#scorp wanted to match the flower girl
littlewinnow · 5 months
Winnow my lovely, idk if you're still taking outfit requests but if you are, would you bless us with drarry in their wedding robes + baby scorp in his little ring bearer robes (or something else you might envision!) please? xx
P.S. i hope you know HOW MUCH happy-chemical you supply to all our brains with literally ANYTHING you draw 🥹❤️
Omg you’re too sweet gl0ws!! 😭😭 💕 im so glad!!! Here’s drarry + little scorp in his tux and poofy skirt!
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I have no idea what wizarding wedding robes look like but for some reason my mind went to tarot de marseille style vibes??
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precuredaily · 3 years
Precure Day 206
Episode: Yes! Precure 5 Go Go! 08 - “Syrup and the Mysterious Letter" Date watched: 7 April 2021 Original air date: 23 March 2008 Screenshots Transformation Gallery Project info and master list of posts
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this is not important
How do you follow up that epic trip to the Palmier Kingdom? With some shenanigans and a mystery. Let's take a look.
The Plot
Syrup has a nightmare that he's trapped in a dark room, with only one doorway to the outside that's closing and a hand is keeping him from getting out. He screams that he doesn't want to be alone. He screams aloud in his sleep as well, and then the bell of the clock tower strikes six o'clock and then Syrup and Mailpo both dart awake. A startled Mailpo then spouts out a letter for the Precures. Meanwhile, Scorp surveys the city from on high and notes that the clock tower is a part of the collection. He decides to capture it to keep some clout within Eternal after his failures in retrieving the Rose Pact.
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Later that day, at school, the girls are hanging out at Otaka's restaurant. Nozomi, Urara, and even Rin are wolfing down hotcakes (etymology note: depending on the region, hotcakes may be different from pancakes) when Syrup walks up to deliver the letter. They open it and discover, rather than a written note, it contains a piece of a flier, a flower shoot, and a piece of hotcake.
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They are all perplexed by the contents. Rin identifies the shoot as coming from a tokeiso (lit. clock grass, known as a blue passion flower in English), and Nozomi takes this to mean that someone wants them to go to Rin's flower shop and eat hotcakes. Instead, they all gather at Natts House after school and continue to pore over their clues. Komachi notices the items each have a V-shaped imprint on them and thinks it might be a code, but none of the v-words they come up with make sense. Suddenly Nozomi, in her own Nozomi way, identifies that the piece of paper smells like crepes and she leads them to the new crepe shop that just opened up, called Clock Tower Crepes. They grab a flier and wouldn't you know, it matches their piece. At this point Karen notices a theme, between the clock tower restaurant and clock grass flower, so they suspect the mysterious messenger is telling them about the clock tower. A bird flies by as Syrup comments that he hasn't seen anyone here, and then Scorp shows up and informs the sextet that the clock tower's bell is in the collection, so he's taking the whole thing for Eternal and he turns a nearby fire hydrant into a giant Hoshiina.
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and I do mean giant
The girls transform but this time, the Hoshiina isn't really interested in them. It's mostly focused on tackling the clock tower and it only swats the Precures away as they try to attack it. At the same time, a bird attacks Scorp, who similarly flicks it away, and the girls notice a bird's nest high in the tower, threatened by falling rubble and just outright falling. Mint surmises that the bird sent the letter as a request to protect their nest. Scorp mocks the girls for protecting the tower for some birds and they retort that his idea of what's valuable doesn't matter. Then Scorp turns his attention to Syrup, telling him to come back and work for Eternal again, marking the first time this is mentioned. However, Dream butts in and says that he can come to the Cure Rose Garden with the Precures and be much happier than going with Scorp, and he obviously sides with them. After rescuing the bird nest, she hands it to Syrup and then performs Shooting Star on the Hoshiina, destroying it.
Afterwards, in a beautifully lit twilight scene, the girls place a protective cage around the nest, and comment on how unexpected it was that the bird sent the letter. Komachi, Karen, Rin, and Urara are still unsure how the piece of hotcake fit in, though, and Nozomi thinks for a minute before concluding that "hotcake" has "tokei" (clock) in it, the same as the other two clues. Rin is spectacularly unamused.
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As the girls admire their work and note how happy the birds seem, Syrup decides to open up to them a little bit. While leaning over the railing, looking out into the sunset, he admits that he sometimes has nightmares about being alone in the darkness, trapped and unable to escape. Nozomi tells him to send her a letter whenever that happens and no matter where, when, or what, she'll come into his dream to rescue him. Despite his protests she insists she'll respond earnestly to his feelings. At that moment, Mailpo unleashes a torrent of letters from Milk, some of which come open to reveal their contents, and the girls notice a picture of Milk watering a glowing blue sprout. They decide to all deliver the letters to Coco and Nuts together and the episode closes on a still frame of everyone rushing along with arms full of letters.
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The Analysis
Stuff like this is why I love Nozomi as a character. She's goofy and isn't quite on the same page as the other girls, but she's trying her hardest to solve the mystery, and her unique experiences and knowledge help them find the answer. She wants to help the birds and protect the clock tower from Eternal, but she also doesn't miss a beat emotionally supporting Syrup when he opens up about his troubles. It's not her strongest showing, it's not quite the Nozomi we get during major plot episodes, but she's earnest and heartfelt and I like that. And that's a good description of this episode overall: it's not as strong as a major plot episode but it's earnest and heartfelt. It is on the upper end of middle-of-the-road, and that's fine. The only thread of character development here is Syrup opening up to the Nozomi a bit, which is a plot largely ignored until after the fight. The rest is mostly filler and doesn't contribute to the ongoing plots and mysteries surrounding Syrup's past, his connection to Eternal, the hunt for the Four Monarchs, Coco and Nuts developing as kings, the Blue Rose, or the Cure Rose Garden.
Looking at the here and now though, this episode is satisfying, well-paced, and has lots of gags. Nozomi repeatedly acts the fool, causing the other girls to react a lot.
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She's very gung-ho about finding the sender and addressing their problem, and the other girls have to struggle to keep up with her. Coco and Nuts talk to Syrup about this as well, admitting that Nozomi is the type to act first and think later, but that aspect of her has saved them in the past and they're indebted to her enthusiasm. I talk about Nozomi being central to this and in hindsight she is, but when watching the episode it feels more balanced. I guess it's the illusion of words vs actions. Everyone talks a lot but Nozomi is the one that figures out two of the three clues, and the one who takes the lead in defending the birds once they recognize them. She's the one that suggests Syrup should stay at Natts House and the one that encourages Syrup at the end. Rin contributes information about the flower, Komachi and Karen speculate about the imprinted symbol, and Urara...... doesn't really have anything meaningful to add now that I think about it, other than some exasperated faces (see above).
As I said though, there's some good gags along the way. My favorite is them mistaking the impression left by the bird's beak as a "V" and trying to figure out words that start with "V" that it might represent.
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(if you’re not familiar, b and v are phonetically similar to begin with and basically blend together in Japanese, hence this mistake)
There was also a funny gag at the start with Rin acting so shocked that Nozomi and Urara were eating hotcakes after lunch..... only for the camera to show her eating them as well. Komachi and Karen’s reactions were priceless. And the first half of the episode has much of this jollity, it’s pretty upbeat. The second half is more serious, as they deal with the threat against the clock tower and the birds’ nest, but it doesn’t get weighty until the end.
Syrup is still kind of an enigma up to this point. All we really know is that he's a delivery boy who wants to visit the Cure Rose Garden, and he's got a strained relationship with most of the other fairies. He mostly keeps to himself, considering Mailpo as his only friend, and just floats between spaces delivering letters and putting up kind of a stand-offish front to keep people away. However, his nightmare sheds a lot of insight on his situation. This time we learn that he's haunted by dreams of being trapped alone in the darkness. He's younger in his dreams, which is a visualization of vulnerability. The force restraining him is a claw, and based on what we learn later about his time working for Eternal, this dream could be a representation of that period, compounded with his ongoing sense of loneliness and his lack of belonging. Even the fact that he sleeps in the clock tower is because he doesn't have a proper home and he doesn't trust other people enough to provide him one. However, he's been getting to know the girls over the last several episodes, seeing what drives them and what kind of people they are, and he's beginning to feel like he can trust them, so he opens up about some of his fears to Nozomi at the end. She understands that he's afraid and alone, and promises she'll rescue him in his dreams if he asks her to, because she cares. The practicality of this doesn't matter, Syrup is her friend and she'll protect him, that's all there is to it in her mind.
Minor note, the significance of two out of three of the clues actually gets lost in translation. The common thread is that they all have “tokei” in the name, which means “clock”. The clock tower is pretty self-explanatory. The plant called “tokeiso” in Japanese is called a blue luster in English, losing the descriptivism of its Japanese name that describes its clock hand-shaped sprouts (Google it, it’s very pretty). Lastly, although the Japanese word for the pastry they’re eating is “hottoke-ki”, derived from hotcakes, and there is technically a difference between pancakes and hotcakes (and flatcakes and flapjacks) English speakers are most familiar with the term “pancakes” and that’s what the subtitles translate it as.
Lastly I want to remark on the art. This is a good art episode... mostly. Scenes of the Hoshiina notwithstanding, because for some reason they really dropped the ball on that. The art isn’t amazing or anything, but they play with proportions for comedy in a way that makes it fun, cute, and endearing.
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look at this goof
I’ve commented before on reused music I think, well in this episode I picked up on a villain cue from way back in FWPC. It’s by no means a bad thing, but I primarily associate reused music with the period from Fresh through Smile, and now I’ve noticed some in the Star Twinkle-Tropical-Rouge period. It’s nice to demonstrate to myself that this has been happening all along and isn’t a phenomenon exclusive to on part of the series.
Full disclosure: when I first watched GoGo back in 2013 or 2014, I skipped this episode (and the next one) by accident, due to a naming bug.
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disclaimer: those are not the files I’m using now, these are. Only the best.
Due to the way people came and went from this project, the filenames changed a lot, so by a quirk episodes 8-9 happened to be alphabetized between episode 40 and 41. I had my player set to auto-play the next episode and I was working on a project at the time and not giving the binge my full attention, so after episode 7, the next file in the folder was 10. I bring this up to theorize that skipping these two episodes initially may have influenced my opinion on their relevance. I jumped straight from the Palmier Kingdom to Milky Rose's introduction and didn't wind up watching the episodes that bridged this gap until well after the fact. I may never know what impact this had on my overall response, and maybe I’m overthinking it, but as I view these two episodes as kind of filler or padding to get to Milky Rose, it’s a nagging feeling in the back of my mind that I only dismiss them because I experienced it without them first.
I know this review is all over the place, so to summarize my thoughts, it’s a solid episode with some genuine moments, but overall it feels like padding or filler, since I know what’s coming in a few episodes. That isn’t a bad thing but it doesn’t do much for the characters or their relationships with each other, except for Syrup as he’s new around here. Coco and Nuts, surprisingly, are barely in this episode. It is not bad, but it’s not one of the better episodes the show has to offer. And that’s fine.
Next time on Precure Daily, there’s another mystery to solve, and this time Komachi goes full detective to find the cake caper. Look forward to it!
Pink Precure Catchphrase Count: 2 Kettei!
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samesanegirl · 4 years
100 Otp Questions - Scorose Edition🌹🦂
1. Who loves flower crowns more? - Rose
2. Who is the one who likes to cuddle? Both
3. Who has awful taste in music? Rose likes R&B and Dream Pop while Scorpius likes old and jazz music. You decide!
4. Who is the meme lover? Scorpius
5. How did their second date go? They went to dine at Diagon Alley and had a great time. Rita Skeeter published an article entitled “Potential Death Eater dates Rose Weasley. Is it true love or the effects of Amortentia?” Rose egged her house the day after
6. How many children do they want/have? Rose would want 2-4 kids while Scorpius is comfortable with 2. 
7. Who hides the weapons? Rose
8. Who is the better dancer? Scorpius, he probably had ballroom classes when he was younger
9. Do/Did they have a theme wedding? Quidditch themed
10. What do their parents think of them dating? Draco and Astoria love Rose as she helped Scorpius grow (Lucius and Narcissa are not impressed.) Hermione and Ron are happy but he is moody that he is now in-laws with Draco
11. Are they a super sappy couple? They show minimal PDA when they are in public. However, they are kinda sappy when they are alone
12. How did they get together? Scorpius saved Rose in a Quidditch game when she was knocked off her broom. She realised she loved him in that moment and kissed him
13. Who asked the other to get married? Scorpius, although Rose was planning a proposal as well
14. Who stays up too late and makes stupid jokes? Both
15. Who is the nerd? Both
16. Who knows the most obscure facts? Rose. She learned some from Hugo
17. Who makes the other a flower crown? Rose as Lily Luna taught her
18. Who likes to read? Both
19. Who bothers the other person while the other person reads? Scorpius
20. Who tutors the other? Scorpius tutored Rose on astrology and potions. Rose tutored Scorpius on ancient runes and muggle studies
21. Do they have similar taste in movies? Yes. They like psychological thriller, crime-mystery and foreign films
22. How do their personalities compliment each other? When emotional, Rose can be quite impulsive and hot tempered. It takes a lot for Scorpius to punch someone out of anger. So he keeps her in check. Scorpius craves acceptance from the Wizarding World, and Rose offers him that and never questions his morality. Rose needs someone who is open and honest. Someone who loves her instead of her ‘Golden Girl’ image. Scorpius has never seen her through those lenses. They offer comfort, support and acceptance. Their determination and ambition match, so they support each other’s dreams
23. How do they tell everyone that they are going to be having a kid/adopting a child soon? They reveal the news at The Burrow at a birthday/Christmas/New Year’s Eve
24. Who has better fashion sense? Scorpius 
25. Who will punch someone out if they are rude to their partner? Rose
26. What songs do they sing together in the vehicle? The Weird Sisters’s biggest hits. They do end up singing Muggle songs once Scorpius learns the lyrics from Google
27. What other couple would your otp get along with? Jim & Pam, Jake & Amy, Aragorn & Arwen, Elio & Oliver and Mr & Mrs Smith
28. Who likes to prank the other? Rose
29. Who is the one who loves to take pictures? Both, but Scorpius takes more than Rose.                                                                                                 30. How would they react if they found out they were soul mates? Scorpius would cry with tears of joy. Rose would shrug and say she knew all along.   
   31. Where would they live? I never imagined them living in Malfoy Manor, due to their bad memories of their family feuds. They would live around the luscious forests in England where they are surrounded by nature.
32. What type of dragon would they own, if they could have one? They would adopt a Antipodean Opaleye. However, Rose would beg Scorpius to let her adopt an Ukrainian Irobelly and a Swedish Short-Snout
33. If they were both vampires, what type of vampires would they be? Rose would be a dhampir and Scorpius would be a moroi
34. What would they dress up as, for Halloween? Mr & Mrs Smith or James Bond and Vesper Lynd
35. Can they name each other’s favourite food? Yes. Rose loves ratatouille and Scorpius loves risotto
36. Do they have pet names for one another? Rose: Rosie, Rosebud, Weasley, Weasel, Mi Amor & Love. Scorpius: Scorp, Scorpion, Scorpy, Malfoy, Darling, Baby, Idiot & Dickhead.                                                                         37. How do they cheer each other up? Scorpius would give massages, bubble baths and would throw Rose on his shoulder until she laughs. Rose would cuddle him and roast any of the people who are responsible for putting him in such mood
38. Do they show a lot of PDA? Scorpius is a reserved guy and Rose respects that. They show minimal PTD such as holding hands, forehead kisses, quick kisses and putting their arm around each other.
39. How old were they when they got together? In their sixth year, Rose was 16 and Scorpius was 17.
40. Who is the one that would bring the puppy home? Rose. She’s a cat person but she knows how much Scorpius wants a dog
41. Can they do yoga couple’s poses? They are badass Quidditch players. I’m sure they can handle any curveball being thrown at them.
42. What is their song? A Song For You - Donny Hathaway (Scorpius’ favourite song)
43. What does their room look like? Rose would decorate their room with fairy lights and meaningful photos. Scorpius would paint their room blue and include arm chairs where they can both relax. Both of them would have bookshelves on their room so they could read.
44. Who would be the one to kill zombies while the other keeps them grounded? Rose kills the zombie while Scorpius keeps her grounded
45. Who makes the other breakfast in bed? Scorpius.
46. Who loves kids more? Rose
47. Do either of them have a crazy ex? Surprisingly, Scorpius’ exes are quite chill, and they leave the relationship on civil terms. Rose’s ex is possessive and jealous.
48. What are their favourite colours? Rose is lavender, while Scorpius is blue
49. Who likes to cook? Scorpius
50. Who is the forgetful one? Scorpius
51. Does either of them know how to fight? Scorpius is better at duels than physical violence. On the other hand, Rose is fierce with hexes and could dropkick the fuck out of you.
52. What do they do for Valentines Day? They would go to a nice Muggle restaurant, not wanting to be bombarded with the Wizarding press
53. Who swears more? Rose
54. Who has the better comebacks? Rose. But Scorpius has sarcastic comebacks up his sleeve too.
55. Who would start a fight with another parent at a bake sale? Rose
56. Who reads buzzfeed? Rose likes the quizzes
57. Who is the hopeless romantic? Scorpius
58. Do either of them know how to do a handstand? Rose
59. Who can rap better? Rose since she listens to it more
60. Do either of them want to go sky diving? Rose because she loves being in the air
61. What do they usually text about? They text about their weird work stories
62. Who is the dramatic one? Most people would say Rose due to her energetic personality but Scorpius has had his share of dramatic moments
63. Is either one confrontational? Rose when she’s had enough of your shit
64. What is their favourite cuddle position? Honeymoon hug and Rose sitting on his lap with their arms around each other
65. Who are their favourite musical artist(s)?” Scorpius - Donny Hathaway, Etta James & Ray Charles. Rose - H.E.R, Clairo, The Weird Sisters and Lana Del Rey
66. What are their parenting styles? Rose would be affectionate but would remain a strict parent. She would be teaching her kids life advise and guide them on a good path while still acting adventurous around them. Scorpius might actually spoil his kids but will be very stern when they are in trouble. He would make sure that they listen to Rose and never disrespect her
67. Who would be the more laid back one? Scorpius is very cool-headed around stressful times, but Rose is more laid-back when she is socialising
68. Who listens to more vulgar music? Rose, probably
69. Do either of them have secrets even the other doesn’t know? That Rose’s first crush was Teddy Lupin when she was a kid and that she dated Viktor Krum’s son for a while. Scorpius would not tell Rose that the Malfoy's were partially responsible for Hermione’s torture
70. Who is their go to couple for a double date? Albus, of course
71. Do they tip the waiter/waitress on their date? No
72. How do they work out a fight? They have different temperaments so nothing can be too intense. They try to be very calm about it and balance their reasons with logic and emotional until they come to an agreement. If its a small fight, they shag afterwards
73. Who brings home an illegal pet? Rose would bring a baby dragon and a Hippogriff on the same day
74. What side of the bed do each of them sleep on? Scorpius left and Rose right
75. What is their favorite photo of them two together? Their first kiss at a Quidditch match. One where Scorpius playfully picks up Rose in The Burrow and several photos of them and Albus when they are travelling Europe
76. Who takes longer in the bathroom? Scorpius
77. Who has more songs on their ipod? Rose
78. What movie did they first see together? Star Wars with the Weasley-Potter clan
79. What do they like to see each other in? Rose likes to see Scorpius either in a tuxedo or topless. Scorpius likes to see Rose in a Montrose Magpies sweater because it annoys her
80. Who makes jokes during inappropriate times? Rose. And Scorpius feels guilty of laughing.
81. At what age do they discuss the possibility of children? After they are at the peak of their careers. Realistically, around 28 years old
82. What do they love about each other the most? Rose loves that Scorpius is kind and very respectful. She loves that he completely understands her and always supports her decisions. Scorpius loves Rose’s warm nature and her willingness to cheer people up when they are down. He also loves her adventurous spirit and never gets bored when he’s with her
83. Who is the one that sees the big picture, while the other focus’s on the small details? Rose sees the big picture while Scorpius focuses on small details
84. What would they write on their partner’s social media’s for their anniversary? Scorpius would post photos of Rose and write a paragraph about how much she changed his life. Rose would post an embarrassing photo of Scorpius (like when his ice cream cone fell on his pants) and says how much she loves him
85. Who is bad at math? Rose
86. Who googles everything? Scorpius
87. Who does stuff on impulse? Rose. Luckily Scorpius is always present
88. How do they comfort each other when they are helpless to do anything about the situation? Rose would just cuddle Scorpius and try to lift his mood by suggesting a playful Quidditch game. Scorpius would listen to her and would offer a massage to relieve stress
89. What is an inside joke they have? Dirty minded jokes
90. Who makes the other smile with almost no effort at all? Rose
91. What is their favourite holiday? Rose loves Christmas and Scorpius loves New Year’s Eve
92. Who is the one that is calm and collected while the other is angry and destructive? Scorpius is the calm one and Rose is the impulsive one
93. What is their favourite board game to play? Wizarding chess and exploding snap (not a board game but still
94. Who accidental sets something on fire? Rose when she loses her temper
95. Who has the car ready while the other is robbing the store? Since Rose has a Muggle license, Scorpius would have to rob the store
96. What artist/group did they go to for their first concert? The Weird Sisters
97. Who sleep talks? Scorpius
98. Who is the more social one? Rose. Scorpius is more quiet and reserved
99. What are their karaoke songs? Any songs from The Weird Sisters
100. Who would get up on stage and make a fool of themselves just to make the other laugh? Both
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wotters-nextgen · 4 years
The Wotters
Teddy Lupin:
In love with Victoire since he was 4
The only people he admires more than Harry are his parents
Was born two days before full moon
When he was at Hogwarts, he became prefect and then Head Boy
It’s impossible to dislike
When someone of the cousin has every kind of problem, they go to him
Likes to see Quidditch but not doing it 
although he always looks different, he has always a pink lock in his mother’s memory, and his hair is blue most of the time.
He also has some piercing, but don’t let the punk look fool you, he is such a lovable sweetheart.
If he cares about you, you are very lucky
Victoire Weasley:
Two years younger than Teddy
Probably the most charming of her cousins, but she is so much more than the “blonde and beautiful” Rita Skeeter describee in an article
In fact, she is very smart, and she could pass her exams even without studying
She has a strong connection with her mum, maybe because they were both accused of having no brain
learned wandless magic with Hermione’s help because too many people said it was too difficult for her
The Weasley girls always go to her for love advice
Very attached to Luis and Dominique, they are probably the most close of the Wotters brothers
Has planned her wedding with Teddy since she was a baby
insults everyone in French with a loving face
Loves French and France in general
James Sirius Potter:
In the same year with Fred
If you think he is like his nameseekers then you are right
With Fred, he is the biggest troublemaker that Hogwarts has ever had since the Weasley twins
Loud. Like, extremely loud. Like, you can recognize his voice in the Great Hall
Very protective with the other Wotters
If they get caught during a prank, he takes all the blame, no matter what the others say
The straightest boy you’ll ever knew
But when someone of the family eventually comes out, he’ll take them to every near Gay Pride
he even organizes one at Hogwarts for Louis
Has a love-hate relationships with Albus and Lily
Best friend with Fred
Obsessed with Quidditch, Becomes Captain of the Gryffindor team in his fifth year (he is a Chaser)
Also, he is kind of a womanizer, until he falls in love with a girl named Angélica
Fred Weasley II:
In the same year with James
Started to prank because he felt he had to be like Fred I
However, he liked it, so he became one of the best prankster Hogwarts has  ever had
Puts tons of sugar in his coffee
gave nicknames to all of his cousins
Beater in the Gryffindor team since third year
Loves Roxanne more than life itself, but wouldn’t admit that even under torture
Accepts every challenge; the craziest one was to put fiftty mini hot dogs in his mouth. He won
Rose Granger-Weasley:
In the same year with Albus, Roxanne, Molly and Dominique
Although she is the brightest witch of her age with Molly, don’t even think about compare her to her mother; she hates it, not because she hates Hermione, but because she’s not Hermione
Sweet but very fiery, so don’t test her fury
In a trio with Dominique and Albus
Hates Quidditch with a passion, but she always comes to the matches, firstly for her cousins and then for Scorpius too
Has the same messy hair of her mother, just less frizzy, but she didn’t mind at all. Actually, she liked it
A feminist
Gets excited easily
Drinks at least three cups of tea every day
Very close to her dad
Competitive and perfectionist, she always clashes with Scorpius in classes
Loves Scorpius’ name, and thinks hers is boring. But she always smells like roses, because she uses shampoo and bubble bath made with that flower. It’s cute, isn’t it?
Albus Severus Potter:
Yes, you read tha right, and NO ONE has problem with that, neither Rose nor Harry nor everyone else, because they are his family and they love him. Did you understand, J.K. Rowling?
In the same year with Molly, Dominique, Rose and Roxanne
Hates his second name. At first, while studying the Second Wizarding War in History of Magic, he couldn’t understand why his dad called him after a man that hated him and who was so brutal with, but when Harry decided to tell him all the story, he finally does. Anyway he still doesn’t like it
Even if he was named after a potionist, he sucks in the subject
however, he is great at Quidditch, so he was named Captain of the team in his sixth year
He and James, instead of ask advice of the sport to their parents, they go to Charlie. You know, the “Cool Uncle” story and all
Al and not Albus
Is head over heels for Alice Longbottom (but can’t admit it neither with himself)
Bestmate with Scorp
his favourite cousin is Rose
Also close to Roxanne for being the only Weasley-Potter Slytherins
At some point he didn’t know who he was because of all the pression being the Harry Potter’s son, thing that didn’t happen to James and Lily because of their stronger personalities
Dominique Weasley:
in the same year with Rose, Albus, Molly and Roxanne
Unlike her sister, she has no problem showing her feminine side in everything she does
Loves doing her cousins’ hair, she also asked her aunt Angelina to teach her to do Roxanne’s
When Matt Finnigan told her for the firt time he loves her, she couldn’t believe it
Really ambitious, in fact the Sorting Hat took a while to decide to put her in Gryffindor or in Slytherin
everything has to be like she wants
For that, she is also pretty good at school
If the coversation is not going where she wants, she will find the way to change the subject
Every guy and not-straight girls at Hogwarts has a crush on her, so before Matt she had a lot of other stories
Roxanne Weasley:
Slytherin, the only one of the family with Albus
In the same year with him, Rose, Molly and Dominique
Clumsy, funny and a badass
Has a beautiful voice, but didn’t mind until she was fourteen, when she really started singing
However, her real passion is Quidditch
Has a strong connection with Molly, even though they are very different
Probably bisexual, but she was never interested in everyone until an exchange guy from Beuxbatons named Charles comes to Hogwarts in her sixth year
Has braids most of the time because her hair is very wild
Molly Weasley II:
Maybe even more intelligent than Rose, but this quality with a little bit of shyness who shows with everyone who aren’t her family or friends is often mistaken with rigidity
Knowing her, you’ll know she’s so much more than that
She’s curius, humble, pure, and a hard-worker
Hates to try different things
Always there for her family and the people who loves
Remus Lupin is her hero
Always ready for any kind of situation, the only thing she didn’t know how to deal with was falling in love with Lorcan Scamander
As studious as her father, and likes spending time studying or in the library
Prefect and then Head Girl
Lily Luna Potter:
She. Is. Flawless
As feminine as Dominique
Likes to flirt with Lysander and making him blush
Thinks her mother is the coolest of all (and she is right)
In a duo since birth with Hugo
Life of the parties
Gets drunk very easily
Very challenging with herself, she has always new goals
Starts conversations from nowhere with everyone, and makes friends easily
Hates injustices and has a strong moral
Her red hair are a little more darker than Molly, Rose and hugo’s, like her grandmother Lily’s one
Hugo Granger-Weasley:
Best friend with Louis and Lysander
Looks exactly like his father
and is the only one who has beaten him in Magic Chess
Remembers everything
Funny and clumsy
probably the more positive of the cousins
Sometimes he think he couldn’t do anything without Lily
obsessed with Chudley Cannons
His reference point is Teddy
Really clever but hates studying
has strange conjectures about everything
Louis Weasley:
Him and Hugo are inseparable
I imagine him being very similar to Kurt Hummel from Glee
So basically until his fourth year he is this very shy boy who can’t accept himself
Then he had the courage to come out to his family
And they were very supportive and explained him there was nothing wrong about being who he was
So in fifth year he starts a kind of transformation
and became a very eccentric and extrovert guy
Understands he likes singing and has a beautiful voice
Him and Roxanne do a lot of duets
Some people bullied him
But James was always ready to kick their asses
And so were all the other cousins
They started the “Louis Protection Squad”
where there was Scorpius, Alexander Zabini and the Scamander twins too
Lucy Weasley:
the youngest of the cousins
kindest person of the world
Can’t argue or being angry
Likes to hug other people randomly
George always pulls her pranks trying to make her angry
But she always laugh and then hug him
she is also his favorite of the kids
hasn’t lots of friends because people tend to think she’s strange
for that she reminds everyone of Luna Lovegood
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