#sao unital ring spoilers
thegayfromrulid · 1 year
Thrice Upon a Time
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Inventing a new ship tag for Day 6...Tiese/Ronye/Renly. I am unhinged. :3
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softboysora · 2 years
Chapter 5 of Unital Ring IV Volume 25 confused me who was talking but I did figure out it's going from Kazuto, Asuna and Kazuto POV again (sorry, I took it while I was on my bed)
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Does he really have the feeling of holding Eugeo's hand committed to memory. Does holding Eugeo's hand calm him down.
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shazzeaslightnovels · 2 months
Sword Art Online 28 Unital Ring 7
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Author: Reki Kawahara
Illustrator: abec
Label: Dengeki Bunko
Release Date: 7 June 2024
My Score: 3/5
English Release: Yen-press is currently releasing this series in English so check it out if the series interests you.
I've said it before and I'll say it again: Return to the Underworld should have been it's own separate arc instead of taking over the Unital Ring arc like it has. Maybe then, I would like it a lot more instead of feeling exhausted from all the separate plot lines going on at once and wishing this arc would end already. The timeline has gotten so confusing as well. There's a part in this volume where the Underworld part of the story ends on a reveal, and then the next chapter takes place in UR, and then the next chapter takes place in the real world with Asuna and Kirito having returned and I was very confused. To be fair, the ending of this volume does start to tie the two plotlines together at last, but I can't help but think there was a better way to do this.
One of the more intriguing bits about this volume is the inclusion of characters from other SAO media. Edith from the games makes an appearance, as does Mito from the Progressive movies (I'd consider these spoilers but they're in the colour illustrations, easily viewable on Amazon JP). I know absolutely nothing about Edith but she seems pretty cool from her appearance here. I was really happy to see Mito again because her existence as told in the Progressive movies doesn't fit well within the rest of the canon so I didn't think she'd show up in the main series. Mito was my favourite part of those movies so seeing her here reunited with Asuna was really nice. It also means that she's a SAO survivor which is relief given how many death flags she seemed to have had in those movies. She doesn't have a big part in this volume, but just seeing her was a win in my books.
I don't have much else to say about this volume. It is largely Underworld-focused which I did not care for, but it wasn't a terrible volume.
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I believe that Eolyne is Eugeo, but not in the way that you think he is. {{An in depth Theory}} -This is either 1000 IQ, or I’m losing my God Damn mind. You pick.
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Eolyne is a reincarnation of Eugeo, but they’re not exactly the same person. Eugeo is the core of who Eolyne is, but Eolyne is also a new fraction of Eugeo. He’s his own person. Because people change, they don’t remain the same. Eugeo might be the core of Eolyne, but Eolyne is also his own unique person and he’s lived a life all his own.
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Think of it like this, Eolyne is essentially an Integrity Knight in a way. His memories and feelings of Kirito have been locked away, but within Eolyne, Eugeo is still there - just dormant.
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Let’s talk about their fluctlight ids.
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Eugeo’s ID is NND7-6361
Eolyne’s ID is NCD1-13091
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Okay, so they’re very different, so like there’s no way they could be one in the same right? 
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Well interestingly enough, in the novel the Blue Rose Sword’s object id is:   DI:WSM:0131. 
_ _ {{The other id for the Blue Rose Sword we see is WLSS703, but in the light novel it’s: DI:WSM:0131. And since the novel is technically the true canon -because the anime did change things around and omit events, and such- we are going to go with the end all be all that the true ID for the Blue Rose Sword is  DI:WSM:0131.}}
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If you recall Eugeo became one with the sword so technically his fluctlight id would change, right? Meaning that his fluctlight would become one with the sword, I would think. 
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So wouldn’t that change some of Eugeo’s id to: DI:WSM:0131? -for the time he was merged with the sword, before and after his death.-
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Now if you look at Eolyne’s id you see it has the numbers: 13091
If you remove the 9 you get 1301.
If you move the numbers around from 1301 and you put 0 in the front, follow it up with 1, then 3, then 1 again you get
0131. -This matches the Blue Rose Sword’s ID. 
Now if you take the two 6′s in Eugeo’s fluctlight id and you add them together, you get 12! And if you subtract 12 by the number 3 in Eugeo’s fluctlight you get, you guessed it: 9!
And the number 9 is in Eolyne’s id.
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Now you ask: Well what about the 1 in Eugeo’s fluctlight at the end, if you subtract or add that to 9, then wouldn’t the number change to 8 or 10, instead of 9? Well there’s a simple explanation for that. 
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Eugeo and the Blue Rose Sword’s ids come together to make Eolyne’s id. 
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The system would take the two ids and merge them together, which means that some numbers could be dropped completely or added on, so the 1 in Eugeo’s fluctlight id was dropped and replaced with the 9 after adding 6 to become 12 and subtract the 3. Then the dropped 1 from Eugeo’s fluctlight id replaced the number 7 in NND7 to become NCD1.  _ _
So now you’ wonder, well what about how the middle N in NND7? How did that N change to a C to make NCD1?
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To answer your question...I actually don’t know. There’s no C in Eugeo’s fluctlight id or the object id of the Blue Rose Sword. My only guess is that the C is unique to Eolyne and Eolyne alone. It’s a unique difference, one single letter changed, to differentiate Eolyne from Eugeo.
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So... to get to the point:
Basically the system merged Eugeo and The Blue Rose Sword together as one, and that entity became Eolyne and the N to C letter change represents that even though Eugeo is the core base of Eolyne, Eolyne is his own person as well.
And I realize I might be reaching or looking too far into this, but it’s really too peculiar of a coincidence that taking Eugeo’s Fluctlight id and The Blue Rose Sword’s id and putting them together matches somewhat up with Eolyne’s fluctlight id - just that the we had to rearrange numbers, add and subtract some and swap out a letter to create Eolyne’s id.
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There’s also far too many coincidences to overlook that Eolyne and Eugeo are one in the same, but also different.
For one Kirito keeps remarking how similar Eugeo and Eolyne are. They both have blonde hair, their eyes are both green, it’s confirmed they share the same voice actor for crying out loud. And I bet once the mask comes off, we will see that Eolyne’s face is identical to Eugeo’s or nearly identical.
Now back to explaining how Eugeo and Eolyne can be one in the same, but also not the same and different. You see, Eolyne is his own person too. He’s lived his own life separate from the life he lived as Eugeo. But he will still have Eugeo’s memories and feelings from his past life.
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{{He might recover those memories or feelings sometime during The Novel and Anime, or they might remain dormant forever. But let’s just assume he’s going to regain those memories and feelings, and go from there.}}
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Eolyne is technically both Eugeo and not Eugeo at the same time, which is very contradictory. But if you take into the fact people change and become someone new every day, then it’s easy to overlook the contradiction. 
Eolyne is basically an anomaly in this way. The core of his fluctlight was built up from the remains of whatever was left of Eugeo and the Blue Rose Sword - but the other part of him is his very own unique part, not relating to Eugeo at all.
So I believe if/when Eolyne recalls his memories of his past life and the feelings that go along with it, he will either decide to live as he always has - as Eolyne, or Eugeo, or even both.
And that no matter who Eolyne chooses to live as, Kirito will accept and support his choice. Because Eugeo/Eolyne will always be Kirito’s best friend, no matter what life they’re in. And even if Eolyne decides to live just as Eolyne, he will still cherish and love Kirito just as Eugeo would have.
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{{Also it’s kind of ironically amazing isn’t it? That this theory here sort of parallels the theory that Kirito’s dual wielding is a metaphor for him being bi, while Eugeo becoming Eolyne can be a metaphor for a trans person transitioning. AKA Eugeo/Eolyne deciding to live as either Eugeo, Eolyne or both. Just like how a trans person can choose to live as a male, a female, both, or even niether.}}
{{I know a lot of people will argue with me on this front, but like you cannot deny that Kirito’s dual wielding can be a metaphor for bisexuality, and Eugeo’s {{possible}} reincarnation could be a metaphor for transitioning. Even if they’re not exact in terms of actual bisexuality and transitioning, the implications are definitely still there.}}
I know I’m probably reaching. I know this is probably just my desperate shipper heart of both romantic Yujikiri and platonic Yujikiri because I enjoy both - trying to confirm it to myself that Eugeo and Eolyne are the same, even though different. I am well aware of it. There’s probably several holes in my theory, and I accept that.
Just please let me have this, if nothing else. Please just let me believe that the creator Reki Kawahara knows what he’s doing and that he planned this all along, and I’ve cracked the case. _ _ To me it’s just too much of a coincidence, that you can mess around with the arrangement of the numbers, and the addition and subtraction of Eugeo’s fluctlight id and the Blue Rose Sword’s id to get Eolyne’s fluctlight id. Like that cannot just be by accident, if it is, then that's one hell of an accident. This would make Eolyne an entity that was created by fusing Eugeo and The Blue Rose Sword together as one living and breathing entity. {{But seriously, what are the chances of all this being just an accident?!}} 
In the words of Master Oogway:
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Also let’s not forget the fact that Eolyne basically said the very same thing Eugeo did when he met {{or rather was reunited with}} Kirito.
Which was: 
“Nice to meet you, Kirito-kun.”
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{{This seriously cannot just be a whole bunch of miraculous coincidences. You miss me with that!}} 
{{You gonna TELL ME? That Eolyne just happened to say the same thing Eugeo did when Kirito reunited with Eugeo? You’re gonna say that Kirito reuniting with Eolyne isn’t also him reuniting with Eugeo?! How could it be anything else?}}
It’s just like the question asked in Avatar The Last Air Bender: Do you believe friendships can transcend lifetimes?
If you want my answer: Yes, they can. Even if the second time around -or even the 3rd or 4th, or so on-, that person is not exactly the same person in their past life or lives, the truth of the matter is that the core part of them will always be the same - no matter how different they are from one life to the next. And it’s up to them to choose who they want to live life as.
 The very idea that Kirito and Eugeo’s friendship/relationship with one another could {{and possibly has}} transcended a lifetime...?
That my friends...
Is heartbreakingly beautiful in all the right ways.
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shima-draws · 4 years
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Oh, mysterious man, won’t you show me your face?
I know next to nothing about him but I love him already take all my money for peak character design
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storiesaremylife · 4 years
I cant believe Kikuoka is directly responsible for Kazuto being crushed under the weight if his homework
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sassaspazz · 4 years
I can't believe I found out Kirito's actual real name on Instagram. His legit birth name is Narusaka Kazuto. His in game name could have been Naruto.....
Ngl, I still prefer Kirigaya over Narusaka.
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itzflerxaydifridge · 4 years
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thegayfromrulid · 2 years
Reading SAO 24 in between doing other stuff and I feel whiplash between parts that make me wanna ugly sob and parts that make me laugh so hard I gotta explain stuff to my roommate.
People who hate Kirito—why tho?
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softboysora · 2 years
⚠️Spoiler for the LN⚠️
Did another edit that their pets looks like in the RW from Unital Ring arc
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shazzeaslightnovels · 4 years
Sword Art Online 24: Unital Ring 3
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Author: Reki Kawahara
Illustrator: abec
Label: Dengeki Bunko
Release Date:  9 May 2020
English Release: Yen-press is currently releasing this series in English so check it out if the series interests you.
SPOILER WARNING: I am not going to go into much detail about the events but due to the fact that I am going to have to talk about cover boy and he appears rather late, this post will contain late-volume spoilers. I’m also going to talk about the ending, though again, I’m not going to go into a lot of detail.
First off, let’s get this out of the way: cover boy does not appear until the last 100 pages of the volume and is really only there for 20 pages, at most. We do not find out if he is actually Eugeo or not in this volume. He’s probably only the cover for marketing purposes and I personally would have preferred an Argo cover instead.
Now, let’s talk about what actually does happen in the volume. This volume starts where the last one left off: with Argo and Kirito meeting Kikuoka. Kikuoka says that someone has managed to access the Underworld and they don’t know who, how or where but they request that Kirito, Asuna and Alice go to the underworld to investigate. Despite this, we don’t actually reach the underworld until after the half-way point. Instead, a lot of the first half is spent exploring the world of Unital Ring and resolving the plot point regarding Asuna’s birthday.
I do think that this is the weakest volume of Unital Ring so far but there were a few big highlights. The first is that we find out that Asuna now carries a knife around with her at all times just in case Kirito gets attacked again like he did at the start of Alicization. Kirito thinks it’s a bit excessive but, while Asuna agrees, she knows Kirito has a lot of enemies and she never wants to be helpless in that kind of situation again. If it happens, she will protect Kirito for sure. Kawahara usually doesn’t explore the trauma that these characters have so I love when he does and I love this for Asuna and I also love it for Kirisuna because it makes it clear that they are two different people who don’t always agree on everything.
The other part that I loved came at the end of the volume when, while in Unital Ring, the gang gets attacked by what they think are a group of bug-like monsters, along with a skeletal monster, but it turns out that they are actually players from that game that Yuuki mentioned back in Mother’s Rosario where you play as a bug and one of those happens to be Agil’s wife and they team up up to beat the skeletal monster so I thought that was cool. It gets even better as the volume ends on the revelation that the monster that everyone was fighting was actually The Skull Reaper, the boss of the 75th floor of Aincrad. This is an exciting twist and I’m interested to see where Kawahara takes it next volume.
As for the rest of the volume, the stuff inside Unital Ring was interesting enough but had a lot of explanations that got tiring after a while but Argo was there which made things much more easy to read. There was also an interesting part where Alice wonders what happened to all of the NPCs that were inside Aincrad when it fell back in the first volume of the arc. It’s an interesting question and I like that Alice thought about it.
The underworld section of the volume was not that interesting to me, mostly because I haven’t actually read past Alicization Invading and I haven’t read any of the Moon Cradle arc (I was hoping that the anime would have finished by now >>) so I’m missing a few details here and there but I do think that it’s worth mentioning that 200 years have passed in the Underworld since Kirito and Asuna were last there.
I’ll be reading the next volume when it comes out and I’ll be hoping for an Argo cover.
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I need this for scientific reasons!
Do we know the ID numbers for Eolyne’s fluctlight? I know his id number is different than to that of Eugeo’s fluctlight, but my mind is wondering something and I need to know. Do we know what it is? I gotta figure something out that’s been bothering me for a while. 
Cause I heard from somewhere that Kirito ends up crying upon learning Eolyne’s fluctlight id doesn’t match Eugeo’s, but like is all hope really lost for Eolyne actually being Eugeo? Or could he at least be some fraction of him, in a way? If anyone knows Eolyne’s fluctlight/unit id please tell me.
I need to know this information, I need to compare it to some things. 
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lost-in-yujikiri · 3 years
do you think Eolyne will leave the UW and come to the real world?
As fans want to? Probably yes since they project their desire of Eugeo onto Eolyne.
Realistically, no. Eugeo at least didn't have a caring family and also was more than wanting Kirito to not leave him (as said in the LN), he would agree to this easily. But would Eolyne, a military commander who has thousands of people who look up to him plus an adopted family which has as least one adopted father who cares about him, throw away everything to go to real world? I don't think so.
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shima-draws · 4 years
Eugeo and Eolyne are confirmed to have the same voice actor 🤔 Hmmmm 🤔🤔🤔
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roseylaces · 5 years
icon update!! 💕
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the colour visuals for sao vol 23 (unital ring vol 2) came out today and aaaaa my wife is so beautiful and graceful and im melting... 🥰
the full visual (as well as the others) can be found in the preview for vol 23 released by bookwalker japan, containing the first 60 pages in japanese! but i’ll also post the full visual under the cut ⬇️
(⚠️ WARNING: contains spoilers ⚠️)
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