on purpose and bully eachother (jokingly) while doing it. I feel like there would b a lot of inside jokes between you two , you'll say some little word / phrase and he'll just double over in laughter while the others stare at you two in confusion
-BUT on a diff note i do think ur energy matches his rlly well, u can be pretty upbeat and lively but you can also be pretty chill which fits him, sometimes he wants to go do something dangerous and dumb with you and other times he just wants to sit and ramble with you endlessly about whatever seems to come to mind. 10/10 you both have Those kind of semi-deep conversations where you both just kinda bare parts of ur souls to each other n shit, its hard to describe but he always leaves feeling a little bit lighter / less shallow (if that makes sense)
-i hc him as actually being a pretty good listener so if you ever needed to talk / go off abt something he's able to just sit and nod along with you. offers his own little in puts here and there based off how ur kinda talkin abt it (ex. if you seem a little more lost / frantic he tries to offer advice but if ur more pissed off he gives little 'what a dick / shit, really?' comments here and there)
-idk he just likes hanging out w/ you, he's not great with telling you he appreciates you and he's not super sappy w/ his friends so he does it in other ways (usually going 'hey this made me think of you' or picking up things you wanted for you every now and then)
i match u w/ hank romantically ;
-I feel like at first he might've been pretty neutral abt you, ur just kinda. there. but he starts warming up to you over time and gets really comfortable w/ you in ways he doesn't even notice until someone else points it out
-once again i feel like ur energy goes pretty well with his, he's not as lively as you but having someone like you in that sense w/ him does make him kinda . perk up a little if that makes sense?? on his own he tends to get frustrated and tired pretty easily, it only takes a few things going wrong for him to start getting snippy and pissed so your more optimistic / light approach to things kinda slows that down, like. something abt ur ability to just kinda roll w/ things as they come makes him feel a lot calmer in a weird way
-also you come across as a helpful person 2 me so i feel like he really appreciates any of that. whether its you helping him bring stuff in after a raid or bandaging some wound of his he cant reach / do himself or you cheering san or dei up he just kinda. stares a little. he finds himself thinking abt it a lot more than he normally would with others. (he doesn't say thanks very often but you can notice it in the quiet nod or murmur he gives you after you help him out)
-he's not a fan of talking about his problems (it makes him feel vulnerable and antsy so he prefers to keep it bottled up :[ ) but he tends to go to you if he's ever in a state where he just needs to chill out a little. usually doesn't speak very much but he'll just kinda. walk over and sit down next to you and watch whatever it is you're doing. you can usually tell because he'll only give little nods and grunts to any questions you give (i hc him as having moments where he doesn't have the energy to really talk) but he really enjoys just listening to you ramble or talk to him to get his mind off things
-also i refuse to believe you're THAT tall so he gives you his clothes (mainly his jacket) a lot, he just likes seeing them on you :) tends to kinda lean down and give you a kiss on the forehead / temple whenever he notices you're wearing them
-tldr he feels really comfortable and safe around you and he finds himself enjoying your prescence a lot more than he does w/ most people
-also i hope you like weird kind of vaguely threatening confessions bc he doesn't know how to properly convey his positive feelings very well. u know how i said something abt him holding flowers way too tightly (mostly bc he's nervous / lost on it) whenever he gifts em to you in some other post??? yeah he does that to you while confessing lmao
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erotophs · 3 years
Hello!!! I am here for platonic madcom matchup :]
I’m female, 5’1” and I am a certified goofball. I love to laugh and make others laugh. I am a social butterfly, very free spirited and caring. That being said, i can be a b word when provoked :]]
Music is my passion. I looovvveee singing. I rly like to write as well, drawing occasionally.
I’m very funny & feisty. Like a catdog mix lololl
I love exploring new areas & doing fun things w friends. If it involves food & coffee i’m SO IN
⚡Zorry thiz iz zo late!!! I match you wittthhh...⚡
- This is either totally unsurprising or a BIG surprise.
- But you two would be amazing friends!!!
- You meet at a nightclub, you're there to meet new folks and he's there to PARTY!
- "Neat party, huh? I'm <Y/N>, you?"
- "WUZZAT? ... OH! I'M TRICKY!! ^_^"
- He's impressed by how many of the songs you can name, and he likes your energy and demeanor.
- <⚡Look look I like to think tricky keepz hiz bloodluzt and hiz hobbiez very zeperate/lh⚡>
- You two hit it off, drinking [He has some kind of energy drink that glows under the club's blacklights] and chatting the rest of the night.
- And well... you've been friends ever since!
- Tricky likes singing with you!! He absolutely goes all out complimenting your voice in between songs. He's got the screech of a death metal vocalist, but you two make it work damn well.
- He LOVES showing you his music.
- He appreciates your humor too! A fellow jokester is always good to have around. You two could spend hours together just cracking jokes and making eachother laugh.
- Over all? You two are a match made in friendship heaven.
⚡And there u have it!! I hope u liked, tricky iz one of my favoritez and it waz fun writing for him!⚡
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vinnival · 3 years
Is it ok if I request a platonic madcom matchup? If its romo only you're free ignore this nsbdjdnfbdb
I'm 5'3, aroace, and my gender is just. Art itself! Like on a conceptual level. I have short blue hair shaved on one side, a very "twiggy" build [I'm SUPER LIGHT jfbdjfb], and glasses. I have ADHD and it gives me a unique perception of the world [I usually call it my "artist's lens" jshdjsjd] along w a LOT of chaotic energy. I adore drawing and writing, making stories and breathing life into pictures make me happier than anything! I'm also a huge fan of video games [mainly nintendo] and loud music. I try my best to be nice to others and keep a sort of cycle of kindness going. I adore making new friends and just... being nice to people! It makes me happy :> I'm not super strong, definitely more brains than brawn and, n I use a typing quirk ⚡that lookz zomething like thiz!⚡ uhhhh... that's ab it! Hope this isnt too much/not enough jfhdjjd
OP MY FRIEND... YOU ARE SO VALID.... FELLOW NINTENDO FANS UNITE <333 you seem so cool i am seething with love. Enjoy :0
You got a platmatch! You matched with...
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I mean
What did you expect
Chaotic energy? Loud music? YOUR URL?? Cmon you'd be super good friends with mr clown man I can feel it deep in my soul
You were out painting the beautiful (okay LISTEN MADCOM NEVADA HAS A PRETTY RED SKY.) sky, littered with stars and clouds
Then you heard a very loud commotion nearby
You were curious, knowing many dangerous areas were right near your home, but you should be okay, right?
You inched over to look through the bush separating you from the sudden drop-off cliff
Below, you could see the infamous Tricky the Clown and Hank J. Wimbleton having a battle
You were very intrigued and interested, completely disregarding the fact that they were tearing each other apart
"Hey this would make a cool ass painting, with perspective and cool lighting and all" -your brain. probably
You scrambled to grab your easel
As soon as you turned away, the Clown managed to successfully kill Hank once again
You needed to run inside to grab a new canvas, not knowing your opportunity was ruined
You accidentally slammed the door in excitement
Tricky heard that
He wandered up the hill your house was on
When you rushed back outside, you very roughly slammed into him
Uh oh you just crashed into clown
You're lucky you had that canvas held out in front of you once you fell because with Tricky's reflexes, he sliced the thing in two immediately with his signature sign
"ARE YOU HANK FRIEND?!" He growled into your face, holding that sign dangerously close to your neck
"No! No, I'm not! I promise! I-I was just up here painting!"
You tried to gesture over to your other piece laying on the ground but he didn't allow you much range of movement, looking over by himself
He visibly relaxed, successfully convinced
(+100 speech)
He stayed there while you tried to calm down
You wanted to ask why he stayed but you didn't want to press him
He eventually asked you to paint him, and honestly you were kinda excited
He would do that constantly after that. He liked how you painted him :)
You feel like you unlocked a secret side of this murder machine
He seemed very friendly and nice to you, and you shared a little bit more about yourself every time he visited
He LOVES jamming out with you oh my god
You two have similar music taste sorry I don't make the rules
You let him in your house once and he was drawn to your consoles
You explained the console and concept of video games to him
He seemed really interested in Zelda :)
You joked around with him, and you found out he has very general humor and loves jokes and just goofing around !!
He also loves just being very chaotic
Like if you were attacked by a random thug grunt, Tricky would swoop in and swiftly take care of that little bitch
You just snort and say "ah hell nah tha clow kilt groot"
You two would proceed to roll around on the floor wheezing at that
If he sensed you guys were in danger and didn't have a weapon he'd just. Pick you up and run
Meanwhile you were calling whatever wanted to attack you a pissbaby among other things
Sometimes you'd just blurt out random words that popped into your head without context
"Fourty-seven capybaras"
All in all he really appreciates you for being so nice to him and not being associated with hank lmao
Veteran madcom fans like RARARARA HE IS A KILLER!!!! A MONSTER!!!!!! AN ABSOLUTE MURDERER!!!!! Bitch he politely bought a hotdog he's not 100% kill mode
Hope you enjoyed this op :}
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vinnival · 3 years
Hello, I don’t know. Doing this yet ... But ... It's worth a try! ^^ my height is 6'0. I have dark wavy hair, about shoulder length, and it is REALLY fluffy. I enjoy drawing and cooking something sweet, like cupcakes. I am quite calm and silent and open to people for a very long time. But after a while I will become ultra - caring! And I will do everything for the comfort of my friend. Also, I love to play video games and board games. I love cats! They are very cute. My style of dress ... Mmm .. I like to wear oversized and indoor shorts, I don't really care how I look. Probably, some are not comfortable with me, since I am very hyperactive and tactile. I REALLY love hugs. I also sometimes have violent outbursts of anger. I..uh .... I'm from Russia! Hope my english is readable
Omg Russian requesters ily <333 you sound so nice too,,, enjoy !! Your English is definitely readable :>
You got a match! You're matched with...
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You poor thing
You started off on his bad side LMAO
You met him when you were couch hopping bc your home was destroyed by a MAG agent run loose
He was outside of his base, practicing his agility and shit when you noticed him
Holy shit is that HANK J. WIMBLETON
"Huh he looks nice ill go talk to him"
-Said no one, ever
You tried to avoid him but he caught sight of you
How the fuck did you find his secret base
You jumped out of your skin when a dagger whizzed right in front of your eyes
Your eyes followed it as it hit the tree directly next to you
Should've paid attention to the man that threw it
He now had you apprehended, hands behind your back, you laying on your stomach, his knee smack in between your shoulder blades
You heard someone leave the base
"Yo what's all this comm- bruh."
Hank's (surprisingly warm) fingers roughly grabbed at your neck, squeezing the pressure points and making you gasp and cringe in uncomfortable pain
"Hank my dude what the fuck did they do to deserve that"
After a brief glare down with the other person, Hank decided to let up
He picked you up, but refused to let your hands go
"To the base"
You staggered at hearing his REEEALLY smooth voice
You didn't know what you expected but it certainly wasn't that !
You explained your situation to the other person that saved you, whose name was Deimos
You also met Sanford
Both of them were way more friendlier than the bastard man reeking hostile energy to you
They let you stay, somehow convincing Hank you weren't a part of AAHW and that you discovered their location as a spy
Over the days, Hank still remains the same towards you
But eventually he started letting up, realizing that maybe, just maybe, you weren't that much of a threat as he originally thought
You woke up early one day and decided to make surprise pancakes :]
Chocolate chip pancakes!!!
You were halfway through the batter when Hank enters the kitchen
It was a little tense, but you offered him some of the ones you've made, and he reluctantly accepted it
The air was still thick, and you decided to say something-
"Hm?" You were caught off guard by Hank's sudden apology thay came out before you could say anything
"For attacking you."
"Oh. Uh... its okay! I would react the same in your situation."
He only nodded, scarfing down the rest of the pancakes
Interactions like that continued
One day you surprised everyone when you decided to leave and grab something you wanted to get for a while
It was a cat !!!
Deimos and Sanford loved it, they thought the little one was cool
Hank, though...
He couldn't keep his goggles off of them
Everyone could tell he wanted to pet it and play with it
You soon just gestured for him to come over, and you just straight up placed the cat in his arms
Mans didn't know how to react
He just fell straight to the floor, holding cat very gently
Something changed inside of him that day
He started to be in your presence a lot more
And not JUST because of the cat
One time you had a burst of anger when you stubbed your toe, and broke a vase
Hank witnessed it
Your violence ... 😳
Strong.... strong person...?
(Note to everyone: do not romanticize violence oh my god please dont)
You two actually slowly became closer as friends! He really appreciares how active and how much of a go-getter you are
You taught him some funny Russian phrases
don't tell anyone that he likes speaking your language more instead of english though
Deimos makes you all play Monopoly once in a while
Everyone knows you're gonna win the most money because you're the one that grew up playing this stuff nearly every day
One time you were out on a walk with the group and got cold
This mf hank gave you his coat
Your serotonin levels were off the charts
Sometimes you'd draw with spare pieces of paper you'd find around the place, and Hank noticed
He went on a very sudden inventory run and came back with art supplies for you HHH
You just couldn't take it anymore
This mf was head over heels and you were so in pain waiting for him to make a move
"So, Hank..."
"We may not have had the best start but... well... I really like you!"
He processed that, then looked you up and down
"I like you too."
"Do you... want to date?"
"Oh, like THAT"
Much to your relief, he accepted your offer
Hes loves you and the cat <3
Gives you a lot more of their clothes
Will take you to his favorite place to practice shooting to let out your outbursts
honk *honk*
I hope you enjoyed this OP !! writing for hank is fun heeeoeoehe especially since I'm kinsidering him 😎😎
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vinnival · 3 years
Hello! Mind if I request a Madness Combat match up? Sorry if requests are closed! I'm genderfluid with they/them she/her he/him it/its pronouns, I'm 5'8 and pale and I recently dyed my hair white. I have central heterochromia (green and yellow). I'm t h i c c and really goofy most of the time. I'm brave and (according to my friends) really intelligent and analytical. I rarely get mad but when I do I go off the charts. My grandparents gave the me nickname firecracker because of how mad I get when I do. I'm very antisocial and pretty insecure about somethings like my art, writing and how I talk and act. Sometimes I feel like I'm annoying whoever I'm talking to so I'll quiet down and get a little distant. I have anxiety and I love LOVE nature. I'm also SUPER interested in the cosmos and engineering. I'm also in love with music. I sometimes sing and I'll hum to myself if I'm feeling a little lonely. Ill also sing to my friends any day. I'm very motherly and will hurt anyone who hurts my friends. I speak broken english if I'm comfortable around someone and trust them. My friends are more family to me than my actual biological family. I'm a gamer 100% and will listen to any problems one might have. I really want to learn a couple of instruments and I'm learning Finnish and German. I hope this is enough info! Again, sorry if requests are closed!
Don't worry babes they're open as can be! These asks are all so adorable and I love getting them and reading everyone's personality :] as a curious little psychology enthusiast its always cool learning new things about others ! Enjoy :>
You got a match! You're matched with...
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You were just singing to yourself, taking a nice little stroll along an old trail
You steered onto a city street, and spotted someone way down the street
Walking your direction
You didn't think of it much, slowly reducing your singing to humming, then to nothing
Unfortunately the other grunt walking had a different idea
He pulled out a pistol, demanding money
You were a little scared, but admitted that you didn't have any money
He growled and nudged you to trek home and get some money for him
So there you were, walking in the streets with some thug's gun to your back
You did your best to remain calm
Out of nowhere you hear a tiny "whoosh" in the air
The guy suddenly yells, and you hear metal clattering on the ground
A gruff voice shouted that order, and you assumed it was for you
You didn't give it a second thought, sprinting over to the helpful voice
You heard gunshots, and ducked your head
"Come on, this way!"
You followed the voice until you ran straight into warmth, and an arm protectively wrapped around you
"Threatening someone for money isn't gonna get you far in life, pal," the voice growled
You were catching your breath as yelling was heard, and looked up at your "hero"
your brain short-circuited
He made sure the grunt was out of sight before checking on you
He later said "I saw you being pushed along by a guy with a gun. Why the fuck would someone do that to an innocent person? So I helped."
He escorted you home and made sure you were safe
You bumped into him on occasion, and hung out when you did
You always asked him what he did for a living
He always awkwardly laughed and changed the subject
When he finally relented and told you, you thought he was cool as fuck
God he fucking loves staring into your eyes!!!! They're so beautiful to him and he thinks it looks like the sun during a solar eclipse
I mean uhh what sun? There's no sun in Nevada lol
You help him with puzzles and understanding books he's read, you talk about the stars and space when you two stare up into it at night as well
He appreciates you for that :)
He took you on one of his missions because you wouldn't stop begging him to let you
You occasionally made a joke or two to lighten the mood, because you two were in a creepy abandoned hospital
You two were looking into the potential trafficking group that worked there
It didn't take long to find them
Well, one of them
You tried to sneak attack, but the guy knew you two were there
He grabbed you first and held you in a hostage position
You were panicked until he wise-cracked some very mean things about Sanford after trying to shoot him (he ducked to cover, but he got shot in the shoulder)
When you heard Sanford's shout of pain?
goddamn you went apeshit
You started cussing your captor out in the couple of languages you speak
Unfortunately for that guy, you've had training under Hank J. Wimbleton himself
Violence ahead!! Just some crunchy broken bones :)
You threw back a kick into the guy's tibula, making him crumble
You then threw him over your shoulder. When he landed, you grabbed his arm, yanked it backwards at an awkward angle, and fuckin FLOPPED on the arm
*satisfying crunch*
Let's just say you went temporarily deaf from how loud he was screaming
You ignored his pleas and kept yelling at him, torturing him
Violence over !!
Sanford had to pull you away
He had to use ALL of his strength too
You calmed down by the time you two left the place
Once you got to your home, Sanford pulled you aside
"Why did you do all of that? I would've had it handled."
"Well... I care about you!"
"'Caring' about someone doesn't mean you ruin someone's ENTIRE upper body in an act of vengeance for said person you care about."
"Fine, does 'I love you' fit?"
He stared at you, your face was stoic with determination
He snapped back to reality and started nodding vigorously, "Yes, that makes a lot more sense, yeah..."
You two began dating immediately after that
He brings you instruments he finds on his missions as gifts :) you play them for him <3
tl:dr you're intimidating/lh /j
Heheheoe i hope you liked this :] i may be connoisseur of fluff but writing the occasional violent scene makes me happy
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vinnival · 3 years
Ay yo so can I get a madcom matchup? I am 5'3, gender questioning, bisexual. I have black hair and I wear glasses. I also wear a jacket even if it's hot. I draw a lot, I animate, I also do voice acting sometimes. Sometimes I make music on FL Studio or Bandlab. I tend to listen to Alan Walker music. I am a dog person and my favorite color is blue. I am most afraid of losing my friends and I'm also afraid of heights. anyways that's all i got.
DOG PEOPLE ARE SO POGGERS you also sound like someone id be scared to talk to but after i make friends w you you're a wonderful person :] enjoy !!
You got a match! You're matched with...
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Definitely a fellow dog person
You two met at a dog park ofc
Deimos was looking for free therapy tbh
He loved your dog!! You two got to talking about different kinds of dogs
You mentioned voice acting and he just lit up
"Oh shit hell yeah"
You then periodically brought over your dog to his base (the others loved them) and helped Deimos voice the robot
He gifted you devices- like a very powerful laptop- to do animation and make music on.
He liked watching you work hard with your creations, sometimes helping you
He wasn't that good at music nor drawing but he was trying his best
If you felt a certain gender, you'd tell him and he'd respect your pronouns and refer to you as said gender
He doesn't mind that you're questioning, he enjoys your company nonetheless :>
He gets annoyed w you (/lh) when you refuse to take your jacket off in hot weather
"This is for your HEALTH."
"Health my ass, this bitch is comfy."
You two joke around a lot and anyone listening would just be like 😐 while you two were losing your breath from laughing too much
He has women/men magazines full of models stacked away
He trusted you enough to show you the secret stash
You two were gawking at people the entire day after that
Then the topic changed to what types of people you both liked
Silly dumb Deimos accidentally described you
Or... or was that intentional?
We will never know
You were a little shocked when he perfectly described you as his type, but you retaliated by perfectly describing HIM
You both were on the same boat, so you two decided to just. Get together!
(Don't worry, he hates heights too)
>you were now both proud parents of a cute lil doggo
Sorry if this was a little shorter than the others! You didn't provide that much info as the others (and thats okay <3!!) so it turned out a bit shorter :]
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vinnival · 3 years
Hey! Hope its ok if i ask for a madcom matchup :)!!! I didnt see anything about them being closed but if they are feel free to ignore this lol..
Anywhosies! I'm a 5'4 guy but I have a mean slouch so it probably makes me a bit shorter, I have messy dark brown hair that reaches my mid back. I just look tired always lol. I also hve like. Pretty small hands.. I think tht shit is so embarrassing but all of my friends love it, they call me baby hands nd shiz its so humiliating😭.
I think I'm an overall friendly person, I love makin friends nd talking to people although I may end up talking your ear off and end up getting annoying, I love telling jokes nd tryin to make people laugh. My humour is pretty dumb tho, nd I get kind of loud when messing around. I can be very temperamental, I can get angry/annoyed very easily 😭 I just tend to be very emotional all together💔💔 m emotionally energetic and physically lazy x_x . I'm a very touchy person I like being able to playfully jab someone or wrap my arms around them etc etc. I'm a big night owl and I don't get as much sleep as I should. I'm very protective of my friends 😎 I'd get in a fight for them LMFAOO. I'm pretty hardheaded I think, I'm also just.. Not the smartest lol.
One of my main hobbies is drawing :) I love making art nd I usually end up drawing up gifts for my friends. I also enjoy playing video games but I'm usually not good at them at all... I used to take karate classes so I think im pretty good at fighting :). I love listening to music but I feel as if my music taste is drastically different to the point where its kind of embarrassing (frm death grips to planet booty like what is this..😕)
Alright i hope that is good enough XO.. I hope u have a good day or night! Take care❤!
Aw hell yeah dude thats a good amount of info! Lets me match you easier :) enjoy!
You got a match! You're matched with...
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Living that #hitchiker life
You were trying to catch a ride to anywhere that wasn't home when a car stops for you
"Do you know how to fight?"
One of the two guys asked you this
"Uh... what the fuck? I mean, yeah, but-"
"Great, get in."
You got in obviously
"I'm Sanford, and that's Deimos."
Deimos waved at you nonchalantly, his cig nearly flying away into the wind
This was just before their official designs were given to them btw
You told them about yourself and they did the same, and Deimos really liked your humor!
Sanford made you laugh a couple of times, and you appreciated that
You two managed to beat the shit out of many grunts
When Sanford donned the Official Clothes, goddamn you fell hard and fast
This man just decided to be shirtless and vulnerable all the damn time
How could you not ???
You lived in the base alongside Sanford, Hank, and Deimos
You all had your own routines and habits that seemed to just slide right in place with each other
Most of the time you ended up crossing paths with/being around Sanford (you thanked whatever higher power there was for the blessing)
His personality fits nice with yours, he knows how to keep calm in most situations and would be there with you to help you through emotional swings
He loves watching you draw, he thinks your art is so cool
You two also love playfully arguing while you draw, sometimes turning into friendly karate matches
You'd usually beat him obvs
Sometimes you would crack jokes while fighting and he'd start laughing, leaving you with an opening
He doesn't mind the exploit,, the jokes are funny
You draw things for everyone, but mostly San because you're around him the most
You four were super close and relied on each other to live, all good in your own ways
You in particular taught everyone some obscure defensive moves from karate
When Sanford asked for you to help him privately one day, of course you agreed to help
He had his balance totally off on his stances
Which means you had to get up close and personal to help him correct his posture.
his skin was so w a r m . . .
For a man that was shirtless 25/8 you'd think he'd be bone cold
Mf was a toaster oven
"How the fuck are you a literal heating pad you never wear a shirt"
"Guess I'm just hot like that"
"Hell yeah you are"
You both laughed off the retort but man did something change
You noticed his cheeks were just a little tinted
Ngl so were yours
You both locked eyes while you tilted his arms into the correct position he needed to be in
He stared at you, and you smiled
Then, you quickly leaned forward and pecked him on the nose, then congratulated him on the correct pose and promptly left the room
Man.,nfndfbdm -sanford, on the floor
You two started dating the next day ofc 😩
Sorry this was a couple days late! I got a job recently and I've been training, plus I've been meaning to hang out w my bf!! Its been hectic but I hope you liked it op <33
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vinnival · 3 years
I was wondering if you can do a Madness Combat match up <3
Im 5'9 and im Bisexual, I have short hair, I also forgot to mention im a female, but my hair is buzzed on the sides and a undercut, I have chocolate brown hair and ye. I am a bit chunky, i have a tummy but i try to hide it. I have glasses as well and im a bit tan. Im outgoing and a bit shy, im nervious or out going when I meet new people. I love sharing about my drawings and ocs. Im passionate about my art and how I draw. I love singing but only by myself I get self conscious about my voice and such. I enjoy hanging with friends and making dumb puns. I get sad though ablittle too fast and my anxiety kicks in. I have short attention spam and I get scared about it and people getting annoyed of me for it.
Op I can tell you're such a cutie just by reading this 💜💜😩 enjoy!
You got a match! You're matched with....
Agent Torture!
Art by @//6chocolatepie9 !!
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You were so scared of him at first
Tbh anyone would be
But you realized that everyone else was scared too and felt bad for the poor guy
What if he really needed a friend? What if he couldn't have anyone to talk to bc he's so scary :(
To avoid being sad, you did tiny little things and left them around for him to cheer him up.
"Tiny little things" being drawings! You drew many things, and decided to leave some works for him- and ofc you drew the man himself.
(As you would see later in his quarters, he cherishes every piece of art you have and proudly has them very roughly hung up on his walls)
He caught you one day, setting out a new piece for him
You just saw- but mostly FELT- his large shadow just hover over you !
You freaked out, hearing his grumbles behind you, and slowly turned around
He was just staring at you.
You could feel his eyes scanning your body, and then he seemed to look past your small frame to see another picture- and he recognized your art style :))
He reached out a hand and pat your head lightly, while you were internally screaming (which emotion? You decide!)
After that, you two would just walk around AAHW when Torture wasn't busy
He brought you to his room one day, and he showed you his wall with pride, and hoo boy if there was a thermometer in your mouth it would've said you were MELTING
He pointed to some people he didn't recognize- your OCs! You happily told him about them
He loves picking you up and he LOVES how soft you are
You love to torture (hohohoho) him with your puns
"I'm perfectly sized for you to hold! How HANDY, huh?"
You saw visible apprehension at that horrible pun you made, but you knew he tolerated it
You constantly switch from topic to topic when talking and he gets confused sometimes but he's got the spirit <3
I headcanon that he can feel emotion, so when you're anxious or nervous?
He'll be all over you to protect you from whatever's going on
An attack from Hank? You bet he's carrying you to a safe room until he's done
Even though that scares the shit out of you, him constantly risking himself for you
You sometimes forget you won his trust by making drawings and giving it to him, maybe he appreciates gifts?
You made him a little doll of himself one day and you swear you saw some tears come from under his dark shades
He almost crushed you in a hug, you made a sound when he began squeezing too hard though and he let up on the pressure
Later that night, you were doing a little sleepover with him when you woke up to him growling
He seemed to be having a bad dream :((
Hesitantly, you gently laid your hand over his massive one and began humming a soft tune, soon adding lyrics here and there.
To your surprise, he actually calmed down after that
You worry for him and his sleep schedule a lot more after that night
When you came back from a quick walk outside one day, you find a piece of paper that slid under your door to your room
It was a (kind of poorly drawn but still ADORABLE) heart, and down in the corner, a "T" resides
You hurry over to Torture's room and find him in there, holding a flower. He was waiting for you awwe
He offered you the flower and you took it with a bright smile, "you like me don't you?"
He picked you up as if you were a fragile vase and gently placed a kiss on your head in response to the question.
Auditor was so confused on how you won over a goddamn killing machine...
I hope you liked it bae!! Writing fluff for big scary ooga booga people make me so happy 💜🥰
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vinnival · 3 years
ghhgh can i get a madcom matchup please? the brainrot is REAL. I'm a trans guy, he/him, 5'5, pale bc who sees sunlight anymore, on the chubbier side, with blonde (light brown?) hair and freckles! I'm charismatic, a jokester, and my heart is bigger than my brain. I'm the friend who wants to go on adventures and do crimes, and i'll cover any booboos with cartoon banaids bc hell yeah. i love to play video games and love to cook too! I'm a crybaby and have a hard time shutting up abt things i love
omg op come here so I can hug u... CARTOON BANDAIDS. YOU ARE SO CUTE!?!?!?!?!? also I felt that madcom brainrot shit way too hard. Enjoy :]!!!
You got a match! You're matched with...
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Definitely met him at an some type of con
Wow they still have those in NEVADA???
He recognized a reference on your shirt and wanted to talk to you smack then and there
Boom bam pow best friends instantly
You two fit like two peas in a pod, constantly bouncing off of each other in improv situations
You fail to notice how he constantly peeks at you and your face, he likes your freckles a lot :]
You invite him to your house because it was late at night, but he offered to take you back to his place instead /nsx
You agreed because Of Course
He tells you about cool technology facts during the walk home :) he even felt comfortable enough to hold your hand awww
Unfortunately the sweet moments didn't last too long because this is Nevada, obviously
Some punks decided to blast down the street BLASTING music
They seemed rowdy and janky, and generally disrespectful
Some of them noticed you two walking along and the car began to slow down near you two
"You guys better not be doing any gay shit!" One of them shouted
Others were being rude and shouting very offensive things
Deimos glared DAGGERS at them
Meanwhile without a second thought you stole Deimos' secret gun from his bag and whipped around, firing a warning shot straight past one of the guys' head
You batted your eyelashes at their shock
"You guys gonna keep being homophobic? Cause I can keep shooting, and this time it'll aim straight at every one of you guys' heads!"
The driver made a quick u-turn and ZOOMED
You muttered something along the lines like "yeah thats right run away like cowards"
You gave Deimos back his gun and he was OOOOOHH
He freaked out, saying stuff like "I DIDNT KNOW YOU WERE GOOD AT HANDLING GUNS???"
"Deimos this is Nevada what do you expect"
He now thinks you're cute AND cool as fuck
Obviously he begged for you to play some first person shooters after he introduced you to everyone else
He loved it no regerts
God you two really do just swing well together
You cooked breakfast for everyone the next morning, and Deimos automatically rose out of the bed from that good ass SMELL
Don't tell any of the other guys but he liked your cooking the best
He got too eager and burned his hand on the food lol
You smiled devilishly
"My time has come"
You whipped out a cartoon bandaid out of nowhere and placed it gently on Deimos' burn, even kissing it a little 😳
"How do you keep DUMBFOUNDING ME"
Later that day he just straight up. Asked you to date him. Out of the blue
"Hey lol wanna date"
"Holy shit," you had to do a double take to process that
Hell yeah fuck shit up and shoot people
-yours and deimos' motto
Deimos is so fun to write he's just a very chaotic good gen z themed man,, hope you liked it OP!! Thank you for requesting :3
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grayfilmsandstuff · 3 years
Heyyyy homieeeee saw your post and I really liked it! Figured I’d try it out myself 👉👈
I’m a 5’3 short hair sandy blonde and on the curvier side. and a I’m a entrepreneur (ESTP-T), Im highly competitive against games or sports if i know i can do it. I’m kind of the loud soccer mom of the group who’s constantly getting hurt but having a pain tolerance Thats through the roof makes up for it. All of my friends are guys since I seem to get along with them better than girls. I’m reckless but know when to step in when a friend is in need. Music is also a big part of my life as I always have some sort of rap or 80s song playing to keep my mind busy. I swim competitively against other people and I’ve even made it into districts a few times. I’m a small artist but like to keep it a hobby instead of a job. I’m incredibly patient and enjoy hanging with kids.
Thanks shawty and remember to drink some water 😘
here you go, sorry this took so long afdgagdjd
also thanks for the reminder i should prolly drink some water rn
i match you wiiiiiiith...
- you were brought in leaning on the shoulders of Hank and Sanford, wincing in pain but not making a sound. 2BD immediately knew if he didn't save you soon he would lose you. he had only seen you for a few seconds but he knew you were someone worth keeping around
- obviously he was real quick and he was able to save you! yay for him!
- you do manage to hurt yourself a lot more than anyone else because you don't realize you're hurt until later. he finds your clumsiness cute but also how the heck do you manage to hurt yourself getting food from the pantry
- you've also hurt yourself pulling some real heroic stunts. one time you were out fighting with Hank and you came back with a bullet hole through your shoulder because apparently they were about to get in the head, so you saved them. 2BD wishes he was there to see it and fall for you even harder
- he's not very good at many sports or athletic challenges but he's scary good at puzzles and logic problems, so whenever you challenge him to a one on one he loses miserably. but when you challenge him to an escape room you lose miserably.
- you and him have the mother and father dynamic of the team. you joke about it a lot but every time you do he gets all flustered
- "you and me are the only responsible ones here, if i'm being honest. we're like the mom and dad of this team, huh?"
- "yeah haha... . . .wait we're what"
- he does enjoy watching you play or joke around with the other three like they're your kids, it makes him feel all happy inside because not only are you happy but you're also making the dudes he considers his 'kids' happy
- he's also really into 80s music, but he didn't know that you liked it until you invited him to listen to it once and he realized he knew the song. now he loves your music taste on top of everything else?? ughhh why are you so perfect
- he's not very good with physical affection, but one time while you were listening to music together he timidly put his arm around your shoulders. you decided 'hey, why the heck not' and leaned into him. let's just say he could not wipe the smile off of his face for the next few hours
- he loves your art! watching you draw or even drawing with you is one of his favorite things to do because watching you create something so intricate and beautiful out of nothing is astounding. he just scribbles on the paper and hopes it looks good
- you think his drawing is cute though so you support everything he makes
UGH i LOVE writing for 2b this was so agdhsgsjdhd
also ur music taste.. .. ..please be my friend
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grayfilmsandstuff · 3 years
I'm sorry this is going to be kind of long, didn't know what was worth being included for a matchup and what wasn't, i hope it's ok
I'm 5'3, i have short wavy red hair with an undercut, i'm chubby. I'm nonbinary with any pronouns and an artist. I am neurodivergent, have bpd and social anxiety. I currently have obsession with candles, Monster and animated shows (either for children or for adults). I'm a huge sucker for horror movies. I'm still figuring out my aestethic and my music taste, but my aestethic varies between dreamcore, goth, cottagecore and my music taste varies between loud and chaotic, pop, or indie. I'm an introvert, i can get obnoxiously loud when i'm comfortable but i get completely silent when i'm outside or with new people. I'm the proud parent of two beautiful cats.
i already wrote this but tumblr CRASHED and i had to rewrite it aggrhssguahd anyways here you go
i match you wiiiiiiith...
- you used to work at the A.A.H.W. but hated your job. the only thing you liked was your position, aka helping with the mag agents
- Hank met you when he was fighting one of the mags and saw you out of the corner of his eye, and something about the look in your eyes told him not to kill the mag, so he didn't, instead motioning for you to follow him out
- when you first got back to the base you were very very quiet, but Hank understood and made sure to let you know that there was no rush in opening up
- they really really liked you. they liked watching you change and experiment around with your style, they thought your natural look was gorgeous, and they really just thought you were cute overall
- any time you find a new show that you like, Hank will ask you about it and he'll sit there and listen to you talk about it however long you want. he loves the sound of your voice
- sometimes you'll binge a show together just so you can have something to talk and laugh about
- Hank doesn't scare. like, at all.
- whenever you choose to watch a horror movie for date night, you'll snuggle up on the couch and every time you get jumpscared you'll flinch or jump and grab onto their arm. often times they'll hold you close but they don't even flinch. not once.
- every time you want to try something new for your aesthetic you have to go to Deimos because Hank isn't ever gonna help sway your decision
- "hey Hank? does this look good on me or is it too much? too little, maybe?"
- <anything looks good when you're the one wearing it. you're real pretty, you know that?> :}
- "...i love you so much but you're not helping"
- Hank doesn't have much of a music taste so he'll listen to whatever you're listening to. whenever you choose to play indie music, he'll stand up and invite you to dance with him, swaying to the beat of the music
- you'll stand on his feet and wrap your arms around him, palms resting on his shoulder blades, and he'll just hold you close
- you decided one day to bring your cats into the bunker and Hank fell in LOVE with them. you start to think they love the cats more than you
- obviously they love you more but. . .... . .cats
i loved this so much it was very sweet thank you for the request anon !!
jo if you read this. .. . this is top tier simp material
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grayfilmsandstuff · 3 years
So can i get a madcom matchup? If you dont mind
Im 5'2 and i love drawing! I have medium light brown hairthat curls at the end with freckles and i also like playing pokemon. I have social anxiety and ptsd, and i love cats im also introverted and shy
Sorry if its short or not descriptive enough
of course!! this one's gonna be a little short just because i wasn't given a lot but i'll do my best with what i got :}
i match you wiiiiith...
- they probably saw you during an infiltration mission and thought 'yeah, i want that one'
- because one day he came back from a solo mission with you trailing behind him and everyone else was surprised to say the least, but nobody questioned it so there you stayed
- Hank loves it when you draw because he's not the best at art, so whenever you're just sitting and doodling he'll come in, sit down, and watch you silently for hours
- you bond with them over your shared love of cats. one time a cat passed by the bunker while you were sitting outside and you immediately started inwardly freaking out. in a good way, of course. you brought it in so Hank could pet it
- "Hank look!! i found a cat!!"
- "aWWW where did you find it i want one now what's it's name can we keep it??"
- 2BD didn't let you keep it, sadly
- Hank has observed and watched very closely to find out what triggered your episodes and they did their best to make sure you avoided it because they HATED seeing you upset
- he also realizes when you're uncomfortable with talking and signs to you instead so you can continue to communicate without the vocals
- they have no idea what pokemon is but they love hearing you talk about it because whatever you like, they like as well
- he likes playing with your hair!! sometimes he'll be sitting on the couch or something and he'll call you over so you can sit on his lap and he can braid it (very messily though, he's got big hands)
- they also just love being in your presence. physical affection isn't a must but if you offer it they will very happily oblige, whether it be cuddling, a hug, or just holding your hand :}
aaah i hope this was good enough for you!! Hank uses he/they pronouns so im also hoping this wasn't too confusing to read hehe
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