nomo4ka · 10 months
sci: get off me! otherwise… will I tell everyone that you harassed me!!!
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Vincen ! Neon(Science x Fresh) x Enzo(LustMare) child !
Credits :
Neon belongs to : @pepper-mint !
Enzo belongs to : @lina-okazaki-sn
Info :
- very snarky boy- demands you to hold his hands ù-ú
- parasite is nicer than him-
- knows all cycle of moon !
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fantasblog · 2 years
Meet Malachite (fresh x Science combo)
His refference,Doodles of Them and His informations of Them
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Art by me
malachite (fresh x science combo aka accident shipchild) by me
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fandom-related-stuff · 6 months
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Name: Pu (acid label)
Parents: Fresh (Dad) and Sci (F̵̵̵̵̷̸̸̸̵̸̷̴̶̵̶̵̷̵̷̷̵̢̧̛̛̳̘̟͖͉̘̗̱̩͇̥͎̞͖̺̼͕̥̮̻͙̺͇̯͌̎̍͐̊̍̆̿̋̂̃̌̄͌̏̂̀̂̒̀́̊̽̚͜͝͠͝��̶̷̸̷̡̯̖̗͓͙͓̱̩̑͋̊͝a̴̸̶̸̵̷̴̵̸̶̷̷̷̸̵̵̸̵̴̵̵̴̴̷̴̷̶̷̴̴̸̵̷̷̸̵̷̴̸̸̶̷̶̸̷̸̶̴̷̸̶̶̴̴̸̢̢̢̡̢̨̛̛͔̟̩̤͎͎̘̱̻̰̼͇̻͉̹͚̬̖̳͕̯͓͙̙̱̦̥̦̠̝͕͍͉̬͖̝̳̥̖̻̺̲͓̥̯̻̝̻̝̰̲̳͈̥̲͇̦̤͈̦̖̗̥͖͍͚͈͈̫̤̺̜͈̩̿͑̉̏̅̀̓͊͂̐̀̅͐̃̏̄͆̉̀̎̃̋͛̋͛̑̃́̄̄̀̉͐̍̆̇̓͛̀̽̀͊̈̂͋̑̓̈̌̋͋̀͌͛̉͋̅̂̀̓͛͐̀̅̋̏̐͂̍͘̚̕͘͜͜͠͝ͅţ̶̷̶̶̵̷̴̸̶̷̴̸̸̷̵̸̶̵̶̴̶̴̸̸̴̸̵̴̴̴̸̷̷̴̸̷̵̸̴̷̴̨̧̡̢̢̢̧̛̫̬̖̟̬̖͔̮̗̬̫̗͚̤̜̺͈͓̦̜̯̞͎̱̝͉͈̼͙̹̤͈̲̖̥̬͑́̒̀̾̓̅̑͐̽̄̃̑̆͌̐̄̓̓̄͒̐́͑̒͒̎̿̾̅̓̓̏̈́̓̈́̐̽͆͑̔͒̑̌̍͊͒̆́̀̓̃͌̐̿͊͋̑̎̉̈̾̒̚͘͘̕͜͝͝͝͝͝h̴̶̶̷̸̵̵̴̷̷̸̴̶̸̷̸̶̷̸̸̶̴̸̴̴̵̸̵̶̶̶̸̶̶̷̴̵̷̷̶̶̵̶̸̴̨̡̨̧̧̛̛̛̺̯̘̦͇̻͉͕̲̙̟̣̗̫̱̹̟̲͔̫̺̼̹̖̲̲̻̞̹̥̝̮͖͖̭̫̫̙̰̞̠̼̫̻̜̰̯̺̬͓̺͚̠̗̱̻̠̟̺̱̲̮̹̼͚͉̲͚̼̤̞͓̹͒̂̇̌̽͒̎̔̄̌́̍͒̇̅̌̓̎̓͆̓̓̀͗̇͋̾̿͒̀̈́̆̒̒͑͑͌̾́̕̕͘͜͜͜͜͝͝ͅę̸̵̶̶̵̶̶̶̶̴̷̷̸̶̸̸̷̵̶̷̷̷̴̷̴̸̵̴̷̵̸̸̴̴̷̸̷̷̷̸̶̶̶̷̸̷̵̴̶̴̴̵̶̷̴̶̶̶̶̶̴̵̶̵̴̷̷̸̸̵̶̷̸̷̵̶̴̶̴̷̷̷̴̸̸̴̵̶̸̸̵̵̨̡̢̡̧̢̨̧̧̨̡̡̢̧̢̛̛̛̛̛̛͙͎̗͇̩͉͖̦̙̳̻̘̪͇̟̯̠̰̱̳͓̬̻̘̘̟̰͖̱͚̦̻̞̺̜̟͈͖̯̰͓͖̳̥̣̥͕͍̤̫͍̩̻̮̙̦̖͎͕̜͔͓͕͎̤̦̙̻͙̯̤̜̖͉̗̝̬̣͖̩̣͖͇̠͎͖͔̬̬̭̪̦̻͙͍͉̩̣̭̣̠͔̦͕̦͍̝̳͙͕̥̦͔͚̦̥̇̀̾͆̏̿̋̇̑͗̾̑̈́̉̀̀̅̄̒̓̈́̽̄̎̐͐̊́͗́̆̓̓́̄͒͗̇̃̎͆̓͌̽̋͐̾̂̋͑͋̀͐̂͋̊̈́͋̆͌̅̀̌̄͊̑͋͌̈́͊̅̊͆͋͊̌̀́̅͊̊̀̒̒́̓̈̀̉̀̒͗͒̀͂͌͋̾̆͌͌̎̑͒̊̽̇̕͘̕͘͘͘͘̚̕͜͜͝͝͝͝͝͝͝͝͝͠͝͠͝ͅͅr̶̴̸̴̴̶̸̷̸̴̴̷̴̶̵̴̵̵̸̴̵̵̶̶̸̷̴̶̶̴̸̷̵̸̷̷̶̴̷̷̵̸̸̶̵̶̶̸̶̴̵̵̨̨̡̢̧̛̛̛̛̲͚̮̗̮̙͙͈͉̝̬̠̰̻̞̖̬̼̠̩̯̗̫͎͈̹͔̞̗͚̗̬̠͎͖̳̞͉̝̹̼̳͚̼͔̱̮̮̂̐̀̈͑͂͑̇͊̓̃̍̿͛̍̑̈́͛̋̍̽͒̆͒͗̅̌́͋͑̾͊̎̋̆̿̽̈́̐̐̉͑͊̍́̽̈́̿̿̓̆̊͛͒͐̓͊̊̔̓̀̀̍̋̋̀̍̑̄̄̀̊̾̇͐͘̕̕̚̚̚͘͘̕̕̕͜͠͝͠͠͝͠ͅ)
Personality: energetic, funky and spontaneous. Can be extremely dangerous
Gender: none
Pronouns: she/her they/them
Birthday: February 13
Half Skeleton Monster Half Parasite
Their soul is attached to a parasite body. Soul acts like a light.
Love mercury with drinks
Safety glasses have faint words on them
They tears and saliva are acid
Pu is short for Plutonium
Extremely protective of Sci
Should not be crossed
Her bones are made from calcium buildup
Quite literally regurgitated her bones
Can and will speak in parasitic tongue
Has more than basic emotions or instincts but not the full range of complex feelings
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hayzeden · 7 days
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Scifresh post, they’ve taken a toll on me…
How bout you guys follow me on TikTok 😠
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signanothername · 1 month
Errorfresh epicerror killererror outererror classicerror scifresh and reaperdust for the ship bingo
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Ship bingo
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itzcherrybonbon · 1 year
The differences between E.L.A Artemis and OG!Artemis:
-8 years old
-Nightmare doesn't care about her or her safety, Killer on the other hand adores her and raised her on his own like he did with Crescent, Angst and Merciless. Killer's always looking out for her
-Neon (SciFresh kid) is her crush
-Sneaks out a lot to either go see Neon, pick flowers, or see T.M.P and the Star Sanses
-Optimistic, energetic and an innocent little angel <3
-Heavy sleeper.
-Has a kitten she named Cottonpuff
-Really wants Nightmare to love her like all dads do :(
-Doesn't know how to write or read well- Someone has to read her the bedtime stories she wants to hear. Usually Melantha <3
-A bit of an accident prone, inherited that from Killer
-Her weapon of choice is a miniature scythe Killer gifted her
E.L.A Artemis:
-16 years old
-Cor.Nightmare's favorite, without a doubt. Finally a timeline where Nightmare treats her with love and care, but Killer doesn't.
-Always behaved when she was little, and would ask for permission to go outside to play first
-Feels like it's necessary for her to act mature, she always thinks and analyzes things carefully before doing anything.
-Barely gets enough sleep despite taking sleeping pills. Insomniac? Pretty much
-Barely eats because of her eating disorder
-"Why get a cat, I am the fucking cat-" She is like a cat tho because of her eyes and lack of energy, plus is a bit grumpy
-"Neon who? All I see is Palette. He's everywhere, literally: In the fashion magazines, in the church, right here next to me as I ramble on and on, and now he's showing up in my nightmares too- Like- damn- Not that I'm complaining but like-"
-A famous singer <3
-Obviously can read and write well unlike her original self- What is she, a bozo?- Yes she was homeschooled btw-
-Her weapon of choice is a black spear she summons with her magic.
-Can't get along/are distant with Merciless
-Crescent and Angst adore them
-Hearts of gold <3 They're both caring and kind. Always put their loved ones before themselves.
-Get along/are friendly with almost everyone
-Yellow is their favorite color
-Pretty long hair ahahahaha
-Have witches for motherly figures (Hope [E.L.A], Melantha)
-THEY LIKE CORALINE (the movie and the book) AND HAMILTON MUSIC-
E.L.A and Hope by @anotherrosesthatfell
Melantha by @angels-dreamings
The Sanses belong to their rightful creators
Artemis, E.L.A Artemis and T.M.P made by me
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dreamys-mess · 2 years
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wake up I finally did Sûgoku's reference
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yotyanvino · 2 years
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yAnd so... As it turns out, Ruby's birthday is on Easter. Such a coincidence, and nothing more. April 24 I will paint eggs in the color of Ruby's T-shirt :3
Lately, I've started getting into making costumes for different AUs. Perhaps soon there will be characters in the guise of Underfell or Underswap.
And another interesting and stupid question from me:
Can Lux be considered Lucid's sister? =')
Rubi: (SciFresh child) 17-years-old
Rubi's author: @andrewture
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casualcolt · 4 years
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A rare sighting.
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evaundertale · 4 years
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This is Chem a Scifresh kid
And honestly I love him he's such a bean🥺
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faemytho · 5 years
SciFresh!! Fluff please. "Maybe you could try staying still?"
oh gosh its been a while since ive done some good old utmv, huh?
i was about to clarify that this was og, not dreamswap, but then i realized sci and fresh don't really have ds forms - so i guess all that's to be learned from this is that the dreamswap mv is becoming my default lmao
not that i mind it
sci and fresh are both autistic in this because its my fic and i get to make the rules
can be read as platonic, queerplatonic, alterous, romantic, whatever, its just these two dorks hanging out
"Maybe you could try staying still," Fresh remarked, watching the scientist move around the room as though possessed. He was muttering under his breath, running halfway through calculations and fully though his own, raw unfiltered thoughts.
Fresh himself, meanwhile, was perched on top of one of Sci's tables, laying stomach down with his head propped up on one of his arms as he watched Sci scurry to and fro.
He never quite understood Sci's insistent tendency to ramble outloud, but his voice was enough of an anchor to keep Fresh above the surface of his own subconscious. It was nice to listen to, and he could focus on it with ease without slipping away into the surreal world of thought his mind had always supplied him with.
"No, no, staying still will most definitely not work. I have to focus and to focus I've got to be moving," Sci answered his comment from just a few seconds ago, doing exactly as he'd just told Fresh he would be doing.
Fresh watched him pace around the room once more, raising a brow behind his host's glasses. It was after this that he spoke again.
"Y'know, Sci, I think you're making it more complicated than it has to be," he spoke easily, having found a break in the scientist's continuous ramblings and taking the little opportunity. Sci stopped and looked at him, blinking incredulously.
"What do you mean?" He asked, looking genuinely confused. "I've run through everything, every calculation, every number and every outcome, and none of it matched the work I had done beforehand."
"Didya try doing 'em together?"
Sci stopped. Blinked. Opened his mouth and closed it again. Fresh watched the metaphorical gears turning, and then, click into place as Sci suddenly turned and rushed to the other side of the room. Papers rustled as the scientist shoved them aside, digging for a specific one and scanning through it once he'd found it.
"Oh of course! Concurrently, rather than separately, would have made much more sense," he began to ramble once more, slowly turning on his heel and walking slowly back towards Fresh. His eyes were fixed on the paper, and his voice became Fresh's anchor again.
Fresh gave a soft, content sigh, listening to Sci ramble on. He even reached up a moment later to slide his glasses off his face, revealing his parasitic form, though Fresh knew Sci didn't mind it, just as Fresh knew Sci knew that Fresh didn't make himself this vulnerable for just anyone.
It was a simple, regular, routine day, and Fresh loved every second of it.
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fantasblog · 2 years
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Acrylic,raven (afterdeath) x blueprint (inkberry accident shipchild)!!!
-his left eye has different expressions
-his personality is actually unknown
-his magic is unknown
His backstory:
He was born by blueprints puddles magic and raven's magic
Funfact about acrylic:
-he is addicted to an frogs
-he sometimes creative and mischievous
-he has frog-shifter pet named "paintskrull" (he/they)
-he likes videogames,watching anime,read manga,being photograph,hot wings (hifs fav food) and orange/strawberry juice.
-he hates rude people when he hate it and he hates spiders when he still hates spiders or he is afraid of spiders.
-his fav color is red.
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Meet Daiger, degde (dustfell) x raider (errornight/errormare)!!
Info about her:
-her personality is actually mix of their parents
-she is actually child's boss
-she likes bugs,bananas,she playing with siblings
-she dislike rude people and glitches "when she was panic"
Her backstory:
She was born by degde's knife and radier's codes
That why she was born.
Her age: 8-14 year old
She has 2 tentacles but has 4 twin knifes on her tentacles.
-her baby form is pink but round is Light pink.
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Meet Frank Stein "stein",Rubi (Scifresh) x økse (horrordust)!!
Info about him:
-he is mad scientist
-always covered in chemical splashes
-loves making expermients
His age: 8-16
-he loves sciences and watching blood/gore movies.
He has his own creation dog named zip.
He hates eating meat and his creation dog went away or he got missing ,when he still searching about his dog.
He listened to music
He sometimes weirder (???)
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meet Ebug,Erros (redlust) x debug (errornight)!!!
Info about ebug:
He has glitch on his body.
He is actually jerk and tomboy.
He likes dogs or animals and videogames on his phone.
His age is 12-16 year old
-he is actually gamer or Hacker!
He hates when someone get hacker of him and snakes
His backstory
He was born by soul bonding with his parents.
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Meet Kirby (her name is after Kirby games),rem (errordream) x deneb (outersci)!!!!
Info about kirby:
-she has hephaphobic
-very kind and friendly
-she loves games and astronomy
-how to floats she knows!
-she had nintendo switch because she play animal crossing new horizons and amongs us
-she's actually shy girl
-sometimes she build tiny robots
-she has puppet kermit the frog
Her age: 8-16
-she has a tiny robot creation named hacky (she has code program)
SHe and lioko has sister-brother relationship.
Her backstory:
She was born by rem's codes and deneb's magic that why she was born.
-her baby form is actually bright green.
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Meet starburst "pixel" and pandora "dora", klez "malware" (errorfresh) x neirum (horrorberry)!!! (They aren't twins but they're old and young brother relationship)
Info about starburst:
-he loves pixel games,games with Kirby.
-he can't hug with her sister when he has haphephobic.
-chocolate snack and tacos are his fav food
-he has 4 tounges
-he is confused child
-he has Anti void powers and his own strings
His parasite.
Info about pandora "dora":
Very kind but bit of mad (???)
-she loves sweets and her own robot-axe
-she hates annoying his own brother.
-she likes footbal and bears
-not glitches
-she has mental shutdown like his father "neirum"
She is two year older than starburst "pixel"
-not parasite
Starburst and pandora's backstory:
-Starburst was born by klez's strings At his piece and neirum's magic
-pandora was born by soul bonding with their parents.
Light-x,acrylic,daiger,stein,ebug,kirby,starburst and pandora belong to me
Lioko (half-brother or half-sister relationship)by @groovygladiatorsheep (sorry u ping and I hope you like it qwq)
Degde,rubi,erros,debug,rem,rauch and neirum belongs to @lucasino-a (sorry u ping and I hope you liked it qwq)
Stellar (ravenprint) belongs to @julliahantzee-blog
Bluebird (ravenprint) belongs to @drawingerror / erroredartist (???)
Raven (afterdeath) belongs to @echoiarts (sorry u ping and I hope you liked it qwq)
Blueprint,raider,økse,deneb and klez belong to @pepper-mint (sorry u ping and I hope you like it qwq)
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astrogic05 · 5 years
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Here a drawing/fanart of my child NEO with her big bro rubi(im suck at drawing his coat and goggles) she love all her sibling so becarefull one hurt a milion death,love experimenting dangerous things,she eat poisonous,spicy and sweet food,talks like fresh only with family,talk like sci when with stranger or friends(like she's going to have one),she is 15 year old dangerous girl,cant feel emotion but has nollege about them too bad she cant express it,she can only express happiness and joy,she likes hug(but becarefull her hugging is really tight so you cant really breath)
Rubi belong to @andrewture
Neo belong to me
Hope you like it
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hayzeden · 1 year
Some scifresh doodles!!
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itzcherrybonbon · 2 years
Fun facts about Iris and Artemis! ^^
1- She is a fan of boba tea. She likes munching the pearls, or whatever they're called.
2-She is a great writer. Her shelf is full with her own masterpieces.
3-She likes being called "sweetheart" by her partner (Dream).
4-She will hug you if you are upset and say soothing words, comforting words if you dislike touch.
5-She loves children, will go out of her way to protect one-
6-She lost her soul trait once, stress overtook the best of her. Most likely will happen again.
7-She dislikes Nightmare, but still cherishes the hope to save him (and Melantha).
8-Beautiful woman. Will smash./hj
1-When I say she's a master at chess, believe me, she will beat your ass.
2-In the future she shuts Nightmare out of her life completely, stops visiting him unless it's for a mission, she becomes introverted and barely opens up to anyone.
3-Once she accidentally called Melantha "momma"
4-Killer has been there for her more than she can count. He is her favorite parent.
5-Definetly lesbian for Neon (SciFresh kid)
6-Her singing voice is the best. She sounds like fucking Melanie-
7-Her relationship with her older brothers is..alright? And by alright I mean Crescent cares but is not very participant in her life, Angst is her mental health support, and Merciless doesn't give two fucks.
8-If she met Passivemare? Oh man. She would never want to leave that place-
@angels-dreamings Here you go <3
Might tell you more when I get more ideas!
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