boschintegral-photo · 9 months
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Paintbrush Lily (Scadoxus Puniceus) Grugapark Essen, Germany
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muttball · 1 year
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African Blood Lilies
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flower-fight-club · 2 years
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Blood lily- Scadoxus multiflorus
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eyemet · 9 months
🌿🌸 Scadoxus multiflorus Flower Plant in a 🌺🏡 Home G...
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helluvatimes · 1 year
Fireball Lily
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Fireball Lily impressing without scent in the Floral Fantasy. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.
Underexposing the image 1-1/3 stops to keep highlights had turned the flower head into a salmon-red mass. So in post, things were brightened up until each individual flower could be seen clearly.
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xcarg0t-stuff · 9 months
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"Far from eachother, but never apart."
Plants references from left to right: Scadoxus multiflorus, Nymphaea caerulea, Acmella oleracea, Petunia, Lophophora williamsii.
The two rocks are a obsidian and crystal quartz. Two rocks that are consider beneficial for the garden (at least that's what gardening blogs told me).
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herafizzbee · 8 months
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Would you look at that? I little insight into the only non-toxic relationship in the entire novel Incredible. Didn't know I was capable of creating such a healthy thing lol
In the top right, Recluse continues to annoy Scadoxus as Corvid listens in.
And the others? There's no need to know their names yet, don't worry about it >:]
What do you think of the telephone concept?
Feel free to ask as many questions as you want in the comments! :D
Art and character copyrights to HeraFizzBee
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strange-wafflez · 6 months
ok how about each of them as different plants 😁🌱
1. Dan - Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Baby Blue' Sawara cypress
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2. Kyle - the Saguaro Cactus (Carnegiea gigantea)
One of the tallest and apparently “thirstiest” cacti
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3. Woody - Scadoxus multiflorus aka Football Lily
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4. Will - Lomatia tasmanica aka King’s Holy
It can live up to 135,000 years. the plant can clone itself for a minimum of 43,600 years. This means that all the plants are genetically identical and they are one of the oldest living plant clones 🤯
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blueberry-nee · 1 month
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Tenvilu Scadoxus.
Madre de Vanessa Scadoxus
rip btw (?)
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florafuzionai · 1 year
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Scadoxus Puniceus - the flower with a bad hair day!
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flower-fight-club · 2 years
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Nè’ne xàñúun a’ó
mbi’i rí nìrugáan,
àtsíyáa rí xùgii rí núñaa ikháán núñí ikhúún nye’, nìndxá’wa ló’ ná nixphíbí rìga ràwúan,
ná nìgrigá’ ló’ gàjmíí anjgián’ ló’
khamí xuge’ nángua rá,
náa màro’ó gà’khó rìge rá,
tsá jàyá ìdxúu xuajíín ro’,
naa krùse màxtrigùùn ñò’ón tsí nudii a’ó rá,
naa júbà màxkhámaa nàkuáa’
xùge rí nanbra’á mìnaa ngàmí xùbía’
khamí nàgajáa iñúu tsìá’ ló’ rá.
Mi voz se hizo nido
el día que te agarraron,
¿Que no saben que todo lo que te hagan me lo hacen a mí?, aullé el relámpago en tu boca,
donde anduvimos con los nuestros
y ahora, ya no,
¿Dónde amarraré este dolor que enciende la esperanza? ¿Quién traerá la cabeza del pueblo?
¿En qué cruces colgaré aves que sepultan mi lengua?
¿En qué tierra he de encontrar tus pasos,
ahora, que tu cuerpo se acobija en el miedo
y crece la espiga de nuestra rabia?
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eyemet · 9 months
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Scadoxus multiflorus, commonly known as the blood lily or fireball lily, is a stunning flowering plant native to various parts of Africa, including South Africa. It belongs to the Amaryllidaceae family and is known for its striking, spherical clusters of bright red or orange-red flowers. Here are some key characteristics and information about Scadoxus multiflorus: 🌺 Scadoxus multiflorus: Also known as the Blood Lily or Fireball Lily, it's a stunning flowering plant native to various parts of Africa, including South Africa. 🌼 Appearance: The most distinctive feature is its round flower head, measuring up to 4-6 inches (10-15 cm) in diameter. The individual flowers are small and tubular, densely packed together in the flower head, creating a ball-like appearance. Colors range from bright red to orange-red. 🌿 Foliage: Large, glossy, lance-shaped leaves emerge from the base, growing up to 18 inches (45 cm) long, providing an attractive backdrop to the vibrant flowers. 🌱 Growth Habit: A perennial plant that grows from a bulb, typically clump-forming, reaching a height of 12-18 inches (30-45 cm). 🌸 Bloom Time: Blooms in late spring or early summer, with long-lasting flowers that can persist for several weeks. ☀️ Sunlight Requirements: Prefers partial to full shade, often grown as understory plants in woodland or shaded garden areas. 🏡 Soil Requirements: Ideal in well-draining, rich, and organic soil. Avoid waterlogged soil, as it can lead to bulb rot. 💧 Watering: Keep soil consistently moist during the growing season, reducing watering during the dormant period in late summer to early fall. ❄️ Hardiness: Not frost-tolerant, typically grown as a houseplant or in regions with mild winters. Can be brought indoors in colder climates during the winter. 🌱 Propagation: Propagate by dividing bulbs when dormant. Wait until foliage dies back, then carefully separate and replant bulbs. ⚠️ Toxicity: All parts of Scadoxus multiflorus, especially the bulbs, contain toxic compounds that can be harmful if ingested. Keep it out of reach of children and pets. Scadoxus multiflorus is a striking and unique plant, perfect for adding a burst of color to shaded garden areas or indoor spaces. Its bright red or orange-red spherical blooms make it a popular choice for gardeners and plant enthusiasts seeking a distinctive addition to their collection.
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improvemyhome24 · 1 year
Master Growing Haemanthus Fireball Lily
The Blood Lily or African Blood Lily is part of the Scadoxus multiflorus, formerly Haemanthus multiflorus genus, a group of perennial bulbous plants that number about sixty. Blood Lilies, in particular, may be further divided into two classifications – the evergreen kind or the deciduous variety. Blood lily plants produce red berries in the fall.   PinSpectacular Flower of the Blood Lily…
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blogflores0 · 1 year
Autor: Olga Guedes
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enykureny21 · 1 year
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08/30 Bunga Desember(an) Beberapa hari ini saya cukup penasaran dengan bunga berbentuk jarum merah membulat yang tumbuh di halaman depan rumah orang tua. Cukup unik karena hanya dia satu-satunya bunga bertangkai yang tumbuh. Sampai akhirnya saya tanyakan perihal bunga ini pada mama. “Ma, ini namanya bunga apa?” Tanya saya. “Bunga desemberan?” Jawab Mama. “Masa sih? Coba cari di internet” timpal saya. “Huu, gak percayaan” balas Mama. “Biasanya daunnya muncul pas November, jadi pas Desember melar bulet” lanjutnya. “Kok bisa dinamain Desemberan? Haha” Tanya saya. “Kan kaya kembang api pas mekar, duar” Jawab Mama sambil memeragakan kembang api yang pecah di angkasa saat pergantian tahun masehi. Setelah saya cari di internet.. “Eh iya bener lho namanya bunga desemberan” Celoteh saya pada mama “Tapi disebut juga Bunga Kembang Api, tumben kali ini bener ma, haha” lanjut saya Nama latin bunga ini adalah “Scadoxus Multiflorus” atau biasa juga disebut Blood Lily (afrika). Di Indonesia sendiri ada beberapa sebutan, sepert Bunga Desember dan Bunga Kembang Api. Setelah diperhatikan memang seperti kembang api yang meriah kala dinyalakan, hehe. Menurut beberapa sumber di internet, Bunga Desember ini memiliki beberapa manfaat dari setiap bagiannya. Tumbuhannya menjadi indikator iklim setempat. Pada bagian umbi mengandung senyawa yang intinya dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai obat luka bakar. Bunganya dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai tanaman hias. Dan ketika saya coba cek di beberapa e-commerce, ternyata rata-rata harga jual dari bunga ini kisaran 25.000-35.000 rupiah. Walau ada juga yang menjual lebih murah. “Lumayan juga ya satu bunga begini dihargai 2 liter pertamax, hehe” pikir saya. Kira-kira, kamu punya tanaman apa di rumah? Sharing yuk @30haribercerita #30hbc2308 #30haribercerita #bloodlily #bungadesember #bungakembangapi #scadoxusmultiflorus #bungaunik #flowers #bunga #ceritaeny (at Anyer) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnKAIEVLi2j/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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slowdanceinavillage · 2 years
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The spectacular Paintbrush Lily (bloedlelie) is one of #SouthAfrica's most striking bulbous plants. Native to South Africa, the African blood lily (Scadoxus puniceus), also known as the snake lily plant and it produces reddish-orange globes of pincushion-like blooms in late spring and early summer. The flashy, 15cm blooms make the plant a real show-stopper. Sunbirds, weavers and other nectivorous birds feed on the nectar produced by the flowers. Family: Amaryllidaceae Common names: Paintbrush lily, Snake lily (E), Rooikwas (Afr), isisphompho, umgola (Z) Growing naturally in shady areas in coastal bush, ravines and forest, it can be found in the northern provinces, Free State, KwaZulu Natal and the Eastern Cape; with its distribution extending to Tropical Africa. n spring and early summer up to 15cm across consisting of numerous smaller scarlet flowers with bright yellow anthers. The flower stalk may reach up to 50-60cm and is often spotted with purple near the base. The inflorescences are borne within bracts which may be large and dark purplish red in colour. #Foremancottage #Kameelhuisetussenspore #KameelZA #Noordwes #bloedlelie #paintbrushlily #bloodlily (at Kameel Huise Tussen Spore) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjiM86WD6xH/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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