#says the most romance repulsed alter in the system
mushtoons · 11 months
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shipping this canon ship that
cant people be friends? cant people have a bond that transcends romance and is so complex and meaningful that it cannot be labeled as family nor friend, it is not romantic but something more?? cant two people exist just to be friends and support the other why does it all have to boil down to sex and romance
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unleashed-salt · 5 years
To clarify
Hi im [insert nickname i havent picked yet that wont lead people to finding my main as im hoplessly new and not open about being aroace] and i suffer from the Need To Overexplain Myself So That I Will Never Be Misunderstood Despite Having No Followers lmao
When i say something along the line of "im aro and get fucking lonely sometimes" im specefically venting to people i see both online and irl that seems to think im 100% fine with being alone and left out of things and be left behind as friends leave for romantic partners as some sort of permanent third wheel. Like ive said it before i dont experince alterous attraction (im slightly romance repulsed as well), honestly idk where i even classify, but i get lonely very easily (but guess what im also an introvert, which yes means i also need alone time and space these two things dosent cancell each other out ffs). Ive always struggled with making new friends im very aware i just dont get what i need from casual friends and anqiuatances and that i viscerally crave some form of deeper emotional connection with people yet I DONT EXPERIENCE QPR AND ALTEROUS ATTRACTION and that fucks with me in so many hurtful ways. Partially why i dident id as aro for so long was this deep fear that i would never be truly happy in my relations with other people and that i was to easily attention starved to be aro. And when i do try to deepen friendships i feel like im constately stepping over a line beacuse what i want Is What A Large Part Of Society Tell Me Is Wrong And Wierd. Also for the record im not american, or english for that matter i come from a rather closed of culture where unconventional socializing can be very fuckin hard. Things are so easy in the sense that if youre allo theres all these systems set up for you, dating has like a million apps. But hell am i gonna do? Go to the "serious friendship bar"? And then i hear shit like "it gets harder making friends as you grow older" i feel no hope for my future, all my highschool and college friends will leave eventually and theres nothing i can do about it. i cant even imagine it. Ive never in my life ever meet another irl aro (and then aros arent all the same what i want isent what others always want) , hell sometimes i wonder if there even are any in my country. I attend pride and all i see is ace flags and nothing else. And sure i can read a million posts on how "friendships can be as deep as you like" and yeah i agree 100% but actually finding someone else that think that is not as easy honestly makes most of these posts just useless to me on bad days.
So to round things off sometimes id just whis it was aknowledged with all these posetivety posts floating around just how being aro fucks you up when youre like me and how you can crave this kind human companionship youre pretty sure youll never actually get beacuse theres nowhere to seek it (also i still dont experince qp attraction even with these feelings, sometimes i feel like even the aro relationships that come up is something i cant use). Beacuse "you can totally have qpr's! (some other form of platonic partnership)" posts, wont take the hurt away and just makes me feel more alone tbh. And im not attacking posetivety, its great to have, but sometimes it feels like it kinda overshadows everything else and also i know this wont apply to all aros and thats okey, please tell me if i overgenralize im only speaking of my own experinces in this.
(for the record im not an english native speaker if i get something wrong or just word things in an hard to read way i apologize and feel free to correct me)
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skaylanphear · 7 years
what are your sexuality headcanons for the paladins?
Ehhhhhh, hmmmm, let’s see… I mean, I support all kinds of ships in the fandom that probably break my headcanons, so this in no way implies that I disagree with other ships. These are just my, personal, headcanons for sexuality and… other things. Because I went overboard, as usual -  
Lance - Bisexual (obv). Biromantic. I think he probably has some issues expressing his attraction to men, however. Not because he’s unaware of it, but because he has a “Han Solo” type image he wants to portray to those he wants to impress and so it’s easier to stick to only flirting with ladies. That is, until he’s confident and comfortable enough to express how he really feels to his new “family.” Lance is, in my opinion, a very, very secretive person that uses his typical attitude as a sort of smoke and mirrors idea to convince those he meets otherwise. Because insecurity. Also, I think Lance kind of shifts between being quite masculine and quite feminine when he feels comfortable in doing so. I don’t think he suffers from gender dysphoria, but I don’t think he allows his gender to dictate how he presents himself (again, once he feels comfortable enough with the people around him. Dat insecurity and desire to impress be gettin’ in the way). For example, back home with his family and in his neighborhood and where he’s most at ease, he’s more than happy to wear makeup. Or, say, during Cuban festivals like the Havana Carnival, you know damn well he’s wearing one of those more revealing getups with the fancy headdresses and all the beaded decorations and flashy sleeves and feathers, etc, etc. YOU CANNOT TAKE THIS HEADCANON AWAY FROM ME! GIVE ME HAVANA CARNIVAL LANCE! NOW! 
Keith - Gay. Super gay. As gay as they come. SO gay. Homoromantic. I also headcanon Keith as being somewhat hyper-romantic, meaning that he really, really desires a romantic relationship (far more so than anything sexual). Like, he’s the type that forms feelings hard and fast and without mercy, and so he tries really, really hard not to give in, but it never works. He’s more apt to keep such things bottled up tight than ever express them, however–too afraid of rejection. 
Pidge - Asexual. Aromantic. Pidge is far more interested in platonic bonds and values her family/friends more than anything. Which is why it’s so important that she find her family. I’d imagine she has a hard time making friends as well, so what strong bonds she does have are very, very important to her support system. She has anti-social tendencies, but is very dependent on the people she does love to be there and love her in return. I also imagine she suffers from gender dysphoria, and that–though it’s something that doesn’t really affect her position as part of Voltron any–it wears on her a bit. It’s clear from the space mall episode, when she couldn’t decide which bathroom to go in, that how she’s presenting herself–at least in public–is stressing her a bit. I think she’s comfortable enough with Team Voltron not to worry about it, but something inside her is uncertain. Whether this leads to her making a transition or identifying as gender fluid isn’t something I’ve decided yet, however.   
Hunk - Panromantic and asexual. I dunno why I love the idea of asexual Hunk so much–maybe because it’s interesting to headcanon both him and Pidge that way due to how different they are. I like the idea of romantically distant Pidge, who still needs all her platonic relationships, while Hunk loves romance and wants it and all the frills that come along with it. But he’s also patient and doesn’t really go looking for it? Like, he knows it’ll come someday and he’s just waiting for that perfect person(s). Until then, he’s more than happy to give cuddles and love to his friends. I also think Hunk would do very well with polyamorous relationships and would be more than willing to be in one/want one. And though he has no active interest in sex himself, he’d be more than happy to participate if it made his partner happy. He’s not sex-repulsed (as Pidge probably is), he just doesn’t care one way or another.   
Shiro - Demisexual and demiromantic. Shiro partially takes a while to warm up to people because of the trauma he’s been through, but also because he’s always been very focused elsewhere and so he’s never thinking about romance or sex at the forefront. When it does hit him, though, it’s deep and burning and certain. He’s the kind of person that loves someone his whole life, even if they don’t love him in return, and so even though he may not end up with that person, a flame for them will always exist inside him, even if it is subdued. That’s just how deeply he feels things–it leaves that much of an impact on him. But, like I said, it does take a special kind of person and a lot of time to get him to that point. 
Allura - Gray-sexual and demiromantic. Allura has a lot more important things to worry about than sex and relationships. I also kind of headcanon that sex wasn’t a huge part of Altean culture anyway. Allura feels sexual attraction sometimes, but it’s not hard for her to control, nor is it distracting. That doesn’t mean she can’t be a sexual person, just that it’s not something that’s overpowering unless she lets it overpower her at her own volition. I would also imagine that she takes a while to romantically warm up to people, even if she’s platonically very friendly. If she’s going to enter into a romantic relationship, it needs to be with someone she’s partners with–both romantically and otherwise. Someone she can work with, but who can also manage themselves and offer things productive to the relationship. Allura would need–I think above anything–an efficient relationship. Which is why this determination would have to be solidified before romance was introduced or even considered. 
Coran - I… don’t know, lol. I usually headcanon Coran as being very dedicated to the royal family and so his personal life wasn’t something he considered important. Which I guess would make him a kind of asexual and aromantic. But I also imagine that Alteans are very good at compartmentalizing, so even if he was attracted to someone/in love, he wouldn’t allow it to get in the way of his duties. Therefore, I consider Coran’s personal life to, well, be none of my business, hahahaha!
“Isn’t in kind of unrealistic, statistically, that all the Voltron members be part of the LGBTQ+ community?”
No. If it weren’t for the gender and sexual stereotypes that permeate human society, I theorize that diversity among such things would be far more wide-spread. Not only that, but each lion represents a different type of person and I think it’s perfectly reasonable, therefore, that each paladin show variances all over the spectrum, not just in their personalities. They are five pieces that come together to make a whole, so like they represent different races and personality types, other things about them should show differences as well. Which means that, yes, I do get slightly annoyed at the lack of female representation on the team. What little representation women have isn’t enough, and Hunk or Shiro would have made really good female characters without it altering the story one bit. 
ANYWAY! Hope that sums it up :D
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strawberrychwrry · 4 years
1. Ezra - sensible, yet crazy. Less impulsive less likely to start dumb shit. But when it goes down, it goes Down.
2. Fantasia - lover girl, wants to kiss smooch cuddle love anybody absolutely anyone. Plays too many video games.
3. Bianca - wants to kiss Jordan while he punches us but in a cute way Yknow? Talks to other guys out of boredom, wants to be more traumatized
4. Bunny - lover girl, wants to submit to daddy in all ways. Wants to send him money. Wants LOVE.
5. Saint - peaceful, the mother of the system. She drinks tea, tries to soothe or slow a breakdown.
6. Mercy - dependent as fuck, would die without Favorite Person. Wants to be murdered, it’s her kink 🙃
7. Daisy - alter that split from Bunny, exists purely for Jordan. Is calm, patient, understanding. Puts her best foot forward and constantly tries to stay positive. She Will be loved. Obedient. Loving.
8. Aurora - split from Bunny, chaotic, sexual deviant. Begs for Jordans attention with nudes. Talks to random men.
9. Pfeiffer - Mute. Angry all the time. Sex addict. Wants to do porn. Rebellious, does the opposite of what you say no matter what.
10. Melody - Split of Aurora. Exists for Jordan. Littleeeeee girllllll. Wants to wear diapers and have stuffed animal tea parties 24/7
11. Blanche - Sex obsessed, will do anything for a lil sexual attention. Wants to sleep with as many boys n girls as possible.
12. Carmen - goofy, crazy, hot headed, passionate, sex addict, loving. Watches too much makeup videos
13. Valentina - Split of Mercy, wants to be loved and would do anything to feel it. No standards. Wants Jordan so bad but impatient as fuck and will fuck anyone.
14. Juniper - Mother of system. Always takes pills on time. Cleans, cooks, sews. Interested in fashion.
15. Desiree - Bigggggg slut. Wants sexual attention. Always crying on the inside cos of daddy issues n sexual trauma. Doesn’t like Jordan and makes it known.
16. Ophelia - Cupid❣️ Tries to bring romance to every situation tries to help Bunny, Lola, Aurora, and Valentina feel loved!
17. Lola - Lana’s best friend. Content with what the system does as long we’re safe / happy.
18. Lana - Lola’s best friend. Loves Jordan, fantasizes about being married and cooking for him on the daily.
19. Valencia - Fashion lover, just wants to buy and collect clothes, shoes, n knives. Gifts are her love language and she resents everyone for loving Jordan
20. Camilla - Future porn Star. Wild child. Lowkey, calm, understated. Obsessed with $$$$. Will ghost you at the drop of a time.
21. Anastasia - Loved girlllllll, wants 7 boyfriends and 7 girlfriends so she never has to be alone. Makeup is her main interest and she collects eye shadow palettes.
22. Portia - Independent woman, doesn’t need to be in a relationship. Doesn’t want to be dragged down. Wants a healthy relationship but at her own pace.
23. Teddy - little. 8. Trauma makes her hypersexual and she loves repeating the pattern of abuse. Loves to color for people.
24. Kiki - Celibate. Hates masturbating. Sex repulsed from trauma. Likes to drink. Fascinated by spiders.
25. Persephone - little, age shifter. 5-18. Persephone wants to be abused. Persephone is soft spoken and likes to feel hurt and pathetic. She runs away and cries when emotionally distressed.
26. Priscilla - Wants to color and play dress up. Wants to be daddy’s good girl. Wants to be showered with gifts and loved. Feels so alone.
27. Tiara - Temper Problems. Entitled. Socially Inept. Refuses to understand boundaries. Refuses to use coping skills.
28. Jasmine - Fantasizes about being a murderer. Want to kill our rapists. Wants to feel safe. Dominant, will not submit to anyone.
29. Dominique - Only fronts when we’re on drugs or drinking. Addict. Lives for substances. Alters that like to feel stable try to keep her from fronting.
30. Paris - Brat. Likes to go on shopping sprees. Extremely entitled. Doesn’t say please or thank you that often. Things she’s sweet as pie... She’s NOT
31. Gloria - System protector. Abstinent. Afraid of sex/being penetrated. Lesbian. Hates men. Doesn’t like Jordan but wishes no harm to him.
32. Tiffany - Bitter. Resentful. Untrusting. Unloving. Collects purses. Hoarder. Addict. Struggles the most with bulimia.
33. Cordelia - wants to be a ballerina. Dancing makes her feel free. Wants to join the military. Wants to lift weights and get beefy. Loves exercise. Loves hiking.
34. Fauna - loves to hike. Wants to marry Jordan, believes that he is the of her life. Out of touch with reality. Always dissociating.
35. Magenta - very loving. Trust issues. Likes to kiss random guys. Likes to make significant others jealous. Wants to be loved, wants to be married but can’t trust anyone.
36. Fifi - Hates and Loves jordan. Likes to bake. Stress cleans. Loving, patient, understanding. Trust issues tho. Wants to feel beautiful, struggles a lot with bulimia
37. Princess - Angel. Goddess. Knows her worth and doesn’t like Jordan for how he treats us. Nail Salon is her happy place. Bath time is her favorite. Loves vibrators
38. Flora - interested in mycology. Wants to go to college so bad. Wants to be a park ranger. Or a truffle hunter in Europe. Sex addict. Doesn’t believe in medicine.
39. Sapphire - little, age slider. 13-16. Lesbian. Plays with dolls. Collects stuffed animals.
40. Catalina - little murderer. Hot headed, paranoid, irrational. Planned a shooting.
41. Gabie - Angry. Bossy. Resentful. Wants to feel special and loves and hates Jordan 🥴
42. Willow - age slider, little. 13 - 19. Wants hugs. Pansexual. Wants to fall in love but doesn’t try to find love for fear of alters complicating things.
43. Winnie - loves to dance. Wants to be a stripper. Jealousy issues. Bulimic bc she hates our body.
44. Marina - LOVER GIRLLLLLLL. Would rather be dead than alone 🤡 Will find a new relationship before the relationship she’s in ends. Loves Jordan but had intense abandonment and trust issues.
45. Rosie - Nudist. Make up enthusiast. Wears too much blush. Always wants more stuffed animals. A sucker for cliches. Love letters, poems, self written vows.
46. Dog - exists to solely to suffer. Punching bag. Dog fronts during sexual assaults or physical fights. Basically has a lobotomy.
47. Lolita - age slider, 20-30. Sex addict. Drug addict. Always wants a dick inside her.
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