scorpireads · 6 months
omg hello??? Its been a fucking while.....
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scorpiwrites · 2 years
Do i want to write something off of Joji's Glimpse of us?
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scorpireads · 2 years
But fr i just want bsf!Sirius to hold my hand as we walk and him switching places with me when we get to the bigger road. Or him giving me rides wherever i want to and even going to the beach that's 45 minute's away ( with motorcycle) from where we are.
I want bsf!Sirius that I could call late at night and vent about my day AND OOH THE GOSSIPS!!! I love gossips! I imagine it'd be nice gossiping with him because he got some of his own that he shares with me and it's UUUUGHHH HELL YEAH we can be excited about it together yk because bitch, it's pipping hot.
I want bsf!Sirius who likes to pick me up at night after my late practices and willing to be dragged to the nearest restaurant because I'm starving and he just loves to eat out with me and we'll goof around till midnight where he drops me home and wait for me to get inside the fence or even the house before he went home.
Yeah so uh maybe... not just..... best friends?
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scorpireads · 1 year
sometimes i wonder about marriages.
like, what do you have to do to make other people not to get tired of you?
how do you know if the other's feeling secure in the relationship?
do you, do you stay because you love them or do you stay because you respect them?
or do you just stay because of the children?
could love really lasts that long?
and for those older people(couple) who (i know) can't stand with their own spouses do you just... stay there? in the marriage? because i just kinda know my grandparents are very fucking different than the other amd it just made me wonder, do they stick together bc they love each other or is it out of obligation? or is it just respect? I can't get over how my nan always yells or give snide remarks towards him. I hate her, she's always so negative.
I just dont get how this works, and what if it's my bloody time to marry but i just can't get.... through whatever the fuck it is?
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scorpireads · 1 year
hi, life got away from me a bit.
how are you all?
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scorpireads · 2 years
idk whether i want Remus " soft warm hugs, reading you till you sleep, cuddles wuddles, picnic on the springs" Lupin or Remus " Daddiest of all daddies, size kinks, choke me daddy, railing me in empty broom cupboards when he's on his patrolling duty as a professor and I'm a head girl, 'ride my thigh till you cum, little thing', touching me in detentions" Lupin
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scorpireads · 1 year
hlo bitches I'm back from a week of research that doesn't feel like research ( it rlly felt like vacation????) and I even went snorkeling LMAOOO AND IT'S EVEN FREE??? so yeah kachow✨
Fuck this tan tho, fuck em. But hey i got pretty shells and rocks so it's okay!
But still,
fuck em.
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scorpireads · 1 year
if we're really getting the hp series and there's no way out of it,
Here's list of the things I want ( gonna be reblogged and updated if I remember to lmaooo) :
2. More of Luna's story
4. Remember love, not all evil made in Slytherin, sometimes they were made by Dumbl—
5. More of Hinny moments bc I need the build up on-screen( no, i haven't got the time to read the book i know it's awful please dont bash me )
6. More of book hermione the deranged queen ( yes, and the skeeter-in-a-jar scene too, yeah?)
7. ??? Marauders' flashbacks pls ESPECIALLY IN SEASON 3 bc I can see it when it's Remus' perspective and maybe like the transition when he walks through the halls (we're seeing in his perspective) and then we're suddenly taken to a flashback with the yell of his name and when we turn around we can see James or Sirius calling him from across the hall ughhh.
8. I want to see The dark lord with red eyes
9. I want to see Harry with green eyes and not some blueish shit.
10. Gimme more of Barty's perspective on 4th season, I need more of his screentime.
11. Give me a totally unplanned dumbass side character who can steal the screen from the mains. Like it could be the one kid that snape favors than any other dunderheads and they decided to open a potion tutor and people always talk about them as a filler conversation.
Or make a muggleborn character say something totally muggle or a book reference and the purebloods were all fucking confused cuz what the heck is that lmao and make it a filler conversation too because one of them decided to ask the professor like, " Professor Mcgonagall, what's a Jedi? Haw can you be one?"
12. I want some wlw or mlm either you fucking give me deamus, dorlene, or some other people ( maybe oliver and marcus cuz enemies to lovers why not but this is too pushing).
13. Give me those little scenes, little snippets of actions, give me Hagrid visiting his giant ass fucking spiders and his mate and kids. Give me Horace Slughorn telling someone about the goldfish(?) or something that Lily gave him (transfigured) and when it dies he knew that was when Lily died. Give me the little storyline of Severus and his childhood with Lily. Give me stories about Abeforth Dumbledore because we didn't talk enough about him and that damned fucking patronus. Give me the stories about The original Order of The Phoenix ( I may not like them but let's give them a background, maybe a flashback scene or two). Give me a scene about how some of the kid-soldiers back in '79 had doubts and it was a very vulnerable scene where they begged their s/o to just lets leave the war, that they're pregnant and they had to think about the baby but they stayed anyways.
Give me all the pain, all the fucking pain and gory details WE NEED THEM.
14. Give us trauma, with the fucking plots and storyline of how good the writing was, mind you. Not the castings and drama shits.
15. I demand, a Regulus Black episode <3
16. I desperately need one Slytherin scene where there's a kid fighting sleep when he's sitting near the glass to the black lake and was very much surprised and scared when the giant squid playfully peek his giant eye thru the glass lmao
17. I want A scene where Hermione was dealing with the aftermath of obliviating her parents, we can't just shove that aside!!
19. tbc
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scorpireads · 2 years
j realized that reading Matt Murdock's fics there's only two moods in his fandom, it's either the scratch, claw, torn up, and ruin my heart and rip my soul apart ones, or the ruin my panties and my insides ones. There's no fucking in-betweens.
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scorpireads · 1 year
where have you been
I have been thinking about you
is that why I've been having trouble sleeping, then?
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I've been drowning in uni assignments... like be fr why are they this much😔���🏼 WHATCHA UP TO PAL??
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scorpireads · 1 year
sometimes i want to comment on fics but then i got secondhand embarrassment for being too loud ( yes, i know. it's stupid but I always have my caps on when I'm excited and/or very frustrated and some ppl don't like that) so I just don't and just reblog and like them and hope they know that i love them for writing the fic but i feel bad bc they deserve a lot more but-
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scorpireads · 1 year
anw come yell at me or with me in twitter on @/lhovira but just a heads up it's kinda filled with me replying and retweeting dumb shits and being bilingual ✌🏼
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here's one of amel's cookies for you ( they're so fucking cute and delish and could top anyone's), have a good day <3
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scorpireads · 1 year
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I saw this post abt childhood and can't get this one out of my head, my mind, etc.
I left my childhood home to my current when I was in 6th grade ( was like around 11-13 year old can't remember). It was mine. The only one home I've ever known to be home when I was a kid, my mom grew up there too but she had lots of home with her grandparents when they were still alive. But it was my home.
I was angry and sad. It didn't sit right with me because all I knew back then was that I was forced to leave this house, my home and they expected me to be fine and be okay with it.
So I did the absolute worst and trashed my walls, i wrote stuff, i drew, i painted the walls in my room and i glued some stickers so they wouldn't be easy to remove.
I want a piece of me to still be there,
like how the house still sticks with me until now.
I still remember little me as she used her father's old scooter and had to have her ankle in stitches because she wasn't careful enough.
I still remember how little me was being reprimanded because she shared her facebook password to a friend and was told to sleep in the livingroom ( I was still sleeping with mom n dad back in 5th year) and it was dark and I got scared so I cried myself to sleep.
I still remember how little me always waited for 12pm (way over her bed time) because by then her father would come home and she would peek outside the room from the window, and how she always tried to wake up at half past 4 am to catch her father as he was leaving for work. Because outside of those hours, it was hard to find times with him as he was always at work.
I still remember how little me was in a phase where she would cry at night and crawled towards her mum n dad and check for their heartbeats, their pulses to know and check that they were both still breathing, that they're not gone.
I still remember a lot of things, and I can't seem to let go of them.
I miss being a child, I miss all of it, I just don't want to grow up.
How stupid were we when we asked to be adults? To be by ourselves, be strong, be responsible, be smart of our choices, be diligent, be whatever it is you set your heart to.
I don't know who I want to be.
I don't know if I want to be her when I look at the mirror.
I just want to be home.
I'm sorry
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scorpireads · 2 years
who's a good fancast for mrs. zabini tho
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scorpireads · 2 years
b fr tho I've been busy because SOME shitheads thought it'd be a great idea to elected as pres and vice president for the History community. THOSE SHITHEADS as in my ride or die pals literally came up with the idea D-7 from the deadline to collect all the paperworks and documents that were needed to apply.
So your girl gotta girlboss her way for the whole week and work my asses off to make all the damn shits they need for the campaign.
I swear if those assholes don't win I'll flip my shit because BITCH I'M ROOTING FOR THEM!!
i swear i love them but sometimes i just want to throw them into a freezing cold lake bcs bitch it's supposed to be relaxing week before finals but noooooooo ofc no.
But being busy is fun, i guess I'm a lot into design more than i thought i was.
my week summed up:
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But real talk, I'm so proud of myself ( and my friends). '22 been asdfghjkl and now i think i got a boost from knowing that I'll be home in 2 weeks but idk
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scorpiwrites · 2 years
I saw this tiktok and I'm thinking about making a little blurb about it but dunno who i should write about. Any ideas, peeps? Feel free to send some ask!
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