my-dodo-blog · 2 years
L’origine del TTF
Un intervento del 10 ottobre 2012 di Paolo Scaroni, AD di ENI quando al governo c’erano i tecnici di Mario Monti, ci ricorda di come nacque l’idea di riferirsi al TTF, quale indice di riferimento del prezzo del gas. L’indice responsabile della situazione allucinante nella quale ci siamo trovati nell’ultimo anno. L’idea nacque dopo un inverno piuttosto complicato : a febbraio non arrivava il gas…
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random-brushstrokes · 9 months
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Annibale Scaroni - La veste orientale (1924)
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kachoobu · 21 days
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(via Let the Boston Marathon Para-Athletes Inspire You)
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womenties · 1 year
Inspired by Para Athletes
I transported myself back to the starting line of the Boston Marathon this morning as I turned on the live 2023 race, six years after I stood in the same place in Hopkinton, Massachusetts. My heart rate increased, feeling anxious and excited, and my palms sweating even though I’m hundreds of miles away. I won’t forget the exact moment I started to run knowing there was no going back only forward 26.2 miles. The first competitors of the marathon are wheelchair athletes who can complete the race in 2 hours. As their muscular arms pump with blood, spinning thin wheels on their chairs, I wonder what it is like to race in a wheelchair. I know what it feels like running for six hours from start to finish in Boston but my sports heart wonders what para-athletes experience.
As my friend Shawn Cheshire, a blind woman and one-time Rio para-athlete bicyclist attempts to climb Mount Everest today half a globe away, I decided I want to bike with her as blind as I can be one day to experience her life as an athlete. I know what the marathoners are feeling today because I’ve run in their shoes before, but never as a para-athlete in a wheelchair competing. Climbing Heartbreak Hill around the 20-mile marker in Boston in 2017, I ran uphill with a blind woman running with her coach on my left, and a man with steel legs and his coach on my right. The moment running alongside them seared into my soul and arose again today watching the para-athletes competing. If I am committed to trying every sport once in my lifetime, I owe it to myself and para-athletes to try competing in their style of sport. Whether it will be with Shawn on a bike or in a wheelchair playing basketball or something else, I want to experience and write about what it is like to compete for their way.
I think able-bodied people like me should “walk-in” or “bike in” the races of our fellow humans. If you know someone who will show me the ropes in their para-athletic sport, let me know. It will become another golden moment for me in my pursuit to try all sports.
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thenationview · 2 years
Calenda's lightning strikes Scaroni: "He in Energy? How to put the CEO of Gazprom..."
Calenda’s lightning strikes Scaroni: “He in Energy? How to put the CEO of Gazprom…”
Controversy over “pro-Russia” strategic choices made when he headed Eni Rumors about the possible appointment of Paolo Scaroni as energy super minister are controversial. Taking sides is Third Pole leader Carlo Calenda with an impassioned tweet: “Paolo Scaroni is most responsible, along with Berlusconi, for our dependence on Russian gas. Appointing him as energy minister would be tantamount to…
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koufax73 · 2 years
Sleep Concert: venerdì 8 luglio a Desenzano nuovo appuntamento
Musica, stelle e sacchi a pelo. Ecco gli ingredienti fondamentali di Sleep Concert, format itinerante che da sette anni propone un evento unico che esplora una diversa percezione del suono
Musica, stelle e sacchi a pelo. Ecco gli ingredienti fondamentali di Sleep Concert, format itinerante che da sette anni propone un evento unico che esplora una diversa percezione del suono, attraverso l’ascolto profondo, permettendo al pubblico di goderne al meglio, nella posizione che porta al sogno. L’appuntamento è per venerdì 8 luglio 2022 presso il Podere Selva Capuzza di Desenzano del…
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alwaysshallow · 4 months
Soap the type to fall for a cute but scary reader. He didnt know what he was getting into. Though reader was the cutest pookie but behind that cute pookie is an absolute DEMON. And his only job as a bf is to keep that demon dormant as long as possible. Hes scared but HORNY, hes SCARONY🤣💸
i love the concept of soap falling for a cute but scary reader:( a girl that probably looks like can kill him barehanded, especially when she's mad..... he's hooked!! no matter if you tried to hit him with a glass of beer before because he's a prick and tried to lure you into going to a bathroom with him:/
the harder it gets, the better prize is........ he's looking at you with hearts in his eyes when you straight up say that you're not for him.
he even moves next door:( leaves you flowers and stuff, asks you out, happens to be around whenever you need him. you don't know that he messed with your shower so you won't have warm water...... noo...... noooooo that's not him......
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simena · 10 months
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Annibale Scaroni (detail)
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etapereine · 1 month
oh and bc scaroni did not start today, giulio is now second in kom and gets to wear the jersey!
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secondskin007 · 2 months
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"Christian Scaroni" by Kawa no kami is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0.
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tradedmiami · 8 months
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LOAN IMAGE: Suraj Desai DATE: 11/02/2023 ADDRESS: 2501 Scaroni Road MARKET: Calexico, CA ASSET TYPE: Hotel CAPITAL ADVISORY: Suraj Desai - Black Bear Capital Partners (@BlackBearCapitalPartners) LOAN AMOUNT: $8,300,000 LOAN TYPE: Refinance LOAN TERMS: The property, currently operating as a Holiday Inn Express with plans to be converted into a 78-key Hampton Inn, was refinanced with a 10-year fixed rate loan which includes the first 18 months interest only for renovation. #California #RealEstate #Calexico #Hotel #SurajDesai #BlackBearCapitalPartners #TradedPartner #TradedNY #TradedNewYork #TradedMiami #TradedNJ #TradedNewJersey #TradedLA #TradedChicago
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mariaangels · 1 year
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Sill Scaroni
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kachoobu · 1 year
Mi fa davvero schifo la tranquillità di Scaroni nel dire che Maldini è stato praticamente usato come nome per attirare i giocatori a venire al milan ma adesso non ne abbiamo più così bisogno. Mi sta facendo rimpiangere Berl*sconi.
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(via Wednesday Wisdom: Creating an Online Neighborhood)
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animerunner · 1 year
There is something incredibly humbling about hearing a pro having to pull over and fix something that you a rookie have done before by accident (not made sure the wheels are tight enough)
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