#science and health with key to the scriptures
Love eenspires, eelluminates, deseegnates and leads le way.
Pepe le Pew
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gettothestabbing · 6 months
Putting in another Christian Science ask: what kind of position does Mary Baker Eddy have? As in, are you required to accept all of her pronouncements, and if not, what's the criteria for what isn't and is accepted? Is she a prophet, or just the person who figured out Christian Science?
This is one of the things that people wonder most about Christian Science, and which also invites comparison to Scientology, which during its founder's lifetime was constructed around his personality. First off, no one ever prays to her. She is not an intercessory figure. We are not required to have all the opinions Mrs. Eddy had as a person, but we do follow all her writings. The only writings of hers we do not follow are her older drafts of Science and Health. While they are historically and theologically notable, Christian Scientists only follow the final, authorized 1910 edition of the book, in accordance with her wishes. She also wrote a lot of poems. 7 of them are the lyrics of some of our most beloved hymns. But we do not go to her poetry for theological instruction.
Mrs. Eddy held a few titles in her lifetime, notably Discoverer and Founder, but the ones that have officially endured past her death are Leader and Pastor Emeritus. I think the term prophet would be appropriate too; I certainly consider her such. But most CS people would stick only to the titles she allowed in her lifetime. They do this out of respect for her heightened spiritual understanding.
For those unaware, a brief explanation. [Well as brief as I, the perpetually long-winded person, can be.] Mary Baker Glover Eddy (1821-1910) was an American woman who had poor health and bad luck in marriage for the first half of her life. After a bad fall on ice in 1866, attending doctors told her that death was imminent and they could do no more for her. She asked to be given her Bible to read, and turned to the gospels. Reading a story of one of Christ Jesus' healings (which one has been long forgotten, even by Mary herself), she soon rose from the bed, and, after a short relapse later that day which she treated through the same method, she was fully healed of the injury. She spent the next three years completely focused on reading Scripture and praying to try and figure out how the healing had occurred.
The rest of her life was devoted to writing Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, a text Christian Scientists hold with the Bible as central to our faith and practice. Though first published in 1875, Mrs. Eddy continually revised and worked on this book for the rest of her life, with the final edition coming out the year she died. She always described this as being " a scribe under orders." She hoped that all Christian churches would read and accept the ideas in her book and that it would leaven the whole of Christianity and elevate worldwide Christian practice. This did not happen, and while some considered her ideas helpful to their understanding, many more clergy and Christians were openly hostile or declared it unchristian.
So eventually Mrs. Eddy founded her own church, now known as the Church of Christ, Scientist. In her lifetime, the Mother Church in Boston was built and then extended to fit the rapidly growing congregation. There was a room built in the original edifice called the Mother's Room, specifically for her to use and take rest in before or after giving a sermon. Many Christian Scientists called Mrs. Eddy "Mother" during her lifetime. She wrote against this several times, but among the people who worked in her household, she was less strict about this affectionate title. No one uses it today, and it would be weird and frowned upon if they did.
After her three years of study, Mrs. Eddy increasingly became famous as a healer. People would be healed passing her on the street, having only made eye contact with her, or while attending her lectures and sermons. But most healing accounts were the result of direct conversation with her or the patient requesting her to come. There are hundreds if not a thousand or more accounts of her healing works, and the Mother Church (the central governing body of CS) works hard to preserve, retrieve, and triple-check the authenticity of all such accounts.
Mrs. Eddy is deeply revered by Christian Scientists today as in her lifetime. I would never deny that there were personality-cult elements in the first generation of CS believers. It was easy, due to personal love for her and to her many healing works, for early students to make the mistake of focusing on her personality and imagine her as more than she said she was. Some students would lavish her with praise that made her uncomfortable and was theologically inappropriate, such as calling her Christ come again or claiming (as Bliss Knapp famously did in his 1946 book) that she was the woman crowned with stars from Revelation.
The Bliss Knapp book, The Destiny of the Mother Church, was controversially printed and briefly distributed by the Mother Church in 1990, which caused a minor schism within CS. The Church Manual has a section about Incorrect Literature, which this book clearly violated:
No Incorrect Literature. Sect. 11.  A member of this Church shall neither buy, sell, nor circulate Christian Science literature which is not correct in its statement of the divine Principle and rules and the demonstration of Christian Science. Also the spirit in which the writer has written his literature shall be definitely considered. His writings must show strict adherence to the Golden Rule, or his literature shall not be adjudged Christian Science. A departure from the spirit or letter of this By-Law involves schisms in our Church and the possible loss, for a time, of Christian Science. (Manual of The Mother Church, Mary Baker Eddy, p. 43:21)
It was done for monetary reasons, which the Directors admitted, and has only recently been removed from publication. Bliss Knapp is one of the few students who both knew Mrs. Eddy personally and who proclaimed such heretical statements about her without being rebuked by her (as she was already dead) or being excommunicated. But this is purely due to how he set up his will and this book in trust, leading to the complicated monetary/theological situation in the 1990s. Had she read the book, Mrs. Eddy would have never allowed it to be published.
There are a lot of directions this could go, but I think the best way to explain Mrs. Eddy's ongoing role in the church is to tell you about Augusta Stetson. Augusta was an immensely popular preacher of Christian Science. Trained as a professional elocutionist, she converted to CS after hearing Mrs. Eddy speak in 1884. Although Mrs. Eddy disliked Stetson's style of preaching, she still sent her in 1886 to help found a church in New York City. Stetson's personal magnetism led her to develop her own cult of personality and enormous influence within this branch church. It became the largest and richest of all the branch churches.
Even when preaching was replaced with reading the weekly Bible Lesson [explained in a later paragraph], Stetson would not stop preaching until Mrs. Eddy personally told her to, and this change did not lessen her absolute control over that church congregation. Stetson held the First Reader position for so many years that as a direct result, the Church Manual specifically includes a term of three years for readership. Mrs. Eddy cared for Stetson personally, and for twenty years she tried to alternately praise and rebuke her into correct behavior, but she was not stern enough to cause Stetson to truly repent. Stetson saw herself, and soon styled herself to others, as Mrs. Eddy's successor. Mrs. Eddy and Stetson had their final conversation in 1908. Stetson appeared repentant, but the next year, she wrote a letter to Mrs. Eddy speaking of her in deifying, heretical terms, at which point Mrs. Eddy sharply rebuked her and asked for the Board of Directors of the Mother Church to investigate her. When Stetson heard of Mrs. Eddy's death, she declared that Mrs. Eddy would rise from the grave, appear to her personally first, and then appear to the rest of the world. She repeated this claim the rest of her own life, while running an offshoot of CS centered around her 'Church Triumphant,' noted as being anti-CS, anti-Catholic, anti-Semitic, and promoting protofascist ideas and Nordic supremacy at various points in the 1920s. [None of these elements were ever present in CS theology or literature, naturally.]
I think that many people unfamiliar with Mrs. Eddy would assume that she was a person like Stetson. Mrs. Eddy never claimed to be a second Christ, the woman in Revelation prophecy, a reincarnation of any Biblical figure, or any part of the Godhead. Students who claimed this were rebuked universally. We refer to Mrs. Eddy as the Discoverer, Founder, and Leader of Christian Science. The discovery and founding are complete. They are not perpetual, as Christian Science recognizes no successor to Mrs. Eddy's work or position. She retains the titles of Leader and Pastor Emeritus.
Partly due to students like Stetson, who both wanted her position for themselves and attempted to flatter or deify her inappropriately, and partly because of the many offshoot spiritual movements that tried to appropriate her ideas without giving her credit for introducing them and tried to remove the Christian theology that gave those ideas backing, Mrs. Eddy was very firm on remaining Pastor Emeritus after her death. She often said that those who sought her [as a person] would find her in her writings. She also spoke out emphatically against Spiritualism in her writings and speeches. Our theology holds that there are no ghosts, nor can there be any communication between the dead and the living. Any Christian Scientist who claimed or claims to be in communication with Mrs. Eddy personally after her death is rebuked or excommunicated, depending on the extent of the claim made. Her leadership of the church is purely in her writings, in the ideas she gave us "as a scribe under orders."
But, to be fair, there is a lot of respect and interest in Mrs. Eddy's personality anyway. She was a warm, loving person. She was very strict about cleanliness. She loved ice cream. There are a multitude of church-sanctioned biographies about her, most of which I've read, some of which were even part of my homework for Christian Science Nursing training. Growing up, I had a children's book about her life.
Many CS churches also have one or more portraits of her, usually as an older woman with a serene expression. And because more CS churches have portraits of her than of Christ Jesus, I have been asked more than once if this means that we see her as a replacement for Jesus. To this I would say that Christ Jesus lived long enough ago that CS people are uncomfortable choosing a portrait of him, whereas Mrs. Eddy lived recently enough that we know for sure what she looked like. But I admit that it does invite suspicions of a cult of personality more than anything else.
In turning her church away from personal preaching by establishing the system of Bible Lessons and readership, Mrs. Eddy denied power to those who would seek, like Stetson, to take the theological rudder of the church away from her writings. Bible Lessons are compiled by a committee within the Mother Church three years in advance. There is one every week of the year, in a rotating system of subjects set out by Mrs. Eddy, so that we have each subject twice a year. The Sunday sermon is always a reading of this weekly Bible Lesson, with the First Reader reading the Bible citations and the Second Reader reading those from Science and Health. The books are meant to be read together, but the Bible always comes first. Wednesday sermons are compiled by the First Reader, but they must purely consist of quotations from these two books, which we collectively consider our Pastor.
Mrs. Eddy as Pastor Emeritus is similarly in a position in our church from which she cannot be removed. To pretend that CS owes her nothing would be wrong, and would inevitably lead us theologically astray. Every splinter group off of CS makes this mistake, and all of them lack the power to heal that CS demonstrates. Mrs. Eddy learned very early that the only way to heal was to understand that it was not a personal power. Only by knowing God as the only power and healer could she see others be healed while praying for them.
Sometime in the 1870s, she did take personal pride in having healed a little girl. When she reached home, a message had come saying the child had relapsed. In grief and repentance, she fell to her knees and spent the next several minutes repenting of this self-centered pride and giving the glory back to God. Soon, another message came from the family saying that the girl was perfectly well.
It was a lesson swiftly and absolutely learned, and it shows how Mrs. Eddy saw herself. She was the scribe under orders, no more and no less. To finish up, here's what she said in her Message to the Mother Church for 1901:
Finally, brethren, wait patiently on God; return blessing for cursing; be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good; be steadfast, abide and abound in faith, understanding, and good works; study the Bible and the textbook of our denomination; obey strictly the laws that be, and follow your Leader only so far as she follows Christ. Godliness or Christianity is a human necessity: man cannot live without it; he has no intelligence, health, hope, nor happiness without godliness. (Message to The Mother Church for 1901, Mary Baker Eddy, p. 34:20–28) (emphasis added)
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esoteric-absurdity · 2 years
Welcome to Esoteric Absurdity
Esoteric “New Age” belief sets are the New Gnosticism, as combated by Saint Irenaeus. I am fascinated by these belief sets, come with me and learn about these strange ideas that fall outside my own deeply held beliefs; DM me or send an ask. Ask me questions! Let’s talk.
Book List
A list of esoteric books I desire
This is Not a Place of Honour
Dianetics: the Modern Science of Mental Health by L. Ron Hubbard
The Urantia Book by William S. Sadler (channeled)
How and When Heaven's Gate May Be Entered by The Class
Ti & Do the Father & “Jesus” Heaven’s Gate Ufo Two Witnesses by Sawyer
Isis Unveiled by Helena Blavatsky
The Secret Doctrine by Helena Blavatsky
The Voice of Silence by Helena Blavatsky
Unveiled Mysteries by Guy & Edna Ballard (channeled)
Atlas of Creation by Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)
The Lost Teaching of Jesus by Elizabeth Prophet
The Lost Years of Jesus by Elizabeth Prophet
Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy
Initiations of the Aquarian Masters by Jacob Watson
The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ by Levi H. Dowling
The Book of the Law by Aleister Crowley
From Bethlehem to Calvary by Alice Bailey
Esoteric Psychology by Alice Bailey
Fama Fraternitatis Rosae Crucis by Anonymous (translated by Thomas Vaughan)
The Reappearance of the Christ and the Masters of Wisdom by Benjamin Creme
The Initiates of the Flame by Manly Hall
The Bridge to Freedom by Geraldine Innocente
Atlantis: The Antediluvian World by Ignatius Donnelly
Chariots of the Gods? Unsolved Mysteries of the Past by Erich von Däniken
The Twelfth Planet by Zecharia Sitchin
The Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants and Pearl of Great Price by Joseph Smith
The Psychic Powers of Christ by John S. M. Ward
The Lost Wisdom of Melchizedek by John S.M. Ward & J. R. Cuffe
The Human Atmosphere by Walter J. Kilner
The Divine Principal by Sun Myung Moon
The Ten Principles from El Cantare by Ryuho Okawa
The Laws of the Sun by Ryuho Okawa
The Golden Laws by Ryuho Okawa
The Nine Dimensions by Ryuho Okawa
The Rebirth of Buddha by Ryuho Okawa
The Dyadic Cyclone by John C. Lilly
Love Changes Everything by David Icke
Heaven and Hell by Emanuel Swedenborg, Trans. George F. Dole
Some books I actually recommend:
Let's Sell These People a Piece of Blue Sky: Hubbard, Dianetics and Scientology by Jon Atack
The Skeptic's Annotated Bible by Steve Wells
Mormonism: Shadow or Reality? by Jerald and Sandra Tanner
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book recs?.. :33
the last book-books i:ve read are: science and health with keys to the scriptures (by mary eddy baker), education (by ellen g white), & self analysis (by l ron hubbard) -- i don:t think these are good recommendations, though; i:d like to read some of simone weil, but i haven:t
archangel:nemesis is a good read, boogiepop novels are good; narutaru is really nice; i:m enjoying nabari no ou a lot; my favorite book as a teenager was howls moving castle.
take care, anonymous
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deborahpeck · 1 month
Understanding Christian Science
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Christian Science is a religious movement that emerged in the late 19th century in the United States. It combines elements of Christianity with a unique perspective on spirituality and healing. Despite its relatively small number of adherents compared to traditional branches of Christianity, Christian Science has had a significant impact on spiritual thought.
Christian Science is based on the experiences and teachings of Mary Baker Eddy, a devout Christian who faced numerous health challenges throughout her life. After a severe injury in 1866, Eddy spent a lot of time reading the Bible and related that she learned about the laws of spiritual healing during this period. She quickly recovered from her injuries, motivating her to continue reading the Bible and eventually to write important teachings. This quest for spiritual understanding and healing led her to develop the core principles of Christian Science, which she outlined in her book, “Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.”
In 1870, Eddy taught her first Christian Science class in Lynn, Massachusetts, and in 1879 the Commonwealth of Massachusetts granted her and her followers a charter to found their church, the Church of Christ, Scientist. This was a significant step in the growth of the movement’s popularity in the country, since more churches were built and the number of followers grew significantly. By 1936, Christian Science was the fastest growing religion with over 270,000 followers.
Christian Science shares many beliefs with traditional Christianity. At the heart of this religious movement is the belief that God is omnipotent, meaning all-powerful, and omnipresent, signifying God is present everywhere. Moreover, like traditional Christianity, Christian Science accepts the Bible’s authority and views the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ as crucial to a human being’s redemption.
Christian Science differs from traditional Christianity through its emphasis on Spirit, God, over matter. Eddy’s teachings incline to the belief that matter has no life and hence has no real existence. This means that death and illnesses are illusions, and sin and evil are false beliefs. As such, Christian Science, unlike traditional Christianity, does not obligate followers to get saved, since there is no sin to be saved from. However, Christian Science teaches that sin and death, as well as the belief in disease, must be overcome through demonstration, through the application of spiritual understanding to daily life challenges. To say there is no sin and yet to indulge in it, is anathema to the teaching of Christian Science. Traditional Christianity, on the other hand, through the teachings of John the Apostle, upholds that Christians must acknowledge and confess their sins to God to obtain salvation, and those who deny this are self-deceived and have no truth in them.
Another notable difference between this movement and traditional Christianity is that Christian Scientists interpret the Bible spiritually, emphasizing spiritual interpretation instead of taking its words and phrases literally, like most traditional Christians.
Spiritual healing is a unique belief and practice in Christian Science. Adherents believe that sickness and suffering stem from an ignorance of God and can be overcome through prayer and a deepened understanding of spiritual truths. They reject the notion of illness as a fixed physical reality, and instead see it as a discordant belief that can be corrected through spiritual means and spiritual froth. Prayers play a central role in this spiritual treatment, replacing fear, doubts, and illnesses with faith, trust, and health. Over 125 years of Testimonies healing every disease known to man can be found in the Christian Science periodicals, the Journal, the Sentinel, and the Herald, available at all reading rooms worldwide as well as online at jsh-online.com.
Christian Science relies on the services of practitioners. These individuals have undergone specialized training in the spiritual healing process, to pray and offer guidance and support to the ill and distressed. Notably, Christian Science does not forbid adherents from accessing conventional medical care. Instead, the movement upholds that patients can recover from illnesses if they adhere to spiritual healing and avoid combining it with medicine. Adherents, however, are urged to obey public health laws, such as vaccinations and quarantine regulations, where religious exemptions are not provided.
One can join a Christian Science church through the various centers of worship found in the US and globally. These congregations gather regularly for Sunday services, which include readings from the Bible as well as Eddy’s writings, hymn singing, and silent prayer.
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weeds420 · 2 months
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klubkratom · 2 months
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Unveiling the Mastery of Astrologer Kuldeep Dwivedi: A Luminary in Vastu Astrology
In the realm of astrology, where celestial movements govern the destinies of individuals, there exists a luminary whose expertise transcends the ordinary. Astrologer Kuldeep Dwivedi, renowned for his profound insights and mastery in Vastu astrology, stands as a beacon guiding countless individuals towards harmony, prosperity, and spiritual fulfillment.
Born with an innate curiosity to unravel the mysteries of the universe, Kuldeep Dwivedi embarked on his journey into the esoteric realms of astrology and Vastu Shastra at a young age. Armed with a blend of traditional wisdom and contemporary understanding, he delved deep into the ancient scriptures and mystical teachings, honing his skills under the tutelage of revered masters.
What sets Astrologer Kuldeep Dwivedi apart is not just his comprehensive knowledge of astrology but also his profound understanding of Vastu Shastra, the ancient Indian science of architecture and design. Vastu, which emphasizes the harmonious alignment of physical spaces with the cosmic energies, holds the key to unlocking prosperity, health, and happiness in one's life.
With his astute insights and intuitive prowess, Kuldeep Dwivedi has transformed the lives of many by aligning their living and working spaces with the principles of Vastu Shastra. Whether it's rectifying structural flaws, balancing elemental energies, or enhancing positive vibrations, his consultations are marked by precision and efficacy.
One of the hallmarks of Astrologer Kuldeep Dwivedi's approach is his personalized guidance tailored to the unique needs and aspirations of each individual. Recognizing that every person's journey is distinct, he offers bespoke solutions that resonate deeply with their inner being, fostering a profound sense of alignment and empowerment.
Beyond his expertise in Vastu astrology, Kuldeep Dwivedi's holistic approach encompasses various facets of spiritual and metaphysical practices. He integrates meditation, mantra chanting, and energy healing techniques to facilitate inner transformation and spiritual growth, guiding his clients towards a state of profound harmony and enlightenment.
Kuldeep Dwivedi's reputation as a trusted advisor and mentor extends far and wide, with a clientele spanning across diverse geographies and cultures. His unwavering commitment to integrity, authenticity, and compassion has earned him the trust and admiration of all those who seek his guidance on their journey towards self-discovery and fulfillment.
In a world fraught with uncertainties and challenges, Astrologer Kuldeep Dwivedi emerges as a guiding light, illuminating the path towards a life of abundance, purpose, and joy. Through his profound wisdom and benevolent presence, he continues to inspire and uplift countless souls, leaving an indelible mark on the tapestry of human consciousness.
As we navigate the intricate tapestry of our lives, let us draw inspiration from the luminous legacy of Astrologer Kuldeep Dwivedi, whose timeless wisdom and boundless compassion continue to enrich and enlighten our journey towards self-realization and transcendence.
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gautam-101 · 3 months
Celestial Perspectives: Unveiling the Cosmos through Vedic and Western Astrology
In the grand tapestry of the cosmos, humanity has always sought to unravel the mysteries of the stars, finding meaning and guidance in their celestial dance. Astrology, the ancient art of interpreting the influence of celestial bodies on human affairs and natural events, has taken shape in various traditions across the world. Two prominent systems, Vedic Astrology and Western Astrology, stand out as distinct approaches to understanding the cosmic forces that shape our lives. As we delve into the realms of these age-old practices, let us embark on a journey to explore the similarities, differences, and unique insights that Vedic and Western Astrology offer.
Also read - Exploring the Intriguing Connection: Numerology and Astrology
I. Foundations of Vedic Astrology:
Vedic Astrology, also known as Jyotish, traces its roots to the ancient Indian scriptures, particularly the Vedas. The foundation of Vedic Astrology lies in the concept of "Jyotish," meaning the science of light. The intricate calculations and precise observations of celestial bodies are guided by the belief that the positions of planets and stars at the time of one's birth influence their life path and destiny.
A. Natal Charts and the Birth Horoscope:
Central to Vedic Astrology is the creation of the birth or natal chart, commonly referred to as the Kundli. This chart is a snapshot of the positions of celestial bodies at the time and place of an individual's birth. It maps the cosmic influences on various aspects of life, including personality, relationships, career, and spiritual pursuits.
B. Planetary Influences and Doshas:
Vedic Astrology recognizes a set of cosmic energies known as "Doshas" or imbalances, represented by the planets. The movement and alignment of these planets in specific houses of the birth chart determine the presence of Doshas, influencing an individual's health, prosperity, and overall well-being.
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II. Key Tenets of Western Astrology:
Western Astrology, rooted in the Greco-Roman traditions, has evolved over centuries with contributions from diverse cultures. It emphasizes the Sun's position at the time of an individual's birth and its alignment with the twelve zodiac signs. The Western astrological system is widely popular in the Western world, providing insights into personality traits, relationships, and life events.
A. The Zodiac Wheel and Sun Signs:
In Western Astrology, the zodiac wheel is divided into twelve equal segments, each associated with a specific astrological sign. The Sun's position at the time of birth determines an individual's Sun sign, which is considered a fundamental aspect of their personality. From the dynamic Aries to the intuitive Pisces, each sign is believed to influence distinct characteristics and behaviors.
B. Houses and Aspects:
Western Astrology incorporates the concept of houses, representing different areas of life, such as career, relationships, and home. Aspects, the angular relationships between planets, contribute to the overall interpretation of the birth chart. These elements add depth and specificity to astrological readings, offering a nuanced understanding of an individual's life path.
III. Comparative Analysis:
While both Vedic and Western Astrology share the fundamental idea of celestial influence, they diverge in their methodologies, calculations, and emphasis on specific celestial bodies. A comparative analysis reveals intriguing insights into the differences and commonalities between these two ancient practices.
A. Zodiacal Variations:
One of the fundamental distinctions lies in the zodiac systems used by Vedic and Western Astrology. Vedic Astrology relies on the sidereal zodiac, which considers the actual positions of the stars, while Western Astrology predominantly uses the tropical zodiac, based on the position of the Sun relative to the Earth. This variance results in a subtle shift in the placement of planets and signs in the charts.
B. Lunar Emphasis in Vedic Astrology:
Vedic Astrology places significant importance on the Moon's position in the birth chart. The Moon, representing the mind and emotions, is considered a key indicator of one's inner nature and psychological makeup. Western Astrology acknowledges the Moon's influence but often emphasizes the Sun sign as the primary determinant of personality.
C. Dashas and Transits vs. Progressions:
In Vedic Astrology, the concept of "Dashas" involves planetary periods that unfold over an individual's life. These periods, determined by the position of the Moon at birth, provide a dynamic perspective on life events. Western Astrology, on the other hand, utilizes progressions, where the positions of planets at the time of birth are advanced to reveal unfolding life experiences. Transits, the movement of planets in real-time, are considered significant in both systems.
IV. Practical Applications and Cultural Influences:
Beyond theoretical differences, the practical applications of Vedic and Western Astrology reflect the cultural contexts in which they originated and continue to thrive. Cultural influences shape the way astrological insights are interpreted and integrated into daily life.
A. Vedic Astrology in Eastern Traditions:
Vedic Astrology has deep cultural roots in India, where it is intertwined with spiritual and religious practices. Many individuals in Eastern traditions consult astrologers for guidance on auspicious times for important events, such as marriages and business ventures. The integration of astrology into daily life reflects the belief that cosmic forces play a profound role in shaping destiny.
B. Western Astrology in Modern Context:
In the Western world, astrology often serves as a tool for self-discovery, personal growth, and entertainment. Horoscopes, based on Sun signs, are widely read for general insights into daily life. While some individuals take a more casual approach to astrology, others delve deeper into birth chart interpretations and astrological counseling for a more profound understanding of their life path.
In the vast cosmos, the study of astrology transcends cultural boundaries, offering diverse perspectives on the interconnectedness of celestial forces and human existence. Vedic Astrology and Western Astrology, each steeped in ancient wisdom, provide unique frameworks for understanding the cosmic dance that shapes our lives.
As we navigate the celestial realms through the lens of Vedic and Western Astrology, we find common threads woven into the fabric of these intricate systems. Whether seeking guidance from the sacred scriptures of Vedic Astrology or exploring the nuanced aspects of Western Astrology, humanity continues to look to the stars for insight, solace, and a deeper connection to the cosmic mysteries that unfold above. In this cosmic dance, the celestial perspectives offered by Vedic and Western Astrology remind us of the profound interplay between the heavenly bodies and the human spirit, inviting us to explore the infinite possibilities written in the stars.
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acharyaainduprakash · 4 months
Decoding Fate: Insights from India's Leading Astrological Expert
World’s Best Astrologer: In the vast tapestry of cosmic influences, astrology has long been a guiding light for those seeking insights into their destinies. India, with its rich astrological heritage, boasts numerous experts, and among them stands a luminary - a beacon of wisdom in deciphering the enigmatic threads of fate. In this exploration, we delve into the profound insights offered by India's leading astrological expert.
The Cultural Significance of Astrology in India
Astrology in India is deeply woven into the fabric of its cultural and spiritual tapestry. From ancient scriptures to modern-day practices, the celestial dance of planets holds profound significance. Our leading astrological expert, with roots in this cultural milieu, brings a unique blend of tradition and contemporary understanding to the practice.
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The Renowned Expert: A Journey into Astrological Mastery
Early Influences and Training
Our expert's journey into the realms of astrology began with early influences from family traditions and a deep fascination for the stars by kundli making. Formal training under seasoned mentors and a rigorous study of ancient texts laid the foundation for the mastery that would later unfold.
Blending Tradition with Modern Insights
While rooted in traditional Vedic astrology, our World’s Best Astrologer, seamlessly integrates modern insights and methodologies. This fusion allows for a comprehensive understanding of the cosmic influences that shape individual destinies. The ability to bridge the ancient and the contemporary sets this astrologer apart in the ever-evolving landscape of astrological practices.
The Art and Science of Fate Analysis
Astrological Charts: A Blueprint of Destiny
Central to our World’s Best Astrologer, approach is the intricate analysis of astrological charts. These charts, cast based on the precise moment of an individual's birth, serve as a blueprint of their destiny. Each planetary alignment, house placement, and aspect is meticulously examined to unveil the unique narrative written in the stars.
Nuances of Planetary Influences
Our expert unravels the nuanced interplay of planetary influences on different aspects of life. From career trajectories to interpersonal relationships, the positions of celestial bodies are seen as cosmic orchestrations shaping the course of one's journey. The astrologer's keen understanding of these subtleties allows for a deeper comprehension of the forces at play.
Personal Consultations: Tailoring Fate to Individuals by World’s Famous Astrologer 
Customized Guidance for Life's Journey
One of the hallmarks of our expert's practice is the emphasis on personalized consultations. Every individual's journey is unique, and the Top astrologer in India tailors guidance to address specific concerns. Whether navigating career crossroads, seeking clarity in relationships, or facing health challenges, the expert's insights provide a roadmap for conscious decision-making.
Astrological Remedies and Empowerment
Beyond insights, our astrological expert offers practical remedies to harmonize cosmic energies. These remedies, drawn from ancient traditions, may include rituals, gemstone recommendations, or mantra recitations. The focus is not on predicting a predetermined fate but on empowering individuals to shape their destinies through informed choices.
Navigating the Cosmic Currents: Planetary Transits and Predictions
Timing and Trends
A key aspect of our World’s Famous Astrologer predictive prowess lies in the astute analysis of planetary transits. Understanding the ebb and flow of cosmic currents allows for predictions about timing and trends in various aspects of life. From auspicious moments for new ventures to cautionary periods for financial decisions, the astrologer's insights aid individuals in navigating life's ever-changing seasons.
Predictions and Global Events
The expertise of our astrological expert extends beyond individual destinies to encompass global events. Accurate predictions about geopolitical shifts, economic trends, and natural calamities showcase the broader applicability of astrology in understanding the interconnectedness of the world. This unique ability to bridge personal fate with the larger cosmic dance adds to the astrologer's acclaim.
Challenges and Ethics in Astrological Practice
Addressing Skepticism with Integrity
Even in a culturally rich context like India, skepticism towards astrology persists. Our expert acknowledges these concerns with humility, asserting that astrology is not a deterministic science but a tool for reflection and guidance. The emphasis on ethical practices and a transparent approach has helped build trust among both believers and skeptics.
Ethical Considerations in Fate Analysis
Ethics form the cornerstone of our expert's practice. Sensitivity to the potential impact of astrological insights on individuals' lives is paramount. The astrologer refrains from making predictions that may cause undue distress and focuses on empowering clients with a nuanced understanding of their circumstances.
In the intricate dance of stars and planets, India's leading astrological expert emerges as a guiding force, decoding fate with a blend of tradition and modern insight. The journey from cultural roots to global recognition reflects not only personal mastery but also the enduring relevance of astrology in contemporary times. As individuals continue to seek meaning and direction in the cosmic order, the insights offered by this expert serve as a compass, navigating the intricate pathways of destiny with wisdom and grace.
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gettothestabbing · 6 months
What does a Christian Science Nurse do and how do you get qualified as one? Asking as someone with a lifelong interest in religion.
Hi, thanks for asking! A Christian Science Nurse takes care of patients who are receiving Christian Science treatment. It is specific to the Christian Science denomination.
The major requirements are that you: be a member in good standing of both a branch and the Mother Church of Christ Scientist; take Primary class instruction; receive training from an accredited Christian Science nursing facility across four levels (not including an assistantship which is not required at all facilities but was how I started); participate in regular Bible study and be a spiritual help and comfort to your patients; and embody the qualities in the 'Aids in sickness' passage:
Prayers, in which God is not asked to heal but is besought to take the patient to Himself, do not benefit the sick. An ill-tempered, complaining, or deceitful person should not be a nurse. The nurse should be cheerful, orderly, punctual, patient, full of faith, — receptive to Truth and Love. (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, Mary Baker Eddy, p. 395:15) [Truth and Love are one of the seven synonym-names we use for God.]
I began working in this field in 2018 as an assistant. I am now a Level 4 apprentice. I work full-time on the floor and so my final level is going slowly, but I should be done by the end of next year! The highest level of education is to be Journal-listed. This means you advertise your name in the back of the Christian Science Journal, a monthly church periodical that also has names of churches, practitioners, and nursing facilities after about 40-50 pages of spiritual articles. Only as a JL could I, for example, be head of the floor or eventually a Director of Christian Science Nursing. I did a stint of care in private homes in 2020-2021, and let me tell you, if you're not a JL, you are not given almost any respect. I would not work in a private home again unless I was a JL.
Usually patients have been Christian Scientists for a number of years and rely wholly on this treatment. Although I believe that being a church member is not a strict requirement to be a patient, the vast majority of people receiving this treatment are in the church already. Patients are also free to stop care at any time and be transferred to a regular nursing home or a hospital. I have seen patients leave to treat an urgent issue medically and return within a week to continue with us.
(There is no stigma related to doing this in the vast majority of branch churches. My own father had such an experience after a stroke several years ago. The love and support our family had from fellow church-members did not waver or change at all when he decided to pursue medical treatment.)
Someone undergoing a Christian Science treatment will not simultaneously be taking medication for the condition being treated. So I do not administer medication, nor do I have a medical degree. A patient has also never asked me for such medication or tried to get me to sneak any in. We do, however, use mobility aids, bandages, and some lotions to soothe irritated skin. In the Christian Science nursing facility I work at, and in almost all the accredited ones we have, hospital-style beds are used for ease of care and to allow patients to shift positions more comfortably. We've also used mattresses that circulate air inside, and some very creative pillow arrangements, to increase a patient's comfort.
Patients choose a Christian Science practitioner pray for and with them. Practitioners have taken an adult religious class called Primary class instruction (taught by a practitioner with decades of experience and approved by the Mother Church). Almost all CS adults take this class, and it is also one of the first requirements for becoming a Level 1 Christian Science Nurse. But most adults have careers in non-religious fields; a practitioner solely works to pray with and treat other Christian Scientists. We have no clergy in our church, but Christian Science practitioners/nurses/teachers are accorded a similar level of respect within the church.
A Christian Science Nurse is the person providing physical care, while the practitioner usually gives spiritual care remotely over the phone. We work together with patients and their practitioners, making sure that the patient is not misleading the practitioner as to their actual state of health and that we as Christian Science Nurses can give the patient spiritual support consistent with the themes the practitioner is presenting to them.
In practical terms, I am a non-medical nurse. I clean and bandage wounds and swollen limbs. I give showers and sponge baths, sometimes while the person remains in bed. I wheel people places in wheelchairs or walk them there with a walker or cane. I change their clothes, help style their hair, and change out briefs and pads as necessary. I use lifters and slings to transport patients from bed to wheelchair to recliner and back again. I read, sing to, and play hymns for my patients and other patients at the nursing facility. We have lots of conversations, and I help them call their loved ones. I also feed and make snacks for them every day.
These are all tasks quite similar to those performed by most employees of most nursing homes. The spiritual dimension of care is what sets us apart from other workers and from other facilities. Some CS people prefer to have injuries bandaged and tended to by a Christian Science Nurse after an initial hospital visit. The preference is a result of our spiritual care: we witness to the patient before, during, and after physically caring for them.
While many patients are senior citizens, this is not a requirement. Children, teenagers, and younger adults have received short and long term treatment in our facilities. Hence why we call them nursing facilities, not nursing homes.
It's so nice to be asked about this, so thank you! I hope I provided sufficient context. There may be similar roles in other churches, but I haven't heard of any and couldn't speak to them. I originally planned to be a lawyer, but God called me to this work instead, and I'm very happy and fulfilled to do it :)
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drpremgupta · 7 months
Finding Harmony and Prosperity: The Role of a Vastu Consultant
In a world where stress and imbalance often dominate our lives, the ancient Indian practice of Vastu Shastra offers a beacon of hope. Vastu Shastra is an age-old architectural and design philosophy that seeks to create harmonious and balanced living spaces. A Vastu consultant is a professional trained in this practice, offering valuable guidance to individuals and businesses looking to enhance their physical and spiritual well-being through Vastu principles. In this article, we will explore the significance of a Vastu consultant, their role, and how their expertise can bring positive changes to your life and surroundings.
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Understanding Vastu Shastra
Vastu Shastra, which translates to "science of architecture," is a holistic and comprehensive approach to creating living and working spaces that are aligned with the natural forces and energies of the universe. It is based on ancient texts and scriptures that outline principles for designing buildings, homes, and environments to promote physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.
The Role of a Vastu Consultant
A Vastu consultant plays a pivotal role in helping individuals and businesses harness the power of Vastu Shastra to create spaces that foster balance, harmony, and prosperity. Here are some key aspects of their role:
Evaluation and Analysis: A Vastu consultant begins by evaluating the existing space, taking into account its orientation, layout, and design. They use Vastu principles to identify any imbalances or negative energies that may be affecting the space.
Recommendations: Based on their analysis, the consultant provides recommendations for making changes or adjustments to the space. This may involve rearranging furniture, altering the color scheme, or making structural modifications.
Customized Solutions: A skilled Vastu consultant tailors their recommendations to the specific needs and goals of the client. Whether it's a residential property or a commercial space, the consultant works to create a customized Vastu plan that aligns with the client's aspirations.
Balancing Energies: Vastu consultants understand the flow of energy, or "prana," within a space. They use Vastu principles to balance these energies, ensuring that they are conducive to health, happiness, and success.
Remedies and Enhancements: In cases where significant Vastu doshas (flaws) are identified, a consultant may suggest remedies or enhancements. These could include the use of Vastu-friendly materials, installation of energy-correcting symbols, or performing Vastu rituals.
Benefits of Consulting a Vastu Expert
Improved Health: A Vastu consultant's recommendations can help create spaces that promote physical and mental well-being, reducing stress and improving overall health.
Enhanced Prosperity: By aligning your living or work environment with Vastu principles, you can attract positive energies and opportunities that contribute to financial prosperity.
Better Relationships: Vastu principles also address the dynamics of relationships within a space. A Vastu-compliant environment can foster better communication and harmony among family members or colleagues.
Increased Productivity: In a Vastu-compliant workplace, employees often report increased focus, creativity, and productivity, leading to business success.
Peace of Mind: Knowing that your living or working space is in harmony with Vastu principles can provide peace of mind and a sense of overall well-being.
Finding the Best Vastu Consultant
When seeking the services of a Vastu consultant, it's essential to choose a qualified and experienced professional. Here are some tips to help you find the best Vastu consultant:
Credentials and Training: Look for consultants who have received formal training and certification in Vastu Shastra. Check their credentials and ask for references.
Experience: Experience matters in Vastu consultation. An experienced consultant is more likely to provide effective solutions based on a deep understanding of Vastu principles.
Client Testimonials: Read client testimonials and reviews to gauge the consultant's track record and reputation.
Compatibility: Choose a consultant with whom you feel comfortable and can communicate openly. A good rapport is essential for the success of the consultation.
For more Info:-
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weeds420 · 2 months
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klubkratom · 2 months
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bestastrologerinuk · 9 months
Vishal Krishna Vedic Astrology- Best Vedic Astrologer in UK
In the bustling world of today, where science and technology reign supreme, ancient wisdom like Vedic astrology continues to capture the imagination of people seeking deeper insights into their lives. Amidst this resurgence, one name stands out in the United Kingdom - Vishal Krishna Vedic Astrology. With a stellar reputation and a vast clientele, Vishal Krishna has established himself as one of the finest Vedic astr995ologers, guiding individuals toward a better understanding of their destinies and cosmic energies. If you are looking for the best vedic astrologer in UK then you must contact Vishal Krishna who is known as the best vedic astrologer in London.
The Essence of Vedic Astrology- Astro Vedic Astrology
Vishal Krishna is the best astrologer in UK whom you can contact for reliable astro vedic astrology services. Vedic astrology, also known as Jyotish, has its origins in the ancient scriptures of India - the Vedas. Unlike Western astrology, which is primarily based on the sun's position, Vedic astrology is a complex system that considers multiple celestial bodies, including the moon, planets, and constellations. It focuses on the concept of karma and how past actions influence the present and future.
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Vedic Astrology and Vishal Krishna- Best Vedic astrologer in London
Vishal Krishna, a master in the art of Vedic astrology, hails from a lineage of renowned astrologers. His deep-rooted passion for the subject led him to dedicate his life to studying and practicing this ancient science. With decades of experience, he has honed his skills in deciphering birth charts and providing accurate insights into various aspects of life, such as career, relationships, health, and spirituality. Vishal Krishna is the best astrologer in UK whom you can contact for reliable astro vedic astrology services.
The Consultation Process- Best Astrologer in UK
Vishal Krishna is the best astrologer in UK whom you can contact for reliable astro vedic astrology services. One of the key reasons for Vishal Krishna's popularity is his unique approach to consultations. He believes that each individual is different, and the solutions to their problems must be tailored accordingly. When a client approaches him for a consultation, he takes the time to thoroughly analyze their birth chart. This chart serves as a roadmap of an individual's life, outlining the positions of celestial bodies at the time of their birth.
Vishal Krishna's expertise lies in deciphering the intricate connections between these planetary positions and their impact on different life events. Through his compassionate and empathetic demeanor, he makes his clients feel at ease, encouraging them to open up about their concerns and aspirations. If you are looking for the best vedic astrologer in UK then you must contact Vishal Krishna who is known as the best vedic astrologer in London.
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Career Guidance- Best Vedic astrologer in London
Career-related queries are among the most common reasons people seek astrological advice. Vishal Krishna excels in providing career guidance based on an individual's strengths, weaknesses, and planetary alignments.  If you are looking for the best vedic astrologer in UK then you must contact Vishal Krishna who is known as the best vedic astrologer in London.
Whether one is confused about choosing the right profession, facing obstacles at work, or seeking a career change, Vishal Krishna's insights have helped many clients find direction and success in their professional lives.
Relationship and Compatibility Analysis- Best Vedic Astrologer in UK
Vedic astrology places great emphasis on relationships and their significance in one's life. Vishal Krishna offers relationship compatibility analyses for couples contemplating marriage or those experiencing challenges in their relationships. By examining the compatibility of their birth charts, he provides valuable advice on how to navigate through the ups and downs of a relationship and maintain harmony. Vishal Krishna is the best astrologer in UK whom you can contact for reliable astro vedic astrology services.
Health and Wellness- Best Astrologer in UK
Vishal Krishna is the best astrologer in UK whom you can contact for reliable astro vedic astrology services. In Vedic astrology, the positioning of planets and their influences also extend to an individual's physical and mental well-being. Vishal Krishna provides personalized health consultations to help clients understand potential health risks and preventive measures. He suggests practical remedies, such as gemstone recommendations, specific mantras, or lifestyle changes, to alleviate health issues and promote overall well-being. If you are looking for the best vedic astrologer in UK then you must contact Vishal Krishna who is known as the best vedic astrologer in London.
Spiritual Awakening- Best Vedic Astrologer in UK
Beyond the realm of material concerns, Vishal Krishna is known for guiding individuals on their spiritual journeys. He helps them connect with their inner selves, guiding them toward self-discovery, mindfulness, and higher consciousness. Many of his clients have experienced profound transformations in their lives after seeking his spiritual guidance.
The Impact of Vishal Krishna's Work
Vishal Krishna is the best astrologer in UK whom you can contact for reliable astro vedic astrology services. The success stories and testimonials from Vishal Krishna's clients are a testament to the positive impact of his work. His profound understanding of Vedic astrology, coupled with his genuine care for his client's well-being, has garnered him a loyal following in the UK and beyond. Vishal Krishna is the best astrologer in UK whom you can contact for reliable astro vedic astrology services.
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 If you are looking for the best vedic astrologer in UK then you must contact Vishal Krishna who is known as the best vedic astrologer in London. In a world often defined by uncertainty, Vishal Krishna Vedic Astrology serves as a guiding light for those seeking clarity and understanding in their lives. With an unwavering commitment to the principles of Vedic astrology and a compassionate approach, Vishal Krishna continues to be recognized as one of the best Vedic astrologers in the UK. Through his guidance, individuals are empowered to unlock the cosmic secrets and navigate life's journey with confidence and purpose.
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shivakaliastrologer · 9 months
Vashikaran Specialist in Fiji: Unlocking the Power of Ancient Wisdom
Welcome to our esteemed platform where ancient wisdom meets modern solutions! As a renowned Vashikaran Specialist in Fiji, we take immense pride in offering transformative and effective solutions to your life's challenges through the sacred art of Vashikaran.
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Our mission is to bring positivity, harmony, and happiness into the lives of individuals seeking our guidance. In this article, we will delve deep into the mystical world of Vashikaran, uncovering its significance, history, applications, and how our expert, Pandit Omkar, can help you achieve profound results in Fiji and beyond.
Understanding Vashikaran
Vashikaran, an ancient Indian esoteric practice, is a powerful tool that allows individuals to gain control over the energies influencing their lives. Derived from two Sanskrit words, "Vashi" meaning to attract or influence, and "Karan" meaning the method or technique, Vashikaran has been used for millennia to resolve complex life issues, enhance relationships, and find solutions to various challenges.
The Legacy of Vashikaran
The roots of Vashikaran can be traced back to ancient Indian scriptures and mystical texts. Rishis and sages, through deep meditation and profound knowledge of cosmic energies, developed this art to help humanity navigate the ups and downs of life. The wisdom of Vashikaran has been passed down through generations, and today, our Vashikaran Specialist, Pandit Omkar, stands as a torchbearer of this venerable tradition.
The Science Behind Vashikaran
Vashikaran operates on the principle of harnessing the universal energies and directing them towards the intended person or situation. It involves the recitation of potent mantras, performing sacred rituals, and utilizing specific Yantras (diagrams) to create a positive aura and influence the desired outcome.
One such powerful Yantra used in Vashikaran is the "Sarva Karya Siddhi Yantra," which aids in accomplishing all goals and desires. Below is a mermaid syntax diagram representing the "Sarva Karya Siddhi Yantra."
How Vashikaran Can Help You?
Our Vashikaran Specialist, Pandit Omkar, possesses profound knowledge and expertise in this ancient art. By seeking his guidance, you can experience remarkable benefits in various aspects of life, including:
1. Love and Relationships
Vashikaran can help resolve conflicts, misunderstandings, and issues within relationships. Whether it's rekindling lost love, attracting a specific person, or strengthening the bond with your partner, Pandit Omkar's Vashikaran expertise can work wonders.
2. Family Problems
If you are facing familial disputes, disagreements, or conflicts, Vashikaran can pave the way for harmony and unity within the family.
3. Career and Finance
Struggling with career growth or financial stability? Vashikaran can align the cosmic forces in your favor, opening doors to success and abundance.
4. Health and Well-being
Vashikaran's positive energies can promote physical and mental well-being, aiding in healing and rejuvenation.
5. Business Ventures
For entrepreneurs and business owners, Vashikaran can provide guidance, attract potential clients, and remove obstacles hindering business growth.
Why Choose Pandit Omkar?
Pandit Omkar's expertise in Vashikaran is unparalleled, making him the go-to Vashikaran Specialist in Fiji. His profound knowledge, ethical practices, and years of experience have transformed the lives of countless individuals, earning him unwavering trust and respect.
In conclusion, Vashikaran is an ancient art that holds the key to unlock the mysteries of life and influence positive outcomes. Our Vashikaran Specialist, Pandit Omkar, with his deep understanding and expertise, can guide you on a transformative journey towards a brighter and more fulfilling future. Embrace the power of Vashikaran and experience the magic it can bring into your life!
Remember, the key to a successful Vashikaran lies in approaching it with faith, respect, and a genuine desire to bring harmony and positivity into your life.
Unlock the hidden potential within you with Pandit Omkar's - Astrologer in Fiji, and embark on a journey towards a more blissful and abundant life!
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