#sawyer silverwood lee
indigobackfire · 2 years
Fankid: Indigo × Barnaby
Sawyer Sinclair Silverwood-Lee
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Born: Isle of Mull, Scotland;
Looks: Relatively tall with tawny skin and chocolate brown hair that's quite wavy, big green eyes with thick eyelashes and eyebrows, dimples to her smile and soft cheekbones;
Patronus: Spider monkey;
Pets: Lychee, the white-bellied Caique parrot that she carries everywhere like a pirate, and Chuffy, a scrawny turned fat domestic longhair;
Fav Subjects: Maths, Arithmancy, Magical Theory, History of Magic, Potions, Alchemy, Wizarding Literature;
Least Fav: Herbology, Charms (one bc she doesn't like dealing with the mess and the smells/and the other bc she already masters the subject and finds it boring);
Extracurriculars: Flying, Ancient Studies, Physics Applied to Magic, Magical Sea Creatures, Wand Mechanics, Mathmagicians (class/club), Law and Political History of the Wizarding World, Magic Applied to Culinary Arts, Debate club, Music; (listen she's a chew more than you can swallow type of girl)
Boggart: Losing her family / The shadow boy she sees since childhood;
Hobbies: Reading fantasy, sci-fi, and biographies on inventors (and on her weaker days, a romance or two), playing the piano, putting apart both muggle and magical devices, training pets to do tricks, swimming, doing all types of puzzles, training her technical drawing, and karaoke with Vesper.
After many losses, Sawyer is the baby that comes into their lives unannounced yet wholeheartedly welcomed. A perfect mix between the two yet with big green eyes that leave no doubt about her genealogy, she's the apple of their eyes and would've grown quite spoiled if they were different people. Growing up with a legilimens for a mom certainly shapes her into a blunt and sincere girl, edges deeply softened by her father.
Though her looks never lie, the early signs of her prodigy leave both parents questioning where she could've gotten her intelligence from, which she first demonstrates with her interest in math and art, and her ease of learning writing multiple languages, all despite being homeschooled by Indigo most of her childhood. They later invest in tutors (given how early her magic began acting up sending her to a muggle school would be unwise).
In the subject of magic, her access to the family's libraries allows her plenty of knowledge on basic magic many years before she sets foot on Hogwarts which makes her a restless and uninterested student in her first years until she finds herself capable of invading more advanced classes in secret instead of attending her own. Unfortunately, the imbalance in understanding easily alienates her from her year mates, driving her to befriend much older Ravenclaws with similar interests.
But it's in her youngest cousin, Vesper, she finds her very best friend who despite the difference in age and sorting remains as such since their childhood, throughout the years they share in Hogwarts, and beyond. While Sawyer represents control, Vesper, spontaneity, and together they make quite the unstoppable duo especially with both being eager learners and fearless explorers.
While not a legillimens like her mom nor a seer like her father, Sawyer does have a strange connection with dreams, hers and others, (which I'm still in the process of discovering) that makes her nights restless and reality occasionally deceiving. She also has a more druid-like connection to the dead thanks to her Celtic origins, but something she discovers much later in life.
With her looks and sympathetic personality, she earns several admires, but getting to know her truly is a tough task with her ability to illusion openness, talking a lot not saying anything. She has a hard time being vulnerable and understanding romance, which is why despite all the flirting she's known as a hard-to-please girl. She's often drawn to extroverted and messy types despite considering herself quite cool and collected.
For the time Maxwell's in Hogwarts, she's part of his band playing the keyboard, and joins in after that whenever their official pianist gets sick or busy with personal life. Beyond the piano, she can also play the guitar and a little violin.
Her biggest obsessions in life are integrating technology and magic, not leaving any rock unturned, and understanding time and its complexities, including time travel. Needless to say, her curiosity more often than not lands her in great trouble.
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indigobackfire · 2 years
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A few picrews! On the top Vesper, in two points of her life, I suppose (been a while since I made these...), at the bottom she and Sawyer.
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indigobackfire · 2 years
(Felt angsty while reading poetry, wrote this.)
When Sawyer first opened her eyes, two days after she was born, I cried.
I was changing her into clean cloth diapers on the bed, the fabric stiff from its newness and she kept closing her legs, rubbing her little toes together and reaching her tiny hand up to rub against her cheek, I barely knew what I was doing, barely understood the grandness of what I had become just two days prior.
But even in my cluelessness, I comprehended joy, that for the moment everything was so simple and sublime. So, after observing my okay job of folding the diaper and my glorious job of building her into life, I leaned in and touched the tip of my nose against hers, taking in her delicate and peculiar newborn scent, and humming a song my grandpa used to sing me.
And with a throaty sound in response, she fluttered long lashes open and that so familiar shade of green nearly had me taking a step back. Bright like an emerald, alive like a luscious tropical leaf, elusive like a Kelpie underwater. Not golden or amber. Like his, his, his.
I had to sit down, to look away. I crawled down to the floor, curled against the bedside, in tears, sobbing as quietly as I could to keep Barnaby blissfully away in the kitchen.
At first, I thought it was for nothing except emotions motherhood had dawned on me, everything so new and drastic. But the realization came quickly. I had never been one to cry for no reason, so my tears were, as I concluded, of relief --- she wasn't like me.
She wasn't cursed.
These eyes only Jacob and I possessed in our family, the one trait that undeniably linked me to him. Only he and I had been cursed with seeing and hearing too much, tied to ancient magic, and sought after in the least pleasant ways.
In that sense, I was much like my mother. She also rejoiced in how Jacob and I looked so much like dad, even with her precious beauty. Except the reasons were completely different. Though partially from my love for Barnaby and every detail of him, like she had felt about dad and me, it was mostly because being like him would be way less of a burden --- a kinder heart, and a brighter spirit, not the leaves of autumn but the grasses of spring.
I wanted her to be mine but not like me, so at least in this prayer, I had been answered.
But as if sensing the arrogance of my ways, she started bawling and shaking right behind my head. I couldn't blame her, after all, she offered me her very first gaze, and I looked away. I finally finished my task, carefully wrapping her in the softest of our tartans in the lack of proper clothes for babies, trying to shush her tears away.
I then climbed onto the bed with her tiny body pressed to my chest, apologizing for my callousness and hoping she'd understand, in some subconscious way, that I had nothing but all-consuming love for her regardless of what I could have seen when she opened her eyes.
She was close to ceasing her crying when he came rushing in, wide-eyed and alarmed. "Everything alright?"
I smile, not trying to hide the tears that painted my face. "She has your eyes."
For just a moment I couldn't translate what feeling went through his face, nor would I dare to dig into his mind for any meaning. Soon a smile bloomed as he came closer and looked lovingly at her.
Yes, there was no weight, no meaning, simple joy and just a colour, green like a four-leaf clover.
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indigobackfire · 3 years
Inspired by what @witchy-push said about Achill asking his parents (the coolest nerds you know) to go to Beauxbatons and they said yes. This is an AU - even though I even don't know what the regular universe looks like xD. Pure fluff and affection.
(Witchy please tell me if you want this gone 😅🙈).
CW: Idk underage drinking and kissing (yes, I know, I know).
Please, let me know if you spot any typos cause I'm tired.
After almost 20 years since the last Triwizard Tournament, it's a new era and Hogwarts wants to redeem itself as a hosting school, the games rethought and the school under a new command, it's finally time.
Sawyer had told her friends to put her name in as a joke, she's a nerd, not a jock and despite her stellar reputation, there was nothing that's accused her of being a suitable champion for Hogwarts. And yet...
Now is the Yule Ball and Sawyer knows well the reputation of these games, and if this could be the last party of her life, there is one thing she needs to do before she goes. And it might involve a long-term crush.
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Sawyer wanted to blame the Firewhiskey that spiked the cherry punch, but she only had one sip before putting it away, or maybe the Butterbeer, but she had only had one glass of it. Maybe the loud music playing on stage, but no, mid-beat song, even the lights had stopped their obnoxious white blinking to the more toned down colorfulness. So she couldn't blame any other influence except her own desire and intentions.
But there she is, excused herself away from Vesper and their friends, now marching up to him, bumping shoulders with people on the way, keeping her eyes focused on the black hair, the wide white teeth smile, and freckled cheeks - sparkling, cause one of his friends had slapped some glitter onto it -, but tall as he is it's hard ever losing him in a crowd.
Her stomach tumbles inside her, she was never insecure with anyone, her friends are older and cooler - or as cool as a bunch of Ravenclaw nerds could be - and yet she managed to stand out with her wit and charm alone, but on this occasion, she was devoid of all. He isn't dancing alone, with his old Hogwarts and new Beauxbatons friends surrounding him, others eyeing him as Sawyer herself is, but she wasn't gonna just watch, not this time, not like she had done when she was too young to date and he had someone else in his arms.
As she steps into his perimeter, some of his French friends turn to look at her, she's tall enough to tower over most of the girls but not enough to stand in height with the boys - some of which looked at her with hungry eyes, the smell of fire whiskey and wine strong.
"Hello, mon chéri," a blonde and well-built boy greets her, voice slurred by drunkness.
"Bonjour," she discontentedly responds trying to make past him and his friends.
While she's making her way to Achill whose back is turned to her now, the same guy wraps an arm around her shoulder. "Oh! Pourquoi si vite? On devrait danser!"
But Sawyer wasn't on her best nerves at this moment. "Oh, fuck off," she says stepping on his foot.
"Connard!" He shouts making people around them turn heads.
And Sawyer doesn't see it, with her stomach cold at the Beauxbatons' boy reaction, angry eyes on her, only feels the brush against her arm, and then someone covers her view with their height. With the colorful lights reflecting on his black hair is easy knowing it's him, though even in total darkness she'd know - his perfume, she recollects from the announcing ceremony when he hugged her.
"That's a champion you talking to, Louis," Achill steps in, well-humored.
"Elle m'a piétiné le pied!"
"Oublie! Bien?" He turns to her with a soft smile which she retributes, then brings an arm carefully around her shoulder guiding her a few steps away from the other boys and she doesn't notice the poisoned looks shot their way. Where their skin met, she felt like he was setting her on fire. "Hey, Saw! You alright?"
She can't help a smile forming on her lips and staying that way. "I am, you didn't have to step in like that."
He looked, to say the least, astounding with his velvet blazer jacket, which she thought fit him so well, a leather necklace with a wood-carved flower pendant visible under his black shirt, his hair brushed back, and in his hand, invisibly, her heart.
"But I know them and he is drunk, it was better I did before you hurt him."
She cackles. "There's always that possibility."
"You're a menace and the even Goblet knew. How is the Hogwarts champion enjoying the party?"
"I'd be enjoying more if mom wasn't chaperoning."
"Don't you tell me! Mine hasn't taken her eyes off of me, wanna see?" He looks to his right and Sawyer follows, on the far corner of the party along with McGonagall, Indigo, and Rowan, representing the Department of Accidents and Catastrophes, and Magical Education respectively. Achill waves with a half-assed smile and Sawyer shakes her head.
"They're unbelievable."
She chuckles. "Yeah, they are. Can I talk to you? Somewhere else..."
"Yeah, of course." He reaches for one of his friends. "Je reviens dans une minute." He turns to her again. "Please, lead the way."
She takes him by the wrist. "Keep your head low if you plan to avoid your mom." He laughs and slouches while they make their way out of the crowd. "Your French sounds pretty amazing, by the way."
"Merci! Some of them are really good with their English so it's hard to resist the temptation to speak it with them. But I've been hard on myself, if I'm in Beauxbatons, the least I can do is learn the language."
"Oui! Le langage de l'amour!"
They have reached a corridor just out of the Great Hall, making way deeper to the west side of the castle, couples pressed against the walls making her stomach twirl out of nervousness at the sight. She didn't want to judge them and be a hypocrite, but she wanted privacy for them so she keeps on walking.
"Your French is better than mine," he laughs.
"I had a good teacher."
"My uncle Phoenix. He speaks like ten languages and he's amazing at all of them."
At this point, the corridors had gotten dark and completely empty, and yet she kept going.
He looks back. "If you're leading me to be executed, at least let my legs rest."
But they had reached one of the corridors framing the Quad, lit by the moon, which she observes for a moment after coming to a stop, a waxing gibbous, she notes in her head.
He stands beside her. "Wow, it looks beautiful."
"Yeah, but I think I'd appreciate it more if not for the worry about werewolves transforming soon. Not everybody has access to the Wolfsbane." She wraps her arms around herself due to the wind now blowing on them. "But there it is, Cepheus."
"Beautiful as always." He takes a deep sigh. "Merlin... the Scottish skies really don't compare..."
"They really don't." She looks at him starring at the sky and wishes she'd have the courage to caress his cheek or just stay silent and stare at his beautiful coin-worthy profile. "Do you miss Hogwarts?"
"Constantly." He turns to her. "My friends, the castle, the professors, my siblin- Well, them not so much. But I know the opportunity I got, not many do."
"You're right." Inside she was hoping, revisiting the school would make him want to return, that the memories would outweigh the novelty and class of Beauxbatons.
He watches her rub her arms. "Are you cold? I can lend you my-"
"Keep it, I'm fine." As alluring as the offer was, last thing she wanted was to be seen with his jacket attracting the preying eyes of people also interested in him or earning silly comments from her friends.
"So what you wanted to ask me about?" Her expression turns grave immediately so he prompts himself. "Hey, if it's about what the Beauxbaton kids said yesterday, they don't mean it. It's just competition stuff and, trust me, the French are really competitive, they can even be sour losers som-"
"It's not because of that, Achill. I've been thinking, this competition is really tough and other kids have actually died participating in the games-"
He holds her shoulders. "You'll be fine. You're smart enough and strong enough to win even."
"You can't guarantee that."
"Nobody can guarantee anything, but logically speaking, not considering the variables of luck and chaos-"
"Just shut up. Please. Thanks. I'm saying that if I die there, cause it's a possibility, I wanted to let you know about something." There it was, out of the box and it wasn't coming back.
He folds his arms, offering an amused smile and a smug eyebrow arch. "Please, do tell."
She takes a step forward, holding all the air inside her lungs while she takes him by his jacket making his arms unfold and his cheeks turn crimson against the brown skin, and nears her face to his... but then she sees real close those wide dilated blue eyes under frowned brows, parted lips in surprised and pulls herself away like an electron being forced into another, finally set free.
It was too much, too bold even for her. She brings her hands to her face, her heartbeat like violent drums, wishing she could merge into the wall. "I can't do this. I'm a coward," she mutters to herself. "Uh, I'm sorry, Achill. Please, just go back to your friends, I'm sorry."
"Were you going to kiss me?" His voice's a whisper.
"Uhm... yeah. I'm so sorry, pretend that never happened, you don't have to talk to me ever again."
In his stealth, Sawyer doesn't realize how close he is until his hands are pulling her own off her face by the wrists, nor does her brain seem to function properly when he presses his lips against hers and all comes undone inside her. She's frozen for a moment before his hands hold her face and she melts, finally moving her lips against his.
Playing cool was not an option cause who knows when would be the next time the boy she's been in love with since second year would kiss her again?
No, no, no, he's not simply 'the boy she's been in love with'. He's Achill and his kiss is making her hands tingle because she's never been kissed like this, his hands big, cradling her head, his audible sighs through wandering lips, his smell so soft and comforting, his taste of cherry...
She pulls away. "Are you drunk?"
His hands are still on her. "Not really. I drank two fingers of that spiked crap. Why are you asking?"
"I just wanna make sure you're not kissing me because you're drunk."
"I'm sober enough to know exactly what I'm doing. Now, would you mind if I..."
His mouth is on hers again, but it suddenly becomes harder to kiss, her breath coming even shorter by her racing heart - he has voluntarily kissed her not once but twice, more intensely this time. So in response, she wraps her arms around his neck as if he would run if she didn't.
It wasn't like all those times she had fantasized about his kiss, it was better, it was real - Achill in her arms, on her mouth, his scent of vanilla and old books, his soft skin against hers, his arms strong pulling her closer, his warmth.
She doesn't know how long it's been when he pulls away, both breathless.
He runs the back of his fingers against her cheek. "Sawyer..."
A shy smile. "Achill."
It's a minute of silence before he speaks. "Was kissing me really the thing you wanted to do before you die?"
"Yes." She steps away from his arms to allow herself to catch her breath. "I've liked you for the longest time, Achill. Ever since I began invading your Arithmancy classes back in second year."
He chuckles. "You were unusually enthusiastic about those classes, weren't you?"
"What can I do? I love Arithmancy. But also because I got to be close to you. But then... you started dating Janice. And then you left for Beauxbatons. We lost touch, we dated other people, but my affection for you never dwindled. I don't know if that was noticeable in the few letters I sent you, they were rather... discreetly passionate." He opens his lips but she interrupts him. "I'm not saying you have to like me back just because I like you, I just wanted to let you know."
He puffs looking out into the Quad and she's back at wrapping her arms around herself, watching how her lipstick had rubbed off on his lips.
He smiles. "It was you I first kissed when we were... what? Six or seven?"
"I was seven and you were nine. Playdate in your house, hiding from the twins, talking how disgusting we thought that kissing thing was before we decided trying it ourselves." He turns to her chuckling. "I have a really good memory."
But then he turns back to observe outside, serious expression back on his face which made Sawyer scared this was a bad idea after all, perhaps too forward even though, technically, he kissed her.
"I hope this doesn't change things between us. Should I survive the Tournaments trials, of course," she tries laughing the weight of the moment off but to no use.
"No, Sawyer, it does change things." He runs a hand down his face before glancing at her. "You're the type of girl I could see myself falling for, the type of girl perfect for breaking my heart. And not only you dated my cousin, but I'll also have to return to Beauxbatons eventually and this only makes things complicated."
Fall for her... she holds in a chuckle. She had plenty of guys 'fall for her', she even dated one of the most sought-after boys in Hogwarts, James Sirius Potter himself, despite her regrets of doing so. But Achill has always felt like too much even for her - with his personality cooler than anyone she knew, not to mention smart, his ex-girlfriend, Janice, the siren-looking blonde who broke up with him when he decided to leave for Beauxbatons, a girl she thought to be stupidly prettier than herself, not to mention the French redhead that seemed to be glued to his side.
She fidgets with the beads on her dress. "I'm sorry."
"Don't- Don't be sorry." He steps closer and lifts her chin, holding his stare on her face. "God... those green eyes... have always had an effect on me, d'you know?"
She looks away with a chuckle. "Got 'em from my dad."
"Dads and their seeing eyes."
"We got lucky, didn't we? I mean for our 20/20 vision. We'd- I mean, I'd look even more like an insufferable nerd if I had to wear glasses. Not to mention looking so much like my mom which I already do."
"I had forgotten how much of a chatterbox you can be sometimes," he chuckles.
"Only when I'm nervous."
"I don't want you to be nervous around me." Without rush, he holds her face before laying a soft kiss once, twice, three times. "Would you wait for me?"
The question takes her off guard. "That's a serious thing to say to a girl whose feelings you've only known about for twenty minutes."
"Well, I'm that serious. And don't act like we're strangers, I've known you for many summers."
"But I've changed, ever since you left. Two years is a lot."
"Two years of heavy homesickness, Saw. And guess who's the person, besides my relatives, that reminds me the most of home? The girl I know since diapers."
It was nearly impossible keeping walls up when they are this close, when his lips had just touched her, and her heart was inclined to be a fool for him. "If you'd promise, really promise, to come back for me, I'd wait for as long as I have to. Though I hope, I won't have to wait too long."
He laughs. "I promise. Let's make the most of our time while I'm here with you, while I watch you win that stupid Tournament."
"Will you pretend not to know me if I lose?"
"I'll cheer you even harder. I'm not sure but I hope you'll end up in the top three."
She laughs loud and before she notices, she's back in his embrace, mouths on each other's once again with the new taste of joy permeating every touch and every sound. How long had she waited for this? It didn't matter, not when he's with her, real and eager and lively.
"What a show."
Sawyer pulls away from his lips while opposedly he holds her close as if to protect her. But it was no monster, no villain, no adult. Vesper crosses her arms and paces towards them with a devious smile.
"Finally got your act together, boy?"
He pats her black curls. "Hi, Vesper."
"What are you doing here?"
"Everybody started going mad looking for you, we can't afford to lose a champion!"
"I haven't been away for that long."
"More than half an hour."
"And how'd you find us?"
"Yor mom," Vesper says tapping her temple to remind Sawyer of the obvious she had forgotten, Indigo's legilimency. "They know you two are here sucking faces," Vesper sings.
"I hate when she does that." She turns to Achill. "I'm sorry, I really wanted to keep this as secretive as possible."
"I don't mind if they know. I mean, they'll be annoyingly supportive and extremely intrusive, yeah, but that's the least of our problems."
Sawyer smiles from ear to ear. "I still can't believe you're actually serious about this."
"Do you want me to slow it down?"
Sawyer was good with the numbers, with the risks, but not this time. She'd let herself crash and burn if that was the case, but she'd have him, love him for however long he allowed her to.
She takes his hand. "Keep it fast, whatever comes next will come."
Ha! Here I am in my yearning mode xD I wrote this a few weeks ago and only finished these past few days. It kinda sucks but I had to let it out of my system. Yes, Sawyer dated James because yes - for the drama guys for the drama.
I don't know what else to say xD I've known them for little time but I already love them.
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indigobackfire · 2 years
Headcanon ask: 14 and 16 for Phoenix? And 17 and 18 for Sawyer?
Thanks, Marta 😘💕✨
14 - Dancing headcanon
He's not that great of a dancer, he's really tall and lanky and not the most physically active. He is, though, fond of ballroom dancing, which he thinks is romantic and a type of dance he can handle.
Despite not being skillful himself, he's always very impressed by those who are.
Almost forgot to add, he does have that seduction dance ability Veelas got, something almost intuitive to the species, though that type of dance is not one you can do at a casual party, closer to a ritualistic dance, contemporary if you will. It does get people riled up - he tested - which is why he seldom does it (unless it's between four walls, but he'll deny it until his last breath...).
16 - Anger headcanon
Being a Veela he's got a very interesting relationship with anger.
When he was small, the Silverwoods weren't yet completely sure how much Veela he was, until at around 6 or 7 he snapped playing with some boys. He turned into full creature Veela, some of those kids were muggles, and Indigo got hurt trying to bring him back to himself - it was a mess.
From that point on, Clarin and Palmer knew things had to be different in their raising of Phoenix, aware that the Veela tendency towards anger would never go away. He was then extensively taught to channel his emotions, put brain over heart, meditate - with that he grows to be level-headed, kind, calm, overall very sweet.
But despite that, it's always safe to not try him cause you never know when he's had a bad day. He does transform on a few rare occasions while at Hogwarts.
Often, he tries his best to avoid stressful situations - he doesn't like gossip and drama, he hangs out almost exclusively with Rowen, Chiara, and Badeea, he walks away from discussions even if people keep stirring him to stay, he doesn't mind being the wrong one in discussions, and so on. Despite that, he can't escape getting involved with Indigo's shenanigans with the Vaults and R, needless to say, very stressful circumstances.
(Perhaps because of this need to hold himself back that he is so drawn to deranged women.)
17 - Soft spot headcanon
While her mother had a soft spot for the soft outcasts, Sawyer has a soft spot for the nerds, the know-it-alls, the geeks, those kids are her squad, she always takes them under her wing.
She has a soft spot for teaching, tutoring, she loves helping people understand concepts and difficult transfigurations, and making potion recipes easier to memorize, despite this fact she becomes a wizard scientist instead of a professor.
Very soft for her cousin, Vesper. She's a lil gremlin, sweet like Phoenix, unhinged like Ismelda, but very smart, especially since she grew very close to Sawyer.
And her parents, the enthusiastic loving fools, she's very affectionate towards them and the family is very tight-knit, very passionate, she grew up satiated with love.
And this is gonna sound weird, but Sawyer is a parseltongue - which they find out when she's a toddler due to an Ashwinder that winds up in their fireplace -, but she's soft for snakes since she can talk to them.
18 - Favorite possession headcanon
Her Caique birdie, Bubbles, who she carries on her shoulder everywhere she goes.
Additional things would be her jewelry, her collection of fancy quills, an old family tartan, her handy notebook of very essential notes, and her inventions and prototypes.
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indigobackfire · 3 years
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Okay I tried 🙈 I used a reference for Sawyer but meh, and I'm sorry @witchy-push I didn't do Achill justice, he looks like Shaggy's son xD
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indigobackfire · 3 years
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Sawyer comes into his life to make him pay for every time he disdained math xD
(I most certainly don't know how to draw children, she was supposed to look smaller but... and that was supposed to be Barnaby I swear xD)
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indigobackfire · 3 years
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Sawyer // Vesper
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Ismelda // Indigo
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Maxwell // Davina
I made the first two months apart from the others and now the same picrew is missing the eye colors... anyway 💖
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indigobackfire · 3 years
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"Sawyer, I have to pee!"
"Ah ken!"
"Or else I'll do it on the floor!"
"I don't doubt that."
(I think I'm beginning to figure out my fav girls, even tho Vesper looks weird. Anyway, Vesper being a lil annoyance to her favorite cousin.)
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Just some hphm doodles I like from last year ;)
General description
The first one (left) is Phoenix, inspired by a picture of one of the Felp twins cause I don't know how to adapt faces to ages properly.
Second is supposed to be Aspen and Diego dancing.
Indigo and Barnaby, the first pose I based on a picture but it's so different it's pointless to reference. And it got wet ;(
So I saw a picture of a petroleum covered bird in a class - from a petroleum spill we had in Brazil - and I just imagined Barnaby holding that birdie. I hope to paint that someday.
Last one is Aspen, Phoenix, and Ismelda. I struggled with this for a long while and it doesn't look like I first intended (celestial ball outfits). Ismelda looks to sexy xD and Aspen is proportioned all wrong.
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indigobackfire · 3 years
Fankids : Barnaby × Indigo
Sawyer S. Silverwood Lee
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Ravenclaw | September, 2002 | ENTP
Born: Isle of Mull, Scotland;
Looks: Considerably tall, light tan complexion, bright green eyes with amber flecks, dark chocolate-brown wavy hair, big frame but toned;
Patronus: Spider Monkey;
Pets: A Caique bird, Bubbles, and a scrawny Domestic Longhair cat, Chuffy.
Favorite Subjects: Arithmancy, Magical Theory, Astronomy;
Least Favorites: Herbology, Potions (though she excels in both);
Extracurriculars: Muggle Music, Magical Theory, Advanced Arithmancy, and Ancient studies;
Amortentia: Strong earth scent mixed with grass, Shepherd's pie, gasoline, cold sea air, the intangible smell of her house;
Boggart: Losing her family.
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indigobackfire · 2 years
If anyone wonders why I'm reblogging so much potter kids fanart out of the blue, it's because Sawyer dates James at some point so I'm looking to getting some inspiration xD
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indigobackfire · 3 years
In my mind Sawyer has two moods, chaotic gurl and nerd gurl, these obviously years apart.
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indigobackfire · 3 years
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Like mother like daughter...
To clarify, Ismelda / Indigo // Vesper / Sawyer
Of course, there's also Rosalyn and Maxwell, but Vesper is the one that looks most like Ismelda, and funnily enough, the one Sawyer is closer to since they're the youngest of the family.
Picrew ;)
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indigobackfire · 3 years
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Sawyer Sinclair Silverwood Lee | Ravenclaw | ENTP - The Inventor/Debater | September, 2002 | Scottish.
Trying to come up with the design for Indigo and Barnaby's daughter, Sawyer, my little genius who inherited all the brain her parents didn't, who has more ideas than is legal, a hatstall between Ravenclaw and Gryffindor, natural leader, probably too extroverted for a Ravenclaw, charming awkwardness, photographic memory, allergic to drama, not vain but wastes as much time as her father styling her hair and has a taste for gold, fluctuates between being an Entp and Intp, colovaria strands of her hair in red, trouble maker/curse breaker/cursed kid/creature kid - she adopted all their titles, straight forward and doesn't get 'playing hard', green eyes with golden rings and them thicc eyebrows, 'rules were made to be broken', parseltongue, like Barnaby a natural with animals, like Indigo super protective over others with the spice of a tendency of taking spell for other like her father, girl pls no, has an appetite for three, simultaneously teacher's pet and super defiant.
grgikau | baydews
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indigobackfire · 3 years
🌻🌿 Summary 🌿🌻
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(Not exactly Faceclaims but the closest for now.)
(Profiles might be a lil outdated...)
Indigo Silverwood
Profile / 2.0
Ship tags: Barnago or Indigo×Barnaby
Fankid: Oberon S Lee, Sawyer Silverwood Lee.
Phoenix Nobleworth
Ship tags: Menix or Ismelda×Phoenix
Fankid: Rosalyn Murk , Maxwell Nobleworth , Vesper Silverwood.
Aspen Samwise
Ship tags: Daspen or Aspen×Diego
Fankid: Davina Caplan Samwise.
Achilles Shepherd
Udelia Ripley
Fankids Birthdays
My personal Citric Scale for tagging fics.
Valentine's Day Writing Challenge Index
@silveryteeth (twilight)
@beedreamscape (aes and other fandoms)
@botheredbeewitched (HPHL and 19th century aes)
Tagging Guide under 💖
My writing (mostly) tagged #beezwritez
My Art tagged #mi artita
My collages are usually tagged #aesthetic
My poetry tag is simply #my poetry
Picrews as, well, #picrew
Some memes under #meme
Headcanons tagged as such or #hc stuff
Thoughts under #thoughts or #rambling
Asks I sent under #ask of mine
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