#save a horse ride the ghoul
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ghastlylamb · 5 months
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He's just so
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sacreblugh · 5 months
idk what miss Lucy was complaining about because if it was me getting a rope tied around my neck by mister smartass brooding cowboy ghoul and being led around by him?????
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jimmyneutron877 · 5 months
"Keep Dancing With Me"
• Pre War Cooper Howard x Reader! Fluff!
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(Cooper and you dance together 🥺)
“C’mon Coop! Please just teach me even a little step, pleeeeease”
You and Cooper Howard have been together for a while now, since after he and Barb got divorced, and you had been begging Cooper to teach you the Western line dancing he claims to know.
“No- c’mon- its embarrassin’ please-” He refused you every time saying he was embarrassed, he was “too busy” or he “wasn't in the mood”, but he wouldn't get away with it this time, you wouldn't have it.
You left the couch with a Hm, and disappeared into the bedroom, this was automatically suspicious for Cooper as you’d always persist and plead, and then he heard it… Johnny Cash. He got up from the couch, put his paper down and started for the bedroom, but not before you appeared in the doorway, you gestured for him to come closer with your finger, and when he moved forward you did too, until you both met halfway.
“Cooper Howard, you are going to teach me a dance, or I'll make you” Your voice got low and serious as you looked into his eyes.
He let out a sigh, defeated, “Fine, gimme your hand, put the other on my shoulder” he took your hand with his and guided his other hand down to your waist and gripped it firmly.
You always loved his hands, they were strong and big, and you almost fit into them completely, your hand disappeared into his, like his hands were made for you, and he loved that too.
He showed you the footwork to one he called “Lori's Cha-Cha”, and the beginning was easy, however, you kind of bombed out anything after that, so you two just stuck to the beginning part. It was nice, energetic and intimate at the same time, you were both laughing for the first time in a long time. Johnny Cash was definitely the best pick for this dancing.
“Havin’ fun?” He teased with a smirk, flashing his teeth.
“Yes, I can definitely see you are, you've loosened up, your shoulders aren't as tense” You noted, sending a cheeky smile to him.
“Yeah yeah, whatever” Cooper rolled his eyes.
“Why didn't you ever want to show me before?”
“I don't know, I never thought you'd be so interested in it, I always thought it was a cheesy thing we always had ta learn in school” he spun you around gently and his hand left your waist for a split second before you came back around.
“Aw Coop, you don't have to be embarrassed about it, I love it, I'm always interested in you..I find it really charming, and what better way to woo someone than with your line dancing?” you teased the last part and he scoffed but he knows you meant the beginning.
“I’m sorry for always shovin’ you off before, I also thought you were kinda just teasin’ me ‘bout it” he said that and stopped for a moment, “Actually I'm sorry for not really payin’ attention to you much at all lately, things have been…stressful, and painful, but you didn't deserve the distance, I'm sorry” he looked down and the dancing slowed.
You watched and listened to this, it made your heart ache thinking of everything that's happened to him. You loved him more than anything, more than life itself, but most people took him for granted, and that hurt.
“Coop, look at me” you took your hands and held the sides of his face to make him look down at you again, “It’s okay, I know what you've been through, I know it's been so stressful and you've been hurting, but I'll always be here for you, I love you so much, more than words, and I'll stand by you for the rest of our life together, I love you”
You pulled him down and his lips met yours, he melted into the kiss and wrapped his arms around your whole body, keeping your warmth against him. Letting out an exasperated breath, he relaxed and leant into you and your arms linked around his neck to further deepen the kiss.
When the kiss ended you two just looked into each other's eyes. His amber eyes radiated with the orange sky setting through the window, the green hints flickered like filtered leaves.
“You're beautiful you know that Y/N…” he said dreamily after a while of him studying your face too, “How did I ever deserve you?”
You smiled at his sweet words and gave him another kiss.
“I love you so so much Coop, now please keep dancing with me…”
A/N: Thank you for reading! It's been a while, but I absolutely love Cooper Howard/The Ghoul and the Fallout series, so here I am 😍
Do not borrow/translate/steal
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ahsokathegray · 5 months
If I had a nickel for every time I was attracted to a cowboy without a nose, I’d have two nickels.
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Which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it happened twice.
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artistelect · 6 months
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I need him so bad man it’s not even funny
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samrubio · 5 months
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Oh boy oh boy, to ride that cowboy
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littlemissmoodswings · 4 months
fallout devs/creators/etc: yeah horses don't exists after the bombs they wouldn't have survived
ghoulcy shippers;
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l952s · 5 months
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and I would take it like a champ.
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justanothervaultie · 3 months
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moonlit-minuet · 4 months
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Yee, and dare I say, haw
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jimmyneutron877 · 5 months
He's The Sheriff.
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starsonata · 5 months
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sketches from the wasteland?
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ilovebigbulkywomen · 5 months
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sempsimps · 5 months
Copper Howard x reader
fallout has changed my brain chemistry and as a die hard fan from years ago the release of the show has altered somthing within me somthing just snapped when i seen cooper and i don't think i have properly written about the monster fucker inside of me sooo now is the chance for me to save a horse and ride a cowboy :) apologies if my writing sucks
me and my friends just chilling
me; ....so anyway ya know cooper the ghoul in fallout, he has no nose so i cant ride his face
innocent friend; (didnt understand) aw, he cant wear sunglasses
bestie; (fucking done with life) oh my fucking god, the innocence one "he cant where sunglasses" and then there's you going (tch) "dang, i cant ride his face"
liking the smell of blood (idkf)
mentioned death of course
ghouls how scary (sexy)
fallout as a whole is a warning
sexual tension
ride a cowboy... (so obviously this is 18+)
my innocent friend wanted to read this so there will be a line warning of the NSFW usually i would get right into it but for the sake of their innocence there's a line
you travel with the ghoul of the wild wild wasteland but stay mostly out of the bullshit and gun fights, opting to just be a side piece. after my cryo-pod busted open in my vault, i noticed mine was the only one that worked, and the rest of my colony was long dead. 'damn economy class shit' some must of been awake, but were now skeletons dancing from beyond the glass. once i exited the vault and i was told that a hundred years had pass. i met some weird doctor he gave me some "magical" ailment to heal my beyond mangled arm, the aftermath of a deathclaw attack. the limb in question was barely hanging on by a muscle, when this eccentric man dragged me back to his house? im guessing it was. the strange individual gave me this weird yellow and brown mixture, after talking about some random shit i was going to die of blood loss listing to him, or whatever he put in here. so i might as well take it swallowing it down without a second thought, it was stupid but what choice did i have. i began coughing and throwing up what little food i ate, it tasted disgusting a mix of dirt and bleach my arm healed fully within minuets. but now i found im half ghoul still smooth skin for the most part but my left arm to my collar bone and hand, cheeks, eyes sunken and nose was starting to flake off and wither I had the healing properties but not quite as strong as-
BANG- i jumped out of my skin when rogers brains decorated the bland yellow wall with crimson. 'jesus christ okay then' cooper began to cut open the poor ghoul, ripping out and placing the teeth to the side, which i picked up examining them. 'bone... is always so interesting' i for the most part stayed away from the cannibalism on the surface, but got to admit seeing cooper eat that guy stirred something in me. poor lucy though, she didn't have to see that or to join in.... welp cant change the past now. cooper cut strips of flesh off and lucy cut some chunks of meat, and handed it to me. i placed them into a container that sat in the bottom of my bag. as we started to walk out of the building i hung back carrying some of Roger on my backpack to soak in the sun like the ghoul Infront of me, i stayed behind copper to the left of lucy, keeping guard and making sure there was no attacks or following raiders and scrapers. i looked away for one second hearing somthing fall behind me, it was nothing and i turned back, and seen lucy drink from some fucked up green water. 'uh gross' i slowly tread towards them taking my sweet time drinking some water from my own flask, ready to refill with a rare water filter as i couldn't digest the radiation just yet. vault girl was desperate for water i dont blame her still felt bad for her, but it wasn't my place to intervein she did break the last vials we had on a fucking axolotl mutant as i walked over i only heard the last bit of the low and quite conversation.
"....are you?"
"oh, im you sweetie. just give it a little time"
cooper began to have a coughing fit, and lucy ran off i chased up to the cowboy but he was already up and gone, and as i got there he already had lucy in his lasso 'he's damn good with that rope...god can i shut the fuck up' she was on the floor, and he was over her lucy, then bit off his finger. The awkward amount of blood was a strange colour, and lucy spat out the finger.
"there you are you little killer"
and with that cooper was quick to pick her up one handed doing an eye-for-an-eye cutting off her pointer finger on her left hand just witnessing it made my stomach twist in distaste but also a blush 'yikes- but treat me like that god damn' i walked over and carefully picked up the bitten off finger and placed it into my pocket humming. 'need to get another sewing kit for that' we quickly kept up the walking pace after the situation was over. i was now in front of lucy, dragging her along rather gently, by the rope cooper had attached to her i lead her through the broken chicken wire fencing, but as we got closer to the place i quickly realised what this was going to be. 'man this blows only time i seen another female and a fellow vaultie out here, and were selling her to codsworth. what a great way to make friends'
well its actually where me and cooper met i needed a vial desperately i was twitching, growling and having to manually breath i had a whole stash of caps for the robot and dumbasses co. then he appeared there some dead body in a big duffle bag, some scrapper tried attacking the sharp shooter. cooper seen me and smiled that signature smirk. tossing his last half a vial over to my feet "keeping ya' in check, until robo can sweetheart."
we stopped at the buzzer, and i let lucy out of the rope cutting it neatly with a rusty bread knife. cooper then took his satchel things off and pressed the button for the robotic voice answered. i turned to give a small smile to lucy mouthing a sorry.
"two months of vials exchange one female mint condition..... near mint condition"
"condition grading requires physical evaluation please send her in"
i stood next to the ghoul and nudged him and leaned to whisper quietly.
"seriously coop? its a bit harsh, dont ya think?"
he blatantly ignored me and harshly spoke to lucy instead, gesturing for lucy to go inside with his gun.
"go on"
i scoffed as she was walking into the super duper mart, taking one look back before going for good. i sigh deeply as i sat down on the desert floor wondering if that was really necessary, cooper stood still head tilting down but he looked like he was wobbling a little before collapsing in front of me.
"jesus christ coop!"
i got up and dragged him into some shade at the trading shop wall out of the blaring sun. it seemed like he was half paralyzed, only moving his eyes and breathing making a slight wheezing sound.
"codsworth better make this shit quick, but i do feel bad for her though"
after realising he wasn't gonna be able to speak or move until the yellow stuff came out from that British talking can of bolts, i decided to just fill the silence with my dumb talk.
"sooooo..... what now the head is gone, and we can't get it out of that axolotl and that was a lot of caps too...that sucks.. so did we really have to do that? You know i can afford at least a months worth with my caps..... okay, i know why, but still..... little of topic, but you looked really hot with that lasso... im going to shut up now"
looking away and blushing, i settled on whistling some old song i listened to ages ago. I might have been on a radio. i can't remember 'lay that pistol down, babe. lay that pistol down pistol packing mama lay that pistol down' its catchy.
some ghouls came out of the front of the super duper mart, they looked anywhere between newly turned and almost feral i just nodded at one and they continued 'well shit that totally isnt going to bite us in the ass later' hearing a loud gunshots made me jump out of my skin, and thankfully it stayed inside the building. 2 shots rang out and then silence before another loud shot. 'fuck well those idiots are dead and so is lucy dang she was nice' i sucked in through my teeth and waited for codsworth to get the supplies out, waiting and waiting and soon after lucy came out 'huh wow she's not dead and looking better in that' with her jumpsuit half off, wearing some armour and got a gun holster, she stood over us and dropped down facing cooper before speaking.
"if you dont get theses you turn into one of those? that how it works?"
she stood there looking at us both. i made no attempt to move, just shrugging lucy, then leaned to me, placing some vials in my palm before turning back to Cowboy Man.
"i may end up looking like you, but ill never be like you"
"you were nice but fuck your friend"
"rightfully so, actually im trying thanks"
she turned back with a "you fucking serious glance" i just returned a smile and a wave off she shook her head with a sigh and walking off.
"golden rule mother fucker..."
as she left as i prepped the vial into the asthma pump looking thing and putting it to coopers face in which he quickly breathed it in chocking a little and he slowly sat himself up and hastily taking another one out of my hand before standing up and having another leaning back taking it in fully and speed walking into the building i walked behind him slowly and halting as i looked at the bloody mess made in here 'jesus a massacre happened they killed each other' cooper rummaged through stuff at a table before making a loud slamming noise and glass falling to the floor
"haha! darling look at all of these!"
"Holy hell, that's gonna last us for ages a year maybe... your condition is getting worse..... It's a shame that we need a new supplier now. i kinda liked those guys"
walking over to the table there was dozens of vials enough to suffice for a year if rationed, and i started to pick up the carelessly thrown ones from the ground looking them over before deciding they weren't broken and placing them into my backpack in every pocket i could fill them in. while cooper stuffed his cowboy hat full of handfuls from the case and about while i inspected the bodies i was right about dumbass and co being dead but this one ghoul looked like an ammeter shot her it must of been lucy, non the less i was moving all the bodies to one place and out of the way this would be a great place to rest for the time being and that sofa looked really comfortable wouldn't want the bodies making the place smell horrid although the blood was a nice change the metallic smell almost comforting to me.
"hey coop? maybe we should stay here for the night it'll be far to tiering to get to a town from here and the sun is already setting"
"hm?.. oh yeah sure thing (...)"
hey seemed distracted by a tape but he was quick to throw it away over his shoulder and turning to face me.
"how about we uh celebrate this little victory eh darling?"
he walked over to a fridge opening it, and then grabbing two glass bottles of nuka cola. the rocket shape was part of the brand and an effective market tool, cooper passed me one i held up the glass and a shot rang out as he clipped the cap off of my glass, and doing the same for his own and he sat next to me on the sofa. the fizzy liquid sizzling in my hand.
"thanks, should we cheers?"
cooper smiled smiling facing me and clinking our glasses together and nodding his head.
we linked arms at the elbow 'almost like a couple nope nope stop that' and took a sip from our respective bottles sighing as i got my arm back from him.
"so what now?"
"we'll figure it out"
i leaned back taking another sip of the nuka cola clinking the bottle with my nails as a distraction 'welp its now or never' taking another large sip before leaning over and giving the ghoul a quick peck on the cheeck, and quickly turning away and drinking my embaresment down.
--------------------this is the line stop reading sophie--------------------
"the hell was that?"
"nothing dont worry about it"
"no no darling why did you stop?"
"I ..huh?"
I looked at him now kinda shocked, and dumbfounded, my face heating up more than the radiation
"I'll ask again. Why did ya stop with just that?"
"I m mean it took a lot out of me to just fo that"
"Come on, you think I wouldn't notice how you looked at me, and the hell was that confession earlier you like my lasso skills aye sweetheart? I could show in in more depth"
His hot fingers run along my clothed thigh, slowly tracing patterns up them, edging near but then going back down before he stopped completely I was caught up in his actions
"Hey darl, ya still with me? I need an answer"
"I uhm that would be uh nice"
Cooper places his half drunken nuka cola on the table with a small clink noise, and soon he was on top of me smirking like he dose his knees now between mine as we lay on the sofa moving to the side to lay down, and cooper hanged over me leaning down to kiss my decaying lips, the same rough texture that slotted into his perfectly. as the kiss deepened the more hungry the both of us got, now teeth clashing in the heated kiss trying to fight for dominance, I felt a hot hand run up my side before coming under my shirt the radiation heat was intoxicating, literally. his touch travelled up until it reached my bra. In the wasteland its not smart to take anything off, so he carefully got around the fabric, brining my bra down a letting the soft skin come out. the same hand now playing with them slowly making circle's around my nipples and pinching them. his body pushing closer to finding friction and my hips followed, down into his. the heated kiss broke and we both pant desperately, getting oxygen into our body's. the downsides to being a ghoul was of course the radiation, but also the loss of touch, the skin was so much different leathery and stuck in the position it decided to wrinkle to. I couldn't feel my hand or arm that well, so who knows how deprived cooper was he acted feral if it wasn't for the fact he had like 5 vials I would assume he was.
"How about we switch us darling. let you ride the cowboy you so desperately want"
He got off of me and stood up, taking his coat off. I sat up quickly and he laid down on the scratched up sofa, motioning for me to get on top I could see now just how hard he was straining against the fabric of his trousers, my mouth went dry and I was quick to get on top of him, before he stopped me with a calm tine and that stupid sexy smirk.
"Ah no take those of first"
He nodded his head to the bottom half of me, so I did just that a little to fast, my pussy was begging for this, and I couldn't stop to think as I took of my trousers, leaving my underwear on for some dignity. and then I got onto my legs on either side of his waist I felt him thrust his hip slightly up and it caught me off balance a squeak coming from my lips as i gripped the side to keep me upright, he chuckled knowing full well he did that, and he continued rocking my body forward I agve up trying to stay up and caught his lips again this time slower, more coordinated melting into each other. his hands coming back up to play with my chest moaning into the kiss, the slow movements almost driving me insane I broke from the kiss and rocked my hips across his clothed erection
Honestly though I was trying for weeks to write this properly and well I hate the second bit I had no direction to go in and welp also I want to start writing for black butler since the season came out and well I live fallout but yeah again lost all inspiration for it sorry but I hope it was some what good sorry if my writing sucks :)
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warmpeachesandpears · 19 days
"Well Darlin, we both know that ain't the gun your feelin"
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