randommmthoughts · 6 months
Okay maybe this sounds stupid but I just had a wonderful realisation. In Dutch we have the nickname ‘schat’ or ‘schatje’, which is used in the same way as ‘darling’, ‘dear’ or ‘sweetheart’ in English. I never really thought about it, but I just realised ‘schat’ also means ‘treasure’. So all this time we have been calling our loved ones ‘treasure’ (or ‘little treasure’ if you translate ‘schatje’). And that is like, so poetic, but we use it so casual.
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de-pionier · 2 years
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Het was een druilerige middag in de bibliotheek waar ik het boek 'Muurstemmen' vond. Het was een oud en verweerd boek, zonder auteursnaam of uitgever. Het was bijna alsof het boek mij had gevonden in plaats van andersom.
Toen ik begon met lezen, werd ik meteen meegenomen naar een andere wereld. Een wereld vol verhalen, verteld door de muren van oude gebouwen. De verhalen gingen over mensen en gebeurtenissen uit het verleden, die bijna vergeten waren maar door de muren werden bewaard en doorgegeven aan hen die wilden luisteren.
In het boek 'Muurstemmen' maakte ik kennis met talloze personages, van soldaten tot boeren, van koningen tot bedelaars. Ik hoorde hun verhalen over oorlogen, liefde, verlies en triomf. En terwijl ik las, voelde het alsof de muren om mij heen begonnen te praten en hun eigen verhalen begonnen te vertellen.
Het was een boek dat me niet meer losliet en me steeds opnieuw meenam naar die andere wereld, vol verhalen en geschiedenis die anders verloren zouden zijn gegaan. Het was alsof ik een geheime schat had gevonden, en ik koesterde het boek 'Muurstemmen' als een van mijn meest waardevolle bezittingen.
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transsexualprophet · 1 year
everyones sooo confused by they/them pronouns until they dont want to gender a trans person correctly
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radioclashh · 5 days
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angelshizuka · 5 months
Aaahh, I found a Dutch fan cover of Just Look My Way, now titled as Kijk Naar Mij (Look At Me).
I'm literally dying here at the way this guy translated the song, on top of his beautiful singing voice and emotions he put into it (I do prefer the original, but hey, that's a high bar to pass).
Dutch HB fans are so talented, I'm going insane!! I'm a officially a goner, it was nice knowing y'all!
I want to share some of my fave parts that are (slightly) different from the original, but in all the good ways!
Original: Yet I find myself drawn from that path on those dazzling moonlit nights. Dutch: Maar de maan toont mij een ander pad waarmee jij mij hebt verleid. Translation: But the moon shows me another path with which you tempted me.
Original: But dearest, I know better now. I must give you this choice. Dutch: 't Is moeilijk, maar belangrijk, lief. Jouw vrije wil is wet. Translation: It's difficult, but important, love. Your free will is law.
Original: I don't care that you're of lower station, or primed to sate my dark temptations. Why can't you understand? Let me explain. Dutch: Ik geef niks om ons verschil in status, dat het voor wederkeer te laat is. Hoe overtuig ik jou? Het moet zo zijn. Translation: I don't care about our difference in status, that's it's too late to return. How do I convince you? It has to be like this.
Original: What's left for me, and my broken heart, if I cannot have you? Dutch: Wie ben ik nu, en wat ben ik waard, als ik jou niet verdien? Translation: Who am I now, and what am I worth, if I don't deserve you?
Stolas also calls Blitz "schat" when he's singing about wanting to keep him close, which is a term of endearment literally meaning "treasure". A detail the guy who made the video didn't have to add, because the original doesn't have a term of endearment there, but it's appreciated nonetheless!
Anyway, I hope y'all enjoy the Stolitz ship fuel!
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fat-fem-and-asian · 1 year
I hope schmigadoon runs for 4 seasons as a quiet critical darling that gets accepted into the "you've seen this if you're into musicals at all" category
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vohanna · 8 months
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grandemalakajeremi · 7 months
Ik ga jullie missen y’all miss moet ik toch de Belgische gaan kijken om toch te hangen met jullie
Also ik weet nog steeds niet of die vriendin van mij die een allergische reactie heeft gehad nog leeft
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nico-di-genova · 10 months
I need Jos Verstappen to be cartoonishly evil at all time actually. I am not strong enough to continue my hating if he’s out here calling Max terms of endearment and telling him he’s proud.
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f1writingbyme · 4 months
hello!! sorry if i’m a bit confused but if i’m remembering right, there was a post you made answering the difference between calling someone schat and schatje? any help on that would be really appreciated!! i love you <3
Hi anon! I did answer an ask about the difference between ‘schat’ and ‘schatje’. You can find it here: https://www.tumblr.com/f1writingbyme/750804952097734656/why-schat-is-better-than-schatje
Long story short; I personally use ‘schatje’ when I’m mocking my boyfriend, making fun of him, laugh at him, etc. (All very lovingly I may add!!!!) and I use ‘schat’ when I’m more serious, as in every day use, as a real pet name.
I hope it’s helpful!! Love you too ❤️
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zoueriemandzijnopmars · 10 months
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Mag ik even zeggen dat ik de suggesties van de top 2000 echt ruk vind
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uitzinnigmp3 · 1 year
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antissocialmiss · 2 years
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feeling like a little girl. it’s so ✨magical✨
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princemick-archive · 2 years
Wat de kaulo, dit is discriminatie.
wayo wat ga jij nederlands spreken in mijn inbox
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fat-fem-and-asian · 1 year
okay i know its early but s2 schmigadoon is feeling much better than s1!
my main issue w/ s1 was really wrapped up in josh and mel and how little their chemistry was actually shown -- creating sort of weak subplots since they relied on that relationship and tension! but now we have a josh and melissa who obviously care about each other and have grown! josh can interact with the plot in a more interesting way than just rolling his eyes! melissa has a true personal motivation! i care about them a lot more this time and feel like i'm rooting for them in a way that was missing during s1. i was kinda just team ariana debose.
and everyone is used so, so well. jane krakowski is rolling in solos, kristen chenowith gets a cockney accent, and dove cameron is off doing chair tricks! everyone gets something fun and cool and is put in different dynamics that really help to showcase them as performers. love love love aaron tveit who can do no wrong. plus having keegan and cecily paired together lets them show off more of their comedic strengths and like they're not just talking to camera.
also fun to reverse their main partners! who knew that keegan and aaron could have such good chemistry or that cecily would play so well off of dove.
the plot is tighter, the characters are more dynamic, and the songs are just as good. maybe even better! honestly i went in with low expectations but i have pretty high hopes for the rest of the season! i know there will be some more fun numbers and other characters to get in to, and maaaybe the plot won't be as cut and dry as we think. maybe. even if it's not i will have a damn good time watching schmicago
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