#sapnap is orpheus obviously
thinking about a karlnapity hadestown au
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marshmellowjay · 1 year
Sorry for the long wait! Here's the long awaited headcannons!
MCYT react to Neon-Beatboxer Reader
Ft- C!Technoblade, Bench trio, C!Philza, NTT!Brutus/Orpheus, Accelerate Dream Team.
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Now he doesnt really get it at first, like why so...neon
Like in regular daylight it kinda looks strange but then he saw you at night and was like "ohhhhh ok"
He honestly loves the style and is down with dying his hair again to make it glow in the dark, it'll just take alot of convincing lol.
The beat-boxing part though.
He is all for it. Loves the competitions and there is a really reaallly slim chance of him joining in. Never zero though so you test your luck ALOT.
Graffiti is his favorite part over all.
He loves the designs and colors. He may even let you graffiti his builds a bit if you beg enough.
So overall he loves the aspect of it all and would try it out himself sometime.
10/10 he loves it.
Bench Trio
They love your clothes like they think you are so cool. New role model acquired!
If you do underground secret (maybe illegal) Beat-boxing championships they will BEG you to go!
Especially Tommy.
Now if you do cave in then they will again beg you to dress them up appropriately for the championship, neon body paint, glow up eye contacts, temporary glow up hair dye and all the glow up clothes! Maybe even some glow up graffiti paint cans.
They are so hyped during the whole thing! Especially if you are in the championship!
They cheer the loudest for sure!
If you let them do graffiti for a bit afterwords they are gonna be so excited! signing their twitch/youtube names and all.
Be prepared for Tommy to tell sbi though and being a babysitter the whole time lol
You already know the drill with dadza.
He goes full parent mode making sure the body paint and hair dye isnt lethal and making sure you stay out of trouble.
But other then that hes chill.
No he wont dye his hair but he will entertain your ideas by painting his nails glow in the dark green and putting on glow body paint on his hands.
Best know he will show up to every championship ship to make sure you stay safe but he does enjoy it non the less.
He does have sensitive eyes though so he wont stick around for to long but he will be there most of the time.
If he can't make it he'll just send one of the sbi to watch you. (never tommy though, hes learned the hard way)
9/10 hes chill
The moment you guys started getting along is the moment he knew you would rope him into something like this.
He does like it dont get him wrong, he even drags his band members to the championships and does all the get up. He does like to use the getup as an excuse to cosplay himself though.
His scars are is neon and glowing.
He even adds the pink hair strip. He blends right in with the crowd lol
but he is responsible and makes sure you are alright and he is the getaway driver when the feds show up to crash all the fun.
He loves your style and is shocked to find out your hair dye isnt temporary
he also thinks your beat-boxing is really cool and fun.
10/10 best getaway driver ever
Accelerate! Dream Team
They LOVE your style so much!
They also ADORE your car. (which is neon (f/c) and glows)
You obviously met at a race so they were really hyped when they saw a new competitor/racer
After the race they had went up to your car and knocked on the window to try and greet you.
When you got out of the car they were flabbergasted by your style, you were in full outfit ready to go to your underground championship. Glowing hair,body paint eye contacts outfit and all.
They immediatly knew they needed to go where-ever you were going so they introduced themselves and asked where you were heading, you took them to the championship and they loved it!
Sapnap got bodypaint that made him look like he had lava all over.
Dream just stuck with the green glow eye contacts
while george did the glow up nail polish and blue splotches of body paint on his face and the rest is history.
Sapnap definitely joins in on the beat-boxing championship though lol
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ao3feed-crimeboys · 1 year
The Heroes That We Thought We Were
by SketchTheDragon
“No real names on missions, remember?”
“Why? It’s no secret who we are.”
“Tradition, I guess. You wouldn’t want me calling you Tiny Tommy when fighting a supervillain, would you?”
Tommy made a face at that and Wilbur laughed. Their mission was over now. Their father would swoop in and fix the mess they had made. Icarus, the great Guardian of Snowchester, arresting a petty criminal because his sons were too incompetent to do so themselves. Wilbur kept his smile glued to his face, but his heart soured. He was running out of second chances. He was running out of opportunities to prove himself.
Or, Crimeboys are heroes-in-training, learning to defend the Antarctic Empire.
Words: 6353, Chapters: 6/12, Language: English
Fandoms: Dream SMP, Minecraft (Video Game), Video Blogging RPF
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Major Character Death
Categories: Gen
Characters: Wilbur Soot, TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Phil Watson | Philza, Clay | Dream (Video Blogging RPF), Sapnap (Video Blogging RPF), GeorgeNotFound (Video Blogging RPF), Mentioned Karl Jacobs - Character, mentioned Quackity - Character, Antarctic Empire Philza, Antarctic Empire Technoblade, Antarctic Empire Ensemble (SMPEarth), Grayson | Purpled (Video Blogging RPF), Mentioned Cuptoast | Crumb (Video Blogging RPF) - Character
Relationships: Wilbur Soot & TommyInnit, Wilbur Soot & TommyInnit & Phil Watson, Wilbur Soot & Phil Watson | Philza, Clay | Dream & GeorgeNotFound & Sapnap (Video Blogging RPF), Sapnap & TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Technoblade & Phil Watson | Philza
Additional Tags: You read that right it's a mcd fic, sbi, Alternate Universe - Superheroes/Superpowers, Superheroes, Supervillains, Superhero Wilbur Soot, Angst, no happy ending, I'm Sorry, not really - Freeform, I kind of enjoy seeing your reactions, I kind of had a beta reader and they cried, I submitted this as an English assignment, My teacher is mad at me now, just that it made her cry, I got a good grade tho, The assignment was 7 pages minimum to write in a week and a half, I wrote 44 pages, I could not have done this without ADHD, chapter titles are song lyrics, Fic Title is a song by Amanda Fagan, comment please, it makes me happy, Half-beta we die like... you'll see, Oh yeah this takes place in the Antarctic Empire, References to Ancient Greek Religion & Lore, Every hero has a greek hero name, wilbur is orpheus, Tommy is Theseus, (Obviously)
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dsmp relationships as hozier songs
work song -- phil and mumza 
listen to this song and tell me it’s literally anything else. i can literally picture an animatic scene by scene for this one. “no grave can hold my body down, i’ll crawl home to her” don’t TALK to me he’s an IMMORTAL in LOVE
angel of small death and the codeine scene: dnf 
dnf stans can have this one as a treat. this one gives me specifically george and dreamXD vibes, but that’s really just because he says the word angel, you can have it both ways. “with her sweetened breath and her tongue so mean” is the perfect descriptor for c!dream, fight me
take me to church: skephalo
we already know that bad literally started a whole ass cult because some egg told him he’d give skeppy back. mans is two steps away from cutting out the middle man and just straight up considering skeppy to be a religion
like real people do: bee duo
i just. i just. understanding that you’ve both been through trauma and not needing to talk about it to be there for each other anyway. that’s bee duo shit and it’s one of my favorite things about them
dinner and diatribes: awesamponk 
it’s about....the Vibes™. also the line “your friends are a fate that befell me” in relation to ponk being with the eggpire? effervescent 
would that i: karlnapity
i’m gonna let karlnapity stans pretend that everything’s okay for a little bit. quackity’s been through so many relationships but karl and sapnap are the first time he really felt like everything was right. and the part about a lover being fire in relation to sapnap is not lost on me thank you very much
talk: schlatt and quackity
these two are So Fucking Toxic. built on nothing but potential seduction. i love the idea of “imagine being loved by me”  meaning that they can’t do anything but imagine because they’re not actually in love. also obviously the orpheus and eurydice myth doesn’t fit these two but...quackity did actually go searching underground for schlatt after he died. so.
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thebadchoicemachine · 3 years
SBI HadesTown AU That Lives In My head Rent Free
(in fact I probably pay it to live there)
Links at the end under the cut.
• Dream, George, and Sapnap as The Fates  • Philza as Hermes • Wilbur as Persephone  • Technoblade as Hades • Tommy as Eurydice
• Tubbo as Orpheus
Changes to the story - 
Instead of spouses, Wilbur and Techno are estranged brothers.
Instead of lovers, Tommy and Tubbo are best friends.
The focus is still on restoring balance to the world but through familiar and platonic love instead of romantic. Also, the reason the world is so bad is a more social crisis (some people work too much while others can’t work at all) instead of a natural one (the seasons being wack.) 
It takes place during a seething summer drought rather than a frozen cropless winter but its still the same tune of spring/fall disappearing because the the world being out of tune. 
Character Changes -
+ Philza is an old god. He’s not weaker nor stronger than Wilbur/Techno, just fills up a very different role. He’s god of history, of legends, of simple stories and narration. He’s very human compared to most gods, some theorize perhaps he straight up IS human in some way shape or form. He lives a human life to meet people and collect their lives and stories and appreciate them. He can’t really interfere as more than a mortal man but still just tries to give as many happy endings as he can.
+ Tommy’s a scrappy lost child. His problem is similar to Eurydice but a little inverted. Rather than learning to trust people he needs to learn to value them. He’s no issue with interacting with people and enjoying their help/company but he’s a tendency to use them. He doesn’t believe they’ll stick around so he doesn’t bother caring about them.
+ Tubbo is also an abandoned child. Unlike Tommy he grew up in one spot, although still homeless. Philza found him camping in a crate box behind his station and gave him a job and a bed. He’s pretty much exactly like Orpheus, optimistic, sees the world for what it could be instead of what it is, but maybe spends a little too much time looking forward and not around.
+ Technoblade is basically the god of work and motivation. His problem is generally the same as Hades’ in that he misses his family and is too busy working and building security for what he wants to get what he wants. He misses his brother so much he’s hardend himself to the reasons they’re apart so much in the first place.
+ Wilbur is basically the god of play and rest. In this AU, instead of Hades, Persephone’s role is the biggest reason the world is out of wack. His problem is that he doesn’t face his problems. As the god of such frivolous things as music, games, rest, etc. he is (feels) weak and useless. He’s jealous of Techno and how needed he is so Wilbur retreats away to somewhere he feels needed and wanted, entertaining miserable people. He’s stayed away for longer and longer amounts of time, not realizing his distracting them from their troubles (inadvertently preventing them from fixing them) is a reason they’re so miserable in the first place. All he can do is have a good time so he’s begun forcing it every second of every day and ignoring his brother in the meantime. He needs to learn that he CAN do good, people NEED breaks and fun, but recklessly enforcing it only enforces what he fears, that he’s a liability. 
So, the main problem is a cycle the brothers have spiraled into:
Techno does obviously important things (stirring progress and improvement) and Wilbur feels bad, unimportant, and like a burden.
Wilbur leaves Techno to go distract himself/play with the humans.
Wilbur becomes useless and detrimental without Technoblade there to balance him out.
Techno works even harder, becoming empty and cold without Wilbur there to balance him out, trying to get enough work done so Wilbur won’t have to worry and will come back.
Wilbur sees Techno working so hard and shies away even more so as not to disturb his brother’s important work.
Technoblade has to basically force Wilbur to stay with him now, making it more work.
Wilbur sees Technoblade as both too important for him and now generally unappealing as unnecessary effort. Besides, he’d probably just get in the way.
Technoblade now sees Wilbur as just another part of his endless job. Keep people working, keep things improving, keep the numbers going up, try to keep Wilbur here. Its become work for the sake of work instead of work to the sake of rest.
So even when they’re together neither is relaxed enough to balance the other, both are distant.
Wilbur’s become too carefree, he ignores Technoblade and drops anything that seems challenging, including reconciliation and self-examination. He’s still just playing, even when with Technoblade.
Technoblade’s become too obsessed, focusing more on how to get and keep his brother with him than on being with his brother. The work has become meaningless without the end goal that Wilbur provides. A self sustaining cycle of labor for more labor’s sake.
Now the humans are suffering because they find themselves trapped in an unbalanced cycle of being either incapable of work or incapable of play.
Thematic notes:
- The dancers in the station during the first half are Skeppy, Antfrost, Bad, Eret, and Puffy. 
- The workers (the dancers in the second half) consist of Niki, Fundy, Quackity, Ranboo, and Awsam.
- Tommy is implied to vaguely know/be brotherly to Techno and Wilbur, this is partially how Techno convinces him to leave and go work for him. 
- Likewise, Philza has a few lines about feeling sorry about how Techno and WIlbur have ended up (implying he took some part in raising them) and already knows Tommy when he enters (implying he’s been a dad to helped Tommy out before.
- Technoblade is less malicious than Hades, more just cold and apathetic. In a way, he thinks he’s helping by pulling Tommy away from Tubbo. He, like Wilbur, believes that work is good so more work must be better, even if you’ve nothing to really work towards. At the end he listens to the fates because needs to figure out how to let Tommy go without undoing either all of Wilbur’s power or all of his. 
- Tubbo’s song has a bigger impact on fauna than floral, specifically insects. His first song brings out bees, butterflies, and moths that Tommy goes all star eyed for because pretty bugs but more importantly, living things that don’t want to hurt him!
- Instead of a flower Tommy gets a big beautiful orange moth (named Clementine) that hides in the back of his coat neck whenever Technoblade is near. He remembers in ‘Flowers’ when he goes to wipe some sweat from his neck but its Clementine and she flies around him while he sings. (I thought that’d be much prettier than him just holding her like Eurydice holds the flower.) 
- During ‘Living it Up On Top’ Wilbur dances specifically with Philza (who greets him very much like a father might greet a son who’s been away for a long time) and Tommy (who he teases and ruffles his hair a lot).
- Wilbur does drugs instead of alcohol. He... he makes a lot of drugs so I thought this would be an appropriate swap. Also it’s really funny to me that he sings Our Lady Of The Underground (or, Brother To The Underground) just completely stoned; handing out weed and shit to the workers.
- Instead of a mine Hadestown (Technotown? Technoville?) is a farm in a giant glass case built way up high. Instead of going through the dark that challenge is Tubbo has to climb up its side to avoid the train. Its an unnatural and unwelcoming greenhouse. Everything grows in lines but they’re mismatched and overrun with thorny weeds. Everything is grey and tough and flavorless. There’s so much dust and dirt being kicked up it’s hard to breathe and see. The workers are using various gardening tools during the beats instead of swinging a pickaxe. Half will sharpen while the other half swings (tilling the ground/cutting weeds), it makes a real nice schwing/thunk mix sound. 
- During ‘Word To The Wise’ George sings (“if you tell them no you’re a heartless man”) Sapnap sings (“if you let ‘em go you’re a spineless king”) and Dream sings (”here’s a little tip”) and (“men are fools, men are frail”)
- Tubbo still looks back during ‘Doubt Comes In’ because he's scared of Techno and feels bad about himself (“Who am I? Who am I to think that he would follow me into the blazing heat again”). Techno, Wilbur, and Philza try their best to take care of them but it’s still a tragic ending. 
- Tommy and Tubbo may or may not become (very sad and minor) gods. Unofficially and not in the story, but still... maybe. If they WERE, hypothetically,  they’d be a very tragic pair. Tubbo would help mend relationships and guid people towards good advice while Tommy would help catch/ignore/cut out bad ones. Always working together, never together. 
Lyrical Changes 
> Pronouns are changed, obviously.
> Techno and Wilbur sing “brother” instead of “lover.”
> During ‘The Wedding Song’ (The Friendship Song, I do not care if it’s childish, Wedding is replaced with Friendship) They sing each other’s names instead of “lover.” (Tubbo, tell me if you can...////Tommy, when I sing my song...)
> Anytime they’re complaining about the cold winter replace it with a hot summer
> Tommy’s lines are much sharper. He never loses his edge with Tubbo. Instead of him remembering him and going “my best friend, Tubbo” he remembers and says something more along the lines of “that fucking idiot, Tubbo” but he’s say it with a quivering smile and bittersweet tears in his eyes. Harsh in words not in tone. 
> Wilbur still pours a glass for a toast during ‘Living It Up On Top’ but the rest of the time he’s smoking something instead of drinking. (Who gives breaks when the work is hard?//That's right, Wilbur Soot!//Who makes the music? Who’s your bard?//(Wilbur Soot!)//Thank you//Who makes a rough life fun again, in spite of a pig//(You do!)//Who’s the most awaited gig? Eh? Wilbur Soot, that’s who!)
> When Wilbur shows up during ‘Chant’ he complains about how cold and dark it is. (Colder than a tundra) Techno explains it away as having set up shades/coolers to counter the glare from the sun through greenhouse glass and how he did it to protect/comfort Wilbur. (Brother when you feel that chill, it’s my protection from the kill, its my protection that i’ve built for you.)
> In the Chant Reprise the workers are singing about why they’re working if they can never enjoy the security and safety they keep making. Technoblade, instead of telling him to buy Tommy’s love, tells him to make himself needed. He, instead of warning Tubbo about Tommy leaving, scolds Tubbo for being too light and fluffy and spinelessly letting Tommy go. He scolds him for trying to take Tommy away, back into uselessness and empty fluff, when he’s found a good purpose because clearly Tubbo wasn’t point enough. 
> Philza’s still the narrator, but diegetically his lyrics show more clearly that he knows everyone in the story already. I really like the idea of him giving Tubbo advice on making friends that gets shown in ‘Come Home With Me’
> When Tubbo sings about Techno, instead of singing about minework, he’ll sing things like ((from the second stanza of Epic II) “Technoblade, king//of power and pain//of a hard days work//that never ends//and for half of the year when Wilbur’s away//the strain and the stress just won’t give way//he thinks of his brother, light and carefree//and is taken in a rage of obligation and need//to ensure wants are met and safe//so there will be time for play//so his bother//his brother comes home) 
This post all started because I was thinking of Tubbo singing the “La lala laaa” that was originally Wilbur’s song. 
Also, I realize this entire AU is just one big punch in the gut to Philza, like, “HEY, ALL YOUR SONS ARE SCREWED UP, NOW SING ABOUT IT.”
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