#save the pearls
crow-caller · 1 year
The unending racist, furry nightmare of Save The Pearls just doesn’t end 
Here’s a two hour video on the very infamous self-published ‘Save The Pearls’ YA dystopia books- a summary and exploration of very horny piggyback rides, unsettling furries, and profound racism.  The text version is linked above as well. Also, straight up: did you know there’s a book trailer for this book? Did you know the book trailer literally has an actress in blackface? It’s in the video and it is an absolute jumpscare. This whole book is just. The WILDEST, WEIRDEST thing
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Have you ever seen save the pearls becuase I read it and fuckibg vomited ndjajfjajfjsbfjsndkaldbmabd
So I've never read it before but looking up the title this is what I found
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I've heard of this book before and it disgusts me that it got published so recently.
mod ali
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djcranberry · 7 months
Oh my god how did I miss the existence of the reverse racism hunger games????
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justplainsimon · 6 months
the protagonist of save the pearls (the racist YA Furry romance novel) putting on her oxy-hat and doubling her dose:
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(which is weird, because morphine exists)
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oifaaa · 5 months
Listen listen is the Percy Jackson show making changes so big that even me with my horrible little memory is noticing - yes Do I care - absolutely not I'm still enjoying the show and the changes so far have just helped keep me on my toes bc wtf do you mean Percy has 4 pearls?!?? What do you mean the summer solstice has happened?!!? What is going on I need to know !!!!
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gremnda · 3 months
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Familiar 🌻
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expelliarmus · 5 months
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tatretot · 7 months
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you've got mail(box)! 💌🐺
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hannasaurrex · 2 months
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They saw Pearl and Marina flirting in their last Facebook post (and to be honest, pearl and Marina do it on purpose at this point)
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tubbytarchia · 5 months
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didn't intend to draw this today but my hand slipped
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crow-caller · 1 year
The unending racist, furry nightmare of Save The Pearls just doesn't end
The unending racist, furry nightmare of Save The Pearls just doesn’t end
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ender1821 · 7 months
Australian Gem strikes again (clip taken from Pearl’s stream on 7/11/2023, around the 2:30:00 mark)
transcript below!
Pearl: —separate from my online content— ow, OW—! Okay! Ok ok ok, I get it, I get it, I get it!
Gem: ‘Ello!
Pearl: ‘Ello, mate, how’s it going?
Gem: G’day, mate!
Pearl: G’day, mate!
Gem: Was that a good Australian— I’m Australian now.
Pearl: Honestly, you did that pretty decently compared to a lot of other people.
Gem: Thank you, thank you, thank you. I try, I spend a lot of time with an Australian.
Pearl: Oh yeah, you do? You do? I don’t say “g’day” that much though.
Gem: No. Not at all. Very disappointing, actually. My Australian friend doesn’t even say the Australian catchphrase.
Pearl: It’s stereotypical! You’re only gonna get that if you’re like, countryside bogan.
Gem: *sighs*
Pearl: That’s like the redneck of America.
Pearl: I might say “crikey” every now and again— Again, that’s very rare.
Gem: If you said “crikey”, that would make my day!
Pearl: I’ve said it before, just out of the blue, it’s definitely— It’s a rare thing.
Gem: Yeah, it makes me very happy.
Pearl, muffled: Crikey, mate.
Gem: Ah, I love Australians.
Pearl: Oh, I’m feeling so flattered right now…
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 2 months
having Marina and Acht be old buddies separated for years like this was so RUDE
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so WHY'D side order have to stab me in the heart with this friendship like that huh?? why'd they have to DO that!!!!
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convexicalcrow · 2 months
this is what we could have had if pearl had been recording fml
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dryad-druid · 8 months
The Rose Pearl AU
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'When he was little, Leo was saved by a hero, now Leo wants to be a hero too. But why does the world suddenly feel so strange? and this turtle so... Familiar?'
Welcome to my new AU! AKA The Utena AU, I've been revisiting this anime lately, and god I think it's better than the last time I saw it, super recommended for anyone interested.
Anyway, basically this AU came about as a way of coping after reading Doth (Yeah, yeah, what a surprise) for anyone who doesn't know The Dawning of the hour, is a fic series written by @thedawningofthehour where Draxum kidnaps Donnie and stuff.... happen. Anyway, they still haven't reached the happy ending and I need a way to deal with it, and after watching a video analysis of utena I came up with a way to do it.
Here is some of the characters desings!
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I will still update Family Chaos AU, because if @tangledinink can handle multiple AUs so can I, also, it's not fair that they and @beannary are the only ones to draw the boys in fancy suits! just look at their work! it's so cool!! I want too!!!
For those of you who have seen Utena, you know that things can get... Disturbing, with respect to the relationships of certain characters, so obviously that aspect will not be transferred to the AU, you can ask more about it if you want.
I will be updating more on this very soon, so stay tuned if you are interested!
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divorce quartet + gem finale… i’m not ok
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