#schitts creek but in the not fun way. or Letterkenny. absolutely not my jam
soldier-poet-king · 2 years
My dad and uncle keep looking at properties in rural Ontario and striaght up I would rather fuckin die. When I said I hated the suburbs this si NOT what I mean. I want walkable small cities. Lots of local arts and restaurants. Tons of green spaces. Community gardens. Culture and libraries and things to do. I've BEEN to the town they keep looking at and there isn't even a public library. It's entirely white people and majority super conservative. I can't get any good food there. No where to shop. My university had SIGNIFICANTLY more students than the entire population of the area. What the fuck what the fuck
I know I will not be moving and this is probably just them talking shit but like. Stop shoving it in my face esp when I'm visibly uncomfortable and asked them to stop forcing me to discuss it. I want walkable small cities where I can grow some vegetables and go to local productions. Not....that. I'm already beyond isolated and you want me to go to a place like that??? It may be good for some ppl, not for me. I can barely last a week in my dad's town without wanting to kill someone.
This is so stupid but I walked in the door after work already worn out and upset despite getting off early on Friday for summer hrs and they were like. Surprise. Do this. We're serious. I'm too tired for this
It's so stupid to be upset about bc even if it does happen and my mother is convinced it won't be before I get permanent work and can leave but I am so tired this is the last straw. I am going to make a drink even tho it is not yet 4pm.
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