#santina on/off romantic (not romantic just friends who love each other so much they need to kiss about it always)
Okay I need your ultimate gay crack/non canon ship ranking for the following:
Faberry, Pezberry, Jonesberry, Brittchel, Quinntana, Quinncedes, Quinntina, Quitt, Santina, Sancedes, Karley, Marlique, Blam, Kelliott, Hevans, Pinn, Fam, Partie, Puckerlynn and Puckurt
you've given me quite the task, anon.
1. Faberry. my favorite glee ship of all time. I love them, they're adorable. they're literally my wallpaper.
2. Pezberry. their dynamic is UNMATCHED. the sexual tension? I- off the charts. they're so cute too, like they seem to genuinely like each other.
3. Blam. I don't even care anymore, I love them SOOO much. the support, the trust, the mutual respect?? UGH. CUTIES!
4. Marlique. cuties. they kissed, they linked pinkies, they have each other's backs, they're besties. girlfriends. 😘😘
5. Partie. yes, gimme that sweet sweet enemies to friends to lovers. their dynamic would be so cute oml.
6. Kelliott. super gay duets and off the charts chemistry. what's not to like?
7. Puckurt. I know a lot of people don't like them, but I am not one of those people lmao. I think that they're a super interesting pairing, and while I'm not sure that they'd last long as a romantic relationship, I live for the idea of them having a fling, or even a one sided crush on Puck's part.
8. Jonesberry. rivals to lovers? abbbbsolutely. gimme. Rachel practically came out as bisexual through a Jonesberry duet, soooo.
9. Karley. my guilty pleasure ship. I'll stand by my headcanon that Kitty is a lesbian who was acting out against her feelings for Marley until I die.
10. Puckerlynn. another guilty pleasure ship. I really like them.
11. Quinntina. cute. not much substance, but they're so cute that I literally don't care.
12. Quinncedes. I don't think that there was a romantic aspect to this relationship on Mercedes' end, but on Quinn's? I think it was Quinn's first crush on a woman that she was aware she had. Mercedes was Quinn's gay awakening.
13. Brittchel. childhood best friends that had a fling when they were little. Brittany would probably ask Rachel to make out with her in theit sophomore year, and they'd probably enjoy it. but I can't see it going beyond that. cute tho.
14. Santina. no strong feelings. they'd be hot af together. obviously. and Santana seems to like Tina more than she likes most of the Glee Clubbers, because she doesn't really go out of her way to insult Tina like she does everybody else, and she chose Tina to help write her song, so they must be moderately close. have they hooked up? absolutely. are they compelling romantically? eh.
15. Hevans. they lack the spice that I crave, but they're REALLY cute.
16. Pinn. as a relationship? no. as a one sided crush? absolutely. gimme it right NOW.
17. Sancedes. eh. besties? sure. I like them as besties, but I don't really get gay vibes off of them, though I do think that Santana would've hooked up with Mercedes in a heartbeat if Mercedes had asked her to.
18. Quinntana. I don't really like them. they're just fuckin' mean to each other, and then they had sex once. they're hot together, for sure, but other than that? nothing.
19. Fam. I saw a headcanon that Finn had a crush on Sam that he didn't know how to handle, and I find that premise pretty interesting. I don't hate it, but they don't spark anything within me.
20. Quitt. yes girl, give us nothing!
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Santana is SUCH a great character to multiship! She’s got fantastic options
she really is 🥰😍 santana has such a wonderful range of shipping partners and i am in awe of how great each and every one of her pairings is. 
quinntana have the most electric chemistry in the entire show. naya and dianna were the most talented actresses on glee, and because they matched each other in skill, they could pull off scenes involving a full range of emotions - from friendship to love to anger to lust to hatred and back to friendship again - and those women carried it all masterfully. also, both characters have so much potential to be explored, and quinntana fic writers (particularly if it’s an AU) usually utilize this potential to its fullest. 
pezberry is enemies to lovers excellence. i love their bond and i think their complicated dynamic is one of the most interesting things on the show. much like quinntana, i also believe these girls were cut from the same cloth (actually i believe fapezberry are all variations of each other in a way…but that’s off topic). rachel and santana’s growth from santana bullying rachel and rachel viewing santana as nothing but a cliche mean girl to the two of them being the sweetest NYC girlfriends roommates is so satisfying to me. and despite what everyone says, the feud did not ruin them - they were still alive and well in 5B and i like to think that they stayed that way past s6. also...they absolutely hooked up in the alternate universe that 5x08 is set in, i don’t make the rules 🤷🏻‍♀️
dantana is great because biphobia aside, demi and naya had really great chemistry, sounded fantastic together, and the potential of a dantana relationship is endless. if you want to explore santana as an individual instead of as one half of a romantic pairing, her dating dani works so well because dani is such a blank slate that she can easily be molded into whatever you need her to be for santana’s journey. also…if you wanna write some sweet, sweet pamela lansbury fic, dantana is absolutely perfect for that too :)
brittana was actually canon, and in the show itself, we got so many fantastic things about the ship. best friends to lovers!! their steadfast support and love for each other!! their absolutely adorable background moments!! their duets!! the way that they make each other happiest, and of course, the way that they see the best in each other, even when no one else was able to <3
santina is just...hot. i don’t have that much to say about it, but it’s hot as hell and would also make a great frenemy-like relationship after the two phone calls in s4. 
but anyway, anon, you’re so right. santana is THE multishippable character. not one of her pairings is bad and all of them have such incredible potential. props to all the creators who spend time bringing these pairings to life, i love y’all 🥰
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