legomars · 1 year
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“Saying less is incredibly helpful. Every thought is not valuable. Every feeling does not need to be voiced. What is often best is slowing down to spend time developing a clearer & more informed perspective. Ego rushes & reacts, but peace moves intentionally & gently.” Quote
The Helpful Guy at the Home Improvement Store https://legomars.blogspot.com/2023/04/the-helpful-guy-at-home-improvement.html
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trifeboss · 4 years
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I walk this earth to impress 1 person. #Myself Give me my fame #Quiet and my fortune #SilentlyLoud 🛫🛩🚀🙄🙄 #AnythingElseIsUncivilize #iMoveDifferent #OldSchoolHustleMentality #DoMore #Fucc #SayingLess #iKeepASteelVestOn #THC #ThatHotCommodity #UglyMob #TheCIRCLE🔘 #SOD #THCOrlando #THCParis #THCWestcoast #THCSouth #THCNYC https://www.instagram.com/p/CDHSFY1F4_f/?igshid=jqu6qtp94d9s
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worldsendgirlfriend · 3 years
sorry for whining like it sounds so 4chan virgin to be like "i havent talked to any people in real life [outside of family] for a month" but its just my reality as schizophrenic and autistic that people can vibe with me on the surface but once they get tp know me a little bit they get scared off bc im just like naturally a kindof intense person even when its just in a funny way. and its like whats the point in making friends if i have to be nt for them to like me yk. and like even the few friends i do have obviously struggle to deal with me a lot of the time to the point that the knowledge i have that they partake in sayingless than kind things about me when im not around doesnt even register as like bad or anything at all really its just like it happens. im not saying im some perfect moral and upstanding person bc im not im a huge bitch but like iuno. just #musing on #main
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a-quil · 6 years
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It's been a busy 2017 regarding #DJLife. But 2018? Maaaaan listen....actually, just watch! 😊#SayingLess #DoingMore #GrindMode #HappyFriday #FlashbackFriday #DJIsh #DJSexyDreads #OnThemOnesAndTwos #DapperDJ #MusicIsLife #Wedding #WeddingTurnUp #Professional #Beard #BeardGang #Locs #Dreads #DreadHead #BeardAndLocs #BlackExcellence
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