#sb and l watches dw
smallblueandloud · 4 months
yes okay we've been making fun of RTD for his repeating patterns (see: his favorite trope, surprise extra david tennant!) but i AM excited for our dyed-blonde young lower-class protagonist to have a heart-wrenching confrontation with her lost parent in front of a church after the doctor (presumably) tells her she can't change history
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sorrowfulsoul · 1 year
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sungbeam · 2 years
xnonie present !! (i don't think i told u, but u should sing it as "ateez present" whenever u read that btw 😁🫶)
me when ur watching werewolf at night while i'm chilling in ur ask inbox: 🫂 BUT DW BEAM! i say i love horror movies but i scream like those flying goats in love & thunder when there's a jumpscare ✋️☹️
btw i just saw ur response to my other ask & omg ur making kwan cry?!?! beam they literally have a song saying they don't wanna do that how could u ☹️☹️☹️ BUT NEVER FEAR i am one of the biggest consumers & writers of angst & all that dark gritty stuff, so i'll be thoroughly pleased. crying by the end, but thoroughly pleased 🤞😀
also MY picks??? WELL for the ones i gave u, it would beeeee
slow burn/matt, e2l/druig, fake dating/quicksilver (from any universe tbh b/c it can go in different directions from either of them)
theeeen for kpop: slow burn/hanji, slow burn/parkji, and fake dating/jay 💞💞
my other kpop fandoms are... a lot shdksjd but mainly skz, svt, cravity, enha, nct... basically a lot of the groups u write for 💀
as for ggs?? everglow, aespa, twice, rv, nmixx, & a whole lot more i can't name rn LMAO 😭
if u wanna give me an sb/e2l/fd from the bgs i mentioned then that would be cool too LOL
xnonie ur early LOL JKJK (ノ´∀`*) i always go :DDDDD when i see and read ur messages (omg that's practically how i've been reading it in my head anyhow 🤩🤩)
BAHHAHAHAHAHAH DONT MAKE ME LAUGH IN PUBLIC NOT THE GOATS FROM L+T 😭😭😭😭😭😭 im not much of a screamer, i'm more of a sharp intake of breath, tenser-upper, hide behind a pillow type of gal. my brother always tries to scare me cuz he screams really loud when i sneak up on him and i don't, but i really can't *scream* BUT WE CAN HOLD EACH OTHER DURING WBN!! apparently it's only like an hour long?? hm
SHHUUUSH ITS SO FUNNY HOW WILD THE HULKS R 😭😭😭 LIKE UR KIDDING ??!?! OMG I WAS GONNA COMMENT ON MATT FKN MURDOCK'S VIBE AT THE END SKFBKEJF DAD GOING TO A BBQ SO TRUE (´Д⊂ヽ W THE GLASSES TOO BAHAHHAHAH idk bro i kinda vibe w the couple cuz they're like,,, equals? its funny how they've made matt the "low-key enemies 2 lovers, eventual match made in heaven" role that's just so funny to me like nevermind his powers, we'll make him look cool and then he's just there to look pretty 🤩🤩🤩
LMAO ulgo shipji anha who ???? they WILL cry in this one ;))))) that's just what i do. i love making men cry 😁😁😁😁😁 (lmao out of context this sounds so weird) WAIT A DAMN UR A WRITER TOO O_O PLS OMG AND AN ANGST ENJOYER WE LOVE TO SEE IT!!! i'm wondering if i,, , , know u and/or ur content hmph but ik ur on anon for a reason so i will respect that !! if i ever pry tho, pls do put me in my place bc i am incredibly nosy :'D but yes, i agree that angst makes me cry, but i like feeling something 😔😔😔😔
i'd cry if e2l w druig tbh like his MIND GAMES???? i would literally not survive and he would know that i find him painstakingly attractive 🤕🤕🤕 it would just be unfair.
ooh woah cravity !! i've come across a few people who stan them, so u can def suggest some music from them !!
OOP HAVE U LISTENED TO SEULGIS 28 REASONS CUZ SHES SOOOO HAWWWWT 🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻 my faves rn r anywhere but home and dead man runnin !
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smallblueandloud · 5 months
i keep feeling like. there's something parallel between rose and yaz's endings. maybe parallel isn't the right word -- but i keep wanting to draw comparisons, i think because they're two characters who really defined specific doctors and for whom it's basically confirmed the doctor returned their (romantic) feelings
(they're not the ONLY ones who fit this description, but i'm in no way qualified to talk about clara or even river, so bear with me)
it just feels. i don't know. rose never leaves on purpose. she is separated from the doctor, forcibly, every single time. the doctor sends her home, or she gets stuck in an alternate universe, or the doctor leaves her in the same alternate universe. every single time, she fights to get back to the doctor. the writers had to create a perfect happy ending for her (half-human version of her doctor who'll age along with her, in the alternate universe where her father is alive) because otherwise she wouldn't stop fighting to get back to the doctor, and the show can't have that. the show needs to move on. we need rose to fade into the past.
i haven't seen all of yaz's episodes, but her arc seems very similar from the limited amount i've seen. she keeps fighting to get back to the doctor. she's in love with the doctor, and the doctor basically confirms returning her feelings, albeit in a very stilted, hesitant, doctor-y way (compare "imagine that happening to someone you--" with "and if i was going to, believe me, it would be with you").
but when yasmin's doctor regenerates... yaz is just expected to. step away, go back to living her life, never see the doctor again. kinda like the abandonment that most companions have ever experienced -- getting dropped off once and then goodbye forever! -- except with more of the onus on her. the show has to move on from rose's era, so she gets dumped on a beach. the show has to move on from yasmin's era, so yaz has to accept that the doctor is going off to die alone. she has to make her peace with that information.
i don't know. i think yaz's ending is trying to go hand-in-hand with graham and ryan's purposeful exit -- it seems like the chibnall era tried really hard to have Not Terrible endings for companions. which is very admirable! but honestly? yasmin's ending feels crueler than most, including rose's. yaz was in love with the doctor. the doctor reciprocated those feelings. they should've gotten their equivalent of s2-era 10rose! she should've gotten a chance to stay with the doctor through their regeneration, the way other love interests have been able to (s/o to river and clara!).
i know this is because of the limitations of the show. bad ratings meant chibnall left after only one regeneration, and new incarnations of the show rarely bring in characters from other eras.
but i'm still very sad for yaz :( like yes, she wasn't just dumped on the curb without warning. but she was still expected to say goodbye to someone she loved, knowing that person was dying, and not say a word of protest. if the previous history of the show is any indication, she's never going to see the doctor again. she doesn't get a half-human version of the doctor to live out her days with, and she's not "allowed" to fight to get back to the doctor, either, due to the way the show's structured (but also the way the doctor talked about them saying goodbye). she has to live the rest of her life knowing that the doctor is out there, perfectly capable of visiting, and the only reason they won't visit is because yaz is from a specific time of their life that they've moved on from.
i know she has the companion support group. and i know she'll move on! she's yaz. she's strong and self-actualized. she'll be okay, eventually. but she has to be okay, you know? she has to learn to live without the doctor. rose never had to do that.
it just makes me sad :(
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smallblueandloud · 5 months
guys if they split up the clothes between them. and 15 was running around in a shirt and underwear and nothing else. does that mean. does that mean tenthree wasn't wearing--
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smallblueandloud · 5 months
lmfao the tardis is caffeine sensitive! poor thing has never had coffee in her life and then donna dumps a whole cup directly onto the console. no wonder she goes wild
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smallblueandloud · 5 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Doctor Who (2005) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Yasmin Khan & Kate Lethbridge-Stewart, Thirteenth Doctor/Yasmin Khan Characters: Yasmin Khan, Kate Lethbridge-Stewart, The Doctor (in spirit), Martha Jones (in telephone) Additional Tags: Companion Support Group (Doctor Who), POV Outsider, yasmin is the outsider. this is causing her a bit of distress, Post-episode: The Star Beast (2023), Doctor Who 60th Anniversary Summary:
Kate wraps up her phone call, putting her phone away. She raises her eyebrows at Yaz. “I’m assuming you can guess what that was about.”
“She’s been spotted,” says Yaz.
“He, it sounds like, once again.” Kate is trying to be gentle. Yaz maybe hates her for it. “We-- it came to us through the grapevine.”
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smallblueandloud · 5 months
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smallblueandloud · 4 months
the doctor was a foundling too :') and being a parent changes you just as much as having a parent does :') and GOD the MAGIC of that first it's-bigger-on-the-inside moment....... i'm riding HIGH
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smallblueandloud · 4 months
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smallblueandloud · 5 months
happy flapping so hard my ring has fallen off twice. i keep laughing to myself in my empty room. LIFE. IS GOOD.
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smallblueandloud · 5 months
every time i'm bowled over by doctor who feelings i'm like "why don't i have a doctor who playlist yet" and the answer is because it would just be song for ten like fifteen times with brown-eyed girl thrown into the middle there. and also [checks my ao3] every adele song, sweet caroline, and bridge over troubled water
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smallblueandloud · 5 months
best part of new doctor who (new RTD who let's be real) is how united my dash is right now. recently it's felt like fandom has become less of a set of communities and more of a set of Bloggers. but i am FEELING the doctor who community tonight!
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smallblueandloud · 5 months
oh that was a FUN episode (and no one was kidding about the body horror)
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smallblueandloud · 5 months
oh this is such a loving episode already :')
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smallblueandloud · 5 months
still sick so i'm staying at home all day. planning on crocheting more bows and watching the doctor who specials. dream day, tbh
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