#santiago garcia is a girl dad
hoedamn-eron · 8 months
baby, please - part 22 (finale)
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Holy shit...now what?
Warnings: Fluff. Mentions of unsupportive family members. Thanks again to the Sims for determining the outcome of this pregnancy. Mentions of breast feeding (a fed baby is a happy baby, no matter where it comes from!). Mentions of being in pain and on pain killers (C-section). Hospital setting but it's not too obvious. Mention of drinking wine. Like one swear word. Not proofread (what a surprise). Word count: 4,256 F!Reader, no use of Y/N.
This is it! The last chapter! Thank you again to everyone who has read, commented, and reblogged any parts of this fic along the way, even when I took a 3 month break. It's been an experience writing this, but I've enjoyed every second of it 😊
Also, the poll figures showed that you mostly thought the twins would be girls!
Part 21 ● Series Masterlist
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The first thing you notice when you wake up is the sting in your abdomen from your Caesarean wound and fresh stitches, where the painkillers were starting to wear off.
The second thing you notice is that it’s still dark outside, meaning it’s either very late at night, or very early in the morning.
The third thing you notice is, although it’s dark out, your room is softly illuminated by a small lamp in one corner of the room. You see Santi sat in the chair in the corner, looking down at the bundle in his arms, who was sleeping soundly, the second bundle sleeping equally as soundly in the plastic hospital bassinet by you.
You slowly sit up in your bed, hissing at the pain in your abdomen. You see Santi from the corner of your eye look over at you, his brow furrowed in concern. “Do you need me to call for a doctor?” he whispered, still sounding too loud in the quiet room.
You shake your head. “No, I’m okay.” Santi nods at you before turning back to the baby in his arms. You watch them for a minute, a fond smile on your face before you ask, “Is she okay?”
Santi gives his own smile before nodding. “She was fussing a little, but she went right back to sleep.”
You nod, looking at your new family.
Your daughters (daughters!) came into the world screaming and kicking. Isabela María, named after Santi’s mother, was born at 7:03pm, weighing 5lbs and 7oz. Her identical sister, Jasmine Terese, followed no more than six minutes later, entering the world at 7:09pm at 6lbs exactly. Dr Montgomery was impressed with their weights and sang your praises as she held them over the partition to show you each time, and they were the most perfect things you had ever seen. You had immediately burst into tears as soon as you saw the two of them.
They both had a head of dark hair, thanks to their daddy, and even as they scrunched their little faces as they cried, you thought they were the most beautiful things to have ever graced your life. Once they were measured and checked over, and wrapped up in some blankets, Dr Montgomery had them brought over to you and Santiago (who had been quietly sobbing to himself, but you’ll pretend you never noticed until the day you died).
The next hour or so was a blur to you as you were stitched up and the twins were taken away to the NICU for monitoring, to see how well they were breathing. With some reassurance from yourself that you would be fine, Santi never left the girls’ sides, keeping a watch over them. You saw him sneak some photos of the girls on his phone, looking like a proud dad.
You were wheeled out of theatre and were heading back to you room where you sent a text message to your friends, explaining that your babies were sent for monitoring. Santi was with them, and if they wanted to wait, they could, but it might be better for them to come back tomorrow. Your friends came to see you anyway, just for a few minutes, where Beth was FaceTiming Gabrielle to keep her in the loop.
As soon as Beth and Courtney saw you, they burst into tears, making their way over to you and enveloping you in a hug, telling you how proud they were of you and how amazing you did. You fought back tears of your own, telling them that you had had girls, which they both somehow cried even harder at, commenting on how you were all convinced you were having boys.
After some more fussing, and Courtney gathering her things, they promised that they’d be back the next day to meet them, and they would bring you some food from home because they knew how terrible hospital food was. You give them a goodbye, telling them to let Santi’s friends know that he wasn’t going to be out for a while, to which Courtney said that Santi had already text his friends to let them know to come back in the morning, and the guys left not that long ago. Knowing them, they’d be back the next day too.
Santi was back within an hour of your friends leaving with Dr Montgomery, wheeling your girls (your girls!) in their bassinets. Dr Montgomery gave you a smile, telling you that your daughters were perfect, that there were no issues, and you would probably be home in the next few days. You thank her profusely, before you and Santi are finally left alone for the first time as a new family. Santi dressed the twins which took longer than it should have (“They’re delicate! Have you seen the size of them!?”), and your heart fluttered in your chest at seeing them in their little outfits, looking soft and cosy.
A breastfeeding consultant was sent to your room to guide you through your first feed with your daughters, who took to it like a duck to water. You wanted to cry with pride, since they were doing so well already, being barely two hours old. You saw Santi look away with a slight blush on his face, causing you to smirk and make a quip about how he’s seen you naked (to which he gave you a look before turning away again, to strip out of his scrubs). He made a comment about going getting his overnight bag from the car, and quickly making his way out.
You felt a little bad that he felt uncomfortable around you still, but it was something you would both just have to work on.
Which brings you to now, where you watch Santi from his place in the armchair, holding Isabela as she slept. You frown at him. “Have you gotten any sleep at all?”
Santi hesitates for a moment before shaking his head. “No, not yet.”
“Santi,” you gently chastise. “Put her down and get some sleep.”
He shook his head, looking up at you. “No, I’m fine. Besides, what if she needs me again?”
Oh, be still your beating heart.
“I’m sure she’ll wake us up if she needs anything, and Jasmine,” you say gently.
With a final look at Isabela, Santi gives a sigh before carefully standing and taking her to her bassinet. He stands at the bassinet for a moment, just looking at her before he gently places her down. She made the smallest whimper before settling back to sleep with a big sigh. He slowly moves her bassinet to join Jasmine’s, before stopping and looking down at them both.
Santi doesn’t move immediately, just staring at his daughters, before he finally breaks the silence in the room.
“I can’t believe I almost gave this up,” Santi said quietly, sadly, without looking away from your babies.
The air in the room suddenly felt heavy with the weight of Santi's confession. His voice, barely above a whisper, carried a mixture of regret and self-doubt as he uttered those words that seemed to hang in the air like a cloud of uncertainty, and you felt your heart break for him.
As you shook your head gently, your eyes met his. “Don't...don't think about that, okay?” you murmured softly, with a mixture of understanding and compassion. “You're here now.”
The silence lingered. Santi's gaze shifted, descending upon the tiny figures nestled in their bassinets, their innocence a stark contrast to the tumult of emotions swirling within him. “I was in special ops,” he says, his voice tinged with just the smallest hint of disbelief. “And that was less scary than this.”
Your heart ached at the raw honesty in his words, the admission of his innermost fears laid bare before you. With a sympathetic gaze, you say, “Being a new parent isn't something that people just know what to do,” you reassured him gently. “We'll learn as we go, and it's okay to be a little scared.”
As you looked at Isabela and Jasmine, a smile tugged at the corners of your lips, a beacon of hope amidst his darkness of doubt. “They'll be so happy you stayed,” you whispered, your voice filled with quiet conviction. “They're going to love you, so much.”
Just as much as I love you.
You swallow against the words, knowing now isn’t the right time.
A fragile smile graced Santi's lips at your words, where he gives you a quick glance before his gaze falls back on the sleeping forms of his daughters, the most fragile beings in the entire world. Damn, no-one warned him they’d be so tiny. They were so peaceful and asleep, and they were so small! They were the most fragile things in the world. There was no way he was letting anything happen to them. They had to stay little forever so he could do everything for them.
“I want to be the father they deserve,” he confessed, his voice tinged with a newfound resolve. “To be the man they can look up to.”
“You already are,” you assured him, your words almost stern. He looks up at you, his eyes intense. “I know you’re doubting yourself, but you’ve got a great support system; you have me, Frankie, Will, and God knows Benny is already in love with these two.”
Santi gave a snort of amusement. “He’s gonna cry as soon as he lays his eyes on them.”
You give a small laugh before looking at him again with a soft look on your face. “You know, when you left after saying you didn't want to be involved...it hurt. It hurt more than I can put into words," you began, your tone mix of vulnerability and strength. “I felt abandoned, alone, and completely overwhelmed, but I was determined to do it alone, for our girls.”
Santi tenses, a look of shame overcoming him, but you continue before he could say anything.
“But you came back," you say. “And for that, I'm incredibly grateful. I’m happy that you chose to step up, to be here, to be a father to our kids.” You smile at him, seeing his shoulders relax a touch. “Though I’m still a little pissed that you left, I'm also thankful that you came back. I’m glad that we can navigate this crazy, beautiful mess together.”
Santi give a small chuckle before he reaches out to you, and you reach out to hold his hand, giving it a squeeze.
“I’m sorry, for leaving. For making you feel like that, after everything we’d been through to get here,” he said. “I’m going to live with the guilt for the rest of my life, but fuck, knowing I made the right decision to come back was so worth it.”
And in that moment, amidst the commotion of your new reality, you finally felt a sense of unity with Santi, even if it wasn’t in the way you wanted. You don’t know what the future held for the two of you, if you’d ever admit your feelings for him, of if you’ll eventually move on and find someone else, but despite that, you were bound together by the unbreakable bond of parenthood, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.
However, in that fleeting moment, amidst the silence of the early morning hours in that hospital room, there was a small feeling of hope, slowly blossoming like a fragile flower.
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“Watch her head, Benny.”
“I know how to hold a baby,” said Benny, giving Will a firm look before his expression softened as he looked down at Jasmine, who was sleeping soundly after you had just fed her and Isabela.
Isabela was settled in the arms of Frankie, who was lightly swaying as he grinned at the bickering brothers. Santi had left the room to take a phone call with his sister, Mariana, who had been checking up on him every few hours and was trying to organise a day where she and his other sister, Carmen, could come and visit and meet you and the kids. He was trying to put her off for at least a few weeks, until there was some sort of routine.
After your talk during the very early hours of the morning, Santi had decided to stay at your place, to help with the girls why you recovered, just until you were back on your feet. You’d protested, telling him that he really didn’t have to that, that you’d need him to do that, but he immediately shot you down. You tearily looked at him and thanked him, before Jasmine had started crying, to which Santi had no hesitation in picking her up.
“How you holding up?” Frankie asked you, still swaying Isabela. You weren’t sure if he knew he was doing it or not. “You know, after the whole…”
He goes quiet, nodding his head towards the door where Santi had walked out of. You smiled at him. “I’m doing okay. Glad he pulled his head out of his ass in time.”
Frankie grinned. “Took a bit of a verbal beating from us, after he told us he was leaving. The fucking idiot – oop, sorry.” He pulled a sheepish face as he looked down at Isabela, who had eventually fallen asleep during Frankie’s swaying.
You gave a small laugh of amusement as Benny looks up from Jasmine. “Your girls been yet?”
You shrug at him. “Just Beth. She came this morning with Georgia, they left not long before you got here. Gabs and Courtney are gonna come by later when Courtney’s finished work. Gabs has the kids again.”
Benny seemed to stop for a moment, in thought, before he finally nodded and turned back to Jasmine. You don’t ask him why he asked about your friends, you just assume he was being friendly since he was sat with Beth and Courtney in the waiting room last night.
When Beth had arrived that morning, she’d immediately fawned over your children, bursting into tears at how ‘beautiful they were’, and congratulating you and Santi. She’d even given Santi a hug, then threatened him to never leave you after the first time. He’d admitted he was an idiot, and it wouldn’t happen again. She’d accepted that answer, but still gave you a look as she picked up Jasmine for a cuddle.
After a while, as she and Georgia swapped the twins around, she’d asked about your family, and if you’d told them you’d had the babies. You paused before you eventually shake your head at her, telling her that they hadn’t bothered to respond to your messages or contact you at any point during your pregnancy, so you decided to just…let it go.
Even if it tore you up inside.
At least you weren’t crying about it anymore.
Beth had pulled a face and told them it was their loss anyway, that they’re going to be missing out on knowing the best little girls around. You agreed with her.
Santi made his way back in the room, hanging up his phone. He sighed, before running his hand through his hair. “So my sisters will be arriving next week.”
“Ay, hermano,” said Frankie, smirking. “Grow a backbone.”
Santi wordlessly gave Frankie a gentle swat on the arm, being careful of Isabela, before leaning down to you and giving you a quick peck on the forehead. “Sorry I was gone so long, corazón, Carmen wouldn’t get off the phone.”
You ignored how your heart leaped at the feel of his lips on you. You weren’t going to think too hard about it, it was just because of the babies, it has nothing to do with you. You’re the mother of his kids, he’s going to be affectionate with you, especially when you had just given birth. He was just being nice. Protective.
Like you said, you weren’t going to think too much about it.
“I’ll get her and Mariana to stay at my place,” he said.
“You don’t have to stay at my place, Santi, really – “
“No, stop fighting me on this, I’m helping out with the girls.” Santi gave you a stern look. “You can barely walk, I’ll stay, it’s fine.”
Frankie gives you an amused look over Santi’s shoulder, and you felt the urge to stick your tongue out at him. You end up looking back at Santi, before giving a shy smile. “Okay.”
He grins at your relenting. “Thank you. I’m trying to make it up to you for being a dick to you, but you’re being too nice.”
“You weren’t – “
“No, he was,” said Will before you could finish your sentence, crossing his arms over his chest. “He was a dick.”
“The biggest,” agreed Benny, looking away from Jasmine to nod at you.
“Okay, okay,” Santi called, holding his hands up in surrender. “Not in front of my girls, please.”
You watch in amusement as Santi get’s ribbed by his friends, but he gave just as good as he got.
As the banter between Santi and his friends continues, you can't help but feel a warmth in your chest, seeing the camaraderie and genuine connection they share. Despite the teasing and playful jabs, there's an underlying bond that speaks volumes about their friendship. You know that your girls were going to grow up to be the most protected kids in the world.
In that moment, you realize how far you’ve come in the past few months; to an unplanned pregnancy and finding the love of your life (even if he doesn’t know it), and growing yourself as a person (and growing two persons of your own!). As you gaze around the room, your heart swells with gratitude for the connections forged in the unlikeliest of circumstances. How you truly know who your family is, and a part of them are in this very hospital room.
The guys leave after another hour, telling you that they were happy to help you out whenever you needed, before they were herded out the door by Santi, saying you needed rest since your friends were arriving later.
You bask in the suddenly quiet room after Santi closes the door after him. You look at Isabela and Jasmine asleep in their bassinets. Santi soon came back in the room, smiling softly at you before checking over the girls. “You okay?” he eventually asked you, digging around in his bag for a moment.
“Yeah. Tired,” you replied.
“Get some sleep, I can look after them,” said Santi. “But first…”
He pulled out a familiar paper bag from his bag, and a small box. You look at him curiously. “Is that the bag that Frankie bought?”
“After Ikea? It is,” he said, perching himself next to you on the bed. He passed you the bag. “I had these commissioned by Sarah when I found out we were having girls, which was why you couldn’t look at them. Then when we finally decided on names, I had her change them a little.”
You open the bag, pausing before tears fill your eyes. You give him a watery smile before you pull out the two matching, pale pink, and lavender patchwork blankets, decorated with embroidered white and yellow flowers. You run your fingers over the stitching, feeling how soft the blankets were. You look over them before your gaze lands on the bottom corner, where you trace your fingers over their names that had been embroidered in the corners. “Santi, these are gorgeous. I’m scared to use them!”
“Stop, they’re supposed to be used,” he said. “Even if they puke all over them, or other bodily fluids.”
You laugh at that.
“And these,” he said, handing you the box. “Are for you.”
You take the box, which fit in the palm of your hand. You recognised it immediately, and you opened them to see the two charms, in the letters I and J, with a red gemstone in each of them.
“Garnets,” he said.
“January birth stone,” you said, smiling at him as you wipe the tears from your eyes. You laugh at yourself. “I am far too emotional for you to be giving me things like this.”
“Stop, I planned to give these to you, I want to give these things to you,” he said. “I need you to understand that I made a bad judgement and a stupid mistake, and I’ll be trying to make things right for the rest of my life, for you and our girls. You’re important to me.”
You swallow against your tears, but you sob anyway, giving a watery smile. “You’re important to me too.”
“I’m not going anywhere,” he said, bringing you into his arms gently.
And you believed him.
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“Careful, careful!”
“I am being careful, Santi,” you say, making your way towards your house from his car (his car!).
“I’m going to have to level these flags out, they’re a trip hazard – “
“You will do no such thing, Santiago, not with your knees,” you say to him, raising your eyebrows at him, daring him to challenge you.
He mutters something in Spanish as he carries the car seats containing your girls, who had fallen asleep from the movements of the car, to your front door, where he unlocked it and stepped in.
You had finally been discharged from the hospital, and you were able to go home. It had been a trying afternoon, with lots of tears as you tried to manoeuvre yourself with a C-section wound, and two very needy babies who just wanted to be on you all the time. You had to take a time out getting to the wheelchair, where Santi did his best to calm the girls, and to calm you.
Eventually, you made it out of the hospital and into Santi’s car, where he’d wrestled a little bit with the car seats before finally having the girls secure safely in the back of the car. Once you were settled in, Santi proceeded to drive well under the speed limit on the way back to your house. He glared at anyone who even gave him a funny look for driving so slowly, which made you giggle and make the quip that he could drive a bit quicker.
“No,” he’s said firmly. “You’re delicate, and they’re delicate. I am not driving any faster.”
You followed Santi into your house, where he was taking the girls out of their car seats. Gabrielle had been over to your house that morning, on your request, to arrange your house a little for your arrival. She’d bought some playmats down from the girls’ bedroom, and set up their bassinets in the living room so you didn’t have to tackle the stairs as soon as you got home.
Santi settled your babies in the bassinets before sighing, seemingly glad that everyone was safe and sound. “I’ll go and get our bags from the car, and we can have some dinner. What are you in the mood for?”
“Sushi,” you reply with no hesitation.
Santi gives an amused snort before nodding. “Sushi it is.”
“And I might have a teeny tiny glass of wine,” you say, grinning. “Just a small one.” You put your thumb and forefinger together, with just a tiny gap between them.
Santi laughs. “You deserve it.”
He disappeared outside, getting the bags from the car. You gently lower yourself down on your couch, sighing in relief as you get off your feet. Dr Montgomery had prescribed you some painkillers for you C-section for as and when you needed, and you know it’s going to be a tough recovery but with Santi’s help, you’re sure you’ll be fine.
He comes back in the house, laden with bags, before he sets them down by your front door, and closes it. He takes a look around your living room properly, saying, “You’ve made this place pretty nice.”
“I had a lot of time on my hands last week,” you say. “I needed something to do.”
Santi nodded, before his eyes drift over to Jasmine, who started fussing in her bassinet. As you went to stand, he gently placed his hand on your shoulder and pushed you back down, before pulling his phone from his pocket, handing it to you. “Here, have a look at what you want to eat, I’ll settle her.”
You take his phone and thank him as he made his way over to Jasmine, cooing at her, asking her what’s wrong as he lifted her from her bassinet. He set about to change her diaper. You scroll through the food app for a moment before your eyes drifted over to him, admiring him without his knowledge.
You felt happy. Content. This wasn’t what you imagined your life would turn out like, and sure, you and Santi did things a little unconventionally, but you wouldn’t change a thing. Everything worked out in the end, even if Santi did have a wobble about becoming a dad, even if your feelings for him will go unsaid and kept to yourself. You were okay with that, as long as he was there for your girls.
You sigh as you smile at the scene before you, of Santi telling Jasmine about his early days in the army, how he met Uncle Frank, and how loved they already were. Even though you did everything backwards with Santi and your girls, you look forward to the next chapter of your life and couldn’t wait to see what it brought.
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Tagged - @khonsulockley, @superficialfeelings, @othersideoftheparadise, @beezusvreeland, @itsmytimetoodream
104 notes · View notes
melodygatesauthor · 9 months
Goodnight, Princess
Yandere Dad's Best Friend - Santiago Garcia X f!Reader
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Not Beta Read - For @romana-after-dark's Dead Dove December event!
Your dad's best friend accidentally discovers that you're a sex worker. He tries to let it go, but it eats away at him until things go way too far.
This fic was written in first person from Santiago's perspective. I know that's not normally something I do, but if you give it a chance I think you'll like it hehe <3
NSFW, non-con, dubious consent, rape, sex, unprotected sex, praise kink, masturbation, obsessive behavior, possessiveness, porn with some plot, smut, creampie, breeding kink if you squint, non-consensual somnophilia, intoxication, implied murder, dad's best friend, age gap, voyeurism, hidden cameras. DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT (that means that what you see in the tags WILL be in the fic, don't act surprised when you get exactly what you were warned about.)
Word Count: 5.7k
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I should’ve put a stop to it the second I realized it was you on the other side of that wall.
Don’t ask me how I knew. A good guess? A hunch? Maybe I’d known you so long that I could tell, based on some deep ingrained instinct, exactly what your lips would feel like wrapped around my cock. You sucked on it like you knew what you were doing, like it wasn’t a challenge for you to take something so big in that pretty little mouth.
I recognized the sound of your moans almost right away. The hum of your voice when you started sucking my dick was the same sound you made at dinner the other night when you popped a spoonful of mashed potatoes in your mouth. Does your dad know you’re doing this? Do you care? Do you ever worry about what he might say if he finds out?
Don’t worry princess, I'll keep your secret. 
Our secret.
I bet you never thought I would find out about your slutty little side job. To be entirely honest, I didn’t think I’d find you working at a place like this. If you know me at all, and I know for a fact that you do, then you’d know I’m a lonely man. Years of serving in the military and the endless night terrors have made it difficult to find any sort of real relationship, so I’ve given up. That doesn’t mean I don’t still have needs, sweetheart.
Everybody jerks off, and I’m no exception. I don’t even know how many nights I’ve been in my room, cock in hand while I watch some crappy porno to get myself off. Every once in a while though, I like to treat myself to a little something more. Most people treat themselves to some kind of dessert, or a nice bottle of wine, but I like to treat myself to a night at Club BJ where all the dirty men go to get their rocks off.
I never thought I’d find you there.
Not a chance in hell did I think for even a second that you would be sucking random cocks on the other side of a gloryhole to earn a few extra bucks. You’re so good at it though, princess. How did you learn to swirl your tongue like that? Hm? Was it all the boys at college who taught you how to do that? Did they tell you what a pretty little girl you are while your lips were stretched around them?
They better have. They better have said thank you when they finished all over that beautiful face too.
I couldn’t speak to you. I couldn’t let you know it was me on the other side of that wall, so I hope the $200 tip I left you gets the point across. 
When I got home tonight, you were running through my mind like a fucking hamster on a wheel. I’m not sure what to do now, but I can’t shake how bad I want to go back to the club for another round. I’d pay thousands, probably even tens of thousands, just to have more…
But I can’t do that. Not to you, and not to your dad.
That was the first and only time I’m going to know what it’s like to feel you sucking my cock.
There’s no possible way for you to know what you do to me, well, for you to know that it was me on the other side of the hole that you were making feel so fucking good. I’m coming back again, despite promising I wouldn’t. I’ve been trying so hard to let it go, but I fucking can’t. You’re like a goddamn siren luring me back to that shithole, and I can’t resist your call.
I’ll be back on Friday, because that’s the night they set the girls up with their asses sticking out through the wall. I would assume the club has you bent over some kind of table on the other side of that wall? I’m not sure, but Friday can’t come soon enough. I feel like I need you.
Maybe if you hadn’t looked at me the way you did when I saw you today at your dad’s for dinner. Were you looking at me like that on purpose, sweetheart? I mean, you must be…right? Or have I completely lost my shit?
I probably lost my shit, let’s be honest.
I’ve known your dad since high school. I even helped him beat up a guy that was hitting on your mom back when she and your dad had just started dating. I’m really not a bad guy, and I’ve never looked at you like this. I mean it. But how can I look at you any differently now? How can I look at you any differently after what you did to me? What you did for me.
“Santi, can you pass the butter?” You asked, looking at me, probably no different than usual but I couldn’t think of anything other than those pouty lips wrapped around my dick again.
Did you notice the way my hand shook when I handed you the butter dish? Maybe not, but they were trembling and to be honest it was fucking annoying. I’m a man in his late thirties and I can’t get a grip on the feelings I’m developing for my best friend's goddamn kid. It’s wrong, disgusting, hell I’d kill someone if you were my kid.
But you’re not, and I can’t fucking help it, even though I tried.
Maybe someday, if you ever find out about any of this, I’ll tell you about how much I hated myself (hell, I still hate myself sometimes), when I came home with that post nut clarity. That might’ve been the best blowjob of my life, but I stood in front of my mirror for a good ten minutes trying to tell myself that I’d never go back to that hellhole, Club BJs. I meant it with all my heart when I said it over and over like a mantra.
Now I’m stuck though. I’m stuck thinking about you bent over with a wall separating the top half of your body from the bottom with countless men fucking you until you’re so full of cum you looked like a damn overstuffed pastry. You deserve to feel good. You deserve to have at least one of those men be someone that cares about you.
I guess I’ll have to be the one to do it. I guess this is how I’ll justify doing something I know I shouldn’t.
I’ll see you on Friday, princess.
It makes me feel a little bit better to know that every man in there is at least checked for STDs before he gets to fuck you. Surely you wouldn’t have signed up to work at a place like this if they weren’t. You’re smart, you’ve always been so smart. It’s one of the things I admire most about you.
Still not clever enough to know that I was one of those men who stood behind you that night. In fact, I was your last customer of the night. Your pussy was so puffy and swollen, those guys really stretched you out and fucked you good didn’t they? Don’t worry, princess, I took good care of you and gave your little hole a break. I won’t lie, it took everything in me not to use you the way they did, but I’ll do that another time.
Tonight I was on my knees for you, grabbing onto both of your asscheeks and spreading you out so I could clean up the mess those filthy men made of my little princess. You sounded so surprised, I heard you gasp, when I started eating you out. Did you like that? It sounded like you did. I could feel your thighs shaking and at some point you even started rocking back and forth like you wanted more.
Maybe you wanted me to fuck you. Were you hoping that the mystery man on the other side of the wall would clean you up and then fuck his own cum into you too? Or maybe you were happy to have the break. Either way, I licked your swollen clit until I could hear your pretty moans on the other side and feel your cunt throbbing against my tongue. Your slick tastes so good sweetheart, can’t believe you made something so delicious all by yourself.
“You’re not going to fuck me?” You asked me. I could almost hear the desperation in your voice, like you were begging me to come back and take you.
“No.” I said firmly, faking a deeper voice than my own.
Next time I will though, don’t worry sweetheart, I’ll fuck you so good you won’t want anyone else.
The same night I ate you out I rushed home to jerk off. It sounds crude to say, but fuck I couldn’t help it. The taste of your pussy was still on my lips. I could still smell you soaked into the stubble on my chin and upper lip. I’m making a mental note to snag a pair of your panties when I come over for the barbecue at your dad’s tomorrow night. Maybe that will help get me through this mess I’m in. Maybe it will help me stop this shit.
I know I can’t keep doing this, but the feeling I get when I’m scrolling through your instagram photos from last summer in your bikini with my cock squeezed in my hand is incredible. I’m looking at those perfect tits hidden beneath such a thin layer of fabric, and your pretty rear is barely covered at all.
When I came it’s like I was possessed, blowing up a picture of your face just so I could imagine myself coating it in all of me. I don’t even really want to talk about how hard it was to clean that mess off my phone.
I feel like I’m losing myself in the depraved thoughts and fantasies I’m having of you. I woke up with soaked sheets and I thought I fucking pissed myself, but I didn’t, it was…something else. I’d dreamt of you. I can’t remember exactly what was happening in that dream, but it must’ve been good, and I’m annoyed that I still can’t remember what it was about.
A small part of me, the part of me that still had some morals left, was hoping you’d be working your day job. (honestly I can’t even remember what your day job is, aren’t you a housekeeper? Or a waitress or something?) At least if you were working I wouldn’t have to see you. I wouldn’t have to think about you more than I already was. Not to mention, I wouldn’t have had to sit there and watch you laugh with your ‘friend’ that you’d invited over.
You told your dad when you introduced him, “we’re just friends dad.”
You said it with such an attitude that both your dad and I knew better. You might’ve thought you were just friends, but that guy wanted more, and I knew you were going to give it to him. I could tell by the way you looked at him when you thought no one was paying attention.
I bet you didn’t think I’d hear you both making out in your room that night, but your moans call me now like a moth to a flame. The other barbecue guests had gone home, and your dad was drunk and passed out in his recliner, and I heard you faintly over the hum of the crappy reality show on tv. I didn’t pause the show, I didn’t want to wake up your dad, so I went upstairs silently, masked by the sound on the tv.
Initially, I wanted to walk in there and rip this kid off of you, giving him a few vicious but empty threats before sending him on his way with his tail between his legs. Your voice stopped me in my tracks though.
“Shh, I don’t want my dad to hear us,” you whispered, followed by a sweet giggle.
He won’t, princess. I thought, as though it were me you were talking to and not this loser.
You’d left your bedroom door open, per your dad’s request, such a good little girl. Despite being a grown woman, you still did what your daddy told you, and that’s the only reason I was able to hide in the bathroom and hear you get fucked while I jerked off and imagined I was with you instead of…whatever the fuck his name is.
“Oh god!” You whined, making my body shudder.
That guy doesn’t talk much, and that made it all the easier for me to imagine myself in his place.
When you said, “mm, harder, please…”
I was right there to say, “anything you want, sweetheart.”
I tried to move my hand in time with the light thump of your bed against the wall. It helped. What didn’t help was the fact that I could tell how little you were enjoying yourself. You were making the same sounds you made when you were ass out at the gloryhole. I knew I could do better, I knew I could make your body shake with pleasure like when I was kneeling down behind you with my tongue working overtime on your sensitive clit.
You were pretty good at faking it though, good enough that I was a leaking mess, precum dripping all down my shaft while I worked myself behind the wall your bedroom shared with the bathroom. I really wanted to go in there, tell that guy to get lost and give you the night of your life, but I didn’t. Instead I stood there, spilling a few globs of cum into some toilet paper and calling it good enough.
I was quick to head back downstairs before you even knew I was up there in the first place. That guy had the audacity to say goodnight to me in the kitchen on his way out the door. I let that go pretty quickly because then it was just you and me alone in the kitchen while your dad slept soundly in the living room.
You have no idea how badly I wanted to ask you for the pleasure of taking care of you, of making sure that you got off too, but I bit my tongue. Instead we made small talk about how your college was going and you asked me about Benny, Frankie and Will. 
For a moment I had forgotten about all the things that transpired between us, or that I’d done while thinking about you, and you were just my best friend’s kid again. We were just two people who had known each other for a long time, catching up and making small talk. Then you had to bend over in your shorts, and my cock ignored its usual refractory period to spring alive and nag for attention again.
“You okay, Santi?” You’d asked so innocently, as if I didn’t know what that mouth was capable of, or what that body could take.
“I’m fine, sweetheart.”
I’m not fucking fine, but that doesn’t matter.
You slept like a rock that night, not even stirring in the slightest when I grabbed your panties out of your hamper by the closet. They didn’t look particularly fancy, so I assume you won’t miss them, will you? Doesn’t matter anyway, you’d never expect that I’m the one who took them.
I can’t even begin to tell you how disgusting I felt when I got home the next morning and I had placed your panties on my bed in front of me like a prize I’d won. I think I stared at them for at least a full ten minutes before I picked them up again and put them in my nightstand. I’ve never been a “panty sniffer” and I tried to convince myself that just knowing I had them in my possession was enough.
Have you ever read The Tell-Tale Heart? I remember when I was in high school I had to, and it stuck with me for some reason. Your underwear in my nightstand reminded me of that story in some ways. It’s like all I could hear were your moans in my ears and no matter where I went in the house the temptation to smell the remnants of your cunt on that fabric was following me.
So finally, here I am, two weeks after you first sucked my cock, and I can shamefully admit that I did it. I smelled them, and sweetheart, you smell so much better without all that cum inside of you. Of course the panties can’t compare to the real thing, which I don’t know if I’ll ever smell without six loads of spend inside, but god I hope I get the privilege one day.
Or maybe I hope I don’t.
I’m still so torn between the fact that you’re my best friend’s kid, and the way I want to bury my dick so far in that pretty little cunt that you’re seeing stars.
I was first in line tonight. It’s Friday night so your ass was out again and untouched this time. You weren’t wet yet which excited me for some reason. It meant I got to have the honors of making you nice and slick.
My hand looks so big against your ass, princess. I wish I could show you. That was me who rubbed your clit, making you shake and whine for more on the other side of the wall. I’m the one who slipped my thick middle finger in that greedy little hole, and then my index finger, and then the ring finger.
I’m guessing you liked it based on how slippery you got, and how much you moaned on the other side. Do you know how dedicated your customers are? One of them got pissed at me for taking too long with you. I can’t say I blame them, your pussy is perfect sweetheart.
God the feeling of sliding my dick between those pretty pussy lips is like nothing I’ve ever felt. As I bottomed out, I felt your walls were squeezing around me like you wanted me deeper, so of course I pushed in more, all the way until I couldn’t go further. You gasped like you hadn’t felt a hundred dicks inside you before mine. 
I slid back again and slammed into you. I heard you begging me to keeping going, and saying, “fuck you’re good, holy shit!”
It was so hard not to say all the filthy things I wanted to when I fucked you, princess. I wanted to tell you how good you looked like that, pussy lips split around my cock like it wanted to swallow me whole. I wanted to ask you if you would like me to stick my thumb in your ass but decided to just try it anyway and see how you reacted.
You liked it.
At least it seemed like you did, your cunt clamped down around my dick like a damn vice grip the moment my thumb popped through your tight little hole. Did you like having something in your ass sweetheart? It’s shocking how tight you are, given how often I know you’re getting fucked. Some of the guys coming in behind me were big, some even bigger than me, but you don’t like them as much as you do when I fuck you, right? Of course not, because you don’t sound like that when you’re with them.
I caught a small glimpse of your eye through the hole. There was a small gap between the wall and your hips and you were looking at the same time I was. Did you see me? Did you have time to realize who I was? Did you come right then and there because you liked the idea of your dad’s best friend fucking you until you were too spent for anyone else?
Your orgasm forced me to come at the same time you did. I can’t even begin to tell you what it felt like to spill my load inside of you like I’d wanted to for so long. I remember so clearly being pushed up against your ass, pulling my thumb out of your hole so I could squeeze your hips and pull you over my dick further. It’s like I was willing every ounce of it to fill you up so full that no one else could. It’s like I was trying to make sure that when you look in the mirror a few months from now, you’ll remember the feeling of the man who fucked a baby into you.
I’m not an idiot. Well, I am, but I know that you’re on birth control. I know that no matter how many times I fuck you, the chances of you actually getting pregant are slim, not that I’d want to get you pregnant anyway. That would be too much, and I don’t want to go too far.
I’m not going to go too far.
I went to your house today.
I already had an excuse planned if I somehow got caught while you and your dad were out. If you or your father saw me, I’d say I came back for my hat. It’s not a total lie, I did leave my hat behind, but neither of you needed to know it was on purpose.
Do you realize how much dust has collected on the little stuffed bear you have on the shelf facing directly across from your bed, sweetheart? I doubt it, but it does make for the perfect place to put the small camera I bought.
I feel so fucking gross I can hardly stand to look at myself. But I can’t stand not to watch you touch yourself either. The glory hole is great, but I want to see that pretty face when you’re coming so hard you can’t breathe right, and I can’t do that when I’m on the other side of a fucking wall can I?
Seeing you later that night while I was at my own house, fist closed around my cock and watching you play with yourself is worth all the self loathing in the world. I had the camera feed pulled up on my laptop, and I could see you walking over to your dresser. God, what an array of toys you have. Do you have all those toys because you like them? Or is it because you haven’t found someone who knows their way around your body yet?
If it’s the latter, I promise you won’t need those things once I’m done with you.
Fuck, princess. The one you picked out is so damn big. I’ve seen you fit some pretty big cocks in that little hole, but I was shocked to see you squeezing lube around the head of that thing and gliding it over your pussy lips. You took a deep breath. Does it hurt to take such a fat silicone dick like that? 
Fuck, I’m glad I put the camera where I did. Who had you so wet like that? Hm? Were you thinking about anyone in particular? Can you even get that entire dildo in there? I hated to admit how much I liked watching you struggle. My cock leaked so fucking much I thought I was going to come too fast, but I kept it together.
You finally pushed it in, and I’m so damn proud of you princess. You had a really hard time going all the way though, didn’t you? That tight little pussy of yours was stretched to its limit and you were only halfway in there. Why do you even have a dildo that size if you can’t get it all the way in your cunt? Are you trying to stretch yourself out for someone? You don’t have to stretch yourself for me, I’d be happy to take care of that for you myself.
I watched you push it in even more, I was so focused on the furrow of your turned up brow and the way you bit your lip while I stared. We both exhaled the moment you managed to fit the entire thing in. Your eyes rolled back like it was the best thing you’d ever felt. You really do enjoy being stuffed full, don’t you, sweetheart?
You started fucking yourself with it, the sounds of your wet cunt hit my ears like the sweetest music I’d ever heard. I stroked myself in time with your movements, my eyes focused right on your face, and my cock throbbed every time you moaned. Wasn’t your dad home tonight? Shouldn’t you be a bit quieter when you’re doing stuff like that? Maybe you just don’t care if he hears you.
You started fucking yourself faster so of course I was jerking myself harder, trying to keep up with you without losing it too quickly. It didn’t take long for you to come though. Did you like the feeling of that toy that much? You gushed around it, you choked back some moans but several other soft whimpers escaped, filling your room and hitting my ears through the camera feed. I came too, coating my knuckles and my stomach with so much cum I didn’t know I was even capable of producing that much.
Why’d you have to ruin it? Huh?
It was such a good fucking orgasm for both of us, and then I heard you say a name. It wasn’t my name though, was it, princess? I don’t know why that bothers me so fucking much. Maybe it’s because in some twisted way I’ve managed to convince myself that you were putting on that private show just for me. So if you did do it for me, then I don’t want to hear you saying some other guy’s name while you’re fucking your self like that sweetheart. 
I just don’t.
I lost it today.
I really fucking lost it today, princess.
I found that guy. You know the one who fucked you the other night while I jerked off in the bathroom? That ‘friend’ of yours? The one whose name you called out instead of mine?
I found him.
Did you miss me, sweetheart? I’m sorry, but I had to leave for a while, at least until things quieted down, and until you weren’t sad anymore. I know I should feel bad, but I don’t. I would probably do it again a thousand times if I had to.
You seemed fine during dinner at your dad’s tonight. I don’t really think you were that upset over the guy anyway, but it doesn’t matter. I don’t want to hear his name come out of that pretty mouth again. Ever.
After too much wine during (and after) dinner, I carried you upstairs. You never could handle your liquor. Remember when you were only eighteen and I would let you sneak a few shots under your old man’s nose when he wasn’t looking? Your dad was sleeping when I put you down gently in your bed. Your skin is so fucking soft it killed me to step away from you.
Your eyes opened for a moment meeting with mine. I felt my gut stir at the sight of you biting your lip. Why were you doing that to me? Didn’t you know how that would affect me? I couldn’t resist the way you looked at me that night. No one would’ve been able to. It’s not fair for you to put me in that position and expect that I’m just going to walk away. When I think back to it, this was all your fault, princess.
“Santi,” you said sweetly.
I almost climbed on top of you right then when you grabbed my shirt and pulled me closer. I almost grabbed your throat and fucked you through your shorts, but I held back.
“What, princess?” I asked you, putting a caring hand on your shoulder, trying to fight back my more primal urges screaming in my head.
You shivered, “I-mm-need something towearto mm-bed,” you slurred out.
I could see the curve of your hip disappear into your too-short shorts. I really don’t want you going out in public wearing things like that. I gave you my shirt to keep you warm. I hope it’s comfortable, sweetheart, I can’t let you go cold, can I? When I leaned down to put it over your head, I felt such a fucking ache in my chest when your face appeared again through the hole. Such a pretty babygirl.
“Thank you,” you smiled contentedly and snuggled into your pillows.
I gulped, “princess,” I whispered, slowly creeping my fingers toward the hem of your shorts where they rested on your waist.
“Hm?” You hummed, but you weren’t really awake anymore, from what I could tell.
When I touched your soft, exposed hip you didn’t stir at all, and when I slipped my fingers underneath your panties, then your shorts, you didn’t make a sound. When I pushed both down to your ankles and dropped them on the floor, you didn’t open your eyes. You didn’t have any fucking clue what I was going to do to you, did you?
Did you feel my fingers when I slipped them between your thighs and felt your little wet cunt? I bet you did, even if you didn’t realize you were feeling it. I thought I would wake you up for sure when I pushed you onto your back and climbed over you. And when that didn’t wake you up, I thought, without a doubt, that when I pulled my cock out and touched it against your slick pussy lips your eyes would shoot open and you’d catch me in the act.
You didn’t though, you stayed deep in your drunken sleep, and I could get away with doing anything I wanted to you.
I’m still wondering what I would’ve done if you’d caught me. What would I say? How would I justify this feeling I craved that only you could satisfy? Would I even need to say anything? Surely you would recognize the feeling of the cock that made you come so good in that glory hole. Surely you’d be desperate for me to keep going.
Being able to look at your face, even if you were asleep, while I slid my dick into your wet heat made my brain stop fucking working. I couldn’t even think. It was like my body just took over, hips rocking into you over and over without a care in the world for how loud the bed was creaking.
You still didn’t feel anything when I dipped down and kissed you, my hips still thrusting slowly against you. This isn’t a Disney movie, and I’m no prince charming, but you’re still my little princess, aren’t you? You’re like my personal sleeping beauty, except my soft kisses didn’t wake you from your drunken slumber.
Thank god.
I kissed all the way down your jawbone until I got to your neck. You’re so soft, and you smell so nice. I kinda wish you’d been awake so I could’ve heard you whimper and whine in my ear. I want to hear you tell me how good it feels to have my cock slamming into your pussy, sweetheart. I want to feel your lips on my neck, my chest, all over my body.
“You take me so well, princess.” I whispered in your ear, hoping that somewhere deep in your dreams you’d hear my words and know I was inside you. “You feel so good, I can’t stop. Never felt anything-so-fucking-g-good-I-f-fuck…”
I came so much that when I pulled back my cum poured out of you as if my cock was a dam holding back a river. I still wonder if I should’ve cleaned you up, but I didn’t. Maybe you’d remember that I was the one who brought you upstairs and you’d put the pieces together.
I can imagine it now, you waking up in the morning with a dried up substance between your thighs. You might not know what it is right away, but I’m sure when you go to the bathroom and notice the hickeys peppered all over your neck, you’ll know that something must’ve happened to you the night before.
I’m not sure what to do now.
I need to have you for myself, that much is clear. The thought of someone else touching you ever again is killing me, so I have to take you. I’ll take you away from all this shit, and I’ll take good care of you. You won’t have to work at that nasty place anymore, I’ll be sure of that. And please don’t worry, princess. When your dad is looking for you, and he needs a friend to help him through the tough times, and the times he’s missing you, I’ll be that friend. He will only be sad for a little while. 
If things go wrong, and someone finds this…well I guess it’s a journal isn’t it? I won’t be able to deny the things I’ve done. I should burn it, but I can’t bring myself to do that. When I read it back, it’s almost like I can relive our time together. Someday I might show you this so you can understand why I did what I had to do, why I have to keep you.
Until then, I hope you sleep well tonight, your final night in your childhood home. I hope you enjoy your last breakfast with your loving dad, and that the two of you don’t argue before he leaves for work. Make sure you give him a kiss on the cheek and tell him you love him, because I’ll be over before he gets home from work.
Goodnight, princess.
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honestly i just have dbf!santi brainrot.
Precious Girl.
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oh my GOOOOOOD everyone knows I see the words dad's best friend and go fuckin feral. thank you for this.
warnings - smut. cursing.
Masterlist. Inbox.
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You're sat on a bench in the dark when he walks past.
"Santi?" you ask, squinting to see him.
He stops and sits down next to you, his warmth instantly seeping into your skin where his arm brushes yours.
"What are you doing sat out here? It's 2am and pitch black."
You chew at your lip, playing with the rings on your fingers.
"I had a date. It was bad, so I left. Realised I didn't know where I was, so I sat down here to try and call an Uber or something."
"What do you mean, bad?"
"I don't know. He was cocky. Patronising. Immature. I don't have the energy for boys anymore, Santi."
He chuckles, deep and knowing.
"At least you know what you want, hermosa. I admire that."
"What I want doesn't fucking exist," you laugh. "Think I'll just give up."
"I know you. You've never been a quitter."
You exhale slowly.
"I hate that you're right."
A pause.
"What are you doing walking around in the dark at this time of night, Garcia?"
"Met some old college buddies at that Irish bar."
"Did my Dad go?"
"Yeah. We parked in separate places, so I was just walking back to my car. He left just before me."
"He loves those guys."
"I do too," he smiles.
You both sit for a moment, thinking. Santiago nudges your shoulder with his gently.
"Let's get out of here, hmm? I'll drive you home."
"Are you sure?"
"Of course. I know you love my heated seats, so..."
"It's true," you laugh. "They're the height of luxury, Santi."
"That car was my mid life crisis."
"There are worse things it could have been. Thank God it wasn't gambling. Or prostitutes."
He laughs, throwing his head back and knocking his body into your side.
"None of that shit. Just a nice car with heated seats."
"What more could you want?"
He grabs your hand, pulling you up with him.
"Let's go home, hermosa."
Santi walks you back to his car, only ten minutes down the road. When you reach it, he reaches past you and grabs the handle on the passenger side to open the door for you. He leans in close, his nose brushing yours. Your breath hitches in your chest, not daring to move.
You don't know who moves first, but all of a sudden his lips are on yours, pressing you up against the car. You're moaning into his mouth, tangling your fingers into his salt and pepper hair, desperate to get as close to him as possible.
Santi's hands dance from your hips to the hem of your skirt and underneath. He pulls your underwear to the side and runs his fingers through your wet heat, groaning.
"Fuck, baby. This all for me?"
When you nod frantically, he smirks.
"Fucking filthy. Getting all worked up for your dad's best friend. What would they say if they knew, huh? If they saw their precious girl getting fingered in a parking lot..."
He trails off as he sinks two fingers into you, his other hand holding an iron grip on your hip to keep you still. His thumb finds your clit effortlessly, the ease of it making you moan.
"Think it's time you expand your horizons, cariño. No more boys from now on, yeah?"
You're babbling, agreeing mindlessly, willing to say anything to get what you want.
"You look so gorgeous like this. It's nice to see your attitude in check for a change."
You kiss him again to shut him up, practically begging him to be quiet. As much as his teasing gets under your skin, he's right. This was exactly what you needed.
"Close, baby? Can feel you squeezin' me. Like a fuckin' vice."
You grip at his jacket and pull him into you, resting your forehead on his chest to try and anchor yourself. When he leans down and sucks into the spot under your ear, you're done for.
You find your release embarrassingly quickly, boneless and shaking. Santi talks you through it, murmuring sweetness into your hair.
You pull away and rest against the car, catching your breath. Santi steals a kiss cheekily before smoothing down your skirt and brushing the creases from your shirt.
"Good," you giggle. "Very good."
"Let's get you home, huh?"
He leans past you to open your door, lips brushing your ear.
"My home. I'm not done with you yet, hermosa."
The anticipation makes you shiver.
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st4rymoon · 1 year
🕷️𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐭𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭🕷️
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This will be my first time writing for kinktober, hope you all enjoy <3
⭐︎ List created by me <3 I’ll be adding onto the list if I think of others! By the way new character will be in the works!
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1. Best-friend - Poe Dameron x reader (published)
2. Gamer bf/on call - Miguel O’Hara x reader
3. Halloween party - Jake Lockley x reader
4. Edging - Marc Spector x reader
5. Cock warming - Loki x reader
6. Choking - Blue Jones x reader
7. Predator x pray game - Miguel O’Hara x reader
8. Dads best friend - Joel Miller x reader
9. Corruption kink - Raymond Leon x reader
10. Breeding kink - Steven Grant x reader
11. Fingering/Sub - Jake Lockley x reader
12. Size kink - Bucky Barns x reader
13. Creampie - Steven Grant x reader
14. Temp play (ice cubes) - Miguel O’Hara x reader
15. Bondage - Santiago Garcia x reader
16. Praise kink - Joel Miller x Reader
17. Impact play - Poe Dameron x reader
18. Overstimulation - Jonathan Levy x reader
19. Dumbification - Miguel O’Hara x reader
20. Mile high club - Poe Dameron x reader
21. Tutor - Miguel O’Hara x reader
22. Phone sex! - Steven Grant x reader
23. Pussy! Fiend - Bucky Barns x reader
24. Sex! Toys - Poe Dameron x reader
25. Academic rivals - Miguel O’Hara x reader
26. Touched starved - Poe Dameron x reader
27. Cam girl - Steven grant x Reader
28. Car sex! - Jonathan Levy x reader
29. Riding! - Steven grant x reader
30. Brat tamer - Loki x reader
31. Rough sex - Joel Miller x reader
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romanarose · 2 months
fic authors self rec! when you get this, reply with your favourite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. (if you feel like it, no pressure.) spread the self-love 🌈❤️
Hello love!!!! Thank you for this <3
Rooms on Fire: Triple frontier cult au??? Reader fucking Frankie, Santi, Will and Ben AND most of them fucking each other??? Mysterous side characters, ritualitic sex, manipulation, breeding kink.... what more could we want
Puppet: Joel x Reader. This one didn't do great but IDK, I thought it was one of my best. Its a bit different though, told from Joel's POV, really focusing on buring the pain of being alive in Boston is tight pussy, grasping a false sense of control.
If You Wanna Be Wild: Javier Pena x latina!reader x Santiago Garcia. This started off strong but began to drop readership after it was clear things were getting gay XD but If 1. Javi P stress eating 2. Younger anxiety ridden Santiago garcia 3. Latina reader 4. Mommy kink 5. gay shit, all appeals to you, come join!
Puppy Girl: Dark!Joel Miller x reader, Boston era Joel (and some Tommy) keep reader as a puppy in their apartment. No thoughts, head empty, taken care of
The Wrong Way: Joel Miller x reader, Tommy Miller x Reader. Gotta self rec my most popular, and one of my best works. Readers abusive dad sells readers virginity to Joel to pay off debt, and what starts as a little toy for Joel to play with, turns into something somehow more twisted. "My mom sold me to one direction"
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romana-after-dark · 6 months
Room's on Fire: Girl on Fire
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Dark!Santiago Garcia x Fem!Reader Dark!Francisco Morales x Fem!Reader Dark!William Miller x Fem!Reader Dark!Benjamin Miller x Fem!Reader
Also: FishBen, and an assortment of other M/M relationships (no Millercest). Everyone is Bisexual
Series Masterlist: Main Masterlist : MainTaglist
Spotify playlist
Summery: Everyone is together, everything is complete.
Warnings and Content:
DUB CON MOSTLY but there WILL BE NON CON. Major character deaths, forced breeding, physical abuse, brainwashing, manipulation, violence, gore, alcoholism/addiction, BIG OLE BLASPHEMY WARNING like this cult appropriates a lot of religious themes and they call reader their Madonna, Santi is called the Pope, like all that stuff. However, this is a cult so I mean. It happens. None of it are my thoughts on religion or meant to make fun of religion or demonize religious people. Disgusting views on virginity. Attempted rape outside the boys. T*m warning. Age gap. Creepy terrible men. Non-reader rape, dub con, violence. Covert incest, massive mommy issues, sexual abuse all around, past grooming by parental figure. no CSA but the victim isn't much older. some Bates Motel type shit. I cannot properly warn you for everything, without just telling the story but consider this a major warning that there are dark dark themes. No one involved here is morally clean, and who you perceive as the good guy cannot be relied on. Don't come to my story and say im romanticizing these things until at least the story ends.
Extra warnings for chapter: Pregnancy, breeding kink, violent sex, domestic violence on a man, gunshots, references to murder,, death, torture, all the horrors. The end was disturbing even to me, so read with caution. If you find the end was too much, just ask me what happens and I'll tell you. not super plot important but like it was pointed out, the sex is how we see dynamic shifts. Mentions of mpreg fantesy but no mpreg will happen bc they arent actually god, just insane.
3.7k words
A/N: Some pov shifts. Madonna, Jonah, Rey, Santi all get POV's.
A.N2: context for song quote, Alicia wrote girl on fire after the birth of her son.
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"She's on top of the world Hottest of the hottest girls say Oh, we got our feet on the ground And we're burning it down Oh, got our head in the clouds And we're not coming down This girl is on fire" ~ Girl On Fire, Alicia Keys
“It’s okay, you’re gonna do great.” Rey assured her, sitting on a table in the dressing room despite a chair being right there. His lanky legs liked to dangle, you noticed, or sometimes perch up in high places. He reminded you of a bird sometimes, lithe and graceful and seemed to float on his feet.
“What if they don’t like me? What if something happens? What if there’s another uprising or someone wants revenge on me because of my dad-”
“The people love you, and they were going to love you even more with this announcement. Jonah’s not going to let anything happen to you, you know that.”
Your face grows warm at the mention of Jonah. He had acted distant with you since the instance of Frankie and you on the horse, and wouldn’t let you see his face when he showed up the next morning with bruises. In fact, you’d hardly seen him at all. Rey was your primary guard, and Will had talked about moving your room to one with an attached room for Reyansh so that he could stay with you at all times. It seemed everyone knew Iris and Rey were an item, or at least they understood Reyansh was not a threat. You had begged Will not to switch around rooms. The reason given was that you liked your room, but really, you were hoping that you’d be moved into a room with one of your husbands. You weren’t visited by the incubus the night they all slept in your room.
Still, Jonah looked out for you. Under your dress right now was his bulletproof vest. 
A knock on the door.
“Come in.” Iris called to the door, still working on your hair.
Will entered the room. “Are you ready, Madonna?”
Before you opened your mouth, Iris replied. “You could use her real name, you know.”
Will didn’t look at her, keeping his eyes on you. “Her name is irrelevant, her position is everything.” When he turns and sees Reyansh, Will frowns. “What are you doing in here?”
Iris was quick to answer his unvoiced question. “He only came in after she was dressed.”
He instructs Reyansh to ready the carriage. Once he was out, Will turned to you with a smile. “You look stunning, Madonna.” Your heart swells with love for your handsome husband, dressed in his loose white shirt. In your hair, small white flowers adored you, carefully placed and worked in by Iris’s hands. She was incredible, making your dress too. It was colorful, with a color representing all four of your husbands. Under it, a bulletproof vest. No one in delta outside of guardsmen was allowed guns, but he wanted to be safe.
“Wow…” Will whispers, taking you in. There was just the slightest swell of a bump, you wondered if it was just weight gained from eating more these few months. Will took you into his arms kissing you deeply and feeling your stomach. Iris mumbles close enough as you’re pulled away. He turns back to her only a moment. “Make sure everything is ready when we’re back, please.”
Iris sighs, “It always is, Mr. Miller.”
Jonah cocked his gun. “Same as last time, honey. Anything happens, you come with me. Those guys can handle themself. I get hurt, do not stop for me. Just run. Someone will come find you, you just keep yourself alive, got it?” His brown eyes were on you for the first time in a long time, and you relaxed. Jonah’s eyes always calm you. It’s scary, knowing you were responsible for not just you, but someone else as well. The priestess stood at the balcony to the side, your husbands flanking you. Pope to your right, Francisco to your left, Ben to his left and Will to Popes right. Just as you were married.
“Men! Women! Children of Delta!” She shouts to the crown. “I present your Gods and your Madonna!” The crowd erupts into screams, and your heart fills with love for your people. “And!” A hush falls over the ground, waiting breaths quiet as they wait for the news. “I present to you, THE SAVIOR!”
The sound was deafening, a noise that shocked you and made you stumble back. To your surprise, Pope was behind you. It was a greater surprise when he rucked up your skirt.
Immediately your hands, out of instinct, go to bring the material down but his fingers quickly dig into your skin, warning you to behave. So, you stand there, humiliated, left hand gripping Francisco’s tighter. Pope loved you, he loved you and he’d never do something just to humiliate you! How stupid of you for feeling that way. This child was long prayed for, they and your body belonged to your husbands, belonged to Delta. Pope lifted your dress over the small bump,exposing your underwear to the crown. No one outside of your husband, a few house motherns and prefects had seen you in your underwear, so this was difficult…
But then Pope kissed your neck, and the worries melted away. Will, Francisco and Ben come to you, each placing a hand on your stomach as the priestess shouts, reaffirming that the savior’s parentage was of all four, that each of your husbands fathered this baby. You were called the vessel for their seed.
Then, you were placed on a tour. On a sitting carriage with all 4 of your husbands, you were paraded around to cheering people, the faces of women from your dormitory and even your room recognizable in the crowds. One woman whose bed was next to yours shot you a deadly glare as you passed by. She was mean, frequently detailing her escapades with Ben and throwing your own lack of attention in your face, but who was laughing now? Ben choose her for a short term fuck. You had a greater purpose.
When you reached the mansion again, the gates were crowded with people reaching out for you, and although there was fear as the mass of the crowd grew, there was also power. The savior of the broken, the beaten and the damned lay in your holy womb, you were the bringer of life. YOU were the divine mother.
The gunshot brought you back to reality.
“WILL!” You scream as your husband is shot backwards, stumbling into his brother’s arms who he shoved out of the way of the bullet. Jonah didn’t care about Will, however. He didn’t care about Ben falling at him brothers side under the weight. He didn’t even care about Francisco scrambling to grab at Ben in the chaos, and he certainly didn’t care about Santiago dragging Frankie away.
He cared about, sobbing in his arms desperately trying to get to your fallen love. Jonah wrapped an arm around you and pulled you away into the riotous, scampering crowd. You needed to get away from the shooter. 
“NO!” You bawl loudly. Howling that he’s dying, that you need to be with him, but Jonah didn’t give a shit about that prick. He calls to Reyansh, who jumped out of the carriage the second the gun goes off. It was intentional, having Rey at the helm with him; only Rey would care enough about you out of all the guardsmen that Jonah could depend on him. Into the madness, you wouldn’t stop screaming and that rainbow dress of yours was not helping the situation. 
“Rey! The tunic!” Jonah had to spin you around to disorient you enough to make you stop fighting in your hysteria, forcing your arms up while Rey slid a long, brown standard tunic over your body, making you blend into the neutral tones on the crown. Jonah clamped down over your mouth and pulled you away as the center of the shooting grew further away, Reynash covering you both. Once at the posting for a guard, Rey held you as Jonah mounted the steed and pulled you up, riding off with you.
You hadn't stopped sobbing for hours. Reyansh watched in concern, wanted so badly to comfort you lest the heaving and thrashing harm the baby or yourself. Rey loved children, he couldn’t wait for a day he could take Iris away and raise a family together, to finally be with her intimately and live a life with her. 
Even if children weren’t in the picture (Iris wanted one in theory, but was hesitant to bring one into this world, understandably.) he’d cherish a life growing old with his lover. Maybe they’d some orphaned child; Iris had a soft spot for children in need. Her maternal instincts are why, despite not wanting to be friends or even really know her, Iris took care of the girl. Iris had ten years on the naive child. Continuously, she had warned him about keeping his distance, not raising suspicion that anything was happening between him and the girl, but it wasn’t his fault she was damn delightful. However, despite her obvious beauty, talents and sweet demeanor, nothing compared to Iris.
Reyansh could wax poetry about her all day long, and often did. He barely had any free time, most of the pockets of time he had, Rey liked to help Iris with her Herculean tasks, the laundry and dishes like Sisyphus and the boulder. He couldn’t take away the fact the next day would be filled with more dishes, more wall washing, more cooking, but he’d gladly sacrifice an hour of sleep so she could gain one. With him at all times, however, was his notebook and pen. As he sat at a mount or perch Rey liked to try his hand at poetry and writing. 
Sometimes it was about the beauty of nature, the flowers he planted and gardens he kept, how they gave him joy during difficult times. Sometimes it was about the complex nature of family, of Iris and Jonah, Santiago and what he knew of Beatriz, which wasn’t much, the strained love and hatred between Will and Ben, or his own desire for fatherhood. Sometimes he wrote about the 5 lovers, the girl, the men who claimed to be gods, how each individual relationship strengthened them and weakened them in their own ways and how the girl changed things for better or for worse. Mostly, he just wrote about Iris, the prettiest flower he had.
He caught a glimpse of Jonah at the window, motioning him to come out. This safe house was his idea. Apparently, he and Marcus used to escape here sometimes.
Rey tries to tell you he’s stepping outside but you aren’t listening, curled up in a ball on the bed sobbing. He makes his exit.
Once outside, Jonah offers him a sip from his flask but Rey declines.
“I was going to ask how she is, but I can hear my answer.” The sound of you wailing penetrates the walls.
“How Will?”
“He’ll live, unfortunately.”
“Yeah.” Jonah sighs, lighting a cigarette. “Wish those fuckers would just die.”
There was a long pause, Reyansh thinking hard before saying what he was thinking. He didn’t defy or talk back to Jonah, he respected him as his superior and, for all intents and purposes, his father in law. But Jonah was flawed. “You’re the one with a gun, Jonah”
Jonah inhaled a long drag before answering in a puff of smoke. “We’ve been over this.” He walked into the safe house.
They had talked, several times. Rey wanted Iris out but he didn’t have much power and knowledge. Jonah had the gun and a hundred reasons not to. There was no way to kill all 4 because everyone was armed. The community would riot. There was no where safe to go. A failed attempted would end Iris’s life. All these may be true, Jonah did have 4 decades of guard experience… but really, Rey thought he was just a coward, and maybe he cared for Pope and/or Francisco more than he’d like to admit. He’d been with those two since infancy, helped raise them, been a father figure most of their lives… it was understandable.
When he walked into the house, it was to crying but this time, relieved. He must have told her Will would be okay. You had your arms wrapped around his neck and he held you close to him, rubbing your back.
“It’s gonna be okay, honey, everyone’s gonna be just fine.”
Ben was changing Will’s bandages when you walked in and it made you nauseous to see the blood. Jonah said the bullet went straight through, that he’d be okay he just needed to rest, but the sight was disturbing.
Will groans. “Baby, don’t want you seeing me like this.”
Benny flicks his brothers arm. “Let her be, she was worried about you.”
The older Miller grumbled, but allowed you to kneel his side. He thumbed away a tear, “Don’t cry for me, beautiful girl.”
“What happened?” You sniffle, looking between Benny and Will.
“A girl from the dorms, she took the gun off a guard and tried to shoot-”
Ben interrupted. “You, Madonna.” He looked to his brother. “Melody, your old roommate, she tried to shoot you out of jealousy, she wanted to be with me. Will pushed you aside, took the bullet.”
You blink at that. Melondy wanted to shoot you? She wanted you dead? And Will. was he even standing by you? “But… I don’t remember being pushed.”
“Oh sweet girl…” Will cood. “Do you not remember? Poor thing, it was probably so traumatic-”
“No, I remember-”
“Your brain probably blocked a lot of it out, repressed it to protect you.”
Yeah, yeah that made sense. Memory was fragile. Will winced and Ben finished cleaning him and you took his hand as a new packing kit was applied. “Thank you for saving me…” You kiss his hand, feeling the rough knuckles warm skin. “For saving our baby…”
You fell asleep beside him that night, laying on his chest. He was warm, firm, inviting and protective. Nothing mattered more than the fact your husbands and your baby were safe.
Melody was dead. After the first shot missed, she approached where the four men had gathered intent on finding you, but Ben said Pope shot her square in the forehead, that he protected you while Jonah and Reyansh took you to safety. Ben said he had stood in front of his brothers and you, fearless, brave and bold. Pope loved his people, but he loved you most of all.
When you awoke, it was lae evening and although you wanted to go back to sleep, after some tossing and turning you realized you could. Not wanting to wake Will, you check his pulse and breathing, both strong and head out of the room to see if anyone is up. You know they dont like you wandering around the mansion without protection but you weren’t a child.
After Jonah and Rey had taken you back home, you were desperate to see William, but Pope demanded your presence with Francisco, both holding you tightly and checking you over again and again, tell you how precious you were, how loved. Pope knelt in front of you, hands on your belly, kissing it. You were thankful to have such loving and protective husbands. Despite the horrors of today, you felt blessed beyond measure 
You came to the kitchen first seeing a light on. Sometimes Benny liked late night snacks. Instead, you see Iris and Reyansh slow dancing in the kitchen. Iris was actually smiling. No doubt Rey was fearful of his own women’s safety being forced in the cabin with you for so long after a riot broke out right outside where she was. Silent, you step away from the cute lovers and allow them their time. Rey helped save your life today, you needed to thank him, and thank Iris for all she did for your family, you were lucky to have them both.
You try to see if Pope is awake next. When you approach his room, the grunting sounds make you stop, peaking through the slightly cracked door. Pope was on top of Francisco, fucking into his ass with his legs bent up into a press. It was a position he used on you many a time. Francisco was a puddle beneath him, his curls stuck to the sweat on his head. He looked incredible. The way Pope kissed him so deep… You couldn’t help feeling warm inside. How lucky you were that your husbands loved each other so much.
Ben was found in the gym. For a moment, you merely watch him. Shirtless in his red shorts and throwing punches at a punching bag. He probably had so much energy in him after everything today, watching his brother bleeding in his arms. She knew they didn’t always get along, Ben holding anger for Will so often and over what, you couldn’t yet discern. Maybe this tragedy would bring them back together. You admire his body, carved out and chiseled in perfect form. 
You loved the bodies of all your husbands, in each and every different.
Will was largess; tall, muscular, wide everywhere. Everywhere. His body consumed you just as yours consumed him; he was like a shield, metaphorically and now literally.
Santiago was softer. A small belly that was only noticeable when he was bent over, plush though and a moon shaped ass. He was all curves, from his nose down to his calved you had massaged so ardently.
If Pope was soft, Francisco was a pillow. Heavy weight surrounded him, the broad expanse of his shoulders to the fat at his waist and you just wanted to bury your face into it, you want to bite, nibble, and worship the pudge that spilled over his pants.
Ben was lean, the tallest of them and slim hips under rippling muscles. Golden God, beholden before you and it was as if his glory radiated off him. Despite the strength he was light on his feat. He could have been a boxer in another life.
“How are you feeling?” His deep voice breaks the tranfiction of the way his body moved, stilling the punching bag.
“I’m good, just woke from a nap with Will.”
Still looking away, Ben nodded. His mood matched the storm clouds out the window. After wiping his face, Benny chugged water and then finally made his way over to you in long, quick strides. His eyes flashed with the lightning outside.
Pope fucked Frankie with a fury he couldn’t recall in years. Frankie had defined him, ignoring his orders to leave but no, he wanted to stay with Ben. 
“You don’t think I wanted Ben and Will safe too?” He growled in his lovers ear. 
“I know!”
“You’re more important!”
He almost lost Will, Ben, the savior, and most importantly Frankie today. The girl would pay, fuck she’d pay. He couldn’t do anything Madonna might see, she thinks she’s dead already… no, a gunshot was to quick for someone trying to harm his family, but he’d make her suffer.
His anger toward Francisco wouldn't be helped when today, when he went to make love to Frankie, he found him in Ben's arms, cumming on his hand.
Ben had you pinned against the wall, fucking into you with your legs hitched around his narrow hips. The wind outside picked up speed, displaying his anger, his frustration, his love and his lust. You let him take you, fucking into your pregnant womb with his face tucked in your neck. You felt as if you were floating, like you were the center of the world right now. The sun God orbited you. Someone had tried to take you from him, a women he used to claim as his own but she had been cast aside for a reason. In her jealousy, she though she could regain her place at his side but that was foolish. Ben would never have loved her the way he loved you, the way he loved his husbands. Will, Francisco and Pope could never love her. 
She was not the Madonna.
She could never carry the savior.
She could only ever have a bastard.
“Gonna fill you up, Frank.” Pope grunted, breath hot against Francisco's cheek, mouth to mouth, lips to lips. “Gonna fill up this tight little hole of yours until you’re pregnant with my baby, you got that?”
Frank’s eyes went wide. “Santi, wha-” But he stopped when Santiago slapped him. This shocked Frankie, Santi didn’t slap him, he didn’t hurt him like that…
“Take it!” Santiago screams, tears of anger blurring his eyes. He chose Ben over him. He’d rather stay in danger with Ben than safety with him. “Your mine, under stand?!” When Frankie didn’t answer right away, Pope gripped his jaw and felt a warm tear fall down his cheek. “DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!”
Long fingers gripping your asscheeks, digging into the sensitive skin.
Firm abs rubbing against your body.
Hips stimulating your clit.
A finger fucking into your asshole. 
Everything was better than your wildest dreams. No incubus, a child on the way, friends and family. This was a life your father tried to take from you, but you were like gold that’s tested in fire.
Ben came inside when the thunder cracked, lightning still flashing and illuminating him with light. He muttered Francisco’s name.
“YES!” Francisco shouted in pain, face grimacing. “I’m yours! I’m yours Santi, fill me up! Make me-” He swallowed, tears forming at his long lashes. He gritted his teeth. “Make me p-pregnant!”  Francisco was saying anything that'd make Santi stuff, just to make him cum and end this. He just wanted it over. All of it. He didn't understand why he wasn't allow to be happy, to feel safe, to have peace. Instead he had to submit to Santi's whims just like Beatriz.
Santiago tucked his face into his lovedrsneck, biting him as he came inside. Whimpering, tears streaming wildly down his face, Santiago bit into Frankie’s tender flesh: neck, then shoulder, till finally he just continuously bit into the skin on his large arm, drawing the blood and bruising the skin. It hurt like hell, Frankie's head thrashing back and forth on the pillow trying to take the pain and bare it. Santiago's tears mixed with blood as he finished cumming, thrusts slowing into a lul.
Francisco didn’t know where his body ended and Santi’s began.
He wanted Ben, to be held and protected by him. To be touched gently, with love. To be not possessed but show off so that he knew Ben was proud of him, proud of what they had, not what the fuck Santigo was doing to him. He wanted Madonna with her sweet kisses and open adoration. He wanted Will with his healing nature, tender hands on his arching, bleeding arm. He wanted anything but Santi’s touch right now.
Santiago curled behind Francisco. His hand rested on Frankie’s stomach.
This disturbed me writing the end asdfghjkl
Madonna crying Reminds me of tww bonus chapter where little one thinks joel is dead and is just ugly sobbing
Madonna has... a lot to process today, and absolutly no therapy and no one she can be honest with about what she's witnessing.
I hope you all enjoyed... or .... something....???
Thoughts on Santis episode, Benny having a fit because he wanted Frankie but had to take madonna, will being shot, madonna is pregant, rey's thoughts!!!!! Jonah protecting madonna, etc.
love you all dearly <3 I hope to get at least one more tf fic for the triple frontier anniverary evnt before the end, and maybe something else like a TWW bonus chapter i've been wanting, but no gurantees. next week is spring break and i have 10k worth of commissions to write so il be busy! I wanna get the last chapter of my handmaids tale au out though, end that baby <3
also if you havn't yet, consider following me on my main @romanarose because im like 20 followers away from 2k and once i do, ill be open to writing stuff for a celebration!
Please consider joining me in in donating to humanitarian aid in Rafah through Doctors Without Borders
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360iris · 1 year
Me & U, Isn’t | dad’s best friend!santiago ‘pope’ garcia x reader
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2.5k word count. Content warning— this is not a good time read! Relationship angst, m/c is intended to be over 21 years of age, Santi isn’t a bad guy, but he isn’t the best either. M/c is kind of self deprecating tbh, message for the girlies: Always speak your mind, and let your feelings be known if you are in a safe place to do so! Fuck “keeping the peace.” Don’t be like this m/c! She is stubborn! Anyway, I wrote this almost two months ago. It was fun stressing my friends out talking about it. Now the world can read it and stress too ig lol
Please do not read if you are not in the right headspace for more serious relationship topics and themes, thanks!
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The last thing you’d expected to see this afternoon was Santiago leaning against his truck, arms folded as he watched you pull into your reserved parking spot at your apartment complex. A fond smirk lining his lips.
You take your time gathering your things, face waxing unimpressed as you exited the vehicle. “How long have you been out here?” You ask with brows knitted as he pushes himself up.
“About... ten minutes?” He takes a moment to think it over. “Saw your phone location and noticed you were headed back this way. Figured I’d be able to catch you before you headed back out.”
“What the fuck?” You remark surprisingly, looking at him like he’d grown a third arm. “Since when have you been doing that?”
“You let me, remember? That one night you were all cock drunk, I asked you and you let me enable it.” He says nonchalantly and you stare at him fixedly for a moment before promptly turning to start walking to your door.
Santiago simply follows suit, his pace lax as he trails behind you, waiting patiently as you open the door, step inside and gesture for him to enter.
“What do you want, Santiago?” You ask, shutting the door. Technically your tone was mellow, but there was something about the sentence itself that made his smug expression fall.
“What are you doing that for?” He asks.
“Doing what?” You ask, eying him weirdly as you set down your keys and take off your jacket.
“You know what. What are you upset about?” He pries.
You straighten up, tipping your head back to look at him straight on.
The elephant in the room was right there, and yet here he was asking you, what you had to be upset about like he himself hadn’t chosen to go dark for an entire week and three and half days— not that you were counting.
Although you were.
Going about your days like the family and friends trip to Miami didn’t happen last May.
Like all the glances and tension that was brewing between you and Santiago that entire year didn’t lead up to him fucking you in a beach shower at 5pm, on a Tuesday, didn’t lead to you having to keep the biggest secret you’d ever endeavored to take on.
No one could know, he’d told you.
And you weren’t fucking stupid, of course they couldn’t.
But no one didn’t just mean your mom or dad, who’d lose their minds, and more than likely relieve Santiago of his if they found out how long you’d been “seeing” one another.
No one also pertained to your childhood, college and online friends. It entailed your lab partners in Advanced Inorganic Chemistry, the girl who always gave you extra whipped cream and caramel at the campus Starbucks since you were a sophomore— and even the family cat, Feek.
When you got into this, whatever this was, you’d thought you were gaining something.
Something fun and exciting, something that kept you up at night from how giddy you were. And if you were being honest, for a little while, you’d thought you were gaining him. Even if you knew you couldn’t really be together, you’d thought— well, you don’t even know anymore.
You’d just hoped he’d at least show up for you more. And instead, he pulled away.
Santiago put more time into Kim, the woman he’d been seeing on and off since you were ten. The one he took on showy trips to the Bahamas and brought to all the special occasions as his plus one when it’d be too weird to attend alone.
‘Just for the photos.’ he’d said. ‘If people see me with her, then they wouldn’t think even in their wildest dreams that I was with you.’ He’d continued.
Eventually you stopped bringing it up. That’s how a lot of things went with him it seemed. He’d settle on one answer and that’s what he’d stick to. Not once would he divert or slip up— things just were, no matter how unsatisfied you were with his replies.
Though, you weren’t granted that same privilege it seemed.
“Mi amor,” He says walking closer to where you stood by the breakfast bar. Amor. Love— Santiago never could say it in English. And it always felt like he’d made a point of it not to. “What are you upset about?”
You scoff, effectively rolling your eyes and slipping past him to walk down the hall to your room. “Oh, there’s a list of things. I’m afraid I wouldn’t be able to get to them all, even if I tried to, Santiago.” Your voice echoes in the barrer space, he follows.
And just as you reach to open the door handle, his hand rests on top of your own— keeping you locked there in the darkened space, his chest to your back. His chin ghosting over your left shoulder.
You try to even your breathing as he makes you soak in the silence before breaking it, “I know you.” He says evenly, out of all the things he could say. And his right hand that rests against your hip begins picking at the hem of your burgundy knit long sleeve.
“I know you keep a lot of this hidden. A lot of things go unsaid between us, and I thought we were both okay, with that. But if you’re not, how can I know if you don’t let me in on what it is you’re letting stew in that little head of yours.”
Your hand grasping the doorknob tightens against the metal as he speaks, your fingers beginning to shake under his.
You rest your forehead against the painted white wood, exhaling heavily through your nose as he keeps you pressed to him. And vaguely you acknowledge how ironic this moment in time is—
You, reaching the door of something, maybe it was the future. One without him and all his empty promises. One where you were free to see whoever and share them with whomever you pleased.
And him, stopping you. Holding on to you and this shitty situation like it isn’t absolute madness.
Didn’t he go day by day antagonizing over this too? Didn’t he share in the thought that this was pure torture?
‘Don’t you see what you’ve done to me?’ You think. ‘You’ve made me feel like everyone I could trust was an inside spy, waiting for one damn slip up to crucify me for.’
‘I’m protecting you, and I’m lonelier than ever.’
‘You’re holding me and I hate how you’re all I’ve got left that feels like home.’
You couldn’t say those things. And he didn’t want to know them, not really.
“Why won’t you let me go?” You ask, taking a shaky inhale.
Santiago doesn’t answer right away, undoubtedly getting your true meaning.
“Do you want me to?” He asks finally, quiet. Waiting.
“I,” Your voice cracks before everything becomes too much and you’re turning in his grasp to look at him.
Could the truth fix everything in this instance?
If you told him, ‘It’s about you not being honest? It’s about you sleeping with whoever you want but acting like a scorned child when I do the same? Ignoring my texts for weeks at a time, and showing up at my apartment at odd hours of the night whenever it suits you?’
But what was the point of wasting your breath when you knew it’d turn into a futile argument that changed nothing.
It’d end the same way regardless, with him dismantling all your lines of defense with a look, with a touch, and a kiss.
With him fucking you into your sheets with your nails clawing into his back, until your throat is hoarse and your vision is skewed with tears. That’s how he seemed to like you best anyway— responsive to his smallest whim and wholly compliant.
So as always, you don’t speak, you don’t push the limits. And he rewards you for it, whether or not he knows it. By bringing you into his arms, holding you close and skipping the fight altogether.
“My pretty girl. Smart girl.” He says running his fingers along your face now, looking into your eyes, and you take the opportunity to search his. If the eyes were the gateway to the soul, what would you find if you looked into his?
Right now. If you were being honest. You saw nothing. But did that say more about you, or him?
Maybe you lacked whatever it took to catch a glimpse of whatever a person’s true nature was but as he cups your face with one hand, you abandon the thought. It was better not to think.
“I’m here now, so just… be with me.” He says it so softly he’s almost whispering. Leaning in til your noses touch.
“Santiago.” Comes out raspy, your voice strained by nerves and excess emotion.
“Nuh-uh.” He interjects, softly tilting your head back til it makes contact with the closed door behind you. Nosing at the slope of your neck, he keeps his eyes on your face as he rubs his lips along your cold skin. “None of that. Say it properly.”
“I don’t know what you’re—“ And you’re interrupted by the way he pinches at your clit through the fabric of your jeans, quick to cradle the back of your head to prevent you from hurting yourself when you throw it back.
“Still don’t know, do you?” He asks eyeing you with a glint forming in his eye as you shook your head. “No?”
He begins undoing your pants with one hand, pulling your underwear and bottoms down just enough so that they sit just above your thighs, before placing your cunt on full display for him. “What’s it going to take to get that little attitude of yours in check? Hm?”
His thumb rubs over your clit once, slow and purposeful as you keen in his grasp. “What am I going to have to do? Fuck it out of you?”
At those words, he begins rubbing the pad of his middle finger in your arousal. Pressing slowly into you fully before pulling back and when he pushes forward again, this time it’s with two fingers that have you quietly gasping at the intrusion.
Your cunt wets his fingers all to quickly, you’re leaning into his touch as he fucks you open, one overwhelmingly patient pump at a time.
With a beckoning motion, he massages your spongy walls until he locates the spot that causes you to buck into his hand. “That’s it.” He purrs, praising you like you were some wild thing he was working to tame.
Your cunt squeezes around him as he introduces a third digit, encouraging you to fuck his fingers with an eager tone. Slick rolling down his wrist in reflective streaks. “That’s it, baby, that’s it. Give it to me, mi amor. You’re gonna cum, aren’t you?”
You nodded foggily as he upped his pace, your hands shooting forward to grasp futilely at his immovable wrist, his hand becoming a blur as he propelled you closer and closer towards an edge you couldn’t see but could feel fast approaching from all angles. Your moans rise in pitch, voice cracking as he works at an unyielding speed.
“Say my name, baby. All you have to do is say it and I’ll let you cum on my fingers nice, long and hard.” He murmurs, brows raised expectantly. “Come on, baby. Come on.”
“F-fuck, Santiago!” Comes out jumbled and whiny, your face buried into the side of his neck when suddenly his hand comes to an immediate standstill.
He laughs humorlessly, pulling out of you completely. A cry is promptly ripped from your lips when he lands a clean, wet slap square against your clit. The swollen bud pulsating as he ignores your whines.
Grasping your face in his palm, he smears your arousal along your cheeks as he forces you to look at him through hooded eyes bordered with tears. He searches your gaze for a moment, unbelieving amusement vaguely lining his features as he looks over you.
“Hmm.” He takes a moment to hum and haw, as if what he finds is in line with whatever he had thought. “Fucking it is.”
Making quick work of yanking your pants down your legs, he haphazardly tosses the material on the floor. His belt clinks as he unbuckles it, unzipping his jeans with one confident pull of his wrist.
He doesn’t bother removing his own bottoms completely, instead holding your unsteady gaze as you watch him pull his cock through the opening he’d made for himself. Grabbing a hold of your left thigh, he hooks your leg over his hip.
Fitting you against him, he rubs the tip of his cock against your clit, spreading his precum across your folds.
“You can be difficult with me, baby. I have all the time in the world for you.” He says in a tone so sweet, your brows furrow and lips press into a fine lined pout. His eyes soften at the way your expression crumples.
“Pobrecita,” He coos, peppering kisses across your face, against your cheeks, and nose, and eyelids— wherever he felt so inclined. You balled your hands into the fabric of his shirt, clinging to him as he began pushing inside of you.
You release a faint sob, his cock filling you to the hilt when tears begin streaming down your cheeks in angry droplets.
“What is it, bebita? Talk to me. I can’t help if you don’t let me in.” He mumbles into your skin, pulling his head up to rest his forehead against yours. His hips rocking slowly as ugly emotions rolled through your chest.
“Why—“ You suck in a big breath of air in between hiccups. “Why don’t you ever tell me you love me?”
His eyes are deep, chocolatey and steady when he speaks. “I tell you. I tell you all the time.” He says, bringing a hand up to card his fingers through your hair.
“In Spanish!” You argue unhappily, eyelashes matted together with tears, cheeks watermarked. “You tell me in Spanish, Santiago.”
“You think I don’t mean it?” He asks evenly.
“You don’t say it.” You insist.
Releasing a sigh, he leans closer, his lips ghosting against yours. “Te amo.” He whispers, low, just for you to hear. It was a sentiment only for your ears as he thrusts in and out of you in slow, meaningful drags.
“Te amo.” He says again, kissing you softly, the words being almost spoken into your mouth.
“Te amo.” Santiago repeats with another kiss before pulling back to look into your eyes, sparing one hand to cup your chin. “I love you.”
Your bottom lip trembles, from finally hearing the words, from how gently he looks at you. “I love you, Santi. I love you.”
A smile breaks onto his face as he leans in to capture your mouth again. Only parting after he’d thoroughly taken your breath away, leaving your chest heaving in his departure. “I know, babygirl.”
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blue-sadie · 10 months
Friend Of A Friend
Santiago Garcia x Young Reader
Summary: being tess's best friend has its ups and downs but the best one being her dad's best friend
Warning: reader is 20, wall sex
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Yn/3rd person pov
I smiled widely as I climbed into the car greeting them as I got in "long time no see yn" Santiago grinned as he turned to me I bite my lip blushing slightly "yea it has" I murmured.
He glanced at tess to make sure she wasn't looking before winking at me making my cheeks redder before he turned back to the front.
"Tess, yn Santiago here is picking you up from shopping ok I have a meeting so I won't be home intill late" Tom said looking at us through the review mirror "he just needs to remember that and not forget us for a girl" tess teased making them laugh.
I just grinned slightly when tess turned to me but I was kinda jealous I've always had a crush on Santiago since I was 16 I mean who wouldn't and there's been many times when I was around and the guys were to making fun of him about his hot informants.
He's always been kind to me and since my 18th birthday we've gotten a little closer when we're alone but nothing more then light touches, little flirts and playful winks, he never seems to cease to make me blush.
"Haha very funny there is none of that anymore" he chuckled making tess lean forward looking at him with wide eyes "has thee santiago gracia the player finally found the one" she squealed my heart stopped and my eyes fluttered.
He shook his head still laughing "honestly I want to but I don't think she feels the same" he murmured my hands wavered as I grabbed his seat leaning forward to see him "how did you meet her" I asked thankfully the hurt I felt didn't show in my voice.
"Uh" he paused thinking glancing to the side of him out the window "she's a friend of a friend" he grinned tess started guessing names of his informants as I bit the inside of my cheek and sat back against my seat.
We turned into the mall parking lot tess's rambling calming down as we neared the entrance "have a fun time girls" santiago laughed as we said our goodbyes I just nodded acknowledging him as I got out joining tess on the pavement she waved her dad goodbye and watched as they drove away "what shop to first".
-Time skip
I was browsing the different merch sections in hot topic waiting for tess has she tried stuff on through the corner of my eye I noticed one of the male employees watching me and following me into each row a few minutes I move.
"Can I help you with something" I asked ironic its supposed to be the other way around, I crossed my arms over my chest as I turned to him, he looked like a deer in headlights "i-i" he rubbed the buck of his neck nervously.
"I came to ask for you number" I cringed as he snuffled through his nose the sound almost making me gag "I have a boyfriend" I lied turning back to the shelf of items but he stepped towards me making me taking a step back.
"He wouldn't have to know" he spoke seductively it made me sick "no thank you" I huffed trying to leave but he caught my wrist pulling me to him he sweat smell making nose crinkle "let me go" I muttered.
What the two didn't notice was that tess was done with trying things on and saw the whole thing "hey santiago we need your help" that was all she had to say to make him speed his way over.
"I said no" I growled trying to pull my way out his hold but his grip only tightened making me gasp in pain "hey dick head" the man holding me turned his head only to get punched in the cheek by a red faced Santiago.
I stumbled to the ground as the employee released me "hey you ok" tess whispered as she feel to her knees beside me but my eyes never left santiago as he beat the creep up "i-uh" I couldn't find the words my heart was beating in my ears and my breath was shallow.
Santiago was stopped by security but released as they went over the footage and took the employee instead "come on girls" he panted urging us out and walked behind us silently "total guard dog effect" tess whispered leaning over to me but I didn't answer my eyes trained to the ground.
"Let's get you guys home" he muttered unlocking the car I took a seat in the back and just went on my phone only answering when they spoke to me directly.
"I'll see you Monday yn" my head snapped to tess who was out the car I didn't even realize we were at her house or that she was getting dropped off first, "come up front yn" he smiled turning to me, I hesitated before nodding and climbed out to get into the passengers seat.
He pulled out the driveway and headed down the street "how are you feeling" he asked briefly turning to me as we slowly pulled to a stop "i-i'll be ok" I murmured looking down to my wrist that was reddening slightly, santiago gently grabbed it and pulled it to his face laying a gentle kiss on it.
"I'm sorry I couldn't get there sooner" he said slowly lacing his fingers into mine, my cheeks became red as a tomato as I looked at our intertwined hands "I should've gone with you guys" he said slowly bringing our intertwined hands the the middle console leaning onto it as he went back to driving as the light turned green.
"I should've killed him" he muttered but I squeezed his hands lightly making him release a breath "I'm sorry" he whispered "it wasn't your fault" I said looking ahead at the road infront of us "he needed to learn some manners" he laughed at my statement and immediately agreed "yeah he can't mess with my girl" santiagos laughed ceased as those words left his lips.
My eyes immediately snapped to his "w-what" I asked my heart beat slowly increasing "i-i didn't say anything" he stuttered a wide smile pasted on my lips something I knew about santiago is he would somewhat stutter when he's trying to cover his tracks or nervous "you called me your girl" I murmured my smiled still widening.
He sighed slowly laughing to himself "yea" he paused "I guess I did" I squealed internally and shifted excitedly but sadness took over as we turned into my street "so am I a friend of a friend" I murmured "yes you are" his words made a shiver run down my spine, he slowed the car down turning into my driveway "are your parents home" he asked leaning onto the steering wheel looking at my house.
"No their away for the weekend" I murmured making him smile "mind if I come inside" he grinned towards me making me clench my thighs as I felt myself dampen I nodded eagerly unbuckling myself quickly and he did the same, he followed me inside and as soon as he kicked the door close his lips were on mine and his hands were feeling up and down my sides.
"I've been wanting you for so long" I moaned against his lips as my fingers entangled themselves in his hair "I know you have" he murmured making me lightly tug at his hair, his hands tugged off our clothes before be pressed me up against the wall "I need you now" he groaned pulling away from my lips.
One of his hands felt up and down my slit making my eyes flutter and a pleasured gasp leave my lips "shit your already dripping" he smirked and slowly moved his dick up against me, he slid it up and down my slit collecting my wetness on him "fuck" he groaned and slowly pushed in his hands moving to cage me in by settling beside my head.
My hands tugged at his hair again and a struggled moan left my lips his cock was stretching me out so much "that's it, that's a good girl" he growled and slowly started to pull out and push back in, he watched my face intently only increasing the pace when he sees my eyes flutter in pleasure or hear my soft whines.
"So fucking good mi amor" he whispered leaning down to my neck pressing his lips to my skin sucking harshly "s-shit" I cursed my knees buckling he swiftly caught me and put his hands under my thighs and lifted me up his thrusts never ceasing.
My moans were fueling his desire more, he nibbled and nipped at my skin making my breath catch in my throat, my eyes rolled to the back of my head as I leaned it up against the wall, I felt a knot form in my stomach and santiagos cock start to pulse "cum with me mi amor" he groaned licking a long strip along the hickies he littered on my neck, I nodded eagerly.
His grunts and groans grow louder as his hard thrust slightly fultered, our sounds of pleasure mixed together as we cam "fuck" I cried and santiago just growled lowly into my ear as he filled me up his nails digging into my skin, my hands dropped from his hair and I leaned my head onto his shoulder panting.
"Don't think we're done yet baby girl, you still have to make up for the times you've made me so fucking hard"
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hoedamn-eron · 7 months
listen okay
been thinking about Oscar's characters and what they're like as dads
Spoke very briefly with @writefightandflightclub about this, months ago (can't even find the post it was that long ago - I'll link it later if I do - FOUND IT)
Poe Dameron is a girl dad
Santiago Garcia is a girl dad (see here)
Steven Grant is a girl dad
And Marc Spector and Jake Lockley
(Jake especially)
But Nathan Bateman
Nathan Bateman oozes boy dad
Because, right:
Nathan created Ava and has the mindset that girls are scary
(And Luna pointed out that he'd be wary after that having a girl after 'the incident' and I agree)
Seems like the kind of guy to say 'first time, guaranteed' after sex, when you both agree to start trying
(he was right, it was)
(you still don't know how he did it)
Anyways, you both have a boy
He needed to find out at your anomaly scan because he hasn't been able to control one single thing during this pregnancy and he hates it
So he voted he found out the gender
Makes you put on classical music for "the foetus" (Nathan's words) because he seems like that type of guy
Not that he doubts the kid'll be a genius, but it can't hurt
When your son is here, Nathan would be a mess
It was one thing knowing you were pregnant, seeing the bump and ultrasounds and all
But now there's an actual kid
A kid that is fully reliant on him
Nathan probably wouldn't sleep for weeks
Just sit and works and watches the kid, make sure he's breathing
He'd mellow out eventually, when you'd told him he needed sleep and can't keep doing this to himself
You took over the night shift after that, mostly
He isn't the kind of dad to rough house
But one that you'll catch talking out coding issues to an infant who just stares at Nathan, just because of the sound of his voice
Your son would look nothing like you, and take everything after Nathan (he's super smug about it too - not only can he make literal lifelike robots, but he has 'superior genes' too)
Would want to call the boy something unique like Silas, or Atlas, something along those lines
You had veto'd them very quickly
But Silas grew on you, so I can imagine you agreed to a unique name
Once your son was old enough, he'd definitely teach him how to box
Since Nathan's sleep schedule is fucked (he's working on it), he's always up first with the kid
You'll always find them on the decking at the punching bag
Nathan was always guiding him, praising him when your son eventually punched the bag
You and Nathan both regularly went out on hikes (he enjoyed them more than you did) even before the kid
When the kid was born, it was easy to carry him around in a carrier on your chests
But when he got older and learned to walk, he never wanted to be carried
And the hikes took longer
So now Nathan's planned out new family friendly routes for you all, where you'll all be out for an hour, tops, and not far from the house
Nathan really hates mess, so will probably follow the kid around once he starts walking, just picking up after him
If he's stressed or hungover (he's working on that too) he would probably yell at you to sort it out
He'd apologise later after you chewed him out, even offering to do bath time and get the kid ready for bed
"I'll read him a story or some shit"
(It's probably Stephen Hawking)
He'd arrange someone to decorate the kids bedroom to look like space or something
You had a field day looking around the IKEA website and choosing what you wanted for your son's dream bedroom, but Nathan had just rolled his eyes and got the more expensive, designer, equivalent and it was delivered within a week
You'd told him off for doing it, but he just shrugged at you wordlessly as he set up the bedroom for your son
This is long enough, I'm gonna stop here, but now I want to write a full series of dad!Nathan 😭😭😭
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melodygatesauthor · 2 years
Worth the Risk - Part 1: The Dishwasher
bfd!Santiago "Pope" Garcia X f!Reader
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Series Masterlist - AO3 LINK
You're visiting your home town on college break and you are staying overnight at your best friend's house. You never realized how attractive her dad was until that night. You wonder if he feels the same.
NSFW, forbidden relationship, reader is in her 20s, best friend's dad!Santi, Santiago is a dirty man y'all, not much else to say, smut, depraved, corruption kink
Word Count: 3.7k
Also, this tied in with a request from @romanarose <3 thank you bb for requesting!
“It’s been so long.” You said, wrapping your arms around your friend tightly.
You took in her smell, so happy to see her again after so much time had gone by. It had only been a few months, but it felt like years sometimes.
“I know!” She yelled in your ear before pulling back to look you up and down. “How have you been?”
You sighed, “I’ve been pretty good, wanted to make sure I came to see you for the night before going back to school.”
“I’m sorry about Cody.” She gave you a sympathetic look.
“It’s fine I-” you started, but then you caught her father out of the corner of your eye.
“Hey…!” Mr. Garcia said, coming up behind Maria with a smile 
“Hey Mr. Garcia.” You said, wrapping your arms around him.
“How long is it going to take for you to start calling me Santi? Or at least Santiago?” He smirked. “You make me feel old.”
“You are old, dad.” Maria said, chuckling. “Come on, let’s go to my room.” Your friend grabbed your hand and tugged you along.
Goodness you’ve grown, Santi thought, watching you run off with Maria. Over the last couple years, since you’d started going to college, your schedule didn’t line up with the times Maria had been at his house, and he hadn’t seen you in a long time. He ran a hand through his hair and sighed.
Maria’s room hadn’t changed since you last saw it. It was still pink and bubbly, matching her personality perfectly. You always thought she had the coolest window, fit with a reading nook and big sheer curtains. You sat down on her bed, dropped your duffle bag on the floor, and she went to her desk, opening her laptop. She put on some pop music in the background and then turned to you.
“So, spill it, what happened with Cody?” She asked, giving you a devilish smirk. “Tell me all the dirty details. I wanna know how you fucked him over.”
You rolled your eyes. “I already told you over the phone. He cheated on me.” You sighed, “can we please just not do this right now? I…I don’t really wanna talk about him. He’s a loser.”
“With his ex? What’s her name?” You watched her open a browser and get onto her social media account.
“I really don’t want to do this Maria, can we just forget about it? Please?” You begged.
She looked at you, her eyes said she was ignoring your request to stop and wanted you to tell her anyway, but eventually she gave up, closing the browser.
“You’re so boring. Fine.” She groaned. “So other than that, what have you been up to?”
You told her everything you’d done over the last few months. You talked about your parents, any cute professors you had, and new friends you’d met. The conversation moved on to her talking about a new guy she met at her school. She’d stayed more local than you had, but you were only a few hours away. She then told you about how she was madly in love with him before she got on talking about how annoying her father could be.
“You know how he is. When the guy came over for dinner the other night dad got all, you’d better take good care of her.” She scoffed. “He’s such an old man.”
“He just worries about you.” You reminded her. “And he’s not that old. My dad is old.” You chuckled. “Your dad is like forty.”
“Yeah.” She said looking at you incredulously, “old.”
“Girls! Come on down, it’s time for dinner!” He called up.
You followed Maria down the stairs and to the kitchen. Santi always made the best meals when you would come over during your high school days, and now was no different. You sat down to his right and thanked him for dinner, a soft smirk spread across his lips. You took a sip of your water.
Santiago tried to keep his eyes on your face, but your tank top left little to the imagination. Weren’t you too young to be dressing like that? No, of course not, you were an adult now. His throat bobbed when he gulped, blinking and trying to peel his gaze away from the beautiful way your breasts pushed together. Were you even wearing a bra? Did he forget to turn the heat up?
You saw Santi visibly jump when he looked over at Maria. Had he been staring at you? You didn’t realize until you looked up and thought you’d seen his eyes on you. Heat rose to your cheeks.
“Yeah baby?” He asked, raising his eyebrows toward Maria.
“Can you pass the butter?” He sucked in a deep breath, “yeah, here you go.” He handed it to her. “So…” he said your name, “Maria tells me that you’re going through a breakup?” He raised his dark brows when he looked at you.
“Um…” You felt awkward talking about it in front of him. You didn’t know why she always had to make your business everyone’s business. “Yeah. I’d rather not talk about it though.”
“Those boys your age are the worst. Trust me.” He bit into his food, and you did the same.
You smirked, “yeah, I think the next guy I date should be someone older. I’m sick of boys.”
Santi almost choked on his food, having to remind himself to chew before he swallowed his piece of steak whole. He passed a glance at you, your eyes met. You could see what was happening. It had never occurred to you, having an interest in your best friend’s dad, but he was very handsome. You licked your lips before breaking eye contact and looking back down at your plate.
Maria took the conversation away, going on about her new business class, which she hadn’t had a chance to tell you about earlier. Neither you or Santiago were listening. You were thinking about this weird feeling you had. You’d never thought about him like that before, but now you were remembering all the times you’d seen him at the pool, or coming out of the shower with nothing but a towel around his waist.
Mr. Garcia…
At some point during the meal, you looked over and noticed Santi looking at you, and you quickly looked away, not sure what he was looking at you for. There was no way that he felt the same, right? This was just a silly crush forming, nothing serious. This was one of those things that young adults did right? It was just foolish.
You gulped down some more water, trying to clear your thoughts, but then clumsily dropped it on the table, and the water trailed off into Santi’s lap.
“Shit.” You muttered, grabbing your napkin and quickly rushing over.
You had been so worried about the fact that you spilled the liquid on him, that you didn’t think about how inappropriate it probably was to be patting your friend’s dad’s thigh. Santi was in shock, sitting there immobile at your quick hands patting over his lap in repetition. His thoughts were dirty, filthy even. You were so sweet, not realizing the effect you had on him at that moment.
All at once you felt the heat rise to your cheeks and you dropped the towel in his lap.
“I’m-uh-I’m really sorry.” You stepped back, finally realizing the awkwardness you’d caused.
“No it’s…” He caught your gaze with an intense stare. “It’s fine.” His eyes lingered on yours for a second too long before he looked back down at his lap. “I’m gonna go change.” He dropped the towel on the table.
“Mr. Gar-I mean, Santi, I’m really-”
“It’s fine, it’s just water. Maria, clean up please.” He stood up and rushed away quickly.
He ran to his room and slammed the door behind him, pressing his back to the wall. His breathing was staggered and heavy. He locked the door and unbuttoned his wet pants. When you’d spilled the water and then rushed over, pressing your hands and towel to his thigh, you’d brushed up along his cock. He always thought you were a pretty girl, but he also always stopped it at that. Any further thought would have been downright inappropriate.
He couldn’t help himself now though. He pulled down his boxer-briefs and jeans and stepped out of them. His cock was aching, standing erect, already leaking from the head. His hand fisted around it. You’d hardly touched him, but then again, it had been so long since he’d felt anyone’s grip besides his own. He spit into his hand, lubricating his palm so it would glide over the length of his member. For a second he thought about you, and how much he’d love to feel you-
“Fuck.” He said to himself alone.
He removed his hand from himself, and stood there for a while letting his cock soften. He couldn’t go on thinking like that. He couldn’t possibly imagine himself jerking to completion at the thought of his daughter’s best friend. Yes, you were an adult, but you were so much younger than him, it wasn’t right. He couldn’t bear what his daughter would think\ if she found out. She would hate him. Not to mention, a girl like you, who looked the way you did, probably wouldn’t even be interested in someone like him, nevermind the fact that he was your friend’s dad.
“I’m gonna go check on him.” Maria said to you when Santi had been gone for quite some time. “Do you mind putting the dishes in the dishwasher? You can come up to my room when you’re done.”
“Yeah sure.” You said, starting to clear the table.
He was changed and in the hall by the time Maria came up. He asked where you were, and she told him you were loading the dishwasher. All too eagerly, he trekked down the stairs and headed for the kitchen. He was prepared to tell you that you didn’t have to finish and you could go right up to hang out with Maria, but when he saw you, or rather, your prominent rear, he couldn’t speak.
You were bent down, the bottoms of your cheeks were peeking out through the hem of your shorts. He ran a hand over his mouth while he stared shamelessly at you. The work he’d done to focus his cock into softening was all for nothing now. You were really testing his self control.
When you spun around, you saw Santi standing there. He jumped nearly five feet when you saw him, and you did the same. You grabbed the kitchen counter and breathed heavily.
“Jesus, Santi, I didn’t see you there.” You chuckled nervously. “You scared the shit out of me.”
He chuckled too, “likewise. You don’t have to do that, the dishes, I can finish up. Maria always finds a way to get out of doing the shit I ask her to.”
“Oh, it’s not a problem.” You said turning back around, slowly bending over and then standing to lift the dishwasher door closed. You were playing with fire. “Just tell me what button to-”
You felt his chest nearly touching you. He was close enough that the fabric of his shirt could be felt on the back of your bare arms. He reached over from behind you and pushed the buttons on the dishwasher to start it. You turned around, Santi was standing close to you. Your heart was thumping in your ears, deafening you.
Santiago looked down at your perfect chest, tits perky, nipples nearly grazing his shirt. You leaned in, he started leaning too. His fingers brushed over your cheek and he reached his hand behind the back of your head.
You heard your name called over the top of the stairs, “...are you coming?”
Santiago let out a sigh of defeat, and so did you. He dropped his arm to his side.
“I-I’d better go.” You breathed heavily, staring up at Santi’s eyes for a second before skirting around him and heading to the stairs.
What the fuck are you doing Santi? He asked himself.
Just ten minutes ago he had given himself a pep-talk about letting those thoughts go. When he saw your delicious ass on display when he came down those stairs though, he’d lost all semblance of reason. This wasn’t like him, but…you were looking at him like that, you were bending over like that.
Your brain was a mess while Maria rambled to you. You thought you were out of your mind when you scrambled to clean the water off of Santi’s lap at dinner and he looked into your eyes. You’d thought for sure that you made up the connection he had with you, but now you were certain. He was into you. There was no other reason for him to have been staring at you like that right? If he had just come down the stairs, he wouldn’t have jumped when you turned around, he’d been looking at you. Further, he had no reason to come up behind you like that to start the dishwasher, chest brushing against your spine. He’d leaned in, almost kissing you, right?
There was only one real way to confirm. It was eleven on the dot, and Maria was snoring to your left. You silently got out of her bed and left the room. You couldn’t be so bold as to go knocking on his bedroom door, you had to be more careful than that. Your throat felt a little dry, so you thought about getting a glass of water.
You couldn’t believe you were actually doing this in the hopes that Santiago Garcia, your best friend’s dad, would come down there and fuck you senseless. Surely you were mistaken. The more you thought about it, the more foolish it started to sound. That is, until you had a half full glass of water and a daring hand snaking around your hip.
He’d heard you sneak from Maria’s bedroom, and hoped that by making his move you wouldn’t scream or push him away. It was possible that you were into it, that you were just as desperate as he was. If that were the case, it wouldn’t be hard to just keep this little thing a secret, if that’s what he had to do to have you, even if only for one night.
“Having a hard time sleeping?” He asked, lips against your neck.
You gulped, letting out a short breath. “Y-yes.” You said softly.
His cock was pressing against your rear in a gentle churning motion, just enough to feel some friction. You didn’t move, you didn’t dare. Part of you was still trying to comprehend that this was real, and that your friend’s dad really wanted you. When you thought about him, his eyes, his lips, he was so good looking, you realized that you really did want him. That’s why you went down there in the first place, right? You put the glass down on the counter and gripped the granite surface for support.
“You can push me away. I know this is wrong.” He whispered.
“Mr. Garcia…” You said breathlessly.
All the times he told you to call him Santi, he had done it for Maria’s sake. He always loved hearing you call him Mr. Garcia. Maybe it was some weird kink in his head, but it made his cock pulsate with a fierce need whenever you said it.
His hand, large against your abdomen, trekked down into your shorts, you were soaked. He circled over your clitoris. You’d never been with someone his age, but you’d heard that older men knew what they were doing. His left hand reached up and cupped your breast.
“Did you forget your bra sweetheart?” He continued his circling motion around your sensitive bundle of nerves.
“N-no, I…oh…I didn’t wear one on purpose.” You said in a playful tone.
He snickered, “of course you didn’t, such a tease.”
He rutted his hips against you. There was still part of him telling him how wrong this was, but it felt so good he couldn’t stop himself. His middle finger slipped into the folds of your cunt, immediately drowning in the juices that had been leaking there since putting the dishes away. The way he kissed your neck, and the way his finger worked into you made you wish you’d slept with more men his age.
“You really know what you’re doing…” You said in between your needy panting.
“Yes, hermosa, I’ll take care of you.”
You threw your head back against his shoulder and gripped the edge of the counter so hard your knuckles ached. His lips latched on to your throat, sucking the skin there tenderly. You felt another one of his thick fingers slip into your hole, pumping in and out of you. You were trying to keep yourself from making too much noise, but it felt too good. 
“Sh, you want us to get caught?” He said through clenched teeth.
“No Mr. Garcia.” You managed to choke out.
“Then you’d better learn to keep that pretty little mouth quiet cariño.”
He was fingering you fast now, so fast that you were struggling to hold on to the countertop anymore and so you let go, allowing his strong arms to keep you in place. You felt full, but not full enough. You wanted more. You needed more.
“I want you to fuck me Mr. Garcia, please.” You begged. “Fuck me.”
Though he was thoroughly enjoying fingering you, he was glad you said something, because he was seconds from losing it in his sweats, and he would rather lose himself in your sweet cunt. He turned you around to the island counter and bent you over the granite. You quickly pulled your shorts down around your thighs, and you felt his thick cock as he wasted no time readying it at your hole.
“Are you sure about this sweetheart?” He asked, holding the head there at your entrance.
“Yes, please, I need it.” You said desperately.
“It might hurt a little, just say something if it does, ok?” He pressed a hand over your back and then pushed himself through until his hips were flush against your rear.
You reached and grabbed the other side of the island counter for stability.
“That’s a good girl, just hold on tight like that.” He brought both of his hands down to land a bruising grip on your hips.
“S-Santi.” You moaned, “You’re so big, holy-” 
It wasn’t painful, and it felt good to have him gliding over your walls. He looked down, reveling in the way your hole split over his cock. He grunted, thrusting into you, his skin slapped against your rear. Nothing had ever felt like you did, so warm, so tight, it didn’t even matter to him that you were his kid’s friend anymore. He just wanted to hear you screaming his name until you could hardly breathe.
“Fuck, cariño, you have such a nice little pussy. So wet and ready for me. Have you been thinking about me all night?” He said in a whisper between his deep moans.
“Y-yes.” You admitted. “I wanted to feel your cock Mr. Garcia.”
“Of course you did sweetheart.” His thrusts were getting faster. “Is that why you bent over doing those dishes like that? Huh? Were you hoping your best friend’s dad would come down the stairs and catch you shaking your ass like a little tease?”
“Fuck, yes.” You felt your core heating as your climax closed in.
“You’re such a naughty little girl, gonna fill you with my cum sweetheart.” His thrusting became jagged and stuttering, and his breathing turned into hushed grunts as he started to shoot his hot ropes into you.
“Yes…” You said, feeling your own orgasm peak.
You gushed over him, cunt squeezing the life from his hard length. It was hard to keep quiet, despite knowing you should. Maria was right upstairs and as long as she was still sleeping, she wouldn’t have heard your whimpering cries while your pussy contracted over her dad’s thick cock. She wouldn’t have heard your cracked voice say his name like a prayer while your knuckles strained over the countertop.
He stepped back, letting his cock and cum spill out of you. You heard some shuffling and then felt him using a towel to clean your cunt and your thighs.
“Squeeze it out for me sweetheart.” He demanded.
You did, feeling gobs of hot white ejaculate falling out into the paper towel Santi held between your thighs. Your legs were still shaking while you held on to the granite tightly. You couldn’t believe you had actually done that with him. It’s not like you hadn’t had the opportunity to do it many times during visits before, this time was different though, this time he had been so bold and desperate. He was irresistible.
“There’s a good girl.” He said as he finished cleaning you up.
You pulled your shorts up and turned to him. His face was flush with color, curls disheveled. He placed a soft kiss on your lips. His eyes looked at you with a near drunken hooded gaze. You wished that you could be held now, even for a few moments before having to leave, but you knew your time together was over, for now.
“Run to bed now.” He said.
When you turned, you were met with a quick smack on your rear before you bounded over the stairs to join your friend in her bed once again. You could only hope, with breath-stilling anticipation, that you would get to spend more time with him again some day.
Part 2
Triple Frontier Masterlist
bfd!Santi Masterlist
TAGLIST (please let me know if you would like to be added or removed): @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction, @my-secret-shame, @thatmomwitchfriend, @alexxavicry, @welcometostayingawake, @jake-g-lockley, @campingwiththecharmings, @steven-grants-world, @lia275, @minigirl87, @ahookedheroespureheart, @in-between-the-cafes
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Welcome to my Masterlist 💌
hi, i'm murphy. my requests are always open - feel free to send any ideas or thoughts you have - i'll always read them all.
note - all of my fics are reader insert. no use of y/n. i don't write for real people, only characters <3
Last Updated - August 24th
❁ - over 1k notes
✯ - a series
Characters I Write For.
500 Follower Celebration Masterlist. 3k Celebration Masterlist. Valentines Masterlist. 5k Celebration Masterlist.
Moodboard Masterlist. My Ao3.
 ⊹   ✫    ·    ✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵   .  ✦ *   ⋆    .  ✵    
Top Gun: Maverick
Jake 'Hangman' Seresin
The Orange. ❁
You and Jake share an orange. He's in love with you.
For Eternity. (Part 2 of The Orange.)
You and Jake share an orange. He's never loved you more.
North Star. ❁
It's New Year's Eve. Jake is tired of waiting.
I Know Places.
Jake always joked that he'd kill for you. One fateful day, he does just that.
Jake 'Hangman' Seresin & Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw
Why Choose?
A drunken game of spin the bottle gets a little heated. Why choose, when you can have both?
Mickey 'Fanboy' Garcia
Dr Cupid.
Mickey Garcia passes out in hospitals. Luckily, this time there's a pretty nurse there to catch him.
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
Bucky Barnes
Lessons in Love. ❁
Bucky didn't believe in love at first sight. Then he met you.
Honey Girl. ✯❁
The Universe shows you your soulmate when it feels like you need them most. When you least expect it, you're given yours - Bucky Barnes. Your dad's best friend. You can try to refuse it all you like; but the universe wants what it wants. There's no denying fate.
Trick or Treat.
You love Halloween. Bucky loves you.
Rest Had Seemed The Sweetest Thing.
Bucky's slowly learning that love isn't a finite resource. aka, Bucky's first Christmas.
Letters to the Moon.
Steve is gone. The love you and Bucky have for him isn't.
You meet Bucky and Steve while on the run. The three of you quickly learn that nothing is more violent than love.
Frank Castle
There's Always Tomorrow.
Frank knows you better than you know yourself. It's a blessing and a curse.
Multi Talented. ❁
Frank shows you exactly what you deserve.
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
Criminal Minds
Luke Alvez
Wherever You Are. That's Where Home Is.
Luke might be a mind reader. Only with you, though.
Vice. ❁
Everyone on the team has their vices. It just so happens that yours is sat across the table looking at you.
Spencer Reid
Web of Lies. ✯
Spencer Reid has always been good at keeping secrets. You just never thought he'd keep one from you.
Cowboy!Spencer ✯
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
Javier Peña
Self Control. ❁
Javi keeps refusing himself what he wants. One night puts everything into perspective.
Yes, Mr President.
There's an endless amount of things you shouldn't do as the President of the United States. Defiling the Oval Office is definitely one of them.
Western Nights. ✯
You don't expect to bump into your dad's best friend Javier in a church basement on the outskirts of town. You also didn't expect to fall in love with him. Life seems to be full of surprises - and Javier was the biggest surprise of all.
Jealousy, Jealousy. ❁
Javier Peña doesn't share.
Two Murphy's and a Peña.
Javier knows Steve's sister is off limits. He's never been one to follow the rules.
After Hours.
You and Javier are stuck in the office in the middle of a heatwave. You're hot in more ways than one.
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
Triple Frontier
Time. ❁
You get shot in Colombia. Frankie, Benny, Santiago and Will each have their own ways of helping you heal.
Tethered. ❁
The lines of friendship blur when you’re this close. Also known as - each of the times you’ve kissed Benny, Frankie, Santiago and Will.
You're not good at keeping secrets from the boys. Turns out, Will isn't either.
Home Is Where The Heart Is.
They say home is where the heart is. Your heart belongs to the four boys you call your best friends. Also known as - four important times the guys told you they loved you.
Will Miller
Champagne Fuelled Confessions.
You come home drunk, and have something burning you need to tell Will.
Best Friend's Brother.
You've known Benny for years. You've had a crush on his brother Will for years, too.
Frankie Morales
Find You.
A bad date brings Frankie Morales to your door at the perfect time.
Rain Soaked Romantic.
Frankie will run across town in the rain if it means finally telling you how he feels.
Santiago Garcia
This Is The Way It Always Goes.
Santiago always comes crawling back. You convince yourself this is the last time - but you both know that's not true.
Precious Girl.
A chance meeting with your Dad's best friend at 2am.
Benny Miller
Ben needs a way to work off his post match energy. You.
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
The Last of Us
Joel Miller
Pretty When You Cry. ❁
Joel realises his morals are fucked. You realise you like it.
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
Stewy Hosseini
Clandestine. ✯
You and Stewy know it's wrong. So why, pray tell, does it feel so right?
Fully Clothed.
Being Stewy's assistant has its perks.
Stewy's actions have unexpected consequences.
You've been waiting all day for Stewy to get home. He loves it.
Play Pretend.
The classic fake dating trope, with a twist.
The Place Where It All Began.
You reunite with Stewy at your high school reunion. Turns out, he's been waiting for you, all this time.
The thrill of being caught makes it all the more exciting.
Kendall Roy
Me and You.
You quit as Kendall's assistant. He's been waiting for this day.
Illicit Affair.
You're Matssons wife. You're also in love with Kendall Roy.
Forced Proximity.
The classic only one bed trope, this time with your emotionally unavailable boss.
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
The Bear
Carmen Berzatto
The Roommate Collection. ✯❁
A collection of fics based on being roommates with Carmen.
Everything is the same. Nothing has changed. Everything has changed. Nothing is the same.
Carmen. ❁
Carmen. Your Carmen.
Denial. ❁
Carmy can’t keep pretending.
Inspired by that picture of JAW in a crop top.
Perfectionist. ❁
Your boyfriend being a professional chef has its perks. Especially when it comes to gingerbread houses.
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
Evan Buckley
Lightning Strike. ❁
The two of you deal with the aftermath of Bucks trauma.
Fire Hazard. ❁
The story of your firehouse nickname - and Buck unable to handle you in a sundress.
Evan Buckley & Eddie Diaz
The Look of Love. ❁
You, Buck and Eddie are absolutely, undeniably, head over heels in love with each other. It seems like everyone can see it except for the three of you.
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
Sons of Anarchy
Jax Teller
Heatwave. ❁
You cut Jax's hair. He can't keep his hands to himself.
Sundress Season. ❁
It’s sundress season. Jax can’t keep his hands to himself (again).
Filip 'Chibs' Telford
Teach Me How to Ride. ❁
Chibs is teaching you how to ride (in more ways than one).
You and Chibs have been walking the line for a little too long.
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
Two Can Play That Game.
You’re cheating on Patrick. You’re not proud of it, but it just… happened. Patrick’s cheating on you, too. He never meant for it to happen, but it just… did. Imagine the surprise from both of you when you find out that Art Donaldson is caught up right in the middle.
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
Steve Harrington
Cherry. ✯❁
The lines of friendship get a little blurry, one unassuming Friday night in December.
Someone Borrowed, Someone Blue.
An engagement party, your childhood best friend, one too many glasses of champagne. What could go wrong?
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justafandomgvrl · 9 months
Santiago Garcia x Reader
Word count - 500ish
Flufffff. Santi is a hot dad.
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You answer the door as the bell rings repeatedly, your three month old son in your arms. Your glare fades into a smile when you see Benny, Will, Gracie and Frankie all dressed in Christmas sweaters and hats.
“You guys have never rung the bell before. All of you forgot your keys?” You tease. Benny sticks his tongue out at you as Santi joins you at the door. The three men and the five year old girl begin to sing terribly but it seems to make Alex smile and anything that makes your son happy is good enough for you. He giggles excitedly and all the singing stops. Your son’s first laugh and it's because of three dopes and one kid dressed in ugly jumpers and butchering Christmas songs. Your eyes light up and you gesture for them to continue, Santiago squeezing your hip as he watches Alex grow even more giddy. Santiago looks at you as Alex plays with your hair and even though he didn’t think it was possible, he falls even more in love with you.
When the four are done singing, they pile into your house. Benny kisses the top of your head, Will kisses your cheek, Frankie kisses your temple, and they all coo at Alex on the way past. Gracie hugs your legs and begins to babble excitedly about her first Christmas with ‘her baby brother’. Santiago closes the door, rolling his eyes in fond exasperation. You pass Alex to Frankie as Gracie demands your attention. Santiago watches Frankie and Alex with concern that he knows he doesn’t need but he can’t help it. Frankie and Santiago disappear into the kitchen and your brow furrows, hating not having Alex in your sights. Gracie squeezes your hand.
“Daddy is good with kids. Alex’ll be okay for a few minutes.” She mumbles and you smile at her.
“When did you get so smart?” You whisper, taking the comb she offers you and she slides to sit in front of you, sitting as you begin to comb through her hair and hum a lullaby to her.
“So, how are you keeping up?” Frankie asks and Santiago grins, taking Alex and cradling him.
“I didn’t know if I’d be a good dad, Fish. But there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for him. And… well, she’s the best mom I’ve ever known.” Santi says and Frankie grins at him as Alex babbles incoherently. “You want your mama, huh? I get it, I can’t stand to not be with her either.” He looks up at Frankie again. “It’s hard, sure. But it’s amazing.”
When they re-enter the room, you look up and smile at Santiago holding Alex, Gracie’s hair split into multiple braids. Santiago eases Alex back into your hands and when he watches your eyes light up as you whisper to him, he knows he has everything he’s ever needed. Benny and Will grin at Frankie as he sits with them and you put on a stupid Christmas movie to keep Gracie occupied.
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romanarose · 2 years
Words of Affirmation with the Triple Frontier Boys
Triple Frontier Master List
Acts of Service Physical Touch Quality Time
Summary: Thoughts on the Triple Frontier boys expressing their love for you through words of affirmation, and you giving love in return.
Warning: Smut, dirty talk, praise kink, mild degradation (it's santi what can I say), some basic stuff like self doubt, insecurity etc. If I ever miss anything lmk!!! Thank you to my love @welcometostayingawake for helping me with this, and for always talking Leather and Lace with me! A lot of thee are influenced by my personal HC's in the Leather and Lace universe. One of these days I'll do a LaL love languages post, all the guys and then Laci and Jana, then do Lorelei (Will's girlfriend) and Cameron (Benny's boyfriend) as they join our story.
Will Miller
William John Miller is a quiet man; drastic contrast to his brother, but you love him dearly for it. He is your peace, a rock in the storm. Will prefers to let you do most of the talking. He'll listen about your day, and pay very close attention to your friend drama (how does he keep track of three different people named Grace? You'll never know). But don't confuse this for thinking he doesn't tell you how much he loves you. He may not be the best with words, but he never forgets to remind you how pretty he thinks you are. Will is very, very observant, this comes from how he grew up; needing to keep an eye on his dad's behaviors to prevent an outburst, and having to monitor Ben, keeping him from spiraling, but in the safety he felt in you, he used these skills in his favor. Will always noticed when something changed.
"Oh I like what you did with your make up today, did you get a new make up pallet?" "Is this a new dress? It looks great" "I love how you made this sauce, you added extra mushrooms, you remembered my favorite!" * Will isn't the most vocal in bed. He's not quiet, he always lets you know how apricated you are: appreciative moans, muttering about how beautiful you are, and soft praises about how good you are for him as he takes care of you after sex. You begin to notice how much the sounds you make and words you say spur him on. He holds his breath as you speak, you can hear a rumble in his chest when you moan. He likes to know how good he makes you feel.
"Just like that baby, perfect, you know my body so well" "Always make me feel so good, always make me feel safe" "Do whatever you want to me, I trust you, I trust you to take care of me always, sweetheart"
Santiago Garcia
Santiago Garcia will not shut the fuck up in bed. It would be annoying if he wasn't so goddamn good at it, sometimes you think you can come just from him speaking to you. And when he speaks in Spanish?!?! It doesn't even matter if you can understand him, although you know some key phrases and terms of endearment, oh my god, so many terms of endearment. His hands match his words, touching, touching, touching as he murmurs appreciation, his words interrupted by his devouring of your skin. He's frantic, as if he's afraid if he ever stops, you'll leave. He directs you, praises you, orders you along, knowing exactly what you need to hear, when to call you a needy slut, when to call you his perfect girl.
"God, you take my cock so well, so fucking good, mi amor" "Little whore needs my cock in her at all times? Hm? That's okay, I'm happy to fill you up just the way you like, you feel so perfect" "That's it, come for me, you look so pretty like this, so fucking wrecked" * He doesn't know how to stay. Santiago is completely unsure what it looks like in a long-term relationship, in domesticity. But at his heart, his grumpy old man heart, Santi is a caretaker. You notice how he lights up when you thank him, when you compliment the food he makes, and it's not that he likes when you're sick, he doesn't like when you feel bad, but he absolutely relishes in the chance to take care of you. Santi likes to know the small things he does don't go unnoticed, and you never hesitate to tell him, making sure he knows he's absolutely doing things right.
"Thank you for getting the groceries today, Santi, you even remembered everything I asked for!" "I love when you spend time with my siblings and cousins, it makes me happy that you want to get to know the people I love." "I appreciate that you always change the oil on my car and do maintenance, it's nice not to have to worry about it, takes a lot off my mind"
Francisco Morales
Throughout Frankie's life, he didn't have much stability, and that bled into his relationships; one by one, they fell apart. He was terrified of losing you, so he constantly made sure to tell you how much he loved you. You relished these moments with him, lazy Sunday mornings sprawled out in bed, gentle, loving sex as he whispers how much he loves you, dozing off again as you lay on his chest, the morning only interrupted as he got up to make coffee. When he crawled back under the covers, he brought you your cup, complimenting how lovely you looked in the morning sun, when you were certain you looked like Anna when she woke up in Frozen. He feels unworthy of you, and makes sure you always know how special you are to him.
"I could wake up to this sight every day, I never want to see anything but your pretty face." "Tu eres el amor de mi vida, my everything, I love you so fucking much" "I'm so lucky to have you, make me so happy every fucking day" *
You know Francisco feels insecure, that he worry's you'll leave him like most others have. So, you try to give him reminders whenever you can. Texts throughout the day saying how much you missed him and can't wait to go home, buying a dry erase marker to write messages on the bathroom or bedroom mirror for him to stumble on, leaving sticky notes in the lunch you pack. You try to not only remind him of your love, but the love of others that surround him, hoping he'll learn that he isn't a bourdon, but rather is highly adored.
"Miss you baby, don't watch Downton Abbey without me 😡🔫(this is a threat). Jk Jk, love you" "You're a good husband, a good dad, and a good friend, we're so lucky to have you in our lives." "Have a great day Frankie! Have fun with the guys, I bet they're so happy to spend the weekend with you. I'll miss you, but it makes me so happy when you have fun!"
Benjamin Miller
Benny was a bragger, through and through. What really got you was that he bragged about you when you weren't even listening. It's not that you snooped, you never would, but there's been times you go to bring him and Will some snacks and he's telling him about how you stood up for yourself to your parents or you accidently see Ben's group chat with the guys and he's saying how you 'sucked the life out of him' last night, in his words. It made you smile. In a life where you find those you love talking bad about you, it was nice to know he only ever spoke adoringly when you weren't looking. Benny Miller was one of the good ones, to be sure. But he didn't just brag to others, he constantly told you how proud he was of you, from the big wins to the smallest stuff, it was amazing the things that boy could turn into a celebration, benefits of a positive outlook.
"You got an A on your paper, that's amazing!! I never doubted you for a second, you're so smart, ever thought about going on jeopardy? You'd blow them all away" "You meme got 10 retweets, it's really doing the numbers today. I told you that you were fucking hilarious." "You're coming for me again? You're fucking amazing baby, always such a good girl for me" * You are well aware how much Benny craves attention, having never grown up with it. Always in Will's shadow and his dad abuse, Benny often acted out just to get some sort of attention, positive or not. You try your best to encourage him in his interests and hobbies as well never make him feel bad for spending time with those he loves that aren't you (and boy, does mr. sunshine has a lot of people he loves). You know his family, found and biological, is an extension of him, and the bonds he formed in the military are a part of who he is, so you do your best to listen to him and encourage those friendships.
"Of course, Santiago can come over for the game! Who is playing? Do you like those teams?" "I know today is hard since it's the anniversary of Tom's death, would you like to tell me about him? Maybe some fun stories?" "You did so good at you're fight baby! And look at the guys, their cheering so loud, I bet Will is so fucking proud right now!"
********************** Here is part threeeeeee! Less sad than some of the others. I had a lot of fun with this one! It was a challenge to try and get them to all express differently, but I think they are fairly accurate. I have specific head canons that may or may not be accurate, but the kind of stuff you see here is v applicable to within Leather and Lace, as I have versions of all the guys in my head within that universe lol. I hope you enjoy, be sure to check out my Joel Miller short series Darkness on the Edge of Town, and my TF series Awakening bc I just hit 500 followers, part of my celebration is a Benny X Santi chapter which I should be getting out this week!
@welcometostayingawake @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @kittyofalltrades @luciannadraven33 @littlenosoul @jake-g-lockley @milkymoon2483 @in-between-the-cafes @howaboutcastiel
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psychedelic-ink · 2 years
kinktober '22 ║ XIV
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pairing: dbf!santiago garcia x f!reader
genre: smut, minors dni
word count: 1.4k
summary: santi comes to your room for a visit at 3 AM.
warnings: dad's best friend santiago, dry humping, quiet sex, dirty talk, squirting, breeding kink in the form of speech, biting, fingering
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If a needle so happened to fall, it would echo within the silent house with ease. You left your door slightly open before you head to bed. Your parents are sound asleep and when you glimpse at the dimmed screen of your phone you see that it’s nearing 3 AM. You place the phone on the bedside table a bit louder than you intended, Santiago was in town and came for a visit. Beer and wine bottles were opened, a fine feast that all of you enjoyed to the fullest. While you drank your full, you constantly felt Santiago’s eyes constantly moving along your frame. It made you feel heated, especially since your parents were also there. 
You half expected him to come visit you in the silence of night, which is why you have a perpetual pout on your face. Maybe you should just go to sleep. If he was going to come he would’ve by now. With a sigh you rub your eyes with the heel of your palms–
And that is exactly when the door creaks open, silent footsteps crawling inside your bedroom. 
You flinch, for a moment your brain tricks you into thinking it might be someone breaking in. But when you see the familiar curls of pepper and salt, you relax back into the sheets. The street light casts a soft yellow hue across his tanned skin, he slowly pushes the door closed. He smiles as he takes a seat on the bed, his hand immediately finding the curve of your thigh. 
“Sorry I’m late,” he whispers, hand sliding up your leg, your breath hitches. “Your dad wanted one last drink,” 
“Oh?” you say, throat unbelievably dry. “I thought he already went to sleep,” 
Silence fills the void between you two, you attempt to swallow with hopes to bring some relief to yourself. But you’re too focused on the hand now massaging your thigh, this isn’t your first time with him, and you doubt it’ll be the last. Noticing the way your eyes linger on his hand, he moves towards the wall and pulls you to his lap. He’s wearing gray sweatpants and you wearing a pair of comfortable –but rather short– pajama bottoms. Your hands on his broad shoulders, you experimentally grind down, the shaft of his cock digging between your clothed folds. You let out a whimper, thighs already starting to tremble. 
Santiago guides the sloppy roll of your hips, his fingers slowly sneaking under your loose shirt and stroking the warmth of your skin. You echale a  shuddered breath, nails biting into his skin. 
“Always so eager for me,” he hums, lifting his hips and pulling you down on to him, you squeal. “I think I can make you come like this pretty girl, but you need to be silent,” 
“Easier said than done,” 
Your breathing is shallow, barely keeping it together as wetness grows between your legs. You can feel him getting bigger with every roll of your hips. Your short shorts pushed up by the movements of your hips, he squeezes the tender flesh of your ass and leans closer, brushing his lips against yours. He doesn’t kiss you, and that alone sends a spike of hunger through you. With hooded eyes, you attempt to move closer to him but he movies away, his lips still only a millimeter away. Santiago grins, an expression so beautiful yet aggravating. He angles his hips so that his length brushes against your aching clit, when it does you moan into his mouth, your lungs collapsing in on themselves as you fall forward, your forehead snug against his.
He tusks, a large hand covering your mouth. 
“You gotta be silent bonita, do you want your dad to hear how well you’re grinding down on me?” 
“Then be silent,” he hisses, lips touching your earlobe. His other hand sneaks between your legs, fingers adding to the pressure. You jump, nostrils flaring as a choked out moan gets absorbed into his palm. “You’re so fucking wet, I want you to make a mess– Can you do that for me? Will you make everything all nice and wet for me?” 
Eyes wide, you nod eagerly, movements becoming uneven. His thumb stays on your clit, drawing quick circles as he continues to guide you, canting his clothed hips into your drenched pussy. Another whimper seeps into his palm, the same hand slides to the back of your head, pushing you forward as he clashes your lips together. He swallows your moans, your whimpers. He always treats you so well. Your hands shakily make a nest at his chest, fingers trembling as they grip the soft fabric of his shirt.
Fear circulates your pleasure induced mind, something big is building up, something devastating. He licks into your mouth, unaware of your nearing breakdown. Tears flood your eyes, thighs tensing as you start to bounce up and down, growing desperate. Santiago smiles into the kiss, swallowing another moan. You feel him pressing his lips into you harder, he’s consuming you, every noise, every breath– You understand why when his fingers sneak up from the corner of your shorts, he feels your wetness bare, slick dripping down all the way to his wrists. 
“Did you finger yourself before I came to your room?”
Your tongue unable to form the words, you only shake your head. His eyes roll back as he tilts his head, jaw clicking, the pads of his fingers roughly start to move against your clit. Before you can scream out, he shoves your face into his neck, you inhale his scent. He smells of gunpowder which does nothing other than stir you on. 
“Baby you feel so good, your pussy feels so good– Can’t believe you’re this fucking wet– I hate that I can’t fuck you full of me,” 
You groan into his neck, pussy clenching around nothing, more slick gushing out of your needy cunt. When you speak, your teeth move along his skin. 
“Fuck, say that again Santi,” 
“Say what?” His voice is dangerously low, laced with something dark and sinister. “You want me to tell you how badly I wish I could cum inside of you? How I want to fuck you stupid, then watch my cum dripping out of you? Fuck– I want it so bad bebita, I curse everyday that we didn’t meet somewhere else. If we did, this pussy would be full already,” 
Your moans gradually becoming louder, it takes you everything not to bite into his skin. Your whole body is shuddering as if you’re left in snow, pleasure raking across your skin and a flame burning your inside with the skillful movement of his fingers. 
“You’re being loud again,” he rasps, pinning your hips down into his with an especially rough hold. “You can bite me, I don’t care,” 
And you do. 
He hisses at the sharp pain but is quick to ignore it, you know that he’s felt more pain than this; a bullet wound, a knife gash across his chest– But still, you can’t help but tentatively lick the dents you make after each time he makes you want to scream. 
Your orgasm hits you harder than anything has ever before. It’s intense. A shattering feeling that makes you almost draw blood from the man underneath you. You feel the way he clenches his jaw, every muscle taut as he helps you ride out your orgasm, the movements of his hips tender and fingers drawing slower circles. 
When you finally settle down a bit, you pull away, he follows you and meets you halfway with a sloppy kiss. He removes his hand from underneath and strokes between your legs, your shorts are completely drenched, soaked with your own slick. You hiss out a breath, still sensitive from the intensity of your orgasm. 
“What about you?” you whisper into his lips. 
“Don’t worry about me. I’m perfectly happy to just be feeling you like this,” 
You hum, a lazily smile stretching across your lips. 
“I wish you didn’t have to go,” 
Without saying anything Santiago grabs your phone, his face lights up as he checks the time. 5 AM. 
“We have time,” he mutters. He slides down into a laying position and hugs your flush against his body. “We drank a lot, I doubt anyone will be up at six,” 
“Yeah, me too…” 
You fall asleep with the feeling of Santiago’s fingers scratching your scalp, the last thing you remember is the sound of him humming a spanish song. 
When you wake up he’s not there, the sound of breakfast being prepared coming from downstairs.  
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itspdameronthings · 7 months
Here is a preview of my tribute fic to honor a fellow writer who inspired me to write. ( Along with @autumnleaves1991-blog )@aellynera loved Oscar . One of her favorite characters was Santiago Garcia. This fic deals with him grieving. @aellynera this is for you buddy. RIP
Wish people would stop asking how I am doing. Want to be alone! Let me fucking be! Let me grieve in my own way! Others never lose the love of their life like me. My Alleycat. One of a kind. Talented writer . Yeah. She loved to write short stories. Did that to take her mind off her illness. I found out about it four years ago when she would get sick a lot. Doctors ran test after test. Until … she was in a coma! Scared me half to death. Prayed for more time with her. Wishing Columbia never happened. Took me away from her! God! Why ! Why you called her home so fucking soon! Took my dad ( Which I didn't have to say goodbye to!) Took me years to get past the hurt. Feel so alone! What now!? 
Haven't left our room since the funeral. That was the hardest thing to do. Say bye to my heart. Others are part of me. My Ying to my Yang. Treasure the moments we shared last year from going to a Broadway show in New York that stars her favorite actor. Okay, I saw why she likes him. Told me he looks like me. Smile at the memory. Oh Ally girl, wished we had more time together. Make even more memories together baby. Always remember your last birthday. Get to see you smile . Oh that smile. Lights the room. 
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eyelessfaces · 8 months
santiago garcia is a girl dad
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