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tektronixtechnology · 5 months
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VMS With Facial recognition technology offers a robust layer of security by accurately identifying individuals based on their unique facial features. Unlike traditional methods such as ID cards or manual verification, facial recognition eliminates the risk of forged or stolen credentials. By cross-referencing visitor faces with a database of known individuals, security personnel can quickly identify potential threats and take necessary precautions.
Visitor Managemnet System
Visitor Registration Software
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Visitor Management With Face recognition
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newstfionline · 4 years
Thursday, January 28, 2021
Republicans Rally Against Impeachment Trial, Signaling Likely Acquittal for Trump (NYT) Senate Republicans rallied on Tuesday against trying former President Donald J. Trump for “incitement of insurrection” at the Capitol, with only five members of his party joining Democrats in a vote to go forward with his impeachment trial. By a vote of 55-to-45, the Senate narrowly killed a Republican effort to dismiss the proceeding as unconstitutional because Mr. Trump is no longer in office. “I think it’s pretty obvious from the vote today that it is extraordinarily unlikely that the president will be convicted,” said Senator Susan Collins of Maine, one of the five Republicans who voted to proceed to trial. “Just do the math.” It would take two-thirds of senators—67 votes—to attain a conviction, meaning 17 Republicans would have to cross party lines to side with Democrats in finding Mr. Trump guilty. If they did, an additional vote to disqualify him from ever holding office again would take a simple majority.
Foot of snow blankets parts of Midwest, disrupts travel (AP) A major winter storm dumped more than a foot of snow on parts of the middle of the country while another system blanketed areas of the Southwest, disrupting travel for a second consecutive day Tuesday and shuttering many schools. Several coronavirus testing sites closed Monday and Tuesday in Nebraska and Iowa, as both states saw 12 to 15 inches (30.5 to 38.1 centimeters) of snow in places. At least 4 inches (10 centimeters) of snow was expected through Tuesday across most of an area stretching from central Kansas northeast to Chicago and southern Michigan. National Weather Service meteorologist Taylor Nicolaisen, who is based near Omaha, said up to 15 inches (38 centimeters) was reported in spots between York, Nebraska, and Des Moines, Iowa. He said it’s uncommon for the region to get more than a foot of snow from a single storm, and it has been decades since some cities saw this much.
As variants spread, countries pursue new round of travel restrictions (Washington Post) Governments around the world—including those of the United States, Britain and New Zealand—are moving to impose stricter travel limitations in a bid to slow the spread of new coronavirus variants that experts warn are more contagious. President Biden confirmed Monday that he would extend a ban on travelers from Brazil, the United Kingdom, Ireland and 26 other European countries. Visitors from South Africa will be banned from entering the United States starting Saturday. New Zealand, which has been lauded for its handling of the pandemic, may keep its borders closed to visitors for “much of this year,” Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said. The new U.S. restrictions come as several countries reconsider eased travel polices amid worry over virus variants that can make people sicker, spread faster and, in some cases, compromise the effectiveness of vaccines.
Biden and Putin Agree to Extend Nuclear Treaty (NYT) President Biden and President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia avoided a renewed arms race on Tuesday when they formally agreed to extend the last remaining nuclear arms treaty between their countries. But White House officials said Mr. Biden also confronted the Kremlin leader over the poisoning of an opposition activist and a hacking of government and private computer networks in the United States. It was the first call between the leaders of the world’s two largest nuclear powers since Mr. Biden’s inauguration. But it was being watched as much for its tone as its substance: Mr. Biden vowed during the transition to make Russia “pay a price” for the hacking, and his administration, in its opening hours, demanded the release of Aleksei A. Navalny, whose arrest on Jan. 17 prompted protests last weekend across Russia that resulted in more than 3,000 arrests. The call was, in essence, the opening act of what promises to be a deeply adversarial relationship between the two leaders, and most likely the sharpest turn in American foreign policy since President Donald J. Trump left office one week ago.
‘Lying is a thing presidents do’ (The Media Today/CJR) Adam Serwer, of The Atlantic, reminds journalists and the public that “Biden will lie to you,” because lying is a thing presidents do. “The press and the public should resist the temptation to assume that the Biden administration will always be on the level, or that its dishonesties can be forgiven because Biden’s predecessor wielded falsehood with such abandon,” Serwer writes. “Already, Biden has sought to mislead the public by setting expectations for vaccinations that experts have said are too modest—which will allow the president to declare his approach a great success if the goal is exceeded.”
Calm returns to Dutch cities after riots, with police out in force (Reuters) With shops boarded up and riot police out in force, it was relatively calm in Dutch cities on Tuesday night after three days of violence during which nearly 500 people were detained. In several cities, including the capital Amsterdam, some businesses closed early and emergency ordinances were in place to give law enforcement greater powers to respond to the rioting, which was prompted by a nighttime curfew to curb the spread of the coronavirus. The Netherlands’ first curfew since World War Two was imposed on Saturday despite weeks of falling infections, after the National Institute for Health (RIVM) said a faster-spreading variant first found in England was causing a third of cases. A hospital in Rotterdam had warned visitors of patients to stay away, after rioters tried to attack hospitals in various cities. In Amsterdam on Monday, groups of youths threw fireworks, broke store windows and attacked a police truck, but were broken up by a massive police presence.
The World Is Dependent on Taiwan for Semiconductors (Bloomberg) As China pushes the world to avoid official dealings with Taiwan, leaders across the globe are realizing just how dependent they’ve become on the island democracy. Taiwan, which China regards as a province, is being courted for its capacity to make leading-edge computer chips. That’s mostly down to Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., the world’s largest foundry and go-to producer of chips for Apple Inc. smartphones, artificial intelligence and high-performance computing. Taiwan’s role in the world economy largely existed below the radar, until it came to recent prominence as the auto industry suffered shortfalls in chips used for everything from parking sensors to reducing emissions. TSMC’s chip-making skills have handed Taiwan political and economic leverage in a world where technology is being enlisted in the great power rivalry between the U.S. and China—a standoff unlikely to ease under the administration of Joe Biden. Taiwan’s grip on the semiconductor business—despite being under constant threat of invasion by Beijing—also represents a choke point in the global supply chain that’s giving new urgency to plans from Tokyo to Washington and Beijing to increase self-reliance.
Indonesian volcano unleashes river of lava in new eruption (AP) Indonesia’s most active volcano erupted Wednesday with a river of lava and searing gas clouds flowing 1,600 meters (5,250 feet) down its slopes. It was Mount Merapi’s biggest lava flow since authorities raised its danger level in November, said Hanik Humaida, the head of Yogyakarta’s Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation Center. After morning rain, ashfall turned into muck in several villages, where the sound of eruption could be heard 30 kilometers (18 away). Police and rescue services told miners to cease work along rivers but no one was evacuated. The 2,968-meter (9,737-foot) volcano is on the densely populated island of Java and near the ancient city of Yogyakarta. It is the most active of dozens of Indonesian volcanoes and has repeatedly erupted with lava and gas clouds recently.
Amid crisis, Hezbollah ‘bank’ a lifeline for some Lebanese (AP) When Lebanon’s financial meltdown began in late 2019, Hassan Shoumar was locked out of his dollar savings like everyone else in the country as banks clamped down with capital controls. But the young engineer had an alternative. He could still pull out the dollars in his account at the al-Qard al-Hasan Association, the financial arm of the militant Hezbollah group. Stepping in where the state and financial institutions have failed, Hezbollah is providing a vital lifeline for some Lebanese. In the country’s wrecked economy, everyone is desperate for hard currency and liquidity as the local currency plummets in value. At commercial banks, depositors stand in line for hours and fight with managers in vain to access their dollar savings. Most banks have stopped giving loans. But at Hezbollah’s al-Qard al-Hasan people can take out small, interest-free loans in dollars, enabling them to pay school fees, get married, buy a used car or open a small business. They can also open saving accounts there. With poverty rising across Lebanon, Hezbollah provides its community with low-cost schools and hospitals and distributes heating fuel to the poor. Hezbollah continues to pay its fighters and employees in its institutions in U.S. dollars, while everyone else gets their salaries in Lebanese pounds, which lost about 80% of their value in the crisis.
Missiles over Saudi Arabia (Times of London) Iran-backed militias in Iraq are feared to have opened a new front against Saudi Arabia, after a second suspected drone attack in less than four days over the capital Riyadh. A double blast was heard above the city on Tuesday morning. Witnesses said there appeared to have been some kind of missile interception. A similar incident on Saturday was initially blamed on the Houthis, the Iran-backed rebel group fighting the Saudi-backed recognized government in Yemen to the south. However, the Houthis denied it, although they have claimed numerous previous attacks on Saudi cities during the six-year war. Instead, a new militia based in Iraq issued a statement of responsibility. The Alwiya al-Waad al-Haq, or Brigades of the Righteous Promise, said the attack had been “launched solely by Iraqi hands”. An online news channel close to Iran-backed groups in Iraq said the attacks were intended to make Saudi Arabia the “playground of missiles and drones” and that it would become a target of the “resistance” from both north and south.
France says it bombed an ‘armed terrorist group.’ Witnesses say it was a wedding. (Washington Post) The men gathered for a wedding, they said — one more somber than those of the past. Strict rules have warped life in their central Mali village since the extremists invaded: no music or dancing. No mingling with women. Smoke a cigarette and get beaten. Parties, even conservative ones, invite punishment, so they wanted to celebrate quickly in a remote field, according to two guests. Grilled mutton and beef were about to be served when bombs fell from the sky. “We heard what sounded like a plane and then a loud noise,” said one guest, a 46-year-old teacher. “Suddenly there were wounded people everywhere. Body parts everywhere. What happened on the afternoon of Jan. 3 is hotly disputed. The French military took responsibility for an airstrike near Bounti in the Mopti region, saying in a Jan. 7 statement that a pair of Mirage 2000 fighter jets had dropped three explosives on “a gathering of armed terrorist group members” in an area known to be rife with them. The French armed forces said the airstrike killed about 30 men — all militants. But villagers say there was a tragic misunderstanding: Only men were in the field because extremists had banned socializing with women. Guests provided testimony that aligns with reports from Human Rights Watch and a Malian group that conducted an investigation into the airstrike. Those probes concluded that 19 civilian men — some in their late 60s and 70s — died in the blasts.
Ugandan election aftermath (Foreign Policy) Opposition leader Bobi Wine accused President Yoweri Museveni of using the military and the police “to oppress his opponents and to suppress our rights” after he was freed from 11 days of house arrest following disputed elections on Jan. 14. Museveni was declared to have won Uganda’s presidential election earlier this month, winning roughly 59 percent in an election judged by the United States as fundamentally flawed. Wine’s campaign team will decide whether to contest the results of the presidential election and have until a deadline of Feb. 2 to do so.
Pew: How COVID-19 Changed Faith (CT) “Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.” James, the brother of Jesus, didn’t have a global pandemic in mind when he wrote these words in the opening chapter of his biblical epistle to “the 12 tribes scattered among the nations.” But as the coronavirus closed churches worldwide, a global survey of more than 14,000 people has found that few lost faith while many of the most faithful gained. Today, the Pew Research Center released a study on how COVID-19 affected levels of faith this past summer in 14 countries with advanced economies: Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Spain, South Korea, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and the United States. “In 11 of 14 countries surveyed, the share who say their religious faith has strengthened is higher than the share who say it has weakened,” noted Pew researchers. Overall, a median of 4 out of 5 of each country’s citizens said their faith was more or less unchanged. Leading the pack in strengthened faith: the United States. Americans were three times more likely to report their religious faith had become stronger due to the pandemic: 28 percent, vs. a global median of 10 percent. Next came Spaniards (16%) and Italians (15%), whose nations were two of the worst hit during the coronavirus’s deadly outbreak in the spring.
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macnazer · 3 years
I am a creative, hardworking and determined professional seeking an opportunity to succeed and grow. I am very adaptable; a team player and I excel under pressure; Looking forward to share my diverse experience and knowledge in management and business development.
Work Experience
Ghassan Ahmed Alsuliman Trading (IKEA) – Saudi Arabia: Business Partner Sales Western Region Apr '21 – Jul '21
• Fulfill current business clients orders and supervision of pick or delivery.
• Establish new opportunities with new clients.
• Follow up on customer services.
• Identity new projects and reach out to offer our products and services.
• Communicating customer requirements to our design.
• Market research and database maintenance for large size projects in the western region to monitor progress and
offer our products and services to be integrated in the final project from early on in the design and development.
• Keep in contact with current and past customers for maintenance and product update and replacement.
• Large orders fulfilment by communication and arrangement with kingdom wide available stock.
• In store customer services.
Medad Logistic Services, Jeddah – Saudi Arabia: Business Development Manager Jan ‘16 – Dec ‘17
• Assisted the development and design of company’s sales App
• Built relationships within car sales industry and expanded the business network.
• Developed business development plans.
• Developed business reports on potential revenue streams and new ventures.
• Developed corporate governance measures and compliance.
• Developed new business venture proposals based on evaluation of market demand and strategic fits Within KSA
and UAE.
• Engaged in communications with all car dealerships with KSA to forge new business agreements.
• Implemented company recruitment and retention efforts.
• Identifying new business opportunities.
• Acquiring new clients through developing professional relationships.
• Development of organization’s product and service offerings
• Formulate business strategies and develop new initiatives
Red Sea Gateway Terminal, Jeddah - Saudi Arabia: Operations Executive Dec '14 – Nov ‘15
• Brief Port supervisor on vessel loading and discharge standard operating procedures
• Implement manpower planning processes
• Monitor and review manpower planning processes
• Monitor vessel operations and productivity
• Oversee compliance with Workplace, Safety and Health (WSH) policies, procedure and regulations.
• Oversee Daily planning for birth, yard and stowage.
• Issuing port passes for visitors.
• Issuing and Renewal of employees personal and vehicle port passes.
• Coordinating governmental agencies within the port.
• Developing complete policy and procedure for port affairs department.
Saudia Cargo, Jeddah – Saudi Arabia: Senior Accountant Accounts Payable Aug ’07 – Jul '10
• Responsible for and maintaining of stock for both paper and electronic based bills of landing within all Saudia st
ations and worldwide district finance offices.
• Responsible for operations of SAP accounts payable.
• SME ERP Implementation.
• Coordinate development of interfaces of financial systems to ERP.
• Controlling of accounting records for timely updating, recoding and presentation Of financial transactions.
• Contributed in implementation of SAP ECC 6.0 in Cargo BU. SME from Cargo for GL And AP (FI), Fixed Assets (AA)
, Cost of Production Analysis (COPA), Project Systems (PS), Travel Management (TM), Controlling (CO) and Funds
Management (FM), Modules of SAP.
• Update and Maintenance of all bank accounts records for employees, companies and business partners.
• Worldwide DFO per dime monitoring and reimbursement.
• Translation and input of Shanghai and Guangzhou DFO invoices.
National Petrochemical Industrial Company, Jeddah – Saudi Arabia: Sales Officer Nov ‘06 – Mar ‘07
• Successfully completing Spheripol Products and Applications at Basell Polyolefins, Ferrara, Italy.
• Identifying kingdom-wide plastic factories and obtaining their contact information.
• Establishing communication with selected factories and offering the product range
Collage of Business Administration, Jeddah – Saudi Arabia: Dean Office Manager
• Managing day to day Dean’s Emails, phone calls and appointments
Dec ’05 – May ‘06
Collage of Business Administration, Jeddah – Saudi Arabia: Project Coordinator
• Supervising construction work on Sari campus second floor expansion
• Supervising construction and procurement for UBT campus
Sep ’02 – Nov ‘05
Toys R Us, Jeddah – Saudi Arabia: Assistant Buyer
• Filing purchase orders for new toys.
• Reviewing pricing as per company margins.
• Display and shelving management
Aug ’01 – Jul ‘02
Zahid Tractor Jeddah – Saudi Arabia: Summer Training Data Entry Clerk Jun '00 - Aug '00
• Archiving day to day invoices.
• Logging outgoing machines for delivery.
Personal Achievements
DP Services, Jeddah – Saudi Arabia: Co-Founder, COO Jan ’17 – Mar ‘20
Mahmoud Marwan Nazer Construction Ist.- Owner-Operator Apr ’05 – Jan ‘17
College of Business Administration, Jeddah Saudi Arabia
BBA in Financial Management (3.71 of 5)
2002 - 2005
Secondary 1988 – 2000
AL-Nasser High School (high school).
Courses and Training
CFA Level I Candidate Prep.
Advance English Language - Proficiency English Course, Kaplan Inst. Chicago IL, USA.
Spheripol Products and Applications Certificate – Basell Polyolefins. Ferrara, Italy
Six Sigma Green Belt
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bigyack-com · 5 years
Indonesia Has No Reported Coronavirus Cases. Is That the Whole Picture?
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NUSA DUA, Indonesia — The family from Shanghai was vacationing in Singapore last month when they learned that the new coronavirus had arrived there from China. So they packed up and flew to the world’s largest country yet to report a single case of the deadly virus: Indonesia. They landed in Bali, a major destination for Chinese tourists, on Jan. 30 and have no plans to leave. “People in Bali treat us nicely and are friendly,” said Eva Qin, 36, who is traveling with her mother, husband and son. “We weren’t given any health test.” Health experts have questioned why Indonesia has not yet reported a single case of novel coronavirus, even though officials were slow to halt nonstop flights from China. Indonesia receives about 2 million Chinese tourists a year, most of them in Bali. China’s consul general in Bali said last week that about 5,000 Chinese tourists remained in Bali, including 200 from Wuhan, where the outbreak started. Indonesia’s closest neighbors have all reported cases, including the Philippines, Singapore, Malaysia and Australia. “So far, Indonesia is the only major country in Asia that does not have a corona case,” Indonesia’s security minister, Mohammad Mahfud MD, told reporters on Friday. “The coronavirus does not exist in Indonesia.” None of the 285 people who were evacuated from Wuhan and are now in quarantine on the Indonesian island of Natuna have shown signs of the virus, he added. The countries of Africa, like Indonesia, as of Tuesday had not yet reported a single confirmed case, though there have been many suspected cases. Africa, too, is a frequent destination for Chinese travelers — though most come to the continent for work, not tourism. Five researchers at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health concluded in a study last week that Indonesia and Cambodia, which has reported only one case, should quickly intensify its monitoring of potential cases. Based on a statistical analysis, the disease could have arrived in Indonesia already, the authors concluded. Updated Feb. 10, 2020 What is a Coronavirus? It is a novel virus named for the crown-like spikes that protrude from its surface. The coronavirus can infect both animals and people, and can cause a range of respiratory illnesses from the common cold to more dangerous conditions like Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, or SARS. How contagious is the virus? According to preliminary research, it seems moderately infectious, similar to SARS, and is possibly transmitted through the air. Scientists have estimated that each infected person could spread it to somewhere between 1.5 and 3.5 people without effective containment measures. How worried should I be? While the virus is a serious public health concern, the risk to most people outside China remains very low, and seasonal flu is a more immediate threat. Who is working to contain the virus? World Health Organization officials have praised China’s aggressive response to the virus by closing transportation, schools and markets. This week, a team of experts from the W.H.O. arrived in Beijing to offer assistance. What if I’m traveling? The United States and Australia are temporarily denying entry to noncitizens who recently traveled to China and several airlines have canceled flights. How do I keep myself and others safe? Washing your hands frequently is the most important thing you can do, along with staying at home when you’re sick. “Many of the imported cases have been linked to a recent travel history from Wuhan, suggesting that air travel volume may play an important role for the risk of cases being exported outside of China,” the study said. The chairman of the Indonesian Red Cross, Jusuf Kalla, a former vice president of Indonesia, also said it was possible that the disease had already entered the country and that Indonesians might not recognize the symptoms as being coronavirus. “Singapore has a tight system, but even there the virus got in,” he said. “It’s possible that there are infected people but here in Indonesia people think that it is only a regular fever or they think it is dengue fever.” Mr. Kalla expressed concern about how prepared Indonesia was to handle the virus if it were to strike in remote parts of the archipelago nation where underfunded community health centers are the main health care provider. (Indonesia is the world’s fourth most populous country, with nearly 270 million people scattered across 6,000 inhabited islands.) “Indonesia has many islands,” he said. “We have many port cities. They all have different capabilities. I think good hospitals in Jakarta can detect it. But what about the community health center in Flores? Or in Sulawesi? Surely the capability is limited.” But the W.H.O. country representative, Dr. Navaratnasamy Paranietharan, said Indonesia is doing its best to face the new coronavirus, including screening passengers at points of entry and equipping hospitals for the arrival of suspected or diagnosed cases. “Indonesia is doing what is possible to be prepared for and defend against the novel coronavirus,” he said. Health officials say they have tested nearly 50 suspected cases, which were all negative. Thirty Chinese workers from a cement company in North Sulawesi were placed in 14-day quarantine last week after returning from a holiday visit to China, an immigration official said. None of them have come down with the virus, he said. If patients with symptoms were arriving, they would have been detected, insisted Achmad Yurianto, secretary of prevention and control at the health ministry. “We are not prepared to face a major outbreak, but we are prepared to prevent an outbreak,” he said. “We are not waiting for it to happen. We in fact have tightened prevention.” Indonesia is experienced at monitoring travelers for illness, he said, because the country has long been on the lookout for another dangerous coronavirus, Middle East Respiratory Syndrome or MERS. About 1.4 million Indonesians go each year on pilgrimages to Saudi Arabia, where they can be exposed to MERS, he said, and they are screened on their return. “We have experienced this many times,” he said. “Maybe other countries are not as diligent as Indonesia in dealing with this situation.” Indonesia has three laboratories capable of testing for the new coronavirus, two in Jakarta, the capital, and one in Surabaya, Indonesia’s second-largest city, in East Java. The labs can test 1,200 samples a day, he said. Across the country, 100 hospitals have been designated as centers to handle suspected cases of the novel coronavirus. Before airline travel between Indonesia and China was suspended on Feb. 5, there were 134 flights a week from China to Bali, bringing about 5,000 passengers a day. The loss of new Chinese tourists could be devastating for the economy of Bali, which is highly dependent on foreign visitors. Still, some of the tourists already in Bali are doing what they can to stay. China’s consul general in Bali, Gou Haodong, said many of the remaining Chinese tourists wanted to extend their visas rather than return home to possible quarantine or exposure to the virus. More than 30 applied on Friday for tourist visas extensions, said immigration officials, who put the number of remaining Chinese tourists at 1,500, not 5,000. Among those still in Bali this weekend were Johnson Guo and his family. Mr. Guo, 42, a manager in an internet business in Guangzhou, said the family had been on holiday in Australia. But after the outbreak of the virus, they decided to extend their vacation and spend a week in Bali. He said that they did not receive any health check on arrival, but that all of them were healthy. “I worry about the virus,” he said, as he purchased 720 face masks to take back and donate to his hometown hospital when they were to return on Saturday. “But I have to return because I have to go back to work. And Guangzhou is not as bad as other areas in China.” Two travelers from Shanghai, Song Yi and her friend, Yang Yujia, both 27, arrived in Bali in mid-January with eight friends. “We didn’t have any health check because we have been healthy during the 20 days of our stay,” said Ms. Song, a banker, as they shopped for clothes at a mall near Kuta Beach. Ms. Song said that the Balinese people had been very kind to them, but that their Chinese friends began avoiding each other because of fears about the virus and they soon went their separate ways. After extending their stay in Bali, she said, they plan to return home next week. “We decided to stay longer because we were afraid of the virus,” she said. Read the full article
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ladystylestores · 4 years
Your Wednesday Briefing – The New York Times
Europe is considering barring American travelers
European Union officials are racing to determine who can visit the bloc beginning July 1, as countries try to restart travel while keeping new coronavirus infections at bay.
A draft list of acceptable travelers includes those from China and Vietnam, but visitors from the U.S., Russia and Brazil will not be welcome, according to the document seen by The New York Times. A final decision is expected early next week, though European officials aid it was highly unlikely an exception would be made for the United States.
Prohibiting American travelers from entering the European Union has significant ramifications and is a blow to President Trump’s handling of the virus. Millions of American tourists visit Europe every summer. Business travel is common, given the huge economic ties between the United States and the E.U.
In other news:
Boris Johnson announced that pubs, restaurants, museums and hair salons in England would be allowed to reopen on July 4 and cut the required social distance between people to about three feet, prompting warnings from scientists on the increased risk of transmission.
Facebook, Google, Amazon and others in the business world reacted with anger after President Trump suspended new work visas for foreigners at least until the end of the year.
The virus is gaining steam across Latin America, and experts fear the worst is ahead. Inequality, densely packed cities, weak health care systems and fumbled government responses have contributed to the spread.
Dr. Anthony Fauci, the top U.S. infectious disease expert, said at a congressional hearing that the next two weeks will be critical in the country’s disease-fighting efforts, as he warned of a “disturbing surge” in cases.
Novak Djokovic, the world’s No. 1 in men’s tennis, is the fourth player to be infected with the coronavirus after he organized an exhibition series in Croatia and Serbia.
The Times is providing free access to much of our coronavirus coverage, and our Coronavirus Briefing newsletter — like all of our newsletters — is free. Please consider supporting our journalism with a subscription.
Heartbreak as annual hajj is essentially canceled
Saudi Arabia announced on Tuesday that only about 1,000 people will be allowed to perform the annual hajj pilgrimage at the end of July — a decision that effectively cancels one of the world’s largest gatherings of Muslims.
The restrictions are meant to slow the spread of the coronavirus in the kingdom, which has one of the largest outbreaks in the Middle East. Last year, 2.5 million people took part in the pilgrimage. This year, those allowed to perform the hajj will have to be younger than 65 and will be required to undergo a virus test in advance.
The announcement disappointed Muslims around the world, many of whom have saved for years to travel to Mecca, and will deal a financial blow to the kingdom’s economy.
Paris death renews scrutiny of the police
“I’m suffocating.”
Those were the words Cédric Chouviat called out seven times as police officers in Paris pinned him to the ground and put him in a chokehold, according to footage analyzed in an internal police report in April, but revealed by French outlets this week.
The video of Mr. Chouviat, a white, 42-year-old delivery man who died with a broken larynx after the confrontation in January, is reigniting scrutiny of the heavy-handed tactics used by the police as protests against police brutality, particularly against black people, have swept the country.
The four officers involved in the arrest were not questioned about the incident until last week and have not been charged with any crimes. “We don’t understand why they still haven’t been suspended,” said Sofia Chouviat, Mr. Chouviat’s daughter.
Context: Earlier this month, France’s interior minister said chokeholds would be banned and that officers would no longer be allowed to press on a suspect’s neck. But the French police have pushed back, and officers will be allowed to use the technique in the field until September.
Case study: In the postwar era, Germany overhauled policing to confront in detail the shameful legacy of policing under the Nazis, and to prevent it from happening again. The country’s experience might offer insight into how to redesign institutions. But clashes between the police and young men in Stuttgart on Saturday point to long-simmering tensions and criticism, with immigrants saying they are racially profiled.
Also: Eton College, one of Britain’s most storied boys schools, has apologized to one of its former black students who said he was told never to return after publishing a book in 1972 detailing abuse at the school.
If you have 7 minutes, this is worth it
In West Africa, terror from both sides
Burkina Faso has fallen into chaos over the past four years, becoming a recruiting ground for international terrorist groups in West Africa. At least 2,000 people are thought to have been killed there in the past 18 months. Above, soldiers protecting refugees at a camp near Dori, in northern Burkina Faso.
Our correspondent and photographer traveled there and found that government forces are now killing about as many people as jihadists are. “The government is traumatizing people,” a herdsman and farmer said. “It’s what pushes people to sign up to the armed groups.”
Here’s what else is happening
Australia judge: A court inquiry found that Dyson Heydon, a judge who presided over the country’s highest court for a decade, had harassed at least six women. He has denied the accusations.
U.S.-China trade: Stocks on Wall Street followed global markets higher on Tuesday, after President Trump reaffirmed the trade war truce between the United States and China and investors focused on new signs of economic recovery instead.
U.S. presidential campaign: A surge in donations has helped Joe Biden cut into President Trump’s financial advantage ahead of the November vote. Mr. Biden will hold his first presidential campaign event with Barack Obama on Tuesday.
Snapshot: Art restoration experts in Spain called on Tuesday for tighter regulation of their work after a Baroque-era painting of the Virgin Mary, above, was disfigured by a furniture restorer. The Association of Conservators and Restorers said in a statement that, if the poor restoration is confirmed, “part of our heritage is disappearing by these disastrous actions.”
French literature: With her strident, pro-sex views, Virginie Despentes upsets people on the left and the right. After years of being the outsider, she is finally taking over France’s literary establishment.
What we’re reading: This Atlantic article about blackness and racism. “Imani Perry writes beautifully about the full-body grief of being a black American,” says Jenna Wortham, staff writer for The Times Magazine.
Now, a break from the news
Cook: This tomato chickpea salad is the taste of summer. If you can, savor this meal outside, which is always the best way to celebrate the beginning of tomato season.
Watch: The director Joel Schumacher, who died on Monday at age 80, will be remembered for the flash and style of “Batman Forever” and “Batman & Robin.”
Listen: While live concerts and operas are on hold, the spotlight has turned to individual artists. Here’s a look at some memorable solos.
Do: If you are fortunate enough to have a terrace, a porch or a backyard, here are a few tips on how to make the most of your outdoor space.
At Home has our full collection of ideas on what to read, cook, watch and do while staying safe at home.
And now for the Back Story on …
America’s unpredictable medical bills
Last week, Sarah Kliff, a Times reporter, noticed something strange. A medical lab in Dallas had charged as much as $2,315 apiece for coronavirus tests, even though a test typically costs $100. Sarah called the lab to ask about the price — and the lab quickly dropped it to $300.
It isn’t the first time something like this has happened. In her years of covering health care for Vox and now for The Times, Sarah has frequently reported on the arbitrary nature of medical costs, often highlighting extreme examples. After these examples receive public attention, health care providers sometimes reduce the prices.
Of course, most medical bills don’t become the subject of journalistic investigations. Which means that medical labs, drug companies, hospitals and doctors’ offices are often able to charge high prices to insurance companies and patients, without consequence.
“If you look at pretty much any other developed country — Canada, Britain, France, Germany, Singapore, the list goes on — the government does some version of rate setting,” Sarah told The Morning newsletter recently. “The United States doesn’t.” That’s one reason that the cost of health care in the U.S. is higher than in any other country.
That’s it for this briefing. See you next time.
— Isabella
Thank you Melissa Clark wrote the recipe, and Theodore Kim and Jahaan Singh provided the rest of the break from the news. You can reach the team at [email protected].
P.S. • We’re listening to “The Daily.” Our latest episode is about the future of the U.S. Senate. • Here’s today’s Mini Crossword puzzle, and a clue: Like roasted marshmallows (five letters). You can find all our puzzles here. • Mary Suh is returning to The New York Times as acting Op-Ed Editor, Charlotte Greensit of The Intercept is the new managing editor and associate Editorial Page editor and Talmon Smith has been promoted to staff editor.
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mastcomm · 5 years
Hiding From Coronavirus in Indonesia. But Is It Truly Virus-Free?
NUSA DUA, Indonesia — The family from Shanghai was vacationing in Singapore last month when they learned that the new coronavirus had arrived there from China.
So they packed up and flew to the world’s largest country yet to report a single case of the deadly virus: Indonesia. They landed in Bali, a major destination for Chinese tourists, on Jan. 30 and have no plans to leave.
“People in Bali treat us nicely and are friendly,” said Eva Qin, 36, who is traveling with her mother, husband and son. “We weren’t given any health test.”
Health experts have questioned why Indonesia has not yet reported a single case of novel coronavirus, even though officials were slow to halt nonstop flights from China. Indonesia receives about 2 million Chinese tourists a year, most of them in Bali.
China’s consul general in Bali said last week that about 5,000 Chinese tourists remained in Bali, including 200 from Wuhan, where the outbreak started.
Indonesia’s closest neighbors have all reported cases, including the Philippines, Singapore, Malaysia and Australia.
“So far, Indonesia is the only major country in Asia that does not have a corona case,” Indonesia’s security minister, Mohammad Mahfud MD, told reporters on Friday. “The coronavirus does not exist in Indonesia.”
None of the 285 people who were evacuated from Wuhan and are now in quarantine on the Indonesian island of Natuna have shown signs of the virus, he added.
Five researchers at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health concluded in a study last week that Indonesia and Cambodia, which has reported only one case, should quickly intensify its monitoring of potential cases. Based on a statistical analysis, the disease could have arrived in Indonesia already, the authors concluded.
“Many of the imported cases have been linked to a recent travel history from Wuhan, suggesting that air travel volume may play an important role for the risk of cases being exported outside of China,” the study said.
Updated Feb. 10, 2020
What is a Coronavirus? It is a novel virus named for the crown-like spikes that protrude from its surface. The coronavirus can infect both animals and people, and can cause a range of respiratory illnesses from the common cold to more dangerous conditions like Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, or SARS.
How contagious is the virus? According to preliminary research, it seems moderately infectious, similar to SARS, and is possibly transmitted through the air. Scientists have estimated that each infected person could spread it to somewhere between 1.5 and 3.5 people without effective containment measures.
How worried should I be? While the virus is a serious public health concern, the risk to most people outside China remains very low, and seasonal flu is a more immediate threat.
Who is working to contain the virus? World Health Organization officials have praised China’s aggressive response to the virus by closing transportation, schools and markets. This week, a team of experts from the W.H.O. arrived in Beijing to offer assistance.
What if I’m traveling? The United States and Australia are temporarily denying entry to noncitizens who recently traveled to China and several airlines have canceled flights.
How do I keep myself and others safe? Washing your hands frequently is the most important thing you can do, along with staying at home when you’re sick.
The chairman of the Indonesian Red Cross, Jusuf Kalla, a former vice president of Indonesia, also said it was possible that the disease had already entered the country and that Indonesians might not recognize the symptoms as being coronavirus.
“Singapore has a tight system, but even there the virus got in,” he said. “It’s possible that there are infected people but here in Indonesia people think that it is only a regular fever or they think it is dengue fever.”
Mr. Kalla expressed concern about how prepared Indonesia was to handle the virus if it were to strike in remote parts of the archipelago nation where underfunded community health centers are the main health care provider. (Indonesia is the world’s fourth most populous country, with nearly 270 million people scattered across 6,000 inhabited islands.)
“Indonesia has many islands,” he said. “We have many port cities. They all have different capabilities. I think good hospitals in Jakarta can detect it. But what about the community health center in Flores? Or in Sulawesi? Surely the capability is limited.”
Indonesia’s health care system is considered underfunded by international standards, with insufficient facilities and too few doctors, nurses and midwives, according to a 2018 report by the World Health Organization.
But the W.H.O. country representative, Dr. Navaratnasamy Paranietharan, said Indonesia is doing its best to face the new coronavirus, including screening passengers at points of entry and equipping hospitals for the arrival of suspected or diagnosed cases.
“Indonesia is doing what is possible to be prepared for and defend against the novel coronavirus,” he said.
Health officials say they have tested nearly 50 suspected cases, which were all negative.
Thirty Chinese workers from a cement company in North Sulawesi were placed in 14-day quarantine last week after returning from a holiday visit to China, an immigration official said. None of them have come down with the virus, he said.
If patients with symptoms were arriving, they would have been detected, insisted Achmad Yurianto, secretary of prevention and control at the health ministry.
“We are not prepared to face a major outbreak, but we are prepared to prevent an outbreak,” he said. “We are not waiting for it to happen. We in fact have tightened prevention.”
Indonesia is experienced at monitoring travelers for illness, he said, because the country has long been on the lookout for another dangerous coronavirus, Middle East Respiratory Syndrome or MERS. About 1.4 million Indonesians go each year on pilgrimages to Saudi Arabia, where they can be exposed to MERS, he said, and they are screened on their return.
“We have experienced this many times,” he said. “Maybe other countries are not as diligent as Indonesia in dealing with this situation.”
Indonesia has three laboratories capable of testing for the Wuhan virus, two in Jakarta, the capital, and one in Surabaya, Indonesia’s second-largest city, in East Java. The labs can test 1,200 samples a day, he said. Across the country, 100 hospitals have been designated as centers to handle suspected cases of the novel coronavirus.
Before airline travel between Indonesia and China was suspended on Feb. 5, there were 134 flights a week from China to Bali, bringing about 5,000 passengers a day.
The loss of new Chinese tourists could be devastating for the economy of Bali, which is highly dependent on foreign visitors. Still, some of the tourists already in Bali are doing what they can to stay.
China’s consul general in Bali, Gou Haodong, said many of the remaining Chinese tourists wanted to extend their visas rather than return home to possible quarantine or exposure to the virus.
More than 30 applied on Friday for tourist visas extensions, said immigration officials, who put the number of remaining Chinese tourists at 1,500, not 5,000.
Among those still in Bali this weekend were Johnson Guo and his family.
Mr. Guo, 42, a manager in an internet business in Guangzhou, said the family had been on holiday in Australia. But after the outbreak of the virus, they decided to extend their vacation and spend a week in Bali.
He said that they did not receive any health check on arrival, but that all of them were healthy.
“I worry about the virus,” he said, as he purchased 720 face masks to take back and donate to his hometown hospital when they were to return on Saturday. “But I have to return because I have to go back to work. And Guangzhou is not as bad as other areas in China.”
Two travelers from Shanghai, Song Yi and her friend, Yang Yujia, both 27, arrived in Bali in mid-January with eight friends.
“We didn’t have any health check because we have been healthy during the 20 days of our stay,” said Ms. Song, a banker, as they shopped for clothes at a mall near Kuta Beach.
Ms. Song said that the Balinese people had been very kind to them, but that their Chinese friends began avoiding each other because of fears about the virus and they soon went their separate ways.
After extending their stay in Bali, she said, they plan to return home next week.
“We decided to stay longer because we were afraid of the virus,” she said.
from WordPress https://mastcomm.com/hiding-from-coronavirus-in-indonesia-but-is-it-truly-virus-free/
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thechasefiles · 5 years
The Chase Files Daily Newscap 7/8/2019
Good MORNING  #realdreamchasers! Here is The Chase Files Daily News Cap for Monday 8thJuly 2019. Remember you can read full articles for FREE via Barbados Today (BT) or Barbados Government Information Services (BGIS) OR by purchasing by purchasing a Daily Nation Newspaper (DN).
SK, KING BUBBA SHARE BASHMENT CROWN – Debutant SK and King Bubba FM were jointly crowned winner of the 2019 Yello International Bashment Soca Competition. The judges could not separate the two after Saturday night’s competition at Pirate’s Cove, The City, both finishing with 308 points. The crowd was not happy the top prize of $60 000 would be shared, but SK, whose performance of Reverse was the crowd favourite, was happy with the result. King Bubba had already left to perform in Grenada when the results were announced and his trophy was collected by his mother Marian Elias. Earlier, he had sent the crowd wild with his performance of She Always Bend Over. Last year’s champion Lil Rick scored 279 and his son Underdawg got 274 to complete the top finishers with Balance Batty and Ben Over, respectively.Also in the finals were Guyana’s Blaze Anthonio with De Forenah, Sita The Lyrical Diva from St Vincent  had sound issues with Twirl and Subance & Mighty from St Lucia performed Two Clap. The other Barbadians in the line-up were Jagwa The Champ (Bounce), Mara Rose (Handle It), Marzville (Oh My Gosh), Mole (Deh Wid Um),  SugarRhe (Press My Buttons ) and Walkes, dressed as a butcher for I Waan Meet Meat.(DN)
MEDREGIS WINS BARBADOS LEG OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP WORLD CUP – Founder and CEO of digital system, MedRegis, Dale Trotman has emerged winner of the first ever Entrepreneurship World Cup to be held in Barbados. He won a prize pack valued at US$500,000 and became one of 10 fully sponsored global finalist to participate in the global competition in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia later this year. Trotman won from a field of seven start-up founders who made the national finals of the global competition, with his pitch for the digital system which aims to improve ambulatory care by streamlining the check-in to check-out process by replacing paper.(BT)
TOUGH FOR TENTS – With costs of around $25 000 a night, it is becoming harder every year to pitch a tent for Crop Over, but those remaining are pledging not to pull up stakes just yet. Stray Cats, Super Gladiators, De First Citizens/Digicel Big Show, House of Soca and Cave Shepherd All Stars have been joined this year by newcomer Shining Stars, managed by Julie Sealy, which will be the last tent to be judged on July 19. The first tent judging is Thursday with Cave Shepherd All Stars, followed by Kingdom of Super Gladiators on Friday. Though there were also six tents last year, this was a far cry from the days when there were 13.(DN)
FUEL PRICES DROP –The retail prices of gasoline, diesel and kerosene will decrease, effective midnight Sunday, July 7. Gasoline will drop from $3.93 per litre to $3.86 per litre; diesel from $3.14 per litre to $3.02 per litre; and kerosene from $1.43 per litre to $1.34 per litre. This represents a decrease of $0.07 per litre for gasoline, while kerosene and diesel decrease by $0.09 per litre and $0.12 per litre, respectively. These price adjustments are in keeping with Government’s policy of allowing retail prices to be reflective of those on the international market.(BT)
BENJAMIN CHARGED FOR FACEBOOK POST ABOUT POLICE – Thirty-year-old Nicholas Anthone Benjamin of Rock Hall, St Philip has been charged with malicious communication in relation to a Facebook post about the police. The Mmoney agent is alleged to have posted via cellphone on July 6 that “the only people in this island I wished to see killed is EVERY SINGLE POLICE OFFICER !!! EVERY ***ing ONE”. In that post, the charge states, the message was menacing and Benjamin intended to cause, or was reckless as to whether he caused annoyance, inconvenience, distress or anxiety to members of The Royal Barbados Police Force. He is expected in court this morning.(DN)
SHOOTING IN ST. JOHN LEAVES MAN INJURED – Police have identified the victim of today’s shooting at Cheshire, St John, as 22-year-old Shaquille Jabarry Callender of Odessa McClean Drive, My Lords Hill, St Michael. Police say they responded to a report of a shooting incident about just before noon. Two men travelling in a truck had stopped at a residence in the area, where the driver disembarked to speak to another man. Reports are that a man who was walking towards the truck pulled a firearm and shot at Callender who was the passenger. Callender was shot twice – in his lower back and his right knee. He was taken to QEH for medical attention. Police say his injuries are not-life-threatening and he remains in serious but stable condition. Police are asking anyone who witnessed this incident or have any knowledge to contact police emergency at 211; District C Police Station at 416-8200 / 8201 or Crime Stoppers 1 800 8477 (TIPS).(BT)
WELL REPAIR PROJECT IN WORKS – A programme is being fast-tracked to deal with the state of National Housing Corporation (NHC) units and their environs, including poorly secured and dilapidated wells. Member of Parliament for St James South Sandra Husbands said this was being done by the Ministry of Housing as no one wanted another tragedy similar to that involving 18-year-old Kyriq Boyce, who died after falling in a 100-foot well in Martin Road, The Pine, St Michael, last Thursday. Kyriq had moved from Holders Hill, St James, to be with his mother in Regent Hill, The Pine, only a couple of weeks earlier. Husbands, who said she knew his family, stressed she had been behind getting some members of the Haynesville community, which she represents, to cordon off some of the more dangerous wells and fill in the cracks a year ago, but it was imperative a sustained programme be put in place.(DN)
RUSTY NAILS ON BEACH A HAZARD –Days after the Barbados Sea Turtle Project sent out a warning about the dangers of fire pits, 25 pounds of rusty nails were collected from a few square feet of one of the island’s most popular beaches yesterday. And deputy director of the Sea Turtle Project, Carla Daniel, is warning that the practice of lighting bonfires poses a danger not only to turtles who come up to nest, but to people and children using the beach. Yesterday, seven volunteers and Daniel combed the popular Drill Hall beach in the wake of a call, from Daniel, to join her in a clean-up of fire pits there. Before their arrival, she had marked at least eight fire pits which showed obvious signs of nails. “One of the problems is that people have been using pallets to burn (in the bonfires) and these pallets are full of nails and screws,” she told the DAILY NATION. (DN)
CABINET APPROVES SHUTDOWN PROCEDURES – Cabinet has approved the revised Policy Framework and Standard Operating Procedures for the Systematic Shutdown and Reactivation of Barbados. These procedures will be activated in the event of a severe weather, tropical storm or hurricane warning being issued by the Barbados Meteorological Service, in collaboration with the Department of Emergency Management (DEM) and the Emergency Management Advisory Council. Under the revised policy, government, through the Minister of Home Affairs, will issue a National Shutdown Administrative Instruction to shut down the country, following consultation with the relevant agencies in relation to the threat. However, the document dated June 2019, indicates that the National Shutdown would be done on a staggered basis to ensure that key elements of national operations are followed to maintain an effective level of operation for as long as possible, while facilitating the systematic closure of non-essential operations. According to the schedule for the national shutdown, visitors will be given an opportunity to leave the island 36 to 48 hours ahead of the expected impact, depending on flight availability. All educational institutions, including schools, pre-schools, day care centres (both for children and the elderly) and the Barbados Community College, will close 24 hours ahead of impact, while visitors will also be given a final opportunity to leave the island. All non-essential services of the public and private sectors must shut down 18 hours ahead of impact, while public shelters will be activated 12 to 18 hours ahead. Except for the emergency services, such as the Royal Barbados Police Force, the Barbados Fire Service, the Emergency Ambulance Service, hospitals and the Department of Emergency Management, the entire country will be on shut down six hours ahead of impact. Essential services in the private sector have been identified as utility companies, supermarkets, mini-marts, shops, pharmacies, general stores, including hardware stores and lumberyards, companies that provide public transportation and telecommunication providers. Persons are asked to note that no response will be available by responder agencies during impact. Meanwhile, an all-clear will be issued to the general public after the Director of the Meteorological Services has determined that the weather system no longer poses a threat to Barbados, and after collaboration with the Director of the National Emergency Operations Centre (NEOC). Public officers are expected to return to work during normal working hours following an all clear notification issued by the NEOC, after consultation with the Head of the Public Service and Cabinet Secretary. A ll statements on the situation will be made by government officials, with support from the Chief Information Officer of the Barbados Government Information Service, and if necessary, through the National Emergency Broadcast System.(BT)
CARIBBEAN ECONOMIST URGES GOVERNMENTS TO REDUCE AIR FARES – Director of Economics at the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB), Justin Ram has slammed regional governments for the high cost of air travel and he has called on them to slash the taxes and rake in more value-added and income taxes. “What I’m saying to governments—and I go all over the Caribbean—I say to governments: ‘stop being so myopic, reduce taxes on travel and aviation and let’s get more regional travel. You will recoup the revenues because when those people come into your country they will be buying more stuff and they will be paying more VAT (value-added tax),’” he told a Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) dinner held on Friday. Ram, who was the featured speaker at the launch of the 10th edition of Business Guyana titled ‘Guyana: Potential Unleashed’, said the Caribbean faced a “real issue” when it comes to regional air travel. Noting that over the last 10 years, most Caribbean people were travelling extra-regionally while intra-regional travel declined because of the high taxes and fees, he highlighted that 60 percent of the airfare for Barbados to St Lucia are made up of taxes. Ram reasoned that if the taxes and fees on airfares are reduced, Caribbean governments would earn more from VAT and income taxes because Caribbean people will travel to other countries and spend more on goods and services, and more persons would be employed resulting in more income tax revenue. The CDB official was also concerned about the many security checks that travellers have to undergo while transiting airports, and he called on Caribbean governments to reintroduce the Cricket World Cup 2007 security system that had provided for persons to be checked once. “This is ridiculous and we really have to ask our policymakers to reform this,” he said.(BT)
HOLNESS DECLARES STATE OF EMERGENCY FOR CORPORATE AREA – Prime Minister Andrew Holness on Sunday announced that a state of emergency has been declared in the Corporate Area police division of St Andrew South. Holness told journalists during a media briefing at the Office of the Prime Minister, that he advised the Governor General Patrick Allen on the recommendation given to him by the heads of the security forces. “In St Andrew South the main cause of death is caused by gangs. Violence is at epidemic proportions in Jamaica … the main cause of death is gangs, dons and guns,” the Prime Minister said. From January 1 to June 29, this year, there were 94 murders in St Andrew South, up from 79 for the corresponding period last year. Currently, there is a state of emergency in effect in the western parishes of Westmoreland, Hanover and St James. In January, a year-long state of public emergency expired in St James. In describing the overall crime situation nationally, especially relative to murders, Holness declared that, “This is an epidemic and no one should tell that the country should be satisfied with it”. “The truth is that the level of crime is above the capacity of law enforcement to (effectively) respond. There have been 11 000 murders in the last eight years, and we do not have enough investigators,” said Holness. “The Government is employing not just one strategy, but a raft of strategies that must complement each other,” he added.(DN)
For daily or breaking news reports follow us on Instagram, Tumblr, Twitter & Facebook. That’s all for today folks. There are 176 days left in the year. Shalom! #thechasefilesdailynewscap #thechasefiles# dailynewscapsbythechasefiles
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djgblogger-blog · 7 years
Can Donald Trump change Cuba?
Donald Trump has ended America’s détente with Cuba, restoring restrictions on travel to and business with the Caribbean island nation.
In December 2014, Cuban president Raúl Castro and then US president Barack Obama announced in simultaneous speeches that after a 50-year stand off, diplomatic relations between the two nations would be “normalised”, reopening embassies in Havana and Washington and enabling American citizens to visit Cuba relatively freely.
Under Trump’s new rules, which are really a return to the old American policy of isolation, Trump has reaffirmed “the United States statutory embargo of Cuba”. The embassies will remain (for now) but the flow of US tourists and dollars is severely restrained for the foreseeable future.
In his June 16 speech in Miami, Trump also took aim at Cuba’s military (the Revolutionary Armed Forces, or FAR in Spanish) and said that he would “expose the crimes of the Castro regime.”
In Trump’s old-school approach, any improvement of US-Cuba relations will now depend on political change in Havana, with Washington monitoring “Cuba’s progress — if any — toward greater political and economic freedom”.
Cuba’s response was swift and defiant. “The Cuban government denounces the new measures hardening the blockade that are destined to fail … and that will not achieve their aim of weakening the revolution”, read a statement from Havana announced on the evening news.
Indeed, rather than spur political transition, Trump’s revamped old policy will more likely have a paradoxical effect on Cuba, seriously damaging the economy while actually galvanising the political system.
An indirect military battle
Cuba may not be the same regime that the US embargo was designed to debilitate, but it is still governed by the same civil-military coalition.
The Communist Party embodies Cuba’s commitment to anti-capitalist ideals, building consent among civil society. The FAR, which comprises ground, naval and aerial military forces as well as the Youth Labour Army, is the institutionalised expression of Cuban nationalism.
Its goal is to ensure readiness against any external threat. Historically, that’s been the US.
This is the force that the US president is taking on with his new economic policy. Since the fall of the Soviet Union in 1990, which left Cuba alone in a “capitalist sea”, the FAR has been deeply involved in economic management.
Castro’s current “economy czar”, Marino Murillo, is a FAR-trained economist, and the FAR is also home to the Business Management Group, or GAESA, which receives around 50% of hard-currency Cuban earnings. GAESA is present in virtually all sectors of the Cuban economy, including tourism, which will be among the areas hardest hit by Trump’s revamped policy.
Trump actually kept in place one key aspect of Obama’s approach: earning the trust of Cuban small businesses. But he added a twist. Where Obama sought “to empower the nascent Cuban private sector”, Trump will channel “economic activities away from the Cuban military” while continuing to allow American individuals and entities to develop economic ties in Cuba.
In reducing tourism, the new US policy explicitly seeks to block the flow of US dollars to the military-led GAESA. In the years just prior to Obama’s 2015 detente, the number of Americans travelling to Cuba oscillated between 60,000 to 100,000. In 2015, it grew to 160,000. The next year, some 290,000 US tourists visited the island.
Americans still account for just 7% of the island’s international tourists (second to Canada, which sent 1.2 million visitors). But any contraction in that sector will have a negative economic effect on Cuba, which earned US$2.9 billion from tourism in 2016, up from US$2.4 billion in 2014.
Trump’s new policy will mean less hard currency in the hands of the Cuban state. This reduces its ability to buy commodities from the international market, ranging from energy to – critically – food. Cuba currently imports more than 60% of its domestic food requirements.
This difficult economic situation is compounded by the ongoing crisis in Venezuela, a regional ally that is no longer a reliable source of cheap oil.
The US monster reawakens
For more than 50 years, the US embargo served as a potent tool for the Communist Party, enabling it to survive through scarcity and turmoil by presenting itself as a bulwark against an imperial US set on subjugating the Cuban people to its will.
Among Cubans, the US is sometimes referred to simply as el monstruo – “the monster” – a nickname first used by revolutionary Jose Marti in 1895.
By attacking GAESA based on the (demonstrably errant) idea – shared by both Obama and Trump – that capitalism brings democracy, Trump is more likely to feed the anti-imperialist sentiment of the Cuban military, strengthening its relevance.
Much as Fidel Castro did throughout the 20th century, the FAR is now well positioned to capitalise on being under US attack, portraying the Cuban military at the front line of the anti-Trump movement. Already, the return of the hawkish attitude in Washington has revived the old televised calls on the island for Cubans to unite against the eternal threat lying just across the Florida Strait.
Havana also pointed out the hypocrisy in Trump’s claim that human rights are at the core of his Cuba policy.
“We have serious worries about the respect and guarantee of human rights in that country,” Havana replied, referring to well-publicised American injustices such as police violence, gun crime, racial discrimination, lack of health care, gender inequality and accounts of torture at the Guantánamo Bay prison, which sits on occupied Cuban land.
There also remains the glaring contradiction in Washington demanding political change from Cuba while turning a blind eye to authoritarianism in Saudi Arabia and Israel’s occupation of Palestinian land, for example.
Cuba is no democracy. Inspired by China and Vietnam, Raúl Castro has tried to reform the economy while maintaining a one-party system, and the regime continues to censor the media and repress political dissidence.
In re-embargoing Cuba, Trump is certainly adding an obstacle to Raúl Castro’s economic plans, but doing so won’t change Cuba for the better. Instead, transgressing the country’s hard-won sovereignty will only strengthen the political forces there that oppose democracy.
Ramón I. Centeno does not work for, consult, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organisation that would benefit from this article, and has disclosed no relevant affiliations beyond the academic appointment above.
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universeinform-blog · 7 years
US, UK ban on gadgets from Middle East to benefit Indian carriers
New Post has been published on https://universeinform.com/2017/03/31/us-uk-ban-on-gadgets-from-middle-east-to-benefit-indian-carriers/
US, UK ban on gadgets from Middle East to benefit Indian carriers
Ban on digital gadgets through US and Britain on direct flights from 10 Muslim-dominated nations ought to prove to be useful for Indian operators like Jet Airlines and Air India.
The ban on digital devices with the aid of US and Britain on direct flights from 10 Muslim-ruled nations may want to prove to be useful for Indian operators like Jet Airways and Air India.
Commercial enterprise travelers decide on wearing laptops and iPads on flights and the ban may want to cause them to shift preference to Indian vendors, industry specialists advised Monetary Times.
Air India reliable too agreed that the ban will benefit the airline. However, he added that their flights to America go 90 percent full already and it’ll be hard to deal with many human beings.
In step with the media document, 3 providers particularly Emirates, Qatar Airlines, and Etihad carry approximately 50 percentage of the site visitors to the US out of India.
The ban, applied for safety reasons, could be relevant on non-forestall flights from 10 global airports in international locations like Jordan, Abu Dhabi, Egypt, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Turkey.
Tourists may have to test in any electronic tool larger than a phone, which includes cameras and Kindle before boarding.
the use ban will impact nine airways flying out of the above countries. Those encompass Emirates airways, Etihad Airlines, Royal Air Maroc, Egyptair, Royal Jordanian airways, Saudi Arabian airlines and Turkish airways.
The circulate comes at a time whilst Air India’s consciousness is now more on global and smaller home routes as revenues from the metro and tier I towns have fallen substantially, Consistent with a document inside the Financial Explicit.
The downtick in sales is due to aggressive pricing and increasing opposition. At gift, Air India earns more than 60 percentage of its standalone benefit from international routes.
The national provider is making plans to add greater routes in US and three-four in Western Europe.
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The computer Generation has altered the face of the world. The net that seeded from the ideas of computer networking has improved the mode of communique and expanded the education requirements. The usage of this net Generation is increasing unexpectedly. It is one of the handiest systems for conversation and the largest base of facts existing these days. Because of the technological improvements, a person can gain get entry to statistics on any topic, from any place, at any time.
Innovations inside the present tech-international can allow us to locate solutions to pressing and difficult problems. Furthermore, the internet has added a vast tremendous alternate to the advertising and leisure enterprise. Entrepreneurs can attain out to the masses over the internet inside seconds and perform interactive and powerful advertising campaigns.
The Era revolution has led to a growth in chat rooms, on-line databases, and customized internet pages. The facts Era quarter has absolutely transformed the outlook of communique with immediately messaging, video conferencing and e-mails. With the dawn of Era, individuals are bridging gaps and reducing the distances of their minds. But, the primary disadvantage of technological advancement is that humans have ended up too much device structured and hence have become lethargic. Robotics, computerization, and automation are converting our lives via increasing efficiency and inexpensive exertions, as a result growing the price of unemployment. It is curtailing our functionality to pay interest.
With the dawn of Era, individuals are bridging gaps and reducing the distances of their minds. But, the primary disadvantage of technological advancement is that humans have ended up too much device structured and hence have become lethargic. Robotics, computerization and automation are converting our lives via increasing efficiency and inexpensive exertions, as a result growing the price of unemployment. It is curtailing our functionality to pay interest.
Technology has absolute confidence progressed our lives and will preserve on improving it if streamlined in proper route. It’s miles our obligation to structure it such that it advantages the society and environment
In preference to doing harming it. It is due to the improvised Era that atomic and nuclear wars have taken vicinity. This has also directed to a growth in corruption in addition to pollution. For that reason, a balance between automation and manpower ought to be maintained.
Benefits of Leadership Development For Your Organization
Each business enterprise with managers can advantage from leadership improvement applications. By maximizing the effectiveness of your leadership pool, your entire workforce reaps advantages. While morale is a large a part of this equation, quite a few the advantages are less difficult to demonstrate tangibly and effect the group’s bottom line. Here is a listing of 5 approaches management development justifies itself with blessings to your personnel:
 Key blessings of management improvement:
Boosts Morale: the maximum apparent benefit is also the toughest to measure. A terrible leader can make any worker miserable, and miserable employees don’t do their jobs nicely. Having your leaders be nicely educated and intentional in how they lead can have a direct effect on the work surroundings, which leads to a snowball impact of high-quality consequences. Although morale looks as if an abstract, that doesn’t imply that the outcomes are not substantial.
Limits Employee Turnover: Retaining your workers inspired, content and displaying them respect makes it less possibly they may leave. less turnover impacts the lowest line immensely; you get to maintain skilled staff and group dynamics Even as warding off the value of recruiting and schooling new employees. don’t underestimate the cost of cycling through a continuously non-content group of workers.
Increases Productiveness: Powerful leaders are capable of manual their team and minimize limitations. They get the quality effects out of the resources at their disposal. Which means that the group members are in the long run empowered to be successful, ensuring in plenty better Productiveness. Offers better vision: While leaders are well-related with their team’s, they are able to see the problems affecting the institution better. This vision makes problem-solving easier and keeps the organization from being blindsided. Additionally, the greater aware leaders are of the organization, the higher they’re at creating a stable set of actionable goals that could cause achievement.
What is the Difference Between Indian and Chinese Hair Extensions?
Considering hair extensions? In case you’re Thinking about the longer locks and weighing the pricing alternatives, you are probably very careworn why one set of 25 strands is greater than every other set of one hundred strands. The solution is easy. It is the hair type and fine.
There are three essential options – Chinese language, Indian, and Eu. Eu is pretty costly and the average character will commonly pass them up due to the price. The cause for the high charge is the shortage of the hair. There isn’t as a good deal supply so the prices are usually a lot extra.
Subsequent are the Chinese language and Indian alternatives. The difference between the 2 is important to recognize as it will help you to make the proper preference.
Chinese hair is your least high priced option. Those are commonly the hair extensions you will find for $forty consistent with 100 strands or a ridiculously low price like this. This sort of hair is coarse and thick. The feel requires that the hair is chemically handled earlier than it could be used in hair extensions. After the remedy, it lacks shine and has a rough texture. Many Chinese extensions are covered with silicon to provide it a shine and make it more attractive. Therefore, it seems to be a completely satisfactory best from first glance.
However, this coating will wash off after a few washes, although, and the hair will lack the shine from then on. because of the processing, it’ll now not dye properly and isn’t very long lasting. This type is available in large elements that are why it’s far very smooth to discover and to be had at rock backside prices. it’s far simply now not a high-quality product. you will probable emerge as spending greater over a span of time on the Chinese language you then would In case you had just were given Indian because you may do multiple replacements.
Because of the processing, it’ll now not dye properly and isn’t very long lasting.
This type is available in large elements that are why it’s far very smooth to discover and to be had at rock backside prices. it’s far simply now not a high-quality product. you will probable emerge as spending greater over a span of time on the Chinese language you then would In case you had just were given Indian because you may do multiple replacements.
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tektronixtechnology · 6 months
The School Pass Visitors Management System transform the ways that schools manage the registration of visitors and their access. The systems use digital platforms to streamline the check-in process and checkout improving security as well as increasing the overall effectiveness.
Key Features of School Pass Visitor Management Systems
1. Digital Visitor Registration:
The days of the paper-based sign-in sheets. Schools Pass devices allow guests to be registered digitally upon their arrival, which reduces wait time and the administrative burden.
2. Customizable Check-In Workflows:
Schools are able to tailor the process of checking-in to suit their particular needs, be it distinguishing between contractors, parents or guests, making sure that the experience is personalized for visitors to the school.
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tektronixtechnology · 6 months
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Visitor management systems for schools are essential tools to enhance security and streamline the process of allowing visitors into the school premises. These systems help schools keep track of who enters the building, ensure the safety of students and staff, and maintain a record of visitor activity.
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The TEKVisit has a multilingual app available for both android and iOS. The TEKVisit is customizable to meet your requirements and expectations. The data and reporting can be customized to fit your preferences and details keeping compliance with the data reporting norms regulated by the Govt. The TEKVisit can be incorporated in a variety of offices, hospitals, residential and commercial properties, and IT parks. For a live demo
The TEKvisit takes advantage of our expertise in artificial intelligence and Internet over things to ensure that the visitor management at your premises is done and processed without any hassle. Our 2020 ready Ai Facial recognition panels are 99.99 percent accurate with an unlocking speed of within a fraction of the second. access control system abu dhabi  , access control system
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Be it the information about the company they represent or their personal information, even demographic details, contact details, photos, and visit details. A unique visitor pass is generated for every visitor on each of their visits having their visit information including their meeting time, the person they are supposed to have a meeting with, and which areas of the premises they have the access to.
Tektronix Technologies, Proudly bring a Fresh, Wide and Hi-Tech Range of Access Control Systems. Access Control Systems and Customized Solutions are the need of the hour. We believe access control systems are a vital part of an organization, to ensure, safe, easy and seamless access to the right people.
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