#schneider eleceed
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Maybe I found the one responsible for giving Doctor Kang five powerful children 👀.
Seriously, there are so many possibilities for the kind of dynamic between these two, from the most healthy and functional to the most toxic and sad. They may be divorced who share custody of the children or have made an agreement never to see each other again and the children stay with Doctor Kang. Schneider's may only father Amyeong, Jiwoo, Duke and Ian, Julian being the son of Doctor Kang's first relationship. Anyway, many possibilities!
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littlekohai77 · 3 months
Hi can I request you to do a fic for a werewolf reader with Schneider and they've been friends for a long time but both of them don't want to take the next step.
𝙸 𝚕𝚘𝚠𝚔𝚎𝚢 𝚏𝚎𝚎𝚕 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚒𝚜 𝚏𝚛𝚘𝚖 𝚜𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝙸 𝚔𝚗𝚘𝚠 🤨 𝚋𝚞𝚝 𝚊𝚗𝚢𝚠𝚊𝚢 𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚠𝚎 𝚐𝚘!!
🅆🄰🅁🄽🄸🄽🄶🅂🚨: assuming stuff about his past, longing, hookups mentioned.
*・゚゚・*:.。..。.:*゚:*:✼✿  ✿✼:*゚:.。..。.:*・゚゚・*
By "have been friends for a long time" I hope you mean childhood friends. But not like since diapers. Y'all have known each other since high school.
It was weird at first. He was pretty much a prodigy while you were a weakling with too much gut.
But that's what he liked about you. Your motivation to not give up even though you have probably fractured 4 ribs.
You see, at that point in his life. His powers had become stagnant. He tried to be patient but he just couldn't figure out what was wrong. What it his posture? Was his core just weak? Was his flow pathway just a little off?
He couldn't figure it out. And around that time, you arrived in his life. Stronger than anyone around but him. And since you're quite a competitive person, you faced him head on.
And faced the consequences, that being a month in bed. People said he went easy on you, he probably did, not that he'd admit it.
But since then you've been following him around, bothering him to fight you again. Which he found immensely annoying. But you didn't care. He was a goalpost in your eyes now. You just had to win, at least once.
But he wouldn't budge either, always dodging your attempts, ignoring you whenever you tried to rile him up.
That is when, one day, you accidentally walked in on him training and then venting his frustration out on nearby furniture.
You put 2 and 2 together and walked away, coming up with a plan to get your way.
The next day you approached him with a proposal, which was, you'd help him pin point one of his mistakes and in exchange you want a duel.
He gave you the most nastiest side eye ever and then agreed. Seemed like he had given up on trying on his own.
That day, afternoon, you and him sat down on the cold tiles of the secluded rooftop that was his training spot.
And to his surprise, that little pointer from you about the way he closed his fist while punching, really helped out. He was baffled by the difference he felt immediately after implementing your corrections. He was left staring at his fist as you leaned on the rails and chastised him for not actually learning any martial arts and only relying on his ability. "No wonder ya built like a twig. "
And then you tapped on his shoulder, reminding him of your deal and told him to get ready.
30 minutes later, you're bloodied up and heaving on the floor as he's standing while clutching his stomach. It's clear who won. You walk away, bitter as you mumble "I'll get ya next time son of a bitch. "
And he felt as if he'd never seen a more beautiful person before. It's as if time had slowed down, he can't help but stare as you hurl insults and promises of his defeat. He smirks, a bit crooked from the warmth rising up to his ears, "looking forward to it. "
It's your turn to blush as you huff and scamper out.
And the rest was history.
✰He really loves to cuddle with you. Especially using your tail as a pillow. Like it's so big and fluffy? It's literally the best. Gets really snappy when you run off mid nap time cause his face gets met with the cold harsh ground.
✰Only ever started to be interested in getting buff after he noticed that you seem to have a taste for muscular men. Especially when you gush to him about this random handsome man you met in the grocery store who's arms were to die for... Your words, not his.
✰A little far into your friendship, he'll eventually realize his feelings for you, but by that time, you'll likely be in a relationship.
✰and when you're single again, he's in a relationship.
✰and when you're both single, either one of you guys are not looking for one, mostly him. Cause that's around the time when he starts to get real serious with his training.
✰you guys have probably hooked up once when you were in college and shit faced drunk. Both of you don't remember anything, you just know it happened cause both of you were naked in bed.
✰You guy's communication skills are shit. Literal shit. Like all you guys do is bicker and play fight and build misunderstanding on misunderstanding as if it's a game of Jenga.
✰You guys just never grow out of that silent pining.
✩it's either the time isn't right or either of you doesn't know the other feels the same.
✰And when both of you do know, it's him that runs away.
✰because he doesn't want you to be hurt like almost everyone one of his girlfriends. You've been hunted down a few times too just for being close to him, he doesn't wanna make it worse.
✰sometimes he wishes he'd never had these feelings, that he'd never met you.
✰cause the only thing he really wants to do right now is turn around, run back and hold you close and kiss your sweet lips.. Instead of walking past you like you didn't exist as you gave him an empty stare.
✰maybe you knew that he knew. Maybe you understand. Maybe both of you had come to a silent agreement to ignore the elephant in the room.
*・゚゚・*:.。..。.:*゚:*:✼✿  ✿✼:*゚:.。..。.:*・゚゚・*
It's almost 2 am rn. This one was bad imo. I'd like to redo or even make more parts of it. Cause I feel like I brought up that "worrying about safety" out of nowhere.
Next part.
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22ayla19 · 10 months
Schneider x reader
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Bulky men with muscles and biceps, as well as humor, are your favorite type in men. You had a soft spot for such men and especially for your employer, Schneider.
Your organization sent you to serve Flame, since they considered you a good mentor to Flame's newcomers. Well, you did your job, and that’s the main thing, no one bothered you about how to teach newcomers.
But how did you manage to meet Schneider in person without revealing your intentions of squeezing his biceps? Mystery of the century.
You were called to discuss the training plan for newcomers, and as a result, you met not only Supri there, but also Schneider. Looking at this stately and muscular man, you almost screamed with happiness, but still realizing that then they looked at you like a fool, you pushed aside your desires and behaved as professionally as possible.
Time passed, you taught beginners in the same way and they showed good results. One day, Schneider decided to look at the training process, which became a test for you. You need to be focused on the students, but here behind your soul there is a 2-meter-tall cabinet with bulging muscles.
“God, give me strength and patience not to give myself away red-handed.”
The training is over, Schneider praised everyone, including you. While everyone was leaving, he was discussing something with his student Roist. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed that when you left, you forgot to take your diary.
"What a clumsy..."
Taking your diary, he wanted to return it to you with a reminder to be more careful.
- This is a diary, Mrs. Y/N.
- Do you know her, Roist?
- Not much, but she is a well-mannered lady and most importantly knows her place.
- Well, she must have been busy since she forgot her diary. I'll call you tomorrow and return it to her. Let him rest.
Roist considered the actions of the mentor to be countries, but did not attach any importance to this. You never know what the mentor was thinking about.
That evening, you couldn’t find your diary anywhere and was very worried that someone else would find it, because there was evidence that you were by no means a modest girl, which, unfortunately, Schneider already understood while reading your diary.
It’s not that he doesn’t like to delve into the personal belongings of a stranger, he’s just lazy, but for some reason this diary interested him terribly, so he learned the other side of a well-mannered girl. A minute of silence and awareness, and then loud laughter in the entire room where Schneider was.
- What a funny girl!
On the second day, Schneider called you to his place. You were worried, wondering why Schneider called you, but perhaps your soul left you when your diary showed the top 10.
- Why did you turn pale with fear? Are you afraid that someone will find out your little secrets?
- Well, the end will definitely come to me now if you say that you read my diary, but I think so.
- Ahahha! You're funny. Don't be afraid, no one will know about your secrets, only if you become my personal assistant.
- You decided to make fun of me?
- Maybe.
“If I refuse, it’s not a fact that my secret will be safe... I’ll have to agree...”
- I agree, but you also keep your word that you will keep the secret.
- Deal.
Well, at least your secret remained a secret, but being Schnauder's personal assistant might not be the best idea. Considering that he can blackmail you with your diary at any moment. But if you look at the situation from the other side, you now more often see the bulging muscles of a man who, as if out of spite, teases you with this.
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TW: blood, dead animal
Okay so this is the continuation of Eleceed characters and a child reader. I'll be taking some creative liberties with this one like I did for Royst; since there aren't many situations where Schneider would run into a child. Seriously we need a lore drop on how Duke ran into Schneider. The reader is 4 years old, and an awakener with the ability to create armour
Kinda put Schneiders home in a sort of outskirts place, since less people would bother him.
He had been relaxing at home, minding his own business when he started hearing screeching noises from outside. First he ignores it, assuming some kids were running in the forest nearby. As the noise countinues he finally gets annoyed enough to find out what's happening.
what is making such a racket?
He says as he decides to go investigate the noise only to stumble upon a bloody child in tattered clothes in his backyard, surrounded by a torn animal carcass. The child turns to look at him with a deer head in mouth. Upon eye contact the child drops the head, and takes a protective stance on all fours over the kill and growls.
Huh, Well that's not something you see everyday, I could have enjoyed a show if I came earlier.
The child stared at him with a quizzical expression still snarling in hopes of intimidating the giant man.
He laughs aloud at the attempt
Well aren't you amusing, that aggression is probably what kept you alive. Alright then have fun with your kill make sure to clean up afterwards
He smiles and turns heel to leave before realisation strikes
' it's a feral child how would she understand what I'm saying. Not to mention I don't know if that's her blood or the deers, It would be a pain to deal with if she was fatally injured. The cops trace her back to here and question why I never reported a feral child.'
With a sigh of annoyance he walks toward the child. Upon seeing that he was coming closer the you tried your best to growl in warning only for the warning to go ignored. As the the guy started approaching you realise he's much bigger up close. Deciding holding on to todays kill would be dangerous you decided to ditch it and run. Only to be picked up swiftly, you try to escape his grasp flailing your arms around trying to hit him.
Quit it, you won't be able to damage me no matter what you try.
In a last ditch attempt to save yourself you make little rock plates form on your arms,legs and head. You kick,hit,bite and headbutt him as hard as you can in an attempt to get free. Your attempts are in vain as his grip on you doesn't loosen.
Would you look at that, you are more amusing as time goes on
He smiles as he roughly messes your hair your attempts to break free not even tickleing him.
not only are you a gutsy feral child,you're an awakener feral child.
He then let out a groan with the realisation of how the situation got more complex.
Great I can't just leave you at a hospital, you'll freak out and attack the staff and you could accidentally reveal your power. I also can't just throw into the wilderness since someone else can discover you're an awakener there. Guess I'm taking you to Frame."
You gave up in your escape attempts and start whimpering in fear not understanding a single thing about your situation.
All of a sudden the man holding you starts flying. You instantly grip his arm in fear, before your fear turns into curiosity. You giggle as the wind tickles your face. You arrive at a different place with giant structures you've never seen before.
You see that kid, that's a castle
He says while pointing to the giant structure in front of you. He lands in front of the castle and a lady with white hair and clothes sees the man holding you and speaks to him.
Schneider what brings you back so early?
I wasn't planning to arrive so quickly, but I have this injured wild child. I would have just left it at a normal hospital but the kid is an awakener.
*sigh* it's for the best that the child is here then but you really brought the kid here like that?
What did I do?
You're holding the child like a handbag
This better
The man asks holding you by your collar
I- just go to the infirmary
You're taken into the castle and look around at the sites around you.
It takes an hour to wrangle you into a bath and you're still hissing at people. You not very fond of the strange silver things showering you in water. It takes another 4 hours to finish the check up and patch up. The doctor says that you have a few bruised bones and a few lacerations. Thankfully you don't have a sickness of any kind.
You aren't too pleased with the situation and stay in a corner growling. Until a man in red with brown hair enters.
Master sent me to get the child
Mr. Royst she's in that corner. She doesn't seem to trust others. Her clothes indicates she was left in the forest quite some time ago .
The doctor says gesturing to you
I see, I'll be taking her now
The man in walked towards you and you instantly started backing away defensively.
Hmm since you were raised in the wild you probably go by animals instinct
The man reaches his hand out and stops just far enough for you to smell him. Upon getting the scent of the person who brought you here you decide to hold his hand.
*sigh* I should have tried that earlier would have saved a lot of time
The doctor says, tired from the day he had while taking care of you
Royst leads you to Schneiders office and you stick close to him as your instincts alert you to the slight hints of bloodlust directed towards you. Many eyes looked at you curiously, it wasn't everyday Schneider came in holding a random child.
Once you enter Schneider's office you run towards him and clutch his leg while looking at him
If it isn't the wild child
He says ruffling your hair
Did you get any information on her Royst?
I searched for reports on lost girls her age, there are none matching her discription. There have been no reports of search's for her. She seems to have been abandoned on purpose.
Someone will need to be assigned to take care of her.Hmm you know what you're quite amusing,I'm going to keep you.
With that Schneider decided to be in charge of you.
At first Supri disagreed with his choice, you are a child he would have to be responsible for raising and nurturing you, you weren't a toy.She also reminded him that he had to teach you how to integrate with others, You can't be a wild child forever.
Schneider does his best to prove her doubts as unfounded out of spite. You're still a little wild but you can talk and get along with others. You still like hunting, sometimes you'll catch creatures for fun. Whenever Schneider expresses interest in an animal you would try to catch it and show it to him.
I hope people like this fic, I know it's a bit weird since the reader doesn't talk but I hope you guys liked this.
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blue-howlite · 8 months
Me: I created this blog to write about less known series or comics or whatever!!! Because it's sad when you look it up and find nothing about that thing you really like :'(
Also me: Why is there nothing for this very secondary character of this not too popular media???? WHYYYYYYYY.
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eatsbop · 1 year
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dark-night-hero · 6 months
Hello! Are you accepting requests for eleceed right now? If you are can you please write dating headcanons for Andrei, Schneider, Glant Gesimov and Cain Luterain? If you are not taking requests then you can just ignore this. Thank you anyways ❤️
Andrei ; One of the world's top 10 awakened one, under frame.
Personally, I don't think Andrei. Based on his personality would be the one to be in a relationship but now that I think about it. Maybe it was possible on its own twisted ways.
Andrei would never admit that he was in love, even if he did. He would think it was absurd. Just the thought of it would drive him crazy. How could he, of all people, of all awakened one finally have one hell of a thing, let alone a person he could call his weakness?
Andrei would never make a move, or at least on the surface. Because trust me, every single thing you thought was a coincidence that lead you to him was no coincidence let alone faith at all. That was just you running on top of his palm the moment he have taken interest in you.
He had calculated every single thing that had you fall for him, from the first meeting, the second meeting, the way you have slowly taken interest in him, the way he, slowly but surely pull you in the world of awakened one, the way he slowly brainwashed you into agreeing with his beliefs and ideals in his life.
You were the one who confessed. He made sure of that, making sure his pride would never be harmed into taking the first move into making things official as he nonchalantly accepted your feelings, a smirk making it's way on his lips when you were not looking at him, thinking how innocent and unsuspecting you were all this time.
Dating Andrei, one of the worlds fearsome man yet being unaware of it means staying within the premises of the frame. You never knew the bad side of that organisation though. And Andrei made it sure that you would never find out about it. He did not want to scare you, let alone force you and keep you unwillingly within the Frame.
Dating Andrei means constantly staring at nothing but him as he cultivate his power in his chambers, once in a while you would found yourself doing something productive like crochet or even writing. Nothing could harm you within Frame.
Dating Andrei means you're aware that something seems wrong, like something was wrong about everything. But it was already too late as you've already fallen in love with him. Your mind and body now belongs to him, like it or not. He had made it that way.
At the end of the day, dating Andrei only means that he wanted to keep you safe. Even if that means locking you away from the rest of the world. Whether it is love or obsession that he felt. He'll keep you within his reach, even it that means breaking you.
Schnauder ; One of the world's top 10 under frame, also the mentor of Roist and Duke.
He's handsome, and damn boy. He knows that well enough to make use of it.
Unlike Andrei, I do think that Schnauder is up for a relationship. But not for a serious one. So what happens when you, whom he thought was a passing play thing manage to get pass his defense and tug his heartstrings?
Being both in the frame, it was not a secret thing at least within the organization that the two of you where a thing, but you two have always make sure to keep it in a professional way in the eyes of the public but it was a different thing in private and within the sigh of his poor disciples.
Dating him, at first was quite intimidating even though you had found him attracted all of the time, it was different by the time you've been in a relationship with him. With your relationship mostly about being in sheets with him yet it was enough as others would often describe it to being in a relationship with him. Because he treats them so kindly before he discharge them like they were nothing.
Dating him, the man you've been eyeing for so long, has you walking around eggshell at first as you try to keep him satisfied, knowing well that he would be around the longest in that way. But the more you get to spend your time with him, the more you show more side of you, the more he grew curios and fond of you.
Other says that you two would be quick. Schnauder was never the one to keep someone for so long. You know that, everyone knows that. So how surprising to others let alone you by the time you realise that this was no short time thing? That by the time you realise it, its already been years and counting.
Dating Schnauder means getting to know more sides of him, that means knowing he was too prideful to admit he was in love with you, something others may not see but but you knowing him as well as his disciple Roist knowing him, you both knew the way he was treating you was different from others.
After all, who would dare raise their voice at his mentor and be alive by the time they manage to finish their sentence? Not even this old plaything get to do that, no. They would have died on the spot by the time they glare at Schnauder.
You were different. Maybe that was what pull him to you, you never expected more from him. At the same time as time passed by, he hoped that you'd be more greedily about things, about him.
At the end of the day, the two of you would have just acknowledged that the two of you were in fact, in love with each other. And that he would never, never ever admit that due to his pride. And you were fine with that. You knew him well enough. And that was enough.
Glant Gesimov ; Considered as one of the world's top 10 rookies, is a student of the world awakened academy.
Oh boy, he was intimidating. His body was far greater and larger from others so others were quite intimidated by him. Given that fact, others would often want to get out of his way, you were one of them too. So imagine the horror in your face when you, one of the lowkey students of the academy manage to dump into him, practically falling to the floor from the impact and by the time you look up. Oh how doomed you were.
Or so you thought, because if that was the case. You would not found yourself hanging out with the man in question, let alone be dating him.
"Come on now Glant, don't sare the poor guy." You laugh as he scoff, never the less putting his attention back into you.
"Ouch." "Maybe if you aren't playing around you wouldn't hurt yourself that much." You spoke, rolling your eyes as you tend his wounds in the clinic.
Oh and the two of you likes to gossip. Be it the different kind of news or gossip around the academy, you made sure to tell it to him. And not that he found those interesting, he just love the took on your face. The way your eyes sparkle in delight and interest. Cute, he thought.
The height and the size difference.
Others find it hard to figure out just what in the world did Gesimov seen in you and that he have chosen you of all the people admiring and dying to be with him from afar, be it the fact that he have came from a powerful background or thy trully just admire him.
Dating Glant means constantly being in the eyes of others. But you were never bullied tho, all they can do was to glare at you from the distance as you send a sly smirk in their way. Glant being fully aware of you action but talking no interest nor care about it.
It is like the cute dynamic of big soft boy but only when it comes to you × little devil. After all you, you were quite lowkey at first but the more you are with Glant the more your true colors started to show, making your fellow schoolmates realise how quietly terrifying you trully were and that you are being lowkey for a reason. Because as soon as they were to talk about Glant in a wrong way, a letter of challenge would be hand on them the following day, if not, an hour.
"You okay? You took another nap right after your father visit." "... did you cry?" "... no." "I'm sorry... I lost and made you worry. Other organisations would start to pre-" "Do you think I care about that? I don't give a fuck. Just take care of yourself more, I hate seeing you get hurt!" "...... Alright, I'm sorry." "Come here."
Dating Glant Gesimov means rubbing it to other faces that you don't care about them nor do you two give a fuck about them. After all, it was the two of you who was in the relationship and not them.
Cain Luterain ; Considered as one of the world's top 10 rookies, is a student of the world awakened academy. Has a mythical panter called Lacelot.
Enemies one sided to lovers trope period.
You always hated his guts, the way he talk so arrogant yet elegant. The way he held his head up knowing well his power and authority. You hate it. You always hated him who was always being compared to tou ever since you were younger. So why in the world as you making out with the same man you've hated for your whole lifetime? You don't know, but you knew damn well that he kisses so well.
Then it just clicked that maybe. Maybe you were in love with him. That not everything is just a competition when it comes to the two of you. And maybe the fact that he was in love with you too. Maybe that is why after that incident, the two of you started dating.
His panter loves you, maybe a little more than himself. It always cuddle up with you more it he did to his owner, always listen to your commands more than he did to his owner. "Seriously, just who's beast are you?" "Come on Cain, this is why he never listen to you without using your awakened power."
Just like Gesimov and his loverz the two of you likes to gossip and also roast and look down to other people. Imagine the shock on other people when the duo who kept acting like they wanted to kill each other acting all casual and lovely around each other. How surprising, trully a sight to see.
The two of you were always team up and was send off to a mission to crush some awakened academy that was illegally operated. Just call it one of those random date trips as the two of you have fun crushing other people dreams and passion with your awakened powers.
Loves to sneak out of the academy, addressing it as part of the mission when the two of you would just wander around, going out on a date like a typical teenage lover moment. He was nervous when the two of you have done it for the first time, but the more the two of you have gone out, the more he got used to it. It's not like the two of you would be caught.
"Cain." "What." "I'm bored." You turn to him who was casually sitting down on the opposite direction. Raising a brow at you, "What do you want me to do?" "Bark?" "Babe." "Just kidding, kiss me?" "You don't have to ask."
Of course dating Cain Luterain isn't just all sunshine, there were times where the two of you would get to a fight, probably due to some stupid reason. Mostly both of you pride getting in the of understanding each other.
"What are you doing here?" You glare at him on your door step but did not shut the door on his face. "I can't sleep, move out of the way." He made his way inside your room. "Cain." You groan, closing the door behind you. "You know you can't do this everytime we had a fight." "Let's talk about this tomorrow." He sigh before looking up to meet your gaze. "Come here?" "..." You went towards him.
[ⓒdark-night-hero] 2024°
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midnightemy35 · 10 months
T’is the Season for Giving
What I would give the Eleceed cast for Christmas 
Since it’s December 1st, I think its officially Christmas time
Jiwoo - another cat (you can never have too many cats)
Subin - that thing that looks like a pack of gum but if you touch the strip it shocks you (to use on jisuk )
Jisuk - a chance to beat up his “friends” (the ones who used him to extort money from other students)
Wooin - a bowl of jajangmyeon ofc
Kayden - new clothes (why does the mf wear the same shit every time we see his human form)
Kartein/ Curtin - balls (y’know for his cat form) + a break from Kayden and Jiwoo’s bs
Dr Delein - some bonding time with Wooin (he probs doesn’t get much time to spend with Wooin outside of Wooin’s visits)
Gangseok - his spar with Jiwoo
Iseul - a date with Jiwoo/ a break from Jisuk and Subin’s teasing
Sucheon - therapy + a good sleep schedule (have you seen how big his eye bags are)
Suman - a good night’s sleep
Vatore - shopping spree with Kartein
Jiyoung- a break from work (girl is so busy as the chairwoman of shinhwa and the top ranker of Korea let her have a break)
Inhyuk - a basket full of cat related stuff + a break from Jisuk’s bs
Seongha - a break from the gang’s bs
Arthur/ Asher - a prosthetic arm + a hug (his family are assholes)
Cain/ Gahin - a hug (my poor bby got stabbed twice by his “friend” he needs the hug)
Duke - a slap + clown makeup & nose
Amyeong/ Dark - therapy + a hug from mama Jiwoo 
Mama Jiwoo - bonding time with Jiwoo, Amyeong, Kayden and Kartein 
Veramonte Patrick - a hug (got some fun grandpa vibes from him)
Julian/ Jurion Patrick - a consoling pat on the back (for losing the chance to date Jiyoung to Jiwoo, he didn’t even have a chance to win her over from the very start)
Ian Patrick - an outing with the gang!! (I want him to join the group and add on to the sillies)
Spoilers under cut (Based on the chapters webtoon has released as of Dec 1 2023)
Schnauder/ Schneider - shoes (why does mf wear slippers out when it is literally snowing in Frame territory )
Supri - old woman perfume (idk much about her)
Andrei - a kick to the crotch (I really really REALLY don’t like him)
Earthquake - a kick to the crotch (don’t like him either, the two of them were beefing with a teen despite being fucking adults)
Roist/ Royst - a hug ( i love the clown boy)
Muse - a hug ( i love him he is beautiful and perfect)
Astra - a kick to the crotch (you’d think he’d have some dignity being a top ten but you’d be wrong)
Muras - a new eye
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rainee-da · 4 months
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🍀rainee's fandom list — this is the list of fandom i'm a part of & list of characters i'm willing to work with! (bolded means favorite!)
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anime/manga series — character is listed in alphabetical order!
Mashle: Magic and Muscle ❥ Abbyss Razor / Abel Walker / Agito Tyrone / Carpaccio Luo-Yang / Cell War / Charles Contini / Delisaster / Domina Blowelive / Doom / Dott Barret / Epidem / Famin / Finn Ames / Galuf Gargaron / Kaldo Gehenna / Kenny Clark / Lance Crown / Lemon Irvine / Lévis Rosequartz / Love Cute / Lovie Rosequartz / Malcolm Curtis / Margarette Macaron / Mash Burnedead / Max Land / Milo Genius / Orter Madl / Rayne Ames / Renatus Revol / Shuen Getsuku / Sophina Biblia / Tsurara Halestone / Wirth Madl One-Punch Man ❥ Amai Mask / Atomic Samurai / Blue Fire / Captain Mizuki / Darkness Blade / Drive Knight / Eyelashes / Feather / Flashy Flash / Fubuki / Garou / Gearsper / Genos / Glasses / Golden Ball / Iaian / King / Lightning Max / Metal Bat / Mumen Rider / Mountain Ape / Needle Star / Okamaitachi / One Shotter / Poison / Saitama / Sekingar / Sneck / Speed-O'-Sound Sonic / Spring Mustachio / Tanktop Master / Tatsumaki / Twin Tail / Zombieman Dr. STONE ❥ Chelsea Childe / Chrome / Francois / Gen Asagiri / Ginro / Homura Momiji / Hyoga / Joel Gar / Kinro / Kohaku / Luna Wright / Minami Hokutozai / Moz / Nikki Hanada / Ryusui Nanami / Sai Nanami / Senku Ishigami / Stanley Snyder / Taiju Oki / Tsukasa Shishio / Ukyo Saionji / Xeno H. Wingfield / Yo Uei / Yuzuhira Ogawa My Hero Academia ❥ Aizawa Shouta / Himiko Toga / Hizashi Yamada / Jin Bubaigawara / Keigo Takami / Mirai Saaki / Mirio Togata / Nejire Hado / Neito Monoma / Rumi Usagiyama / Sako Atsuhiro / Shigaraki Tomura / Shinya Kamihara / Shuichi Iguchi / Tamaki Amajiki / Toshinori Yagi / Touya Todoroki / Tsunagu Hakamada Mob Psycho 100 ❥ Arataka Reigen / Hiroshi Shibata / Ichi Mezato / Katsuya Serizawa / Keiji Mogami / Matsuo / Megumu Koyama / Nozomu Hatori / Ritsu Kageyama / Ryo Shimazaki / Shigeo Kageyama / Sho Suzuki / Tenga Onigawara / Terada / Teruki Hanazawa / Toichiro Suzuki / Tome Kurata / Toshiki Minegishi / Tsubomi Takane / Yusuke Sakurai Osomatsu-san ❥ Choromatsu Matsuno / Ichimatsu Matsuno / Jyushimatsu Matsuno / Karamatsu Matsuno / Nyaa Hashimoto / Osomatsu Matsuno / Todomatsu Matsuno / Totoko Yowai Kakegurui ❥ Ibara Obami / Kaeda Manyuda / Kirari Momobami / Mary Saotome / Midari Ikishima / Miri Yobami / Miyo Inbami / Ririka Momobami / Rin Obami / Ryota Suzui / Sayaka Igarashi / Sumika Warakubami / Terano Totobami / Yumeko Jabami / Yumemi Yumemite / Yuriko Nishinotouin
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manhwa series — character is listed in alphabetical order!
Eleceed ❥ Amyeong / Arthur Bryan / Cain Luterain / Chul Young / Dr. Delein / Duke Grane / Elay Pigarun / Gangseok Choi / Giwook Jang / Glant Gesimov / Guestella / Ian Patrick / Inhyuk Goo / Iseul Ju / Jiwoo Seo / Jisuk Yoo / Jiyoung Yoo / Jurion Patrick / Kartein / Kayden Break / Lia Eresby / Miyoung Ko / Muse / Pluton / Roist / Schneider / Seongha Park / Subin Lee / Sucheon Kang / Suman Kang / Vator / Wooin UnOrdinary ❥ Arlo / Blyke / Darren / Isen / John / Kuyo / Leilah / Remi / Rei / Seraphina
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video games series — character is listed in alphabetical order!
Stardew Valley (+ Expanded) ❥ Abigail / Alex / Claire / Elliot / Emily / Haley / Harvey / Lance / Leah / Magnus / Maru / Penny / Sam / Sebastian / Shane / Sophia / Victor Baldur's Gate 3 ❥ Astarion / Gale / Halsin / Karlach / Lae'zel / Minthara / Shadowheart / Wyll Kingdom Hearts ❥ Axel / Demyx / Larxene / Lexaeus / Luxord / Marluxia / Naminé / Roxas / Saix / Vexen / Xaldin / Xemnas / Xigbar / Xion / Zexion Hogwarts Legacy ❥ Aesop Sharp / Amit Thakkar / Garreth Weasley / Leander Prewett / Mirabel Garlick / Natsai Onai / Ominis Gaunt / Parry Pippin / Poppy Sweeting / Sebastian Sallow / Victor Rookwood Detroit: Become Human ❥ Connor (RK800) / Daniel / Elijah Kamski / Gavin Reed / Kara / Luther / Markus / Nines (RK900) / North / Ralph / Sixty (RK-800-60) / Simon Watch Dogs Series ❥ Aiden Pearce / Dušan Nemec / Horatio Carlin / Josh Sauchak / Marcus Holloway / Raymond Kenney / Reginald Blenchman (Wrench) / Sitara Dhawan Danganronpa Series ❥ Akane Owari / Byakuya Togami / Celestia Ludenberg / Chiaki Nanami / Chihiro Fujisaki / Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu / Ghundam Tanaka / Gonta Gokuhara / Hajime Hinata / Hiyoko Saionji / Himiko Yumeno / Ibuki Mioda / Kaede Akamatsu / Kaito Momota / Kazuichi Souda / Kirumi Tojo / Kokichi Ouma / Korekiyo Shinguji / Makoto Naegi / Maki Harukawa / Mikan Tsukimi / Miu Iruma / Mondo Owada / Nagito Komaeda / Nekomaru Nidai / Peko Pekoyama / Rantaro Amami / Ryoma Hoshi/ Sakura Ogami / Sayaka Maizono / Shuichi Saihara / Sonia Nevermind / Teruteru Hanamura / Touko Fukawa / Tsumugi Shirogane / Yasuhiro Hagakure Persona Series ❥ Aegis / Akihiro Sanada / Ann Takamaki / Futaba Sakura / Goro Akechi / Hidetoshi Odagiri / Junpei Iori / Ken Amada / Makoto Niijima / Ren Amamiya / Ryoji Mochizuki / Ryuji Sakamoto / Shinjiro Agaraki / Theodore / Yusuke Kitagawa
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reofyx · 2 years
eleceed ch218 spoilers
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relationship w duke ended. i LOOOOVE schneiders other disciple 🤤🤤🤤
give me his name, author-nim
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littlekohai77 · 3 months
Schneider x Werewolf reader hcs
🅆🄰🅁🄽🄸🄽🄶🅂: it's mostly just fluff
*・゚゚・*:.。..。.:*゚:*:✼✿  ✿✼:*゚:.。..。.:*・゚゚・*
✰ You guys duel quite often, resulting in you two knowing your exact attack patterns. So you two are pretty much in complete sync whenever you guys pair up.
✰you're not as strong as him but that doesn't mean you don't occasionally sweep him off his feet with a new move you can up with.
✰ he loves to brainstorm techniques with you as both of your styles have many similarities. These sessions can last from 3 hours to an entire day.... Mostly cause you are lounging around, eating snacks and being lazy while he's scribbling on paper ferociously, almost burning a hole through it.
✰he likes to doodle your head on paperwork. When he's too bored and the only thing occupying his mind is your fluffy ears.
✰he loves your ears, lives for the way they flop :3.
✰kinda weary about your heightened sense of smell as you once literally passed out cause he was too stinky from going straight to bed after training without a rinse.
✰loves how well you get along with the kids. You're an excellent teacher, lazy but efficient and somehow the most ambitious person he knows.
The students at frame love you. They literally treat you like you're their mom. The younger kids especially like to cuddle with you in your wolf form.
✰he always cooks for you separately cause you can't handle as much seasoning or spices as him. He has noticed that it overwhelms your senses a lot.
✰really enjoys your possessive side. Loves the way you huff and stomp when a random girl is flirting with him. He can't help but be all cheeky and teasing afterwards.
✰I hc that he has a great singing voice. Like it was literally made for melodies. he sings to you and strokes your ears when you're having nightmares.
✰likes to yeet you over his shoulder and carry you around, loving the way you try to protest by swatting at his face with your tail. Only for him to enjoy it.
✰goes shopping with you, especially for hair products. Like girl don't gatekeep, drop the routine.
✰should I write about heat cycles...
*・゚゚・*:.。..。.:*゚:*:✼✿  ✿✼:*゚:.。..。.:*・゚゚・*
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Eleceed incorrect qoute
Y/n Break pats Veremonte, Schneider, and Supri : I like you,you, and you.
Y/n glaring at Andrei: I want to take your dentures to a place you will never find them, and if you replace those dentures, I'll take your new ones too. I want to see you suffer;toothless and angry, for the rest of your life.
Kayden, Kartien:*proud and snickering*
Supri: ahh, so that's who got Kayden's personality.
Veremonte: wonderful, she's a little mini Kayden.
Royst:*looks in admiration and nods in approval*
Ian:*trying not to laugh*
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So I got bored and decided to search the meaning of the names of some of the characters in Eleceed. If there are any mistakes feel free to correct me.
Jiwoo- Ji means; will, purpose, ambition Woo means; house, universe
Kayden- fighter, gentle, battle ( honestly this irony fits Kayden)
Kartien- Pure
Pluton- rich father (is Pluton hiding something from us?)
Gustella- magestic
Mei- gorgeous, plum
Blues-(his name references the genre of music)
Jiyoung-glory, honour, flourish, prosper
Jisuk- wisdom, knowledge, intelligence ( Subin refuses to accept this)
Subin- outstanding,refined ( Jisuk does not agree)
Wooin- wizard ( I'm honestly not sure about this one since I went through many rabbit holes to get it. If anyone knows Korean please correct me on this)
Sucheon- several thousand
Gangseok- good natured with a love for people
Arthur- noble, courageous
Ian-God is gracious
Jurion- God will uplift
Royst- Rose (unexpected but explains why he's in red all the time)
Muse- inspiration
Schneider- one who cuts (self-explanatory)
Supri- love
Andrei- manly, strong, courageous ( the irony is strong with this one)
Astra- star (mom's little baby star remains spoiled as an adult)
Veremonte- mountain
Greg- watchful, vigilant (and yet Kayden managed to find your hidden location)
Mirou- sign of snake (foreshadowing maybe?)
Muras- stone wall
Gahin-want, danger
Duke-leader (what is he leading, he gave up his only chance to lead when he left the Grane family)
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Listen I adore Eleceed but I'm left to wonder about things at times.
*where are Kayden, Kartien, and Pluton getting clothes from? Kartien probably brought luggage we didn't see, but the other two just appeared.
*where is Wooin getting his clothes from?
*why are there so many castles in arctic tundras?
* did the top 10 just agree to live in snowy lands in the middle of nowhere?
*How did Frame enforce the no leaving the room past 10 rule? They're teenagers and not just any teenagers, they belong to an criminal organisation.
Mini theory here
The rumour of Frame torture training their kids, I think only Andrei is responsible for that. First Royst himself says Schneider never agreed to the plan of destroying WAA. Second Supri immediately catches that Andrei was using No.6 as an excuse since he apparently never cared for the kids. Third Supri shows concern for the mental state of the kids, she's also characterised as someone cranky not cruel. Maybe Andrei went too far in his experiment training and wanted to 'even' the amount of kids other organisations had. The kids actually seem somewhat sane, it makes sense that they stay if only one is horrible.
*how old are the old top 10? because even in the ones we see there is a clear age difference; Schneider, Astra, and Gestella look significantly younger than Veremonte, Andrei, and Supri
* how did Supri, Andrei, and Schneider agree to work together? both Schneider and Supri are always constantly sick of Andrei's actions
Another mini theory
Does anyone think that the 3 in frame are siblings? Or at least related? Anytime either Schneider or Andrei do something Supri there a moment later trying to do damage control. Both of them also seem to listen to her without her threatening them. Not to mention both of them, even though they don't listen to others listen to her. If they are siblings I see their order as Supri>Andrei>Schneider.
* where are the parents? there are so many grandparents but we only see a few parents, and they're all dad's where are the mom's?
*speaking of mom's is Gestella related to Duke? Cause if you compare the look of Gestella and Duke in ch 216 they look pretty similar
*Also it seems like Glants dad was the only one that didn't go to "how to be a terrible parent school"
*How did 12 year old Duke meet Schneider?
* also what did Duke do to make Schneider like him enough to make him his apprentice?
* there is an insinuation that Duke is adopted but where from?
*is the lab arc going to get a comeback?
*does anyone know what type of breed Pluton turned into?
* is that how the dog is fully grown? If not someone is going to grow suspicious (Jisuk) of the forever puppy especially since neither Kayden nor Kartien gain or lose weight
These are questions I have so far, does anyone have answers for these? I haven't seen interviews from the author and I also don't know Korean.
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littlekohai77 · 1 year
Eleceed requests
Thou shalt not perish (Vator x reader with Yosano from bsd's powers)
Julian Nsfw headcanons
Dating them includes (Kartein, Cain)
Elay n Ian dating hcs
Cain taking care of sick s/o
Kayden x Gojo s/o
Inhyuk smut
Jiwoo x shy reader
Julian n Duke dating hcs
Julian, Schnauder n Duke dating hcs
Comforting Armless Armthur
Dating hcs (Amyeong, seongha)
Simping (Kartein, Cain)
Muse hcs (NSFW and SFW)
Sub Muse (NSFW)
Schneider x werewolf reader
^ part 2.
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