moonshotsx · 1 year
once upon a... nightmare? (sashnarcia princess au)
blame those finale red carpet outfits lmao the villains x princess vibes were too strong to resist
Marcia sighed as she stared outside the window.
Another day had passed, another day closer to the one she was meant to marry a prince she didn't love, let alone know.
She had less than a few days away from the grand wedding, there was no escape in sight.
If there only was something she could do to get out of the situation her father had put her into, she'd give everything she'd got to get away.
Her thoughts were interrupted by red smoke filling the center of her room, followed by a muffled thud.
She got up and froze in place against the wall as two figures emerged from the fog.
"Ah, shit, this doesn't look like the throne room".
The taller of the two broke the silence, a brunette with a scar on her eyebrow.
"How could you manage to get the wrong room, again, darling? Didn't you say you were sure of its location?"
The older one sported a fashionable hat that Marcia has seen worn by other women at court, but she had to admit it looked much better on the mysterious woman.
"You're not far off, it's one floor blow from here," Marcia let out before she could stop herself."
"See! I wasn't that off... wait! Who the hell are you?".
"You break into my father's castle and didn't bother to look up who I was?" Marcia tilted her head, "I'm the princess".
She wasn't offended, rather confused. She was sure everyone in the realm knew of her.
"My, my," the older woman walked up to her, for some reason, Marcia couldn't help but feel drawn to her, "We came in looking for treasure but dare I say we struck gold with this one".
She should be yelling for the guards to come save her.
And yet, the more she thought over the situation, the more she felt like this could be her chance to run away for good.
Away from a life she never wanted.
"Sash, is this really a good idea? One thing is stealing the king's treasure, another is to kidnap his daughter".
"If she comes with us voluntarily it's not kidnapping, now is it?" Sasha replied as she reached for Marcia's face.
With a softness she wouldn't expect from a dark witch, Sasha lifted her chin. There was no way she could escape those hypnotizing eyes.
"What's your name, princess?"
"M-Marcia, ma'am".
"Hm, so polite. I like that," Sasha smiled, "I'm Sasha and this is my... Anetra," she tilted her head over to the brunette, the latter sported a straight face void of emotions.
"Don't worry, she looks mean, but doesn't mean harm".
"How can you say you mean no harm if you came here with the intent to steal?"
"I'm sure your daddy wouldn't notice if a few cups of gold went missing, just saying," Anetra huffed with a pout, crossing her arms over her chest.
"If I were to come with you..." Marcia started, "Can you promise not to give me back under any condition? No matter the bounty".
Sasha seemed taken back by the request, "May I ask why such request?"
"I'm set to marry a prince from a far away land in a few days, I haven't even met him yet," she started to explain before she could feel her eyes swelling up with tears at the mere thought of it.
"Hush, dear," the witch said gently, "We can take you far away from here, and you won't have to worry about it anymore".
Marcia could only nod, her eyes meeting Anetra's briefly as she looked over Sasha's shoulder.
The brunette's face had changed to a more empathetic one.
"What day is the wedding set for?"
Sasha looked back at Anetra, the latter nodded before the three of them were startled by a knock on the bedroom door.
"Your Highness, is everything alright?" Marcia's lady-in-waiting asked from the other side of the door, "The guards said they heard a thud?"
"Y-Yes! Nothing the matter, I just bumped into my bed, you know how clumsy I get," the princess was able to quickly recover, seemingly believable enough to be left alone soon after.
After a few moments of silence, Anetra spoke up.
"It's too risky to take you with us tonight, the guards are already alert," she reasoned before Marcia grabbed onto her sleeve.
"No, please, you can't leave me here," she begged, panic rising through her chest.
"Princess, look at me," Sasha said in a calm yet stern tone, "She's right, it's too dangerous tonight".
A lone tear escaped her eye and rolled down her cheek.
"However, we'll be back Saturday night to get you, it's a promise".
Marcia nodded.
"I'll be ready".
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inthehytes · 1 year
13. “ i won't let any danger even touch us. ” for sashnetrcia 😳😳 (sasha/anetra/marcia)
I won’t lie, it took me a minute to come up for an idea for this one so I hope you enjoy it!
I’ll be reblogging more dialogue prompts soon because these were so fun, so I hope to see y’all request some more!
“Netra, maybe this wasn’t such a good idea. You guys go ahead and I’ll just wait in the car until you’re done.” She felt a little tug on her hand as Marcia squirmed uneasily beside her. The lobby was loud with the commotion of people spilling out of the escape room’s exits and the chatter of the people waiting to take their place.
“But you were so excited to come? Why would you wait in the car baby?” Anetra turned to fully face Marcia, letting the younger girl take both of her hands in her own. She could see panic beginning to creep into the corners of Marcia’s eyes, her expression pinching with fear with every muffled slam they heard.
“I thought we were going to one of the other escape rooms, I didn’t know it was going to be scary.” Her lips almost pushed out into a pout as she tugged at Anetra’s hands once more. “Maybe we can tell the others I’m not feeling well and decided to sleep it off in the car!”
“Marsh, angel, we’re not lying to our friends and our girlfriend about something like this. It’s okay to be afraid, you just have to remember that it’s all just pretend. Everyone in those rooms are just playing a part, yeah?” Anetra tried her hardest to connect to the performer in Marcia, knowing if she could make her think about the logistics of the storyline she wouldn’t be so afraid.
“I dunno,” Marcia whined softly, edging closer to Anetra’s warmth even as Sasha came bouncing back over, neon wristbands in hand.
“Wrists everyone c’mon we’re up soon!” She waved the bright straps of paper at them, reaching for Marcia’s wrist to help her with it. Sasha froze when Marcia flinched back a little with a frown. “Marcia? Are you okay?”
“She’s scared.” Anetra filled in, allowing Sasha to wrap her wrist in the offensively orange band and ignoring the little affronted huff Marcia let out.
“Scared? Oh honey c’mere.” Sasha pulled Marcia over to a secluded section of benches, sitting immediately and tugging until Marcia was practically in her lap. Anetra quickly claimed Marcia’s other side and they pressed in on the younger girl until they felt her relax a bit. “Do you really think Netra and I would take you somewhere where somebody could hurt you?”
“No.” Marcia answered with a quiet sniffle, leaning her weight back on Anetra more.
“Or that we would let something happen to you?”
“Nuh-uh.” She shook her head this time.
“You know we would protect you and get you out if it became too much right?” Anetra asked this, rubbing soothing circles on the strip of skin Marcia’s cropped top exposed.
“Of course!” Her nod is enthusiastic, she trusted the pair with her life.
“Good baby, I won’t let any danger even touch us.” Anetra promised, leaning forward to plant a sweet kiss on her cheek.
“Besides, no monster is going to even try to mess with Anetra and her RBF, we’ll be the safest in the room.” Anetra could see Sasha’s giant grin over Marcia’s shoulder and rolled her eyes fondly. “Now c’mon we’re up next and I want to see how long it takes for Sugar and Spice to get caught.”
Sasha’s up and bounding toward their friends, already fishing more wristbands out of her purse with an enthusiastic wave.
“Netra?” Marcia asked as Anetra helped her up and planted one last kiss to her lips.
“Yeah Marsh?”
“You’re going to feed Sasha to the zombie first aren’t you?”
“Now what makes you say that?”
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rosenallies · 3 months
prompts girlie? 😊😊
maybe <3 I don’t have a lot to work with rn<3 I’ve been staring at the ones I already have for too long
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missjanjie · 1 year
what would the sasha/marcia ship name be?
see ‘sasharcia’ is a little too close to ‘sashnarcia’ which is the triad w anetra, and ‘marsha’ is just, y’know, a name
therefor I humbly propose ‘marlby’, because ‘colcia’ kinda sounds like a bacteria
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sexynetra · 1 year
oh yeah, as i was writing the tags i also realised that there isn't like an official ship name yet for them...
Tumblr media
i can't think of anything better so i'll accept sasharcia for the time being
Sasha and Marcia rare pair is so funny because there is a plethora of sashnarcia fic of the 3 of them but yet nothing of just Marcia and sasha exists. I’d say I can fix that but I think if I tried to write anything that didn’t center Anetra I’d cry 😭
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moonshotsx · 1 year
wip wednesday - princess au (sashnarcia)
just a little tease 🥰 set post the wolf incident, a bit more anarcia centric!
Anetra woke up with an intense headache, slowly opening her eyes to assess the situation.
She was in the cottage, that much she could tell. The shelves filled with books and magical herbs laying on the desk told her another thing.
She was in Sasha's room, but the witch was nowhere in sight.
Anetra continued to look around, finding a chair next to the bed. On it, there were stored a pair of scissors and a few rolls of gauze.
How long had she been out cold?
The last thing she could recollect was hearing Sasha's soft voice lulling her to sleep as the pain in her side proved too much for her to bear.
The door opened to reveal Marcia holding a jar with some sort of paste inside, no doubt Sasha's doing.
"Oh! You're awake!" Marcia's face lit up with a smile only to then frown when Anetra straightened herself in fear.
The brunette came to regret it almost immediately as a painful fit hit her side.
"Please, be careful. The would is still healing. Sasha said you still need a few days of treatment to get rid of most of the pain," she scolded her gently, sitting down on the chair after she set everything down on the small side table besides the bed.
Anetra quietly observed Marcia at work, a thousand thoughts running through her mind while the blonde went through a seemingly rehearsed line of work.
"Aren't you scared of me?"
Marcia paused after she cut a piece of the gauze, "Why would I be scared of you?"
"I lost control. I... I... killed someone, right in front of you," Anetra let out, her eyes not meeting Marcia's comforting ones, "What if I hurt you or Sasha next?"
"You took a bullet for us," Marcia replied, "If anything, you saved my life... again. I could never be afraid of you".
Anetra opted to not reply as Marcia started to do the routine Sasha has instructed her to do.
She momentarily winced when the cold magical herb paste made contact with the still healing wound.
"Sorry, I'm trying to be as gentle as I can," Marcia apologized before quickly bandaging the area.
"If I can say something..." she started after she was done putting everything away for the next dressing change.
"What is it?"
"You do make for a pretty wolf, you know that?"
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moonshotsx · 1 year
cold-blooded - sashnarcia (princess au)
tw/ blood, slight gore (nothing too graphic but better safe than sorry)
It happened in a flash.
All Anetra could remember was seeing the man point the gun towards Sasha and Marcia and then... the taste of iron in her mouth.
She was tasting blood in her mouth, she could feel it on her fur.
She had turned into a wolf to attack him, kill him.
That's what had happened.
Anetra didn't stop until the man had stopped moving, a gaping hole where his throat had been.
Her ears were ringing too loudly to make out who was screaming. Was it Marcia?
She backed down, her eyes trailing down the drops of blood that were falling off the ground.
"...Netra, baby, focus on my voice, come back to me, my love".
Then she felt a soft hand pet her, rhythmic strokes to calm her down enough to shift back into a human.
Anetra was on her knees, a sharp pain in her side hit her when Sasha held her close to her chest, seemingly not caring of getting her blouse dirty.
"Let it all out, love, it's okay".
The shape-shifter hadn't noticed the tears rolling down her cheeks until she could feel Sasha wiping them away.
Her voice sounded hoarse from having just shifted back, it was hard to just swallow the mix of blood and saliva in her mouth.
"Monster... they were right, I'm a... monster," she broke out in an ugly cry as her fingers dug into the witch's skin.
"You are not a monster," Sasha's voice was resolute but compassionate, "You did what you had to. He would have shot Marcia and me if it weren't for you jumping in and taking a bullet for us".
She had been shot?
A soft chuckle escaped Sasha's lips, "You didn't even notice you got hurt, my little wolf? You must be so tired, don't you want to take a nap against me?".
Anetra's vision was starting to blur the more Sasha kept talking, her voice working better than any lullaby from her childhood.
And before she knew it, she was knocked out cold.
"I'm sorry to use magic on you without telling you, love," Sasha kissed the top of Anetra's head before she reached to scoop the unconscious woman off the ground.
She quickly turned to Marcia to assess the situation.
The blonde's face was pale, her usual rosy cheeks and nose had lost their coloration. Her eyes were fixed onto Anetra, but her body was frozen in terror.
"You go back inside and rest. I'll take care of this mess once I've stabilized her. The bullet didn't seem to hit anything vital, but she still lost quite a bit of blood in the struggle," Sasha explained, sparing the dead body the slightest of looks before making her way up to her study room.
"Sasha, wait," Marcia finally spoke up, her voice trembling, "I... I will help you take care of Anetra".
"Are you sure?"
"I don't want her to wake up thinking I'm afraid of her or that I hate her," Marcia confessed as she walked up closer to the witch.
Sasha gave her a small nod in understanding.
"I'll lead the way".
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moonshotsx · 1 year
six sentence sunday - boynetra x sasha/marcia
they do be h word on main!
Anetra threw his head back as Sasha started kissing her way up from his shoulder, her hands roamed all over his chest.
The manicured nails were sure to leave marks in their leave.
Marcia laid under him on her stomach and looked back up at him with a mischievous grin.
“Aren’t you quite excited to see us tonight, uh, Netra?” She teased as her hand felt him through his boxers.
He could only let out a choked moan at the touch.
“We want to hear you, baby,” Sasha whispered against his ear, “You have such a pretty voice, it would be a shame to not hear it”.
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moonshotsx · 1 year
19 for sashnarcia princess au , I'm still so hooked on that au 😭😭😭
19. “Can I play with your hair?”
"Uh?" Anetra looked up from the piece of wood she had just cut with her axe.
"Can I play with your hair when you're done with the wood cutting?" Marcia asked again, quieter this time, "It's a pretty slow afternoon and I'm getting a bit bored".
"Isn't it something you usually do with Sasha?"
"I can play with Sasha's hair one too many times before she gets tired of me," the blonde replied with a smile - she didn't hold anything against the witch, Marcia knew she could be a bit overbearing at times.
Anetra seemed to give it some thought, a quick glance to the massive pile of wood she'd already chopped. It should probably last for the next month.
"Alright, fine," she finally replied much to Marcia's enthusiasm.
Anetra didn't even have time to say anything more that she was dragged away by the blonde, a soft smile appeared on her face as they walked to the cottage.
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moonshotsx · 1 year
i’m so bored omg pls besties talk to me in my inbox 😭 any au will do!!
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rosenallies · 2 months
“you look sad" for sashnarcia please?
“I’m worried about Marcia,” Anetra whispered softly to Sasha as they got into bed, glancing at the baby monitor that showed Marcia rocking their newborn to sleep, “they seem more overwhelmed this time than after Kai was born and they hardly want any help.”
Sasha hummed, nodding along. “I’ve been thinking the same thing. They seem to think they need to be the one to deal with everything. They didn’t even want help putting the kids to sleep.”
“I’ve been doing some research and I think they have postpartum depression.”
Sighing, Sasha squeezed Anetra’s hand. “I was thinking the same thing. We’ll talk to them about it when they’re finished, okay?”
Anetra nodded, curling into Sasha’s side until Marcia came back in. They looked like they were nearly in tears.
“Baby,” Sasha cooed, motioning for them to join her and Anetra on the bed, wrapping them up in her arms when they did.
“What’s going on lately, love? Hmm?”
Marcia untangled themself from Sasha and Anetra’s arms, pushing themself away. “I’m fine.”
“No,” Anetra shook her head, concern clouding her eyes, “you’re not. You’re so-you look so sad. All the time. We’re worried about you.”
Their lip wobbled and tears followed, a gentle stream giving way for rivers of salt pouring down their cheeks. “I-I’m sorry, this is s-so stupid.”
“No, it’s not, baby, you’ve gotta be exhausted. You’re doing so much,” Sasha soothed.
Anetra grabbed their hand. “We’re all in this together, all of us.”
Sasha nodded along. “You don’t have to do anything alone.”
Marcia opened their mouth to speak but nothing came out before the wailing on the baby monitor started. Sasha shook her head as they tried to get up. “Stay here with Neech, baby, I’ve got it.”
Relaxing against Anetra, Marcia tried to slow the negative thoughts that raced through their head, instead focusing on Anetra’s touch. “I’m worried you have postpartum depression,” she said quietly.
Biting their lip, Marcia nodded in understanding. “Me too.”
Anetra kissed their temple. “It’ll be okay, we’ll find you some help, okay? But get some rest first.”
“Okay. I love you.”
“I love you too, everything will be okay, I promise.”
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rosenallies · 4 months
if you don’t mind can you write some more sashnarcia with their kid it’s so cute
home sick(in da head) so I’ll try to catch up on promptianas today <3
“Marcia,” Sasha cooed, wiping tears away from their cheeks with her thumbs, “you shouldn’t be crying more than the kid! He’s so excited!”
“I-I can’t help it!” They ugly sobbed as they watched Anetra comb through Kai’s hair in their bathroom, excitedly bouncing on the stool she’d sat him in, “he’s not ready for school!”
Maybe it was the pregnancy hormones running through them again, remembering just how emotional they were when they carried their first, or it was genuine despair at the thought of their little baby growing up.
“It’s just pre-school, honey, he still has two years before kindergarten.”
“Oh god,” they sobbed into their hands, “don’t even mention kindergarten! Then he’ll be at the big school and this one,” they paused gesturing to their very slight bump, “will be 1 and a half already!”
“Alright, all set baby boy!” Anetra announced with a clap of her hands, “our big boy is ready for his first day of pre-school!”
Kai smiled so wide, clapping his chubby hands and rambling on and on about how excited he was to meet new friends and to learn and everything they’d told him about school.
“C-can we get some photos?” Marcia sniffed.
Sasha smiled, kissing their cheek, “of course, dollface. Come on, let’s take them in the living room.”
Tugging them along, Sasha and Anetra set up their camera on the little tripod, setting it to snap pictures for them so they could all be in the photo.
Later on, Sasha would look at the photos and giggle to herself at the way there were only 2 out of 25 photos where they were all looking in the same direction and how in most of them it was abundantly obvious Marcia had been crying.
“I wanna go now!” Kai whined, wiggling from Marcia’s arms after too many photos for his liking.
“Alright, alright, let’s get your backpack,” Sasha said, slipping it onto his shoulders and smiling, “don’t you look adorable.”
The whole drive to the little private pre-school they’d paid an arm and a leg for, Marcia sat in the back with Kai reminding him over and over again how it was okay to be scared or to miss his parents, though both Anetra and Sasha could tell it was more for their own benefit than his because it was Marcia that took a shaky breath when they pulled up to the school, immediately being ushered into the parent drop off line.
“Oh, we actually need to park instead so we can go in with him,” Marcia said to the teacher directing traffic through their open window, “it’s his first day.”
“It’s everyone’s first day,” she chirped excitedly, “we foster independence here so we find it best parents don’t come in with their kiddos on the first day, but don’t worry there are plenty of adults to guide him to the right room.”
Nerves churned in Marcia’s belly. “Oh, um okay, I guess that’s it then,” they sniffed, trying to hold it in as they unbuckled Kai, kissing his cheek. “We all love you, okay? We’ll be back to pick you up later.”
Without a trace of worry on his face, he nodded. “I know! Bye bye! Love you!”
Their big boy slid out of his car seat and took the hand of the teacher who guided him inside, passing him off to another teacher just inside the building, looking back and waving with a big smile on his face that made Marcia sob again.
“Oh boy,” Anetra giggled, “Marc, do you want donuts from that fancy place downtown? You look like you need a pick me up.”
Marcia nodded sadly, a hand on their belly. “Yeah,” they squeaked, “the baby wants a strawberry donut.”
Sasha chuckled. “Which baby? You or the actual baby?”
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rosenallies · 2 months
Omg! If you’re taking hcs
Do you have any for sashnarcia (drag racer au) aftercare 💕
-they’ve got a very specific aftercare routine that ensures all of their needs are met<3 they all have little jobs they do after, Sasha checks her partners to make sure they don’t need ice or cream or anything like that if it was a rough scene, Anetra gets snacks and water and Marcia makes sure their bed is comfy so they can cuddle
-sometimes Sasha experiences dom drop so she needs to coddle her loves extra to make herself feel better. Anetra and Marcia always assure her that they’re okay and love everything that she did
-before Sasha, aftercare was very new for Anetra and marcia so Sasha definitely teaches them a lot about the importance of it and how it’s not only for the subs but also helps the dom as well😌
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rosenallies · 6 months
Can you write some sashnarcia fluff
I apologize for the hurt/comfort undertones but it is mostly fluff at least To Me 🫣 <3
“I’ve got the hot chocolate going!” Marcia called from the kitchen as they warmed up 3 mugs of milk for their ‘help Anetra feel better’ hot chocolate.
Sasha and Marcia knew of Anetra’s depression worsening in the winter so that morning when Anetra was out of bed first and Sasha found her by the window staring out at the cold and icy backyard covered in snow before her with a tear in her eye, she knew today would be one of those days where they were pulling out every trick in the book to pull her out of it. So Marcia started on the hot chocolate, 3 big marshmallows in Anetra’s because she hated the little ones. Marcia made the hot chocolate while Sasha dressed Anetra in warmer clothes, she never had a sense of how to dress when she felt so detached from her body; big, too warm hoodies in the summer and tiny pj shorts in the winter almost like she was unconsciously punishing herself for being sad, which Sasha and Marcia both could not allow. So, she was dressed in a warm sweater and leggings, just going through the motions until Sasha led her back to the living room where Marcia was setting their steaming mugs down on the coffee table, turning on the Christmas lights and strewing blankets all over the couch so no matter where any of them laid, there was a soft and warm blanket right there to snuggle into.
A small smile spread across Anetra’s face, followed by a few tears but they were more of the grateful variety instead of the cold tears of sadness she cried in the morning before Sasha and Marcia did their part in pulling her up.
“There’s my girl’s smile,” Sasha cooed, smoothing out Anetra’s hair and kissing her forehead, “this whole day is for you, okay? We have all of it ahead of us, anything you want.”
Anetra nodded, grabbing her hand and holding it tightly. “Can we cuddle?” She looked up from the floor and at Marcia too, “all of us?”
“Of course, Neech, that’s why I took out all of these blankets!”
Sasha chuckled. “Why don’t you go pick where you wanna rest, baby?”
Anetra chose a spot right in the middle of their sectional so the others could curl up on either side of her, keeping her warm from the cold and safe from her thoughts.
With Sasha on her left and Marcia on her right and their softest fleece blanket pulled across their laps, for the first time that morning, Anetra felt warm, spreading from the inside out as she sipped her cocoa.
“Do you want to choose a movie?” Marcia asked, “we could choose a Christmas movie or something else?”
Anetra shrugged, glancing at Sasha hoping she would read her mind, and of course, she did.
“Do you want us to make some decisions for you today, lovey?”
Nodding, Anetra smiled, though she felt a little better, decisions could be hard for her on days like this.
Sasha kissed her forehead gently. “Of course, darling. Marc, why don’t you put on Nightmare Before Christmas? You always like that one, don’t you, sweetheart?”
“It’s my favorite,” Anetra replied quietly, blushing at the fact that they both knew her so well, even when the decisions weren’t directly hers, they may as well have been.
Marcia queued up the movie and settled in, resting their head on Anetra’s shoulder and lacing their fingers together. They absentmindedly traced patterns, little hearts and stars, all over the top of her hand, hoping to convey their love and support as the opening credits rolled.
Eventually, their hot chocolate was long gone and the movie over, but Sasha and Marcia stayed put while Anetra snoozed in between them, legs migrated to Marcia’s lap while she hid her face in Sasha’s neck, breathing her in deeply while she slept.
“She’s so beautiful,” Marcia whispered.
Sasha hummed. “She is, isn’t she? So gorgeous, just like you too, you know.”
Marcia blushed, using their free hand to squeeze Sasha’s arm. “You’re beautiful too.”
Chuckling, Sasha pet Marcia’s hair back. “Why don’t we all nap for a bit then? The snow looks like it’s not gonna stop coming down for a while so why not?”
“Yeah,” Marcia yawned, not realizing how sleepy they felt all of a sudden, “naps during snow days are the best.”
Sasha yawned as well, letting comfortably against the couch with Anetra laying on her, still sound asleep. “They’re the best kind of naps.”
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rosenallies · 5 months
Can you write sashnarcia adopting a lil kid 🥺
Ever since I read that one prompt of Marcia saying she wanted a kid my heart died
tbh I know the prompt says “adopting a kid” however I’m sick rn and I’m too tired to think about the ins and outs of adoption and also idk I feel like Marcia in this au would maybe want to carry the baby so it would biologically be theirs and Sasha’s <3 but anyway idk I haven’t thot about it a ton <3
“You’re sure we don’t need to bring him in?” Marcia fretted, pacing the living room with the phone pressed to their ear while Sasha and Anetra cooed over their crying son, his tiny body warm with fever.
The doctor on the other line sighed, so used to the anxieties of first time parents. “He’s how old again?”
“He’s 3 and a half months,” they huffed.
“Okay, so if his fever is only at 99.9 right now, it’s not necessary to bring him in unless he’s having difficulty feeding or breathing. Has he had any of those other symptoms?”
Marcia shook their head. “No, just a runny nose and a slight cough.”
“That’s good then, just give him some infant Tylenol and keep an eye on his temperature. If the fever exceeds 100.4 or if it persists over 48 hours then I would recommend bringing him into the ER. Do you have any other questions?”
“No,” they replied quietly, a sniffle in their voice, “thank you.”
The doctor bid them a goodnight and hung up, the whole conversation doing nothing to ease Marcia’s nerves.
“Mar, come here, love,” Sasha said gently, beckoning them over to the couch where she and Anetra sat.
They trudged over to the couch, tears blurring their vision as they sat beside Sasha, who held Kai in her arms, his wails turning to gentle whimpers.
“Here,” Sasha cooed, passing him over to Marcia, “look, see, he’s okay. I think the medicine is kicking in.”
Marcia held their son close to their chest, bouncing him softly while they whispered to him that it would be okay and that he’d feel better in no time.
“You’re so good with him,” Anetra whispered as he began to doze off in Marcia’s arms, their hand firm on his back to make sure his breathing remained normal.
Of course, they all loved their baby son more than anything and all of them had already proved what their parenting strengths were. Marcia was the soft, gentle one, putting baby Kai to sleep in minutes with their softly sang lullabies; his favorite being a Hawaiian one that Sasha had taught them. Sasha was the more practical parent, always double checking the diaper bag before they went out and always making sure every appointment was scheduled in advance. Anetra was the fun parent, always pulling laughs out of him the quickest with her funny faces and magic tummy tickling fingers. It was also her who’d spent weeks painting his nursery, a mural of a beautiful Hawaiian beach and sunset so he’d always know where a part of him came from.
Sasha smiled, lacing her fingers with Anetra’s. “So are you, darling.”
“We’re all perfect for him,” Marcia then said barely above a whisper so as not to spook him back into crying. “Do you think tonight we can put his portable crib in our room? So we can check on him?”
They all checked on him constantly all night every night, but Sasha and Anetra could tell this was more for Marcia’s comfort than Kai’s. “Of course, baby. Neech, come help me set it up?”
Anetra nodded, following Sasha into the bedroom, leaving Marcia and the baby still on the couch.
They lovingly pressed their lips to the top of his head, his soft whispy hairs tickling her. “We love you so much, sweet pea, we’ll always take care of you no matter what, no matter how old you get, you’ll always be taken care of.”
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rosenallies · 5 months
For prompts: sashnarcia with Sasha being sick and trying to hide it?
“Anetra?” Marcia came up behind her from where she washed the dinner dishes, up to her elbows in hot water and dish soap.
“Hmm?” She hummed, hardly looking up at them.
“Have you noticed anything off with Sasha today?” They asked, glancing at Sasha in the living room, curled up under a blanket while she stared blankly at the book she was reading, but Marcia had noticed she hadn’t actually turned a page in forever.
“I guess she’s been quieter than normal? Have you asked if she’s okay?”
Marcia scoffed. “Like it’s ever that easy with her.”
It was true, getting Sasha to open up when something was bothering her was like trying to open up a safe without a key at times.
Anetra shrugged, wiping off her hands on a dish towel and turning off the sink. “Let’s go talk to her, we won’t know if we don’t try.”
They made their way over to the living room, Marcia scooting in beside Sasha, while Anetra sat in front of her on the coffee table.
She smiled softly as she looked up from her book.
“Sasha,” Marcia started, taking her hand, frowning at how warm she felt, “are you okay? You’ve been-“
They were interrupted by Sasha clearing her throat, her cheeks flushing red as she struggled to contain a cough.
“Wait a minute,” Anetra mumbled, pressing her hand to Sasha’s forehead, “you’re sick. Sasha, why didn’t you say anything?! You’ve been doing house work all day! You should be resting!”
Sasha cleared her throat, shaking her head. “Don’t be silly,” she said, her voice scratchy, “I’m fine.”
Marcia huffed. “Doesn’t sound fine to me.”
“Look, it’s just a little cold, nothing to worry about,” she insisted, “I’m still fine to go about life.”
“Sash, you wouldn’t let either of us do that if we were the ones sick. Last time I was sick you literally called out of work for me. Without me even knowing!” Anetra said, brows furrowed together with concern as she grabbed Sasha’s too warm hand, “you won’t get better if you don’t relax.”
Sasha sighed, too exhausted and poorly to continue her game of charades pretending to be fine when all day she’d felt like doing nothing but crawling into bed and sleeping. “I’m sorry,” she croaked.
Marcia tutted gently. “Oh Sash, don’t be sorry. Anetra and I will take care of you. Let’s get you to bed.”
Anetra reached to help her up, but Sasha hesitated, a tentative look in her eye.
“C’mon, you take care of Marcia and I all the time, it’s okay to be the one being taken care of sometimes. Let us take care of you.”
Breathing out her nose, Sasha nodded. “Okay.”
“Good, now come on,” Anetra said, helping her up, “I’ll get you comfy in bed and Marcia will get some water and Tylenol for you, okay?”
Anetra helped her into bed, tucking her under the covers while Marcia followed behind once they’d gotten her ice water and pills. Once Anetra had gotten her situated, Marcia pressed the pills into her hand and held to glass to her lips, Sasha sighing with bliss as the cold liquid soothed the burn in her throat.
“Thank you,” she said softly, settling into bed and letting her exhausted body relax finally.
“You’d do the same for us,” Anetra replied.
Marcia nodded. “Now that we know you’re under the weather, we’re not letting you leave this bed until you’re all better.”
Despite feeling like garbage, a smile crept onto Sasha’s face. “I love you guys.”
They both curled up on either side of her, kissing her warm cheeks one after the other. “We love you too,” Anetra said, “not get some rest, we’ll be here if you need anything at all.”
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