#schmico week
popontomarlie · 6 months
so, did sammon join ga, because nico is her level of badly written character
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azurecanary · 6 months
Thoughts and prayers to the Schmico shippers after this week's episode
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daisugababy · 5 years
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SCHMICO WEEK | DAY SIX: Favourite Nico moment(s)  
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butterfly-boots · 5 years
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Favorite moment of them together 💕
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swiftlythebest · 5 years
Schmico Week Day Six
Favorite Nico moment(s)
There are unfortunately not a lot of Nico moments to choose from, but I went with him in episode one. He’s just such a good surgeon and so suave and I love how flustered me made Levi. Also, this killed me:
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So this story is just a look into his mind. It’s not that good, but I’m glad I was able to get it done. I think it’s cute, even if it’s not fantastic. I hope you enjoy!
Nico Kim was on his first case at Grey + Sloan Memorial hospital. It was a girl who had been wrapped around a bike after being hit by a van driven by a matchmaker. Which turned out to be ironic since this girl was desperately looking to find a soulmate.
He was in the OR with a bevy of other doctors, working to help save this hopeless romantic’s life. Nico made a comment about giving up if he had to be wrapped around a bike to find his soulmate. Sure, he knew the man must be out there, but he wasn’t willing to end up on a bed in the OR just to find him.
A few moments later, after schooling Dr. Avery on a number of cliche phrases that could apply to the current situation, he glanced up and into the eyes on the intern who was on this case.
Oh. He’s really cute. How did I not notice him before?
This man must have been around while they were assessing Nisha in the ER, but Nico had been too focused on impressing his new boss and colleagues to really give him any attention. And while only half of his face was even visible, due to a surgical mask, Nico was struck by his wide, doe-like eyes. Doing a quick double-take, he made a decision. While he hadn’t planned to date during his fellowship, he wasn’t about to let such mesmerizing eyes pass him by. Mustering up his best suave flirting skills, he threw the intern a wink. A smug smile bloomed behind his mask when the intern’s eyes grew even wider and he dropped the emesis dish he had been holding, making it clatter loudly on the ground.
Nico had been able to sneak a few more glances at the intern during the surgery, but the man had scurried off rather quickly afterwards, meaning he didn’t have a chance to even get his name.
Hours later, while still thinking about the intern and wondering how he could discreetly find out his name, Link stormed over to him, ranting about how Avery had taken it upon himself to give Nisha a risky surgery without consulting them. Not only that, but he had dragged Schmitt along with him.
Hm. Schmitt. That must be the intern.
Before Nico could inquire further, Link was rushing off to the basement, dragging Nico along. They ended up being too late and the intercom was broken, so all they could do was observe the surgery through a tiny window in the door of the hyperbaric chamber. And maybe Nico spent a bit more time than necessary staring at the cute intern through that window. He seemed to be having a rough time, but he was still so adorable and Nico couldn’t keep his eyes off him. If Link noticed that Nico’s observation went beyond medical concern for his patient, he didn’t say anything.
Nico may have asked a nurse about the interns. Purely out of curiosity. Everyone knew that the nurses had all the gossip and important information. And he was new to the hospital so it only made sense that he’d want to get a feel for who was working there. He politely nodded along as she told him about a Casey Parker, a Taryn Helm, and a Dahlia Qadri. They all sounded lovely and smart and capable, but none were his intern.
“And then there’s Levi Schmitt.” Nico perked up. Schmitt! “He’s a sweetheart. A little clumsy and awkward, but definitely very smart. And caring. Patients love him. Some people will try to tell you he’s incompetent, but ignore them. He’s more than competent, he just hasn’t fully realized it yet.”
“Huh, I think he was on my case today.” Nico knew he had been. This intern was all he’d been able to think about since the OR.
“Oh, lucky you! He’s a great intern.”
“Yeah, I’m a fan.” Nico gave a sly smile, before waving a goodbye and making his way to the fellows’ lounge to shower and get changed.
He’s at the bar. He’s sitting at the bar, and he looks adorable. What’s the move?
Normally, he’d pull out all the stops. Flirt hardcore and make him melt. He’d have him in his bed by the end of the hour. But something felt… different. This guy didn’t seem like the type with whom you just have a quick one night stand. Nico wanted the morning after too. And the date beforehand. He wanted more from him.
So he settled on a drink. A drink was good. A drink would make his intentions known, but not immediately seduce him. The little lingering hand touch was just a bonus. With some charged eye contact, Nico took a swig of his beer before making his way back to his table. He could see, out of the corner of his eye, Levi’s head turn to follow him. Perfect. Maybe Levi found Nico as intriguing as Nico found Levi. Maybe he didn’t have to get wrapped around a bike to find his soulmate. Maybe he just needed to look up.
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simplywylan · 6 years
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Hey everyone! So, I haven’t seen this around yet, so I decided to crap this out. I hope people actually join in with it and spread it around, because it’d be great to see all the creativity this fandom harbors. I have never done one of these before nor have I ever participated in one, so this is a massive first for me. 
So, to start, Schmico week will be happening during the first week of April. So, that will be from April 1st to April 7th! There is a reasoning behind this, but that is a different story. There will be a theme for each day. Anyone can join in with Schmico week, whether you write, do fanart, or make edits of some sort!
Let’s start!
DAY ONE- Favourite moment of them together.
It’s simple! Your absolute favourite schmico moment that has happened so far. 
For editors and fan artists, this may be a little more straightforward. For writers, maybe write out what you think happens after your favourite moment. 
If your favourite moment is the iconic ‘I love you.’ scene, then write out what happened after. What did Nico do or say? Where did they go after? What did they do after?
DAY TWO- A prompt that breaks your heart (For editors- a sad edit!)
Have a prompt that breaks your heart? Now is the time to write or draw it out. For editors, create an edit which makes someone cry. Make it sad as you can!
Need a prompt? Here are a few. A break-up. A family death. A pet death. Betrayal. One of them having to leave. Something tragic.
DAY THREE- A prompt that mends your heart (For editors- a happy edit!)
Like above, have a prompt that makes your heart skip a beat? Have a prompt that gives you butterflies? You do that. Editors, you better whack out the chessiest, happiest songs you can find.
Need a prompt? Proposal. Family time. A date. Getting to see each other after months apart. A surprise party. 
DAY FOUR- Prompt decide: injury OR comfort (For editors- an edit which involves either the song ‘I Found’ by Amber Run or ‘Temporary Love’ by Ben Platt)
This can be an AU if you wish it to be! You choose one of the prompts (or one of the songs) and make something out of that. The ending result can be happy or sad, it really depends on what you want. 
DAY FIVE- Favourite Levi moment(s)
Your favourite moment of Levi Schmitt. For editors and fanartists, this should be simple. For writers, perhaps a little more complex. Maybe rewrite the scene, or write a bunch of moments together. Maybe explain why they have shaped him into who he is?
DAY SIX- Favourite Nico moment(s)
See above for ideas on what to do!
DAY SEVEN- Whatever you want!
Have an idea? Have a prompt? Have an edit you really want to share? Now is your time to shine. For day seven, it is all up to you. Day seven is your day. I’m excited to see what you guys come up with.
I hope you guys get involved in this! I know how talented this fandom is and I hope to see it more through Schmico week. I will be posting something every day for Schmico week when it comes around as well.
When you post, make sure to tag it under the tag of schmico week! if you want to organise this into days, tag it under schmico week day one, day two etc, you get the jist of it all. For other social medias, tag it under schmicoweek or SWD1, SWD2, etc etc. I hope y’all join!
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schmico-daily · 3 years
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I guess it's angry meme making time again 🤷🏻‍♀️
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userarmand · 2 years
there is nothing more excruciating to sit through than whatever the hell the writers are doing to schmico over on grey’s
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fullyvisible · 3 years
And I Am Telling You I’m Not Going
Title: And I Am Telling You I’m Not Going
Author: fullyvisible
Words: 2,000
Rating: T
Summary: Levi said they were done. But Nico wasn't done - not yet. Not without a fight. Reaction fic to 18x10 "Living In A House Divided;" spoilers for the episode. This fic picks up at the end of the Schmico scene from the end of the episode.
Read it on AO3 or fanfiction.net
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moqra · 3 years
yesssss, you answering these asks is how I wiiiiin 👍😊👀🛳️🔁
Hahahah thanks for lovingly forcing me to do these. 💕
I'm so sorry this is late I'm a terrible person who asked for asks and left the house! You know most of these bc we're twins and love vintage schmico fic era but here we go-
👍A fic you bookmarked recently
Redwheelbarrow's Knowing me, Knowing you. At least I meant to?? Idk if I did.
Nico backstory whennnnn grey's!🥺
😊 A fic that made you smile on a bad day
Kiss it better by @orthoglasses
It used to be SITSU but I'll choose another sunsword one call it passive or aggressive by @schmicoismysunsword
Sweet on you by @logicalbookthief
👀 A fic that you love a normal amount
I don't know if love and normal amount could ever go together for me lol but I'll say
Further down the road by fishyz9
Only bc I haven't read it in a while.
🛳️ A fic that brought you aboard a new ship
Literally everything by Crista????
I creepily stalked her from ao3 to tumblr and made an account just to read her drabbles/ headcanons here.( Watch her blocking me after this)
So I'll just cheat and name some of my fav early fics from her
Take me
Just casually proposing
Atticus and the cat
all by @glassesandkim
🔁 A fic you’ve re-read several times
Oh so many so I'll cheat again and name three-
Phantom limb by inkandowl
Let's deck the halls with holly by @shesbreathless
Falling into place by @mansikkaomenabanaani
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December 17th: fly me to the moon
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glassesandkim · 4 years
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duckflyfly · 5 years
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I love you + I love him
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daisugababy · 5 years
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SCHMICO WEEK | DAY ONE: Favourite moment of them together
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cloudofgears · 5 years
After episode 16x12 i demand Alex Landi to be part of the main cast for next season so we can get a whole Nico Episode.
After that, whe also get an episode with Nico proposing and we end season 17 with both of them getting married ✌️
Than the schimco spinoff begins of course.
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swiftlythebest · 5 years
Schmico Week Day 3
A prompt that mends your heart.
This continues from yesterday’s ficlet, but it could be read on its own. I’ve written A LOT of fluff and a lot of fluffier fluff, but I haven’t done such a reunion story, I don’t think. I spend a lot of time in airports, and I wish I saw these types of fluffy scenes. I hope you enjoy!
Levi Schmitt was antsy. He was craning his neck to see around the crowd at the arrivals gate at Logan International Airport, hoping to spot a familiar figure amongst the bustle.
Today was the day; after over a year and a half of living on opposite sides of the country, Nico Kim was finally moving to Boston. An orthopedic surgeon position had been offered to him at Massachusetts General Hospital with a research grant included, meaning he’d be able to run his own studies. But the real appeal for Nico was the new attending at Boston Children’s Hospital, just ten minutes away. Spending 19 months away from Levi was almost unbearable, so being able to move to his new city made the decision to leave Grey + Sloan a no-brainer.
Levi began bouncing on his toes, trying to find a way to get out all of the nervous energy coursing through him. Knowing that, in just a few moments, he’d be reunited with Nico for the foreseeable future made him unable to stay still. Suddenly, a large group of arriving passengers emerged into the arrivals area, all looking tired and stiff, as though they had just come off a cross country flight. These must be the passengers from the Seattle flight! Levi bobbed his head, his eyes roving around the area.
And then. There he was. He looked far too handsome and put-together for someone who just traveled across the country. Even in sweatpants and a t-shirt, he still drew looks from those around him, all immediately enraptured by his perfection. He hadn’t yet spotted Levi, who perked up, a wide smile splitting across his face.
“Nico!” Levi took off towards Nico, who turned excitedly at hearing his name. For all his muscles and strong persona, Nico was a softie at heart, as evidenced by the tears that sprung to his eyes at the sight of Levi. He dropped his bag just in time to catch Levi, who had barrelled towards him and jumped into his arms. Nico wrapped his arms around him, clutching him close as the two embraced, both crying silent tears of happiness.
“I missed you, love. How did I get through these 19 months?” Nico whispered softly into Levi’s ear, before nuzzling his nose against his cheek and letting him down. He lost his breath looking at Levi’s face, eyes wide and wet with tears, cheeks pink, mouth stretched into a blinding smile. Nico never wanted to be apart from this face ever again.
“You’re here! You’re here, you’re here, you’re here! And not just for a weekend! To stay!” Levi’s voice was high and watery, full of barely contained excitement. No longer able to hold back, Nico leaned down and captured Levi’s mouth in a long, lingering kiss.
“I’m here forever. We have forever, baby.” Nico stroked Levi’s cheek, as he nuzzled into his palm.
They soon realized they were very much in public, causing them to break apart and make their way to baggage claim, Levi happily babbling about all they could do today as Nico looked on fondly.
“Obviously, there’s all the touristy things, but you’ve done those. Although, there’s apparently some baby penguins at the aquarium, so we’ll need to go there at some point. But I figured we could go home - home - and take a quick nap and then there’s this awesome brunch place I just found and then we can go to a park and stroll around or head into Cambridge or go to the science museum or -”
“Let’s just see how we feel. We have all the time in the world now. I’d love to just spend the day with you on the couch, catching up on our lives. It’s so different getting to be next to you and feel all of your excited energy. I just want to be with you.”
Levi’s face softened, and tension visibly left his body, relieved in the reminder that there was no pressure to entertain. “I’m so used to having you here for only a few days. I guess I don’t have to pack everything into today. God, we have time!”
Nico kissed Levi’s nose, causing him to scrunch up his face adorably. Before he could respond, his bags began to make their way towards them on the conveyor belt. After collecting his bags, which were stuffed with all of his most important possessions, they made their way to Levi’s car, both radiating pure joy.
They settled into the car, and Levi turned to Nico and said, with a grin overtaking his face. “Let’s go home, babe.”
“Home.” Nico sighed out, heart full to the brim.
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