#school gloucester
tiabwwtws-art · 2 years
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Today I slept and stared at the wall and drew these. Goodnight
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shinimout · 1 year
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I hate Lorenz
He’s been on my mind all day he’s so hsgsugvsugs the things I would do to this man
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kitabasis · 1 year
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Gilded Serpents
In an alternate England governed by mage dynasties, the impending death of a family head means a competition among their heirs. The prize? A ritual taking of the head’s life, and with it, their title, and the combined magic—and souls—of all their dynasty’s previous leaders. The competition, is, predictably, fierce.
And it’s never fiercer than when it’s for the crown.
The eighty-year-old King of England is dying, and the whole country knows the competition will begin any day now. None know it better than his three daughters:
Gunnel, 24, ruthlessly practical and constantly overworked, who tried—and failed—to fill the space the absent Queen left behind, and hides her longing for a life ruled by herself alone
Aikaterine, 22, easily personable and subtly manipulative, who resents her status as the forgettable middle child just as much as she uses it to her advantage, and secretly has no idea who she is by herself
Calla—her father’s unabashed favorite—16, prodigiously powerful and incredibly principled (and autistic), who memorized every subtle rule of behavior to survive, but now is adrift as her father grows unpredictable
As the days pass, the King’s behavior gets ever more erratic, the competition approaches, and a certain bastard’s resentment of his family grows, it becomes clear that this will be a competition to remember.
Let the games begin. 
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lionofchaeronea · 2 years
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William Frederick, 2nd Duke of Gloucester, unknown artist (British School), ca. 1816-20
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cjjasp · 11 months
#FineArtFriday: After the Rain, Gloucester by Paul Cornoyer
Title: After the Rain Gloucester Artist: Paul Cornoyer (1864–1923) Medium: Oil painting Style: Pointilist/Tonalist/Impressionist What I love about this painting: Paul Cornoyer was a master of depicting weather. In this painting, a hard rain has just passed, and the late afternoon sun has emerged behind us. It casts a rosy glow over the wet pavement and rising mist, that rare moment of beauty that…
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pttiedu · 1 year
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pttedu · 1 year
Welding training programs and experience are essential for professional welding work. Dive in to understand the importance of both in the welding industry!
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pansylair · 1 year
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most prehistory dishes sold (thanks sm y’all!!) but lots of other work from my gloucester exhibition still available to view in person or buy online until june 7th!
purchase here:
unsold work will be available via my local gallery for pickup/international shipping / featured again for later shows this year ^^
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youcalledmebabe · 5 months
my favorite bits of web lore from parachute infantry:
he was a new deal democrat and voted for the first time during the war. “I had to walk almost 2 miles to cast my ballot, but I would have walked 10, if necessary, because this was my first vote—I was 22 in June—and I had always wanted to cast it for Roosevelt, the greatest president we had ever had, and the only one who ever gave the working man a break.”
he describes Doc Roe as having “a warm, brave heart.” has anybody ever considered webroe…? there’s about as much basis for it as webgott, historically speaking 💀
he seemed to have lone wolf tendencies. “Actually, I was quite happy to be on my own. Looking out for myself was something I always liked to do. It was the one thing I could do better than anybody else.” 
he was sooo dramatic. “I should have known better than to dream, for whatever dreams I might have had all ended when I was sixteen, and had run away to Gloucester to ship out on a fishing schooner. The schooners were diesel hulks, so I went back to school. That was the way my dreams always ended. The army was no different.”
noted fan of springtime. “It’s going to be an early spring, I thought, feeling a great relief. Maybe things will be better now; they are always better in the spring.”
believed in/was spooked by the stories of a ghost horse cart following them around the front. “It must be the ghost that’s followed us through Europe, I thought with a shiver, for the sound did not seem wholly real—who would have the nerve to walk a horse drawn wagon along the front in a city under such heavy artillery fire? …Some of the men used to speculate about it. They thought that it was the ghost of a supply cart that had gotten a direct hit, and that the driver was homesick for his old outfit. So every night he’d come back and visit his buddies on the line.” apparently Nixon also believed this… where my ghost story fics at?
allergic to change: “The essence of life is change, not stability, but I can’t get used to it; I want everything to stay the way it is.”
thinks the reason lieb is the way he is is because “he was from the far west.” he and joe actually have very little interaction at all and he doesn’t have much to say about him. Tom Hanks rpf is fine strikes again
was drunk on iced tea and gin all the time at the end of the war
gets so mad about doing a final parade when his points came through that he “was in a mood to bayonet babies and roast both colonels over small fires.” immediately after that says what he “planned for peacock was unprintable.” this is the final time peacock is mentioned… guess they never made up
he really hated the army and the Nazis in a way that I feel like the show dropped by the final episode. like I think the real web would’ve shot the guy on the mountain. but that’s a discussion I’d like to have later
anyway he was smart and funny and a good writer and so full of life and i’m very sad about what happened to him
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pfctipper · 2 months
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ABOVE: Captain Andrew Haldane [left] instructs Lieutenant Thomas 'Stumpy' Stanley in the use of the Garand M1 semi-automatic rifle | BELOW: Extracts from letters printed in Bill Sloan, Brotherhood of Heroes: The Marines at Peleliu (2005)
V-mail to Bowdoin College President Kenneth Sills, Brisbane, 6 January 1943: ‘At present, I am taking a back seat & it seems good to get a night's sleep now & then. Gosh I wish I could tell you more but I'm afraid I might make some slight infraction of the regulations which is very serious.'
Letter to his sister Janet, Melbourne, 31 January 1943: ‘The women here are very fast. They are big gals & they can handle themselves very well. These girls remind me a great deal of the American girls. The other night I met a shop welder and she had bigger arms than mine. Some of the boys come back with the weirdest takes. One of my men took out a wrestler & she wasn't bad at all. What a life.’
Letter to Sills, New Guinea, 29 November 1943: 'I've often thought of what I could do after this war game is over and I've come to the conclusion that I would much rather be a civilian. It won't be long now for press reports as you know are very encouraging.'
Letter to former Bowdoin College football coach Adam Walsh, following the Cape Gloucester campaign: 'I can sincerely say your instruction and guiding ways have helped me greatly in this task I have of leading men.'
Letter to Sills, Pavuvu, 25 July 1944: 'This next one [the Peleliu campaign] is going to be a peach. Woe is me!'
Letter to his high school sweetheart Phyllis Stowell, aboard LST-661, 5 September 1944: ‘We are at sea again en-route to another enemy stronghold [Peleliu]. This letter will not go out until after we hit our objective but at least you know that I gave you thought on the way up ... Don't ever worry about me Phyllis for I'll be O.K. Just remember that I can't go wrong because after this blitz I'm coming back so wish me luck. I'll need it.’
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genderkoolaid · 1 year
For your examples of transandrophobia: the US 7th circuit court just sided in favor of 3 trans high school boys. Their school threw every BS, bigoted argument under the sun at them in order to prevent them from using school restrooms (and push them out of social life altogether most like), and it's simply so vile. They're just kids jfc. But the point is, when you look at the legal record transmasculine ppl are all over the place getting caught in bigoted laws and fighting like hell for trans rights in general (think Gavin Grimm v. Gloucester). Excerpt is taken from Erin In The Mornings substack reporting btw. (CW for transphobia)
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Thank you for sending this. It truly is wild how aggressively the school fought this.
Here's the full substack for those interested:
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Pauktuutit Inuit Women of Canada is expressing support for a proposed Inuit women’s shelter in Ottawa that is facing resistance from residents.
In a statement Wednesday, the national Inuit women’s organization said that “in response to recent reporting about the proposed women’s shelter in Ottawa’s south end,” it supports the Ottawa Aboriginal Coalition’s efforts to build the facility.
Ottawa’s Gloucester-Southgate Coun. Jessica Bradley held an information session for residents Tuesday over a proposed transfer of a vacant city-owned lot in the Hunt Club neighbourhood to the coalition.
The lot would then become the site of a new shelter dedicated for Inuit women and children fleeing violence.
“This sanctuary will provide Inuit women and their children with a safe, healthy, and culturally appropriate place to live and heal in a welcoming family-oriented neighbourhood with great access to schools, parks, and greenspace,” Bradley said in a news update posted to her website. [...]
Continue Reading.
Tagging: @newsfromstolenland, @vague-humanoid
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 7 months
I think your analysis of the current BRF situation is SPOT ON.
However, as a Brit, I would like to add one further caveat. Whether the Sussexes become working royals is not down to the Sussexes, Charles, the Palace or anyone. It is down to the British public. The ENTIRE job of the British royal family is to bring a sprinkle of royal fairy dust and magic to an event or cause in a neutral, apolitical way that everyone can support. Be it the Duke of Gloucester popping into a local school initiative which is subsequently then reported in the local paper, or a glittering State banquet with many royals and tiaras garnering international headlines, that is what they do. In addition, a very few royals (currently William and Catherine, Charles and Camilla) have enough star power and magic (some combination of their titles and personal charisma - William has enough of both that he can bring people together on a global basis) that they can bring people together and CREATE events and initiatives (Earthshot, the Prince's Trust, the Early Years work, Queen Camilla's Lit Fest etc. etc.) but still it is the event, cause or initiative that is the important thing. Harry used to be in the latter camp, with his involvement and name being vital to creating things like Invictus or Sentebale but he has now thrown most of that goodwill away. Meghan has NEVER understood that she was supposed to be casting a spotlight on others, instead of making things all about her own celebrity (as is happening now with Invictus). Together they have created a Sussex brand that is so damaged and polarising that, rightly or wrongly, they would only bring negative publicity to whatever cause or event they were sent to support and people wouldn't want them there. The royal job only works if most people involved agree that royal attendance is a plus. These two have pissed off at least 75% of the British public. There is no way they can do the job, even if H&M, Charles, William and the Govt wanted them to, until their support is round 40-50% at least. That's why these polls happen. Yes, maybe they could embark on a long term rehabilitation process as has happened with Camilla and to a lesser extent the Edinburghs, but as you rightly point out, they a) don't have the patience b) would hate doing all the boring, small, bread & butter events that would entail c) are not getting any younger or more glamorous d) are being rapidly overtaken by the immense star power of the Wales kids. In fifteen years who would you rather attends your event? Bald Uncle Harry and his ageing sex kitten wife? Or young, beautiful Charlotte, Princess Royal?
Yep. It's the one thing universally understood: people in positions of power are only there by popular support. Doesn't matter whether it's soft power (eg celebrities, royal families, influencers, athletes) or hard power (eg governments, corporations, media).
There are also two ways to get popular support: by public consent (eg votes, likes, follower counts) or by leadership force (eg invasion, coups, control).
It looks like Harry and Meghan understand this, but they actually don't. They see Charles and William blocking their ascent to power via consent of the public, which leaves them no choice but to force their way to the top. It's is exactly what they've done: they're controlling press and media coverage (tell-alls about the horrors of the royal family while making sure there's only positive coverage of them), they've established a rival court, and they're securing allies (WME, Tyler Perry, Jamaica, veterans). All the signs are there: the Sussexes are launching a hostile takeover of the royal family. But where they keep fucking up is by not accounting for the British public.
They think if they just get rid of Charles and William, the public will love them. That's why all previous attempts of hostile takeovers (Oprah, Netflix, Spare) have failed; they don't realize that the British public is completely separate from the royal family.
Which is ironic because that's literally the lesson from Diana - the British public will support the people they like irrespective of what the royal family/monarchy tells them to do.
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morbidology · 6 months
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Martin Allen was a 15-year-old boy living in Kensington, London. He had grown up in a council flat before his father was employed as a chauffeur to the Australian High Commissioner. This new career meant that the young family could move to a cottage in the grounds of the Australian High Commission in the prosperous Kensington area.
It was the 5th of November, 1979, and Martin was travelling home from Central Foundation Grammar School on the London Underground. The last time anybody saw Martin was at King’s Cross station at around 3:50PM when he said goodbye to one of his school friends. Afterwards, he walked into the short tunneled passageway that leads to the west-bound Piccadilly Line train that would take him towards his home. Some reports would later say Martin’s brother saw him at home at around 5PM before he headed straight back out.
What’s known, however, is that Martin disappeared at some point during this day.
Within days of his disappearance, the police launched a major enquiry. A witness came forward to say that they had seen a suspicious man accompanying a boy that looked like Martin at the Gloucester Road underground station at around 4:15PM. The witness said that the man had his arm around the teenage boy who appeared to be distressed.
Afterwards, he saw the two board a West-bound train at the tube station despite the fact this station was the one closest to Martin’s home. He described the strange man as around 6 feet tall, in his 30s, well built and wearing a denim jacket. The witness heard the man tell the boy: “Don’t try to run.” Following the witness coming forward, an investigation found five other witnesses who saw the blonde man and boy.
Despite an exhaustive search, the man was never identified.
Early on in the investigation, Martin’s brother alleged that the detective told his family that there were “high-up people involved” in his disappearance and that they should stop looking for Martin and “not take it further because someone will get hurt.” Over the years, theories have abounded.
In 1998, police found a shrine to Martin in the house of an alleged pedophile who had a headstone engraved “In Memory of Martin Allen.” No evidence could tie him to the disappearance, however. At one point, police questioned serial killer Dennis Nilsen but again, no evidence could link him to the disappearance. There was even some speculation that Martin was abducted and murdered by a local pedophile ring, operating out of a local hotel.
To this date, the whereabouts of Martin Allen remains a mystery. Both his parents have passed away without knowing what happened to their son.
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pttiedu · 1 year
At PTTI, we specialize in making car enthusiasts into actual specialists. Our extensive training programs give hands-on experience and professional direction, transforming vehicle enthusiasts' passion into a lifetime, competent vocation. Join us and take your career to the next level in the fascinating world of automotive technology.
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pttedu · 2 years
Why limit yourselves to teaching students when you can teach everyone a new and different skill. This is the student representative of PTTI and this is her first time welding. Look at how excited she is!
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