tru-makes-quilts · 2 years
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Annual quilt expo at Église catholique Sacré-Coeur located in Saulnierville, Nova Scotia, Canada. ( x )
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atlanticcanada · 1 day
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bigdblues · 10 months
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Check out our playlist dated November 27th, 2023.
B.B. King - A Christmas Celebration; Dianna Krall - Christmas Songs; Chorale Paroisialle Sacré Coeur de Saulnierville - Noël en Acadie; James Taylor - A Christmas Album; Have Yourself A Jazzy Little Christmas - Various Artists; Vince Gill - Let There Be Peace on Earth; Rockin' Little Christmas - Various Artists; Nat King Cole - The Christmas Song; Jann Arden - A Jan Arden Christmas.
Listen to #Bigdblues / Écouter #Bigdblues. No need to down load anything just press play. https://bigdblues.radiostream123.com/
Time / Heure: 1H30 pm
*** The spot light on #Bigdblues / Le spot light chez #Bigdblues :
#B.B.King - A Christmas Celebration
Why not share our Facebook page #Bigdblues with your family and friends, always great music for all.
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canadianjobbank · 1 year
Apply now: https://canadianjobbank.org/sampler-food-products/
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kayla1993-world · 1 year
The senior Roman Catholic bishop in Nova Scotia holds meetings this weekend along the province's Acadian shore. He is discussing offers for two huge and historic churches. The Archdiocese of Halifax-Yarmouth has accepted a conditional offer for Saint Bernard Church — a 1,300-square-metre building southwest of Digby, N.S., which opened in 1932 — from a buyer with plans to repair and repurpose the building. The structure, which needs millions of dollars in upgrades, was constructed with 8,000 concrete blocks hauled into St. Bernard over three decades. Meanwhile, Sainte-Marie Church, a landmark wooden building in nearby Church Point, N.S., has received an offer of about $10 million from an anonymous donor for its repair and maintenance — but the gift is conditional on the church restoring services. In an interview Tuesday, Archbishop Brian Joseph Dunn said Saint Bernard's sale is under negotiation. He is "delighted with it [the offer]" because it leaves the building intact. There are questions about whether the community is vibrant enough to sustain the 900-seat building, he said, adding that he'd like to hear from parishioners before making a final decision. "I'm hoping for a vibrant Christian community and I hope this gift keeps the Acadian community alive," he said. "If people want to commit themselves to this, we'll proceed with it and make the finest of it." He meets Friday with parishioners of Sacre Coeur Church, in Saulnierville; on Saturday with Stella Maris Church, in Meteghan; and with parishioners of Saint Alphonse de Ligouri Church, in Saint Alphonse. The three churches are served by one priest, who also provides mass at the chapel in the Universite Sainte-Anne, in Pointe-de-l'Eglise, N.S. Dunn said until the donor emerged in January, the plan was to sell or demolish Sainte-Marie, after a community-based fundraising drive didn't meet goals to restore it. The archbishop said that by keeping Sainte-Marie alive, other churches in the parish would have to close for the massive building to serve a viable congregation. "If we're meant to have this church, we don't need all these [other] churches," Dunn said. "So [parishioners] have to make a decision whether they will be committed to this church, so ultimately there will be one or maybe two churches [in the parish]. "This is what I'm presenting this weekend. [Sainte-Marie] doesn't have to be a church immediately with everyone moving, but within five years we need to move in the direction of one major church here or maybe two on the [Acadian] shore." The archbishop said while the wider public may lobby to keep historic church buildings open, the costs can be daunting. He added that the archdiocese is not interested in museums. Sainte-Marie Church opened in 1905 and was built in two years, under the leadership of a local carpenter with 1,500 volunteers doing most of the work. This was said by Andre Valotaire, the church custodian, in a telephone interview. "Everyone in the French Shore area can say they have an ancestor who worked on this building. They all have an attachment to it in some way or another," he said. "It represents the ingenuity and perseverance of the Acadian people in the early 20th century." Pierre Comeau, president of the Sainte-Marie Church Preservation Committee, said he hopes those attending the meeting with the bishop will advocate to keep the historic church open. The parish would benefit if the region's main church became Sainte-Marie because its annual maintenance costs would be covered by the donation, Comeau said. In the end, he said, under church canon, "this is my decision."
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oneoffoddities · 4 years
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@alexa.metallic “In response to the inquiries I’ve been getting about where to donate for #AllEyesOnMikmaki, here’s an updated list. You know I love me a good infographic. Wela’lin.” #alleyesonmikmaki #mikmaq #novascotia #donations #supportindigenouspeople #unamaki #sipeknekatik #saulnierville #supporttreatyrights #treatyrights #undrip #indigenoussovereignty (at Okanagan Landing) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGvpdtJp-U-/?igshid=zd63m7vc64w1
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tepkunset · 3 years
The chief of Sipekne'katik First Nation has been arrested by federal fisheries officers on the day the band's treaty fishery launched its season in southwest Nova Scotia.
The Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) and Coast Guard crews also removed the band's lobster traps shortly after they were placed in St. Mary's Bay.
Chief Mike Sack was arrested on Monday, taken to the nearby Meteghan fisheries office and later released. The DFO has not provided details about why Sack was arrested or whether he could face charges under fisheries legislation.
Sack told the CBC he was in Saulnierville for the launch of the fishery, and was headed toward Digby for lunch when fisheries officers in an unmarked black truck pulled him over and told him he was being arrested "for promoting an illegal fishery."
"I did ask, like, 'Why would you arrest me? I haven't done anything here,' " he said. "It just seems to be all scare tactics for the fisheries, to try to stop what we have going on."
Sack said he was not served any papers and was not released with any conditions, so he will return to the wharf in Saulnierville to support the band's right to fish.
"It's not about me or being arrested. It's more so about bringing our community out of poverty and establishing our own fishery. And we're going to make that happen regardless of how we get there. But we'll get there for sure," he said.
I don’t care that I sound like a broken record. Fuck the DFO. This colonial policing goes against treaty rights. Support Indigenous fisheries!
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Records reveal feds were more concerned about policing Mi’kmaw fishery than protests aimed at it.
Internal records from the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) reveal the bureaucracy was rattled, slow to act and largely unprepared for violent protests targeting the launch of the Sipekne’katik First Nation’s moderate livelihood lobster fishery in September.
Hundreds of documents released to APTN News under Access to Information show public servants were well aware these protests were coming, even predicted they would turn violent. They knew southwestern Nova Scotia was a powder keg ready to blow.
And when it did, DFO brass stood their officers down, directing them to “observe, record and report” as the war for the Saulnierville wharf spiraled out of control before their eyes.
“This is my decision, supported as well by senior leadership, and I am the one accountable for it.”
RCMP on the water were outmatched some 100 to one at the time. The Coast Guard was called in. But by then it was too late.
The scene in St. Mary’s Bay had descended into chaotic boat ramming, gear destroying, flare shooting, bullying and harassment by a fleet of Acadian commercial vessels against Mi’kmaw harvesters with virtually no law enforcement present.
Here’s how Canada’s marine security infrastructure failed the Mi’kmaq.
Federal government agencies ‘complicit’ in violent attacks on Mi’kmaw harvesters ‘Maybe the joke is on us for expecting anything different,’ says Sipekne’katik Chief Mike Sack
Feds should be held accountable for violence against Mi’kmaw fishery ‘They sat on their hands, and somebody could have been killed,’ says Gord Johns
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survivingcapitalism · 4 years
KJIPUKTUK (Halifax) – Things are getting really bad in Digby County. Last night a Mi’kmaq lobster boat was torched and completely destroyed in Comeauville, Digby County, just a hop and a skip away from the Saulnierville wharf.
The boat belonged to Robert Sylliboy of Sipekne’katik First Nation, who used it to fish during the commercial lobster season. He told CBC that he uses a smaller boat when he exercises his First Nations treaty right to a moderate livelihood fishery.
“My dad always taught me , it’s not about how many times you get knocked down , it’s about how fast you get back up ! .. I’m not going anywhere . I’ll stand tall for my nation ! This is part of the uphill battle,” Sylliboy wrote on Facebook.
Syliboy also said he is not going to point fingers at who or what may have caused the fire.  However, there’s no doubt it was somebody aligned with angry white fishers, trying to fan the flames of racism just as things began to quiet down a bit.
It’s high time for DFO Minister Jordan to put an end to this racist violence.
Jordan must send a clear message that the Mi’kmaq moderate livelihood fishery is here to stay in exactly the way that it is being exercised now, meaning with the environmental checks and balances put in place by the Sipekne’katik First Nation.  
It’s the 21 years of DFO inaction and looking the other way that encourages white fishers to believe that a Mi’kmaw moderate living fishery can be stopped. Until they are made to understand otherwise, provocateurs will continue to play these racist games.
Somebody could get killed.  
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atlanticcanada · 8 days
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qwertyjoebob · 4 years
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Coalition to Re-Organize Workers - CROW4
Sunday afternoon, dozens of non-Indigenous commercial fishing boats continue to surround Mi’kmaw fishers in St. Mary’s Bay, hauling up lobster traps set by the Mi’kmaq. The Sipekne’katik First Nation launched its moderate livelihood  fishery on Thursday in Saulnierville, a three-hour drive west of Halifax. In the days since, there have been confrontations with  non-Indigenous fish harvesters on the wharf and on the water.
Tweet: https://twitter.com/TheAgentNDN/status/1307719891382931464
Quoted Article: https://www.aptnnews.ca/.../fishery-standoff-continues.../
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bigdblues · 1 year
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Just follow the link to listen #Bigdblues / Allez sur le lien pour écouter Bigdblues. No need to down load anything just press play.
Check out our playlist dated May 24th, 2023.
Junior Brown - Mixed Bag -2001; Buddy Guy's Legends - Slippin' In -1994; Hired Hand - Live in Meteghan Nova Scotia -1988; FéFANE - Saulnierville Station et/and Nouvelle-Écosse; Oh What A Feeling - A Vital Collectio of Canadian Music - Disc 3; Bruce Guthro - Guthro -2001; Jimmy Smith - Jimmy Smith's Finest Hour; Geno Delafose & French Rockin' Boogie - That's What I'm Talkin' About -1996; Bill LeBlanc - Doing Our Own Thing -2006.
Time / Heure: 10H00 am EST
*** The spot light on #Bigdblues / Le spot light chez #Bigdblues :
Hired Hand - Live in Meteghan Nova Scotia -1988
Why not share our Facebook page #Bigdblues with your family and friends, always great music for all.
Photo: Here I am with Norm, Réné and Emile in the band Hired Hand back in 1988.
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canadianjobbank · 1 year
Apply now: https://canadianjobbank.org/sampler-food-products/
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javieralonsocx9aaw · 4 years
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El buque pesquero congelador uno de los más modernos del mundo de este tipo recién construido  fishing scallops “Lady Comeau III “Fue  construido por astilleros vigueses por  Armón shipyard factoría de Vigo construcción numero  V-125. Después de las exitosas  pruebas que hizo por las costas de Galicia y Ría de Vigo partió hacia su puerto base de Yarmouth NS Nueva Escocia  del  Canadá.
Este buque congelador de 50 metros de eslora para la firma canadiense Comeau’s Sea Foods busca capturar y procesar vieiras del norte Atlántico a bordo tiene una línea acorde para este tipo de construcciones. Así, el buque está capacitado para trabajar en aguas gélidas del norte de Canadá. La empresa, con sede en Saulnierville, Nueva Escocia, es cosechadora, procesadora y distribuidora de productos del mar, que se centra en pescados de fondo, vieiras y camarones, arenques, caballa, salmón y bacalao.
El parque de pesca fue instalado con los más sofisticados equipamientos de altísima tecnología  de la firma gallega de Optimar  de Vigo, que son especialistas en maquinaria para todos los sectores de procesado del mar y en este caso se instalo en este fantástico pesquero canadiense una gran planta en el parque de pesca, en este caso es el procesado automático de la captura de vieiras en las aguas del Canadá.
La compañía canadiense de Comeau's Sea Foods tiene un historial  de setenta años de pesquería y procesados de diferentes especies como son los arenques, caballa, salmón y bacalao, así como vieiras. "Este buque arrastrero proporcionará una nueva plataforma con los más avanzados equipos para este cometido con mucho valor añadido  de cosecha de vieira,  que permitirá a Comeau's Sea Foods Ltd continuar suministrando vieiras de calidad superior certificadas por MSC en los próximos años", informó el presidente de Comeau's Sea Foods, Noël Després a los medios de comunicación.
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oneoffoddities · 4 years
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“One of two Mi’kmaw lobster harvesters who were barricaded inside a lobster facility in West Pubnico, N.S. says he is pleased that a Nova Scotia judge has granted a temporary injunction against hostile protesters like the ones who recently destroyed his vehicle, threatened to harm him and stole his lobsters.⠀ ⠀ “I’m glad to hear that but ‘better late than never’ is the saying, right,” Marr said when reached by phone on Wednesday.⠀ ⠀ “I would hope that any person who’s in any kind of sane mind would say, ‘yeah, that’s good.’ Even my enemies should say this is craziness,” Marr added.⠀ ⠀ Earlier in the day, a judge in Halifax granted the Sipekne’katik First Nation’s request for a temporary injunction against non-Indigenous fishers and their supporters who have been harassing, threatening and intimidating Mi’kmaw lobster harvesters taking part in the First Nation’s rights-based moderate livelihood fishery.⠀ ⠀ The injunction prevents the protesters from vandalizing Mi’kmaw harvesters traps, gear and boats while they fish in St. Mary’s Bay. It also orders the same protesters from gathering and blocking entrances to wharves in Saulnierville and Weymouth and a lobster pound facility in New Edinburgh.” ⠀ Tap on the link in @kukukwes_news bio to read the full news story. ⠀ ⠀ #kukukwesnews, #indigenousnews, #indigenous, #mikmaq, #treatyrights, #indigenousrights, #novascotia, #lobsterfishing #canada (at Okanagan Landing) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGqE_siJPPx/?igshid=1drxlkmuljgwd
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whiteback-the1 · 3 years
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at Saulnierville https://www.instagram.com/p/CX4USYPPyEd/?utm_medium=tumblr
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