#muse questions
mcflymemes · 1 year
how does your muse get local news and updates on current events? are they up to date with all the latest goings-on or do they prefer to avoid it altogether?
did your muse grow up with any particular television shows? do they have a favorite, or a memory tied to these shows?
how much effort does your muse put into their costume for halloween parties and other dress-up events? do they have any go-to costumes?
does your muse stay up to date with the latest fashion trends? describe their style. where do they typically buy their clothes?
who was their first celebrity crush?
what would your muse's bio say if they were on a dating app?
what kind of phone does your muse have, and how customized is it? does it have a basic case or something more unique? is the screen cracked? do they have a popsocket or other accessories on it?
who was the one family member your muse always looked up to, if any?
if your muse drives a car, have they personalized it in any way (bumper stickers, things hanging from the rearview mirror, etc.)?
if given a choice between having a night in or spending the night out on the town, which would they most likely choose and why?
what are your muse's favorite scents, and what do they associate them with?
what kind of shopper is your muse? are they a slow, methodical shopper, a list-maker, or a grab the items and go kind of person? how long do they usually spend getting their groceries? how long do they spend clothes shopping? do they use changing rooms?
if something bad happens, who will your muse call first?
what social cause is your muse most passionate about and why?
if your muse was made into an action figure, what would their five catchphrases be?
what are your muse's biggest fears, and what caused them?
what's the one thing your muse constantly does and wishes they could stop doing?
does your muse know how to fight? describe their fighting style. if someone was threatening them and about to attack, how would they respond?
will your muse eat at fast food restaurants? if they're on a time crunch, what type of food will they grab?
did your muse's parents pass down any quirks or habits that your muse now does? what are they?
does you muse like road trips, or would they prefer to fly in a plane?
what are their thoughts on roadside attractions and tourist traps? when visiting new cities, do they prefer to see the most popular sites, or pretend to be a local and blend in?
what does your muse's bedroom look like? is it cluttered or clean? do they use the overhead lighting, or use lamps and other things to provide a better ambience? do they make their bed every morning or leave it unmade?
is your muse a 'this is a really nice box, i should save it' kind of person, or do they tend to throw things out no matter what?
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moroseprose · 4 days
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Red Emoji OC Asks ❤️‍🩹
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❤️ (heart) - Who is the most important person to your character? To what lengths would they go to protect this person?
💔 (broken heart) - Who has your character hurt most? Physically or emotionally? How did it feel? Do they regret it?
🌹 (rose) - What does your oc find attractive in other people? Are these traits found in their friends and/or romantic partners? Are they found in themselves?
🎈 (balloon) - What does your character do at parties? Are they a wallflower or a party animal? Do they go with friends or alone?
🍷 (wine) - Does your oc drink? What kind of alcohol do they enjoy? What are their drinking habits? What kind of drunk are they?
❗️(exclamation point) - What was the scariest moment of your character’s life? Does it still affect them?
🥩 (steak) - Does your oc have any coping mechanisms? Healthy or unhealthy?
🥀 (wilted flower) - How does your character deal with stressful situations? Is their fear response fight, flight, freeze or fawn?
🍓 (strawberry) - Does your oc believe in anything? Are they superstitious? Religious? Atheistic? Has anything in their past made them this way?
💋 (kiss) - Is your oc a good kisser? Have they kissed anyone before? Do they even enjoy kissing? What was their first kiss like in comparison to their most recent?
🍒 (cherries) - Does your character have a best friend? How long have they known each other? What do they like most about each other? How did they meet?
🚨 (siren) - What’s your character’s relationship with the law? Have they ever been arrested? What for? What are their opinions on law enforcement?
💄 (lipstick) - What does your oc think of their face? Do they have a positive or negative opinion? Do they wear makeup? Do they have a skincare routine? What traits do they like most about their face?
🍎 (apple) - Does your oc go to school or take classes? Did they go to college? What was/is their favorite subject? Did/do they get good grades? Did/do they enjoy school?
🐞 (ladybug) - What does a perfect day look like for your oc? What do they do? Who do they see?
☎️ (telephone) - Does your character know anyone’s phone number by heart? Do they prefer calling or texting? Who’s their favorite person to call/text? Do they have any typing quirks?
🥊 (boxing glove) - Has your character ever been in a fight? Did they win? Do they fight often? Are they professionally trained or self taught? Do they enjoy fighting or only do so when necessary?
🧣(scarf) - What comforts your oc? Is it an item? An action? A person? Whatever it is, how any why does it comfort them?
👠 (heels) - How does your oc dress? Are they stylish or casual? Do they keep up with trends or do their own thing? Do they prefer designer clothes or going to the thrift store? Do they have a signature item of clothing?
🍄 (mushroom) - Does your character like being in nature or do they prefer the indoors? Do they have any outdoor hobbies like camping or fishing? If they prefer the indoors, why?
🩸 (blood) - Is your oc squeamish? Are they disturbed by the sight of blood? Have they ever been in a situation where they had to overcome being squeamish?
✂️ (scissors) - Has your character ever cut their own hair? What about someone else’s? How did it turn out?
🎸 (electric guitar) - What’s your character’s music taste like? Do they have one or two artists they play on repeat or do they have a varied and eclectic collection of music? Do they like mainstream artists or prefer underground musicians? What genres do they enjoy?
🎒 (backpack) - What items does your oc usually carry? Do they have a bag or just keep everything in their pockets? Do they carry a lot or a little?
🪓 (axe) - Does your oc have survival skills? Have they ever had to use them? What would they do in an apocalypse? Could they survive?
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mad-hatter-memes · 1 year
Bedtime Muse Questions
🪥 - Do they have a bedtime routine?
👚- What do they wear when they go to bed (pajamas, regular clothes, half naked, etc.)?
📖 - What helps them fall asleep? Some music? A story?
🧸 - Do they sleep with plushies? And if so, are they ashamed of it?
⏰ - When do they usually go to bed and when do they usually wake up?
💭 - How often do they have dreams? What is a dream they vividly remember?
👹 - How often do they have nightmares? What is a nightmare they vividly remember?
👀 - What keeps them up at night (personal baggage, fear of the dark, existential dread, etc)?
🌅 - Have they ever pulled an all-nighter? If so, what do they do to stay awake?
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hymemena · 18 days
Snake Themed Character Questions
Feel free to change pronouns as necessary, and remember to specify muse for multimuse blogs.
CW: Food Mention, Snakes
Green Anaconda: What is the most exaggerated feature of your muse?
Inland Taipan: Does your muse hold grudges?
Coral Snake: What toxic traits is your muse aware they have? Do they try to hide them?
Banded King Snake: What is a misconception about your muse?
Corn Snake: Does your muse enjoy cooking, baking, or another food-related hobby?
Black Adder: How does your muse handle negative emotions?
Emerald Boa: What is your muse's favorite feature about themself?
Vine Snake: Is your muse judgemental? Do they let people speak for themselves or do they assume things based on their appearance/etc?
Hognose: What is the cutest thing your muse does for themself? What about for others?
Leaf Nose: Is your muse sensitive about anything regarding their appearance?
Frog-Eating Rat Snake: What is your muse's hygiene like?
Rattle Snake: What does your muse do when they are warning someone to stop engaging with them?
Copperhead: Is your muse dangerous? In what way(s)?
Cottonmouth: How comfortable is your muse in the water? Can they swim or do they sink like a rock?
Blunt-Headed Tree Snake: Has your muse ever been bullied for something? If so, what and how did they react?
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bellumalleus · 11 months
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↪   ⚔︎ 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐡𝐚𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐬𝐲: 𝐃𝐚𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐨𝐬
𝙰 𝚌𝚘𝚕𝚕𝚎𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝚘𝚏 𝚖𝚞𝚜𝚎 𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 𝚋𝚊𝚜𝚎𝚍 𝚘𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚏𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝙳𝚊𝚎𝚖𝚘𝚗𝚒𝚌 𝙵𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 𝚘𝚏 𝚆𝚊𝚛𝚑𝚊𝚖𝚖𝚎𝚛 𝙵𝚊𝚗𝚝𝚊𝚜𝚢!
{𝐊𝐇𝐎𝐑𝐍𝐄} - 🇧​🇱​🇴​🇴​🇩​ 🇫​🇴​🇷​ 🇹​🇭​🇪​ 🇧​🇱​🇴​🇴​🇩​ 🇬​🇴​🇩​.
Bellow of Fury: How does your muse express their anger? When your muse is the angriest, what do they look like? How far are they willing to take it?
Thick Skin: How much damage can your muse take before they tap out? Do they withstand pain stoically or will they kick and scream for mercy?
Deathbringer: Has your muse ever killed someone? When they kill is it motivated by raw emotion or is it premeditated?
Bloodfeast: Has your muse ever eaten an intelligent being? Would they ever under any circumstances?
Serve or Die: Does your muse have any military experience? If not, would they ever join their local army/mercenary band/ect?
Revel In Slaughter: Can your muse fight? Can they kill? Do they enjoy it when they do it?
Maimer: Does your muse kill quickly or do they prefer drawn out battles?
Scorn The Coward: Is your muse more likely to fight or take flight in a dangerous situation?
Blood Raven: What is the bloodiest act of violence your muse has ever committed?
Brass Collar: Does your muse have a signature weapon? What about a signature suit of armor?
{𝐓𝐙𝐄𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐂𝐇} - 🇲​🇦​🇬​🇮​🇨​, 🇲​🇦​🇩​🇳​🇪​🇸​🇸​, 🇦​🇳​🇩​ 🇲​🇺​🇹​🇦​🇹​🇮​🇴​🇳​.
Gaze of Fate: Do your muse believe in Fate, Destiny, “Everything happening for a reason”, or similar concepts?
Hidden In Time: What is your muse’s attitude towards their future? Is their outlook positive, negative, or neutral?
Spirit Warrior: Is your muse religious? How unshakable is their faith in their powers that be, if so? What do they think of religion and the religious, if not?
Premonition: Does your muse ever get gut feelings about people or situations? Do they often listen to those feelings or do they ignore them? 
Boons of Change: What does your muse think about change? Is it good or bad? Are they comfortable where they are or would they like things to be different?
Glean Magic: Is your muse capable of any magical ability? Is it natural? If they have no magical ability, would it be something they’d want to learn?
Treason of Tzeentch: Is your muse loyal or are they traitorous? What would cause them to defect, if they are loyal? What would keep them from treachery, if they are treasonous?
Arch-Manipulator: How socially in-tune is your muse? Are they skilled at influencing the people around them with their words alone?
Locus of Transmogrification: Is there something about your muse physically that they’d like to change? If given the chance, would they actually change it?
{𝐍𝐔𝐑𝐆𝐋𝐄} - 🇫​🇷​🇴​🇲​ 🇩​🇪​🇦​🇹​🇭​, 🇱​🇮​🇫​🇪​.
Plague Shield: How often does your muse get sick? If they found themselves ill, how would they wile away the time until they were well again?
Survivalist: If your muse was tossed into the wild with no resources, would they be able to survive? If so, for how long? If not, what would eventually do them in?
Curse of the Leper: What is the worst illness, injury, or condition your muse has ever endured? Did they heal from it or is there lasting damage?
An Apple A Day: Does your muse often find themselves at a healer or doctor?
Rot Fly: Does your muse have or want any pets that would be considered unconventional?
Plaguefather’s Oration: How verbose is your muse? Do they keep their speech casual and simple or do they tend to use large, complex words?
Rot-Eaters: What is your muses opinion on ‘gross’ animals such as flies, rats, roaches, ect. Do they kill these animals when they find them or let them be?
Life-Leeching: Is your muse independent? Do they rely on someone else to live? Would they ever mooch off of another person?
Doom & Darkness: How does your muse react to despair? Are they emotionally resilient or weak-willed when faced with adversity?
{𝐒𝐋𝐀𝐀𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐇} - 🇮​🇳​ 🇸​🇪​🇦​🇷​🇨​🇭​ 🇴​🇫​ 🇸​🇪​🇳​🇸​🇦​🇹​🇮​🇴​🇳​.
Willing Prey: Does your muse have any masochistic tendencies? Are they sadistic at all?
Monstrous Figure: Does your muse have unconventional or disturbing features? What are their opinions on them, if so? What about society at large?
Dark Seducer: How charismatic is your muse? What do they use to convince others into letting them get their way?
Driven by Lust: How lustful is your muse? How much time and energy do they devote to satisfying those desires?
Blissful Rapture: How does your muse express happiness? What do they look like when they’re at their happiest?
Acquiescence: Is there someone in your muse’s life that can easily subvert their wills and wants? How willing is your muse to cross the set boundaries of others?
Unmatched Beauty: How vain is your muse? If asked, what would they put forth as their most alluring feature?
Beguiling Brand: Does your muse have or want any tattoos? Do they have any other interesting scars/brands/marks/ect?
Smoke & Mirrors: How easy is it for your muse to get free if they find themselves in a sticky situation?
Phantasmagoria: How tight is your muse’s grip on their sanity? Are they more realistic or do they suffer from delusions of any kind?
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rainyprompts · 1 year
questions and prompts inspired by different associations with the colour spectrum - to be answered IC or OOC!
WHITE NOISE - do they associate certain colours with items or concepts? where or why did they learn to associate them? (i.e. a balloon popping is red, math is blue, wealth is green etc.)
SUB ROSA - what are they only willing to do in secrecy, behind closed doors?
RED SKIES AT MORNING - do they believe in any old wives' tales, superstitions, sayings, or omens? what makes them believe in such? 
ORANGE BLOSSOMS - if a flower were to compliment them, which flower would it be? what would it have to say?
BROWN ROT - would they end the world if they had the means to do so?  
YELLOW GATES - describe their most recent morning from when they woke up, then describe how they fell asleep later that evening. 
POISON GOLDS - a seer offers them a truth about their future, but her price is steep; what do they repay her with? 
THE GREEN LANGUAGE - are they interested in language? how many do they speak? do they have any non-traditional or secret ways of communicating?  
SOMETHING BORROWED, SOMETHING BLUE - did they ever have an imaginary friend? do they remember what the imaginary friend looks like?
ULTRAVIOLETS - what question would they never want to be asked? under what circumstances would they answer?
BLACKLIGHT - what colours do they associate with themselves? what colours do you, the writer, associate with them? 
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poke-irs-real · 10 months
Send my muse 🗣️ or (SPEAK!!!) + something you noticed about them
(Send an ask to the person you reblogged from!)
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mewtwoandme · 11 months
Welp, some last-minute plans were made, so I'm gonna be away for the weekend. I won't have much time to work on stuff. So how about we play a game? >:3
The majority of you know how this works, but in case some of you are new or new-er to this, here's the rules:
(I will be using numbers instead of emojis for this one because there are a lot of questions) Send the number of the question and the name of the character you want to ask.
(Example: Mewtwo #24)
These are the following characters that will be available for questions:
Amber (be specific with either "child" or "teen/adult")
Blu (be specific with either "child" or "teen/adult")
I'll also include my most common non-canon characters:
(Be specific with either "child" or teen/adult" for these 3)
Alrighty! Now, with all that out of the way. Enjoy yourselves and have fun! ^^
Do you have a driving dream or goal? What is it? How far would you go to achieve it?
What's the one thing that makes you angry? What's your temper like? How do you respond to people who make you mad?
Have you ever experienced desperation? How has it affected you? What do you do when something you need is out of your reach?
Do you believe in fate or destiny?
What's the greatest challenge you have overcome? How do you feel about it?
How well do you sleep? Do you have problems such as nightmares/sleep paralysis/insomnia/etc.
Do you have any comfort items?
If you had to pick one song to listen to for 10 hours straight, what would it be?
What is your pain threshold like? Will a stubbed toe take you down, or does it take something much more drastic?
Are you a binge watcher, or do you prefer to stretch shows out? What kind of shows do they like?
If you could only have one food for the rest of their life, what would it be?
Favorite food/drink?
Sweet or savory?
How do you like to unwind after a long day?
Would you consider yourself a lone wolf or a social butterfly?
Do you enjoy praise?
What is a secret you know but haven't told anyone
What are your quirks?
What mannerisms do you have when shy or nervous?
What is the most impulsive thing you've done?
Can you recall a time when you have been the most scared or fearful?
What would cause you to be petty or say something hurtful?
Would you consider yourself reckless or too cautious and/or paranoid?
Are you good or bad at lying?
What's a misconception people often make or think about you?
What's something people would find surprising about you?
What's something you get told all the time?
What is something people always tell you to do more of?
What is the one thing people assume about you that you wish wasn't true?"
How often do you put on a "happy face" when you're really not feeling it?
When do you think you began putting your guard up so much?
What do you find yourself justifying to people when no justification is needed?
Are people shocked when you stand up for yourself?
What emotion motivates you the most when you're feeling down?
Are you okay with disliking someone?
How do you cope with being betrayed?
What is your favorite way to channel your aggression?
Which parts of yourself do you still seek validation for?
What would you say is your biggest problem when communicating?
How do you make decisions? Would you say you rely on trusting your instincts and heart, or fact and logic?
How much respect do you have for authority?
What are your morals/ethics? Do you follow your moral code strictly?
How introspective are you, and how much do you self-reflect?
What event drastically changed your life? Do you resent that event, or are you glad of it?
How optimistic are you? Do you appreciate the smaller things in life?
Are you forgiving of yourself? How about others who have wronged you?
How do you deal with illness or pain? Would you soldier on with a broken arm or leg, or can a common cold put you out for days?
What is your fighting style?
Words or actions?
Are you the type of person who laughs when someone falls? Or would you rush to help?...or would you just walk past them with no reaction?
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askchuckandtiff · 2 years
You only gotta pick two tho!!
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Chucky: Sure I guess
Tiffany: Sure!
Chucky: Charles Lee Ray, but you can call me Chucky
Tiffany: Tiffany Valentine Ray!!
Chucky: Snakes are pretty cool
Tiffany: Tarantulas are definitely my favorite!
Chucky: I'm too indecisive to pick just one so it's gotta be either red or yellow
Tiffany: I absolutely love purple
Chucky: no in particular, except myself heh
Tiffany: Martha Stewart of course!! She's my idol
Chucky: Tiff's okay I guesss (jokingly)
Tiffany: You're not too bad yourself, asshole (also jokingly)
Chucky: I gotta say how stubborn tiff can be is quite impressive
Tiffany: I personally like how no matter the situation, you always have some smart ass thing to say
Chucky: Me too, it's my favorite thing about me, heh
Chucky: Yep, it was most likely to get outta work
Tiffany: yeahhhh,, and it's for the same reason as Chucky (nervous laugh)
Chucky: hm.. for like,, 99.999% of the time,, yeah I'm pretty fucking great if I say so myself. That 1% of the time… not so much
Tiffany: Damn sweetface that's.. that's rough, anyways I love myself
Chucky: pfffft blatant much?
Chucky: Swedish meatballs, of course!
Tiffany: I personally love raviolis,, they're definitely a guilty pleasure of mine
Chucky: Gotta go with coffee on this one, it's kept me awake all of those times that I probably shouldn't have been
Tiffany: I'm much more of a tea type of girl. However,, coffee is easier to disguise liquor in soo…
Chucky: that's actually really smart
Tiffany: right??
Chucky: I love all of the classics, but the cartoon came out based on uh,, fucking Beetlejuice! Yeah, that felt like the best fever dream ever
Tiffany: oh I remember that show!! Yeah, I definitely gotta agree with you on that one
Chucky: Probably when I was blackout drunk and ran into a wall so fast that I smacked into it
Tiffany: pffft
Chucky: oh hush you
Tiffany: No, and the last time I cried? I don't really remember honestly. Unless laugh-crying counts, then that was me the other night at Chucky running into the wall
Chucky: Pizza for sure, can't stand fish in the slightest
Tiffany: Honestly? I like sushi a lot more. It's bite sized! Plus, it comes with wasabi and shit
Chucky: mmm, I guess you've got a point, but I'll only eat California rolls
Chucky: ..yes but that's for me to know and for you to find out
Tiffany: I don't think so? At least, I can't remember anything that I would regret?
Chucky: Yes and I fucking hate it
Tiffany: All the time!!
Chucky: I love my hands, dunno why but I do
Tiffany: I like my eyes! They're just really pretty
Chucky: Hate my eyes, they remind me of my dad..
Tiffany: my face.. you can thank my mother for makin me insecure about that
Chucky: mayhaps
Tiffany: on special occasions
Chucky: Fuck you guys, lovingly of course
Tiffany: We love you sweetfaces!!!
- - -
I tag @fanficwriter284 and @asktherays!!
I hope you two haven't done this already!! And if you did then sorry for tagging y'all!!
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ducknotinarow · 8 months
87Michelangelo - All Symbol Headcanons please uwu
| Send me a symbol and I will write a headcanon about…  For multimuse blogs, please specify!
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The og party dude, I love 87 mikey a lot hes such a dork at times in the show but sassy and its just the funniest thing to see. Mikey for sure is mostly just light-hearted and upbeat. He is normally the more positive one out of his brothers. I do love that no matter what though Mikey is always shown to be just ad skilled if not more at times in battle do to his natural raw talent uwu
𝓕 : My muse’s handwriting. (Is it good, bad, difficult to decipher, do they prefer writing by hand or with the help of some form of machine, e.t.c.) 
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"Can't be having a sloppy signature after all" I like to think due to Mikey's bit more matureness in 87 series at least he dose have a less sloppy hand writing, and thanks to him being creative he still likes to had some flare into his writing. Mikey letting sizing of course shows he is out going but it;s a pretty easy thing to say when it comes to the orange banded turtle. The spacing in his letters show that well Mikey may like alone time here and there he perfers the company of others. He is very much a dependent turtle. Not that he can't handle being alone but if the option of being around someone else is there he will rather that that. He uses a soft pressure due to his empathetic and sensitive nature. 87 Mikey is pretty in tune with his emotions. Likely thanks to him being the youngest and having said freedom to be as such. It's why he was able to tell Casey had a crush on Raph, or that Don was truly heart broken over what happened with him and April. And well he is someone who can be dependable in this sense if you notice how far off to the left the dot of his i is you will also learn he is a massive procrastinator. Even if this Mikey tends to take training a bit more serious than other versions he still rather watch tv or make pizza at times.
✈ : My muse and  traveling. (If they do it frequently and why, if they never left their home town, e.t.c.)
"Ehh we been to a lot werid places?"
in Raph I had forgotten the turts have been to Europe but also other dimensions even. So I would argue traveling to different world may just be further than anywhere they have been on earth.
✿ : My muse and nature. (If they are an ‘outdoorsy type’, like the sound of bird’s singing, if they have never set foot in a forest, e.t.c.) 
"Sure i'm all for nature so long as I can bring the tv with me."
I love constantly making fun of the turtle not being into camping despite it also being like the one time they can fully enjoy just being out and about at times like even in later seasons when the turtles are more free to walk around in later seasons they do go some stigma against them. I feel Mikey just truly has become accustomed to the modern conveniences is all.
☼ : My muse’s first memory. (Where it was, who was with them, how this memory makes them feel, e.t.c.) 
"uh I guess the most I think back to is when we mutated?"
far as I am aware or can recall 87 turtles never had a childhood per-say. Their baby stage/kid stage of life was spent when they were normal turtles and by the time they mutated they were already mature which is why they just pop as we see them in show. I feel that is when Mikey first memory kind of starts himself. Not that he don't recall somethings at time just his mind was developed in the same manor so it's easier to recall anything since that moment. Besides it's pretty life changing when you think about it.
☙ : My muse’s favourite food. (Bonus: A memory, be it good or bad, associated with said food.)
"If ya don't know then I don't know what to tell you dude."
I feel you have to be a fake fan not to know the turtles love pizza especially Mikey u-u and like many of the Mikey's it seems that love takes him to learning to cook. I feel he learned the basics from Splinter. But since most his cultural intake is from tv he started to try stuff out from tv shows and just really go into cooking ever since. Not like baking himself he perfers the savory stuff. But He would love to hear about Caasey being a baker uwu he has an odd friendship with Casey so I think he just like to bond with his brother in law this way. Look the moment he clocked into Casey crush he decided Casey was family u-u.
In truth HE should be the one making food for Von I like to think he was the one who gave Raph the idea that cooking would be the way to make peace with her. But Mikey sort of understands where Raph is coming from he should step in and help sorry Von but he knowns it wouldn't quite do the same if he made the food for Raph to give.
But he likely will be the one that has to sort of point out to Raph why this make casey jelly uwu Mikey understand the relationship to food.
♬ : My muse and music. (What type of music they like listening to and in what context, what music they would never listen to, e.t.c.)
"Oh I love music! nothing better than some good tunes brah."
Mikey dose love music of course, he tends to like more pop and rock music. A big fan of the likes of Modonna and Billy Joel. And just music that fits his more upbeat persona himself. Often can be found blasting music in the lair when he is in the kitchen or alone in the room it's always a karaoke session with Mikey.
↺ : My muse and the past. (Do they live in the past and struggle to let go of past grievances, or move on more easily, is there anything in their past they want to forget, e.t.c.) 
"ehh sometimes shit happen my dude but can't dwell forever."
Mikey's pretty good about learning to let things go. Being the youngest dose often mean he sort of gets his feelings hurt unintetnationally by his brothers time to time. But Mikey's able to understand and sort of see where they come from. When Don takes his frustrations out on his inventions being stolen or not working. When Raph makes snarky remarks or Leo even can get to be a tad demanding. His empathy dose allow him the head space to come to an understanding. he isn't immune to making petty comments or sassy remarks himself when he dose get baited into it. He's just a tad more emotionally mature.
☾ : My muse and sleep. (How much they sleep, how much they wish to sleep, if there is something that never fails to put them to sleep, e.t.c.) 
"I gotta get my beauty sleep don't look this good with out it."
Mikey is someone who can just sort of clonk out once it time for bed he is very much like the sun come morning he is up and beaming bright. Which im sure can annoy others not feeling the same way. the sunnier the day the sunnier Mikey himself is going to be. He can be an early riser even soon as the sky is awake Mikey is awake. Even with them often having to be active at night though he find its tough to stay up too late with out being busy he can do it and often can survive on little sleep and still be happy as can be.
✧ : My muse and art. (If they have an artistic side or not and why, favourite artist if they have one, e.t.c.) 
"I am named after an artis buuuuut I aint following his foot steps unless cooking counts?"
Which i feel it dose and should be more often. I truly see Mikey being a fan of many cooking shows and liking to try and plate and presentation food in a similar fashion. Its only for fun so he only dose it when its just him in the kitchen or if hes making something special for someone else. He may also make it look nice buuut that's resevered for someone he had feelings for more than anything uwu or his brothers just to cheer them up.
❃ : My muse and social media. (If the muse is/would be on social media and why/why not, their general opinion on it, e.t.c.) 
"Eh not much myself."
I know there was like forms of social media in the time that the 87 show aired over and such but with the fact the turtles tend to not really give much implications of wanting to really interact with humans at times but will help because it's the right thing and something they can even do. Mikey seems content with the friends they have ant not in a real need to expand his circle any time soon.
✉  : My muse and others. (If they social and outgoing or more introverted, and why. If they prefer communicating with others face to face or in written form, e.t.c.). 
"I mean I'm the party dude?"
I find the idea of mikey not being extroverted hilarious. Mikeys someone who tends to be able to openly talk with others with out issues often the friendest of the group as well. Where Mikey can be sort of between his brothers when it comes to thier involvement with the humans he tends to lean more on Leo's end not so much to be a hero but very much following his brother well also feeling it is the right thing todo. He dose enjoy meeting new people but that dosent always mean everyone. Sometimes he can find some charaters a bit much and be happy to just move on with them but he's also happy to welcome them back as well. It's just who Mikey is after all.
▶ : My muse and level of education. (If the muse has some form of education, what education they perhaps wish they had, e.t.c.). 
"I mean splinter taught all of us so there's that I guess?"
Mikeys real only education has been his ninja training so to help protect himself after all beyond that it's very much a if he wants to learn deal. Mostly mikey is more invested in not sitting down and learning stuff he dosent need to or even want to. He isn't like an idiot he's been shown to understand some concepts here and there but he's still got his gaps in knowledge he just at least have some common sense. Surpingly.
◐ : My muse and animals. (If they like animals and treat them well, do not care for them at all, e.t.c.). 
"I've had a few pets even got some fish for Raph!"
Mikey's had at least three or four pets himself in the show and even got Raph Japanese fighting fish once. I feel like he's very much a guy who sees an animal inn need if home and wants to help. I don't think he keeps any pets himself but will have a pet for a bit before having to take them somewhere they can live a happier life at instead. But of course he dose have a soft spot for cats like many Mikeys Do.
❒ : My muse and gifts. (If they are good/bad at finding gifts, good/bad at receiving gifts, good/bad at wrapping gifts, e.t.c.) 
"Gift are prettt nice I like to give and get them."
As mentioned before he did gift Raph some fish and its sort of over looked and misinterpreted that 87 raph dosen't care for fighting where it's ture he isn't looking for a fight he sure dose like to pick them still and even express interesting in contact sports still. So I feel mikeys pick of the fish shows this understanding of people he is close to. He did get upset when he thought everyone forgit his brithday but he seemed more down about just not getting acknowledged for it over a party or gifts.
Dosent mean Mikey dosent enjoy getting gifts of course but he dose agree its all about the thought that went into it over what the item is.
I feel like he lokes to try and out the same though behind gifts he may go for others but he dosent really got out of his way very much a it's your brithday or Christmas so I'm getting you gift person.
☘ : My muse’s relation with their family. (If they speak with each other and how much, if they are close or estranged, e.t.c.). 
"My brothers can be annoying buy I love them."
It is sad to me how I feel Splinter dose very much and clearly viwe the turtles as his sons but the turtles are some of the few to not see him as a dad but I feel it's that they do. They worked through the first season alone to try and help him demutate from being a rat after all. And when he had advance to go back to the human world theu were all sad at the thought of never seeing him again. Mikey shows he respects Splinter a lot and will often listen to him. Like when he refers to them as man and gets scolded he corrects himself. I feel he dose see Splinter as someone who cared and cares for him but worries he may lose that.
But knows he at least has his brother always.
Mikey dosent take advantage of being baby brother comaprednto later interactions fo and will. But I feel his brothers do instead viwe him a bit more that way so it dose allow Mikey to get away with his antics and such but also at the same time getting seen as equal to his brothers as a ninja.
I feel Mikey is the closest to Leo.he often follows in thier lead with not real fight. And tends to team up with Leo the most well sharing in Leo's ideals at times here and there. It could be he is just following because Leo is in charge but often he also speaks up when ever Don or Raph tend to expression not seeing why they need todo something he will speak up before Leo.
I feel he is about the same closeness to Don and Raph. But feels the pair are much closer he dosent have anything against this because he in turn os the same with Leo after all. But he also seems just as happy to be around either of them as Leo. But Raoh at least dose seem guilty of seeing Mikey as baby brother even expressing he can't beat even a robot version of the guy and the time he because a kid turtle didn't help. So he will at times get annoyed with raph and is often opposite of the more rude brother. Where with Donnie he seems to try and hold mkre balance along with.
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edhellfire · 1 year
👪 - A family related headcanon
SEND A SYMBOL FOR A SPECIFIC HEADCANON 👪 - A family related headcanon
Eddie never stopped waiting for his mom. She left when he was about 4 years old, promising she would come back to him and he never thought she wouldn't. Didn't even consider it.
I think he slowly came to terms with her not coming back about a year after his dad went to prison.
Nonetheless, he doesn't harbor ill will towards her. I think maybe deep down he resents her a little for not coming back for him but he keeps that locked down. He loves his mama.
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perfectwordspenny · 2 years
endings  :  say  if  your  muse  was  in  a  multi  -  ending  video  game  ,  what  would  be  their  good  /  neutral  /  bad  endings  ?  do  they  have  a  'true’  ending  ,  aka  the  ending  you  see  as  'canon’  for  them  ?  is  it  one  of  the  aformentioned  ones  ?
[tw: death]
Obviously, in the darkest timeline, the Mage killed her and all her friends and ruled over the World of Mages with Simon's stolen magick. It's not an outcome she likes to think of often, but she only has to look at Ebb's very real death to understand that it could have easily happened if they'd been a little slower or a little less talented.
Penny's happy ending is really only one tick off from exactly what she's doing right now. Sure, she'd prefer to be able to contact her family, but she was already living in her own flat and doing her own thing, so she can almost pretend the distance is intentional, like she just left for uni or something.
The main thing, though, is that she's with her friends. Simon, Baz, and Agatha mean everything to her, and as long as she's with her chosen family, things really can't be all that bad for her. In the long-term, she'd like to go into politics, join the Coven, and bring some much-needed positive changes to the World of Mages, but in a way, she gets to do that here too-- or at least the beginning of that, which is plenty good enough for twenty years old.
The one tick off, of course, is that Shepard isn't here. The relationship was new, and Penny is too practical to think in terms of endgame so quickly after what happened with Micah, but regardless, he's her friend, and her friends are her family. She'd feel better about it if they were all here together. Honestly? She doesn't think endings get much happier than that.
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standfortheangels · 2 years
💙 = Does your muse prefer a night out or a night in? (for Mike! >w<)
(Love and romance headcanon prompts)
Ooo... Well, Mike is, of course, a social butterfly. An extrovert, and full of energy~ So a night out, especially with those who are special to him, is always something he would enjoy. :)
Having said that though, there's the difference. For being out there and having fun, a night out rocks. But a night in, that can be made so special! Perfect for those intimate bonding moments, the chance to just, be there with each other, show what they feel for each other and leave the world behind for a while~
So, really I guess for Mike, it's the kind of thing that it depends what mood he's in on any given day, though he'd generally be cool for whichever~ MAyyybe a slight lean towards nights in. >w>
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exquisitexagony · 3 months
i watched timmy's little hot or not interview and now i want y'all to send lil "hot or not" things for muse to rank...so like....DO IT
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rainyprompts · 2 years
inspired by different aspects of astrology and the zodiac signs to be answered IC or OOC.
ARIES - is destruction a viable route for change in their opinion? TAURUS - are they currently owed anything or in debt to someone else? GEMINI - can they recognize the forces beyond their control? CANCER - what did their last emotional outburst look like? LEO - how do they feel about hedonism? VIRGO - can they withstand and calculate chaos? LIBRA - do they feel admired or loved for the right reasons? SCORPIO - what did they do to deserve all this? SAGITTARIUS - where do they feel their fury? CAPRICORN - what will be in their obituary or death certificate? AQUARIUS - do they make room for fragile things in their life? PISCES - are they a dreamer, a creator, or a destroyer? PALLAS - how do they go about problem-solving? VESTA - what keeps them alive? JUNO - who was the last person to show them understanding? CERES - is something watching over them? CHIRON - what type of counsel could others rely upon them for?
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rcyx · 11 months
Tumblr media
(Image totally unrelated to the post ahead)
I joined my team for lunch this afternoon, knowing that two of my closer colleagues had made separate lunch appointments, one of which was with another team member. As we gathered in the elevator, I noticed that the third team member was accompanying us… you know me. Curiosity got the better of me, and I casually asked why she was with us instead of having lunch with my colleague.
It turned out that their lunch plans were meant to be kept low-profile and they didn't want the rest of the team to know. I couldn't help but feel unsure if I had been too talkative or insensitive, or if it was just plain absurd for us to keep separate lunch appointments a secret from the team…
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