#satellite jimin
mrs-monaghan · 1 year
can you please tell me what is satellite jeon?! 😭 im so confused please help this poor out
Are you serious? I'm not patronising I'm genuinely asking how can one not know what satellite Jeon means?? Are you new? Because that's the only way you get a pass, anon
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Link to Urban dictionary
If you search for that key word on my blog you will see all the other moments I've shared. But here are some links with this one being my fav
Sometimes anon its Teleport Jeon. We don't see him moving..all we know is that the camera cuts and then Boom! He's next to Jimin
One minute here.
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Next minute....
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One minute here.
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Next minute....
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What they don't tell you though is that its actually satellite/teleport Jikook. Jimin does it too its not just JK. If, JK doesn't find Jimin and stand next to him, alot of the times Jimin will bridge that gap..or call him over.
Like for example Bon voyage season 4 was full of satellite Jimin. Its mostly coz JK had just gone through some shit but yeah, loads of satellite Jimin in sn 4. Like that one time they were eating. JK was all the way across the table standing next to Jin.
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Off Jimin goes
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Jimin gets so close because personal space, what's that?
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And voila! Satellite Jimin
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There was also when Jimin saw Jhope putting a flower in JK's hair so off he went
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If u ask me I didn't see a reason for him to touch JK but thats his man so I dont think he needs one 🤭🤭🤭
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I've talked about this moment before but I didn't have the clip for it at the time. See the thing with JK is, he will try to be subtle when he wants to sit next to Jimin. And sometimes he gives up when he can't make it. Like the moment on this post. But Jimin, Jimin has no chill. If he wants to be next to JK he will make it happen. Here he is yeeting Jin off "his" chair.
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That always makes me smile 🤭🤭 he was like move bitch, that's my seat 😂😂
One last moment from ITS where I have no clue why JK looked like he was 12 years old???
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Anyway anon. I hope you understand now. Satellite Jeon/Jikook is my number one reason why I believe that Jikook is real. So please educate yourself on the subject because these two are legit. They're the real deal.
Even if you search for BTS on Google like 80% of the images are Jikook next to eo. You can't make this shit up. They have ruined the official line up so many times its hysterical 😅😅
I love my partner but I don't have to sit next to him or be around him all the time. But these two... it honestly blows my mind. But honestly, I love this for them
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mrspark7777777 · 1 year
Official line up ruined by satellite Jeon once again 😍
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uhgood-girl · 1 year
why jikook?
i've been asking myself this a lot recently bc well, why them? why not tkook? or ynmin? hell, jihope even, they're underrated as hell honestly, have you seen that hot tub video? hobi was ready to unhinge his jaw to swallow jimin whole (and who (jk) could blame him.)
but jikook, in a not joking way, hits different. they always have. it's been years at this point that i've been deep in this rabbit hole (within the larger bts rabbit hole, my god, how deep does it go) but i don't recall making the conscious decision to fall in.
maybe a little background?
i'm a fake love army. actually, if we're getting technical, i'm an outro tear army bc it was in the comments of the freshly released fake love music video that i saw someone recommend outro tear if i enjoyed fake love and then it was over for me. extremely not fake love at first listen, who's voice is second on this track? i NEED to know. i'm a yoongi/rapline bias to this day. fake love still fucks though, don't get me wrong, it's a never skip for me.
for that first year and then some, i consumed backlogged content like it was my day job. i am a prone to hyper-fixations hermit, basically, who was going to stop me? my therapist? nah, she picks her battles.
i watched everything i could get my grubby little hands on like someone would be testing me on it later. (shoutout qdeoks, you were so real) i didn't open stan twitter for the first time till probably the end of 2018, really just in time to be slapped in the face full force with the shitshow that was a hate campaign against these boys i was deeply invested in by then, the likes of which i had never experienced in an online space up to that point. it was a truly, truly wild era, don't ever let anyone tell you differently.
all that to say, i've been here for a hot minute and i developed my own first impressions on bts and the members as individuals in a vacuum. no one had to point jikook out to me, they stuck out on their own.
potentially relevant disclaimer before we continue: i am really really queer. i grew up in the united states conservative deep south and had to change high schools my sophomore year bc i was outed and then violently ostracized for being in a relationship with my same sex best friend at the time. it is safe to say i have a lot of feelings about and experience even when it comes to having to be low key (understatement lol) about who you love. i am not here just to make my barbies kiss.
actually, on that note, jikook wouldnt even be my chosen barbies out of bts. if we're in true fantasy delulu hours here, i would want yoonjin to be real. god, that would be the stuff, they're so old married as it is. peak romance.
i think the first place jikook ever truly caught my attention were the memories dvds. jimin has always been a sweet, bby angel taking care of all his members but i remember thinking that he seemed to pay a little extra, special attention to jungkook. and of course, why not, jk's the maknae after all. all of them have always been doting on him and deservedly so. but in those briefly shown really serious, quiet moments, jimin was often first in line. a spot very easy for him to obtain tbh as jk never seemed to be very far from him anyway. maybe if you've never in real time lived the satellite jeon accusations (hi pandemic army, bless you, i hope you make it to 2025 when we have them all back without restrictions) you might find them easier to dismiss but it was so consistent back then in all of the content being released. and once noticed, i don't know how anyone ever un-notices it. but i was in deep before i even realized the water was boiling.
should i talk about why not tkook? or ynmin, for me? i'm just pulling those as examples bc i know they're the popular contenders here but all joking in the beginning of this post aside, none of the other members interpersonal relationships, in any configuration (sadly, RIP yoonjin romance), have ever struck me as anything other than puppy crush/deep friendship/family. and that's not bc i don't think over half of those men aren't queer in some form or fashion because WHEW, that is an entirely different post and we simply do not have the time to unpack rn but it's not for lack of looking.
i started in a vacuum, but i have by no means stayed there, i walked in all of those front doors and sat down and said "convince me." i've got the time and lack of life, i am ready to be won over. what have i missed?
to this day i still regularly try and check my own confirmation bias, i'm obviously looking for jikook at this stage but i'm still ready on my toes if any of the others want to get crazy. (yoonjin i am rooting for you, we're all rooting for you)
and i'm not here to really persuade or sway anyone one way or another either. there are a 1000 other blogs on this site that can probably offer you better explanations, specific clips, and detailed break downs of moments throughout the years and even then people are going to see what they want to see. i just wanted to write some of my own thoughts down finally.
though...i guess if i had to point to any one single piece of "evidence" it would definitely be tried and true gcf tokyo? but if watching that the first time didn't ring through you like a gunshot, i def don't think there's anything i could say beyond that.
honestly, i think so much of "why jikook" for me boils down to the pit in the bottom of my stomach that i used to get when i first began to notice them. when i got past the initial warm fuzzies inspired by the sincerity of their interactions, my immediate second emotion was concern.
i remember the first time i heard some of the other boys make an offhand joke about them being a couple and i got anxious, fast. i thought hide, hide better, please be safe. i began to pay extra attention to the other members in general too when jikook would do things and felt like i could sometimes see a similar anxiety to my own in their expressions. for a long time, i just worried about them and where i saw other people rejoice in their more obvious moments, i was slow to celebrate.
despite my initial hesitation, it's now been about 5 years since the first time they ever made me double take. they're a few years younger than me but i feel like we've been growing up together. (parasocial? idk her.) they're less conspicuous these days, and for lots of obvious reasons, but i feel like overall, their confidence in themselves and each other is quite high. i know that's probably a funny thing to say in light of this last week especially, but i stand by it. i've seen this song and dance before. i have managed my own expectations in the past, taken full steps back only to be beaten anew over the head so many times with enough "coincidences" i felt borderline foolish to try and deny anything. jikook are truly some sort of neuro-spicy pattern recognition drug, i swear.
and i've never really gotten to talk about any of this with anyone before! i'm shy irl, and shy online apparently bc i have just been lurking around the outer lines of this circle this whole time like some creepy creep but i've decided i'm over it. fuck it. growth.gif. idk that i have anything important or new to contribute to the conversation but my god, no one else seems to let that stop them so i might as well take my turn on the soapbox, no?
so 📢 JIKOOK REAL (?) jikook sus. jikook make bandaged queer little heart go boom boom.
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last-blue-hours · 1 month
Taekookers and Jungkook solos seem to be under this misconception that Jikookers are all Jimin-biased lol. I've realized this being so long in the fandom. But when I was new and getting to know BTS, Jungkook was the first one I gravitated towards and soon I became a Jungkook biased ARMY. And it was through focusing on JK and watching non-edited content + little clips that revolved around him that I picked up on something between him and Jimin.
I didn't stumble upon shipping spaces or videos that could have altered my perception, it was all authentic. And mind you that time every little BTS content had Taekook at the forefront of the things I used to see and was recommended the most. But whenever I'd watch him with Jimin, the way Jungkook himself would behave towards Jimin (whom I didn't even like then), I'd feel so weird, like I'm watching moments between two people that I'm not supposed to witness. Even the moments when he'd push him away, I saw only myself when I was in love with my ex-girlfriend who wasn't my girlfriend but just a close friend then. Everything that JK is, his personality, is so much like myself, I feel. And that's a major reason why he's my bias, other than the fact that he's so talented.
Definitely not every Jikooker is Jimin biased, in fact from my perspective I'd say quite a number of them are Jungkook biased. And I think the Jm biased Jikookers have gotten even less now because of what happened with Face and Seven (people feeling the company sabotaged Jimin while JK got heavy promotion). A lot of the people who became PJMs in 2023 are ex-jikookers.
I’ve known bts and somewhat witnessed the inner workings of their fandom for a very long time. Although for some time, I have seen myself in the category of a lurker. I didn’t have the time to actively be a part of it. Now, I have crawled out of the woodworks, on time for the travel show.
It was jimin who caught my eye but it was jungkook, whose introversion, so similar to mine that I saw a sort of fondness growing and settling deep within me. I was there when km’s relationship began to take shape, something very undefinable still since we’re just spectators but I can pinpoint the exact moment when a lot of people could just tell. We just knew. Jungkook was the more obvious one, his face shows a map of his heart. We didn’t have jeonlus or satellite jeon for no reason, they were exaggerated but it was fun while it lasted. And what you said about your experience with your ex-girlfriend (I hope what you had with her was good for however long it lasted), the more you feel for someone, the more overwhelming it is to be around that person. Often times people misinterpret it as something malicious, which is what happened with Jungkook. And the kid was also going through a very sensitive developmental and transitional phase of his life. People are still unkind to that Jungkook.
I don’t like saying this but so many are in some ways living vicariously through km’s relationship while having an internal struggle as they project their own insecurities onto it. It’s such a shame how misery is thriving in these spaces on both sides. And why many jm biased jjkers have become solo stans. Another reason being, as you pointed out, how hybe handled jimin and jungkook’s solo debut. Hybe proved to be very incompetent while handling jimin. And the resources they did give Jungkook, it was to push an idea of a certain image, a regurgitated image of a popstar we have seen being already exhausted in the music industry. They didnt get the memo of what made Jungkook golden. That’s just what was off about the whole album. I’d like a better creative team for him.
And I do think a lot of jjkers are just people who are equally interested in jungkook and jimin as individuals. But yes there are a lot of jungkook biased jjkers. Us.
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ffjj5 · 1 year
Someone wake Jimin up!!
Jimin is the real life Ken, Ryan Gosling the pretend Ken says so 😄
"You wore it first and you definitely wore it best" Ryan Gosling is a wise man.
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But where we have Ken we have Barbie and where we have Jimin we have a JK ( satellite Jeon) so let's do this properly and enjoy the couples in all their Jikook= Barbie and Ken, glory.
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Oh this is so fun.
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I can imagine them embracing it and giggling about it 😊
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ultkpopnetwork · 2 months
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Time is moving too fast it is August somehow, this month we have 73 songs to vote for!
Click here to vote!
all votes and reblogs appreciated <3
Full June results under the cut
Any song not on here got 0 votes
Red Velvet - Cosmic 70%
Nayeon - ABCD 50%
Chuu - Strawberry Rush 40%
Badvillain 36,7%
Kep1er - Shooting Star 36,7%
Kwon Eunbi - Sabotage 33,3%
Sunmi - Balloon in Love 33,3%
Everglow - Zombie 30%
Cignature - poongdung 22,6%
Wooah - Pom Pom Pom 22,6%
Lisa - Rockstar 20%
Weki Meki - Concidestiny 20%
CSR - Pretty Mob 16,7%
H1-key - Let It Burn 16,7%
TWS - Hey Hey 16,7%
WayV - Give Me That 16,7%
AKMU - Hero 13,3%
Alexa - Distraction 13,3%
Jeonghan x Wonwoo - Last Night 13,3%
Primrose - Freyja 13,3%
Riize - Boom Boom Bass 13,3%
DALsooobin - Extra 10%
DALsooobin - Muck 10%
DPR IAN - Saint 10%
Saay - Domino 10%
Xdinary Heroes - Boy Comics 10%
Nicole - 5!6!7!8! 9,7%
Badvillain - Badtitude 6,7%
Bol4 feat. Giselle - Lips 6,7%
Craxy - Stupidz 6,7%
Epik High - Antihero 6,7%
FTIsland - Burn It 6,7%
Ive - Summer Festa 6,7%
Jimin feat. Loco - Smeraldo Garden Marching Band 6,7%
N.Flying - Into You 6,7%
TWS - If I'm S, Can You Be My N?
Big Ocean - Blow 3,3%
Candy Shop - Don't Cry 3,3%
Corbyn - Before I 3,3%
Ghost9 - Awesome Day 3,3%
Gyubin - Satellite 3,3%
Jea - Why Didn't I Realize
Jueun - Stay 3,3%
K.Will - No Sad Song For My Broken Heart 3,3%
Min feat. Lil Cherry - Prime Time 3,3%
N-Day - One Two Three 3,3%
Peniel - MIoBI  3,3%
Rothy - Happy End 3,3%
Spia - Deeeep 3,3%
Super Junior - Show Time 3,3%
Yein - I Will Be Your Spring 3,3%
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beautifulpersonpeach · 10 months
BPP, hi
I was thinking, if Jungkook and Jimin are together. Why would risk their safety, by doing things like, jikooking non stop in every docu, going on trips and showing the romantic result in the end, constantly flirting during lives, saying things that let us know their families are close, etc. They must know it will harm them sooner or later. Why not be more careful?
If you don't mind scrolling back far enough, you'll see an ask from a few days back, of someone frustrated that the wider fandom doesn't 'see' jikook.
And there's your answer.
A lot of people dislike other members to the point they can't stand watching much of any content that shows those members, so their chance of catching on to jikook is already minimal. Also, many people can excuse jikook's actions as fanservice, putting on an act for the job, or fulfilling a persona - all of which are normal for the industry. The cues that people who dig deeper into jikook pick up on, are oftentimes lost in the white noise of whatever else is happening for other people. They don't really 'see' jikook.
Jikook can afford to show their affection out loud. They can add in their butt squeezes into the tsunami of Bangtan ass grabs that happen anyway, but then, after the concert, have it be typical for Jungkook to spend hours on end in Jimin's room (and the kicker is it's been like this since debut). Jikook can have an 'orbiting satellite' situation, in a group of seven tannies who move like a litter of puppies anyway. Jikook can wear queer clothing brands and items with queer symbolism, in an industry that has many idols doing the same as the norm. That ambiguity and plausible deniability is what protects them in a sense.
Some people call this odd, limbo of denial and acceptance that k-pop idols can take advantage of: the glass closet. [ @stormblessed95 has talked about this (perhaps in passing) on their blog before I believe, so feel free to search up "glass closet" or table your ask directly to them. They're nice. :) ]
That said, everything has a limit, and plausible deniability is worth less and less in the age of online mobbing and cancellation.
So I hope jikook are safe, and remain safe. Happy, too.
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jkjmbtsarmy · 2 months
After seeing both 2 episodes and their talk in the car about how distanct they were and wouldn't have met if it's not for this show...and now thinking about everything back.. it's like jikook were something but not serious in 2023. That is the only thing that makes sense now . About jks lives full of missing jimin and his leaked video with the girl. He was definitely sleeping around at least I think. It's like a talk happened between them....you can go to have fun with other people if I'm not around. And jk did just that. That's why maybe jimin doesn't look anywhere near affected by that video. Not when it dropped not in the show too. Seems like their relationship is not the traditional loyal committed type which we all thought. At least not from Jk's side.
Anon, thank you for the ask. And thank you for being polite with it. You are totally entitled to your opinions. If you want to believe that video was Jungkook then that’s okay. And if you want to believe the relationship between Jikook isn’t a traditional loyal committed one, that’s also fine.
As far as I’m concerned, it’s been proven multiple times it was not Jungkook in that video. He literally addressed it and said he doesn’t have a girlfriend.
But do you really think the man who got so angry over the mere thought of someone else peeling his significant others perilla leaves would really go out and sleep with someone else just because said significant other is busy and not around? I think Jimin isn’t affected by that video because Jimin knows it’s not Jungkook in that video.
As far as the conversation in the car goes:
Some people are literally taking that conversation as they didn’t see each other at all. And we know that’s not true.
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Some people have translated what was said there slightly different than the way it was translated on the show.
Here’s one particular blog that discusses it if you or anyone else is so inclined to read it.
My interpretation is basically they didn’t get to go out traveling together until the show. Not that they didn’t hang out or see each other at all. I think maybe what was meant was that the amount of times they did get to see each other and be together just wasn’t enough for Jungkook. He wanted more. (Hello Satellite Jungkook)
Basically “When you were busy, I was free, but we still didn’t get to get together” and vice-versa. Life happens. And they have way busier lives than some of us.
We have to remember that Jimin was busy recording, promoting, and making content for TWO different albums. Jungkook was doing the same for his album. And they were both trying to prepare for their enlistment.
I personally think they are in a committed, loyal relationship.
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main-serendipity-sky · 10 months
My favorite thing in jikook's dynamic is the way they are in tune with each other. It's so natural and instinctive.
It's what you observe in people that have been together for a long time, that have known each other for years, or people that understand each other in a much deeper level even if they've known each other for a little bit.
You can see how they react when the other does something. Their body language tells you that they keep tabs on each other because you see mimicking behavior. And there is this thing where like it kinda seems like they already know what the other needs or wants. This is just by observing them so I imagine people around them must feel this chemistry too.
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They keep track of the other by checking the corner of their eyesight, at times.
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And often say funny things and look at the other first to see how the other reacted.
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If one does something that can make the other upset, the other will look at him, just in case.
If you spot 2 people in different parts of the room, you can see how the room opens up to each one and eventually they end up in the same part of the room. That's jikook in a literal room but also in other areas of life.
I'm not sure if being in tune with each other allowed them to develop a magnetic pull that brings them together or the magnetic pull brought them together and that's why they understand each other at that level.
And then from this we get all the rest of the jikook things that we like and observe. Satellite Jeon, Jimin laughing at all of Jk's jokes, Jk's Jimin laugh, the way their voices harmonize, how they take care of each other, etc.
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shellbells-things · 1 year
What. A. DAY. (Or couple of days…) First, everyone was in an uproar about Jungkook’s song. I won’t lie, my eyebrows went up to my hairline when I heard the rap lyrics. They just seemed so…aggressive. And very un-Jungkook like. Fortunately, there is a version without those lyrics! The song is catchy and will most certainly go viral.
But just when we were catching our breath from the song drama, we were suddenly bombarded with videos that supposedly showed Jungkook in his apartment, aggressively back hugging and chasing a pregnant woman. Also, we got a bunch of accusations about him supposedly harassing woman at work, acting inappropriately at a Karaoke bar, and sexually harassing waitresses. I mean talk about piling on!!! Someone is working EXTRA hard to try and basically ruin Jungkook, and oh-so conveniently on the day of his new song release. Hmmmm….does this remind you of anything? Didn’t some assholes break into Jimin’s apartment, steal his mail and hide it so that he got behind on his insurance payments and then waited until his new OST was released to post a story in the press? All designed to distract from his new song and bring the fandom down on his head. Sounds like the same playbook to me.
Regarding the alleged Jungkook video. I see a lot of people saying the video could be Jungkook, and that they will accept it if it is. I see people blindly accepting this crap. And I’m just…floored by that. Everyone is so afraid of looking like the cult that they refuse to question and investigate? That they immediately forget 10 years of Jikook behavior that makes it clear that they are something special to each other? Excuse me?
People. There is NOTHING wrong with scoffing at this. The blurriness of the video is purposeful. Designed to give the impression of Jungkook without actually showing details that could prove it’s him (unlike the Taennie videos from Paris, which were crystal clear). I mean, we’ve got satellites in space that can zoom in on a pimple on your nose and clearly show it. You’re telling me an iPhone camera or a telephoto lense couldn’t do a better job than this mess? There are a lot of inconsistencies in these videos that I won’t get into, but you get my point.
Please don’t be afraid to question. Truth seeking is a good thing!! Go ahead and draw pictures to help you better understand the apartment layout. Take screen grabs and circle things that don’t match. Talk it out with your friends! And no. This doesn’t make you like the cult, it just makes you someone who supports Jungkook and wants to make sure that you are giving him every benefit of the doubt. Once you’ve done your due diligence, then you can make your mind up based on 1) what you already know about Jungkook and 2) what the facts and circumstances you’ve reviewed show. And let’s be real about this. The person who took the video didn’t just luck into being there at the exact right moment. Either they were straight up stalking the people they were filming or more likely, the scene was set for the purpose of filming this “gotcha”moment.
The bottom line is this. Regardless of whether you believe the video is legit or a lie, someone is trying really hard to hurt Jungkook. And none of us should be ok with that.
I know what I DO believe in, and it’s this:
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Jikooker here! ☺️ I do for the most part think Jk and Jm are dating especially with the many 'tells' these past few weeks 👀 but why does it seem like they're on completely opposite schedules lately? Jm just finished his promos, now JK is already in LA working on his album. Do you think the company is minimizing their time together for optics purposes pre-military, or that it's just the timing or nature of their solo work? The two of them NOT being on camera together almost seems even more sus.
Hello, fellow Jikooker!
This is my opinion, of course, but I think it's just the way things were decided since the beginning. Also, from what we have seen, 2 members release their own work per quarter, so Jhope and Rm, then Suga and Jimin, and then Jungkook and Tae. Jin's single was different because of his enlistment. I suppose that was the basic idea but we don't really know everything that goes behind the scenes and why the scheduling messed up somewhere along the way (side eyeing BH for doing Jimin dirty).
Jimin said he began working on his album around April of last year and it took him 10 whole months to have it ready plus promo time. He didn't leave the studio much (but you know, Jk can go there 👀), Jk was working on his collab with Charlie Puth that summer too and also had the Fifa performance. Then the fashion collabs. So they've been busy and Jimin's work just required more time and commitment. And now Jk's turn is next. From what has been said, Jimin "abandoned" society for a bit to focus only on his album but who knows how Jk's mind functions during creative times.
Now, I'm not going to sit here and tell you that they are a private couple and their love is not for the cameras. But if we notice, ever since they came from from Las Vegas and they went incognito mode, there was less hate for them. But even then, they are jikooking behind the scenes. K-army has seen them. But also, they can't really go all out because of work issues, you get me?
And if we think about it, it IS sus that we haven't seen them on camera but also, there hasn't been many chances to see them. There just isn't a reason for them to appear together. But if you look back at the Busan after live, there they were...
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And also in the concert practice together... BAM.
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If we look back a little more, we saw them together at Jhope's party. "Being shy"...sure.
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And how Jk was satellite-ing during Run episodes and this...I dont even know how to call this lol
So if we point a camera at them long enough, Jikook starts doing questionable things.
And since they are whispering loudly that they are together, we also have all the weverse interactions that left us all in a daze lol
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I know that for the longest time, people were saying that Jikook wasn't interacting because of the military issue and I never thought that made sense. Like yeah, ok, 1 year of not being loud is going to erase the countless questionable moments, interactions, and footage. Just didn't make sense to me.
But now we know that Jimin was busy. And that's all I can say.
Thank you for your ask!
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
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I looked at these more closely and it appears from the photos as though Jimin is checking to see if Jungkook is comfortable with his arm around him. Jimin’s fingertips are lightly resting on Jungkook’s back. The eye contact ., 💜Almost a question.,,
As this is before the Busan Expo concert, perhaps Jungkook is nervous knowing the death threats Jimin and his family received?
I noticed Jimin’s hand is placed more firmly on Jungkook’s back after this exchange. And their struggle to hide their mega-watt, ear-to-ear smiles that appear whenever they are arm in arm together is beyond adorable.
This. This is what sets Jikook apart from “ships” or “Fan service” to this day. It’s the continued gentleness and care they show for one another.
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I found this night quite interesting, actually. JK seemed a bit... off to me. Note that I said JK not Jikook. Jikook were great. I mean look at this one whole minute we got of them playing a game I didn't understand but I loved it sm!!!
What i mean is JK himself seemed off to me. He reminded me of BV4 JK and how subdued he was (for good reason, of course) And Jimin hovered alot during BV4 just like he did during this FACT Awards. Did y'all see that satellite Jimin moment where he literally went from one side of the stage, almost made an entire 360 just to go stand next to JK?
That was a long way. Never seen Jimin satellite that far before.
Also this moment seemed to extra annoy JK more than usual. (Zoom in on his face to see his reaction better) Right before he 'separated them' and got in immediately after Jimin 😂😂 He's always cutting off Jhope remember the white house?
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I love this man.
Anyway, its not one moment that I can pinpoint that made me feel this way. It was JK's general demeanour and the fact that Jimin was treating him like an egg. So to speak 😂😂 Cue the photos by westcoastgal where Jimin is being so gentle with his baby.
I wonder if something was happening behind the scenes... Anyway, as usual come to your own conclusions.
Bonus: compilation from that night.
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mrspark7777777 · 2 months
But shaz.. if Jimin himself is saying this, then what can we do ? 🥲 Isn't it acting like tkkrs ? If Tae said these things we'll take it as it is and will call tkkrs still shipping tkk as Tae told he's lonely or whether he can even love someone and in search of a woman right? But why are we not doing that because Jimin kinda debunked jkk and even him being queer. I'm not asking you to convince me or other jikookers, but it's common sense isn't it ?
Jikook is based on our opinions while these are words from Jimin himself..idk I think what Jimin saying it the truth and not our theory about jkk.
Tihihihihi. I'm only answering you coz u said my name and I thought u sounded cute. 🤭 My dear anon, Jimin also said this
Why are we conveniently forgetting this part? This is the issue I have with u guys getting affected by this. And this anon here put it best
Rowebowl still exists, J17 interview still exists, satellite Jikook still exist. GCF Tokyo, them 2 holding hands secretly behind Suga twice! and so many other things. So to me anon, for you to insist that Jimin has a girlfriend, is to insinuate that Jikook broke up. And for me I just DO NOT SEE IT. Are you sure happened AFTER MUSE. Enlisting together happened AFTER Muse. You really think their chemistry would still be as good if they were in good terms? Heck no.
And I dont care how strong you are. You don't have a love like Jikook's, break up then go about being good friends pretending like the last 10 years didn't happen. That shit just ain't possible anon, it not. JK who's debunked Jimin dating rumors in the past would not have been able to fake happiness in AYS. I'm telling you.
We will never be like the vermin because they ship tkk from nothing. Absolutely nothing. Every reason that makes them believe V and JK are a couple they've done with other members as well. Or in V's case, he's done with the WS. Not to mention JK gives them nothing. Its all just V. So no, we are not like them and never will be.
If Jimin saw a Jikook ask and said "get out of your imagination" trust me I would. I would be very confused and would have a million questions, but I would. So again, we are not the same. Jikook have never and will never debunk us. I'm telling you right now for free.
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kimtaegis · 9 months
gifmaker / cc wrapped ✦ every month of 2023
thank you so much to my favourites @raplinenthusiasts, @jkvjimin, @starcatching, @cordiallyfuturedwight, @sevencoloredstar, @rjshope, @hyunsung, @loversmore & @ye-xiu for wanting me to look back at my creations from last year, I love you!!
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January 🌙 most popular: fluffy haired jungkook comp 🤍 my favourite: jimin x satellite gfx for my sweet mona; one of my most favourite things I've ever created, actually! I love how the textures turned out, and how I visualised the lyrics
February 🌙 most popular: yoongi-centric ot7 comp (😔😔😔) 🤍 my favourite: gradient taekook comp; the PLANNING that went into this agdhhj I was super proud of how this looked in the end! plus I love making gifts for others &lt;3
March 🌙 most popular: yoongi's signature smirk comp 🤍 my favourite: jimin FACE gfx; I don't even know what had gotten into me, I made that so comparably fast?? I was just obsessed with the water theme and the new effects I used - the fact that I made a moving water reflection? hell yeah
April 🌙 most popular: Road to D-Day comp (my most popular from this whole year, actually) 🤍 my favourite: gradient jimin FACE era comp; probably my favourite set from this whole year, I'm beyond proud of how this looks, so vibrant and prettyyy lmao also Jimin and FACE were definitely the highlight of my year, I was so happy while making this)
May 🌙 most popular: jinminkook comp 🤍 my favourite: I love all three comps I made that month, but I think it's still gonna be awi's birthday jimin gfx, simply because I love her so much and the middle panel had my back in PAIN lmao, I love animating doodles even if it's a lot of work
June 🌙 most popular: the tannies being bad at sports comp 🤍 my favourite: they connect to 7G comp; unfortunately I had no ideas for a festa post this year, but I still made these two sets to celebrate them a little bit. I just love comps that have me smiling the whole time while making them!
July 🌙 most popular: jctpmwsmlastilmmtu pt. 1 (mimi series) 🤍 my favourite: yeah it's this one too :((( I love jimin so much y'all and that comp series is so self-indulgent and comforting and healing it literally. makes. me. tear. up. just look at him oh my god
August 🌙 most popular: jungkook for calvin klein 🤍 my favourite: yoongi's final concert; broke my heart into a million pieces, but his smiles glued it somewhat back together. I will forever be sad and miserable about this tour so let's not talk about it
September 🌙 most popular: jctpmwsmlastilmmtu pt. 2 (mimi series) 🤍 my favourite: ...yeah that one again :( but I also made so many nice taehyung layover gifs &lt;33
October 🌙 most popular: the tannies sweeping yoongi off his feet comp, but the threemin suchwita comp literally just has one note less lol 🤍 my favourite: that one's tough... it was mimi month and so much good stuff got released + vicnic... ah I'll just go with blond jimin in his fluffy green sweater 💚
November 🌙 most popular: my sweet boiled dumpling pouty yoongi :((( 🤍 my favourite: the sweet boiled dumpling running excitingly; it was missing yoongi and the tannies month (still ongoing)
December 🌙 most popular: jimin backstage in his purple Filter outfit (while y'all saw the gender demon I saw my slayful colouring...and the gender demon) 🤍 my favourite: moon/ the astronaut seokjin gfx for my love kayla; it was nice to make an edit without time pressure for once, and I love the references I put in, also the colours and textures!
I'm tagging @avizou, @agustd3, @magicshop, @dasisugarun, @jung-koook, @jinstronaut and @taetheists, have fun!! 🤍
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irishhorse-blog · 10 months
so many clips from ptd Jimin is chatting/doing whatever with other members and jungkook is either standing by him watching, paying attention or smiling at him, or just hanging around near him. He really is in his orbit so much🌝🌚
We don't call him Satellite Jeon for nothing. ;)
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chevelleneech · 2 months
I always think about the treadmill moment in memories 2019 where jimin gets onto the treadmill with jungkook as he's on it as like one of the defining moments for jikook to me at least. To me, you have to really care for a person to not react to them getting on a treadmill with you. And on jimins end you have to do it often, with the ease that he did it.
The thing is, Jimin and Jungkook do a very large portion of things that would have just friends pulling away. I don’t think I’ve ever talked about tbis either, but as a fan of BTS and a few other male idol groups, I really can say I think BTS are closer than other groups. One of their love languages as a septet is touch, even Yoongi’s, and they offer each other that pretty consistently. However, Jikook still have this invasion of space coupled with this need to orbit one another.
And no, I am not referring to “satellite Jeon”, but both of them. They like being around each other and we’ve seen that for years. Other groups I follow well enough (SKZ being one of the main) don’t do that. They each have their own subsection of duos and I enjoy shipping Minsung and Changjin, and I fully believe Chan has unresolved feelings for Felix, but I do not think any of the platonic friends within that group gravitate toward each other in the same way.
And I know some anon is going to come along and say I ship everything and blah blah blah, and I kind of do, because as I always say, shipping should be fun. It’s about watching two people interact because they bring each other joy, and that’s fun! That said, I also happen to think people can be queer or find themselves in queer situations they want to explore. Pretending that can’t or doesn’t happen between pop groups who are stuck with each other 9 times out of 10, and typically experience the most jarring ups and downs of life? Come on. Some of them are absolutely going to confide in and test the waters with one another.
Point being, I feel like being someone who has fun with shipping on the surface, I have a pretty defined line in the sand for ships I think have a little more to them than others. Not saying I can tell if they’re real, but that my own personal opinion of maybe real vs close friends is defined for me. And Jimin and Jungkook are the former.
They connect in ways they don’t with other members, even though they’re obviously very close with them. I think over the years they’ve learned to dial it back, but overall they don’t flinch away as much as one would expect. They don’t downplay their bond for laughs, and they don’t seem to have an issue being themselves with one another even though people think there is something going on.
Speaking of 2019 though, I think what we saw between the years of 2018 and 2020 (including Memories footage) was the biggest tell, imo, that their relationship wasn’t just platonic. Something shifted within those years I think. It went from puppy love/crush vibes to: “If you’re looking for Jimin, find Jungkook.” “If you’re looking for Jungkook, find Jimin.”
I’m rambling now because I’m sleepy, sorry, but yeah. I think they’re very close and might be dating in whatever way that makes sense to them, and likely have been for about five to six years. And I think the dynamic they’ve built over the years is proof of them loving and choosing to be around each other no matter if they actually are together or not.
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