#saurondriel is cool and all
shia-the-buff · 2 years
i am a child of divorce
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fatcatlittlebox · 21 days
Charles Gerald Vickers really said that his favorite Tolkien character was Beren, “of Beren and Luthien. Because it was the original sort of Man and Elf love story.” 😭
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rey-jake-therapist · 7 days
Celeborn doesn’t need defense, in my opinion. Tolkien wrote him in a way for his character not to upstage Galadriel and that’s actually groundbreaking for his time (we are talking about a early 20th century man here, no matter how brilliant he was). That’s probably the reason why Celeborn is absent from most of her more memorable scenes. Tolkien wanted Galadriel to have the spotlight, and was aware readers (mostly male) would pay more attention to the husband than to the female character in the center of the scene. Now, Celeborn was heroic and a good husband to Galadriel, of course, he was one of the “good guys”. She chose him over all of her endless suitors for a reason. They were married and by Noldor law couldn’t divorce (blame it on Feänor’s mess), but that doesn’t equal “eternal love” in the lore, as many are trying to make it sound just to sink Saurondriel (or even the show itself). Galadriel and Celeborn led separate lives, and there was no passion there. To say there was, is the same as me saying it’s canon that Galadriel and Sauron mind-f*cked on a regular basis throughout the centuries. I mean, folks like to bring up the “Virgin Mary” inspiration for Galadriel in every way, except when it comes to her marriage to Celeborn. Suddently it’s this soulmates fairytale-type of marriage, as if they weren’t closer to good friends than to actual spouses. If it’s hard to keep the flame of passion alive for over 20/30 years of marriage (and nowadays most marriages don’t even last that long), imagine what it’s like after thousands of years (even for non-human beings). Galadriel and Celeborn are comfortable with each other, cool with doing their own things in separate, and that is enough, and that’s how Tolkien wrote them to be. No need to pretend they were madly in love and danced together under the stars, just to undermine Galadriel’s feelings for Sauron in RoP. They aren’t mutually exclusive, because Galadriel and Sauron won’t end up together, and Celeborn will eventually return.
I wrote a quite long response to your ask, but my computer did a blue screen of death and for some reason, answers to asks are not automatically put in the drafts?!
Anyway : I agree with pretty much everything. Relationships and feelings are complex. It's possible to love several persons, in different ways. With some people, there will be passion, with others, it will be more down to earth but also more stable, and affectionate. I think Galadriel needed someone like Celeborn to give her stability. In my opinion, the writers chose to sideline him for the time being, because had he been around, Galadriel would have not dived head first when it'd come to Halbrand. She would have not been in the same state of vulnerability, she would have not felt so alone. And maybe she would have seen the red flags sooner !
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pursuitseternal · 1 year
You’ve all been so good, you need not “Beg” any longer
Update to “Touch the Darkness” ready for your enjoyment.
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2nd Age Canon Divergent | Saurondriel
…A deep throated sigh, she ran her hands to the last few buckles atop his shoulders, her pace deliberately slow, her eyes averted as she slipped the last claps together beneath his armpit. Every press of her hands over the open spaces of the armor sent unbidden shivers of arousal through his core. That coy, delighted smirk that she refused to make while looking at him directly proved every contact was deliberate.
“Such a curious choice of design,” she breathed, just loud enough for his ears alone. “I miss the crimson scales of your magnificent armor from our first ride into battle together,” then her eyes flashed up, bright with her burning desire.
“Yes but this,” he swallowed, his breath hitching at the ball of heat she had sparked behind the cooling metal, “this design means so much more. It is the union, our union, of light and power, an eye always watching our enemies. A gaze of strength and protection to leave them trembling, should they dare approach my kingdom, my queen…” his bare hand reached for the swell of her belly. “… and our heir.”
A subtle smile of approval on her lips, she leaned in closer. The last piece of his armor, his belt, wrapped around his hips as the rounded edge of her stomach pushed against him. The scent of her washed hair, lilies and rosebuds, wafted above the thick smoke in the forge. Instantly, his control began to slip away; and even as she was dressing him, he longed for nothing more than to take her in a pile of quickly shed metal right there in his forge floor.
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liminal-zone · 2 years
that fanart of saurondriel and he's got the halo and she's looking radiant as Ever I'm!!! but forreal I think it is so funny how he's a primordial being like absolutely legit heavenly and celestial and all that other shit but he's had a Rough few millennia so rn he's lookin just a lil bit bedraggled. a lil big ruffled. a lil bit like he got dropkicked off a cliff. even trueform mairon prolly looks something along the lines of 'oh jeez dude what Happened to you are you okay do you wanna crash on my couch for a few days, you want a hotpocket or something? you can use my washer and dryer if you want. the shower knob is a little finicky but the water pressure is good, you smell like death. bestie you look like shit :/' like he looks GOOD for Just Some Dude but he's Not just some dude lmao lmao lmao. those guys in numenor were all 'it'd be funny if you were sleeping with the elf bc ew gross elves but also you're Just Some Guy and she would probably prefer someone of Better Breeding' when 'I'm Basically An Angel?? Do You've Chosen Death In An Alleyway alright cool cool cool that works fine for me' idk I just think it's Ironique
From Galadriel’s perspective on this pre reveal, I need to evoke a world heritage post about Snowpiercer:
on a dick scale of one to worth the UTI, Halbrand is a solid POP TEN CRANBERRY PILLS BEFOREHAND AND HOPE 👏FOR 👏THE 👏BEST.
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tonitopazs · 2 years
Your Mastermind saurondriel set lives in my head rent free. I think of it every time I hear the song at this point. Would you consider making one for The Great War?? I don’t think I’ve seen anything with that particular song and it screams that pairing for me. If not, no worries and thanks so much for making cool trop things :)
OMG WAIT YOU'RE SO RIGHT 🤩 that's one of my favorite songs on midnights and it's so perfect for them. i wanna work on this in the next week cause i'm already getting ideas! my playlist for them is so long and i wanna make edits for them all
thank you so much!! i'm glad you enjoy me obsessing jalksdf
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saurondrielprompts · 2 years
Has anyone seen the theory that it’s Celeborn fighting the balrog, and for his heroism might be rewarded by returning to middle earth. I thought that’d be a cool addition to a saurondriel fic. Sorry I know that’s not specifically saurondriel
Ohh! Never heard that one. That would be a mighty interesting way to bring Celeborn back into play to maximize the DRAMA of it all!
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FAM!! Amazon just dropped a preview from Adar and Galadriel’s dinner date, and after watching it I’m now more convinced than ever that Galadriel won’t be able to resist Sauron’s “Last Temptation”, as both Elrond and Gil-galad have been foreshadowing all season.
Galadriel is acting very smug towards Adar because she resisted Sauron in S1 finale, and he didn’t (in the past). Galadriel’s pride is her main flaw, and it will be her downfall (like Gil-galad and Elrond have been warning her). I’m almost sure she will face Sauron alone, willing to sacrifice herself to destroy him and certain she can resist him again. The plot twist is: she won’t because he brought the big guns this time (aka her heart's desire).
And just as I’ve theorized: temptation of endless power wasn’t (and isn’t) enough to seduce her. This episode pretty much confirms that promises of power and ruling don’t work on Galadriel. And Sauron, being the control freak and mastermind he is, must have learned from her rejection. So, he probably won’t repeat the same mistake, and this won’t be the “Last Temptation”.
Adar says Sauron gave him what he truly wanted: children. This can be foreshadowing for the “love and family” angle I’ve theorized for the “Last Temptation” scene. And if I’m correct, this will indeed be *the* “shocking scene” the Polish viewer is talking about, the one who temporarily “messes up genealogies as created by Tolkien”; and it can be a vision of pregnant Galadriel or Haladriel/Saurondriel happy family or something of that sort. Sauron will change back to his Halbrand form in order to do this.
And no, he won’t impersonate Celeborn; it’s pretty much confirmed he’s not in this season. And if I’m right, the Polish reviewer believes Celeborn won’t ever be in RoP because this scene will either be (1) openly romantic, or (2) highly imply both Sauron and Galadriel have romantic feelings for each other, but leave it somewhat ambiguous.
Don’t judge me, I’m drinking the cool-aid.
Sorry for answering so late ! There was so much to unpack between the new episode and all the metas... I lost track.
Galadriel will definitely want to face Sauron alone, just to prove herself that she can. It's also possible that she finds herself alone with him, because he will have found a way to isolate her. I think both scenarios are possible.
Anyway no, Sauron won't impersonate and Celeborn won't manifest out of thin air yelling, "darling, I'm back to save you !". It just won't happen. I think I explained why I didn't think Sauron wouldn't do that, so to put it briefly : it wouldn't benefit him in the long term, and he probably learned his lesson after the Finrod fiasco.
Since I saw episode 6 and particularly the dinner scene, I'm convinced that if Sauron wants to promise her something she wants... It won't be a vision of a family with children. I'm not saying that Galadriel won't want these things at some point of course (surely she wanted to be a wife and a mother when she met Celeborn, and will think about it again in quieter times), but RIGHT NOW, imho, it's not what she wants. I don't think a vision of a reference to family and kids is necessarily the take away to have from the Polish review...
Imho, there's something that will show that Galadriel has romantic feelings for someone else than Celeborn (Sauron? Elrond? Galadriel was in love with Celebrimbor all along?jk), and it's enough for the reviewer to complain that he was "replaced" , because they can't fathom the idea that Galadriel can be in love with more than one person. Maybe the "unnecessary" part is that it causes some drama, which the reviewer doesn't like.
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pursuitseternal · 1 year
The “Grande Finale” to “Beautiful Creature of Darkness”
Chapters 29-“If I Fall” and Chapter 30: “A Rose”
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The battle with Melkor rages, power surges, weapons are mighty, and freedom is won. But at a cost.
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Haladriel/Saurondriel | Explicit | 5.2K Chapter
From Chapter 29:
She drew in a breath, catching his bare hand in hers. As if she were just that small elfling she once was in Valinor. Seeking her older brother. “Finrod—“ she began.
“I’m so sorry,” he interrupted before another word could pass her lips. Her breath caught, filling her lungs with icy air. Before she knew it, he had her clapped in an embrace, armor clattering together. The metal chilled her skin, even as his words warmed that other frozen part of her heart. “I should have done better by you, sister. I should have empowered you, not silenced you. Should have freed you instead of setting you behind me in a gilded cage.”
She placed her own palm on his cool cheek, feeling the drip of hot tears over her finger tips. “There is nothing to forgive,” she whispered, even as all she had stored as resentment in heart melted away.
“Should I fall today, it will be up to you, you know Galadriel,” he continued. His voice rippled with fervor, “It will be up to you to vanquish the darkness once more,” he gripped both her arms with a jolt. “Destroy it. Banish it. Whatever it takes. Your beloved will know what to do.”
“I will,” she replied with a reassuring nod, “we will banish it side by side.”
“And if I should fall, Amon Lanc is yours.” Even as the words left his mouth, his hand strayed to touch the golden pointed crown in his golden hair. “No longer a mere commander but a queen.”
That brow raised, chin jutting out in her familiar edge of defiance. As it had a million times before at her brother’s orders. But this time, she forced an air of hope, not anger. “You won’t leave me…” she said with thin confidence.
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