szimiyo · 2 years
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Exhibition #CopyPasteArt by SC Szyman już w ten czwartek 22.12.22. Zapraszam! Jak sam twierdzi, Ctrl+C i Ctrl+V to jego ulubione skróty klawiaturowe. (Kogo nie?) Copy+Paste ma jednak w przypadku twórczości SC Szymana znacznie szersze znaczenie. To najlepszy opis strategii stosowanej bez mała od 20. lat przez jednego z najbardziej konsekwentnych twórców polskiego urban artu. Charakterystyczne, autorskie plakaty powielane są przez niego w tysiącach kopii, w technice ręcznego sitodruku, a potem partyzancko rozlepiane na murach dziesiątek miast wszystkich odwiedzanych krajów. Przez lata związane z uliczną, nielegalną subkulturą, dziś znalazły się także w kolekcji Muzeum Plakatu w Wilanowie, obok ikonicznych dzieł twórców polskiej szkoły tego medium. Podobnie jak tamte, znane wszystkim projekty, plakaty Szymana są czasem czystą zabawą z formą, czasem niosą zawoalowany przekaz, czasem walą po oczach mocnym, prostym hasłem. Twórczość Szymana wciąż ewoluuje, ale strategia pozostaje ta sama: Skopiuj + Wklej + Powtórz Tekst: @marcinrutkiewicz - Fundacja Sztuki Zewnętrznej #sc_szyman #scandalist #art #kunst #exhibition #contemporaryart #modernart #streetart #wallart #streetartist #wallart #wallporn #gallerywall #painting #pastup #beatiful #blackandwhite #loveit (w: Warsaw, Poland) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmYn6SgIicw/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mariamarachowska · 6 months
Maria Marachowska spielt den Song „Scandalist“ live beim Akustikkonzert ...
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alxor-of-hellsite · 8 months
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regegade · 2 years
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Hey babiesss I present to you a Milf
You’re welcome
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3raaaachachacha · 2 years
8:02 pm
Lee Felix x female reader / 734 words / angst / fluff
Warnings: mentions of physical abuse, bruising, traumatic memories
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It had been a relaxing evening at home for Felix as he sat down to find a show to watch the rest of the night. That was, until he heard a loud knock come from his front door, “Come in!” He yelled, not wanting to get off his couch and knowing it was most likely you or one of his members anyways.
You stumbled into his apartment as you closed the door with a loud slam before falling to the ground, sobbing harder than Felix had ever heard before. He immediately stood up with wide eyes as he ran over to you, kneeling to examine you after seeing the dark forming bruises on you arms.
“What happened? Y/N, are you okay? Fuck, let me get you some ice!” Felix panicked as he did his best to try and stay calm. It was almost impossible for you to speak as all you could do was cry, lifelessly laying against the door. Felix returned, setting water and an ice pack on the side table before coming over to gently pick you up and bring you over to the couch, “You have to try and breath Y/N. I know you’re having a panic attack and it’s hard, but breath with me. Focus on me love,” Felix instructed as he held your hand, looking into your eyes and began breathing in and out with you.
Thankfully, your breathing slowly came back to normal as your cries subsided, now only a puffy eyed mess. You were exhausted to say the least, but you needed to explain to your best friend what the fuck happened.
“I got into a fight with my family and my dad grabbed me a bit too hard. I got scared and ran. I couldn’t be in the house after that, I felt so weak and scared Lix,” You trailed off, a tear falling down your cheek again as Felix wiped it away and pulled you into his arms, “I know he didn’t mean it. His face show instant regret and he even apologized to me, I just, I just had to leave.”
“You don’t have to explain to anyone how you feel or try and make this situation better. It wasn’t right for him to do regardless if he is your father or not. A man should never lay a finger on a women in a harmful way, ever,” Felix exclaimed as you nodded in agreement, “I know he’s your father and I know he’s a good guy, but I really hope he regrets his actions and finds a way to make things up to you.”
You nodded your head as you laid your head onto his chest, playing with the material as your mind felt like it went blank, “Can I stay here for a few days? Just till I feel comfortable to go back?” You mumbled into his chest.
He smiled down at you as he ran his fingers through your hair, “You’re always welcome here. The one down side is that I only have one bed and one couch, so we have three options. I take the bed and you take the couch,” Felix began as you quickly nodded in disagreement. He loved how you still could be your fun self even after something like this, “Okay, not that one. Option two, I take the couch and you take my bed. Or option three, we share my bed.”
You pulled away from Felix, looking him in the eyes, “Wow so scandalist! Sharing a bed with the opposite sex,” You teasingly gasped before giving him a blank reaction, “You know as long as I’m in a bed, I could care less who sleeps there with me,” You stated before laying back onto the couch.
Felix stayed silent for a moment before turning to look at you, “Wait, is this really what is important right now?” You took a second to think before nodding, “God good, I’m glad you still have your humor even after your fight. Come on, let’s get you cleaned up,” He chuckled, rolling his eyes at you.
You wouldn’t admit it, but you were extremely thankful for Felix and being there for you, even if you shrugged off the pain you felt. You knew this would all pass as everything always does, but in the moment, knowing you had Felix on your side, was all you needed to feel better.
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- Admin 🦋
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margoshrmargoshing · 8 months
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Not very feeling well but!!!!!! scandalist
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royal-confessions · 2 years
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“All this feud between Harry and Will began some time ago cause Will realized that his brother won’t be a reliable one. William grew up, had started a family. He moved on and there is nothing wrong about it. At the same time Harry was probably still a whiney, attention seeker scandalist. Will was trying to help him but was constantly afraid: what is he going to do next? Really, how long can you tolerate brother who is an adult and doesn’t show any progression towards responsible, mature life?” - Submitted by Anonymous
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thehomelessmonk · 2 years
There was a monk on Mt Athos...
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There was a monk on the Holy Mountain who lived in Korea. He drank every day, and drinking became the cause of scandals with pilgrims. When he died, a group of believers rushed to the old man Paisiy Svyatogorsk to share the joy that finally the problem was solved. Father Paisius told them that he knew about the monk's death and saw all the angelic army came to take his soul. Pilgrims were puzzled and expressed displeasure. One of them asked the old man to explain exactly who he was talking about, thinking that the old man did not understand them. Old man Paisius told them the following: "It was this monk who was born in Asia Minor, shortly before the Catastrophe. In order not to leave the baby at home alone, his parents took him with them to the harvest, and in order not to cry and not to count them out, they added some strong alcohol to the milk, so he fell asleep. This made him addicted to alcohol when he grew up. Doctors advised him not to start a family, so he ended up on Athos and became a monk. There he found an old man and told him that he was an alcoholic. The old man defined a rule for him: "to bow and make prayers to the Blessed Virgin with a request to reduce the amount of alcohol by one shot. " After a year of struggle and repentance, he managed to reduce his drinking from 20 to 19 shots a day. The struggle continued and over the years he reached 2-3 shots a day For years, people have only seen a drunkard monk and a scandalist, and God has seen a warrior fight with great zeal and zeal to overcome passion.
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intriguehq · 5 months
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Dearest Gentle Reader,
In the year 1800, the most prolific and ambitious nations of the world were on the brink of war and only one solution seemed to be the most effective amongst haughty and heavy heads. Throughout the year, one nation is selected to host a social season of delight and spectacle during their Summer months to inspire peace, frivolity, and, above all, diplomacy. In this year, 1815, it is time to set our sights on this season's most delectable matches, shocking betrayals, and intriguing scandals. It may be best to avoid the mysterious eyes and ears of the most notorious gossip writer in the world... The Scandalist.
Welcome to INTRIGUEHQ! A historical-divergent rp inspired by Bridgerton.
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established may 2024
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szimiyo · 2 years
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Amsterdam 22’ @thesecretgardenamsterdam #sc_szyman #scandalist #art #kunst #contemporaryart #modernart #streetart #wallart #streetartist #wallart #wallporn #gallerywall #painting #pastup #beatiful #blackandwhite #loveit #thesecretgardenamsterdam (w: Amsterdam, Netherlands) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClVf8zuIaJO/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mariamarachowska · 6 months
Maria Marachowska's Live Performance Of Song "Scandalist" At Acoustic Co...
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afactaday · 7 months
#1124: Henri and Marius Casadesus were a violist and violinist (resp.) who wrote pieces of music and attributed them to popular composers. Marius claimed to have found the "Adélaïde Concerto" manuscript by Mozart in 1931 and re-orchestrated and performed it. it was given a place in Köchel (the standard catalogue of the aforementioned pianist's works) and recorded by Yehudi Menuhin, a renowned player. when Marius failed to present the autograph he stumbled upon, and scholars realised that Mr Wolfgang was not in Versailles at the date claimed on the original, suspicions arose, and in a 1977 copyright court case, Marius admitted to having penned it. similarly, Henri devised concertos accreditted to CPE Bach, JC of the same family, GF Handel and Boccherini. from the beginning people supposed that they could have been by Henri and he never denied it. the concerti are still often referred to in double-barrel between the two alleged artists.
Marius said the trick (called by some "a hoax ala Kreisler" (another famous and similar scandalist who pulled off Vivaldi, Corelli and others)) was almost an accident: he was trying out some tunes in a classical style ready to modernise, but noticed that they sounded like Amadeus. in the hearing, he held that he staged them to his friends and asked what it sounded like - everyone insisted that it was by he who i just named. so he rolled with it.
the reason i found this was because i'm playing one of Henri's concertos and i wondered why some albums listed Henri Casadesus while others listed the more well-known London composer. tbh it's much better than anything else the latter could have dreamed of.
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xoxoggblast · 10 months
Hey dutchers gossipgirl here,
Did you miss me? Well I sure missed you!
I’m back to service you’re one and only source
In the scandalist lives of netherlands elite
You know you love me,
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reminiexistence · 11 months
4 ноября 2023
Ну вот и оно, я работаю 5/2 на Пречистенке. В этот раз 4/1, завтра у меня единственный выходной. Сегодня Светлана Николаевна рассказала, что курилка на -1 этаже. Там действительно очень цивильно, но врачей, с которыми можно поболтать, там нет. Пока я работаю, у меня особо нет ресурсов смотреть или читать что-то. Не знаю, почему так. Помню, я посмотрела здесь "101 далматинца", досмотрела один из любимых сериалов "Монстр". Странно. Я просто устала. Чем я целый день занимаюсь? Ничем. Залипаю в телефоне, изредка грею еду и наливаю кофе. Разве не должна я тратить это время на что-то продуктивное? Раз уж у меня появилось время чем-то заниматься на работе... но я ничего особо не делаю. Усталость какая-то. Странно.
Сегодня я купила два кокосовых сидра. Как обычно, меня везде узнают без паспорта. Сидр очень вкусный и дешёвый. Вкуснее чем те, что по 400 рублей за бутылочку. Удивительно. Ещё в последнее время я потратила нормально так денег на энергетики, которые заказала в кофейню. "The Scandalist". Такие вкусные, черт возьми. Мне очень нравится, но это слишком дорого – покупать их по наценке 200%.
Кошка села мне на живот и перегородила ноутбук. Я даже не вижу, что я печатаю, но, собственно, мне это и не нужно. Так, в принципе, даже интереснее. И кошка довольна. Люблю свою Мишу.
Чем я вообще занимаюсь в жизни? Я понятия не имею. Откладываю деньги на переезд в Питер. Не знаю, сколько времени это займёт, и не знаю, буду ли я готова к этому. Не знаю, смогу ли я найти нормальную оплачиваемую работу в Питере... Не знаю, где и с кем буду жить. Очевидно, с Катей и Тимом или с Кириллом. Ох, ммм, мы с Кириллом так похожи во многом. Забавно. И забавно то, что, судя по всему, рецепт нашего счастья довольно похож, но мы находимся в разных концах России. Было бы интересно увидеть его в жизни. Наверное, я бы ему понравилась. Кому я вообще не нравлюсь? Я всем нравлюсь, но мне практически никто не интересен. Скука.
Люблю Мишу. Моё единственное сокровище. Как же здорово, когда у тебя есть любимая кошечка.
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brandmauer · 3 years
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vapingru-blog · 7 years
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!!!Новое поступление!!!
The Scandalist
 Ex's Heart - Фруктовая жвачка с соком киви и нотками малины
Pop The Glock - Поджаристый тост с маслом и нежным клубничным джемом
Apple Jesus - Сочные запеченные яблоки, щедро посыпанные ароматной корицей
The New Yorker - Рассыпчатый маффин с восхитительной лимонной начинкой
 Крепость: 0мг.
Объем: 58мл.
Цена: 590руб.
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