#saphyra tsuki
aurora-tsuki · 4 years
{A Glimpse; Stained Glass}
It was peculiar, really. But in an odd and distorted way.
She sat in the tower of the upper room of the Moonlit Observatory, where she had made a small home of the place. The rest of the Aetherwatch was gearing up and getting ready to head to the Mirror Marsh, where they had been helping to solve the strange events unfolding in Thunder Valley…
But Saphyra sat and stayed. She looked out through the Astroscope in muse, not really searching for anything in particular.
Should her heart be racing? Should be sad? Should be scared? Even the sense of guilt at scaring the Emeline to hide in her room for two days was dull and far away.
It felt like she was experiencing all of this through stained glass. She could make out the image of her emotions and pick out what she was supposed to feel, but it was all awkward and the puzzle did not line up the images exactly.
Did that mean that… she was? Was this a sign of whatever was blocking her memories, keeping her shattered, making this moment distorted even as the rest of the Aetherwatch left the House leaving her here – not a prisoner, but maybe a danger, “it will be okay we just need you to say here for a bit” –
Was she actually Tempered?
And did that mean… what about Kayne?
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katalinhunter · 4 years
Main Character or Side?
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The Anti-hero
"i diDn't wAnt to be a HerO" too bad you are one. you're the anti-hero! a main character for sure, you're the morally gray protagonist. you're unconventional, cynical, and you like your alone time. you might be the most sarcastic person ever. you might have questionable methods, but you do the right thing in the end... usually. you dislike being pitied. you're the TEXTBOOK neutral. also very chaotic. i fear and respect you.
Quiz here: https://uquiz.com/quiz/JE844B/are-you-the-main-character-or-a-side-character
Tagged by: @blue-sentinel​, thank you!! Tagging: @saphyra-tsuki​, @healeremeline​, @lydha-lran​, @craftramsay​, @deadtail-ffxiv​, @dumb-hat​, @kich-rp​, @spellsandtales​, @zarah-ffxiv​, @zhauric​
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rosettevaleria · 4 years
Main or Side Character
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the anti-hero
"i diDn't wAnt to be a HerO" too bad you are one. you're the anti-hero! a main character for sure, you're the morally gray protagonist. you're unconventional, cynical, and you like your alone time. you might be the most sarcastic person ever. you might have questionable methods, but you do the right thing in the end... usually. you dislike being pitied. you're the TEXTBOOK neutral. also very chaotic. i fear and respect you.
Quiz is here!
Tagged by: @healeremeline​
Tagging: @saphyra-tsuki​, @blackmagesol​, @oroete​, @kayneblackfire​ and anyone else who wants to do it -- consider yourself tagged!
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aetherwatchsociety · 5 years
Aetherwatch Society Medical Clinic! 3/18
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Come join us for any of your medical needs or emergencies! 
Please direct any questions to @healeremeline​ 
Artwork by @saphyra-tsuki​
@crystalxivrp​ @mateusrpcalendar​ @mateus-rp​
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kaynetsuki · 4 years
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I love picrew! ty!
Tagged by: @ashebraum
Tagging: @saphyra-tsuki @healeremeline
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leaping-layla · 5 years
Fun Times <3
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@saphyra-tsuki​ @rosettevaleria​ @kayneblackfire​ @aetherwatchsociety​
Just a small screenshot dump from some fun RP tonight! I love these people. <3
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junakagane · 6 years
About Jun
 Tagged by @healeremeline​
Bold all that applies to your muse
• Eyes:   Blue | Green | brown | hazel | gray | gray-blue | other { Amber / Gold}
• Hair:   blond | sandy | brown | black | auburn | ginger | grey / white | multi-color | other { Lilac / Lavender }
• Body type:   skinny | slender | slim | built | curvy | athletic | average | muscular | pudgy | overweight
• Skin:   pale | light | fair | freckled | tan | olive | medium | dark | discolored
• Gender:   male | female | trans | cis | agender | demigender | genderfluid | other | doesn’t like labels | don’t have any definite headcanon either way
• Sexuality:   heterosexual | homosexual | bisexual | pansexual | asexual | demisexual | other | unsure | doesn’t like labels
• Romantic orientation:   homoromantic | heteroromantic | biromantic | panromantic | aromantic | demiromantic | unsure | doesn’t like labels
• I’ve been: in love | hurt | ill | mentally abused | bullied | physically abused | tortured |brainwashed | shot
• Positive traits:
affectionate | adventurous | athletic | brave | careful | charming | confident | creative | cunning | determined | forgiving | generous | honest | humorous | intelligent | loyal | modest | patient | selfless | polite | down-to-earth | diligent | romantic | moral | fun-loving | charismatic |calm
• Negative traits:  aggressive | bossy | cynical | envious | shy | fearful | greedy | gullible |jealous | impatient | impulsive | cocky | reckless | insecure | irresponsible | mistrustful  | paranoid | possessive | sarcastic | self-conscious | selfish | swears | unstable | clumsy | rebellious | emotional | vengeful | anxious | self-sabotaging | moody | peevish | angry |pessimistic | slacker | thin skinned | overly dramatic | argumentative
• Living situation:
lives alone | lives with parent(s) / guardian | lives with significant other | lives with a friend | drifter | homeless | lives with children | other { Lives on a ship with friends, sometimes SO}
• Parents/guardian:   mother | father | adoptive | aunt | uncle | foster | grandmother | grandfather | other (original FC mates)
• Sibling(s):   sister(s) | brother(s) | none | other
• Relationship:   single | crushing | dating | engaged | married | separated | it’s complicated | verse dependent
• I have a(n):
developmental disorder | learning disorder | personality disorder | mental disorder | anxietydisorder | sleep disorder | eating disorder | behavioural disorder | substance-related disorder | PTSD | mental disability | physical disability | other
• Things i’ve done before:
had alcohol | smoked | stolen | done drugs | self-harmed | starved | had sex | had a threesome | had a one-night stand | gotten into a fist fight | gone to the hospital | gone to jail | used a fake ID | played hooky | gone to a rave | killed someone | had someone try to kill them
Tagging: @healeremeline @oroete @rosettevaleria @saphyra-tsuki @blackmagesol @sleepy-mage
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redviera · 4 years
Where They Stand - Trinne Sklenar
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Bold for the main responses, italics for conditional/complicated
✖ FINANCIAL – wealthy  / moderate / poor / in poverty ✖ MEDICAL – fit / moderate / sickly / disabled / disadvantaged / deceased ✖ CLASS OR CASTE – upper / lower / middle / working / unsure ✖ EDUCATION – qualified / unqualified / studying
✖ MARITAL STATUS – married, happily / married, unhappily / engaged  / partnered / divorced / widow or widower / separated / single / it’s complicated [unstructured] ✖ CHILDREN – has children / no children / wants children / adopted children ✖ FAMILY – close with siblings / not close with siblings / has no siblings[does not recall] / siblings are deceased / it’s complicated ✖ AFFILIATION – orphaned / adopted / disowned / raised by both parents / it’s complicated / other [does not recall]
✖ disorganized / organized / in between ✖ close-minded / open-minded / in between ✖ cautious / reckless / in between ✖ patient / impatient / in between ✖ outspoken / reserved / in between ✖ leader / follower / in between ✖ sympathetic / unsympathetic / in between ✖ optimistic / pessimistic / in between ✖ hardworking / lazy / in between ✖ cultured / uncultured / in between ✖ loyal / disloyal / in between ✖ faithful / unfaithful / in between
✖ SEXUALITY – heterosexual / homosexual / bisexual / asexual / pansexual / omnisexual / demisexual ✖ SEX – sex repulsed / sex neutral / sex favorable ✖ ROMANCE – romance repulsed / romance neutral / romance favorable ✖ SEXUALLY – sexually adventurous / sex experienced / naive / inexperienced / curious / uninterested
✖ COMBAT SKILLS – excellent / good / moderate / poor / none ✖ LITERACY SKILLS – excellent / good / moderate / poor / none ✖ ARTISTIC SKILLS – excellent / good / moderate / poor / none ✖ TECHNICAL SKILLS – excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
Tagged by: @saphyra-tsuki​​ !!! Tagging: I’m late, so anyone who hasn’t done it feel free!
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aurora-tsuki · 4 years
Lost Foundling
After all of it; the researching, the fighting, the puzzle pieces, the look of fear and disgust in Emeline’s eyes, the great fight were the Primal energy took over, and almost being responsible for loosing Kayne, Rosette, Mafrea, Emeline--
Now what?
She sat in the Upper Observatory, fiddling with the monocle. Sticking it in and out of the moonlight beam that filtered through the stain glass, marveling as the metal glowed silver when exposed. In the glass she could see memories dance past, ghosts of her past trapped in the transparent lens. That’s how it had all come back... The metal was enchanted to show the wearer what they subconsciously were thinking about. It had been given as a gift, so she could always find what she was looking for. But now it just replayed old memories she would rather not have to witness so closely.
Sute quo Perditas. Foundling. Lost. Apt meanings for the name assigned to her by the man that called himself her father -- the man she saw as a father, before she learned... no, cheated her way into realizing the Garlean’s were terrible. 
And here she was in her room that the House had rearranged for her. New memories, new room, new feelings... new name... Though it was more correct say “No Name”. She felt like a lost foundling again. She did not know how she felt about Saphyra anymore, the name her ghost had used. Sute and her old alias Hikari were not options. And Sikariya... she liked it, Booshie had given it to her, a special gift after all she had done to the woman in their past together... But Rosette’s words stuck in her head.
“If you try to combine with your old names, it might just hold you back from growth.” 
She leaned forward and hugged her knees close, tears threatening to spill over. Tears of sadness? Of anger? Frustration? She could not tell. She felt so much and so fiercely now. The Primal had dulled all of Saphyra’s feelings to stop her from being hurt, to keep her safe. This new raen was not protected and never learned how to cope.
She wanted someone to give her the answers. Rosette said she liked Saphyra, to take the name and aspire to be like her old self. But her old self was an empty ghost. She was sweet and kind but so... so empty...
Some people just called her Sikariya with no comment. Encouraging her to find herself. Others ignored this and just kept on calling her Saphyra. It felt unfair -- it felt --
The tears of too many emotions finally spilled over.
A raen with no name. Just a dirty Garlean, like Burrich said. Emotionally Manipulative, like Emeline called her.
She had been avoiding the House. Avoiding Burrich. And most of all, avoiding Emeline. It felt all she could do in this tower was cry.
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aurora-tsuki · 4 years
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aurora-tsuki · 5 years
{An Entry: Distractions}
The Moonlight Observatory is a strange place. 
The halls seem to stretch and shrink, the way to a familiar room seeming different every time you try to make your way there. Doors that should be on the left side of the hall, now seem to be on the right… Many of the rooms have tricks to finding your way too them. Some even have a preference for snacks.
I have found the Upper Observatory, the room I have made mine, requires pers - persev - perseverance. Taking the first flight of stairs that you stumble into, up and up and up you have to go. Sometimes it’s a straight shot. Sometimes it curves left, and sometimes right. But always -- as soon as you feel like you want to give up, like you will never reach the top -- I push myself a little more and the door appears. 
Recently, Emeline (poor sweet Emeline, who already has too much going on) and Rosette (who also has far too much on her plate, and does not appear to be sleeping) helped me tell Eretos’ family of the news. I want not to go into details, not even in this journal for remembering, as hearing his mother’s cry will be a weight in my heart until the end of time. And I am afraid to be alone… afraid is not the right word, but I do not know the correct word to use it it’s place. 
I want to be distracted. I want to be busy. I do not want to think about what happened to Eretos. I check on the apple tree every chance I am able. I have finally made contact with the Sylphs in person, though I went in cloak and disguise -- for safety against whatever it is that looms over us. I have been running errands and avoiding being alone with my thoughts at all cost. I miss Kayne… though I do not think I am in a good place right now that I would not be a burden to him.
And so I am glad for the walk up the stairs. For the reminder not to give up. That when things seem at its end and that you are unable to go on, push just a little more, and you will find your way. And so I will not. I will push forward and I will continue to try and grow and apple tree in the sand. 
As for the rest of the rooms… it is a pleasant distraction to get lost in these halls.
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aurora-tsuki · 5 years
{A Glimpse: Can Apple Trees Grow in the Desert?}
She had known. Known it was not safe, known the boy was not safe, and yet, and yet, and yet,
Splattered across her cheeks, her freckles now crimson with fresh blood, the boy still before her. No light was left in his eyes -- moments ago having been so bright and so hopeful -- 
This was the same boy that had given her the letter. The letter that made her betray her family. The letter that she had taped on her wall in the observatory room, marked in black paint, a sign of vengeance. The man with the monocle had given this letter to the young boy -- Eretos, his name was Eretos -- and made this innocent child deliver it to Saphyra. 
She followed the lead to Eretos to learn more about this man with the monocle, what had happened, why, who was after her family;
And she had found him. Small, dirty, too gaunt for a young boy at his age of growing. She saw herself in his eyes. The tiredness from eating too little, from not having enough, but doing his best, even when dinner was met with simply going to sleep so he would not have to feel hunger. The hope he had in a better future as he carried food back to his family. A job taken, a letter delivered, just to be able to provide for his family. Even as he looked to Saphyra, Eretos’ first act was to offer the Au Ra an apple -- food that he clearly needed, food that he was struggling to come by -- 
The shot had rung out with such a clear crack. The first time in Ul’dah the wind had been still. No sand scraped the stone, no flapping of the flags that hung along the walls outside the alley. Pure silence. All but the echoing left behind from the firearm that took away the light from Eretos’ eyes, took away all the breaths he would never have, all the warm in his smile. 
He was so small. So light. There was hardly anything to the boy. The desert would turn him to sand so quickly. 
Setting the food he had just bought for his family -- a family now one member smaller -- onto the back of her chocobo, the small girl carried the small boy across the sands on her own back. All the way to Drybone she walked, Weelio letting out sweet whistles of worry, though the animal knew she needed to make this walk without his help. 
Drybone does not ask questions if you know what to say. No comments of the blossom on the boys back, no questions of the crimson freckles, no mention of the tear stained trails on her cheeks. 
As the last of the dirt -- sand? -- was packed into place and the acolyte returned to their other duties, Saphyra dug a small hole at the head of the fresh mound. Carefully she put the apple seeds into the hole. She did not know if it could grow in these conditions, but Saphyra would tend to this tree as long as she was able. She would make it thrive. She would.
And she would kill the man with the monocle. 
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aurora-tsuki · 5 years
13. What gets them flustered and 14. Ingrained habits/forces of habit
13. Being asked what get Saphyra flustered, flusters her! 
She is quite shy but is trying her best. Social situations (especially with unfamiliar people) is absolutely her biggest source of becoming flustered. With more familiar people in smaller group settings, she is able to manage much better.
14. Saphyra will often cross an arm over her torso as a way to “close” herself when (see above) flustered. She covers her mouth when she laughs. And, when she’s stressed or exceptionally anxious, she tends to drop into referring to herself as “this one” ;) 
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aurora-tsuki · 5 years
{A Glimpse; Shattering Glass}
“Let her leave. It seems we are dead to her.”
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Shattering glass. A cold wash, like frozen lightning, bringing numbness to her limbs. Her heart pounding so heavy, hands shaking so aggressively, she coiled them into fists -- they could not see the pain, the fear, the sadness, the lies -- they had to believe her. Even as every word broke her. Even as every word took away what she cared about most. Even as every word left Saphyra with nothing at all… If they mistrusted her, denounced her, rejected her, then they could be safe. Even if it meant she would be all alone once more. 
Selfishly, she had stayed to watch the ritual. But she needed to know the outcome… she needed to make sure Jun and Emeline would be okay…
Utilizing the skill she had been graced with, that strange place of focus and clarity where emotions could not reach her in the heat of battle, she steeled her expression and her heart. Looking up to Arik she could pretend this was a battlefield and trick herself into betraying no emotion with her eyes and face, though her hands did shake and her heart did pound so hard in her chest surely, surely, surely someone could hear it someone could see it, someone would find the lies and manipulation that in her head she begged and screamed and pleaded for them to find. But they could not. They must not. 
Arik’s ice, Rosette’s fire, Mafrea’s dismissal, Emeline’s tears, Jun’s calm… It roared against her skin making her feel brittle and small and weak as she drew the line between them and her. 
Then she turned, face to face with Rosette. Images flashed in her mind’s eye - the beautiful girl disfigured by the harsh sun and wind and sand that tore at her flesh, purpled and bruised and bloated, the noose around her neck tight, her bright green eyes dim and the luster to her black hair gone and missing like the heartbeat in her chest -- 
Everything. It took everything for the au’ra to not fall and falter, the veil of glass which she looked through to her family -- her no longer family -- ever growing spiderwebbed cracks. 
But she did not. Her expression held true. Who knew she was so good at lying? She really was a lost cause, wasn’t she?
In her hidden space, tucked away, she held in her hands the crumpled letter that had been passed to her in the darkness just beyond the light of the Boondoggle. A day of light and joy and happiness; time with her friends and family, watching the joining together of two souls; and for her... the end everything.
Wiping at her face, she steeled her resolve. Tall and robed, handwriting neat and clean of someone with privilege. It was all she had to go on. She would make it be enough. 
@oroete @healeremeline @rosettevaleria @junakagane
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aurora-tsuki · 5 years
Saphyra: 16, 17, 22
16. Dark secrets/’skeletons in the closet’
Saphyra does not have any “dark” secrets -- some secrets yes, as all people do, but none dark in nature... at least, none that she can remember. 
Until recently her biggest secret was her close affiliation with various Beast Tribes around Eorzea. She works closely with them, to the point of having living spaces within the tribes and even adopting some of their more unique speech patterns.
She still guards closely the truth of her amnesia, and that she only recalls the last 5 years (even in that timeframe there are gaps in her memory) and is only open about it to a handful of individuals.  
17. Regrets 
Her biggest regret (that she remembers!) is keeping secret her close relations with the various Beast Tribes. This lead to Saphy having to do what she considers the worst thing -- hurting her friends. Even now she is still trying to mend the effects of what has passed.
22. People who’ve influenced them greatly
While all of her family has influenced Saphyra, Rosette and Arik are at the top of the list. Rosette has helped bring Saphyra out of her shell and has guided her to be a better person; and of course, a better pugilist, as the two initially met in the training grounds of Ul’dah. 
Arik is a light in the dark, and she looks up to him (not just because he is 2ft taller) as someone who always seems to have a direction and clarity in what actions to take. Especially on a battlefield, she looks to Arik for lead. 
Rosette and Arik she see’s very much as big sister and big brother figures, respectively!
@rosettevaleria thanks for the ask!
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aurora-tsuki · 5 years
{An Entry: Belonging}
This place is absolutely beautiful. 
It’s called the Moonlit Observatory… Rosette said Reiyah’s family had the plot and she sold it to Catherina, or something, since the house in Shirogane was full of such bad vibes. They managed to get a hold of this place while I was busy being, well, stupid.
I said and did terrible things, and hurt the people I was trying to protect. While I know it will take time for everyone to stop being mad entirely, they do forgive me. I still need to forgive myself… All I know is this person targeted me because he knew I was the weak link. I am no one special or important or of any influence - if they sent this, it was to get to someone else that I’m close to. But who? Why? 
I got in with the fight rings. It’s been a while since I’ve been there. I know these types. Money and power is what they seek, and they love betting on and using the poor and unfortunate as pawns. They don’t see us as people. It was the only place that I had to start looking that I new how to approach. I dyed my hair black with ink and coloured my scales to look like a Xaela. I made “friends” with another Xaela girl to try and help my cover. She showed me a few tricks with knives. They did not really work with my fighting style, but when I found the circle, wheel-like bladed weapons (the foreman said their called chakrams) in the stadiums armory, I found I could use the what Yusei showed me with knives but also apply my style. 
I got put into the mainline event for the tag-team tournament - Yusei and I worked well together on the field and we gained a reputation. It was to be a big Xaela bloodbath, the rumors running wild that if someone was going to get “nixed” it was going to be in this fight for sure. As soon as I saw the lancer backflip into the ring and the sword and shield wielder drop in, I knew it was them. It was both the best and the worst feeling in the entire world. 
Rosette took a team to the locker rooms. They found the letter. And after getting sufficiently bashed to near-unconscious by Arik (I deserved it), they brought me back to this place… Kayne carried me. I felt paralyzed. Even though I feel guilty and ashamed still, I am so glad that he was there. 
I was scared. I am still very scared. The letter I received on the night of Katalin and Corsair’s wedding was haunting. The thought of seeing any of my friends, my family, hurt or in trouble from whoever this person is -- was and is a terrifying thought. Even now, looking at Rosette is hard. I still see the noose. I try not to pay attention to it. 
They made such strides forward while I was gone. I guess they are under the banner the Aetherwatch now? And they want to go after people like Alaric that use magick for bad things. They already have recruits -- Asher and Layla I think the names were? And maybe Klara, eventually? I think I saw all these people the night I came back, but details are kinda fuzzy. I am so proud for them. And I am so grateful for them. Rosette and I talked for a while in her office about it all. She also thinks the reason why I might be all jumbled up all the time might be from the amnesia. She said maybe we should look into trying to get that fixed. I don’t really know -- it’s hard to miss what I can’t remember having and she ment[this section is abruptly scribbled out with a smear of ink] 
I’m nervous about having them meet my other friends in the beast tribes. Residual nerves from having kept them separated for so long. I know that people look on the tribes poorly - but Rosette at least seemed excited! She even used the names that the Sylphs know to refer them as from me talking about them. I’m relieved. I can stop avoiding answering where I am always going and running off to when I help the tribes. It will take time to get used to. 
But I have to play it careful and play it safe. The man with the monocle is still out there. 
Oh -- one last thing. Rosette lead me all the way up the stairs in the observatory. She lead me to the uppermost floor... to an absolutely beautiful room. It’s the upper observatory. Based on the dusty furniture in here, it looks like it was once an office and a more intimate/comfortable place for observations than the main room, but it has been long since forgotten about. “No one probably wants to walk up the stairs,” Rosette had commented. She told me I should take it as my room. A place for me to belong. 
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