#give Kirito his best friend back
Yujikiris Imma bout to do what is called a pro-gamer feels move.
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Let's talk flower language.
First let's start off with the number of flowers.
A bouquet of three roses means “I love You”
Now, we look at the color of the roses. Which are blue.
When it comes to love, a blue rose symbolizes mystery and a longing for the impossible.
Blue roses represent yearning, mostly towards someone out of reach, or for a relationship that cannot be fully realized for many reasons. Such as unrequited love, or because the person they love is no longer among the living.
Blue roses have essentially become a representation of the mysterious and the unattainable.
Blue Roses are Eugeo's whole motif, and his and Kirito's bond are the heart of the entire Alicization plotline.
A blue rose is what Eugeo is to Kirito. Eugeo is unattainable, because he's gone. Kirito can't get Eugeo back.
Eugeo is the pinnacle of someone Kirito loved and then lost.
I don't care what anyone else says, Kirito loved Eugeo and in turn Eugeo also loved Kirito in his own way, and that is not up for debate. There was something deeper than friendship going on between them, and anyone who denies that is a blind fool. There are so many subtle hints, metaphors, and scenes alluding to something more than platonic love between the two of them.
There was a deeper kind of love there, something that cannot be truly defined. It was a love that transcends all explanation. The love they shared is something that you could never put a label on.
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I love them so much and my heart hurts for them. Eugeo should have fucking lived. Just... fuck. Let Kirito be happy! Give him his best friend and beloved Eugeo back. This is why I love the Lycoris video game, cause Eugeo lives.
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waffliesinyoface · 4 months
Ideal SAO epilogue
-Kirito goes HARD into learning every bit of computer science and robotics in order to give Yui a real girl body. Obviously, being an engineering student, Klein helps. At some point Kirito is exposed to enough "programmer kneesocks" jokes to go "wait, you can just be a girl"
-Asuna has either performed hostile corporate takeover on her father's company (because clearly he's fucking incompetent at picking his employees) or has cheerfully disowned herself from the family and has moved in with Kirito, winning over her new in-laws immediately, because she is actually the best.
-Argo starts daytrading and quickly becomes wildly fucking rich, and then becomes a youtuber, who does both investigative journalism and video game guides. Think Hbomberguy, but with rat whiskers. Yes she kept the whiskers. No, she will never explain why. She is taking the secret of the <<Demon Rock>> to her grave.
-Lizbeth is incredibly frustrated at video game blacksmithing prowess not translating to the real world, and promptly decides to learn how to make actual swords.
-Klein eventually moves to Fuyuki City and meets his one true soulmate, Taiga Fujimura. (this is a joke, but only by half. can you fucking imagine.) Thankfully, Japan has really good public transportation, so this does not stop him from cheerfully showing up and bothering his pals.
-Agil goes back to running his bar. Somehow it becomes the meeting place for SAO friends. Yes, even the underage ones. He refuses to serve them alcohol but they won't go away.
-Silica is the youngest and as such is stuck in school for a bit longer, and has a slight reputation for defending people from bullies. She's not putting up with any more Rosalia characters, thank you very much. How are you going to talk shit when she's punched you in the throat? You aren't, that's how. For some reason I want to say she eventually ends up working as a park ranger, but I can't quite articulate why...? I just think she belongs in the woods.
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dorokora · 5 months
Some more facts about Daichi
Whenever goes walking with Lil’Sal, Daichi would just let him lay on top of his head. Sal says his hair feels fluffy.
May have some feeling of jealous when he sees Mononobe spending more time with Sal more than him, while he barely gets any father-son time with Mononobe (this is where the daddy issues starts kicking in)
He has multiple secret fantasies (not telling).
He’s more of an introvert, it’s just that people keep constantly bother him and getting him involved in events.
He likes it when he meets new people who can interact and see Lil’Sal. It means more potential friends for Sal. Since he worries that Sal will be lonely when he and Mononobe are not around
If he needs a place to get away from people, he’ll just go to the old library with Furufumi or at Tsath’s place.
He tends to checks out memories from previous loops at the old library out of curiosity (despite Furufumi’s warning).
Loves pulling pranks on Kengo (his favorite target since he gives the best reactions)
Despite Toji being hostile back in the early days, He didn’t dislike Toji. If anything, he thought Toji was cool trying to handle things despite no one being on his side (Daichi is a fan of the anti-hero type)
His closest best friends are Arc, Kirito, Toji, Shinya, Furufumi, and Tsath.
Also have to listen everyone’s problems and be their therapist. But if he needs someone to be his therapist he’ll go to Maria.
Will only allow his boyfriends/lovers to rub his belly and no one else.
When it comes to flirting, he prefer to be the one doing the chasing. Being the one getting chase just gives him traumatic World Rep flashbacks.
Plays matchmaker with Hecate from time to time.
Secretly training with Loki in order to learn the ways to really hurt a person with just words alone (planning to use it on the World Reps since they have the biggest egos)
If you ask him which guild he would join if he wasn’t in the Summoners, he would either pick; The Gurus, The Wanderers, The Beast Tamers, The Outlaws, or The Creators.
Sometimes trains his sword skill (trying to learn new techniques that aren’t just inherited from the Exiles) with Moritaka and Shino, since they are close to his height and body type.
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heyyallitsbethfanfic · 5 months
just a feeling
A party of three soared through the skies of Alfheim Online, a streak of midnight shadow, a splash of lemon lime, and a loosely trailing neon green streak. It’d been a long day for them all, but the enby in black looked like they were still filled with fire for fighting, but chose to head back to town with their friends regardless.
When they reached an inn back in Sylph Territory the short boy with even shorter green hair prepped to log out, flashing a quick goodbye to his quest party, but before he could log out, he was met with the unfamiliar feeling of his hair being tossled by the eldest member of their party, Kirito.
Kirito smirked down at him.
“Great work out there today Recon, me and Leafa are lucky ta have ya on our team. Have a nice night.”
The boy flushed red and fumbled with the logout button.
The Navigation Pixie in their pocket climbed out of Kirito’s breast pocket and waved a goodbye as well.
As Recon’s model faded into a white light, Kirito sauntered back over to their little sister Leafa.
“You picked a good guy as your first boyfriend Sugu~” Kirito teased.
“UGH! It’s not like that at all- he’s just a friend from school, you know that!”
“Oh really? He really seems head over heels for you, just figured you were hiding him from your mean big bro who wants to protect you from all the mean guys.” Kirito tussled the hair of Leafa, who promptly melted to their touch, flustered and upset.
“Idiot… if you really wanted to protect me you would keep Klein away-”
“And I do, any time he looks in your direction, Excalibur meets his neck haha.” Kirito was quite amused at themself.
“What was up with that though big bro? Playing with Recon like that- I didn’t know you swung that way- What would Asuna think?” Leafa smirked up at Kirito, expecting a flustered mess in response, but instead she was met with her big sibling just smiling and softly laughing.
“Gosh you really do like him huh? Jeez big bro you could do way better ya know-”
Kirito nearly broke down laughing.
“Nono- jeez Sugu, oblivious as ever huh?”
“Coming from you of all people?”
“Point. That’s how you know it’s an insult.”
Leafa huffed to herself.
“Seriously sis? You never noticed that Asuna and Yuuki spend a lot of time alone?”
Leafa broke out of Kirito’s grasp and looked to him with wide eyes.
“W-what?!?! Asuna is cheating? And YOU KNOW???”
“Jeez, you girls always jump to the worst conclusions dontcha? Cmhere and sit, lets chat.”
Kirito flopped down on the couch in the inn room they were sharing, patting the cushion beside them. Leafa sat down beside him, looking at them expectantly.
“Yuuki and Asuna aren’t doing anything I don’t know about. Asuna is bisexual, and it doesn’t change how I feel about her at all, and I’m okay with her experimenting. She’s the best girl in the world, of course she’s gonna have people falling head over heels for her.”
Leafa pouted next to Kirito. Kirito stiffened up in their seat and patted her head.
“Best girl in the world, other than my darling little sister of course- haha”
Leafa looked at her big sibling with an annoyed smile. “That’s better.”
“Sugu, I’m gonna accept Asuna nomatter her sexuality, you know that right? People who love eachother accept eachother. Both you and Asuna have been nothing but supportive as I’ve been working on how I feel about my own gender.”
“Y-yeah of course, you’re family, I’m gonna accept you nomatter who you are, my big bro, my big sis, or my big sibling.”
“And I love you for that Sugu.”
Kirito patted the head of their sister.
“But! That doesn’t mean you have to let your wife go around throwing herself at anyone who wants her!”
“Sugu you know it’s not like that at all. Asuna and I are just trying a more open thing. We still love eachother, and nobody is gonna come and be a homewrecker in our marriage. But we both know we have a lot of love to give, and we figured we might as well share it while we can. Those years in SAO made me realize you have to love as much as you can while you can.”
Kirito squeezed Leafa’s hand in theirs.
“I was so scared of dying in Sword Art Online and never getting to tell you I’m sorry.”
“You don’t have anything to be sorry for big bro… It’s okay now, we’re back together as family again. And you’ve done more than enough to make up for it.”
“Thank you Sugu.” Kirito pulled Leafa into a hug, and her heart fluttered, still unsure of her own feelings now.
“But yeah, Asuna had me thinking about my sexuality recently. I’ve only really ever been attracted to girls, so I wasn’t really sure what I was. But hey, maybe I haven’t met the guy, one day a knight in shining armor may come and save me, with his dreamy eyes and soft blonde hair and carry me away with a bouquet of blue roses~”
“Well big bro after your display with Recon and an image that will never leave my brain, I think we can safely say you aren’t straight.”
The pair laughed.
“But really Kazuto? Recon? You’ve got like 10 supermodels following you around, including two literal idols, and you pick RECON? You can do much better.”
“Hey, his avatar in game may be… unique to put it kindly, but I’ve seen you two hang out in person. He’s cute in like. A dorky way.”
“Bleh. Maybe I should dress you up in my clothes and make you go on a date with him in my place.”
“I’ll take you up on the clothes offer, but he’s all yours. I don’t really find him attractive, I just know that I prefer dorks over like. Buff guys.”
“Oh really, after Sinon showed footage of you in GGO flirting at the bar, you could’ve fooled me…”
Kirito had an uneasy grin with a slight blush. “Nah. That was mainly to fluster Sinon. And to taunt the guys, since it’s easy and fun, which is why I did it to Recon.”
“Oh so you’re being a slut for attention?”
“You’re not denying it.”
“Well, if I wanna learn more about my sexuality, gotta figure out how it feels right? Regardless, like, on a surface level I can say that Klein and Agil are like, conventionally attractive. But they don’t really do much for me. I mean, to be fair, they are like big brothers to me, and after all, what weirdo would fall in love with their big brother.”
Kirito booped Leafa’s nose, teasing her.
“Dick…” she grumbled out under her breath.
“Oh? Is that an insult or a request?” Kirito laughed at their own joke as Leafa repeatedly hit them with a throw pillow that was laying on the couch.
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thegayfromrulid · 2 years
Since you're mood for writing...
SAO gang x reader in a spooky event!
The gang must survive the haunted house as they prepare for a challenge. Will the gang survive the night, or they'll forever lost from the headless knight, The Hallow Echo
I apologize for the wait! I'm wrapping up a really big paper this October, but I wanted to get this one done before Halloween! I hope that you enjoy! Link to AO3 version below, and Tumblr version below the cut!
AO3 Link: The Hallow Echo
         “I-I don’t know if I can do this any longer!”
         “I-It’ll be fine! Just a b-bit longer, guys!”
         “A-are you sure?”
         “Kyaaaaaaa! Something touched me! Something touched meeee!”
         “You’re fine! Just bear with it! You’re fi–aaaagh!”
         Perhaps, at this moment, you’re wondering how it got to this point. All of your friends are trying their best to find one another in the pitch-black space while also keeping their guard up; this certainly wasn’t how the morning started. In fact, it had been a normal Saturday morning of just lying around in bed until a very excited text game through the group chat.
         Kirito: guys! theres a horror event happening tonight!
         Lis: waaah Kirito why did u wake me up for this
         Kirito: we should totally do it!
         Asuna: Kirito-kun, you *know* I don’t like this sort of thing…
         Silica: im not scared!!!! i have pina! <3
         Lis: ofc u would say that Silica
         Silica: ;-;
         (Y/N): ig im down. what time?
         Klein: yeah, deets kiri-bro!
         Sinon: wth are we all yelling about @ 10 on a Saturday???
         Silica: spooky event…
         Kirito: starts 10pm and runs til bout midnight. meet at the house in 22 @ thirty til?
         Asuna: Kirito-kun! Come on!
         Sinon: you don’t have to join, Asuna
         Lis: ofc she does!!! dont wuss out Asuna heh
         (Y/N): haha yeah, ill be on. see ya then.
         Since Kirito had been a bit sparse with the details, you did yourself the favor of looking up what he meant. Alfheim Online was hosting a single-day event for Halloween that took place on a special map. Players could enter the space in groups to take on the challenge, giving each group their own scrambled map. There was no chance they’d run into any other groups during the challenge, so it wasn’t a fight for a single prize. Basically, it was a haunted mansion that was being disturbed by a field boss-level enemy called The Hallow Echo. No description was provided about what this mysterious boss looked like, but players would enter the house and be trapped inside of it for the duration of the event. They had two options for completion: survive the time limit without dying (flight) or defeat The Hallow Echo and escape (fight). The rewards were different for the two completion styles, with defeating the boss as having more desirable prizes.
         The intensity of the quest mentioned that it was somewhere between medium to very hard depending on the overall stats of the party that entered and whether they chose fight or flight. It was designed in a way that ensured that the players who chose simply to play the evasion game could still get something out of it, even if higher level players wanted to challenge the difficult boss monster and reap the rewards of a battle well fought. You assume that the group will likely be trying to defeat the boss monster; if Kirito suggested it, then there’s definitely a cool prize he wants from the rewards. It’s an exciting event to look forward to.
         At a little before 9:30 PM that evening, you log onto ALO and confirm that you’re in the log cabin. You typically log out there, but every so often, during a big quest you can’t be peeled away from, you’ll stay at an inn in the closest town over night so that you can get back to it faster. You’re relieved to find that you did, in fact, log out from within the cabin. Kirito appears to have already beat you there. He holds up his hand for a high-five. You grin and give him one.
         “Glad you could make it, (y/n)!” he says.
         You let him know that you’re excited to start the quest. It’s been a while since something big has happened that everyone could show up for. The others start appearing, the chatter in the little player home increasing until the last member, Agil, shows up. He had to wrap up some things at his café and bar before logging on, but the gang is finally all here. Asuna opens up a map with an uneasy look on her face and shows everyone where the haunted house appeared. Everyone checks their inventory to make sure they have enough potions, and then you’re off.
         The haunted house itself it about a ten-minute flight from the cabin. It doesn’t take long for everyone to get there, and a small crowd of players has already started to gather around it. There’s a timer display in front of it, counting down to when the event will start. A few people are trying to shove their way to the front, but you know there’s no reason to do this. After all, every team will get their own map separate from the others. There’s no limit on how many people can enter at once; if that were so, they’d have to make more than one version of the house. The exterior is dark and gloomy, and the weather around it seems to have turned from a clear, moonlit night into a stormy one, with flashes of lightning cracking close enough to the top of the house that it might sound rather alarming from the inside.
         “Ohhh, this is gonna be so good!” Lisbeth exclaims.
         Asuna awkwardly chuckles.
         “You don’t think there are any astral-type monsters in there, do you?” she mutters.
         Kirito reaches down and grasps her hand, giving her a soft look.
         “I’ll make sure they don’t come after you,” he says.
         Sinon rolls her eyes.
         “Get a room, you two,” she says.
         Lisbeth laughs and smacks Asuna on the back.
         “We’ll be fine!” she says.
         The timer finally hits zero, and players all dash forward to enter the haunted house. Each party is sent into a separate map, so there’s no worry if some members are faster than the others. They’ll all end up in the same map as long as they’re registered in the same party. The speedier members of your party arrive first, so when you enter the space, Kirito, Asuna, and Leafa are already taking a look around the dimly lit hallways. Sinon trails in right on your tail. Lisbeth practically pushes Silica into the space, and Agil and Klein trot in behind her. Alice, for some reason, is bringing up the rear, her hand perched on the pommel of her sword as if expecting something to attack the group from behind. An NPC appears out of the shadows when there’s been about thirty seconds of no new entries to the space.
         This NPC is an elderly woman with spindly grey hair sticking out of a tightly wrapped bun. She’s wearing clothing that you would expect to see the proprietress of a traditional Japanese inn wearing, which seems a bit out of place for the fairy world setting. It isn’t quite accurate, though; the cut of the fabric is wrong for a kimono or yukata, making it more of what one would imagine a quick, from-memory sketch of Japanese traditional clothing looked like from someone who’d seen it perhaps once. The designs on her dress also could be European in nature. Its coloring is either a dim blue or a grey, but it’s hard to tell in the low lighting. She bows at you all, and Kirito walks up to her. She starts to talk as soon as he initiates with a “hello.”
         “Weary travelers, I’m afraid that this abode isn’t the friendly stay that it used to be,” the NPC says. “For years, I offered beds to those traveling across Alfheim, and I fed my tenants enough to fill their bellies for the road ahead they had to travel. As of late, however, there’s a disturbance in this house that keeps me from keeping adventurers overnight, so I’m afraid I can’t arrange beds for you this evening.”
         It was a natural enough way to start a quest. Kirito prompts her for more.
         “What kind of a disturbance?” he asks. “Is there any way we can help you out?”          The old woman scrunches up her forehead and sighs.
         “There’s something haunting my home,” she laments. “It’s too much to ask of you, but if you would be willing to check it out for me, I’d be willing to pay you quite handsomely if you can get rid of it.”
         A quest menu popped up in front of Kirito. He clicks the button to accept the quest, and then a darkened map appears in the corner of your vision. It seems like the map needs you to walk around in order to see the pathways. You suggest splitting the group in half. Everyone else agrees that this is a good plan, since the goal of the party is to locate The Hallow Echo and defeat him. You go with Kirito, Asuna, Silica, and Lisbeth. The other group of Sinon, Agil, Klein, Leafa, and Alice goes to the left, while you all go to the right. Along the path, there are smaller monsters that don’t take too much work to defeat as a team.
         But things change when the lights all go out.
         An echoing, guttural voice laughs in the halls. You can’t tell from which direction it’s coming; it’s all-encompassing. A light flickers in front of you for a moment as Kirito, you think, holds up a torch. In that moment, you lay eyes on its form—The Hallow Echo, a knight decorated in a dark armor that soaks up the blackness around it, with a sword hovering dangerously close to your own neck that is dripping with something wet and thick. A lone detail stands out in the center of the light; a gaping, dark hole sits where the knight’s head should be. As soon as you note this, Kirito’s torch is extinguished with a sizzle and a hiss, as if something licked its fingers and pressed them against the tip to put it out. The group lets out a collective scream, and they all leap backwards to avoid possibly getting hit by the knight’s weapon.
         “Was that it?!” Lisbeth shouts.
         Metal clangs against something solid in the dark, most likely the wall.
         “That’s DEFINITELY it!” Kirito shouts back.
         A yelp comes from your left. It sounded like Silica.
         “Headless…why did it have to be headless?” Asuna mutters.
         “How the hell are we supposed to defeat that thing in the dark?” Lisbeth asks.
         Another clang slams down. It sounds like it hit the floor this time. Silica shrieks and you hear her jump up to her feet and start running. She winds up bumping into you.
         “S-sorry, (y/n)!” she stammered.
         You tell her it’s all right and give her a gentle pat on the head. The same echoing laugh as before greets you again, still feeling as though it’s all around you.
         “Listen to the sound of its footsteps!” Asuna cries out. “When it’s close enough, attack it! If you hear it stop for too long, then it’s getting ready to use one of its attacks. Jump back if you hear no footsteps for more than six seconds!”
         Despite her fear of the ghastly, Asuna takes full charge of the fight immediately. Her prowess as a leader always comes out in situations like this. Her methods work well for a bit, and as the group fights, you run into the others, who join in on Asuna’s strategy. Everything seems to be working well, up until you see The Hallow Echo’s HP fall into the last bar. Suddenly, his footsteps vanish all together, and his echoing laugh zooms around as if he’s floating through the air around you.
         Suddenly the battle changes from a physical one to a true test of courage. You can feel things making grabs at your body in the dark. Touching the walls often renders a slimy, unpleasant texture. More than just the one laugh surrounds you; other voices echo in the halls, and sounds of chittering or scurrying accompany it. Now in an astral form, The Hallow Echo flies around you and sometimes through you, sending a cold chill inside of the space he passes through.
         “I-I don’t know if I can do this any longer!” Asuna finally wails.
         There’s a grunt from Kirito as he swings at the specter flying past him. You can hear a metal “clink!” as his sword hits the core inside of the ghastly figure.
         “I-It’ll be fine! Just a b-bit longer, guys!” he reassures you all, though the words were most likely directed at Asuna more than anyone else.
         “A-are you sure?” she stammers back.
         Another thud comes from behind you.
         “Kyaaaaaaa! Something touched me! Something touched meeee!” Silica cries.
         Someone else hits the core.
         “You’re fine!” Leafa cries. “Just bear with it! You’re fi–aaaagh!”
         An arrow whizzes past your ear and hits The Hallow Echo’s core. The light from the arrow gives you enough space to swing at it. Your sword connects with the core inside, and this time, instead of just hitting it, it slices through it with a sound like glass shattering into hundreds of tiny pieces. White light bursts from the spot, and everyone can see The Hallow Echo in his full form once more as he dissipates into a black mist and gets swallowed up by the center of the light where the core burst. Everything is pitch black for a moment, and then the hallways light up with the same dim candles that you’d first seen when entering the haunted house. Right on cue, the elderly NPC walks up with her hands clasped together.
         “Oh, thank you!” she cries. “How ever can I thank you for taking care of that monster for me?”
         Kirito lets out a strained laugh.
         “I-It’s our pleasure,” he says.
         A few of the group members chuckle at his statement. The NPC waves her hands and points them at the group.
         “Will this be enough?” she asks.
         You all get a dialogue box showing you the quest rewards for beating The Hallow Echo. The prizes, as mentioned in the notice for the event, are quite handsome. A large sum of yrd is given, as well as some crystals that are useful in smithing. Everyone receives a weapon in their specific class that has quite high stats. Some rare potions are present as well. As you all leave the haunted house, high-fives are shared for a job well done.
         As you log off for the night, you know you can rest well, as The Hallow Echo has been defeated, and the limited time quest didn’t escape your grasp.
         Well, that is, unless he returns for revenge next year…
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starglitterz · 2 years
Quill!!! if it's not too intrusive, pls give us your top 10 y/n moments lol!!!!
HAHAHSKDJKJSD omfg who sent this in 😭😭😭 this is so funny tho i'll def do it (shameless plug btw, i have a whole series based on my irl experiences w romance called to all the boys i've loved before [totally original, ik] u should check it out!!)
these aren't in any particular order btw it's just the ones i rmb HAHA also i think these are pretty recent i tried not to include any of the ones i alrdy have in the series 👍
10. when i went for an anime con and i had just arrived, and after taking a pic w this one cosplayer his friend (in a kirito cosplay) came up to me and asked if he could princess carry me for a pic HSKJDK
9. when i visited my highschool for a festival thing and found out that one of my juniors had a crush on me (and still did??) and had told all his friends abt how cute and pretty he thinks i am HAHAHA (a total ego boost tbh someone should have told him that i am actually not all that)
8. being in a love triangle except it wasn't really a triangle it was like my two guy best friends had crushes on me at the same time and had a falling out over me (not to be amy dunne from gone girl but i did always want 2 guys to fight over me GOODBYE)
7. this one guy that was texting me and asking me on a date kept flirting w me and it was so stupidly lame that it was cute
6. going for my college orientation party and having a few guys ask me for my insta (honestly i had never expected this would happen I WAS SO KJASKJDKSJD ABT IT)
5. at the same orientation party some random older guy tried to hit on me so i ran away and this other guy i had met earlier was rlly nice and waited w me until my transport arrived and texted later to ask if i had gotten home safely 🥺 (the bar for men is like 700 feet under the ground)
4. at the anime con (same as earlier) i got kabedoned by this girl cosplaying gojo and she said i looked rlly cute and i nearly collapsed
3. HAHA I CANT BELIEVE I ALMOST FORGOT THIS BUT on my birthday i went on the bus to get home and the guy behind me was in my course, and he recognised me so we were talking for a bit until he realised it was my bday, and he literally asked the guy next to him to please switch places so we could sit tgt and he could wish me properly 😭it was so cute he had like golden retriever vibes HAHA and we were talking the entire time it was vv fun
2. yk that thing where u compare hand sizes but then they hold your hand HAHAHA that actually happened to me w one of my new friends 💀 he has rlly nice hands tho so no complaints here PLSKJWDKJS
1, ok guys now this one is some real life kdrama bs istg i felt like it was a movie while it was happening 😭 so basically the bus was pretty much full and i ended up sitting next to this rlly cute guy. and my brain was going 'damn i wanna talk to him', but i had to put my purse away first. so i was trying to put it in my bag, but it slipped and fell onto the floor and he was like 'oh!', and then i had to bend down and pick it up while thinking 'NOO this is so embarrassing he probably thinks im a dumbass'. and then i managaed to embarrass myself further 👍 guess what? while trying to sit back up again i literally hit my head against the chair in front of me and went 'ow!' out loud and the guy was like 'oh no are you okay 😭⁉' and i was like 'yeah... just super embarrassed HAHA' and we started talking from there KJSDKSJD i could talk abt this forever bc so much cute stuff happened but tldr he was like the total package but then i got ghosted BYE
ok thanks for coming to my ted talk as u can see i love talking abt myself pls feel free to ask more but i don't think i have any more romantic experiences atm 😭😭😭 i'm currently trying to manic pixie dream girl one of my guy friends in college so we can see how that goes ig LMAO,,, anyways thanks 4 reading ! interact w this post and give me validation please and thanks <3 (/hj)
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chorus-the-mutate · 2 years
I unironically like and respect Kirito as a character than Marco Diaz and I'm gonna give a bullet point list as to why I feel that way.
. Is consistently loyal to his girlfriend Asuna
. Is better at watching over children
. Is brave enough to beat the shit out of a creepy ass full grown man virtually and then go back into the real world and beat that same creepy ass man in a parking lot knife fight even though he's a teenager
. For better or worse his show popularized isekai again with its interesting initial premise
. Is voiced by Bryce Papenbrook aka one of the best male voice actors of our generation
. Has a girlfriend I don't despise (Sorry Star, season 4 ruined you)
. The show he's in gives a more believable explanation for why the setting permanently and drastically changes between seasons
. His characterization feels consistent
. Has a better default outfit than Marco
. He comes off as a bland Gary Stu (which isn't an entirely unfair argument to make)
. I may need to do more research but I don't understand why he went back into the Sword Art Online game
. Fandom harem -_-
Marco Diaz
. His initial dynamic with Star is not only a rarity to see in media (serious boy, laid back goofy girl) but in the early seasons he does a pretty good job being Star's voice of reason
. Gives Disney another excuse to showcase Hispanic culture with the Diaz family (like the Russo family before them and the Noceda family after them)
. Normalizes gender nonconforming behavior like crossdressing, doing makeup and wearing pretty wigs
. Most of the human characters around him are interesting
. Watching him punch a hole in Toffee's chest and throw a corrupted unicorn were both unironically cool moments from him
. Once season 3 and 4 roll around Marco devolves into a selfish, irresponsible, fake friend
. The Starco shipping was done in the trashiest, most contrived way possible and I feel sorry for the people that genuinely like the ship because it was executed so poorly
. The reason Marco kisses Star in the photo booth episode kinda makes sense in universe but from a metatextual level I fucking despise that narrative and the lessons it could teach children
. Marco actively tried hiding the fact that he kissed Star from Tom even though Tom is supposedly one of his best friends
. Marco is also directly rewarded for his act of selfishness when he tries to stay in the Realm of Magic as its being destroyed only for Mewni and Earth being merged so he and Star can live happily ever after
. Not only that but Marco and Star are literally the only people that benefit from magic being destroyed since he and Star don't have to travel dimensions while everyone else, even the people who initially helped Mina or helped her the whole time, either sacrificed their magic to make amends (in Moon's case) or actually fucking died (in the Magic High Commission's cases)
. Marco is permanently and detrimentally effected by the show shifting from a slice of life adventure with Star to a more fantasy oriented show
. Marco isn't the most interesting human character in the show or in his family (Not only are Jackie and Jana more interesting than Marco but Mariposa's personality and potential impressed me more in one episode more than her brother ever did)
. Marco is actively pitted against all of the most interesting characters in the show because they're social antagonists (like Moon and Tom), actual antagonists (like Toffee and Meteora) or are falsely seen as evil (like Eclipsa)
. Marco temporarily aging up due to his quest to get the dimensional scissors not only makes his potential relationships with everyone weird but it also gives some fans the excuse to throw Marco into the most disgusting fandom harem I have ever seen
. The people behind the scenes of the show were rather dismissive towards the fans who enjoyed the Trans Marco headcanon and that's kinda rude on their parts
. His default outfit has some color but is blander than Kirito's default outfit
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miabrown007 · 3 years
Alice seemed pretty chill, but now... get your hands of off Kirito ma'ma, he has a wife in an alternate reality neither of you can reach
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kotorilovesalpacas · 3 years
can I request kirito x reader but it’s the readers birthday. I’m turning 18 n I’m so alone 😭 sorry if this is desperate
A Not So Happy Birthday (Kirito x Reader)
A/N: soo this took me forever to get around to, i have phases where i use tumblr super frequently and then dodge it for ages so i am sORry this has taken so long T^T
Warnings: angsty, probably kinda ooc cause it's been so long since i watched SAO, happy end tho?
Jolting awake, you felt your breath coming in short, raspy gasps for air. A light sheen of sweat covered your forehead. Another nighmare. You would have thought you'd be used to them by now; you had them every night. Ever since you finally escaped that wretched game, the nightmares had haunted you.
After it ended, you thought it was over. You hoped that you would never have to suffer at the hands of the game again. But you were wrong.
Every night was a new horror waiting for you. Each morning - without fail - you woke up in your bed, sweating, shaking, sometimes screaming.
Except this time, there was a lone balloon tied to the end of your hospital bed, reminding you that it was your birthday. Your nurses had left it there to make you feel better, you presumed. And you were appreciative of their concern, yet it made you feel worse.
It reminded you that the friends you had made in the game had already been discharged. Hell, even your boyfriend had already been released from the hospital, having passed all of his physical and mental wellbeing checks.
Only you remained. Still weak, still frail. Still haunted by what had happened.
A glass of water had been left at your bedside from last night. You grasped it with both hands, watching as the remaining water shook from your unsteady grip. It helped your dry throat, but didn't help the nerves that had made a home in the pit of your stomach.
You turned your attention to the door, figuring that a nurse had come to check up on you. Putting the glass back down, you did your best to appear presentable - well, as presentable as you could be first thing in the morning, wearing a hospital gown.
"Come in." You spoke, your voice immediately giving you away with how feeble it sounded.
The door opened to reveal your boyfriend: Kazuto Kirigaya, or as you called him, Kirito. Whilst the two of you had known each other before the incident, you had grown far closer within the confines of the game. Eventually, he had confessed to you, and you had done the same for him.
"I know it's kind of early, sorry." He smiled sheepishly at you, closing the door behind himself. Immediately, you noticed his hands hiding behind his back, a faint blush in his cheeks.
"You're hiding something."
He laughed nervously, "It's that obvious?"
You simply rolled your eyes, the corner of your lip pulling up in a smile. The mere sight of him was enough to melt the edges of your nerves. Though they would still remain throughout the day, you knew you would feel better with him at your side.
"Well, happy birthday." Kirito pulled up a chair to sit beside you, handing over a small box wrapped in shiny, silver wrapping paper. A bow had been tied on top, accompanied by an envelope. "I know you haven't been feeling... great, but I want you to know that I'm here for you. I'll always be here."
Tears pricked at the back of your eyes; it was such a simple gesture, yet it meant the world to you. Sniffling gently, you fought to hold them back, instead carefully tearing at the present.
It opened to reveal a notebook. It had a pure white cover, adorned with leaves and flowers of all colours. The pages were neatly lined, with minimal decoration: a detailed leaf in one corner, some flowers across the top of the page. It was beautiful.
You looked to him, fumbling for the right words. "I-I don't know what to say. It's beautiful. Thank you."
"You always mentioned that you wanted to start a journal, so I thought it would be fitting." His dark eyes met yours, full of love and adoration. You were surprised he had even remembered; you mentioned it once in passing; it was something you had always wanted to do, but after becoming trapped in the game, you feared it was something you may never have the chance to do.
But now you could.
"And I meant what I said before." He spoke again, taking your hand in his. "I know you don't want to talk about them - your nightmares - but I am here if you ever need to. You're not alone in how you're feeling."
"I know." You breathed, squeezing his fingers tightly. A brief silence hung between the two of you. Kirito leaned forward, pressing his lips to your forehead ever so softly.
He took you in his arms, allowing you to rest your head against his chest. You closed your eyes, focusing on the sound of his steady heartbeat. It was soothing. As much as you hated what that game had done to both of you, you also appreciated it for bringing the two of you together.
"I love you, Kirito."
"I love you, too."
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lost-in-yujikiri · 3 years
Blue Rose King Eugeo story summary part 2
Read Part 1 first
See the whole part here on youtube.
The team broke the Blue Rose Castle's jail, Tiese is the one who knocked the guard out when he brought food to them, much to others' surprise.
When the team reached Eugeo, he screamed "Kirito... my guards are innocent men." Kirito told him to wake up because this dream world is not real but Eugeo rejected to come back to the previous world strongly. To Eugeo this world is the only fine one for him here because the other world keeps rejecting him, if Kirito doesn't understand that then he's not his friend.
(Eugeo, you do realize that what you said would push a Kirito's berserk button nobody else would dare to push right?)
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So the solution came down to be a fight between Kirito & Eugeo.
Eugeo: Just be a "good boy", Kirito! Obey me!
Kirito: If you won't listen to my words, then maybe you'll listen to my "sword". Let's dance, Eugeo! I'll remind you who your true "master" is!
(somebody in TL team is clearly having fun with this)
Kirito defeated Eugeo, and he wanted Eugeo to take his words back, to not say Kirito's not his friend, even though Eugeo can be obstinate he never gave up on Eugeo.
Tw: depression, suicidal thought
In his depression, Eugeo still couldn't stop thinking that Kirito doesn't care about him. Eugeo knows he can't live like this, he can't bear his self-hatred anymore, he wanted Kirito to just end his suffering & kill him.
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Kirito would do anything for Eugeo, but... not this request, so he went to hug Eugeo.
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"I'll told you to kill me, not embrace me"
"I'll do anything you want, OK?"
Kirito said he'd do anything to change the world that Eugeo hates so much, as long as he can have Eugeo back 🥲
Eugeo thinks he's unwanted in the reality he used to live in, that's why he was given this lonely world, unlike him, Kirito already has many companions and a lover. But to Kirito, Eugeo is the best friend he'd never give up. Kirito said all his fear about what Eugeo's death would bring, there are days he woke up crying about it, he fears what would happen if he broke or died (We all know that timeline too well...)
"I'm doing all this so I can be strong. So I never have to lose you! I... Eugeo!"
"I need you, Eugeo! Ever since I came here! I've always needed you! We all do!"
"Don't just pretend that everything we've been through didn't mean anything!"
"It meant a lot... You meant a lot..."
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So when Eugeo calmed down, his black king armor disappeared, the magical field disappeared and everyone woke up from the dream. Eugeo said he forgot what he dreamed of, they found the beast that cause the nightmares in the castle and defeated it. The whole team is mad at the tapir beast and they're so ready to tear it apart for causing Eugeo distress. Eugeo is a bit shocked at everyone's mad spirit, especially Kirito.
They found a book of a deceased man caused by the original resource of the Beast. Kirito remarked on Eugeo's depression "No matter how much he might laugh... Eugeo carries a lot of loneliness inside."
The whole team got back outside and cried so hard Eugeo was taken aback, even Ronye said she want them all to wrap around Eugeo to keep him safe. Even Medina cried tsundere tears as she resonates with his loneliness, while Kirito said Eugeo has to say everything he feels to him next time, that he doesn't have to be alone.
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The specific mission ended there, they brought the Resource from the Beast to Cardinal and she chanted a spell to turn it into Divine Weapon, it turned into a bow itself, it's not the sword Kirito wants so they embarked on the next mission.
End of my recap.
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I believe that Eolyne is Eugeo, but not in the way that you think he is. {{An in depth Theory}} -This is either 1000 IQ, or I’m losing my God Damn mind. You pick.
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Eolyne is a reincarnation of Eugeo, but they’re not exactly the same person. Eugeo is the core of who Eolyne is, but Eolyne is also a new fraction of Eugeo. He’s his own person. Because people change, they don’t remain the same. Eugeo might be the core of Eolyne, but Eolyne is also his own unique person and he’s lived a life all his own.
_ _
Think of it like this, Eolyne is essentially an Integrity Knight in a way. His memories and feelings of Kirito have been locked away, but within Eolyne, Eugeo is still there - just dormant.
_ _
Let’s talk about their fluctlight ids.
_ _
Eugeo’s ID is NND7-6361
Eolyne’s ID is NCD1-13091
_ _
Okay, so they’re very different, so like there’s no way they could be one in the same right? 
_ _
Well interestingly enough, in the novel the Blue Rose Sword’s object id is:   DI:WSM:0131. 
_ _ {{The other id for the Blue Rose Sword we see is WLSS703, but in the light novel it’s: DI:WSM:0131. And since the novel is technically the true canon -because the anime did change things around and omit events, and such- we are going to go with the end all be all that the true ID for the Blue Rose Sword is  DI:WSM:0131.}}
_ _
If you recall Eugeo became one with the sword so technically his fluctlight id would change, right? Meaning that his fluctlight would become one with the sword, I would think. 
_ _
So wouldn’t that change some of Eugeo’s id to: DI:WSM:0131? -for the time he was merged with the sword, before and after his death.-
_ _
Now if you look at Eolyne’s id you see it has the numbers: 13091
If you remove the 9 you get 1301.
If you move the numbers around from 1301 and you put 0 in the front, follow it up with 1, then 3, then 1 again you get
0131. -This matches the Blue Rose Sword’s ID. 
Now if you take the two 6′s in Eugeo’s fluctlight id and you add them together, you get 12! And if you subtract 12 by the number 3 in Eugeo’s fluctlight you get, you guessed it: 9!
And the number 9 is in Eolyne’s id.
_ _
Now you ask: Well what about the 1 in Eugeo’s fluctlight at the end, if you subtract or add that to 9, then wouldn’t the number change to 8 or 10, instead of 9? Well there’s a simple explanation for that. 
_ _
Eugeo and the Blue Rose Sword’s ids come together to make Eolyne’s id. 
_ _
The system would take the two ids and merge them together, which means that some numbers could be dropped completely or added on, so the 1 in Eugeo’s fluctlight id was dropped and replaced with the 9 after adding 6 to become 12 and subtract the 3. Then the dropped 1 from Eugeo’s fluctlight id replaced the number 7 in NND7 to become NCD1.  _ _
So now you’ wonder, well what about how the middle N in NND7? How did that N change to a C to make NCD1?
_ _
To answer your question...I actually don’t know. There’s no C in Eugeo’s fluctlight id or the object id of the Blue Rose Sword. My only guess is that the C is unique to Eolyne and Eolyne alone. It’s a unique difference, one single letter changed, to differentiate Eolyne from Eugeo.
_ _
So... to get to the point:
Basically the system merged Eugeo and The Blue Rose Sword together as one, and that entity became Eolyne and the N to C letter change represents that even though Eugeo is the core base of Eolyne, Eolyne is his own person as well.
And I realize I might be reaching or looking too far into this, but it’s really too peculiar of a coincidence that taking Eugeo’s Fluctlight id and The Blue Rose Sword’s id and putting them together matches somewhat up with Eolyne’s fluctlight id - just that the we had to rearrange numbers, add and subtract some and swap out a letter to create Eolyne’s id.
_ _
There’s also far too many coincidences to overlook that Eolyne and Eugeo are one in the same, but also different.
For one Kirito keeps remarking how similar Eugeo and Eolyne are. They both have blonde hair, their eyes are both green, it’s confirmed they share the same voice actor for crying out loud. And I bet once the mask comes off, we will see that Eolyne’s face is identical to Eugeo’s or nearly identical.
Now back to explaining how Eugeo and Eolyne can be one in the same, but also not the same and different. You see, Eolyne is his own person too. He’s lived his own life separate from the life he lived as Eugeo. But he will still have Eugeo’s memories and feelings from his past life.
_ _
{{He might recover those memories or feelings sometime during The Novel and Anime, or they might remain dormant forever. But let’s just assume he’s going to regain those memories and feelings, and go from there.}}
_ _
Eolyne is technically both Eugeo and not Eugeo at the same time, which is very contradictory. But if you take into the fact people change and become someone new every day, then it’s easy to overlook the contradiction. 
Eolyne is basically an anomaly in this way. The core of his fluctlight was built up from the remains of whatever was left of Eugeo and the Blue Rose Sword - but the other part of him is his very own unique part, not relating to Eugeo at all.
So I believe if/when Eolyne recalls his memories of his past life and the feelings that go along with it, he will either decide to live as he always has - as Eolyne, or Eugeo, or even both.
And that no matter who Eolyne chooses to live as, Kirito will accept and support his choice. Because Eugeo/Eolyne will always be Kirito’s best friend, no matter what life they’re in. And even if Eolyne decides to live just as Eolyne, he will still cherish and love Kirito just as Eugeo would have.
_ _
{{Also it’s kind of ironically amazing isn’t it? That this theory here sort of parallels the theory that Kirito’s dual wielding is a metaphor for him being bi, while Eugeo becoming Eolyne can be a metaphor for a trans person transitioning. AKA Eugeo/Eolyne deciding to live as either Eugeo, Eolyne or both. Just like how a trans person can choose to live as a male, a female, both, or even niether.}}
{{I know a lot of people will argue with me on this front, but like you cannot deny that Kirito’s dual wielding can be a metaphor for bisexuality, and Eugeo’s {{possible}} reincarnation could be a metaphor for transitioning. Even if they’re not exact in terms of actual bisexuality and transitioning, the implications are definitely still there.}}
I know I’m probably reaching. I know this is probably just my desperate shipper heart of both romantic Yujikiri and platonic Yujikiri because I enjoy both - trying to confirm it to myself that Eugeo and Eolyne are the same, even though different. I am well aware of it. There’s probably several holes in my theory, and I accept that.
Just please let me have this, if nothing else. Please just let me believe that the creator Reki Kawahara knows what he’s doing and that he planned this all along, and I’ve cracked the case. _ _ To me it’s just too much of a coincidence, that you can mess around with the arrangement of the numbers, and the addition and subtraction of Eugeo’s fluctlight id and the Blue Rose Sword’s id to get Eolyne’s fluctlight id. Like that cannot just be by accident, if it is, then that's one hell of an accident. This would make Eolyne an entity that was created by fusing Eugeo and The Blue Rose Sword together as one living and breathing entity. {{But seriously, what are the chances of all this being just an accident?!}} 
In the words of Master Oogway:
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Also let’s not forget the fact that Eolyne basically said the very same thing Eugeo did when he met {{or rather was reunited with}} Kirito.
Which was: 
“Nice to meet you, Kirito-kun.”
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{{This seriously cannot just be a whole bunch of miraculous coincidences. You miss me with that!}} 
{{You gonna TELL ME? That Eolyne just happened to say the same thing Eugeo did when Kirito reunited with Eugeo? You’re gonna say that Kirito reuniting with Eolyne isn’t also him reuniting with Eugeo?! How could it be anything else?}}
It’s just like the question asked in Avatar The Last Air Bender: Do you believe friendships can transcend lifetimes?
If you want my answer: Yes, they can. Even if the second time around -or even the 3rd or 4th, or so on-, that person is not exactly the same person in their past life or lives, the truth of the matter is that the core part of them will always be the same - no matter how different they are from one life to the next. And it’s up to them to choose who they want to live life as.
 The very idea that Kirito and Eugeo’s friendship/relationship with one another could {{and possibly has}} transcended a lifetime...?
That my friends...
Is heartbreakingly beautiful in all the right ways.
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shima-draws · 4 years
Kirito for the character ask?
Sexuality headcanon: I will die on my bi Kirito hill
Favorite ship(s): EUGEO, Sinon, Asuna
Brotp: Eugeo, Sinon, Liz, Klein, Suguha, Asuna, Ronie
Notp: Ronie & Silica bc I see it as purely onesided and obviously Suguha. Why.
A random headcanon: Autistic Kirito makes me happy and it makes a lot of sense because he hyperfocuses on one thing (digital worlds and their development), he’s dense af when it comes to romance and doesn’t really understand it (especially when the other girls talk about it and get upset at him when he doesn’t catch on), he had a really difficult time making friends and getting close to people in season 1, and preferred to be by himself for the first 14 years of his life. I’m sure there’s more signs but those are the main ones I noticed!
General opinion: Me @ Kirito season 1: Omg I love him what a strong protagonist he’s so cool and dark and mysterious and so OP
Me @ Kirito now: Haha he stoopid. Absolute dumbass. No thoughts head empty himbo energy
I love Kirito so so SO much--I actually had a fictional crush on him in early high school but who can blame me. Come on. Anyway I adore him and I just can’t understand people who hate on him literally the reason why he seems so edgy and cut off from people is because he doesn’t know how to interact with other humans it’s just something he never picked up
Also he’s been through WAY too much to be healthy Kawahara PLEASE give this boy a break and maybe give him his best friend back? Is that too much to ask? I’m tired of Kirito being tortured let him be happy for once baby deserves it
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ontowanderlust · 4 years
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Jujutsu Kaisen
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❅ Rewritten Fate : Platonic!Junpei & OC; First Year!Junpei Yoshino
What would’ve happened if the events that night changed? What if an anomaly showed up just when he needed it and completely rewrote his fate?
Sword Art Online
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❅ Let’s rewrite history, shall we? : Eugeo/OC
Eugeo Headcanons no one asked for. That may or may not be a story later on. So what happens if Eugeo’s already an established character from the start?
❅ A Forewarning : Eugeo/OC
Second part of Eugeo headcanons where he and Kirito meets the guild, and a potential ally...
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Robbie Kay
❅ Smile, for me?  
POTC Co-stars!AU. Can you describe your perfect guy? 
Shawn Mendes
❅ 2 AM
Two insomniacs going for an adventure of their own 
❅ I Love You  
How does one try to confess without the person ever knowing it? 
❅ Let’s play a game!  
“You’ll pretend you don’t know how I feel, and I’ll pretend I’m not breaking inside.” 
❅ Only a Moment  
You say you’ve already moved on from him but why does he still have this effect on you? 
Tom Holland
❅ Hogwarts AU  
Remind me, whose fault was it why we’re not talking anymore? 
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Ian Nelson
Supernatural School Series
The idea behind this story sprouted from my daydreams after reading this story. However, this series focuses more on the relationship between Ian Nelson (The guy who played young Derek Hale in Teen Wolf) and the reader where they happened to be co-stars and Ian had always harbored a crush on the Reader. This series may also known as the Party Games series.
❅  Two Truths and a Lie ❅  Twenty Questions ❅  Would you Rather?
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Loki Laufeyson
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❅ Loki Dictionary
Loki Laufeyson., n.
Prince of Asgard., Rightful ruler of Jötunheim., Master Magician., Sorcerer., Trickster., Silvertongue., Agent of Chaos., god of mischief., god of lies
But there’s so much more to him than what meets the eye, isn’t there?
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❅ 1 AM
Established!Loki x Reader where Reader is an Enhanced whose ability is to foresee and experience a stranger’s death
❅ I can’t lose you  
Sometimes, you need to know when to step back or walk away
❅ Is this what [love] feels like?  
Because of a misunderstanding, Loki expects his relationship to burn down in flames but Reader kept on surprising him
Peter Parker
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❅ 5 Times Peter thought Tony was hugging him and that one time he actually did  
Based on this fanart, fanfiction about Tony Stark and Peter Parker’s relationship
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❅ Spring time : Jojo Dela Guerrera/Reader
Spring time madness for our lil ray of sunshine  
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❅ Party Games Series : Racetrack Higgins/Reader
How do you admit to yourself that you’ve fallen for someone? Through party games, of course. ❅ Truth or Dare
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Otome Games
Mr. Love Queen’s Choice/ Mr. Love Dream Date
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❅ MLQC Dictionary
It is after all, a love story in the form of dictionary, with entries from dialogue to epistolary, from aberrant to zenith, only a handful of which are longer than a page.
Mystic Messenger
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❅ Bright like you
A Luciel entry for @/gureishi’s June event for the Choi twins: #More than words 2021. There are more than enough meaning for your name but I think this one is the best meaning out of all...
❅ Give me the stars
Another Saeyoung entry for @/gureishi’s June event for the Choi twins: #More than words 2021. He loves her... and that scares him the most. 
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Felix Rosier
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❅ Soulmate AU 
Felix week ‘18 entry. Inspired by a friend’s dream where one bears a burden while the other bears hope.
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A little background of Lillian Sanguine, a character in Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery
❅ HPHM Veela!MC
Headcanons about MC being a veela
❅ HPHM Jacob
Hogwarts Mystery Event Day 5. MC’s dear old missing brother.
❅ HPHM Actor! AU
A little fun idea between writers
❅ HPHM Angst! AU
What’s life without little angsts?
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❅ Centerfold  
Coffee shop AU for Felix week ‘18. A single photo can convey what the heart can’t say.
❅ E correi  
5 instances Felix called you those words and the one time he meant it.
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❅ See you again  
This isn’t an illusion isn’t it? This isn’t a dream of a dream where your brother is right there, right within your reach, is it?
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TV Series
Once Upon A Time
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❅ Fascination : Peter Pan/Reader
“Why can’t I read you?”
❅ The Boy who could’ve been : Peter Pan/Reader
“Is this who you’ll be?”
❅ What is Happiness? : Henry Mills/Reader
“How do you define happiness?”
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❅ Scars : Emma Swan/Reader
Established Relationship! Where Emma asks for the meaning behind the scars
❅ It’s a mad, mad world : Peter Pan/Reader
Cursed!AU where Reader and Peter can’t stand each other
❅ Goodbye means : Peter Pan/Reader
Hero!AU where Peter Pan is one of the good guys and Reader sees the world in grey who happens to like Peter but does he like you as well?
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❅ Jealousy Series : Peter Pan/Reader
Cursed!Peter Pan x Reader where Peter learns that there are different types of jealousy existed...
❅ The First Type: “I’m jealous but I’ll live,”
❅  Seven Kisses Series : Peter Pan/Reader
Cursed!AU where Reader and Peter Pan was swept by the curse just like everyone else. Reader is the princess of the Underworld whose True Love happen to be the Prince of Lost Boys.
❅ First Kiss (On the back of her hand) ❅ Second Kiss (On her knees) ❅ Third Kiss (On the nose) ❅ Fourth Kiss (On the forehead) ❅ Fifth Kiss (On the cheek) ❅ Sixth Kiss (On the neck) ❅ Seventh Kiss (On the lips)
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The Flash
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❅ Even if it hurts? : Barry Allen/Caitlin Snow
“You pause for a minute and two then try again”
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The Umbrella Academy
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❅ 7 times he confessed and the 1 time she accepted his confession : Five Hargreeves/Reader
For all it’s worth, he just want to confess his feelings, dammit!
❅ When he’s drunk ❅ When he’s overwhelmed ❅ When he’s trying to apologize ❅ When there’s only one bed  ❅ When they’re dancing  ❅
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Original Works
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❅ 5 Stages
The rollercoaster of emotion called love
❅ 12:12  
‘Tis a story of a guy trying to slip through the cracks of a broken girl
❅ I grew up
At what cost?
❅ I wonder
It’s all fairytales and stories until...
❅ That Kind of love  
It’s not unrequited love, but it isn’t a requited love either...
Inner Musings
❅ Rain  ❅ Writers ❅ Comfort ❅ Notebook ❅ Hands ❅ Affection  ❅ Play Pretend  ❅ Tell me  ❅ How’s it like?  ❅
❅ Don’t tell me ❅ Vulnerable  ❅ What I truly mean  ❅ I only love three things  ❅ Melody  ❅
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❅ None yet ❅
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❅ None yet ❅
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❅ None yet ❅
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❅ Forget the Past Series
An original story of mine created back in high school which depict the story of five girls who experienced the same heartbreak, created a band to forget what they’ve been through while doing so, they had forgotten what it really means to live their lives....
❅ Fall
“What’s gonna make you fall?”
❅ If Only  
“Should I let my heart keep listening?”
❅ The 72nd Hunger Games Series
Before Katniss Everdeen volunteered for her sister’s place in the 74th Hunger Games and eventually igniting the flame of rebellion, there had already been several unfortunate children who had been fighting for their own little sparks.
❅ District 1 Female: Reaping Story
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sabraeal · 3 years
Documented for Posterity, Part 2
[Read on AO3]
1:20    Method 1: Subject attempts to sleep off effects
In those first few halcyon moments before Yuzuri reaches for the lamp, Suzu has high hopes. It’s not the first time he’s slept off an inappropriately pitched tent; college dormitories and trips to the field don’t leave much in the way of privacy.  He prefers other methods, of course, but as he settles down against a pillow of his jacket and a blanket of Yuzuri’s cloak, he’s got a good good about his chances.
But then her fingers flip the flame down to the faintest flicker, light dancing through the glass with a demure wave, and--
Well, now he’s just locked in a dark room with stiff cock and a girl dressed not only in a clinging chemise-- there’s a flirty ripple of lace sewn to the curve of her decolletage that he’s personally finding very hard not to dwell on-- but also smelling like apples and vanilla. His heart gallops triple time in his chest, not sure if he’s ravenous for pie, biscuits, or her cunt.
It’s a bit much, that’s what he’s trying to say.
“It’s hot in here,” he complains, because anything else will almost certainly end with him doing a walk of shame in his long johns and boots across the university’s main floor. “Don’t you think it’s hot in here?”
“Just try to sleep already,” Yuzuri sighs, impatient, somewhere behind his head. He can’t see her; she’s moved away from the lamp’s hazy glow, and from the sound of it, is back at the table, pen scratching at the rough parchment of the page.
Experiment one, she must be writing, in the looping, fat hand he’s seen in the log book and on placards in the hothouses. Subject trying to sleep away erection of middling size. In this researcher’s experience, it should only take fifteen minutes to reduce to its normal size, though the standard deviation for cocks--
“I can hear you thinking.” Her pen skips to a stop. “Stop it.”
“It’s hard.” He rolls over, half on his stomach before he’s reminded-- ah yes, not a good plan having that touch...anything. Even if it’s just cold storeroom floor. “I’m very smart, you know.”
“I can’t see how.” He can’t see her, but he knows how her mouth is pinched, elongating the elegant oval of her face, and her arched brows drawn down to look like the sternest librarian fantasy. “It’s not like you do it regularly anyway.”
He nearly corrects her-- once a day, whether he needs to or not, just to keep the pipes working and his sheets clean-- but she’s not talking about that.
“Hey.” Suzu’s in no position to put his hands anywhere near his hips, but spiritually, they’re there, arms indignantly akimbo. “I have plenty of ideas--”
“Then have more of them about sleeping,” she informs him, stocking feet scuffling on the floor. “It’s impossible to have results if a test subject refuses to participate in the experiment.”
“Fine.” His arms fold across his chest in a huff. “I will. But you should know--”
“Suzu.” The way her mouth wraps around his name, so soft and resigned, has every bit of him standing at attention in all the best worst ways. Or worst best. He can’t quite decide. “Shut up.”
Suzu would like the record to show-- if Yuzuri would be kind enough to oblige him, which he knows she won’t be-- he does give it an honest effort.
Five minutes of honest to goodness silence settles him-- at least, enough to realize he’s too scrawny to ever lay on a stone floor in comfort. His shoulder blades jut oddly into the mortared edges, and when he rolls into his side, his ribs grate. It’s cold too; even in his woolens, Suzu feels the frosts of winters past riming his spine. And quite honestly, warm as his coat is, it’s nothing next to a good down pillow. Most bedding doesn’t smell of lab chemicals and yesterday’s lost dumpling. And Yuzuri’s cloak--
Well, it’s soft, warm-- and it smells like her. And, fool that he is, Past-Suzu thinks that’s a plus. Oh, Past-Suzu just catches that hint of dessert on the air and sticks his nose right in, huffing down that sweet scent of apple crisp, letting the soft, flickering of the lamp lull him. He can’t see her, but line of sight has never been necessary, oh no, not when a semi-eidetic memory meets an imagination as overactive as his.
Yuzuri sits up on her chair, one stockinged leg tucked beneath her, the other dangling, foot arched as her toes strain to press against the floor. Her golden hair falls over one shoulder, leaving the other bare, chemise sliding down its pale cusp. It’s chilly in here; she raises a hand to guide it back up. Her fingers hesitate-- maybe it would be better if they shared heat. Suzu, after all, looked so cozy there on the floor. Angelic, even, with the way his hair curled over his jacket.
Slowly, she stands, padding over, dropping to her knees. Her breasts strain against the soft linen of her chemise, nipples aroused by the contact, her hand reaching--
“Nope!” Suzu bolts upright, hunching over his knees. It’s a bit of a feat, now that his tent had expanded into a pavilion. “This is...definitely not working.”
The valve squeaks, the shadows deepening as the lamp brightens. The glare Yuzuri levels at him over the table describes all the way that his fantasies will stay firmly in the realm of imagination, aphrodisiac-induced arousal or not.  “Really?”
“Yes,” he informs her a little more manic than he would like. “It’s giving me far too much time to think.”
Yuzuri hum, flatly. “I can see how that might be dangerous to your health.”
“It’s not funny,” he snips, head snapping over his shoulder. “I’ve had an erection for two whole hours. That’s-- that’s at least a whole hour longer than I’ve ever done before.”
The pen scratches across the page, but he could swear he hears a muttered, hour fifty-five.
He frowns. “What was that?”
Yuzuri doesn’t bother looking up. “What was what?”
“You said something.”
“No.” Her mouth forms the word carefully as she crosses her ankles, legs drawn tight together from knee to thigh. “I didn’t.”
His mouth purses, annoyed. “I don’t think you’re taking this very seriously.”
“I’m handling it with the seriousness it deserves,” she informs him primly, her tone implying another half to the sentence, which is none.
“I’ll have you know it hurts.” At least it does now, now that he’s said it. Stings, quite honestly, like skin pinched in a hinge, too full for too long.
For the first time since this whole debacle started, a real thrill of fear rushes through him. The whole situation is ridiculous and mortifying and carries the vague threat of ending his career if someone with more pearls to clutch than Yuzuri found out he was sporting an erection in an educational institution, but it hasn’t seemed dangerous. But now he nudges his cock, just the barest bit, and tears spring to his eyes. Something might actually be medically wrong. This could have lasting implications.
“Oh, honestly.” Yuzuri squiggles in her seat, thighs rubbing together in a way that brings new meaning to the words painfully hard. “Can’t you just jack yourself off?”
Suzu, age twenty-five, of sound body and mind, nearly has a cardiac event.
“What?” He stares at her hard enough to pop a vessel-- which he doesn’t, but it’s a close thing, considering. “Right here?”
“N-no, Suzu!” A blush blooms over the rosy rounds of her cheeks. “I’m not just telling you t-to whip it out in front of me!”
He nearly asks why not-- it’s not like it will be the first penis she’s seen outside of a clinical setting-- but his teeth snap shut around the impulse. That’s one of those things that could be career limiting, if one considered the bedroom a place of employment. Which he didn’t; it was his sanctum sanctorum, the place in which he rested his head at night, but--
Well, if he had a reason to be employed in there, he might. He’d at least like to be conducting interviews, instead of, ah, self-review.
“I meant that you could, I don’t know, go around the corner.” She waves her hand vaguely towards the back of the stockroom. “Use a shelf for cover or, um, something.”
“There’s a closet,” he says, because elaborate self-sabotage could be listed on his curriculum vitae under professional skills. “We use it for storing light sensitive materials.”
Against all reason, she actually lifts a finger to her chin and ponders the suggestion. “You’re able to do it in the dark?”
He could find his cock blind, deaf, mute, and one-handed, but that strikes him as a relatively unimpressive feat, considering how it’s attached to him.
“Yeah,” he says instead, “if you, ah, don’t mind.”
There is a distinct, heavy hesitation before she replies, “Well, it’s not like you’ll be in the same room.”
“No,” he agrees, technically.
“I think--” she worries at the edge of a page, thoughtful-- “that as long as we’re, ah, recording our findings, then it’s fine to be...scientifically rigorous.”
He swallows, hard. It makes a noticeable thunk.
“Right,” he says, weakly, rising to his feet. “Scientifically...rigorous.”
2:15    Method 2: Subject attempts manual stimulation
“What?” Suzu squawks, peeping out of the closet. “You can’t write that!”
Yuzuri flattens the journal against her chest-- that’s not helping what going on down in his whole...Pavilion Street reconstruction down south. “Why not?”
“People are going to read that!” He makes a terrible, uncoordinated swipe for it. She easily sidesteps him, giving him a withering glare. There was a reason Kirito always asks Obi to be on his team for the little snow battles him and his rascally friends enacted on the quad and not Suzu.
“That’s the point,” Yuzuri deadpans, “it’s being documented for posterity, like all you scholars love.”
“Right, yes, I get that.” He shuffles, cock bobbling painfully in his pants. Really, something has to be done about this. “But Shidan will read it.”
Her mouth pulls thin; or at least it would, if her lips weren’t full and quantifiably kissable no matter their configuration. “Shidan is a person, yeah.”
“Which means I’ll have to talk about it.” He licks his lips, nervous, and Yuzuri watches him with ever-increasing incredulity. “In, you know, a meeting.”
She stares for a long moment, then opens the journal with a sigh.
2:15    Method 2: Subject attempts manual stimulation to self-administer proposed course of treatment
“That’s better.”
Yuzuri glares up at him. “Just get in the closet already.”
This should be easy. After all, Suzu always joked-- with Obi, alone, door locked after surreptitiously checking the halls to make sure no one was lingering too close to hear through the solid oak-- that if they’d handed out doctorates for masturbation, he’d have three. He is, in as much as one could be at a private practice with no grading rubric, a professional.
But as soon as he unbuttons the fall of his trousers, letting his cock sit heavy in his hands, he’s just...lost.
It should be a relief. When he’s left to his own devices, there’s no bigger rush than making it to his room before midnight, work finished-- or at least, avoided-- and stripping down to nothing. Just him, his bed, and a bottle of vanilla-scented oil, with the whole night before them.
But now he stands here in the dark, cramped closet, the scent of herbs so heavy he can feel it pressing against his skin, and even with his aching cock, he just can’t quite, well--
Get it up. No, wait, it’s definitely up, but--
But there’s nothing sensual about this. No romance. No chemistry. Like the dates Yuzuri always complains about-- no dinner first.
“How’s it going?” The wood muffles Yuzuri’s voice, but he can hear each word as crisp as an accusation. “Getting close?”
Suzu’s tongue falls in an exasperated cluck, swiveling his neck toward the door. “Just how long do you think this takes?”
“In my vast experience,” she drawls, her tone vibrating at the frequency glass shatters, “you should already be done.”
He’s tempted to balk, maybe even disparage her previous paramours, but, well-- if she was here, her soft, slender hands wrapped around his cock, whispering encouragement into his ear, Suzu doubts he’d fare much better. His cock gives a good twitch of agreement, and promptly continues to get absolutely nowhere.
“Well,” he manages, mouth utterly dry-- another factor making this whole venture both uncomfortable and unlikely-- “I can’t do it when you’re right out there, listening.”
Even through the door her sigh is heavy, frustrated. “I’m taking notes!”
“I don’t see why,” he snaps, giving his shaft a vengeful stroke. It, like all the others, feels good while also being irrevocably, disappointingly wrong. “It’s not like you’ll be describing this in Methods.”
“Because if I take notes, this is experimentation,” she explains haltingly, “and if I don’t, then...”
Then he’s just a young man fruitlessly jerking off in a closet while she listens, no matter the details. She could sit back at the table, of course, folding those shapely legs beneath her, biting her lip with a longing glance over her shoulder but--
But it wouldn’t change anything. He’s still in a closet, hand around his cock, hoping for some relief, and she’s enabling him. The science is the only thing between her and a scandal.
“It’s just...” His palm squeezes the base of his shaft, a spark of arousal zipping up his spine. “It’s like trying to pee when there’s someone in the next stall.”
There’s a long moment of silence, enough that he wonders if she’s wandered away after all, ready to wash her hands of the whole thing. It’s his problem, after all, not hers, and she--
“Suzu.” Her voice is low, the kind of deep-throated whisper that sends static swirling over his skin. “Are you a shy pisser?”
His cheeks sting, heat prickling like a rash. Unfair-- by any natural law, or at least the ones in his repertoire-- he shouldn’t have the blood to spare for a blush, let alone one that fully threatens to expand its horizons in either northern or southerly direction. Any moment now he’ll start to get dizzy, maybe even pass out in this tiny bolthole of a closet, and Yuzuri will have to drag him out with his pants around the ankles before she goes and writes something like, subject’s delicate constitution precludes finishing trial, and--
“NO ONE LIKES PEEING IN FRONT OF PEOPLE.” His breath huffs out of him in ragged pants, and for once it has nothing to do with the state of his erection. Well, tangentially it does, but-- “honestly, Yuzuri.”
“Strange stance to take when you can pee on any tree you want,” she mutters, just audible through the oak. “Now are you going to finish this up or what?”
Suzu looks down at his cock-- still painfully hard, ridiculous jutting out from the ruin of his trousers-- and glares.
“Why are you even still here,” he grumbles, shoving it back behind his fall, buttons fumbling out of the grip of his trembling fingers. “Nothing about this is arousing.”
“I just don’t see what the big deal is,” Yuzuri says, incredulous, for what had to be the twelfth time since he’s stumbled out of the closet, desperately aroused and with no relief in sight. The repetition has not made the observation any less embarrassing. “You must do it all the time.”
Suzu hunches over his knees, willing himself to disappear. Like everything he wants, invisibility remains frustratingly elusive. “I’m not talking to you about-- about--”
“Jerking off?” Her brows make a rousing bid for her hairline. “It’s a little late for that, don’t you think?”
He shrivels sullenly. “It’s not fair.”
Yuzuri sighs, but she tips her head to look at him, hair falling like a solid sheet of gold over her shoulder, neck curved in an elegant line, ready for a mouth to--
Ugh. Suzu buries his face between his knees. His suffering is unending.
“How is this unfair?” She asks, annoyance adding spikes to every oblivious word that falls from her lips. “Just because your genitalia is external and obvious?”
It should be impossible to be so angry and so aroused at the same time, not without blissfully passing out to avoid both states, but here he is, still conscious. Still conscious, and the tatters of his brain-to-mouth filter frittered away by the ache in his crotch.
“It’s not fair,” he seethes raggedly, “because nothing is happening to you!”
The silence his shout leaves behind is deafening. What was he thinking? He never raises his voice, not like this, and especially not at Yuzuri. Yuzuri who could be doing anything else instead of sitting here, nursing him through the worst night of his life.
He can barely bring himself to look up, to look at the confusion furrowing her perfect alabaster brow.
“I know it’s not your fault, but--” he should really stop himself, but an object in motion stays in motion, and there’s no friction he can provide that can stop the truth from barrelling out of his mouth-- “here I am, experiencing death by erection, and you--” he waves his hand vaguely in her direction-- “are immune or something.”
“Immune?” The word hisses between her teeth, sharp as a page’s edge. “Suzu, I’m dying. I-- I can barely sit upright, but someone has to write this down.”
Suzu stares. Properly this time, gaze fixed to her face, and-- she’s flushed, pink blooming around the gathering at her collar, and twinging up her neck, flooding her cheeks. “W-what?”
“What do you mean ‘what?’“ she snaps. “It’s not like I’ve been hiding it! Just because I don’t have external genitalia doesn’t mean I’m not--”
She throws up her hands, the noise she makes halfway between a grunt and a scream,all frustration. Her one arm drops, wiping at her forehead--
Her forehead, which is coated in sweat. Wiped by her hands, which are trembling. Right above her eyes too, too dark even for the dimness of the room. And her thighs, they rub together, pressed tight at their apex--
His mouth dries. Her chemise is wet, right where it settles over her crotch. The scent in the room now is not just herbs and alcohol, but something earthy and tantalizing, something he’d like to taste on his tongue.
“Yuzuri,” he says slowly, heart pounding in his ears. “Are you...horny?”
She turns to him with those too dark eyes, breath huffing out her small nose.
“You,” she sighs, trembling fingers pressing to her temples, “are an utter moron.”
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thegayfromrulid · 4 years
How about a Yujikiri oneshot where they're in the real world, Eugeo misses snow and since they can't just make it snow, Kirito gets some really rare item in Alfheim that makes it snow wherever they are and uses that for a VR date with him.
Hello, anon! This was such a cute prompt! <3 I really enjoyed writing this. I had a lot of fun brainstorming the rare item for this, as well as imagining these two cute boys having fun in the snow! 
           “Does it ever snow in Saitama?”
           The question seemed a bit out of nowhere to me, as I finished loading the dishwasher and hadn’t been talking about climate with Eugeo prior to this moment. I looked up from what I was doing and saw him gazing out of the window, looking around at the world. It was still summer, even after spending an incredibly long time inside of the STL as a member of the Underworld. I wiped off my hands and went to stand over beside him, giving him a grin.
           “Yeah, sometimes,” I said. “Usually in the winter we’ll get some decent flakes. Why?”
           There was a sad look on his face, one that made me start to think. He was eager to see snow again. Eugeo had lived in Rulid, which was at the northernmost tip of Norlangarth. He’d lived at the foot of mountains, which meant that he was used to colder winters. Since he’d left that village, he’d not seen as much snow in the warmer capital city. It had been, in a sense, ages since he’d seen snow.
           Eugeo brushed it off, though, acting as if he wasn’t missing seeing it. I shouldn’t have expected anything less. Eugeo was the sort of person who never talked about the things troubling his heart. I would just have to do something about this. I told him it might not be as long as he thought before he saw snow again, to which he laughed and told me there was no such thing as a cryogenic art in the real world. I just laughed and saw him off, eager to get a plan in motion.
           I did a bit of online searching with the help of Suguha. As it would turn out, there was a very rare item in ALO that had the power to make it snow anywhere in the world. It was a stone, a mate to similar stones with different weather properties: summoning rain, clearing the skies for a sunny day, summoning a tornado or a hurricane or a tsunami. These stones were meant to give certain fairy races advantages and disadvantages in a PvP fight. I figured they would work just as well for a little date-time surprise.
           The entire group agreed to help out with the mission to recover the ‹‹ Snær Stone ››, so-called for the runes that decorated its surface. They spelled out the word “snær,” an Old Norse name for snow, Suguha told me. In order to earn the stone, we had to complete a rather difficult quest in an area of ALO called Niflheim called “The Hunt of Ullr.” In the quest, the patron saint of skiers, Ullr, offers players sets of skis and asks them to hunt down wolf-type monsters to protect the local NPC population. As a reward for the quest, each player would receive money, special snow resistant gear, the skis themselves, and, to the player with the most kills, the ‹‹ Snær Stone ››.
           Alice offered to keep Eugeo busy and offline for the duration of the quest, giving the rest of the group time to head out to the Niflheim area and complete the quest. It proved to be particularly tricky, as expected, as the act of skiing wasn’t as easily picked up as was sword fighting with the assist system. Much like riding horses or driving vehicles, this action in VR required some real-world practice—of which, to my surprise, Klein had the most. We spent a fair amount of time learning how to ski, and once we sort of had that down, the best player wound up being Sinon, whose bow gave her a serious advantage over the rest of us when hunting down the wolves. The gang agreed to let me have the last attack on each monster, though, so that I would end up with the stone.
           The stone felt well-earned by the time Ullr was placing it in my hands. I wanted to fall over from fatigue, but I was reminded that this was only the first step of the plan. I had to exit the dive, meet up with Eugeo, and then convince him to come back to the log cabin with me for a special snowy date. I stayed behind with Asuna, staring at the stone in my palm as I thought.
           “Do you think this will really be enough for him?” I asked her.
           She gave me that knowing best friend smile, and then she reached over to me and closed my fingers around the stone. Our eyes met, and she smiled at me, nodding.
           “He loves you, Kirito,” she said. “Don’t panic. He’s going to be very happy that you put in this much effort for him.”
           I felt my confidence increase just a bit. Asuna always knew what to say.
           “Now, go give your boyfriend a present he won’t forget!” she told me.
           In a flash, she was gone, leaving me alone with my thoughts. She was right. Eugeo knew that there was no magic in Japan. He would never fault me for using ALO as the date location for snow because of that. There was nothing for me to worry about. Nodding to myself, I quickly slipped the stone into my inventory and logged out to go and text Eugeo.
           He agreed to meet up with me at a game shop close to my house. I told him to bring along his Amusphere so that we could get in some gaming time together. He went along with it. I think playing ALO reminded him of how we met. The fantasy world, even though it wasn’t at all the same as the one he’d been raised in, made more sense to him than my home world did. We checked out a few new titles at the store and then headed back to my place. I urged him to dive from my bed next to me.
           “If you insist,” he said. “But there’s more room if one of us takes the couch.”
           I laughed and shook my head.
           “We’ll be diving,” I said. “Do we really need that much extra room?”
           He just smiled at me and shook his head. He knew just as well as I did that it was an excuse to lay beside him. We climbed onto the bed, laying side-by-side, and slipped on our Amuspheres to dive into the log cabin. We shouted the log on command in unison, and seconds later, we were standing in the living area, right where we’d logged out. I smiled across the room at the blue-eyed Undine boy. I hurried over to him and grasped his hand. Eugeo let out a slight yelp and then a laugh as I tugged him along after me into the forest.
           “Where are we going, Kirito?” he asked, smiling over at me.
           I picked a spot in the woods that had a little bit of a clearing, and I stopped to remove the stone from my inventory. I’d read over the item’s instructions for how to use it. I recited a spell that had been given to me in those instructions, making sure to pronounce everything carefully as I spoke. I turned back to Eugeo, who had a quizzical look on his face, and I waited. I slipped the stone into my pocket and reached one hand out to him. He took it, still confused, and he smiled at me.
           “What kind of a spell was that?” he asked.
           I pointed my other hand up. He slipped his fingers into my hand as his eyes followed my gesture. I watched his eyes start to sparkle as he realized what was happening. Gentle snowflakes started to fall around us, landing on the ground, the trees, and our avatars. Luckily for me, this particular spell caused an area effect that would turn this place into a wintry landscape. The ground started to turn white with packed snow, and the trees held just enough to look like an old-fashioned Christmas card. Eugeo started laughing and put out his hand to catch a few of the snowflakes.
           “How did you do that, Kirito?” he asked.
           Pulling the stone out of my pocket, I opened his palm and set it down in his hand.
           “With this, we can see snow anytime we like,” I said.
           Eugeo clutched the stone in his palm and then threw his arms around me, tackling me with a hug. We fell down into the freshly fallen snow, sending up a powdery spray as we landed. The both of us laughed, now covered with icy crystals. Eugeo leaned forward and slipped his lips into mine, stealing a warm kiss amidst the cold now swirling gently around us. I cupped his face in my hands, feeling his cold cheeks start to fill with warmth.
           His eyes opened a little as he pulled away from the kiss. Our noses were barely touching. The snow falling around his face made him look less like a fairy and more like an angel. Some of it stuck to his hair, and the sunlight hit those crystals, making them sparkle. I smiled. He looked so handsome in the snow. It had been so long since I’d seen him smiling the way he’d smiled at me back in the Underworld.
           “Thank you,” he whispered. “I missed this so much.”
           I chuckled.
           “I’m glad you like the snow,” I said.
           Eugeo shook his head.
           “No, not just the snow,” he said. “I missed us just enjoying the simple things in life together.”
           I pulled him in for another kiss.
           “Me, too,” I admitted.
           I rolled us over in the snow and hopped up to my feet.
           “Now,” I said. “Are we going to enjoy this weather, or are we just going to sit and kiss in the snow?”
           Before Eugeo could respond, I was already tossing a bit of snow at him. He laughed like a child and jumped up to start throwing it back at me. We frolicked around in the snow, tossing it at one another, rolling around in it, and building little snowmen, completely lost in a little corner of winter that we’d made for ourselves. When we’d tired ourselves out, we went back into the cabin to log out, and we curled up against one another, gently dozing off as we warmed one another up from the virtual chill.
           A glimpse of Eugeo’s face before I fell asleep told me everything I needed to know. He was smiling brightly. I cuddled up to him, grateful that this VR snow day had brought him such a happy smile.
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dawnwave16 · 5 years
Link Start - Lies Stopped!
I’ve been reading a lot of salt fics recently and needed a break from “Not what I expected” so I thought I’d try my hand at writing a one shot salt with one of my all-time Favorite anime’s SAO. Enjoy!
17-year-old Marinette was quiet. Today marked the 3rd anniversary since SAO had been cleared by her big brother Kirito. He wasn't really he brother but they had partied up right at the start of SAO when he realised how young she was and how she hadn't wanted to leave his side when it became clear that it was a death game. She was grateful that she was able to speak enough Japanese at that time to make sure she was understood so they had worked together to make sure she was completely fluent by the time the game cleared.
She had helped him get Asuna out during the ALO mess, had helped out during GGO's death gun incident and had even been visiting during the Ordinal Scale disaster. She had been pulled in to help during the time Kirito had been stuck in RAFT's Alicization project too though she hated that that had even happened to begin with. As far as she was concerned there were things you just didn't mess with. It was when she had come back from Japan after 3 months of physio that she had been given the Ladybug earrings and she thanked Tikki every day for her help getting her body back into shape.
Her attention was brought back to the class when the constant thorn in her side, Lila Rossi, started bragging again. She listened for a moment and couldn't believe what she heard.
“Oh yes, I was part of the Front liners in SAO and was one of the best when it came to clearing an area for people to get through. In fact, I landed most of the killing blows during boss fights!” Lila was saying.
There was a lot of things Mari would let slide but this? This was not one of them. She didn't care if Adrian didn't approve of her actions, nor did she care if this caused an Akuma, she wasn't letting this lie stand. She stood and slammed her hands down on the table getting the whole classes attention.
“Can you stop lying for once in your life?” She growled, her eyes flashing angrily. Adrian looked at her reproachfully but she ignored him.
“I'm not lying, Marinette, you-”
“Yes, you are!” Marinette interrupted her.
“Girl, we know you love gaming but just because Lila happens to have been in the most amazing VR game ever you don't need to accuse her of lying to cover your jealousy!” Typical Ayla, always ready to believe a liar and never someone she called a friend.
“Exactly Marinette, you don't need to be jealous, I could introduce you to the members of the Furyankazan or Sunlight Cats if you want.” Lila simpered and immediately the class started saying how generous she was.
 “Min'na ni usowotsuku no o yamete kudasai,” Marinette yelled. (Stop lying to everyone.) This startled the whole class into silence again despite not knowing what Marinette had said.
“How can you even think about lying about being in SAO? Don't you know the trauma that everyone went through? The worry and stress about getting out alive? If you were truly there you would know that the Moonlit Black Cats are all dead! They were killed by a trap room!” Marinette's voice was trembling with suppressed fury as she spoke. “Do you even know what the final boss was or what floor that boss was defeated on was? Do you know how many died in that battle?”
“Well, of course, I know!” Lila seemed sure of herself as she answered. “It was the 100th floor, The final boss was a giant golem and no one died.”
“Wrong on all three counts, Lila.”
“No, I'm not,” Lila stubbornly declared.
“The game was cleared on the 75th floor. 12 people died facing The Skull Reaper and while that was the boss for the 75th floor, the true boss of the game was Heathcliff aka Kayaba Akihiko himself!” Her voice was getting a little shrill by this stage. “Kirito was the one to defeat him in a one on one winner takes all match! So stop talking about something you know nothing about!”
“How do we know you aren't lying?” Max demanded. He was especially interested as he wanted to see if he could meet some of the players of SAO and Lila had said she could organise for him to meet them.
“Ms Bustier, can we link the laptop to the projector and start a skype session?” When Ms Bustier nodded confusedly, Marinette pulled out her phone and confirmed with Yui that the team was logged on in ALO and that Yui would patch the call through. 
“Max, the people I'm calling will be speaking in Japanese, so please set it up to have subtitles at the bottom, I would but I want it to be clear that I have not interfered with the programming in any way. It should also show what I'm saying as I won't be speaking French!” Marinette had turned to Max as she spoke. By this time the class had realised she was dead serious about what she was saying and were looking at each other in concern. Max nodded and made sure everything was set up. 
The call soon connected and an image of 8 people sitting in what appeared to be a lounge slash viewing area type place was showing on the screen. They were clearly in avatar's as they all looked like some sort of elf or fairy and there was a tiny fairy sitting on a man with black hair's shoulder. Max looked excited but the class looked confused. 
Without prompting Max explained, “Those are ALO or ALfheim Online avatars!”
Meanwhile, Marinette had greeted the group with a wave. Once she had the classes attention she introduced everyone on the screen and as their name was said the person would wave. Lila was a little pale but figured she could still make it look like Marinette was lying until Marinette got to the last name.
“And this is Kirigaya Kazuto or Kirito as most of us know him.” Lila blanched even further. When Marinette spoke again she was speaking in Japanese and just as Max had set it up to do, subtitles were coming up on the screen. Marinette gave her SAO friends a brief rundown of what Lila had said as part of her explanation for the sudden call.
“It's alright Irakusa-chan (Nettle) we were planning on giving you a call later to double-check that we were still on for the raid on Saturday,” Kirito said cheerfully. Max's eyes got big at the sound of the name Kirito had called her, the name was just as famous as the rest of the people in the on-screen chat!
“Now on to what this girl was saying I remember every one of the front liners, floor clearers and mapping party members looked like and you are the only person in that room that I recognise.” Asuna said still looking at Marinette's class.
Max turned to Marinette and asked her a few questions he wanted answers to confirm that yes the people they were talking to were SAO survivors and not fakes. Marinette nodded and translated the questions, knowing the class would see the translations written as subtitles on the screen as she spoke. Kirito and the others answered them and soon Max was satisfied. Marinette confirmed the raid for Saturday was still on and that barring any drama she would be there, then signed off. 
The class was quiet and Lila looked furious.
“How could you humiliate me like that?” She spat at Marinette.
“What do you mean, Lila? I simply spoke the truth. After all, I lived through SAO so why would I need to lie about it?” Marinette stated calmly. Max nodding along to confirm that she wasn't lying.
“Maybe next time you'll check your facts.” With that last shot, Marinette turned around and walked out of the classroom. She needed to get to a spot to transform should she need to. After-all she could already hear her classes screams as they confronted the liar.
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