#saying transfems are 'converting like catholics'
gremlingirlsmell · 4 months
the egg prime directive is transmisogynistic, joking about a cis person you know might be an egg is pretty harmless, and saying otherwise is transmisogynistic. hope this helps
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phoenixofthestars · 8 months
-anti m-spec
-anti a-spec
-anti transmascs
-anti transfems
-anti GNC cis
-someone who refuses to use they/them pronouns or neopronouns (i.e. the stuff with Demi Lovato…)
-someone who still thinks it’s okay to say the r-word
-or someone who uses words like “acoustic” “restarted” etc. as a replacement for the r-word
-anti endo
-sex-based blog
-anti furry
-anti otherkin/therian
-anti objectkin
-anti conceptkin
-transdisabled, transautistic, transrace, etc
-proshipper (shipping of toxic relationships)
-anti vax
-pro Israel
Christians/Catholics are free to interact, but you will be blocked if you try to convert me or if your blog is entirely about your religion.
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transmascrage · 2 years
Transmasc Erasure Hurts Transfemmes Too
Transphobes are so fucking stupid:
What would happen to a man who went to a urologist, told him that he felt like a Christian trapped in a Jewish body, and asked him to re‐cover the glans of his penis with foreskin? (Such an operation may be alluded to in I Corinthians, 7:17‐18.)
He'd convert. That's literally a thing you can do. And if he wants to have surgery on his dick, he can go ahead, it's his body. This is bodily autonomy 101.
Also, if the operation is alluded to in the Bible, that means it's doable, so the whole argument makes no sense?
And I think it's funny that for some reason they assume "hatred of another group" is an inherent part of a group. Misogyny must be an inherent part of manhood, because of course my hatred defines my identity.
That is as if Catholic priests were willing to convert only those Jews who could prove their Christianity by socially appropriate acts of antiSemitism.
I hate to tell you this but you're the only ones defining your identity in hatred. My identity is defined in my love for manhood, not my hatred of women.
Also, I think it's even funnier that in older articles the tune was: "There are more trans women so it must be a male fad" and now it's "There are more trans men, they're being brainwashed!"
The claim that males can be transformed, by means of hormones and surgery, into females, and vice versa, is, of course, a lie. ("She‐males” are fabricated in much greater numbers than “he‐females.")
I was thinking about this the other day, that transmasc erasure (aka transphobes not knowing trans men exist) probably means they think it's a "men's fad" and yeah, I was right. That was one of the "arguments" used in the past.
And now that we're more visible, all of a sudden there are sooo many of us (4000% more according to someone) and it's a new trend. We were always here, you just never saw us before.
This is what we mean when we say transfemme hypervisibility and transmasc hyperinvisibility hurt both groups. And it's weird because one of the arguments I keep seeing is that "transandrophobia" doesn't account for transfem experiences, when we're always saying how most arguments hurt both sides.
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