#i think i just. do not vibe with small town canada
blues824 · 9 months
I love the way you write the headcanons about the First Years + Ortho going to the reader's world! Could you do the same with the Second Years, please?
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Riddle Rosehearts
Favorite Country/City: He would love to go visit Stratford-Upon-Avon in England, as he is one to enjoy being in the city of one of the most famous playwrights and authors in history: William Shakespeare. Also, there is tea available at most shops, so he will still be able to follow the Queen of Hearts’ rules.
Favorite Cuisine/Dish: Again, his favorite dish is strawberry tarts, and they apparently originate in France as tarts were used to showcase the seasonal not-berries. That aside, he also does appreciate French cuisine as a whole.
Favorite Drink: Again, he enjoys tea, but I think he would like strawberry lemonade. More specifically, the strawberry lemonade from those restaurants that put those slices of strawberries into the drink.
Favorite Souvenir: A small Shakespeare bust that he can place on a bookshelf as a book holder.
Favorite Singers/Songs: He absolutely loves classical music, specifically from the Classical Era. He prefers the classics: Bach, Beethoven, Marianna Martines, etc. Favorite song would be Für Elise, by Ludwig van Beethoven.
Favorite Movie: The Phantom of the Opera, but the 1927 silent film version.
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Ruggie Bucchi
Favorite Country/City: I originally was going to say that he would have liked Luxembourg because it’s one of the richest countries in the world, but I decided that would be too easy. I feel like he would love to go to Cairo in Egypt. It’s very rich in history and culture, and I’ve heard they have good food (someone confirm, plz).
Favorite Cuisine/Dish: His favorite food is donuts, and I looked it up and they apparently originate from either Ancient Greece/Rome or Medieval Arab chefs. That being said, either cuisines (Greek, Italian, or Middle Eastern) would be his favorite. He has a very diverse palate.
Favorite Drink: Depending on if he prefers coffee or tea, he would like either Mazboot or even Zjada coffee, or karkade (please correct me on any of this, I am not from the Middle East and have never been so if it’s incorrect you can tell me. Got this info from online).
Favorite Souvenir: A small, handmade pot that he found at one of the markets. He thought it looked interesting and thus purchased it. The vendor was really kind as well.
Favorite Singers/Songs: This is kind of hard, but AMERICAN HORROR SHOW by SNOW WIFE would be his favorite, meaning hyperpop would be his favorite genre. He gives me TikTok boy vibes for some reason, and he would also like most songs that popped up on his FYP.
Favorite Movie: Lion King, and I’m not trying to be funny. He just likes the “It’s not funny, Ed”, where Ed erupts even more into laughter. It makes him snicker a bit as well. Maybe I was trying to be funny.
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Azul Ashengrotto
Favorite Country/City: He would love the township of Cavendish in Prince Edward Island, Canada. It’s got the ocean, it’s got the small town vibes, and it inspired L.M. Montgomery’s fictional town of Avonlea in Anne of Green Gables. Speaking of, he would totally resonate with Anne because they both entered a society that they weren’t knowledgeable of the norms of. 
Favorite Cuisine/Dish: Because he loves fried chicken, I would say his favorite cuisine is that of the Southern United States. You can’t go wrong with coleslaw, cornbread, green beans, mashed potatoes, and Southern hospitality.
Favorite Drink: Iced Tea, specifically from the Southern states as well. If we’re talking about cocktails, then Long Island Iced Tea would be his go-to. However, he prefers to drink at home because he doesn’t have to call anyone to pick him up.
Favorite Souvenir: It’s stated that he likes collecting coins, so yeah.
Favorite Singers/Songs: This man loves Elvis Presley’s music, and no one can fight me on this. He’s a bit of a hopeless romantic, so he loves either Heartbreak Hotel or Can’t Help Falling in Love is his favorite song.
Favorite Movie: Romeo and Juliet, the one starring Leonardo DiCaprio. The movie’s great, the actor not so much. He’s a bit of a hopeless romantic, as I stated before, so he would very much like a Romeo to his Juliet. Mans wants to be in a tower with a window sill and he wants someone to be standing below to talk to in a romantic way.
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Jade Leech
Favorite Country/City: He loved going scuba diving in the Mariana Trench, and since the Trench is located between Hawaii and the Philippines, I think he would love staying in the Philippines. The city he favors would be Boracay, even though it’s in the middle of the Philippine Islands and a bit further from the East.
Favorite Cuisine/Dish: His favorite dish is octopus carpaccio, and it’s kind of obvious that it’s Italian. He does enjoy Italian cuisine as a whole as well. However, if we are taking the octopus components of the dish, then I believe he would also be a lover of Japanese cuisine.
Favorite Drink: It is recommended that with octopus carpaccio, you should have a Pinot noir, and he agrees. However, if he’s just going to a bar, he would order a limoncello spritz. It’s typically a post-dinner drink, and he likes the lemon flavor along with the kind-of-like-soda, kind-of-like-wine game that the drink offers him.
Favorite Souvenir: He loves smaller, easily portable trinkets, so as basic as it is he loves collecting keychains and magnets. His favorite keychain is a shell that had a hole in it, and a small child actually handed it to him out of nowhere. He got a ring and attached it to his backpack.
Favorite Singers/Songs: His favorite song is 24 / 7 / 365, by Surfaces. It’s laidback, it’s chill, and he likes it. Songs that remind him of the beach are ones that he likes. He plays it when he’s attending to his terrariums. 
Favorite Movie: Jaws, and none of the sequels. All the sequels suck. He has watched the first Jaws so many times that he sings along with Quint when he starts singing “Farewell and Adieu You Fair Spanish Ladies”. 
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Floyd Leech
Favorite Country/City: He wants to go places where he can do things whenever it strikes him. He would also want to go somewhere with clear water. Thus, I believe he would love to go to Tahiti. There’s a market, he can go scuba diving with whales and sharks, he can go surfing, he can go to the museum, and if he wants to stay in his hotel room then he can.
Favorite Cuisine/Dish: His favorite dish is Takoyaki, so I think it’s safe to assume that he likes Japanese cuisine. However, it is stated that shiitake mushrooms come from mountainous regions in China, Japan, Indonesia, and Taiwan, so he likes any dishes without the mentioned mushrooms.
Favorite Drink: As funny as it is, Sex on the Beach, as it’s a summer drink that he loves to enjoy on the beach. Also, he has the emotional maturity of a 7th grade boy, and the name was hilarious to him. 
Favorite Souvenir: Two little figurines of a guy and a girl dancing with each other. They fit together in a way that was complex, making it a puzzle of sorts.
Favorite Singers/Songs: Either Laffy Taffy or Sneaky Link 2.0 are his favorite songs. This man is searching for his Mrs. Bubblegum. He is looking to be somebody’s sneaky link. He lives for drama, and no one can tell me otherwise.
Favorite Movie: The Meg, because who doesn’t love a giant, prehistoric shark that escapes from the gaseous layer at the bottom of the Mariana Trench? He has sharp teeth like the megalodon, and he likes the jumpscare where the shark jumps up.
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Kalim Al-Asim
Favorite Country/City: He loves tropical areas, but he loved the Bahamas and the capital of Nassau the most. The resort there was great, and the people were very friendly. It was a laid back time, and it was not even a five minute walk to the beach. Plus, coconuts grow there apparently (correct me if I’m wrong), and coconut juice is his favorite food.
Favorite Cuisine/Dish: A lot of Thai food, specifically the desserts, use the flesh of the coconut, so I think I have substantial evidence to say that he does like Thai food. He would be very hesitant to try Thai curry, though… unless he had somebody to try it with him.
Favorite Drink: Piña Colada, doesn’t matter if it’s virgin or not. He loves the song that accompanies it as well. Anyways, the drink is a very fruit-filled drink. He thinks it’s the right amount of sweetness, so he loves to enjoy it.
Favorite Souvenir: A singular photograph, as he somehow found himself involved in a volunteer program and he took a picture with children from one of the villages he was volunteering at.
Favorite Singers/Songs: He also likes songs that remind him of the beach, and I stated that he probably likes the song Escape (The Piña Colada Song), but it’s not his favorite. His favorite song would be Celebration, by Maffio, Farruko, and Akon (feat. Ky-Mani Marley).
Favorite Movie: I have a feeling that he would love the movie Shrek. It’s funny, a lot of memes have been made from all the movies, all the sequels are great. What’s not to love about the movie(s)?
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Jamil Viper
Favorite Country/City: He gives me a vibe that I resonate with on the historical front, so I would think he would like to visit somewhere in the Middle East, as that is where ancient Mesopotamia was. Specifically, he would love to visit Ur, in Iraq. Not only is it located in a desert (familiar territory), but it’s one of (if not the) first cities in the world.
Favorite Cuisine/Dish: Unlike Kalim, he loves curry, so that gives me reason to believe that he would enjoy Indian cuisine the most. Syrian food comes in second for him (I spend a lot of time at my friend’s Syrian house and they make good food… I’m hungry now).
Favorite Drink: This was difficult, but I feel like he would move towards margaritas, and not just because of the song. Because curry can be spicy, I would say he likes a spicy margarita as well. His favorite non-alcoholic drink would be a mangonada.
Favorite Souvenir: All the books he picked up to learn different languages. He learned along the way as well, and all of the books have annotations within them so he has them for future reference.
Favorite Singers/Songs: He likes breakdancing, so he likes any song he can breakdance to. I am not very involved within this genre of music, so after doing some research I have come to the conclusion that he would love the song The Witch, by the Bamboos.
Favorite Movie: Footloose, as it’s a movie about dancing and rock music being banned. He saw it because it looked interesting, and he learned the Footloose dance. Also, the song Holdin’ Out For a Hero makes him feel like he wants to be someone’s hero.
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Favorite Country/City: Carrickfergus, as it holds the Carrickfergus Castle. It may be a Norman castle, but it’s because of the history (and the fact that he may be based off of both the Princess and the Prince and thus deserves a castle {personal opinion}) that he enjoys his time in the town.
Favorite Cuisine/Dish: This is the first time I’ve actually dove into investigating Silver’s likes and dislikes, and apparently he likes mushroom risotto, which is thought to originate from the Italian region of Lombardy.
Favorite Drink: He strikes me as the type to like wine, and not the bitter stuff. He likes sweeter wines, especially white wines as they pair nicely with the risotto he loves.
Favorite Souvenir: A journal, in which he writes about his many journeys around the world. 
Favorite Singers/Songs: I think he is a Swiftie. That being said, his favorite song would be Love Story, as he is looking for his Juliet. However, he is not one of those over-excited fans who will tear someone up for saying they don’t like Taylor Swift’s songs. He will just judge them quietly.
Favorite Movie: Gladiator, partially for the plot, partially for Russel Crowe. It reminds him of the training he had to go through as a knight.
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greazyfloz · 1 year
Context: Quinn and reader met back when the Hughes’ were living in Canada. . The families became friends fast but due to distance and busy life schedules they slowly distanced throughout the years. They were best friends and the reader only saw relationships with Quinn as platonic
Warning: Drinking
Word Count: 2.3k
I just graduated from the University and am currently driving to Michigan for a girls trip with some of my friends from school to celebrate. We rented a cabin on a small, quiet lake outside of Detroit to relax and drink. 
The little town we pulled into was cute and full of different little lakes. “I heard of this bar the locals go to party at night. We should definitely check that out!” I hear Kaila one of my friends say after turning down the music. “Where is it?” Brit asks. “It literally looks like it is so close to out cabin that we could probably walk there” Kaila answers. We all agree before continuing to admire the beautiful scenery of the lakes.
Farren pulls into the rocky driveway and yells out “We are here!”. We all cheer as Farren stops the car. “Ladies get yourselves ready, it is friday night and we are going to catch ourselves a little vaycay romance with a cute boat boy!”. We all giggled running off calling out dids on whichever room we all reached first before getting ready. 
I pull my makeup bag out of my suitcase and make my way to the bathroom to do my makeup. The rest of the girls have the same idea as they soon follow me into the bathroom as well. I go back to my room to pull out what I am going to wear to the bar tonight when I decide on jeans, high-waisted shorts that makes my bum look big and a tight white tee tucked in. I through my hair in a loose messy ponytail, since it is a small town/ lake town and I don’t want to go all out and just trying to fit the vibes. 
As I am getting changed I look outside to see the sun is starting to set. I quickly check my outfit in the mirror before making my way down the stairs to meet the girls in the kitchen. Farren, Brit and Kaila are all in the kitchen already ready for me. I smile “readyyy!!” I say to them as Brit runs over 2 shot glasses in hand. “Just in time, Here” she says before handing one of the shots. We all took a couple shots around the kitchen before walking down to the bar. 
We arrived to the bar and it had a good balance of people of all ages. “Ouu, there’s the bar!” Brit shrieks before grabbing Farren’s arm pulling her to the bar. Kaila and I laugh following the girls to the bar where we indulged in a couple more shots. The night went on in the small bar, and I was starting to get tired. I am guessing tomorrow we are going to be day drinking so I decided to head home a little early, I turn to the girls before saying “Alright, I think I am going to head back now, I am exhausted”, “Want we to come?” Farren stands, “No, no, stay have fun. The walk really isn’t far and it’s not that scary” I say giggling. 
As I push through the front door, to see a group of guys coming up the stairs to the entrance. I don’t really pay attention to them as a pass them until I heard a friendly “Y/N?” making me turn around to see a smiley Jack Hughes. “Oh my gosh, hi!” I say before giving him a big hug. To his side is Alex Turcotte and Brendan Brisson. I quickly say hi and give them both a side hug before pulling a way looking back to Jack. “How are ya?! What are you going here?”, “I am great! I’ve miss you guys! It has been way too long!! I’m just on a little summer getaway with some friends from school. How are you? How was hockey?”, “I’m great, good! I missed ya bugging me” Jack laughs, “We had a better season this year. Actually great season. Wait, you aren’t leaving are you?” he says, “Yeah, I am started to get tired and I am guessing I am going to have a long day tomorrow”, “Stay for a bit, I wanna catch up! Quinny and Josh are on their way too so you’ll get to see them too!”, I smile shaking my head “Sorry Jack, I am swamped” I say going in for another hug. “Well, how long are you here? You guys should come out on the boat with us tomorrow!”, “That sounds like fun! Text me and I will talk to the girls about it.”, “Will do”. Jack says before I wave to him and the boys before they enter the bar. 
When I got home I took my makeup off and started getting ready for bed. I take my clothes out of my suitcase and get myself all set up for the weekend before my phone went off. The text read an address from Jack. I texted Jack back before going downstairs to grab a glass of water for bed. 
As I’m downstairs the girls all come in. “Oh your still up?” Kaila asks. “Yeah, was actually heading up right now, how was the rest of the night?”, “it was good! Who knew a small town had such cute boys” she replied, I smiled because I just know that she is going to love the activity proposal I have for tomorrow. “Speaking of boys, would you guys want to go out on a boat tomorrow? My friend Jack just messaged me his address and he said there is a bunch of them going out tomorrow.”, “Uhh yess. Y/N  found us boats and boys!” Brit yells out making us all laugh. “Wait, Jack. Like Hughes?” Farren adds. “Yes” I smile. The girls know about my friendship with the Hughes family because they saw on Instagram that I was followed by all three boys and their mother. “Well I am going to bed” I say before heading to my room”. 
[Quinn’s POV] 
I wake up to my alarm clock going off at 9:30. I get up, get ready for the day and head down to the kitchen to get something quick from the fridge before going down to the dock to set up the boat. The boys and I planned to go out on the boat again today. Last night Jack said he ran into some girl and asked if she and her friends could join as well. 
I am out washing the boat when the boys all come out and sit on the dock. “The girls are just getting here now. I just told them to walk around” Jack says. As I look up I see 4 girls coming around the house walking down to the dock. “Hey guys!” I hear a familiar voice yell out making me turn back around towards the girls, “Y/N?” I say as she is steps onto the dock. “Quinny!!” she yells out as she runs to give me a hug “Jack didn’t tell you I was coming? You look surprised to see me” she says, “No, he forgot to mention who was coming.” I say looking at her. 
I am shocked, I didn’t even know what to say to her. I don’t remember her being so beautiful. I mean she has always been pretty but I felt like I was seeing her for the first time. I watch her turn to interact with Josh giving him a hug before we all start to get on the boat. I set on the boat and turn to give a hand to Y/N. 
“Here let me help” I say to Y/N. She smiles and takes my hand before stepping down to get on the boat. As she is stepping down though the boat rocks making Y/N lose her balance resulting in her falling into my arms. She giggles before looking up at me “sorry”, “it’s okay, you good?” I ask, she replies with a smile and nod before taking a seat in the back of the boat beside one of her friends and Josh. 
We push off the dock and we went off into the lake. As I’m driving the boat around the lake I notice Y/N in my boat’s mirror taking off her shorts and button up top leaving her in just her bright pink bikini. I can’t help but keep looking back at her through the mirror. 
The day continued with water skiing, swimming in the middle of the lake, and just drinking out on the boat. I turned the boat around to head back to the lakehouse when Jack looked over to Y/N and the other girls to ask if they were staying for a bonfire. “Well, we were going to back to that bar we were at last night” one friend spoke up, “Nah this will be more fun I promise” Alex speaks up, “Yeah Y/N stay” I stay out gaining a weird look from Josh and Jack. “Sure” she replies making me smile.
When we get back they all head off up to the house except for Josh and I as we tied the boat up to the dock, “Sooooo, Y/N?” Josh starts, “What about her?” I ask. “You going to tell her how you feel?” Josh laughs. “I don’t know what you are talking about” I say as I step back on the boat to see if everything was cleaned out. “No Y/N stay please” Josh says in a mocking tone. I roll my eyes before I walk past him to the fire pit.
[Y/N Pov]
Today was weird. Earlier I fell getting on the boat having Quinn catch me, gave me butterflies. I have never gotten butterflies from Quinn before. Quinn hasn’t really talked to me all day, nor any of my friends. It seems like he is avoiding me because now I am at this fire pit by myself waiting for him watching all my friends from school mingle with Jack and all of his friends.
Finally Quinn and Josh walk up from the dock, so I stand up and go over to hand quinn the beer I grabbed for him when I grabbed myself one earlier. “Here” I smile handing Quinn the bottle, “Thanks” he smiles “Where is mine?” Josh pouts, “You know where they are” Quinn says. Josh leaves to go get a beer and Quinn looks at me “Well, my mom told me you graduated, congratulations!”, “Thanks” I smile at him but my smile quickly disappears when I ask “are you mad at me? Did I do something?”. “Of course not, why?”, “Quinn I haven’t seen you in 5 years and you really haven’t given me the time of day all day long. I was so excited to come and see you today and it hurts that someone I thought that would be just as excited to see me wasn’t” Quinn just looked at me, hurt in his eyes. He doesn’t say anything though. “Whatever, I’m going to find Jack” I say before leaving Quinn. 
The rest of the night I spent with Jack and Brit. Just drinking and trying to have a good time while I am here. “I will be right back. I have to pee” I say to Brit before walking towards the lake house. 
Once I finished up in the bathroom and start to walk down the hall I can hear a conversation down the hall. I wasn’t trying to evesdrop until I heard Quinn’s voice. He was explaining what happened between him and I outside. “So why won’t you talk to her?” josh questioned him “I mean it is pretty obvious… everyone on that boat, expect for you and Y/N know you have feelings for her”, “She is my best friend”, “why are you saying that like you are scared to lose her? You for real just hadn’t talked to her in years and your still alive”. ‘This day is so weird’ I think to myself. “I need a drink” Quinn says before going back outside. 
I turned around the corner before seeing Josh also looking at me. “Did you hear any of that?” Josh breaks the silence first. “Not on purpose” I lie, “Is that why Quinn has been acting weird? You think he wants to be more than just my friend?”, “I would say I think so, but I know so” Josh says before taking a sip of his beer. I, like Quinn, need a drink. 
After drabbing a drink, I head outside and find Quinn sitting with Brendan sipping his beer. I decide to walk past Quinn and Brendan before walking down to take a seat on the dock letting me legs dangle into the water. Immediately I felt the dock behind creak and a figure sit beside me. “Can I say something?” Quinn starts, “What?” I muttered back. “Actually, can you look at me please” Quinn says, I then tilt my head upwards looking beside me to Quinn that is already staring into my eyes. My heart begins to beat a little faster before Quinn puts his hand on the back of my neck pulling me in for a kiss and I let him. The kiss wasn’t long but definitely wasn’t short. 
When we broke apart Quinn begins “I fell in love with you the moment I saw you this morning”. Now I was the one that couldn’t speak. The kiss confirmed the butterflies I felt earlier in my stomach. “I’m sorry, I am an idiot” Quinn says standing up. “No wait” I say getting up to my feet. I grab his hand before saying “I am scared”, Quinn just looks at me with concern in his eyes that tell me to continue. “I overheard your conversation with Josh in the kitchen. And how he said that you haven’t talked to me in years and- I don’t know. I guess I am just thinking that seeing you again made me realize that I couldn’t live without again. I want you in my life but I-” I was cut off with Quinn’s lips again. Quinn pulls me in closer as the kiss becomes deeper. He pulls away “I think we found our way back to each other for a reason”.
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silverandebony · 1 year
*i misremembered and the one tagged with appalachia&appalachian gothic isn't Explicitly saskatchewan (all of the pictures with location captions are apparently from saskatchewan so i'd be inclined to guess it probably is too, but there's no way to know for sure). so who knows!! i don't know what appalachia looks like! maybe it IS appalachia! in which case why is it also tagged saskatchewan
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[Image ids: three cropped screenshots of 'regional gothic' style tumblr picture posts and their tags. The first picture is a truck at an empty intersection with a hazy yellow sky; the second is part of a building mural depicting a nature scene with canada geese captioned 'rural saskatchewan'; the third is of the edge of a town on a foggy day, with old, short buildings fading into the mist, captioned 'uranium city, sk'. Tags common across all three posts are: ethel cain, southern gothic, regional gothic, rural gothic, midwestern gothic, kansas, and midwest. Two of them are tagged with 'gibson girl'. Additionally, the truck picture is tagged with appalachia, appalachian gothic, twin peaks, and hayden anhedonia; the mural picture is tagged with small town usa, small town, small town america, small town canada, great plains, prairies, prairie, and prairiecore; and the foggy town is tagged with 'ghost town, liminal, liminal spaces, and foggy day.
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I also went back to the blog to see if those posts were still there so I could take better screenshots (they weren't; hooray reporting things for spam) but upon further scrolling I realized that every tagged post. Every. Single. Post. With Tags. all of them. Are tagged with southern gothic and kansas and saskatchewan. THESE ARE NOT THE SAME. WHY ARE YOU USING ALL OF THEM THESE ARE NOT THE SAME
*coughs* anyway. Among all of these, in all their spammy mistagged glory, there is one I would like to give a special shout out to, for in my opinion being the most wildly tagged:
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[Image id: another screenshot of a tumblr picture post. This one is a picture of a small motel with a rundown fence in the foreground. A colour filter has been used to make the picture look washed out and fit the regional gothic vibes. This picture has been tagged with: gibson girl, americana, appalachian gothic, midwest gothic, preacher's daughter, regional gothic, rural gothic, southern gothic, hayden anhedonia, ethel cain, nebraska, kansas, motelcore, appalachia, southern aesthetic, saskatchewan, alberta.
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Take a moment to appreciate it. Bask in its questionable glory. Allow yourself the time to question why?
I think it's the 'alberta' tag that really makes it for me here. The 'nebraska' as well. The latter I assume is from the title of one of Ethel Cain's songs, which would explain... to some degree... how it got there. Why 'alberta' though? Why this picture, out of all of them? Is it actually from Alberta? (It could be; I've seen similar looking things) If it's from Alberta, why is it also tagged 'saskatchewan'? 'kansas'? 'appalachia'? 'southern gothic'? Do not each of these preclude all others? If it's Saskatchewan or Albertan, why is it tagged 'americana'?? Is it for views??? If you want it seen, it's already got the tags! Regional and rural gothic are fine! They'll probably get you a lot more views than tagging something with a Canadian province ever will! I just. I don't understand. why. why have you done this. please stop. i'm begging skfjjsjfjj
in conclusion: tumblr has tagging etiquette and i am begging the young aesthetic bloggers to take a moment to learn it. it will save you so much being reported for spam and having your posts and or possibly your entire blog taken down because of it. And now, if you'll excuse me, I have a blog to go report specifically because of this
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Headcanons about John’s ✨vibes✨ :
We know John gives off big Boy Scout energy. I feel he’s like Stever Rogers in the sense that he could be committing high treason, breaking every rule and he would still radiate Good Boy Scout energy. Also that sense of righteousness and determination to help others
John’s hair texture, hair colour, and eye colour are stereotypical of the region of Lorien he’s from. Lexa sees him and is like ahh yes you’re from Lorache (or whatever you want to call it). And Johns surprised like “Um yes, how did you know”
People from that region are to Lorien as Newfoundlanders are to Canada. They’re odd, friendly, and no one can understand them
John retains lots of his Loric because Henri is a traditionalist and was not about to let John forget their language. But his dialect is so out there that the others have a hard time understanding him. Lexa can do it best
Side note: Ella is second best at understanding him because Crayton made sure her Loric was decent for the same reasons as Henri. Nine is next because Sandor was just most comfortable speaking Loric. He also know ALL the swear words because Sandor had no filter. Six used to be good but she lost a bunch because she hadn’t spoken it since she was 11. Then again everyone but Lexa is rough
One would think that John would no longer give off the odd, friendly vibes of his region but they would be wrong. The small town America vibes merged with the Lorache vibes to enhance that lovable energy
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rosiethedragongeek · 2 years
semi-modern, like, dragons are still there, AU headcanons, that take place in Canada cause thats where I'm from:
They still all live in a mostly forested area, its just out of town, think a trailer park, everyone in the village is actually in a trailerpark and Stoic is the all to kind landlord
The dragons coexist with geese, moose, bears and other large or often easily spited creatures, including humans, but are still considered a taboo in large cities
Astrid has a full time job at a gas station to make up for the money she doesn't get from teaching people self defense, she often times works overtime so she can scrape up enough money
That's not to say she doesn't enjoy teaching people how to defend themselves, she just wishes there was some monetary gain and that getting an actual building wasn't so hard
Dragons like Hookfang and Barf and Belch are considered to large for majority of the towns and cities as a Nightmare would be about the size of at least one and a half trucks, a Zippleback at least the size of one truck
Dragons like Meatlug and Stormfly are considered training dragons in smaller towns and pests in larger towns due to their varying sizes
Tuffnut and Ruffnut still get up to all sorts of shenagins, but it involves less destruction, prank calls and the sorts, one time they got Fishlegs to hack into a supermarts intercom for them
The two work simultaneous shifts at a fast food restaurant to make sure they don't run out of money, Ruffnut working the fryer and Tuffnut working the drive through
Fishlegs is aspiring to become a scientist, but due to his interest being placed mainly in dragons and what they still don't know about them he's been rejected a million times over
He mainly gets spare cash and pocket change from people tipping him over the internet, or when he gets his fair share of tips at the local restaurant
Hiccup is polishing his skills with engineering, in an attempt to create mobility aids that are comfortable and seamlessly functional for both dragons and humans, at first he was doing it for himself, then he realized how many people needed them
On a side note, he works part time at a small shop, like a Dollarama or maybe even a unique one of a kind shop, only in his town, due to being one of the only workers other than the owner, he gets paid a bit more than what would be conventional for a store so small
Snotlout, unlike everyone else with a conventional job, is trying desperately to make cash off of what he catches or traps, as its a family business thats been running since before his grandfather
But, he can't make enough cash to actually impress his father with how successful he is with trapping and fishing, so in a last ditch attempt, he got hired at a Hot Topic, and he has to refrain from buying vinyls and CDs for his favorite bands
They still have Riders Edge, but its just different due to the whole, in Canada on the mainland thing
Instead of their very own island, they just found a lovely little spot off trail that has a two foot wide brook and small pond at the bottom of it to hang out around, most of them are working on a treehouse to place in a nearby tree for winter
The Hideout is even large enough for each of their dragons to tag along despite the fact its a little bit undesired in their town, they still caught and tamed their own dragons, that only respond to them
Astrid and Hiccup plan on making sure the treehouse ends up being multiple ones with bridges and the such connecting them together, making sure one is large enough for their dragons to stay in comfortably
OH MY GOD I LOVE THAT!!! It gives like??? Stardew Valley vibes??? Idk why. I didn't expect this much there's like world-building going on here and I am OBSESSED with this au. I love everything about this. this is all so accurate for them tysm. It kinda makes you wonder how they became friends in this scenario and how their dynamic is different and asdfjkl;sdfjlkadf i will be thinking about this for a while
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uncloseted · 2 years
i feel like so much of the media i consume is dark or disturbing or gruesome and it's not good for my mental health and can sometimes be triggering for me, do you know of any feel-good, positive, funny or uplifting piece of media like podcasts, tv shows, or youtubers?:)
I've got you! I pretty much only watch positive or feel-good content lately. The world is just too dark and I don't need to seek more darkness out. Here are a few suggestions I could think of off the top of my head. Everyone feel free to suggest others!
Ted Lasso- an optimistic, upbeat American football coach is hired to manage an English football team. Pretty much the most uplifting, funny, and positive show you could imagine.
Adventure Time- brothers Finn the Human and Jake the Dog battle evil in the fantasy land of Ooo. This show starts off very silly, but then becomes profound and life-affirming very quickly.
Community- a quirky sitcom about a study group at a community college. Hijinks ensue.
The Good Place- a woman wakes up in heaven only to realize she doesn't belong there. This show is hilarious but also has a really great message about what it means to live a good life.
Keep Your Hands off Eizouken- an anime in which a trio of schoolgirls start an anime production club. Even if you don't like anime, this show will convince you to love it. It's very uplifting and the girls' imagination and passion is contagious. This is one of my favorite shows ever to be made.
Schitt's Creek- a sitcom where a super rich family goes bankrupt and moves to a rural small town in Canada. Hilarious, but also very feel-good.
Derry Girls- a sitcom where the Derry Girls attempt to navigate teenage life in 1990s Derry, Northern Ireland. Given the setting it seems like this show couldn't possibly be funny or feel-good, but it's one of the few shows that consistently makes me laugh out loud. It has its tearjerker moments and it does those well. There have been episodes that have made me feel truly hopeful for the future of the world. But for the most part it's just fun.
Terrace House- a Japanese dating show where nothing happens. Three men and three women live in a house together, but then leave to go to work, hang out with their friends, and just do day to day things. It's somehow incredibly addictive and calming at the same time.
Space Dandy- an anime about the adventures of a "dandy guy in space who combs the galaxy like his pompadour on the hunt for aliens. Planet after planet he searches, discovering bizarre new creatures both friendly and not." This show is ridiculous in the best possible way.
Rilakkuma and Kaoru- a stop motion anime about Rilakkuma, a lazy stuffed bear, and Karou, an anxious human office worker. This show is very pure, sweet, and endearing.
The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet- this is the book I'm reading right now. It follows a space crew of aliens on their journey across the galaxy. The vibes are very comforting and it's kind of about the meaning of family.
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy- when Arthur Dent's home is destroyed to make way for an intergalactic highway, he unwillingly gets swept up on a search for the legendary planet of Magrathea. Hitchhiker's Guide is a classic series that's very funny and sometimes absurd.
The Hundred-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared- this is exactly what it sounds like it would be. Allan Karlsson is a hundred year old man who climbs out the window of his nursing home and disappears. It's a funny, passionate adventure about appreciating and enjoying life.
The House in the Cerulean Sea- Linus Baker is a depressed social worker in the Department in Charge of Magical Youth. When he is sent to evaluate the Marsyas orphanage for magical children, he discovers what's important in life. Very uplifting and life affirming.
Amelie- a quirky, socially awkward Parisian waitress secretly helps the people in her life while trying to work up the courage to talk to the man she's fallen in love with. It inspired me to want to do random acts of kindness for other people and it has great vibes.
Howl's Moving Castle- pretty much any Studio Ghibli movie has good vibes, but Howl's Moving Castle is my favorite. A woman cursed with rapid aging becomes a housekeeper to a narcissistic young magician. I would live in this movie if I could.
Night is Short, Walk on Girl- Night is Short follows Otome, a university student on a never-ending night out in Kyoto, and Senpai, the boy who is in love with her from afar. Before the night ends, they encounter criminal thugs, treacherous gods, and harebrained schemes, and drink a whole lot of alcohol. Whenever I'm feeling down, this is my go-to movie that I watch.
Purple Palace- Shayna is an American visual artist who lives in Paris. Her videos are inspiring and feel like hanging out with your most supportive friend.
Damon Dominique- a travel YouTuber. I don't watch him as much as I used to, but his videos often take a kind of philosophical or spiritual bend, and it's a lot of fun to see all the different places he visits.
ondo온도 - a super calming, low-key Korean lifestyle vlog channel
Mocha- a super calming, low-key Japanese lifestyle vlog channel
Goodnight Moon ASMR- if you don't like ASMR, this probably won't be for you, but this is my go-to ASMR channel for when I need a boost. Erin does an incredible job with props, costumes, sets, and storylines. I especially like her Valley Girl character, who manages to be hilarious and super calming at the same time.
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away-ward · 10 months
Let’s Talk About Thunder Bay
So, again, mostly doing this for writing reference (before you ask, no I don’t have anything in the works. Very sorry.), but also because every once in a while, I get asked about my thoughts on the weird little town the Horsemen and fam call home.
I have no doubts in my mind that PD based this town on nothing but vibes and what would be cool. There’s no town in New England that’s going to match the specifics, so really we just have to gather information and guess.
We’ll start with what we know:
Rika refers to it as a small community, and frankly, the way the town is shown I feel that it would have a much smaller population. It would make sense in the population were more in the 2-5k or if Thunder Bay was a neighborhood within a bigger county. But this is a minor matter.
Thunder Bay:
Seaside/coastal town
Settled in the 1700s
Population of 10,000;
About an hour outside of Meridian; travel between the cities is between 45 minutes to just over an hour, probably depending on traffic and weather.
Has both cliffs and shores near the ocean as geographical features
Trevor says that Boston was closer to where Rika was at Brown, and her friend could meet her within an hour if she needed help. He notes that she won't have anyone close when transferring to Trinity, indicating that Meridian is more than an hour outside Boston.
Population of 2 million (nearly half the size of LA; There isn’t a city in New England that has a population of 2 million. Boston, MA is the largest, and is still under 700,000.)
Closer to Thunder Bay than Providence, Rhode Island, but not close to Boston, MA.
Features a river that cuts through the city.
Rika says her reason for the transfer is to be closer to Thunder Bay and her mom, meaning that Providence, RI is more than an hour from Thunder Bay as well. Since we now know that Meridian is an hour away, Providence must be more than an hour away from Thunder Bay to make the move worth it.
So, location-wise, Thunder Bay is less than an hour from Meridian and more than an hour from Providence. Meridian is more than an hour from Boston. Thunder Bay could be between Boston and Meridian.
I did think about going south, into Connecticut, because besides Massachusetts, Connecticut has quite a few affluent neighborhoods and towns. Besides that, it also boarders New York which would make sense for a lot of the families that take up residence in Thunder Bay. For aesthetic reasons, I like these areas and it's hard to part with the idea.
However, Connecticut still seemed too close to Providence. Hartford, Connecticut is just over an hour away from Providence, Rhodes Island where Brown University is located, which as noted above, would make Rika's reasons for leaving pointless since it would be the same distance away.
Because of those reasons, I tend to bring Thunder Bay farther north, into New Hampshire or Maine, even though they don't have towns that match the image of Thunder Bay. Overall, I really like Maine for a lot of reason. Maine also isn’t nearly as affluent as the other states we’ve been discussing.
Maine is also the closest to Canada, making their ability to travel into Canada by train in a single night a little more realistic. Another thing about Maine is that it has a lot of cliffs and parts that jut out into the ocean, which is something mentioned about Thunder Bay at various points.
The difficult thing about Maine, though, is that it has a lot of teeny, tiny towns. And it’s not very populated in general. According to Wikipedia, the population of the entire state is less than the population of Merdian City alone (I bring this up is for personal use, but I felt it was important to say nonetheless).
It also really annoys me that the map we have seems to be upside down? I can't think of another reason why the Atlantic Ocean to be on the left side of the map. So, I think Meridian is north of Thunder Bay and Falcon Wells is south. I could have sworn that this was mentioned in the books, but I can't find it.
Anyway, like I mentioned first, this town isn't based on anything. Location wise, I like the area on the lower area of Maine. I like Cape Elizabeth, Maine for getting an idea of what a town the size of Thunder Bay with similar features would look like. And I like Bar Harbor, Maine sorta for how the town looks but I'm not committed to it. Though it does have a gazebo very close to coast!
Main is also the only state that has an amusement park right on the shore in Old Orchard Beach.
So yeah. I vote Maine.
Anyway, if you are bored, go to google and bounce around some of these towns. I started to get a feel for what driving around must have been like for them. It was pretty cool.
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rukhsandbooks · 1 year
I wasn’t really feeling holiday reads this year and I wasn’t planning on reading any beyond the ARCs I had to read, but then my bookclub chose holiday reads and I thought I’d give one a try. The Holiday Swap ended up being the perfect holiday read because it was just the right amount of festive and the story still had a whole lot of substance. Sure the big city girl returns to small town trope was still there but it wasn’t the only thing driving the story forward and I really appreciated that.
The 90s girl in me also loved the Mary Kate and Ashely Olsen vibe of this book. And then the end of the book... I was swooning! I didn't think the story could get better and then it did. I was definitely squealing and giggling!
While looking up Maggie Knox on Goodreads to see if I've read anything else in the past or if there were other stories that looked interesting, I learned that Maggie Knox is actually a duo and not only that, they're Canadian (and of course now I love the ringette - Canada reference in the book even more)!
Do you like holiday romances? Do you prefer them as books or movies?
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seeminglyseph · 4 months
I have a strange project idea. I don’t know if I’m gonna achieve anything with it… I don’t think it has a purpose save for passion.
I’m really feeling the nostalgia of Persona 4. And I think just because the person who introduced it to me lived on the outskirts of Vancouver, and a lot of supernatural murder mystery has a like… Twin Peaks inspired vibe, and since I haven’t officially seen Twin Peaks, just a shit tonne of stuff inspired by Twin Peaks, my brain is like “damn I don’t know if this is has Twin Peaks vibes or is just a supernatural murder mystery…” and since Twin Peaks was extremely popular, and had a big fan base in Japan, I fully have no idea how many anime and Japanese games have Lynchian vibes on purpose.
Or picked them up second hand like me. Did we accidentally grab them from Silent Hill and Alan Wake and Life is Strange and now despite limited exposure to the man’s actual filmography we’re deeply influenced by David Lynch?
Anyway, firstly, I have decided since I’m trying to practice drawing again to get back in the habit I’m gonna do a fan project where I combine Persona 4 and Life is Strange. Basically because Persona 4 gives me The Vibes.
So reimagining it like it takes place in a small town outside of like… Vancouver. Like the friend that recommended the game, and the nostalgic place that also broke my heart because it’s also where my first girlfriend lived. So a bunch of like… you know, the halcyon days of teenage love and heartbreak. That’s where stories get made etc etc. blah blah blah. It would be a far more Douglas Fir dominated setting than Inaba, but I’m hoping for more of a design aesthetic kinda cultural upbringing impact on remixing the P4 cast designs.
Life is Strange just feels like a base model comparison. A game with a similar base (Supernatural Mystery Thriller) but Western, with a clear influence from Twin Peaks, but since Twin Peaks is dated and I haven’t seen Twin Peaks yet and I can’t find it to easily commit to watching it and I’m not paying for Paramount+ right now. Or like $70 for a box set of DVDs. (And I don’t feel like sorting through all the piracy websites to find the one that’s not just concentrated malware and Trojans right now. I get it I’m a pussy, whatever.)
No I’m not planning on race swapping anyone, plenty of Japanese people live in and around the Vancouver area, however multicultural Canada is, I’m just gonna do like. Fashion and maybe like… “since food and body standards are different in Canada, people might have different body types” but also I draw thick characters on instinct. Like. Automatically. It is something I cannot help. Characters are gonna be thicker than anime characters and probably Life is Strange characters based entirely on the fact that my default drawing style is like… thick. I know right now, for myself, that I’m gonna get in shit from someone, for either sexualizing, or making characters fat. And the fact of the matter is that I just… draw thick thighs and wide waists and that’s why I suck at drawing anime girls. This is gonna be my challenge going forward. Yukiko at least should be pretty slender. I feel like I can give Chie thighs that can kill, but Yukiko should be thin. Rise should have pop star eating disorder figure, but I’m morally apposed to that. Yosuke should be a little toothpick boy. I shouldn’t give Kanji a big muscle man bod…. But I guess that one’s more reasonable…. People would probably not care if Kanji was more buff than he was supposed to be. That’s a little fucked…
I need to focus and try to relearn the muscle memory and the ability to draw. I think a fan project would be a good way to maintain passion and confidence, while getting my skills back in shape…
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soldier-poet-king · 2 years
My dad and uncle keep looking at properties in rural Ontario and striaght up I would rather fuckin die. When I said I hated the suburbs this si NOT what I mean. I want walkable small cities. Lots of local arts and restaurants. Tons of green spaces. Community gardens. Culture and libraries and things to do. I've BEEN to the town they keep looking at and there isn't even a public library. It's entirely white people and majority super conservative. I can't get any good food there. No where to shop. My university had SIGNIFICANTLY more students than the entire population of the area. What the fuck what the fuck
I know I will not be moving and this is probably just them talking shit but like. Stop shoving it in my face esp when I'm visibly uncomfortable and asked them to stop forcing me to discuss it. I want walkable small cities where I can grow some vegetables and go to local productions. Not....that. I'm already beyond isolated and you want me to go to a place like that??? It may be good for some ppl, not for me. I can barely last a week in my dad's town without wanting to kill someone.
This is so stupid but I walked in the door after work already worn out and upset despite getting off early on Friday for summer hrs and they were like. Surprise. Do this. We're serious. I'm too tired for this
It's so stupid to be upset about bc even if it does happen and my mother is convinced it won't be before I get permanent work and can leave but I am so tired this is the last straw. I am going to make a drink even tho it is not yet 4pm.
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weirdonamedlee · 3 years
We’re the Lucky Ones | Charles Smith x f!Reader
Author’s Note: I’ve started to listen to holiday music even though it’s only November. One of my favorite songs is We’re the Lucky Ones by The Marías, and this small Drabble is based on those vibes.
Summary: The reader enjoys a peaceful morning with their husband Charles Smith in their homestead in Canada.
Setting: Epilogue
Trigger Warnings: None
It was early morning, the snow falling outside the slightly frosted window. Canada was definitely cold, but I was never one to complain. Snow was one of my favorite things in this world, that and my love.
I stared out the kitchen window, my warm mug of coffee in hand, made just to my liking. I kept the coffee pot warm.
“Good morning dove”
I turned, smiling warmly at Charles. He was in his union suit, essential for the winter up here. His hair was a slight mess, and he brushed it back with an easy swoop.
“Good morning honey” I returned in my morning voice, clearing it after. I took another sip of my drink, the heat of the steam more than welcome.
Charles made his way over to me, placing a gentle kiss on my forehead. “You’re up earlier” He noted with a small smile, taking the mug I already placed out for him to pour himself coffee. He was usually up before me, so it was out of the ordinary.
I loved this was our ordinary now.
I leaned back on the counter, watching him as he made his own cup. “I did go to sleep pretty early yesterday,” I said, “so I guess that’s that”
Charles hummed in response, his rugged voice reverberating. He took a sip of his coffee.
After Beaver Hollow, and after the gang split for good, Charles and I made our way up to Canada. We kept in contact with John and Abigail, Sadie when she wasn’t in bar fights, and most frequently Arthur, who had found his way into the world of art and photography via Albert Mason. He sent us pictures and drawings often and visited when he could.
“I don’t think we’ll be able to do any work today” Charles looked out the window, his face portraying no dissatisfaction in that fact, something that would’ve kept him restless just a few years prior.
The life on our Canadian homestead had changed that, the fear of Pinkertons was gone, in turn, the restlessness.
I soon finished my coffee, placing it in our water basin. One of our best investments was insulation. It kept us cool in the summer and warm in the winter.
Charles continued to drink as I sat on our nice emerald-colored couch. It was rather big, comfortably sitting the two of us plus another.
He came to join me, his strong arm wrapping around my shoulder as I got comfortable with a recipe book I bought the last trip to town. “I should take Duckie out later,” I remarked as I flipped through the recipes, marking any that I found of interest, “she adores rolling in the snow”
Charles chuckled, placing his now empty cup on the offer table, “I remember when you first got her, started rolling the moment the first snow came.
“And if I remember correctly we both thought she was broken- well- as much as a horse can be” I laughed to myself.
Charles pulled me into his lap, “I remember that well” he had a relaxed smile on his face. I placed my book on the coffee table as well, my focus entirely on him. He placed a hand on my cheek, caressing my face with his well-worked thumb.
The metal of his wedding band left a cold touch on a small part of my skin. It was the most gentle feeling.
My eyes closed as Charles’ lips met with mine in a burst of warmth and love. The sounds of snowy winds picked up outside, it was just the type of day to stay inside.
He pulled away first, resting his forehead against mine. It was a moment of silence comfort. “I still can’t fully understand the luck I have with you in my life,” Charles said just above a whisper.
“Well, you better get used to it soon, because if the past few years have shown you anything I’m not going anywhere Mr. Smith” I smiled lovingly, lifting my head to look into his deep brown eyes properly.
“I wouldn’t have it any other way, Mrs. Smith”
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Re: n****l horoscopes: I unfollowed them a long while ago citing Inexplicable Bad Vibes, so I am feeling very vindicated rn... down with misinformation!
don't reblog or you'll get blocked / (telling this story bc i had a couple of people ask what i meant when i referred nh being xenophobic) i followed and unfollowed off and on for years but what got me was a couple of years ago they used the term wop pejoratively towards italians- i think started because it was columbus day? which like. go the fuck ahead, im not someone who sits around acting like italians are poc or something but my actual grandfather, who left italy in the 1950s because the economy was destroyed after mussolini and emigrated to a very small, very white town in canada, was harassed both in and out of the workplace by white anglos and the term "wop" was what he was called. i have family members who were physically assaulted in xeonophobic attacks specifically because they were italian immigrants in the 70s/80s and "wop" is the term that was used to describe them. the term refers to, and i am not making this up, the sound of two pieces of shit being slapped together. that's the etymology, at least in terms of the crackers who threw it around forty years ago were using it. am i gonna sit here and say i experience racism on account of being italian? no, of course not, but you have be genuinely stupid not to recognize that xenophobia against europeans, especially towards italians, continues to be fucking rampant, especially in extremely anglo (british) communities.
at the time i sent nh an ask politely asking them not to use that term, and they were completely belligerent and unapologetic. i'm not saying people should be offended by this at all, it was a personal offence because that term has a personal history in my family, which is almost entirely comprised of first generation immigrants, but it just. reeked. that side of the family is also where my jewish and romani ancestry comes from, i'm extremely protective of it because i still live around the people who were beating the shit out of my mom and uncle as kids for not being white enough, and that, for me, was where i finally gave up on trying to see the good in nh's blog (there isn't any). like i said, im not going to sit here and say cancel nh for using the term wop, its entirely relative in north america because italians do not face oppression here, but on the whole i'm pretty nh is not as smart or knowledgable as they pretend they are. scratch the surface of 90% of what they post and its either nonsense or something you can find on wikipedia.
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interact-if · 3 years
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The A/PI Heritage Month interviews are coming to a close soon! For Day 8, we have lovely Aster! :chinhands:
Aster, author of Nevermoore
A/PI Heritage Month Featured Author
They say that curiosity killed the cat, but it won’t be satisfaction that’ll be bringing you back. Again. And again. And again.
The simple act of visiting your parents turns into something much more than what you were expecting when your car suddenly breaks down in the middle of nowhere, and you find yourself right beside a small town that’s engulfed by the trees.
Some of the residents you met right away were welcoming enough, happy to try and lend a helping hand when they can. But their smiles seemed more apologetic than happy, and their eyes looked at you with regret.
You never really did understand why that was…
Until you died.
So now, you are an unwilling participant in an endless cycle of death and resurrection. And the more you learn about the bloodstained history of the town and the past of its people, the more you'll get tangled up in a web of secrets that threatens to keep you there forever.
So welcome, newcomer… to Nevermoore.
Q1: First of all, introduce us to your project! What is it about?
Nevermoore is planned to be is a supernatural story wrapped in a little horror bow about a cursed town that’s both lost to the trees and lost to the ages. Relatively normal lives can still happen there...well, as normal as it gets when not only is aging put to a pause, but dying isn’t even a permanent thing. And the duration of the stay, as far as the town is concerned, is forever.
And unsurprisingly, these effects of the town are barely half of the secrets and mysteries that it holds...But the question is, does the latest new resident that ‘accidentally’ stumbled across it (spoiler alert that’s you) really wants to know what they are?
...Perhaps some things are just better left forgotten.
Q2: If it’s not too spoilery, what are you most excited about your project?
Oh, there’s so many scenes and reveals I want to get to already that it’s hard to choose! But if I had to be specific, the one I’m most excited in writing out is Sterling’s (an RO) backstory! I don’t mean to play favorites or anything, but I like to think that their backstory as having the most Hollywood movie levels of drama and intrigue.
Sterling was honestly the first character I made for this story, even before the MC, so I can’t help myself in having some fun with this!
Q3: What inspired the current project you’re working on?
Believe it or not, Nevermoore’s first iteration was supposed to be a very specific, very self-indulgent AU fanfic of this piece of media I was into back in like, 2014? The drafts of that had remained in my Google Drive, unchanged and unworked on, that is until about two years ago when I discovered the wide, diverse world of interactive fiction.
Inspired to create a story to share with others, I ended up reviving those old documents. The plot and the characters had to be massively overhauled to make it more my own of course, and some inspiration was also been taken from shows like Stranger Things and Dark for their eerie and secretive small-town aesthetics.
Q4: Do you pull from your own identity for inspiration? How has that been reflected in your work?
...Admittedly, not so much. It was an embarrassingly lack of foresight on my part (as a first generation Filipino-Canadian), because it somehow never occurred to me that I can, in fact, add characters who are like me into my own writing. Well, lesson learned. Good news is that I already have some side characters planned who’ll be Filipinothat will show up later on in Nevermoore’s demo, as well as have a Filipino RO in a future wip. The latter of which I am very excited about!
With that being said, I will share that MCs parents in the story are actually loosely based on my own parents who were Filipino immigrants! I won’t elaborate on what parts, but I’m planning on integrating some more of their personalities in the upcoming patch. I really want dedicate those characters to them, since they’ve already sacrificed so much to bring me and my sibling here in Canada to have a better life! :)
Q5: What’s been your experience so far? With writing, with the if community...
There’s no doubt in my mind that getting involved with the IF community has been one of the best decisions I’ve ever made, despite being incredibly internet shy at first. I’m glad to have meet so many amazing IF writers and readers, and I definitely wouldn’t have gotten as far as I did with my projects if it weren’t for our constant support, help, and hype for each other.
This community has been so wonderful and welcoming, and I can’t wait to see it grow even more!
Q6: Do you have any future projects in the works?
At least three so far, actually! Nothing is fully established yet, just some concepts and vibes. But the genres are high-fantasy, postapocalyptic-ish, and sci-fi.
The first is about a character who’s an aspiring writer (heh) that suddenly finds themselves ‘isekaied’ into the fantasy world of the still-incomplete book they were working on. The second is about an immortal from the dawn of humanity trying to live through the endof humanity ft. zombies(?). And the third is about a volunteer of a cryosleep experiment gone wrong and ends up waking up 1000 years in the future instead. It seems here that my brain won’t let me rest and is telling me to try my hand in as many genres I can haha!
Q7: Finally, what piece of advice would you give to fellow authors?
This is advice that I still have to work on following myself but: Don’t stress too much on your first drafts, it’s called that for a reason! Focus on getting the basic ideas/dialogues/etc down and don’t be afraid to write ‘badly’, since there’s always time for you to polish it into something you’re happy with later on!
Otherwise, you’ll only get into this cycle of editing the same sections over and over, and that can burn you out before you even have the chance to work on the parts you’re actually excited for!
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avinaccia · 3 years
A Completely Objective and Logical Ranking of Every Hetalia Character Song
New character songs are dropping,  I have too much time on my hands, let’s go. 
Also here’s a Youtube playlist for the ~✨nostalgia✨~
Bring it on in the tags 
71. Ah Legendary Class⭐The Awesome Me Highway [Prussia]: Absolutely tearing it up on the drums and on the vocal cords alike (I pray for Atsushi Kousaka). Great for the memes. 
70.  Happy Thoughts Museum [???]: This is listed as an official song but I had literally never heard of the title. Then I listened to it and BAM! Smack back to 2013 watching the teasers for the show on Funimation. Not sure I’d count it as a character song though...
69. (Nice)  My Song that is written by me for me [Prussia]: Deafened me but I can appreciate the industrial grind.
68.  My House is...Quiet. ~With the Trolls~ [Norway]: I have never heard this song, nor can I find any version of it online. By default it goes here and I am so sorry Norge.
67.  Make a Wish to Santa♪ [Sealand]: The discordant notes and childish exuberance only serve to make this sound like a demonic plea to Santa to eliminate the singer’s enemies.
66.  Heaven and Hell on Earth [Rome]: Rome sounds like he’s been in the corner of a restroom. Extra points for the metal version, minus points for the fact that the beach scene was replayed like 1764 times.
65. Canada Complete Introduction [Canada]: Quiet af until Kumacheerio shows up and blows out your speakers. they did you dirty my darling 😔
64.  It’s Easy!!! [America]: I don't think any video of this has ever stayed up for more than 20 seconds. Sounds cool, but like I was listening to 20 different genres at once, someone make him calm down.
63.  Bù Zàiyì the Small Stuff ☆ [China]: I cannot for the life of me find the complete song anywhere, clips have a cool beat though
62.  Let's Boil Hot Water♪ [Italy]: Exactly what it says on the tin..though a bit too close to elevator music for my tastes.
61.  The Fragrance of Early Summer [Japan]: Very ‘from the books’ Japan-esque song
60.  Peace Sounds Nice…[Baltic Trio]: All well and good until the radio demon shows up
59.  W●D●C ~World Dancing~ [America]: How a song can sound like it’s from 4 different decades at once is beyond me
58.  Overflowing Passion [BFT]: This is just drunken karaoke and I have 0 clue what’s going on #iconicforallthewrongreasons
57. Ren●Ren●Renaissance♪ [Rome+Chibitalia]: Wholesome Grandpa with Grandson content - barring the fact that Italy sounds on the verge of a nervous breakdown and Rome has had too much wine.
56.  Roma Antiqua [Rome]: Similar energy to any one of China’s songs - there’s a part of the song where it sounds like he’s singing in the shower, and I will never not laugh at [CENSORED]
55.  Country From Where the Sun Rises, Zipangu [Japan]: Very chill, very Japan, but just meh for me.
54.  Moon Over Emei Shan [China]: Good message, okay song.
53.  My Friend [England]: What a mind palace you must have Mr. Kirkland
52.  With Love, from Iceland [Iceland]: Three words: Heavy. Metal. Puffin.
51.  Having Friends is Nice...♫ [Russia]: Russia is the cutest thing ever
50.  Mm. [Sweden]: Smooth transition from WWE Smackdown to shopping at IKEA.
49.  Why don’t you come over? ~Beyond the Northern Lights~ [Iceland]: I don’t want to be mean but...this does sound like the second closing theme to an anime whose first closing was much more popular (à la Soul Eater)
48. Gakuen☆Festa [Germany, Italy, Japan]: Sounds like a 60s song of the summer but oh dear their voices do not go together. Hella cute though.
47.  Wa! Wa!! World Ondo [Main Cast]: One time I travelled 10 hours in a coach bus with a bunch of teenagers to a city of note in my country, and the only souvenir I bought was the fucking PAINT IT WHITE DVD. Perfectly chaotic, UN ĐĕùX~~
46.  In the Bluebell Woods [England]: In the album cover for this song he’s holding a guitar but this is not a rock song. Still has ‘running through the hills’ levels of dramatism though.
45.  Poi Poi Poi♪ [Taiwan]: You’re telling me that Taiwan, someone whose has *ONE LINE* in Beautiful World (which is criminal tbh what kind of representation-) managed to get an eNTIRE CHARACTER SONG???????
44.  White Flame [Russia]: There’s something to be said for a song that is 3x the length of any Hetalia episode
43.  Ich liebe… [Germany]: Baking cakes for your friends has never been so wholesome.
42.  We Wish you a Merry Christmas [America, China, England, France, Russia]: Nice to see they’ve gotten their shit together since United Nations Sta-hmm.
41.  Ah, Worldwide à la mode [France]: Sounds like a Disney Princess song, hard not to picture France frolicking in a field of flowers.
40.  Che Bello! ~My House is the Greatest!⭐~ [Italy]: Would not be out of place in an advertisement for Sea World.
39.  May You Smile Today [Japan]: THE feel good song of the summer
38.  Let’s Look Behind the Rainbow [Italy]: I will protect you.
37.  I'm your HERO☆ [America]: “Anyone who’s sad or sullen will be arrested” did NOT age well.
36.  Mein Gott! [Prussia]: Alternating headphone effect at the beginning is cool, so is the confidence...the actual singing on the other hand...
35. Nihao⭐China [China]: Listen, all of China’s character songs are great, I just can’t vibe with this one like some of the others.
34.  Pechka ~Light My Heart~ [Russia]: I’m still having difficulty wrapping my head around the fact that this and Winter were released at the same time.
33.  Pukapuka⭐Vacation [Germany, Italy, Japan]: Seems just a bit too much like they’re running on a treadmill that’s picking up speed and trying to sing at the same time. Peppy.
32.  Santa Claus is Coming to Town [Germany, Italy, Japan]: This is unironically the best song sung by this trio; can only vibe with for two months out of the year though.
31.  Excuse Me, I Am Sorry [Japan]: Japan’s character traits speedrun. Gives me barbershop quartet vibes for some reason but is catchy as hell.
30.  The Story of Snow and Dreams [Russia]: A superhero anime opening in the making
29. England’s Evil Demon Summoning Song [England]: Sir that is not how you roast a marshmallow, don’t cut yourself on that edge.
28.  Moi Moi Sauna♪ [Finland]: Exactly the type of song you’d expect and it’s wonderful
27.  United Nations Star⭐ [America, China, England, France, Russia]: This isn’t as much of a song as it is a four minute struggle for everyone to sing without America yelling every 5 seconds...Like a particularly musical episode of Hetalia.
26.  Paris is Indeed Splendid [France]: Paris-pa-pa-pa-paris
25.  Absolutely Invincible British Gentleman [England]: Poppy, rocky, polka-dotty
24.  Vorwärts Marsch! [Germany]: To quote the comment section: “This sounds like a German version of I’ll Make a Man out of you.” There’s some truth to that.
23.  Hamburger Street [America]: The product of America’s rapper phase. 8/10 because he’s trying so hard and because I can unironically sing along to all of this.
22.  Hoi Sam☆Nice Guy [Hong Kong]: A song that would absolutely destroy the ankles of anyone in DDR.
21.  I Am German-Made [Germany]: There was once a version that had Germany and Prussia singing at the same time and it sounded positively demonic and Broadway could never
20.  La pasión no se detiene ~Unstoppable Passion~ [Spain]: Talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show-stopping...
19.  Fall in Love, Mademoiselle [France]: Sounds like it should be in Mozart Opera Rock, I have kiss kiss falled in love.
18. Embrace the Très Bien Moi [France]: This is the definition of SELF LOVE PEOPLE. 
17. Carrot and Stick [Belarus&Ukraine]: Absolutely DRIPPING in 2000s power ballad energy. The type of song that plays on repeat in the mind of the widow whose millionaire husband ‘mysteriously disappeared’ (and the only legit character song ever acknowledged by the anime)
16. C.B.C (Cowboyz Boot Camp) Vol. 1 [America]: AH MAH GAWWDDD
15. Winter [Russia]: Heavy metal fever dream and the perfect song for an angst-ridden teenager
14.  Seychelles Here ⭐ Vacation Island [Seychelles]: UN👏DER👏RA👏TED SONG👏OF 👏THE 👏SUM👏MER👏
13.  Nah, it will settle itself somehow [Romano]: One day I aspire to reach this level of chill
12.  Let’s Enjoy Today [England]: I will never not feel happy when listening to this.
11.  Einsamkeit [Germany]: Ludwig manages to air every single one of his worries about not being good enough compared to his friends and always being perceived as mean or uptight when he’s actually just a softie and now my heart hurts. 💔
10.  Aiyaa Four Thousand Years [China]: A very poignant and beautiful song about the passage of time and the inevitability of its passing; comparable to an ancient ballad complete with explosive crescendos and meaningful lyrics.
9.  Bon Bon Bon❤️C’est Bon C’est Bon! [France]: Peppy, cheerful, adorable, groundbreaking; has been my alarm tone for six years and I’ve yet to tire of it. 9/10 The moaning interspersed throughout has been an interesting wake-up call.
8.  Let’s Enjoy! Let’s Get Excited! Cheers! [Denmark]: This is on par with Everytime we Touch by Cascada in terms of rage potential unlocked (the good kind)
7.  Dream Journey [Japan]: Whoever’s playing the shakuhachi is absolutely KILLING IT. Dramatic, wonderful, great metaphors.
6.  Gourmet’s Heart Beginner Level [China]: Absolute banger, I’m a vegetarian but this would inspire me to eat shumai.
5.  Always with you...Nordic Five! [Nordic FIVVVVVEEEE]: Everyone harmonizes beautifully except for Denmark. Extremely catchy, number placement seemed appropriate. 
4.  Pub and GO! [England]: I love this trash man
3. Maji Kandou⭐Hong Kong Night [Hong Kong]: If you thought Denmark’s song was a banger JUST YOU WAIT. I WILL BLOW OUT MY SPEAKERS LISTENING TO LO-HA-SU.
2. Steady Rhythmus [Germany]: THIS SONG IS METAL AF. Seriously, if it can be classified as ‘hardcore’ by my father and his group of 50-somethings who have decided to single-handedly gatekeep the metal and hardrock genres, it can do anything.
1.  The Delicious Tomato Song 🍅 [Romano]: Beautiful, absolutely awe-inspiring, poignant, catchy lyrics with an extremely deep meaning that only years of meticulous research and analysis can unlock, Romano I love you.
BONUS: Closing Songs
5. Hatafutte Parade (World Series) 
4. Hetalian⭐Jet (The World Twinkle): The song is good, the dancing is cursed 
3. Chikyuu Marugoto Hug Shitainda (World⭐Stars)
2. Marukaite Chikyuu (Hetalia: Axis Powers): nE NE PaPA
1. Mawaru Chikyuu Rondo (The Beautiful World)
93 notes · View notes
holidaywishes · 3 years
It’s Just Sex
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  Requested: 👍
  Summary/Request: So I was hoping for maybe a bi reader and her and Fred have kind of like a sugar daddy/dom kind of relationship but not very intense more of a soft caring dom with real feelings there as well. anyway, before the reader met Fred she was in a kind of friends with benefits relationship with a woman and that relationship was also very dom/sub centred and maybe her old lover comes to Toronto for maybe a business trip or something (I’m imagining powerful businesswoman vibes here) and asks the reader to meet her for drinks and when she tells Fred and explains their relationship to him somehow Fred ends up joining them for drinks and maybe her ex lover suggests something and it goes from there 👀
  Warning: smut as requested, drug use, maybe some fluff, maybe some angst or jealousy?
  Author’s Note: Gonna be honest, my experience is limited in, like, all aspects so I don’t know how this will turn out or if it will really be what you’re looking for, anon, but I’m taking my best shot. I hope you still enjoy it! I also want to apologize if I took any missteps in the way I talked about bisexuality — my intention is never to offend and this was my first time writing a bi reader so please feel free to let me know if/where I went wrong. Stay Golden loves <3!
  the other masterlist
  You grew up in Antigonish, a small town in Nova Scotia, so you were used to more of a slow paced life. You got good grades, never broke the law and the only form of rebelling you did came in the form of stealing a five cent candy from the convenience store on the corner of Main Street. So when you moved to Boston for University, you expected to be overwhelmed but you didn’t expect to meet anyone -- but then she showed up
  “Hi there” a voice said confidently behind you, leading you to turn around slowly to see who she was talking to
  “Me?” you asked, surprised when she nodded with a smile, “oh, hi”
  “I saw you order a Manhattan and I thought to myself, ‘now that’s my type of girl’” she joked
  “Honestly, I hate it,” you admitted, playing with the base of the glass, “I thought I was ordering a Cosmopolitan but Manhattan sounded more familiar so I ordered that but now...”
  “You’re cute,” the woman said, taking the empty seat next to you, “I love Manhattan’s so I’ll happily take yours but let me get you your Cosmo”
  “You don’t have to...” you blushed
  “I know” she replied confidently, earning a shy smile from you
  “I’m (Y/N) by the way”
  “Adrianne,” she smiled, “but all my friends call me Roxy”
  “Why Roxy?” you chuckled and she gave some wrap around answer about it being an inside joke from middle school. You were mesmerized with her the entire night. The way she spoke. The way she took small sips from her drink and licked her lips. The way her dark hair would brush across her exposed skin of her back as her smile hypnotized you. The way her hand grazed your knee when she made a joke or the sound of her laugh when you didn’t know she was flirting with you. She gave you her number at the end of the night and you spent the next week trying to think of exactly what to say, “she’s way too good for me” you sighed, pushing your phone across the counter
  “Why?” Your best friend, Nicole, asked. You two went to high school together so she had a habit of hyping you up when she thought you needed it most
  “If you had seen her, you would agree with me, Nic. She just has this way about her,” you gushed, “she’s just cool and charming and way too good for me”
  “You are amazing. Who cares if this girl is ‘cool,’ we’re not in high school anymore so you just need someone who is going to see how amazing you are”
  “Nic, I don’t even know if she wants to start something...”
  “You said she gave you her number right?”
  “So she obviously wants something”
  “Yeah but is all she wants sex? Because I don’t know if I’m the hook up type”
  “Text her. Call her. Find out what she’s looking for” she smirked, filling up a glass of water from the faucet to drown out any argument you tried to make. You scoffed at her ability to brush you off before you grabbed your phone and sent Adrianne a text
  “Wanna go to dinner?” you asked simply
  “I could eat” she replied. Later that night, you found yourself standing outside the restaurant, taking a deep breath before stepping inside, knowing she was waiting for you. It was an effortless night; you laughed, you told her some of your weirdest childhood stories, she told you about her family and what she was doing in Boston. The night was rounded out by following her back to her apartment and letting your bodies take over. You thought that the date went well but you didn’t see her for a few months when she randomly texted you, an occurrence that would happen every two weeks or so from that point on, and it became very clear to you that she was looking for a ‘friend with benefits.’ You weren’t a huge fan of it but you couldn’t get Adrianne out of your head so you went along with it but she didn’t seem to take it well when you said you had gotten a job in Toronto
  “We’ve been doing this for years, Roxy,” you whined, finally able to call her by her nickname, “I’ve graduated, we’ve graduated. I have a chance to start my life with a really successful company and I don’t know why you wouldn’t want me to take it. It’s not like you need me to stick around for anything. You're the one who didn’t want to have any commitments so this shouldn’t cause any problems for you”
  “I just don’t get why you wanna go back to Canada” she said with a tinge of disgust on her words and you felt a rush of rage roll through you
  “Because it’s home” you said plainly, scoffing before turning on your heels
  “(Y/N)” she sighed
  “Adrianne,” you replied softly, “I really hope we can see each other again someday. You will always be such an important part of my life but I need to take this step”
  “I understand,” she smiled, “I’m sorry. I really didn’t mean anything about--”
  “I know,” you interrupted with a smile, “I’ll see you.. when I see you.” As soon as you landed in Toronto, a giant grin spread across your face because it finally felt like home. You walked into e=mc2 on your first day anxious to get started and they did not waste any time putting you to work
  “Alright, (Y/N), so we’ve got a wedding on Friday, a conference on Wednesday, a sweet sixteen next month that we have to settle all the details for next week, a gala in about 3 months -- give or take -- that is going to take a lot of work and a lot of time,” your boss explained, rambling slightly as the two of you rushed around the office, “and then there’s all the smaller events that we do. You’ll be very busy. Are you okay with all of this?”
  “Of course!” you exclaimed, struggling to keep up with her footsteps
  “We know it can be a bit jarring at first, because it all happens so quickly, which is why we put a clause in your contract that states you have a 30 day trial period. Like a subscription to Netflix,” she laughed, “to see if you can handle it or if you want to drop it”
  “Smart,” you smirked, taking a breath when your boss finally stopped in the break room and got himself a glass of water, “but I don’t think I’ll need it. I love the fast paced environment”
  “Good,” she smiled in return, “I think you’ll fit in really well here.”
Freddie’s P.O.V
  You had noticed her once before. She was running through the building, clearly stressed about something, when you were walking back to your apartment with Auston. You saw her again a few weeks later, having lunch in the café across the street; you found yourself waiting for the next time you’d see her would be.
  “Shit shit shit” you heard someone whisper from down the hall, finding her rushing down the corridor with an arm full of papers. You tried to move out of her way, not wanting to cause her undue stress when her shoulder connected with your arm sharply
  “Oomph” the two of you said in tandem as her papers went flying
  “Ow,” she groaned as she rubbed her shoulder, her eyes still not looking up at yours while she tried to collect everything that you’d made her drop, “I’m sorry. I wasn’t watching where I was going. I’m just in a bit of a rush...”
  “That’s alright” you said softly and she finally looked up at you
  “I... I really am sorry. I’ve been told I need to be more careful” she smiled
  “Really, it’s fine. No harm done,” you replied, “do you have time for a drink?”
  “Uhm,” she hesitated, fixing the bag on her shoulder, “I can’t... I have a lot of work to do. I’m sorry”
  “How about tomorrow?” you called when she hastened down the hall and she looked back at you, not saying anything, “I’m Freddie by the way!” she stopped where she stood before turning around and letting a smile grow on her face
  “(Y/N)!” she returned. The two of you eventually met up for lunch and, after that, couldn’t stop talking to each other; you couldn’t stop thinking about her. “I want to be very clear...” she started one day, after months of day dates, midnight snacks and weekly hookups. You furrowed your brow at her words, “I don’t want to just mess around. I did that once, with my ex, and it wasn’t right for me. If you don’t want a relationship, that’s fine, but tell me now because I don’t wanna waste my time.” Her bluntness was a breath of fresh air and you couldn’t help but be more attracted to with every word she spoke
  “I wouldn’t want to waste your time...” you smirked, wanting to keep her on her toes just a little longer. “I don’t want to mess around either. I’ve done that before and I don’t want to do it anymore either. I want to be with you” she jumped into your arms and crashed her lips onto yours. From then on, the two of you were almost inseparable, learning new things at every turn, “I’ve never heard of Antigonish” you said when she told you about her hometown
  “It’s small but it’s cute. It’s a good place to raise a family...”
  “What about that?” you asked, “a family? You want one?”
  “Are you asking if I want kids?” she teased
  “Do you want kids?”
  “Yeah,” you laughed, “I want a big family. Lots of kids”
  “How many is lots?” she asked seriously
  “As many as you’ll give me”
  “Aww aren’t you cute”
  “I know” you joked and she pushed your shoulder playfully. After nearly two years, she had never really opened up her exes, no matter how many times you asked, and it was starting to really get on your nerves
  “Why are you getting so mad?” she yelled
  “Why won’t you be honest with me?”
  “I really don’t have any ‘exes’ so there’s nothing to talk about”
  “You said that your ex just wanted to mess around, so obviously you had at least one ex” you argued
  “I.. I called her my ex because it was easier to explain than we were ‘friends with benefits’ because it was more than that to me but it wasn’t to her but I hate the term ‘complicated’ even if it’s what it was,” she countered, still trying to argue her point but you were caught up on the fact that her ex was a girl that you couldn’t focus. “Freddie?”
  “Sorry,” you shook your head, “you said her. Your ex is a girl?”
  “Yeah...” was all she said, earning a scoff from you
  “That’s it?”
  “What’s the problem?”
  “Was it like an experiment?”
  “An exper-- no it wasn’t an experiment,” she scoffed, “I’m bisexual”
  “And you never thought to tell me?!”
  “It’s not a big deal so I.. didn’t think to mention it”
  “It is a big deal!” you shouted
  “Why? Why is it a big deal?”
  “You dated a woman!”
  “And I’ve dated men... plus, I told you, I didn’t date her. We just hooked up”
  “Look, I don’t care the bisexual thing. I just don’t get why you didn’t tell me about it?” you asked, sitting down on the couch
  “I don’t know... I guess I wasn’t sure how you’d react. Not everyone accepts it, my grandparents sure as hell didn’t” she sighed
  “I love you,” you said, “I’m not your grandparents. You love who you love and that shouldn’t be helped. I’m just happy that I’m the one you love this time”
  “I do love you,” she smiled, wrapping her arms around your neck, “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner but thank you for not... overreacting.”
  “Let’s just make this the last secret for a while okay?” you chuckled
  “I can make that work.”
  “I’m in town” a number you didn’t recognize texted you and you racked your brain about who it could be
  “Sorry... who is this?”
  “Ha ha very funny”
  “Nicole?” you sent, thinking that your best friend changed her number
  “Seriously (Y/N)?”
  “I’m sorry. I really don’t know who this is. I don’t recognize this number...”
  “It’s Roxy” your cursor blinked in the empty space of your text box while you tried to think of something to say. It had been almost five years since you last saw her but seeing her name on the screen still made your heart race. Without even trying, she’d begun messing with your head all over again
  “Oh. Hi”
  “Oh. Hi?” she repeated your message before quickly sending another, “really that’s all I get?”
  “I wasn’t expecting to hear from you...”
  “We said we’d keep in touch. That didn’t happen, clearly”
  “You’re a busy woman. Last I heard, you were well on your way to being a CEO at some Fortune 500 company”
  “Ah yes. That planned changed”
  “It did?” you replied quickly, intrigued about what she could be in town for
  “It did. It was fun while it lasted but I’m still busy, I like it that way”
  “What are you up to then?”
  “Well... I think we should meet up and talk about it. I would love to see you” You could picture her lips speaking those words. The way her tongue lingered on the back of her teeth as if she didn’t want the ‘L’ to escape her mouth before her breath could reach it. The way her grin would shape the sound of ‘you’ to make it sound more like an invitation than a word. You saw it all in your head and your fingers responded before you could stop them
  “Sure! What about Friday?”
  “Sounds good. I heard of a bar called The Cloak Bar that has a great vibe. I’m excited to try it”
  “Yeah I’ve heard of it. Do you mind if I bring someone along?” you asked, biting the inside of your cheek nervously
  “Not at all”
  “Great! See you Friday!”
  “(Y/N)?” Freddie said when he saw you staring you at your phone screen in silence, “babe?”
  “Huh?” you said, still frazzled by the conversation you’d just had
  “Everything okay? You look a little distracted...”
  “Wanna go to a bar on Friday?” you blurted out
  “Sure..” he scoffed
  “Good. Great. Good,” you stammered, “that’s good. You’ll get to meet an old friend of mine.. from Boston...”
  “An old friend?” he asked before you finally met his gaze, “an old friend.. your ex...”
  “She’s in town and wants to... catch up”
  “I’m sure she does” he teased, sitting down beside you
  “Don’t be like that. She texted me... I could’ve not invited you, she knows you’re coming”
  “She knows your boyfriend is coming?”
  “She knows you’re coming...”
  “(Y/N)...” he scoffed with a smile, dropping his head, “you didn’t say ‘my boyfriend is coming’ did you?” your silence said everything it needed to and Freddie fell back into the couch
  “I’m sorry!” you tried, embarrassed about what happened, “everything happened so fast! I didn’t know what to say. I don’t know why I didn’t say something about you, why I didn’t mention your name, I’m so sorry! But I do want you there!”
  “Relax,” he smirked, wrapping his arm around your waist and kissing your cheek, “It’s fine. I get it and you know what? I’m excited to meet this ‘Roxy’“
  “Good. You’ll like her!” you exclaimed, “but don’t call her Roxy... it’s an inside thing. I just wouldn’t want her to like hate you before getting to know you”
  “Okay,” he chuckled, “I promise, I’ll behave.” When Friday came along, you had changed your outfit countless times and you couldn’t calm your breathing; Freddie was finally able to calm you down enough that you could pick an outfit but your nerves were still getting the best of you. You showed up early and found a booth near the back and waited for Adrianne to walk through the door, watching your boyfriend’s reaction whenever you took your eyes off the entrance. “Babe... stop. You’re gonna be fine,” you laughed as he pressed a kiss to your lips, “I’m here for you.”
  “I’m just so nervous... I know I shouldn’t be but I am” you said before taking a deep breath and training your eyes back on the door
  “Is that her?” Freddie asked, nodding to the crowd of people who just walked in and you searched to see if she was among them. When you finally saw her, your first thought was she hasn’t changed a bit
  “Yeah... that’s her” you sighed, watching as her smile went wide when she found you. She was wearing, what looked like, a pin striped suit -- tapered legs with the highest stilettos you’d ever seen topped with a one button blazer, low enough that both you and Freddie could tell she was only wearing a bra underneath
  “Holy shit” you heard him gasp and you hit his chest before Adrianne got to the table
  “(Y/N),” she said in a sultry voice, the same one she’d used that night you first met, “it’s so good to see you again. You look great”
  “Me?” you blushed, “look at you! You look.. wow, just... wow”
  “Thank you” she smiled, her eyes moving to Freddie slowly
  “Sorry, this is my boyfriend. This is Freddie, Freddie this is Adrianne”
  “Nice to meet you” Freddie greeted politely, outstretching his hand to shake hers but Adrianne only smirked in return before taking a seat beside you, tucking herself quite close to you
  “It’s nice to meet you as well, Freddie...”
  “So.. tell me. What’s new? What brings you to the City?” you asked, moving closer to Freddie and his arm draped over your shoulder
  “I’m working on something. A merger, more or less, with the company I’m working for in Boston and one based out of Toronto. It appears the Canadians are not too keen to share with us Bostonian's” she laughed and you felt her hand land on your knee
  “Let’s get some drinks!” you said, clearing your throat, “they have great cocktails here!”
  “Don’t mind if I do” she said in the same sultry tone as before, peering over at Freddie, her hand still stationed on your knee and you could tell she was planning something; what that something was, remained to be seen.
Adrianne’s P.O.V
  You weren’t expecting her to be in a relationship. Not that she wasn’t the type, just that she didn’t give you the impress she was dating but you could see why she was with him. He was big and he looked strong, she probably loved his hands on her body, his fingers inside her; god you missed having your fingers inside her. The way that she sunk into him told you that she felt safe with him and the way that he looked at her told you that he loved her and would likely do anything for her. You bit your lip as you watched the two of them interact, asking questions when you felt like it, keeping that ere of mystery about yourself that you’d always liked to. After two rounds of specialty cocktails and an extra old fashioned you ordered for (Y/N), the group was starting to loosen up a little
  “Babe, I need to get out,” she whispered to Freddie, leaning against his chest as she spoke, “can you move a little?”
  “Where’re you going?” he smirked
  “I have to pee” she giggled
  “Why don’t you just crawl over him?” you teased, half-expecting her to challenge you but wanting to see what she’d choose, when she squinted her eyes in mild annoyance before straddling her boyfriend, pecking his lips gently and shifting her body to the open space beside him.
  “You really bring out a different side of her, don’t you?” he smirked
  “I guess I just know a different version of her” you replied
  “So.. what kind of person handles mergers? What’s your job title?” he pried
  “Technically, I’m an Investment Advisor. That’s what it says on my business card but if you ask my bosses they’ll tell you I’m the badass who manages their portfolios so they don’t get fired or arrested for fraud” you replied proudly
  “Shit,” he scoffed, “sounds important”
  “What do you do?”
  “Nothing nearly as important,” he laughed, “I’m a goaltender. In the NHL”
  “For Toronto?” you asked, genuinely intrigued and he nodded, “well damn. That’s pretty cool. I’m starting to get a better idea why (Y/N) likes you”
  “I mean.. she’s not with me because of my job” he clarified but you could tell you had shaken him
  “Are you sure?” you teased, the situation moving more and more in your favour
  “I’m back!” she interrupted, a grin wide across her face as she slipped back into the booth, reaching across Freddie to grab her drink
  “So..” you continued, ending the conversation between you and Freddie, “what are the plans for the rest of the night, you two?”
  “Fred’s got practice tomorrow afternoon so we probably shouldn’t be out too late” she admitted, draping her arm over his shoulder before kissing his cheek
  “We could go somewhere,” you added, noticing Freddie’s head snap back to you as a glare pierced through you, “just us girls. Catch up some more, dance a little? Like old times?”
  “Rox..” she laughed, climbing onto her boyfriends lap, “I’m not really up for dancing tonight. I kinda miss our bed. All this alcohol is hitting me at once and I just wanna lay down”
  “Hold on,” you mocked, “are we not young? Are we not healthy? Are we not vivacious?”
  “Vivacious?” she chuckled
  “Are we not sexy?” you added
  “I don’t wanna dance tonight, Roxy” she countered
  “I have something for you,” you smiled, glancing at Freddie, “for us”
  “What’s that?” he asked
  “Ecstasy” you said plainly, laughing as (Y/N) choked on her drink
  “Hey!” she squirmed, “that’s illegal!”
  “Relax,” you teased, “we’re not gonna get caught. I only have two tablets, so you each can have half”
  “I don’t think it’s a good idea...” (Y/N) hesitated and you shrugged, swallowing the small pill quickly
  “What?” you asked, “I’m not gonna waste a perfectly good pill, a perfectly good night, just because you’re not going to or because your boyfriend here as to stand around on ice tomorrow afternoon”
  “Roxy, don’t be rude!” she yelled before Freddie threw the pill in his palm down his throat, taking a swig of (Y/N)’s old fashioned to chase it down, “FREDDIE?!”
  “Babe, come on. It’ll be fine. Nothing bad will happen, I promise” he assured her
  “We’re here for you” you added
  “It’ll be fun” he said, nuzzling her neck with his nose and kissing her collarbone. She looked at the pill in her hand then back at you and Freddie, “why don’t we try something?”
  “I don’t know what else you guys want me to try?” she whined, earning a small laugh from the two of you, “what?”
  “No babe,” Freddie whispered, taking the pill from her palm, “let me take this and you just...” he leaned in, placing his fingers under her chin to bring her close to him, kissing her slowly and you watched as their tongues danced together, exchanging the pill. You noticed her hands tug at the fabric on his shoulders and you suddenly wondered how fast he could make her cum and if you could do better.
  “Maybe should we get out of here...” you leaned in between them, catching (Y/N)’s stare while her puffy lips pouted and her breath began to build. She looked back at Freddie, biting her lip as she tried to gauge his reaction. When he looked over at you, you raised your eyebrows as if to say ‘come on’ and he nodded in return; the three of you took a car back to Freddie’s apartment, you and Freddie unable to keep your hands off of (Y/N). You sat behind her, hands on her hips, before you pushed her hair away from her neck, planting kisses along the side up to her ear while Freddie messaged her thighs and kissed her shoulder and her hand snaked to the back of his neck. Her moans filling the car let you know that the Ecstasy was kicking in, her hand falling from Freddie’s neck to your leg told you that tonight was going to be exactly what you hoped for.
  You didn’t know how it happened but when the three of you stumbled into Freddie’s apartment, you were hypnotized by the sensations covering your body. Roxy kept her hands firmly on your waist as her lips continued to softly kiss your neck while Freddie directed the two of you to his bedroom, the windows covering the room in an amber hue.
  “Lay down” Roxy whispered. You looked at Freddie before sitting down on the bed, not losing eye contact with him. Roxy was the first to take off any clothing, unbuttoning her blazer to expose the lacy bra she had underneath; you forgot how amazing her body was and you couldn’t control your hands reaching out to touch her. She smiled before leaning in to nip at your lips, placing her hands on either side of you as she hovered over you, making sure you were laying flat on the bed. You noticed her and Freddie exchange a look as if they could read each other’s minds; Roxy moved behind you while Freddie took her place in front of you. They started peeling of your clothes before their hands roamed your body, Roxy pulling you up gently to rest you in her lap before she leaned down to press a soft kiss to your lips. Freddie was taking his time with you, slowly kissing your thighs and teasing your core as he traded his lips from one thigh to the next, his breath cascading over your skin and driving you mad the more time that went by
  “Oh god” you whined at the lack of connection you were getting, catching Freddie’s smirk as he pulled back to pull off his shirt and Roxy began massaging your scalp. You saw the two of them glare at each other before your eyes fluttered shut at the feeling of Roxy’s fingers tangling in your hair
  “You wanna fuck her?” you heard Freddie say, feeling his body hover over yours, “huh? Is that what you came here for?”
  “That’s why we’re here, isn’t it?” Roxy returned
  “This was your plan wasn’t it? When you texted her, you just didn’t think I’d be here” Freddie grumbled
  “I had no idea you existed” she challenged, forcing your eyes to open
  “What the hell is going on?” you yelled to them, sitting up so you were between them. Neither of them answered you, they only glared at each other before continuing to kiss either side of your neck, Roxy’s hand trailing down your body until she found your clit; circling it until you let out a raspy moan, “fuck!” Freddie continued kissing down your body, stopping to kiss your nipples for moment before he stood up to take off his jeans
  “Sit up” Roxy whispered in your ear and you obliged, wrapping your arms around Freddie’s neck to pull him close to you, pushing your breasts to his chest while his hands grabbed your hips and Roxy removed her pants before taking her place behind you once more. “You’re so wet, baby” she smirked as your back began to arch at her touch
  “You look so sexy” Freddie added lowly and you dropped your head against Roxy’s lap until she moved back to lay your head onto the mattress, placing her legs on either side of your head, encouraging you to begin working at her orgasm. You felt Freddie push your legs apart before he guided himself into you, eliciting a loud moan that rippled through Roxy, forcing her to curse into the open space. You pressed your tongue flat against Roxy’s folds as Freddie rocked into your hips, allowing your ministrations to reach Roxy without you trying too much but when she ground her hips down a little, you brought your fingers up, curling them inside her as Freddie’s hands gripped your waist and ground himself into you, harder and harder, you had to stop what you were doing
  “Fuck!” you screamed, reaching out for him with one hand while your other remained where it was, your fingers pumping in and out of Roxy until she reached her climax. She sat back against the pillows as Freddie continued to fuck you, eventually swinging her legs to the side and making her way behind Freddie. You watched as she traced her fingers up his arms, kissing his shoulders while he crashed his hips against yours
  “How tight does she feel?” you heard Roxy whisper to Freddie
  “So tight” he moaned, Roxy continuing to glide her fingers across his body
  “Such a beautiful pussy isn’t it?” she smirked, kissing his neck in the process
  “God yes” he growled, wrapping his arms around your waist to bring you up
  “Make her cum” Roxy whispered once more, her hands moving to push his hips into yours. Their breathing synced with each other as they brought you to a mindless state of bliss
  “Fuck” you breathed, the two of them crashing on the bed beside you, your chests rising and falling in sync.
  “Well shit” Roxy laughed
  “That was great” you smiled
  “We’re not done yet...” she said before your hand fell into Freddie’s chest. He brought it to his lips and you felt him smile against your skin before they moved you up against the pillows. You were exhausted, and you couldn’t say you were surprised; a threesome seemed like a lot of work without the drugs and alcohol and just as much with them. You lazily danced your finger across Freddie’s arm as you caught your breath, letting your free hand glide up Roxy’s leg before she smiled at you. She cupped your face with her hand and pressed her lips to yours, parting your lips with her tongue, allowing you to melt into her body; you felt Freddie’s erection push into your ass before his lips connected with your earlobe. His hands pulled your hips into him while you continued to kiss Roxy, your fingers now tangling in her hair, before you felt Freddie thrust into you from behind. You hummed at the sensation but couldn’t break the kiss you were sharing with Roxy, letting Freddie fuck you as hard as he could.
  “Fuck baby, you feel so good” he moaned
  “Fuck” you moaned in return, catching Roxy’s eyes before she kissed down your body until she reached your centre. Circling your clit with her tongue as Freddie fucked you from behind, your body becoming overwhelmed by sensation. It wasn’t long before you reached your second high, letting out a squeal as both Freddie and Roxy found the exact right spot at the same time, Freddie biting your shoulder as he kept himself inside you until he came. You fell back into his chest, panting as you calmed down, smirking when Roxy didn’t come back up from where she was. “What are you doing down there?” you laughed
  “I’m just catching my breath” she replied
  “I’ll be right back” Freddie said, kissing your temple before getting up and heading into the en suite bathroom. He came back with a damp face cloth and began cleaning you up, turning your body gently to make sure he didn’t miss anything. Roxy scoffed when he left without doing the same for her, “I thought I’d get a clean cloth for you” he said as soon as he came back in the room, doing the same for her as he did for you.
  “Well aren’t you just... perfect” she said, “prince of aftercare”
  “He’s pretty great” you smiled
  “Thanks,” he chuckled, “can I get anyone anything from the kitchen? Water?”
  “No I’m good, thanks babe”
  “I’ll take some wine if you got it. Wine always helps level me out after E” Roxy said
  “You got it, Adrianne” he smirked, making his way downstairs quickly, leaving the two of you to giggle and gossip about him
  “You really love him don’t you?” she said, pushing herself up onto the pillows where you were
  “I do” you confessed
  “You guys are good together” she replied and you could tell there was something she wasn’t saying
  “Thanks...” you furrowed your brow, “what’s wrong, Rox?”
  “Nothing,” she scoffed and you tilted your head, “no really. I just.. didn’t think I’d find you so domesticated”
  “Domesticated?” you laughed, “what about this night says ‘domesticated?’”
  “Not this night,” she smiled, “just how you are with him. It’s sweet. It’s just not what I expected”
  “What did you expect?” you questioned
  “I guess I thought you’d be independent. Being a boss ass bitch, like me,” she laughed, “and not wanting to settle down so you’d be f—”
  “Filling my time with random hookups?” you interrupted and she shrugged like it was obvious, “you know I’m not like that. I’ve never been like that.”
  “I’m happy for you” she added just as Freddie came in with her wine, nearly filled to the brim, “he’s a keeper” she whispered. She made quick work of the wine, finishing it almost immediately after she got it, and decided it was time she head out, “this was fun. Like really fun, but I think it’s time for me to go”
  “Adrianne...” you sighed, using her full name to try to convince her to stay
  “No really. I’ve got an early morning, you’ve got a busy day,” she replied, gesturing to a still-shirtless Freddie, “I had a great time but let’s just let it be that. It was nice to see you again, (Y/N), and it was nice to meet you, Freddie”
  “You too, Adrianne” he smiled sweetly
  “Oh please,” she laughed, “you’ve seen me naked. You can call me Roxy”
  “Why is it Roxy? You never really told me...” you asked with a smile
  “I went as Roxanne, or what I thought Roxanne would look like, for Halloween one year. You know like the Police song?” she explained while you and Freddie nodded, “well anyway, everyone got tired of singing the song to me, real quick, and Roxy was born”
  “I like that story” you smiled, noticing the shyest smile creep over Adrianne’s face; it was the first time she’d really been truly vulnerable with you
  “Take care of her, okay?” she said to Freddie
  “I will” he replied
  “Take care of yourself, Adrianne” you said softly
  “I will” and just like that, she was gone. You tucked yourself into your boyfriends chest and fell asleep; mumbling that you loved him before everything went dark. You weren’t sure if or when you’d ever hear from her again but, if one thing came from this night, you were pretty sure nothing was just sex anymore for Roxy.
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humbughana · 3 years
Rafe and Lola visit each others hometowns. 
enjoy this short lil thing... or don’t bestie.
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“Rafe, honey,” Lola stepped off the plane, a hand shielding her eyes from the blistering sun. Rafe looked back at her with a grin and she continued, “What in the living hell is this?” 
Rafe laughed wholeheartedly at her expression and grabbed her, wrapping his arms around her shoulders from behind, “Welcome to the Outerbanks, baby.”
It was amusing watching Lola deal with the summer heat, a piece of paper in hand to fan herself. Lola scowled at her sweatshirt she was wearing with her shorts, not at all anticipating it would be this hot, “Why did you let me wear this?” She asked in despair as they walked from the landing strip to the car. Rafe looked her over with a small smile and shrugged, “I thought you had a shirt on underneath.” She rolled her eyes and took off the sweatshirt, leaving her in a blue sports bra, “I don’t want to be all sweaty when I meet them for the first time!” She exclaimed when Rafe looked at her in surprise, trailed down her exposed torso.
“Oh I don’t mind, baby.” Rafe smirked slightly, before getting into the car. Lola jumped in and turned on the air conditioning immediately, slumping back in the seat. Rafe purposefully took a more scenic route to let her see the ocean and the small back roads through town. It was hard to keep his eyes on the road when she was hanging half out the window trying to get a good look at the blue water with wide eyes.
“It’s so pretty!” Lola laughed blissfully, letting her fingers twirl in the rushing wind outside the window, her hair blowing around her face. Rafe wished he had a camera to capture the perfect moment but his memory would have to do for now, “And you got to see this everyday?”
Rafe chuckled, looking sideways at her and grabbing her thigh when she started to hang halfway out of the car “You lived next to the beach too!” Lola only scoffed, shaking her head, “Not like this.” Thinking back at her Connecticut beaches and it really couldn't compare to this. 
When the car slowed down in front of a beautiful white house she threw on one of her college t-shirts from her bag and followed her boyfriend to the front door, “What if they don’t like me?” she whispered as they stood shoulder to shoulder at the door. Rafe rolled his eyes but stared straight ahead, “shut up, they’ll love you-
The door swung open to reveal Rafe’s stepmother Rose and Ward standing behind her, both with wide smiles on their faces.
“You must be Lola!” 
It was safe to say meeting the parents went amazing and Lola was already ‘part of the family’ as Ward said. Wheezie and Sarah were sweet and teased Rafe until his cheeks turned red and Lola snickered at him. Now Rafe was showing her around, and they ended up at the club.
Lola snorted, “You look like you golf,” Rafe turned towards her with an unamused look, “What does that even mean, Lo?”
She shrugged with a grin, “You just look like the type.” 
“You look like you couldn’t even hit the ball,”
It was her turn to look offended, “What the hell is that supposed to mean?” Rafe smirked and shrugged as she did, “You just look like that type of girl.”
So that's how the couple found themselves on the course as Lola watched Rafe hit his first ball, it veered much too far to the right and didn’t go nearly far enough. Lola whistled lowly, “ I take it back baby, you must not be the type.”
“You’ve got a big mouth, Lo. Hit your ball.” He pecked her lips as he passed and she stood up with her club and set her ball up. I guess golfing never came up in conversation with the two of them but Lola was from New England, where there was literally nothing better to do in her overly suburban town but go to the country club. Her father taught her how to golf when she was just a little girl and made her go out with him every now and then. She never knew it could  be quite the party trick until now.
Lola set her feet in position before sending a wink over to her boyfriend watching her with narrowed eyes. She drew her arms back in the position that had been drilled into her mind her whole life and hit the ball perfectly. 
When she turned back to Rafe with a little grin, “I think I hit it, didn’t I?” 
It was safe to say Rafe was not amused with her.
Nine holes later, Lola was absolutely crushing Rafe as he just gaped every time she hit the ball.
“Pay up baby,” Lola purred with her hand out, wiggling her fingers as Rafe shook his head in disbelief, “Where the fuck did you learn that?” 
Lola shrugged, “My dad plays.” Rafe just shook his head and dug out a twenty dollar bill out of his pocket and put it in her hand, “Thank you.” she leaned up and planted a kiss on his mouth, “Now c’mon, let’s go get some ice cream. On me.” she winked at him as they walked out of the clubhouse. 
Lola obnoxiously paid for both of their ice creams and now they were walking down the street mindlessly teasing and chatting with each other as Rafe pointed out his favorite places.
“Let’s go home and change. I’ll take you to the beach.” Rafe bumped her shoulder and wrapped an arm around her waist when her face brightened and she nodded enthusiastically, “Can we swim?” Rafe nodded with a grin, “We can do whatever you want. Tomorrow my dad’s taking us all out on the boat.”
“You have a boat?” Lola asked incredulously to which Rafe just nodded but rolled his eyes at her, “and so do you, lo.”
“But it’s not the same!” Lola groaned all the more excited to be here, “The vibe is just different. You wouldn’t understand.” She shrugged with a grin thinking of her hometown. When they got back to his house they rushed to put on bathing suits before going back out to the ocean. Lola promptly wasted no time sunbathing and ran straight out into the cool water, laughing as she went. 
Rafe caught her around the waist and they both fell backwards going under the water. Lola re-emerged first, “I don’t ever want to leave.” she groaned, wrapping her limbs around her boyfriend, “I love it here.” Rafe let out a laugh as her love for his hometown. His hands squeezed her thighs lovingly, “I had no idea.”
“Just wait until I take you to my hometown.” Lola rolled her eyes at him, “Then you’ll understand.” 
“Looking forward to it baby.”
“Jesus christ it’s cold.” Rafe whining as he crossed his arms when they stepped out of the airport together. Lola looked over at him and his sad winter coat while she was promptly bundled up in her favorite Canada Goose jacket with gloves and a hat, “I told you,”
Rafe just shot her a look before looking for the Uber they ordered to her house, Lola leaned into his side as they leached off of each other for warmth, the later of the two welcomed it greatly. She spotted the car right as Rafe’s teeth started to chatter and pulled him along, shoving him in the car when their luggage was taken care of. 
“Welcome to Connecticut, baby.” She said sarcastically and kissed his cold cheek. 
Rafe’s eyes widened when they pulled up to her family home. It was normal to her but it was much different than the houses down in North Carolina. The house sat on almost eighty-seven acres with a long driveway up to the front of the house that sat proudly on perfectly mowed grass that her father was always obsessing over. She glanced over at Rafe who only watched in amazement at the car stopped in front of the house finally, “Well?” She asked with a grin, “You ready?” 
Rafe could only nod, and climbed out of the car and grabbed their luggage before Lola ran up the steps to the front door and pounded on the oak french doors. They swung open to reveal a woman that was a spitting image of her daughter standing with a faux scowl but it broke out into a warm smile as they hugged each other. Rafe cautiously walked up behind them before her mom saw him and grinned at her daughter, “He’s very handsome sweety,”
“Don’t encourage him, mom.” Lola grinned at Rafe who was then engulfed in a hug by her mother, “Where’s dad?”
Her mom pushed them both inside and Lola snorted at her boyfriend looking up the tall ceilings in awe, “He should be out in the stables I think.” 
Rafe cut his eyes to hers incredulously as Lola was beaming with excitement and took his hand, “Stables? You have stables?” Lola nodded enthusiastically as she opened a back door that overlooked the massive backyard that seemed to just go on and on.
“Let’s go,” Lola pushed him towards a set of steps to the ground impatiently and led the way towards the main barn, “Dad!” She yelled when they stepped inside. 
“Lo?” An older looking man rounded the corner and Lola ran to hug him as he laughed, Rafe watched feeling a little awkward but waited to meet her father who shook his hand firmly and squeezed his shoulder, “Nice to meet you, son.” 
“Daisy?” Lola bounced with excitement to which her father rolled his eyes playfully and pointed outside. Lola snatched Rafe’s hand and pulled him along back into the cold air to see Lola making her way to a massive white horse. She stood on the black fencing and pet the horse with a soft smile.
“You have a horse?” 
“Technically we have seven.” Rafe’s mouth dropped open, “But yes, this one is mine.” 
“It’s like I don’t even know who you are anymore.” Rafe stood next to her, hand shoved into his pockets. Lola elbowed him in the side, “You just never asked.”
“I never asked if you were a horse girl?”
“Shut up,” she grumbled but smiled anyways.
The next day Lola woke Rafe up at the crack of literal dawn with a shit eating grin on her face that only could mean trouble as she climbed to sit on his waist. Rafe groaned, covering his eyes as she slapped then away from his face, “Lo, we are not having sex with your parents room right down the hall. It’s too early.” Lola smacked his chest as he gasped, “Get up, dumbass.” 
Lola ended up having to drag him out of the bed and shoved proper clothes into his hands, “These aren't mine-
“Put them on.” Lola pointed to the bathroom and he only sighed, still rubbing his eyes tiredly. Rafe walked out and Lola nodded, satisfied with herself and gestured for him to follow. She opened the door the one of the garages and led him to the opposite side-
Lola laughed, “Yes, It’ll be so fun!” She started rummaging through her snowboarding stuff. Her family basically collected the stuff so she was fairly certain there was a board Rafe could use along with the boots. 
“I’ve never skied before!”
Lola held up a finger, “Snowboarded.” She pushed a board in his direction, “And it’s good to try new things.” 
And that's how Rafe found himself at the top of a snowy mountain as Lola laughed as he fell for the fifth time, “You almost got it!”
“Shut up, Lo.” He climbed back to his feet as she just grinned in adoration, “You were right, you know.”
“About?” She watched him and he shook his head, “It’s a very different vibe,” Lola let out a warm laugh as she remembered what she told him. To be fair it was winter here and they went to his home during the summer but still.
“Now bend your knees.” She ordered and pushed him away from her. 
Hours later they were back at her parents house, curled up on the couch closest to the big fireplace. Her parents had dinner reservations leaving the couple to themselves as Lola rested her cheek on his chest, a blanket over the both of them, “”m glad you’re here.” she yawned as he ran his fingers through her hair mindlessly.
“Hey, Lo?” 
She mumbled incoherently, almost asleep. Rafe smiled down at her, “I like it here,”
“Really?” She cracked open one eye to look at him and he nodded, “I could get used to this,” 
“Oh really?” She sat up straighter with a soft smile, “Even the cold?” 
“Don’t push it horse girl,”
Lola punched his arm and he winced with a booming laugh, “You’re lucky I love you.”
“I love you too, Lo.”
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