#saw a happy trail nd melted
honeymaki · 1 year
There’s just something about a hairy belly, lil happy trail, soft or round or flat or whatever, in a lil crop top specially mmmmmm hairy bellies
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bittertomatoes · 3 years
Part three Amphibia Au:
A humming silence pulsed through the air, Marcy’s phone buzzing over and over again with texts from people she could guess was Anne’s parents. They had Anne’s leaves in their houses too, did that mean the leaves traveled here too?
“I’m not dreaming?” Marcy asked in a soft, trembling voice.
Anne knew that voice immediately, kneeling down and wrapping her arms around Marcy, hugging her.
Anne’s body warmth pulsed through Marcy, still in shock. Then the scene became blurry, her eyes warming up and her throat clumping together. Tears started to fall from both of the girls, Anne tightening her hug around Marcy.
“I-I missed y-ou-u— an—“ Marcy started to hiccup through her words, bringing another round of waterworks through her nose and eyes. “Ann-nd— I’m s-ss”
And I’m sorry. I’m sorry for separating you from your family. I’m sorry for being so selfish.
“I missed you too,” Anne said, her mouth tasting the salt of her own tears. Marcy. Sasha and Anne had always tried to be nicer to her than they were to each other, as they felt the need to be responsible for her innocent clumsy, and weirdly cute personality.
They stayed like that for a few minutes, and when Marcy and Anne got up, Marcy still held onto Anne’s shirt, clinging onto it as if Anne was gonna leave again.
Anne laughed a bit, holding Marcy’s hand. “Relax, I’m not gonna leave,” and she felt her shirt loosen up a bit.
They sat down on the diner table, still quiet and basking in each other’s presence.
“Where were you?” Marcy suddenly asked.
“Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh— I don’t know,” Anne said. When Marcy looked back with a puzzled look (her eyes were still red and puffy) Anne elaborated further.
“Well, I remember fading away and Sasha crying… you were by my side… I wished to punch the Night, but that would mean…”
Hurting you. Anne realized she was getting side tracked. “Basically one minute I was there and the next minute I wasn’t. I didn’t have any form, but I had a vague consciousness of just—- being present. Uh- today was a little different, I don’t know how I came to be.” Anne responded.
“Hic- woah,” Marcy said, tears spilling again. Anne was here. Anne really was here. Talking to her, holding her hand…
BAM! The door swung open, revealing Sasha and Anne’s parents with the Plantars trailing behind them. A few leaves trailed behind and shot toward Anne as soon as the door opened, sortve melting into her skin, making the blue glowing hair resign into Anne’s normal hair color.
“What happened?!! I heard from Anne’s mom that the leaves—-“ Sasha yelled, her eyes trailing from Marcy to Anne’s face, her brain suddenly registering what was happening. The family looked to Anne too, tears welling up in their eyes.
“ANNE!!” Polly and Sprig jumped into her, almost toppling her out of her chair. The rest of the group followed, hugging Anne and sobbing.
“Woah! Polly! You have hair now!! And Hop Pop- you haven’t aged a day since I last saw you!! Sprig! Mom! Dad! And—“ she looked at Sasha. “Sasha!!!” Anne’s face started to scrunch up, water coming nonstop. “I’m baaaack!!” They all hugged Anne tightly, just happy that she was back.
“Don’t ever do something like that again!!” Anne’s dad scolded.
“You scared us!” Anne’s mom yelled.
A few years have passed. It has taken a couple of months for things to calm down, Anne’s family making up for lost time, spending almost everyday with Anne, catching up.
During the first few weeks, Sasha and Marcy was more than happy to let Anne stay in their home. They got Anne a separate bed, but she never used it as she mainly slept with them instead.
It was weird, getting used to Anne’s presence again. Sasha Marcy and Anne went to therapy for a bit, untangling the mess of conflicting feelings about each other. It took a lot of time, especially when Anne also had to do the same with her family, but they got through it.
Overall, Anne’s reappearance in their lives was a rejoicing one, everyone finally happy Anne wasn’t dead or separated from them.
“Sasha!! Marcy!! Wake up I cooked breakfast!!” It was supposed to be Marcy’s turn to cook food for the day, but there was no was Sasha or Anne was letting that happen. She may be a huge nerdy geek who could make an entire car from scratch but she couldn’t cook for her life.
“Hhhhhhhmm” Marcy muffled head still in her pillow. Sasha lifted her up, rubbing her eyes.
“Come on lets get ready,” Sasha said while Marcy yawned.
Anne smiled and went towards the kitchen, adding her last preparations. In truth, she wasn’t done cooking, but she wanted to eat with them. Sasha and Marcy always took a while to get ready anyways.
Anne could hear the toilet flushing and the sound of brushing teeth as she tasted her famous Thai coconut soup.
Sasha and Marcy dating wasn’t much news to her. Sure, she was shocked, but it kinda made sense, though it kinda hurt inside. What if they didn’t have the same feeling toward her? What if they weren’t interested in being romantically involved as a polyamory couple?
After all the time settling in, she started to have more and more time worrying about her childhood crushes. She still loved them after all this time, and she loved them even more knowing how far they had grown. Oh well, Anne sighed. She should be grateful that they were still best friends, even if she couldn’t receive both of their love, she was still happy being happy with them. But still…
Sasha winked toward Marcy who slipped on a tie and red tux as she zipped up her pink and dark red dress. They were gonna finally confess their feelings toward Anne, right now.
They had talked about it a few weeks earlier and found out their crushes on her. There were some conflicting feelings about it, Sasha thought, though they were both thinking the same thing.
“It isn’t cheating, right?” Sasha remembered Marcy’s blubbering face. Anne had gone to work that day, and they were talking about it for the first time in their lives.
“I still love you romantically, but I also want to share those romantic feelings with Anne— but I don’t know if—-“ Marcy continued.
Sasha put both of her hands on Marcy’s shoulders, with a low but warm voice. “I get it, I understand,” she looked down, trying to hide her red face. “I like Anne too—- romantically— but I also want to love you the same way too,”
It took some time figuring out what to do next, but they came to the conclusion that they needed to confess their feelings toward Anne, even if she didn’t share the same feelings.
They finished up their last touches, Sasha helping Marcy to but in flowers in her head, and Marcy helping to clip Sasha’s dress up.
They hugged each other, and walked out of the bathroom.
“Woah- are you guys going somewhere or what?” Anne asked. “You guys look awesome!!”
“Actually,” Sasha said, pulling out a rose. “Would you care to be our ——————“
Anne’s eyes widened, her entire face flushed. She could tell Marcy and Sasha’s were too, though Sasha did a better job of hiding it.
“Yes! If that is okay,”
Marcy and Sasha looked at each other with wide eyes before practically launching themselves toward Anne.
Part one and two
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the-delta-42 · 3 years
My Brother
My Brother
Following a premise that was sent to @nerdasaurus1200
This fic will be a slight AU of The War Cricle, but will feature the same characters.
Marinette tried to keep the fact she had a brother as quiet as possible, but that is becoming increasingly difficult because a. he’s the technician at the College and b. he’s having ‘relations’ with Ms. Bustier. And then today he had to go and ruin their cover. Now granted, it was technically her fault.
“Marinette, you forgot your lunch.” Said Michael as he popped into the classroom and handed Marinette her lunch bag.
“Thanks.” Said Marinette, gritting her teeth.
“Have a good day, little one. Caline, I’ll see you tonight.” Said Michael, as he walked out of the room.
A moment of silence passed, and then Marinette was bombarded with questions. One thing she knew for sure- she was going to kill him.
Caline looked up from her computer as Michael left the room. True to form, Marinette looked composed, except the look of murder that lived in her eyes. Caline decided that the ‘Lila Rossi take down’ file could wait for a few minutes, as the class bombarded Marinette with questions.
“Alright everyone, calm down. Yes, Michael is Marinette’s older brother. He and I are in a committed relationship. Unless Marinette wishes to say more on the matter, that is all you have to know. Now, back to your seats and continue reading in your textbook.” Instructed Ms. Bustier, going back to her computer. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Marinette giving her a silent ‘thank you’.
“HOW could you not tell us you had a brother?!” Asked Alya, openly gaping at Marinette.
“Hmm, let’s see, would you want people to know if your brother was going out with your teacher?” Was Marinette’s snarky response.
“Wait, if your brother’s 22 and Ms. Bustier is 30, why are they together?” Asked Kim, looking at the bluenette.
“I’m 23.” Corrected Ms. Bustier, looking slightly offended.
Kim winced and sunk down into his seat.
“And that’s how Kim failed literature.” Said Alix, getting a solid five minutes of laughter from her classmates.
It’d been a few weeks since Michael had made his presence, and his relationship with Ms. Bustier, known to the class.
The class stiffened when they heard a sob. Everyone looked around, before Marinette spotted Ms. Bustier, one hand on her forehead and the other holding a pen as she marked some higher years’ work. Everyone wondered what was on the work to make Ms. Bustier cry.
“Dear god, they are so stupid.” Whispered Ms Bustier, looking at the student’s answers.
Marinette pulled out her phone and sent a text to Michael, ‘Cal needs your help. Something bad just happened.’
Not a minute later, she got a reply ‘Be there in 5.’
True to form, Michael arrived in five minutes and walked over to the desk and spoke with Caline in low tones, before looking at the paper and pinched the bridge of his nose.
“Alright, everyone,” Said Michael, getting everyone to look at him, “Who can tell me who William Shakespeare was?”
“He was an English play write who lived between 1564 and 1616.” Said Max, automatically.
“Well, one of the students in the year above you put, a man shaking a spear and selling weed.” Said Michael, making everyone freeze, “You do not know how depressing it is to know that 4th grade students are smarter than 2nd grade students.”
There was a collective wince from the class as the news sunk in and Ms. Bustier dissolved into a fresh wave of tears.
The school found itself on the business end of a surprise inspection. The inspectors had gone around the school and continuously tutted at the students, teacher and other people in and around the school.
One inspector froze when he saw Chloe Bourgeois openly bully another member of the class, before turning to Ms. Bustier, “Are you really going to allow that to continue?”
Everyone watched as Ms. Bustier handed the inspector a piece of paper.
“So, the reason bullying isn’t punished is because the Principle has kept brushing it under the rug?” Clarified the inspector, frowning at the document.
“Pretty much, we once had a staff member who wasn’t even a week into the job before they were fired because they attempted to give a detention to one of those names.” Explained Ms. Bustier, leaning forwards on her desk.
The inspector frowned and said, “If you’ll excuse me for a minute, please.”
An hour later the art teacher poked his head in and said, “Damocles has just been relieved of his post.”
“What?!” Exclaimed Ms. Bustier, getting to her feet, “How?”
“They confronted him about the issues with his ‘exceptions’ list and found he’d misappropriated school funds.” Said the Art Teacher, as Ms. Mendeleiev walked past.
“What’d he do?” Asked Ms. Bustier, as Michael came up to the room.
“He’s put some of it in his own pocket, and he used the rest to turn his office into a superhero den, complete with hidden rooms and compartments.” Said the Art Teacher as Michael squeezed past.
“They also found evidence of, er, ‘inappropriate’ images of children, on school computers.” Said Michael, as he approached Caline, “After you showed them that list, they interviewed each staff member individually and found grounds to relieve his of his position as principal.”
“You do not know, how happy that makes me feel.” Said Caline, grinning.
 The day after Damocles had been relieved of his post as Principal, all the teachers seemed to gain new life to them. Ms. Bustier was happy to finally give Lila a detention for ‘distracting the class’, it only got better when they finally got phone number for Lila’s mother. Caline thought she should’ve brought popcorn. Lucky for her, Michael was kind enough to provide some.
Michael narrowed his eyes and folded his arms as Marinette introduced Luka to him. He examined the boy, looking him up and down, before looking at Marinette.
“So, he’s the boyfriend?” Said Michael, getting a vehement refusal, making Michael leaned back smirking, “Ah, so this is the gay one.”
Marinette had taken a sip of a drink, which she proceeded to choke on. “MICHAEL!!”
“It’s okay, I get that a lot.” Said Luka, looking at Marinette’s brother, “You’re taller than I thought you’d be.”
“My friend, as you may have observed,” Said Michael, looking down at Luka, “Our father, is a literal, fucking, giant.”
Luka frowned, before nodding.
Marinette rocked back and forth as Michael typed away on the computer.
“If you keep doing that, I’ll start thinking somethings wrong.” Said Michael, making Marinette freeze and look at him.
“Michael,” Asked Marinette, “how long have you known Caline?”
“Since we were in school,” Responded Michael, “we were in the same class, I had a crush on her and was devastated when she started dating someone else, but I chose to support her in whatever made her happy. Why do you ask?”
“It’s just that Adrien’s dating Kagami, and I know I should be happy for them, but…” Marinette trailed off.
“But you can’t help but wish you were the one he was in love with.” Finished Michael, looking at her, “Little one, it’s alright to feel those things, it only becomes wrong the moment you start to interfere with their relationship. Give it some time, and perhaps you’ll have your shot again.”
Marinette gave her brother a watery smile, before he crossed the room and pulled her into a hug. Both being unaware of the couple standing outside the door.
“Come on, Nonna’s visiting today.” Said Michael, making Adrien and Kagami hide in a cupboard.
Michael was pacing in the waiting area outside the hospital room.
“Caline’s going to be fine.” Said Sabine, looking up at her son.
“But what if she isn’t?” Asked Michael, his pacing increasing, “She’s been in there for hours, what if somethings gone wrong? What if she’s lost? What if the baby’s lost? What if they’re both lost and all I’ll have of them is the ultrasound photo?”
“Michael, did I ever tell you what your father did when you and your sister were born?” Asked Sabine, making Michael look down at her, “He ran through the hospital, screaming and yelling for doctors because I was screaming, he called for emergency services and, eventually, had to be sedated, but when he woke up and met you and Skye, he practically melted.”
“So, you’re saying we all get our spiralling panic attacks from dad?” Asked Michael, getting a small smile from Sabine.
“You all get so much from your father, and from me.” Said Sabine, placing her hand on Michael’s cheek, “I know you feel like you failed because you weren’t there for Sam and Brianna, but you’re with them now and I know that they are just as worried for Caline as you are.”
Michael smiled slightly, before looking down. Sam and Brianna were with Skye and Nora, while Michelle was being watched by Marinette back at the bakery. Michael’s head jerked up at the sound of a newborn baby crying. Quickly jumping to his feet, Michael made his way over to the doors and looked in through the window. A nurse opened the door, making Michael jump back and nervously grin.
“Congratulations,” Said the Nurse, her face completely straight, “you’re a father.”
Michael looked past the nurse and spotted Caline holding a screaming bundle.
“Can, can I go in?” Asked Michael, nervously.
“As long as you don’t have anything contagious,” Said the Nurse, looking at Michael and then at his mother, “Everything should be fine.”
“We had our temperatures checked when we arrived on the floor.” Said Sabine, gently pushing Michael towards Caline and the baby.
“Cal?” Called Michael, making the red head look up.
Caline smiled and gestured Michael to come closer, carefully positioning the bundle so they could scream at Michael. Michael perched on the edge of the bed, the baby’s screams quietened and two, big, bright blue eyes stared up at Michael.
“Looks like this one is a daddy’s girl.” Said Caline, as the baby continued to stare up at Michael.
Then, out of nowhere, two small sneezes made the couple smile. The baby sneezed for a third time, before looking back at Michael and then at Caline. Soft coos were coming from the baby.
“Are we still going to go with the name we agreed on?” Asked Caline, as the baby continued to stare at them.
“Maman,” Called Michael, getting his mother’s attention, “Come meet Sabine.”
“Why are her eyes so big?” Asked Sam, tilting his head slightly.
“Because a person’s eyes are fully grown when they’re born, dummy.” Said Brianna, folding her arms.
“Then why are there people with really small eyes?” Continued Sam, as baby Sabine cooed up at them.
Michelle stared at her baby sister, before getting up and toddling over to Marinette, while baby Sabine started to try eating her foot.
“What is it with babies and eating themselves?” Asked Toby, before tossing the contents of his shot glass into his mouth.
“Why are you drinking cold coffee out of a shot glass?” Countered Skye, as Michelle returned with a Ourse plushie, sat down and started to doze off.
“What is it with Michael’s kids all being really quiet?” Asked Marinette, making her parents look at each other.
“Marinette,” Said her mother, “All of you were quiet babies, we had to by special baby monitors so we could actually know if any of you were having trouble.”
“I get the sinking feeling that there’s a horrible story coming.” Said Marinette, making her mother sigh.
“We’ll talk about it later.” Said Sabine, watching as baby Sabine’s eyes lit up when Michael trudged in, “Is everything alright?”
“Let’s just say that Caline’s lucky she’s on leave,” Said Michael, rubbing his eyes, “the schools had to get the police involved in what we thought was a minor internal issue.”
“What issue?” Asked Caline, as she returned from the toilet.
“Can’t say, because there are little ears about.” Said Michael, subtly gesturing to the small children and Marinette.
“Hey.” Protested Marinette, as Toby ushered her and the children from the room. Toby returned a minute later.
“They’re in Marinette’s room,” Said Toby, unaware of the Kwami floating under the sofa, “and there’s a movie on, so they’ll be entertained for a few hours.”
“We found a fuck ton of child pornography on a staff member’s computer.” Said Michael, groaning as he sat up, “Damocles wanted it to be dealt with quietly, however, at that point I’d already contacted the police.”
“Missed being in the uniform that much, huh?” Teased Toby, getting a glare from Michael.
“We’re still going through the folders, but we’ve already unearthed enough for the police to take it off our hands.” Said Michael, as his phone went off, “Ugh, what now?”
Michael answered the phone and all traces of tiredness vanished, “You what? Right, right, I’ll tell them.”
Michael hung up and looked around, “Okay, bad news first, they found evidence that Marinette was molested amongst the files, on a lighter note, Damocles has been arrested because they found he’d been backing up the pictures individually to his personal computer.”
There was a tense silence.
“When they say ‘molested’ do they actually mean ‘raped’?” Asked Skye, after a moment. Michael was silent, making Skye snarl, “Where is he?”
“They didn’t say.” Said Michael, as his twin started pacing.
“But we could find him, right, like we did with Li.” said Skye, rubbing her forehead.
“Skye, the reason none of us were prosecuted for Li was that they never found him.” Said Toby, making Caline frown.
“Who’s Li?” Asked Caline, making everyone freeze.
Michael opened his mouth, before freezing. He placed a finger to his lips and quietly made his way over to the door, upon reaching it, he pulled the door open, making Adrien and Kagami tumble into the room.
“What the hell are you two doing here?!” Snarled Michael, grabbing Adrien’s collar and pushing him against the wall, Skye doing the same with Kagami.
“W-we came to see Marinette.” Stuttered Adrien, as Michael glared at him.
“How much did you hear?” Growled Michael, before he heard a shuffling sound by the steps leading up to Marinette’s room.
“I heard enough.” Said Marinette, sitting curled up on one of the steps.
Michael and Skye froze, before the former sighed, “Marinette, go to Maman and Papa’s room please.”
Marinette went without a word, leaving Michael and Skye to deal with Adrien and Kagami. Michael set Adrien down, before glancing at his mother. Sabine understood his silent question and followed Marinette, as Michael started pacing around the room.
“Well, that was a fuck-up in a dixie.” Said Michael, running a hand down his face.
“No kidding.” Muttered Toby, as Tom started making some tea.
“Who’s Li?” Asked Adrien, making everyone look at him and Kagami.
“If we don’t tell you, you’re going to ask Marinette, aren’t you?” Questioned Skye, folding her arms across her chest.
“If we need to.” Said Kagami, her voice cold.
“You do that, and I’ll rip your spine out and strangle you with it.” Snapped Toby, his nails growing and sharpening.
“I doubt we’ll need to resort to violence.” Uttered Michael, looking at the two, “If we tell you, you must never speak of it.”
“Depends on what it is.” Said Kagami, glaring at Michael.
Michael glanced around the room, his eyes going to each person, before they settled on his father. Tom nodded but did not look happy about it.
“For three years, starting when Marinette was five,” Said Michael, his tone flat, “our uncle, Li Cheng, molested and raped her. When the family found out, we tore him apart. We don’t know how, but the authorities never found his remains.”
“Shortly after that, we came across an old man with a… unique music box,” Continued Skye, looking at her knees, “We don’t know how, but we found out that he had something that help suppress the memories. It’s why Marinette can’t speak, or understand, Chinese. It blocked off a major part of her memories, we never pushed the matter because we couldn’t risk the barricade breaking and having the girl that we all came to know, and love die at the hands of her own memories.”
Caline, Adrien and Kagami sat in shocked silence. The confession changed their view on everyone in the room. A cracking sound drew their attention to Tom, a broken cup in his hand with blood dripping onto the work surface. Skye sighed and got up to treat the wound, as Michael collapsed into a chair.
“W-what happens now?” Asked Adrien, looking around.
“Since Maman is explaining what happened to Marinette,” Said Toby, his voice hollow, “we have to clean up the remains of the barricade as best as we can.”
“We don’t actually know what’ll happen,” Corrected Michael, looking at his brother, “for all we know, Marinette will bounce back. But the reverse is also true, Marinette could be destroyed, and a different person takes her place.”
Michael’s ear twitched, he could hear sobbing. He doubted that it was his mother crying.
The next week, Marinette seemed to be a shell of herself. Adrien had asked if it was alright if Alya knew, Michael just said, “That’s up to Marinette.”
The following weeks slowly turned into months, and Michael found himself leaning against the wall as the school broke for summer. Michael carefully watched Marinette leave with her friends, he didn’t know if Marinette told Alya, but the two seemed to be closer. He often found Marinette cuddled up with her friends at any one time, so far, it had been five. He trusted Luka, Nino and Alya, he wasn’t sure about Adrien and Kagami.
Michael frowned when he spotted Lila approaching the group but smirked when the Italian tripped over a chair leg.
“I really shouldn’t laugh,” Said Caline, balancing baby Sabine in her arms, “but I wish that was caught on camera.”
“It’s against the law, remember?” Joked Michael, as everyone looked down at Lila.
“I was talking about the security camera.” Caline pointed to the small, black orb that sat in the top corner of the room.
“Oh, I forgot about that one.” Smirked Michael, as Marinette and her friends vanished through the door.
“I don’t see how, you installed it.” Remarked Caline, as Sabine started whining because her mother had stopped bouncing her.
Marinette rolled over and looked at the alarm clock, it was slowly ticking down to the time the alarm would go off. Normally, she’d get up and silence the alarm before it sounded, but she currently had a mod of blond hair pinning her arm down to her mattress. Marinette froze when she heard a snuffling sound. A red furred Labrador Retriever peaked over the edge of the bed. The dog gave its best impression of a grin, before barking at them. The cuddle pile jumped as the dog bounced onto the bed and started licking Marinette to death.
“Bridgette, no, why?” Whined Marinette, as the dog dropped herself down on top of Marinette.
Bridgette’s tail wagged harder, before a particularly loud bark, waking a small black cat hiding away on one of Marinette’s shelves. The cat jumped and hissed at the dog, while Marinette tried to wrangle the overgrown puppy off her bed. The cat jumped down and landed on Adrien’s lap. Felix glared at Bridgette and settled himself down on Adrien and started purring. The rest of the group slowly became aware of what was happening.
“Why couldn’t your brother get you some normal pets?” Asked Kagami, glaring at the two animals.
“A cat and dog are normal.” Said Alya, stretching her back.
Kagami glared harder and continued to grumble as Bridgette jumped off the bed and bounded out of the room. Adrien slowly got to his feet, carefully adjusting the cat in his arms as he followed after the dog, Nino and Alya following soon after.
“I’m not going to be able to get back to sleep, am I?” Asked Marinette, her arm covering her eyes.
“No.” Said Luka, before grabbing the covers and pulling them off, “Time to wake up, Mike and Celine are bringing their kids over today.”
Marinette whined and rolled over. That whine turned into a squeal as Kagami grabbed her and hauled her into her arms and started carrying her to the door.
“Nooo, I don’t wanna wake up.” Whined Marinette, dramatically struggling as Kagami princess carried her out of the room.
“If we’re lucky, none of the Kwami’s woke up.” Muttered Luka, nervously glancing at a doll house situated in the corner of the room. A loud snore came from Plagg’s room. Luka sighed in relief and followed Kagami and Mainette after the others.
“Fucking cat, trying to steal my camembert.” Drooled Plagg, kneading a cushion in his sleep.
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cyber-sub · 4 years
The Great Pumpkin Date🍂
Starting the Pumpkin Pie Special with some Kuroo fluff!! mmmm so nice nd warm,, much sweet,,, 
Genre: autumnal fluff
warnings: none! SFW babie! well actually a sexual innuendo was made,, you might notice a few more if you squint but other than that,,,,, 
you can find the masterlist here !
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A giggle and a gasp joined hand in hand to escape from your mouth when you saw what the afternoon had in store for you. 
   Kuroo hadn't told you where you two were going, only that it was going to be a bit longer of a ride and to get snacks and water ready. 
Being in the car for two and a half hours seemed like nothing, especially when you spent a majority of the time drawing little shapes on the back of Kuroo’s free hand and having him guess what they were; the hand that comfortably rested close to your inner thigh. Thankful you chose to wear a pair of shorts, the feeling of his skin on yours never failing to make you feel so loved, not to mention the flurry of butterflies that crowded your chest when his thumb would softly move back and forth.
Noticing that you’ve traveled out of the city, you geared your focus to looking out of the window and to the hilly plains you’re passing by, trying to piece together where you're going. On occasion, you and Kuroo would go on hikes or nature trails- but you didn't think this was one of those times, he would have told you to dress more for an afternoon of sweating... maybe with the sexual innuendo intended. This led you to think that it was more of a casual thing but the part that was throwing you off was the location. What could be so far from the city if it wasn't a hike? And it had to be something special if he was making it a surprise, right?
Your mind was wandering a mile a minute and Kuroo could see it; he squeezed your thigh and a side smile formed on his face. This surprise was going to make you so happy.
And it did.
Your eyes widened as you guys turned to drive down a dirt path guided by a tunnel of trees that adorned the warmest colors; orange, yellow, brown, and the color that Kuroo liked seeing dusted on your cheeks the most, red. Light leaked through the leaves having the scenery trick you into believing that the world round you was glowing. It was such a breathtaking sight, an absolute autumnal dream.
You rolled down the window and were greeted with a lick of warm air on your face, hugging and welcoming you to the countryside. You thanked it in return by taking a deep breath of fresh air and closing your eyes to savor the moment. 
and it was moments like these that made Kuroo fall in love with you all over again, the sight next to him momentarily taking his breath away. You looked so at peace, glowing like an angel with a relaxed smile resting on your lips. 
An overwhelming sense of warmth flooded over his heart. Saying that he was the luckiest guy in the world would be an understatement.
“God i love you so much, (y/n).” he muttered to himself.
Pulling into the parking lot, one of the most satisfying noises came from your mouth; it was a noise that told Kuroo you had caught a glimpse of where he had taken you and that he had succeeded in planning a really good seasonal surprise- one you’ve been talking about for months now.
You squeal as you race out of the car, stopping just before the entrance of the pumpkin patch.
There in front of you was a field littered in pumpkins of all shapes, colors, and sizes with haystacks outlining the perimeter. There were a few tents set up by the entrance selling concessions like corn-on-a-cob, hot chocolate, or candied apples. If you squinted, you could possibly make out a petting zoo on the far end of the pumpkin patch. There were a few people here and there but it almost felt like you had the whole place to yourselves.
Toned arms wrap around your waist as feel your boyfriend lean into you to place a kiss on your cheek, then your neck. You hear the smile in his voice as he whispers in your ear, “Surprise, baby.” before he lands another kiss at the top of your head.
You turn around to face him, still in his hold, and throw your arms around his neck. You meet his warm gaze and- there go those butterflies again. With a big smile you gently pull him down to kiss you, his tall form curving to meet your height. 
The sweet kiss was filled with admiration and his lips were so soft, you could melt right then and there. You let out a content sigh before deepening the embrace.“I love you so much, Tetsu, i can't believe you remembered,” you mumbled into the kiss before abruptly pulling away and taking one of his hands from behind you, intertwining your fingers, and pulling him into the long awaited pumpkin patch. 
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honey-makki · 4 years
happy 2000!!! i love you (and granite and mitty and tyndall and zenon) so much! may please have akaashi, 9, smut from your shuffled prompt list? thank you babie nd please take care of yourself! 🖤
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And I could easily lose my mind
The way you kiss me will work each time
Calling me to come back to bed
georgia- vance joy 
“Kaaaaashi?”. His name sounds more like a whine than a question. The bed is cold without his arms around you.  You don’t know if he just slipped out to go pee or if he’s been gone for a while on a run but either way you wanted him back in bed with you. 
“I’m right here, kitten. I’m coming back don’t worry your pretty little face.” He appears from the bathroom wearing just his boxers and while you were mostly in a sleepy fugue state before, you are certainly stirring awake now.  
He pulls you into his arms and you melt into his embrace. But you can’t slip back into sleep. You aren’t sure if it’s the sliver of light peaking through the window or the heat pooling in your gut from the first thing you saw all day was your attractive boyfriend looking down at you with a sleepy grin. 
Ok, you knew it was the second but you didn’t want to bother Akaashi in case he wanted to go back to sleep. When you feel him press a kiss against the crown if your head, you know he isn’t going back to sleep either and you no longer feel bad about trailing a hand down from his neck to toying with the elastic of his boxers. 
He lets out a confused but pleased hum as you slip your hand to find him already half hard. It doesn’t take too many strokes for him to be fully hard. Lifting one of your thighs over his hip he slips in your hole slowly. The burn is there, but it’s almost pleasant. He doesn’t do anything at first just settles in but when you start rocking your hips against him he lets out a light laugh. 
“Yeah? You wanna be fucked back to sleep? Alright, pretty one, I got you.” You pepper his chest in kisses while his hips grind into yours with shallow thrusts. Both of you slowly build up to an orgasm that leaves you breathless and satiated. Your body feeling utterly exhausted and ready to drift back to sleep and your pleased foggy mind is quick to comply as long as Akaashi stays here with you.
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lailaliquorice · 5 years
so just call when you’re around
Another prompt from another lovely anon asking for tired boleyn with cleves!!! 
cleves doesn’t get enough love in fanfic and I know I’m guilty of neglecting her so I was very happy to remedy this. and the sixcord seemed pretty eager for soft cleves content so I think its in high demand!! in my idea of the queens’ house she has the only room on the ground floor and I love the idea of her using that to keep an eye on her tired friends bc she plays it cool but she loves them so much <3 also if I’ve messed up anne v anna then dont @ me bc they’re too similar and no beta reader we die like henry
There were many reasons why Anna enjoyed having her bedroom on the ground floor of the house. It meant she was closer to the kitchen so there was less distance between her bed and the coffee pot for those mornings when she really didn’t want to wake up. It meant there was a whole floor of separation between her and the chaos of the other queens, who she all loved but could become a little much at times after being used to living mostly along at Richmond. It meant that she created less mess when she brought home one of the dogs she walked since she didn’t have to take them upstairs, something Jane was definitely grateful for.
But it also meant that she was on hand during the night whenever one of her friends was downstairs and in need of someone to be there for them.
The biggest culprit for late nights was Cathy, with her tendency to forget what bedtime meant when she got too engrossed in whatever she was researching. She tended to hole up in her bedroom-turned-study though so it was more often the others who she would encounter during the night. If Kat had had a bad day then Jane would often sit quietly in the living room after she’d gone to bed, and always appreciated Anna bringing her a mug of camomile tea and lending her a shoulder to rest her weary head on. Days where Aragon’s anxiety got on top of her usually ended in her sat at the kitchen table with silent tears running down her face, and Anna’s non-coddling approach meant she usually felt able to talk out some of her worries.
For the two biggest mums of the group, it was essential for them to be able to let down their walls every once in a while, and Anna was more than happy to provide that for them. But every now and then it was Anne who ended up needing her help.
Anna had been trying to keep a close eye on her for the last few days, since she’d noticed dark smudges under her eyes at breakfast and less energy during the show. So it was no surprise when one night she counted only four sets of footsteps retiring upstairs for the night, and when she poked her head around the living room saw she was faced with the sight of Anne sprawled out asleep on the sofa with a thick book on her chest.
Her plan was that she would very carefully pick Anne up and carry her upstairs into bed, but that flew out the window very quickly when the book slid off Anne’s chest and hit the floor with a loud thud. Anne’s eyes flew open and she shot upwards into a sitting position, looking around frantically with wild eyes as she tried to work out what had woken her.
“Hey it’s just me,” Anna said quickly, watching Anne carefully when she turned to look at her. “You alright? You fell asleep.”
Anne was silent for a couple of seconds, rubbing her hand over her face. “Yeah, yeah ‘m fine,” she muttered, but her words were slurred and her eyelids blinked slowly. With sluggish hands she reached down to pick up her book, shifting to sit up properly as she asked “What’re you doing up?”
“Checking on you.”
Anna sighed, sitting down beside Anne who watched her through wide eyes. “Babes, come on. You haven’t been sleeping well lately, we can all tell. So are you gonna tell me what’s up or are you gonna go to bed.” Her words were blunt but her voice still kind, aware that she was asking a lot of Anne by requesting she tell what was keeping her awake.
Shifting uncomfortably, Anne fiddled with the sleeve of her hoodie before she could face looking Anna in the eye. “Keep thinking too much when I try to sleep ‘nd it keeps me awake,” she mumbled quietly, to the point where Anna had to strain to pick out her individual words. “Thought if I made m’self really tired I’d just fall asleep ‘nd not have to think ‘n stuff.”
“Well I think you’ve succeeded in that hun,” Anna said with a smirk as Anne’s head nodded forwards for a second before she shot back upright again, blinking quickly to try and wake herself up. “You really should try to sleep.”
Anne shook her head fast, then squeezed her eyes shut and winced as she pressed a hand to her forehead. “’m not tired, my head just hurts,” she groaned.
“Because you’re tired, babes.”
“Am not.”
“Alright,” Anna said, admitting defeat when Anne pouted at her. “You just keep reading, I’m gonna sit here with you for a bit.”
Anne hummed in self-righteous agreement, opening her book back up and flicking to where she’d fallen asleep.
As Anna expected, hardly a minute went by before Anne’s eyes fell closed and her head dropped forwards again. This time Anna was there to catch her book before she could be woken up again, placing it down gently on the floor before she looked at Anne to assess how she was going to get her upstairs. Very carefully she put one arm under Anne’s knees, then snaked the other hand between her back and the sofa to lift her up bridal-style. After letting Anne’s head come to rest on her collar, Anne started very quietly up the stairs towards Anne’s bedroom.
She managed to lay her down with her head on the pillow before Anne woke up again, looking around blearily as she tried to compute the change in scenery. “Where’d we go?” she mumbled groggily, waving her hand around to try and grab Anna in the dark.
“Your room, I carried you up to bed,” Anna said, catching Anne’s hand and holding it tightly to reassure her that she was there.
“Oh, right,”
Anna grinned at her pitiful attempts to stay awake, even though her heart ached at how desperate she was not to fall asleep. “Come on, you gotta get some sleep.”
“Don’t want to,” Anne insisted weakly, but her eyelids were falling closed as much as she tried to keep them open.
Huffing quietly with laughter, Anna said gently “Yeah, you do. I’m not going anywhere for a while.”
That seemed to reassure her a little, for the tension in her shoulders melted away as she shifted into a more comfortable position. “Just don’t wanna think… think about…” she trailed off mid-sentence as her eyes closed and the hand holding Anna’s went slack.
Anna smiled fondly at how peaceful she looked now she was finally asleep, giving her hand a minute squeeze before placing it carefully atop Anne’s stomach. As carefully as she could muster she pulled the duvet up and tucked Anne in, watching her for a second to make sure there were no signs of her waking up but she seemed to have fallen into a very deep sleep. Without thinking about it she leaned down to press a light kiss to the top of her head, then crept out the room and pulled the door to behind her.
In the morning she would ask one of the other queens to enquire what had been troubling her so much, perhaps Aragon or Jane since they were the mothers of the group or Cathy since she was close to Anne. Her job was the nightshift, she let the more emotionally inclined queens look after people when morning came. But in the meantime, Anna was glad that there was still something she could do to look after the friends she loved so much.
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hotsterfield · 7 years
Typical Me pt. 3 - H.O.
Word Count: 2434
summary: You go to London to celebrate the New Year, but a blue eyed guy messes up all of your plans.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3  
A/N: Last part of Typical Me! I will be going to London on the 22nd of February, but this definitely won’t happen. As you might have guessed, there is smut in this one. So yeah! I hope you enjoy the 3rd and final part of Typical Me!
22nd of February
You had barely gotten out of the airport, before you were on your way to Harrison’s apartment. You didn’t have a lot of time on your hands this time, so you wanted to use every minute with him. You weren’t sure if he was going to be home, you just had to try.
From tomorrow, you were going to be so busy. This trip to London was for business, not pleasure. You were leaving again on Monday, and the whole weekend was already filled. You were going to the London international Model United Nations, something that had been planned for months now. You were going to sit in the UNESCO committee, and you knew it was going to be a stressful weekend.
You weren’t nervous about going to LIMUN, but you were sure as hell nervous about seeing Harrison again. What if he didn’t give you his number on purpose? What if he didn’t feel like you did? All the thoughts were running through your head, as you got closer to his apartment.
When you stood outside, knocking on the door, you felt so scared. The few seconds it took before the door opened, your heart stopped beating. The air was caught in your throat, and a thousand thought were running through your head. When the door finally opened, Tom was standing there. A mix of chock and confusing present on his face, before a big smile appeared.
“Y/n! I can’t believe it! You’re here! You’re really here!” He pulled you into a hug, and you couldn’t help but smile.
“Not that I’m not happy to see you, but is he here? Harrison?” You pulled away from him and smiled shyly.
“He’s at a lecture. He’ll be back in about an hour I think. God, he’s going to be so happy to see you! He has talked about you every single day. We can’t watch a movie without him sulking about how big an idiot he is. I swear, I have never been this happy to see anyone!” He said, as he helped you carry your bags inside.
“I really wished I had more time while I was here. I’ve actually missed him. Much more than I thought I would” You said honestly, as you followed him inside.
“How long are you staying? You definitely packed more stuff than the last time I saw you. I can’t believe you’re actually here!” He put your suitcase down in Harrison’s room, before turning to you. “I assume you want to stay here?”
“Till Monday. I’m here for LIMUN, so I packed a lot of fancy dresses. I also packed fancier underwear than the last time, so there’s no need for us to go shopping again” You laughed, taking a seat on the couch.
“Smart girl, huh? Fancy a career in politics?” He asked, sitting down next to you.
“I don’t know yet. Maybe. Gotta change the world one way or the other”
“And about the shopping. Just think about how crazy it would make him, if you wore a stripper costume. Just saying” A cheeky smile was on his lips, and you couldn’t help but roll your eyes.
“Not gonna happen Tom. I’m not buying another costume that makes me look like a stripper. You never need two of those” You gave him a knowing look. There was no way in hell you were going to buy a stripper costume with Tom. Maybe with Harrison, but definitely not with Tom.
“You got a stripper costume? I didn’t take you for that kind of girl, Y/n!” He laughed, surprise still clear in his eyes.
“Not exactly. I got a police dress. I wore it to a costume party and got called a stripper 3 times that night. So not a stripper costume, just a costume that makes me look like a stripper” You explained.
“What kind of parties do you go to?” Tom asked. Before you had a chance to answer, you heard the front door open.
“Tom! I brought food. They let us go early, because they have to get ready for… “ Harrison stopped talking when he saw you. The bag of food that had been in his hands, was dropped to the floor as he rushed to you. “You’re. I. Here”
“Yes, I’m here. I would’ve told you I was coming, but someone forgot to give me their number” You smiled, as you got up from the couch, and walked towards him.
“What kind of idiot would do that?” He laughed, before pulling you in for a kiss. You didn’t realize how badly you had missed the feeling of his lips against yours, how badly you had missed the contact with his skin against yours. When Harrison deepened the kiss, Tom let out a cough, making you pull away from him. “God, I’ve missed you”
“Yeah, yeah. You’ve both missed each other. Happy reunion and all of that. I heard food, so can we eat?” Tom asked impatiently. “Or at least just give me the food, and I’ll leave the two of you alone, so you can get back to eating each other’s faces”
“Actually, food sounds really great right now. I’m starving”
“So. How do you feel about watching the amazing Spider-Man movie?” Tom asked, after a couple of hours of you just catching up.
“Yes. I love Andrew Garfield! It’s been ages since I’ve watched it” You answered happily, cuddling up to Harrison.
“No. I didn’t mean The amazing Spider-Man, I meant the new Spider-Man that is amazing. You know, Spider-Man: Homecoming?” Tom explained, earning a chuckle from Harrison.
“Yeah. Tom’s favourite actor is in it” He commented, as Tom put on the movie. As the movie started, and Peter Parker appeared on the screen, you couldn’t help but look between the screen and Tom.
“Tom, you totally look like the actor! I mean, you could be twins!” You exclaimed, astonished about how much they looked like each other.
“Love, that is Tom. Tom is the actor” Harrison said, trying to hold back his laughter. You could feel his chest shaking under your head. “I’m actually surprised you didn’t know, because he talks about it all of the time!”
“You’re kidding me! Tom, a big actor? And none of you told me? None of you thought to tell me, that I went shopping for underwear with Spider-Man? This is so weird! I’ve never even met an actor, and now you’re trying to tell me I’m sitting next to a freaking superhero?” You said with wide eyes.
“You went underwear shopping with Tom? When did that happen, and why haven’t I heard of this?” Harrison asked, sending a glare to Tom.
“You didn’t tell him?” Tom asked, looking at you.
“No. You’re the one who’s way to involved in his sex life, so I thought you would tell him, Mr. I’m a big actor and didn’t think to tell you about it. Besides, you weren’t really on my mind that night” You shrug, still resting your head on Harrison’s chest.
“I’m glad to hear you weren’t thinking about Tom” Harrison smirked, glancing down at you.
“How could I be? I mean, it was pretty great” You bit your lip, lifting your head to look him in the eye.
“Yeah? I’m a strong believer in practice makes perfect, so why don’t we try to make it perfect? Might take a couple of tries” He sent you a wink, and you couldn’t help but let out a flustered giggle.
“Guys! I’m still here! Please don’t do that while I’m here” Tom begged, making the both of you laugh.
“So are you saying that you’re getting out of here, or that we should leave?” You asked, completely serious.
“You’re not being serious, are you?” Tom’s face fell, as he looked at you and Harrison. “We just started the movie”
“Sorry Tom. A girl got needs, and those needs are a bit more important than a movie” You sent him a smile, as you sat up a little straighter.
“I can definitely help you with those needs” Harrison said, as he quickly lifted you up and left the couch. “Enjoy the movie Tom”
Harrison lifted you to his room, where he quickly shut the door with his foot, before placing you on the bed. With a cheeky smile on his lips, he placed a knee on each side of your hips, before he leaned down and placed his lips on yours. When you tried to deepen the kiss, his lips teasingly went down to your neck, where he left a trail of kisses.
“Ah shit. You can’t. No hickeys” You had to look fancy for the weekend, and a hickey wouldn’t help with that.
“But I really like the way it looked on you. I like seeing my work on you” He pouted, looking at you with hungry eyes.
“Damn those eyes. Fine. Just make sure I can cover them up” You said, as the smirk repapered on his lips, as he opened your jeans and carefully pulled them off of you.
“As you wish” He smiled, as he started kissing the inside of your thighs. He gently sucked on the sensitive skin, leaving small bruises as he moved closer to the hem of your panties. You felt your breathing hitch, when he swiftly removed the fabric covering you.
His lips found their way back to your inner thigh, and he slowly made his way closer to your centre. Just when you were about to go crazy from his teasing, he placed a kiss close to your clit. When he started to gently suck, you let the first moan slip through you lips. He started to flicker his tongue over you, and you couldn’t help but squirm under him.
“Mmh, love. I need you to lay still for me, otherwise I can’t continue, now can I?” He lifted his head a bit, so he could look you in the eyes. Your body was desperate to feel him again, so you tried you best to keep still. “Now that’s my good girl” He smirked, before moving his head back down, his tongue continuing it’s work.
“Your girl?” You breathed out, not sure if you had heard him right. He didn’t answer, he just kept working you till the edge. When you arched your back, almost hitting your climax, his tongue stopped working. Instead, he pulled up your shirt and left kisses on the way up to your breasts. Your breathing was starting to slow down a little, and he moved his head up over yours, so he could look you in the eye.
“Your girl?” You asked once again, biting you lip.
“Only if you want to. I’ll make you feel even better if you say yes” He smirked, just looking at you with those blue eyes, that made your heart melt.
“I guess you better get to work then. As I said, a girl got needs”
“And what exactly are those needs, love?” He asked, a teasing tone in his voice.
24th of February
The past two days had been great. You spent every second you could with Harrison, much to Tom’s annoyance. He had made it so hard to leave for the conference Friday, and even harder this morning.
He kept teasing you, trying to convince you not to leave him. He kept trying to get you worked up, so you would hurry back home to him, which worked better than you wanted to admit.
So when you briefly returned to the apartment for a change of clothes, you wanted nothing more than to just stay there. As you put on the long dress, suited for a black-tie event, he was eyeing you hungrily.
“Are you sure you have to go?” His pleading voice asked.
“Yes. It’s not that often I get to do stuff like this. Dress up this fancy for a ball. It’s a shame I can’t bring you, because I really love the way you look in a suit. I’ll be back by 1” You smiled at him, as you put on your heels.
“I’ll wait up for you then” He said, wrapping his arms around you from behind, placing s gentle kiss on your neck.
“Why? Do you want to make it a tradition? You waiting up for me, and then us fucking till we fall asleep?” You shook your head, moving out of his arms. If he kept kissing your neck like that, you knew you would forget everything about the ball.
“God, I love it when you talk dirty. Now you need to go, before I can’t help myself”
25th of February
It was just a little pass 1 when you returned to the apartment. When you entered the bedroom, you found Harrison sitting on the bed in one of his suits. A soft music was playing in the background, and when he saw you, he stretched out his hand to you.
“Care to dance, princess?” He asked.
“Princess? What does that make you? The prince who hosts the ball?” You took his hand, and he started leading you around the room in a slow waltz.
“No. I won’t be a prince till we’re married. Right now, I’m just a commoner compared to you. You look like the fairest princess in the world in that dress” He complimented, while the music started to come to an end.
“Is that why we’re dating? So you can become a prince?” You asked.
“No. I’m with you, because I love you” He said sincerely, making sure your eyes were locked on his.
“You love me?” You asked. Your feet stopped moving, but Harrison’s hands never left your body.
“Yes, I do. I love you. I love everything about you. I love it when you curse, I find it ridiculously hot. I love how innocent you look when you sleep. I love the fact that you eat ice cream when there’s snow. I love that you quote random movies. I love the way you smile, the way you laugh. Not to mention that look in your eyes right now. The way you look at me right now, is just about the best thing in the world”
“Harrison, I don’t know what to say” You felt overwhelmed by his words. There was so much love in his eyes, and you couldn’t quite understand that it was all for you. “I love you too”
“And I love hearing those words come out of your mouth” A wide smile was on his face, as he leaned in to give you a kiss.
@rock-n-roll-queens @m-sterre @exclusively-inclusive@rock-n-roll-queens @exclusively-inclusive @behxndthemask@stephie-senpai @gaiasambuci @legendarydazekitten @never-surrender-yourself @potterhead1265
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donkeywrotewhat · 7 years
The Hurting, The Healing, The Loving: Part I- The Hurting
“Boss or Toss kissing someone you’re on tour with.”
“So this last beautiful girl that I am going to introduce has the most beautiful emerald green eyes in all the world, and she has a wonderful mind and she says smart and intelligent things and she’s my favorite, Lauren Jauregui.”
“Do you guys know who Camren is?”
“They call her Mila, I call her Camz.”
“Mine’s Lauren.”
“I love Lern Jergi.”
Bright lights flashed against her green ones and soon she found herself standing in front of thousands of people. She blinked once or twice to see if all of this is happening and suddenly it hit her. She was having of those flashbacks again. Groaning internally and doing everything to not look like she was pissed at someone- which clearly was herself to avoid misunderstanding, she just heaves out a breath out and looks to her right and sees two of her members, Dinah and Normani who were getting all cuddly cuddly. She takes a glance at Ally who looked like a mother looking over her daughter who finally got the dream girl and when Normani met her set of eyes she acted like how people wanted to see, like a proud bestfriend giving a thumbs up, making sure everyone could see just so they could make about things and theories about this one later on.
Giving the final bow, All of them went back to the dressing room, changing into their party clothes and headed off to the club for an after-party event located at the heart of the city. Even before arriving they knew there’s going to be a lot of people which represented mostly by the media hoping to snap something to post it later on their columns. And although this people piss them off, they had to pose and look good because that’s what people wanted to see. So like the management taught them to do, they posed all for the flashing lights before leavinbg them wanting more.
Entering the club they greeted some familiar faces and they also kissed some on the cheek. Immediately Ally found her boyfriend and heads to him. Looking at the couple, the three of them couldn’t help but feel jealous because if Ally had one thing in this world that they would be jealous of, it was her boyfriend’s consistency to prove to Ally that he’ll always be her number 1 fan.
Lauren’s heart was still melting at the sight but a pair of arms wrapped around her waist shifted her attention and she didn’t even need to turn around to see who this person was. The mixture of weed and alcohol with a little bit of his favorite perfume and the signature kiss on the shoulder brought a smile to her face.
 “What’s up pretty face?” She turned to look at her friends who nodded in understanding.
“Hey this is our twerk song c'mon.”
“You know I’m right wherever you are babe.”
“You sure those two aren’t lesbians?” He wrapped his arms around her tights and resting his chin on her shoulder.
She simply gave him an eyeroll which wasn’t obvious in his eyes. “They can be whatever they want them to be.” He should know by now she hates labels.
“Alright, no need to sweat. Come and meet the family babe.”
 Her co-members had a very neutral reaction when she started seeing him. It started off as catching up with one another up until the rapper started showing his intentions and she, the one who tried to get things off of her mind accepted him and sooner she realized that he wasn’t much of an ass, well most of the time especially when he’s on his good side. When the girls heard it from her personally they didn’t acted too negatively. They just nodded their hands and hoped that she’d be happy and he would be responsible for it.
And she did in all honesty. It was so cute to see this adorable sight of him and being so close to family was one of the things that brought her into agreeing in dating this guy. He made her happy, he made her feel loved and cared and that she deserves these treatments. What did the management thought about it though? They thought to make a big deal out of it spreaidng rumors one after the other and now it blasted through the entire world and she wanted to say something about it. She wanted to say that there’s nothing serious between them right now and that they’re just testing the waters but just like how the management wanted her to act, she said nothing and kept her mouth quiet. And for this, he took the hint that they were in fact an item.
With his hands still around her waist she was introduced to probably half of the people inside the club which she would only probably memorize only 10 and she kept accepting drink after drink offered to her by his friends or his co-workers and family. She didn’t want to embarass him so being the good girlfriend that he wanted all of them to see, she was approachable and understanding.
Two hours later she finds herself getting full of the conversation. At first yeah she was liking how the flow of the conversation went but then onen of his friends made fun of women and it angered her. It angered her knowing that all of the guys agreed while they look at women like some piece of meat and how he invited some hookers in their table. Well, high-class hookers but nevertheless, she saw how much disrespect his friend showed to them and what angered her the most was he never said nothing about it. He just kept on flipping his long ass dreadlocks, laughing and agreeing to everything that comes from these low, imbecile people. She wanted to rant, but she also didn’t want to cause the scene. So like how her date wanted her to act, she excused herself politely and made her way towards the balcony.
Surprisingly, she sees her best friend there with heels on the other hand nd eyes up above. She normally sees the latter inside the club twerking her heart out or jamming to every song played by the DJ or drinking higher than her usual tolerance but she smiled at at the sight, slowly walked towards her. She just stopped right beside and neither of them said a thing. It was silent but it was a comfortable one and she felt thankful for that with their lifestyle, sometimes it’s hard to find solace.
“I like looking up at the stars sometimes. They’re so still it makes me feel that time stopped and if I focused enough, I could hear the busy street noises fading out and everything else. In times like this I feel that I am Normani. No awards under my name, no bullshit nor I am a member of a worldwide girl band, it’s just Normani… Normani Kordei Hamilton, the 20 year old girl from Houston.” She smiled still her eyes were on the sparkling tiny dots in the sky. “It’s worth the pain in the neck.”
Lauren smiled. “I think I like that too Mani.”
“But your eyes aren’t on the stars Laur, you keep looking at the moon.” She says. “It still reminds you of her isn’t it?”
Instead of giving an honest answer, Lauren built up her walls and shrugged. “Sometimes I guess.”
She should’ve known better that her bestfriend could see right through her. Still being the bestfriend that she is, she just shakes her head. “How do you do it?”
“Do what?”
“How do you look at her and tell the public otherwise?”
“Uh, it’s because the management told us that I should be the one who should be vocal about it. I had to maintain my image who didn’t take anybody’s bullshit about me while she had to remain the sweetheart that everyone wants her to be.”
“Does it hurt? Whenever you deny her?”
“More of like she’s the one hurting. She told me that my words were too realistic that it was hard to draw the line sometimes.” She answered. “She got used to it as the time passed by, what’s the purpose of indirects anyway.”
Normani nods her head. “I see.”
Lauren furrowed her eyebrows. She knew about the new set up of the management since they needed to spice things up, they thought it would be better if it was Normani and Dinah’s turn to be the one who everyone shipped. She was there when the management proposed the idea and she saw how comfortable the two were the idea, and they even banter about who was going to get jealous first and then laugh it off. It was nice to know that things weren’t awkward between them unlike when the management told her and the other one act to be an item to boost their popularity up.
But now looking at her bestfriend, she knew something was up and she was going to find out by the end of tonight.
“Mani you know-”
“I am just like you Laur.” She was confused by her friend’s statement. “I am a unicorn who fell in love with a dragon…” She trails off and looked at her with tears threatening to fall from her eyes. “And mother will never approve.”
Instantly she pushed forward the dark-skinned beauty inside her arms just how quickly Normani cried her eyes out. She sobbed and Lauren could feel her top getting wetter every second and how Normani poured her heart out tonight. She knows how painful it must be for the other girl to finally recognize her feelings to the person who’s inside probably dancing until she passes out with some guy she’d forget about the next day. Funny how Dinah couldn’t notice that she was breaking a heart of someone without her noticing it.
What she even finds funnier is that she couldn’t help but imagine that this was her years before when she was still here with them, and her crying figure wrapped around her bestfriend just like how she was hugging Normani now. Pathetic, she couldn’t hate Dinah even if she wanted to, she was Dinah years ago too.
“How can she call me babe and ask me to be fine with it? I mean did you see her tweet? When she called me her girl? Fuck, I fucking lost it or how she posted the screenshot and how she is in her normal way I knew I was a goner. I am a goner for her Laur.” She continued to cry.
“Shhh just let it all out.”
“I didn’t planned to be like this, man I never imagined because we always talked about boys and now it’s just- goddamnit now all I could think about is her, no matter how hard I try to fall for some guy, she would always creep my thoughts and managed to stir my feelings up.This was supposed to be just an act and now I find it very hard on what to believe…” She paused for a moment. “So tell me Laur, how do you do it? How do you get over these stupid feelings?”
“You never get over them Mani. You just let time pass you by and hope that tomorrow, it won’t hurt like today.” She said. “You just continue to hope babe and one day it’s gonna happen.”
“Thanks Laur, I really appreciate you being here and I don’t know if I would’ve bottled this entire one up.”
“Is this your first time coming out because-”
“My family knows and my mother expected it to happen sometimes soon. She kinda felt it when I brought Dinah for Christmas and then I went to celebrate New Year with hers.”
“Not even dating yet you celebrated the holidays together? I am offended!”
“Barbara on the other was a little in denial at first but she finally got over it. She even told me that if Dinah and I won’t be together by the end of this year she’ll disown me.”
Lauren chuckled. “Wow, talk about pressure huh?”
Normani laughed along too. “Yeah.”
After the laughter died, Lauren cleared up her throat. “You know what Mani? I actually regretted something this entire time.” Her best friend looked at her while waiting for her answer. “It was when I never told her that I love her, even when I knew I already did.”
“What are you talking about you guys say I love you to each other every time.”
“But she was the one who always initiated it, it was never me… I always said I love you ‘too’ and it probably made her feel that I was just agreeing with her, like I was just saying I love you because she loves me and now thinking about it, I should’ve said I love you to her more.” She fixes her friend’s hair. “So if she doesn’t know, then let her.”
Before Normani could answer, the door opened and it revealed Dinah looking at them with a non-expressive face and when she spotted the two Lauren could see the Polynesian girl wasn’t even trying to hide her frown and it was only then she saw their current position in. Normani probably noticed the position too as the DWTS star immediately created distance between them.
Lauren immediately chuckles mentally as she saw who’s the whipped one before the relationship could even start.
“What’s going on? Am I missing something?” Lauren wanted to laugh, Dinah was really the worst when it comes to hiding something.
“Oh nothing, we were just catching up.”
Dinah raised both of her eyebrows in amusement. “That’s some way of catching up.”
“You know how close Mani and I are DJ, it’s not like you’re not used to us being all so cutesy. She’s my Manibear after all. Ain’t that right BABE?” That earned her a playfully shove from her.
“Yeah I can see that now.” The Latina couldn’t hold it any longer so she lets out a laugh. “What’s so funny Laurenza?”
“Nothing, I just remembered I left him behind his egotistic friends and how he’s probably so pissed at me which means I should go. Great talk babe, we should do this more often. You guys are taking the Norminah shit way too real my heart can’t take it anymore.” She cooed.
Laurent left the two of them and she could hear her other member asking her why was she out here and how she noticed that she was crying and demanded for a reason why.  She turned back to take a glimpse of them and she sees Dinah placing a kiss on Normani’s forehead and hugged her and by that she knows that it’ll only be a matter of time before they could admit their feelings for one another.
She really didn’t feel like going back inside the club as she feels that she was draining from the concert and so she gives him a quick message and continued walking on the streets just taking her time as her hotel was a walking distance from the club. She actually felt happy because people was just passing her by not harassing her or even demanding something from her and it’s not that she gets to experience this every single day. Normani was right, it felt nice to sometimes feel normal.
She stops as the pedestrian and waited for the signal so she could cross and get inside the hotel. While waiting, she remembered her member saying how she kept her eyes on the moon and tonight was no difference. Looking up, she saw the moon sharing its light down on her. She smiles and pulls out her phone tweeting-
                                             Eyes on the moon  
And she crosses the street, enters her hotel room and let the sleep take over her body.
How does Lauren Michelle Jauregui spend her Saturday Nights?
Well it’s either she’s home with the family, chilling out on their Miami home with boxes of pizza as their cheered on their favorite team on various sports or just screaming their hearts out for a movie marathon. She could also be on a plane towards another state or another country while trying to catch up with some jet lags or being notified on their schedule. She could also be at the recording studio messing around with words or melody or at her room with Leo on her side, a book on her hand and a cup of her favorite tea on her desk. Depends really…
But tonight she was doing neither because this Saturday night she’s killing her red dress and heels with his arms wrapped around her waist as they were bombarded with paparazzi when they were entering the club for he was invited by Pharell, who was celebrating his birthday tonight.
“You alright there?”
She takes a look at him. “Yeah sorry I dozed off for a minute were you saying something?”
“Is there something wrong? You know we could leave if you’re really not up for it.”
Now she feels guilty. “It’s not that, I just zoned out for a minute but I really want to be here with you. Also, I haven’t been out for a while so it’s nice to have some fun tonight.”
“Okay cool. Now let’s go find him I mean if we ever do cause this place is huge.”
“Don’t worry, it’s not really impossible not to find him. I only know a few people that could rock this type of hat.” She chuckles. “We’ll find him eventually but let’s just enjoy the night yeah?”
He smiled and kissed her forehead. “I like that.”
Lauren could also feel that there’s something wrong. You know the feeling that you know there’s something bound to happen but you just couldn’t describe what time of event would that be and although it’s at the end of your tongue and you really wanna say it you just couldn’t and it frustrates the shit out of you? Well that perfect describes Lauren’s feelings right now.
So when she wants to distract herself from thinking things she doesn’t even want to, she usually goes to places like these and enjoy the night out by being high or wasted or neither. She just wanted to have fun and basically that’s what they did tonight. The couple danced the night away while meeting with some friends. She even got to meet Halsey, a good friend of hers and both of them agreed on doing a song very soon.
After all the sweating, Lauren chilled out at the bar, grabbing a drink first and looking at the people. She smiled to herself as she was successful blocking certain things off of her mind. But reality bites like a bitch, especially to someone who has been trying to run away from it when Lauren felt everything slow down as her eyes landed on a certain brown-eyed girl who she hasn’t seen in a while.
“What the fuck?”
Lauren couldn’t describe the situation even better. She just didn’t see Camila Cabello for the first time in probably a long time but she sees Camila dancing with someone else and distance between them was hardly seen. The second thing that matched Lauren’s words was how close those two were and something inside of her stirred when she knew that the younger latina was dancing with another woman.
“Lauren I don’t understand, I thought we were-“
“We never were! We were just two people forced to act as if we were one because the fucking management wanted to spice things up!”
“I know you’re scared because there’s Lucy and-“
“Damn right I’m scared! Fuck why do you have to come in and ruined everything!?”
“It wasn’t my fucking fault when the two of you didn’t grow up some balls to fix things!”
“No fuck you. We’re done and-“
“You don’t mean that! You always say that but you always end up coming back to me!”
“No this time I’m done, whatever this is, is done, I am growing up some balls and fix things with my girlfriend. So fuck off, fuck your feelings and good bye Camila. It’s better if you would’ve left.”
 Lauren tries to shake off the memory that hit her like a bitch. Her mind was immediately brought back when the song changed into I Got You and her eyes immediately landed on those two figures who were dancing intimately. She hated the fact that this woman sang the lyrics I can see you hurting, I’ve been through the same thing baby don’t you worry I got you.
Who the fuck she think she is? And why does she smiles at her as she leans onto her more? This is fucking bullshit! And why the hell am I seeing this now? There were a lot of questions that were going through her mind but she never wanted to know the answers. She swallowed her drink in one go while dialing a number and waiting for the other person to pick up the phone.
“What’s up Lauser?”
“Dinah do you know something that I don’t?”
“Whatchu talkin’ ‘bout girl? Mani I swear to God give me my fucking pizza back or I’mma poly beat down your ass.”
“Dinah focus! Do you know something that I don’t?” She said sternly this time.
“How am I suppose to know when you keep talking to me-“
“Do you know that Camila’s seeing someone right now?” The person on the other line went silent and she groaned. “Dinah just answer my fucking question!”
“Yes I know and I don’t know how the hell did you found out but you weren’t supposed to.”
“I wasn’t supposed to? The fuck does that mean?” And then she could hear the two conversing on the other phone and something clicked inside her. “Does Mani know? Does Ally know too?”
“Look Laur-“
“Wow, so much for trying to keep me up with everything.” She immediately hanged up and ordered another shot while the bartender looked at her weirdly. “Well? Are you going to grab my drink or not?”
“Y-y-yeah. I’ll be back.” She sighed, she didn’t mean to snap at the poor guy.
Pharell immediately got up on the stage and people cheered for him and they sang the happy birthday song altogether. He said thanks to all the people who were here tonight and he expressed his gratitude and said the most cliché lines which was- drinks is on me! As the crowd laughed and Lauren would’ve laughed too but she was just beyond pissed. From afar she could see Camila picking up her phone and she saw how the younger one tensed up and began searching throughout the entire bar.
And after what felt like an eternity, a pair of chocolate-brown eyes finally looked at the pair of eyes which had bright emerald in color. It brought back so many memories to both of them. Back then, they liked talking to one another through their eyes and some videos have become proof of it and right now, Camila was telling Lauren to follow her out of the club and being the Lauren who wanted immediate answers, she gave the other one a small nod before seeing her whispering something at the person who danced a while ago with her woman before giving Camila a small nod and turning back her attention towards the music. My woman? Pathetic. Lauren mumbles to herself as she follows the Cuban out on the club towards the underground exit and there was this big guy who nodded at Camila and opened the door of an SUV before leaving them there. This was it-
Tonight will be the night where all of Lauren’s questions will be answered, by hook, or by crook.
She enters the SUV and then she was met by silence. It was so silent that you could hear the air condition making sound and it the physical movements like shifting sitting positions, licking of the lips, the playing of the nails and two bodies breathing so cautiously. Lauren felt Camila was looking at her and hearing the latter one sigh, she knew that the other one would be starting the conversation.
“I’m sorry you had to find it out that way.”
Lauren scoffed, “As if I was ever going to find it out… As if someone will eventually tell me what’s going on because clearly, you were stopping them.”
“I wasn’t and I just told them that there’s no need for you to find it because it’s not like you would care anyways. You have your own life, I’ve got mine.”
“You’ve kept them updated so I couldn’t see why you couldn’t update me as well.” Lauren defends. “You’re right, I don’t give a shit so why hide? You think I would be so damn jealous of your new thing?”
“Why? Aren’t you being jealous right now? ‘Cause if you really weren’t, you wouldn’t call Dinah and if you don’t give a shit, then don’t look at me that way.” Camila says sternly.
“How am I looking at you now then?” She challenges.
“You’re looking at me as if you give a shit.” That caught Lauren off guard. “You’re looking at me as if it hurts you to see me be with someone else. You’re looking at me as if I am still yours when clearly you told me months ago I was never yours and you were never mine, that we were just used by the management to spice things up and that I was the one to blame because I stepped in your life and things got fucking messed up.”
“Stop going back to the past, it all means nothing to me now.”
 “Well then you can get the hell out of my car, we’re done here. I’ve done my part explaining.”
Camila couldn’t take it anymore so she just made her way outside the car and back at the club when she hear Lauren say- “What does she have anyway? Who the fuck she think she is to dance so intimately with you? Fuck her! She shouldn’t be-“
 “No fuck you! She can dance with me whatever way she wants because someone I really care about and I want to actually be happy this time!”
“What the hell  are you talking about!? Weren’t you happy!?”
“NO!” She bursts out. “I wasn’t happy because you took it from me!” She walks back to the older Latina. “I used to be so happy in your arms, made me feel like everything is real, that we were real, that what you’re feeling for me was real until you fucking destroyed it all for me when you chose her over me. When you chose HIM over ME.”
“So this is what it’s all about huh?” Lauren paused. “You want revenge on me on what I’ve done to you years ago?”
Camila stared at her with great disbelief. “Are you even for real now? I just told you, I want to be happy this time around and that’s me putting my happiness in my own hands because when I placed my heart in yours you fucking squeezed the life out of it. Not everything about my life is about you Lauren, not anymore because I actually realize that I need to put myself first.”
“You put yourself first way too much because you fucking left the group who was with you through thick and thin for 5 years.”
“You’re impossible to talk.” She shakes her head. “I am not doing this with you and your mindset right now.” She started walking away again.
“Yeah go ahead Camila, fucking run. That’s you alright, you fucking run away when you know you’re about to lose and when you’re too afraid to admit something!” She chases Camila and grabs her by her arm. “You’re running away from me because you know deep down, it’s still me you’re in love with.”
She removes herself from Lauren’s grasp. “Yes, I am running away from you. I am running away from you because I know if I stayed I would let your words get to me and if I stayed I would be the same 15-year old Camila Cabello who, no matter how hard she fucking tries, she always find herself loving the 21-year old Lauren Jauregui just like how she loved her when she was 20, 19, 18 and even for the very first time we met. I am running away because I cam choosing myself, because I am so done to be continuously be broken by you.” She already has tears in her eyes but still she continued with her talk. “I am running away from you because I am done staying in your life like I was okay with everything. You know how I felt for you then, EVERYONE knew how much I love you and yet you kept coming back to her and when she breaks you, I let myself break for you just to see you smile again. I let you be in my arms tonight only to find you back in hers the next morning and I have to act like everything’s okay. Well a little heads up, it’s not and I am never going to be okay with the fact that we didn’t even got the chance to be together because you were too scared to realize the fact that everyday you’re with me, you find yourself falling out of love for her.”
“That is non-sense!” Lauren defends. “I love Lucy, you and I both know that, which is why I chose her over you.”
 “Oh yeah? So why did you guys decided to stay friends then? If you were so sure about her, then why would you always push me away every time we would talk about what we are?!  You keep running back to her because she was safe. You chose her over me because you know for a fact that she won’t hurt you like I will and you keep on choosing her over because you’re a fucking coward and this is the same reason why you chose him over me because up until now Lauren, you’re the only one running away from the truth that no matter what you do, no matter how hard you try, and whoever you’re with now, it’s still me- Camilla Cabello that you’re still in love with.”
Lauren can’t even formulate a proper sentence nor a word for the speech that came out from Camila’s mouth. For sure she already knew that this conversation was going to get heated but she never expected for Camila to not hold back anymore and lay all her feelings there out on the field. She looked over her and she saw how she was panting, tears flowing in her eyes and all she could see in those brown orbs were pain and sadness. Lauren backed away her stare and looked on the ground and remained silent.
Camila sniffed and wiped her tears before composing herself. She started walking towards back to the club when she stopped and Lauren waited for her to say something.
“I have a song about us and I hope you can listen to it one day.” She says. “And when you do, I hope it hits you like a fucking train just so you can understand the half of the pain that I was going through.”
So this is the first one or the other half of the chapter. I’ll release the other half tomorrow. Let me know on how you think about this one! This is my first time writing about Camren so please be gentle lol, bye see u tomorrow :)
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