ummaurban · 2 years
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"sebelum lupa akan aktifitas sehari-hari" 😁 . #rallymoto #rallymotors #adv #adventure #advbike #enduro #rally #motorbike #mototravel #dirtbike #scorpio225 #scorpioz #motorally #dualsport #dualsportadv #dualsportlife #advrider #motorbike #motoradventure #adventurebike #bikelife #motolife #mototravel #onoffadv #yamaha #advbigtrail #sunmori #klim #svnx #makadamgear #beach #pantaiklayar 📷 Reposted from @azfarynwa16 // @ampm.moto (at Klayar Beach) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cf0HUOKPxhB/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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soraontop · 4 months
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title i won’t say (i’m in love)
summary it’s that first “oh. oh.” moment for sora. chapter 2 to ‘10 things i hate about you’ series
genre fluff, angst, slice of life ???
characters jung sora (8th female member oc of enhypen), jake sim, brief cameos of other enhypen members xx
warnings poly ot7 enhypen au with 8th female member. sora is difficult and emotionally stunted. feelings realization. implications of sora’s not so great home life.
words 3,033
note sorry im a professional procrastinator thats why it took forever 😭 this just isnt my only focus sjfndjd i focus on so many things at once lmao. anyways, pls let me know what u guys think and if theres anything yall wanna see ?? like in the past or present time !!
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ISEULLIE: sora check out this video LOL it’s hilarious
ISEULLIE: [link]
Sora stares down at her phone, the YouTube video thumbnail staring back up at her. scorpioz being scorpioz, the title said with the thumbnail saying ‘sorajake being sorajake’. Her brows furrow, eyes darting between the picture of her and Jake mid-laugh, staring at one another over the heads of the other boys.
She curiously clicks the link, and it’s a matter of fifteen seconds before she’s giggling at her phone. She never responds to Iseul until later. In her head, she can’t even hear the bustling noise of Jay making lunch for the group and her members shouts— not that she paid much mind to it, anyway. She grew up as the only girl in a family full of boys, she could typically deal with the noise. The video sends her into a whole new world of Engene made videos of the group, mostly watching the ones concerning her. Almost every video she watches includes Jake. A lot.
She’s never realized how much she really talks to or about Jake. Yes, she’s thought about the ‘what if?’ question that Jake was never in her life and how she’d deal without him. (Her answer: She couldn’t.) But for there to be so many parts to a video series titled “Reasons to Ship JakeSora” was a bit ridiculous.
A knock on her door interrupts her watching, making her sit up in shock before she quickly swipes out of the app and clears her throat, glancing around her room for anything out of place— as if that would tell on her for watching fan made videos of her and her members. Oh, she thinks she’d genuinely die if she was caught. She can never do that again.
“Come in,” she says, hoping the person behind the door wouldn’t notice the waver in her voice. The knob turns and the door opens, revealing Jake standing with a cup of steaming hot ramen in hand. She blinks. Speak of the devil …
Jake grins that stupid crooked smile, kicking the door shut behind him gently. “You haven’t eaten all day, are you going on strike?” Amusement shines in his eyes and she rolls her eyes, an automatic response at this point. He’s almost as bad as Sunghoon, she swears. He holds out the ramen and a pair of chopsticks to her.
“Just too lazy to get up,” she manages to bite back a grin as her lips threaten to twitch. She takes it carefully, blowing on it gently and looks up at the older boy. “Thank you.” She tries not to spit the words out as if they’re poison, but old habits die hard.
Jake notices, but he doesn’t mention it. “Do you want to go watch a movie?” He asks instead, seemingly holding his breath for her reaction.
Sora smiles slightly, feeling her heart warming in her chest, “Yeah, what are we gonna watch?” She grabs her phone and ramen, shoving the phone in her pajama shorts for a free hand.
“I meant, like,” he waves his hand at her, fumbling for the words, “Outside. At a theater.” He then hastily clarifies, “With me.”
“In public?” Sora blinks, surprised. He wants to go out in public with her where it’s inevitable for a fan or some to catch them. Yes, they were seen in public all the time but that was when it was for a schedule. He nods silently.
Strangely enough, to her, it was more intimate to be seen out together without any staff or other members. It meant that he wanted to be seen with her in public.
For a brief, panicky moment, her heart stops at the thought.
Swallowing the taste in her mouth with a bite of ramen, she slowly nods, “Okay. What movie?”
Jake proceeds to ramble on about the movie, what it was about, who was starring in it, what he liked about the trailer. She tries to listen, she really does— but she suddenly finds his lips a lot more interesting. Without even meaning to, her eyes keep dropping from his eyes to his mouth, watching as he’d momentarily pull his bottom lip between his teeth as he thought about something before saying it.
Horror suddenly fills her chest once she realizes what she’s doing, eyes widening and a small gasp leaving her mouth. Jake, who hears, stops, looking at her in concern, “What? What is it?”
Sora’s face goes blank. “Nothing, the ramen just burned my tongue.”
Jake looks more concerned now, “Shit, I’m sorry, Sora.” He starts to lean forward and she tenses, looking at him with wide eyes as he … tries to inspect her mouth? What the hell was happening? Why was he so concerned? “Is your tongue OK? Let me see—”
Sora was already panicked with how close he was— imagine how much that tripled when he cupped her cheek and tried to urge her to open her mouth. Her heart pounding was so loud in her ears that it blocked out everything else Jake was saying. She didn't know what she was thinking, all she knew was that she had to get away from him and fast, preferably before her heart burst out of her chest.
In her haste to get away, she completely forgot about the cup of ramen in her lap and didn’t secure it before jolting up. With a painful gasp, the ramen tips over and spills over her clothes and bed. To prevent from letting out any other painful mutters, she bit down on her tongue— hard. It wasn’t as bad as she had previously said it was, but it was still warm— warm enough to hurt badly.
“Shit! Sora—” Jake bolts up after her, looking at her soaked clothes with wide eyes. “Fuck, fuck— are you OK?!” He doesn’t wait for her reply before he’s shouting out into the dorm, “Hyung! Jay! Jungwon! Sora’s hurt!”
Oh, don’t tell them that, Jake! A voice in her head groans. She never wants to worry them.
Sora faintly notices the lull of conversation from the boys outside, before she hears multiple loud footsteps rushing towards her room. She shakes her head as her door is pushed open, revealing the rest of her members crowded in the doorway. Jay pushed himself to the front, closely followed by Heeseung and Sunghoon with wide, frantic eyes.
She tries to reassure them that she’s OK, that it’s just a little spill, and a little of a burning, but nothing she’s never handled before. But their voices are overlapping, asking what happened, if she was OK, and Jungwon was rushing in with two towels, quickly wrapping one around her and putting one on the floor to clean up the ramen.
Sora blinks at the noise, getting tired of hearing the same questions so she huffs, raising her voice as she shouts, “Shut up!”
The boys shut up. Sunghoon, even in his worry, manages to raise his eyebrows and point a finger at him as if to ask, “Me?”
She breathes out, looking down at her now dirty clothes, “Thank you. I’m fine. It’s just a little spill.”
“A little spill?” Heeseung asks in disbelief, “Your skin’s red because of how hot it is, Sora.”
She looks down again, tilting her head to see the redness Heeseung claims to see. “Huh.” She murmurs, seeing how unusually red her skin was. “Well … It doesn’t feel that bad.”
“You’re going to feel it in a minute,” Jay quickly grabs her by the wrist gently, pulling her out of her room, passing by the concerned Sunoo and Niki. Her skin tingles where he grabs her, and she’s not so sure the redness on her skin is from the ramen anymore. “Hurry, go take a shower— No hot water. We’ll clean this up, don’t worry.”
“Oh, no, really, I’m fine,” Sora laughs lightly, shaking her head, “Like, it’s really not even that bad—”
Sunghoon doesn’t even bother letting her finish her sentence, picking her up and basically dragging her to the bathroom. She can feel Jake’s apologetic and worried eyes on her as she’s dragged out of her own room. “Hey!” She quickly hits him lightly on the shoulder, “Let me go!”
“Alright,” he shrugs, letting Niki push open the bathroom door and quickly shoves her in. She whirls around just in time for the bathroom door to shut in her face.
Her mouth drops open, “Sunghoon!”
“Sunghoon Oppa,” he corrects.
“You earn that title!” Sora hits the door lightly, trying to wiggle the doorknob, but it doesn’t open, “Let me out! I’m OK, please don’t clean it up, I’ve got it!”
“Already started,” Niki’s voice comes through the door, “Too late. Get in the shower before it gets worse, noona, please.”
“Don’t be dumb,” Jungwon chastises her lightly next, “You know it’s the smart thing to do.” She can’t help but feel appalled, again.
“No buts!” She can hear Heeseung shout from her room.
Sora resists the urge to throw a tantrum like she would have nearly six years ago. She sighs, the warmth now a dull ache. “I don’t even have clothes to change into!”
“We’ll get you new clothes,” Sunoo reassures her from outside the door now.
“Don’t go through my room!” She says loudly, starting off as a shriek before she forces herself to quieten down. It reminded her too much of her old self. “Just let me out and I’ll—”
“Let you out so you can lock yourself in another room?” Sunghoon sounds somehow both amused and serious now, and she has no idea how, “Get in the shower, Sora.”
“I’ll get you clothes, Sora,” Sunoo says gently, then there was a light thump on the door. She wonders if he’s resting his head on the door like she is. (He is.) “Don’t worry, I won’t snoop or anything.”
“I know, but …” Her voice is uncharacteristically weak, “Just … Get me a shirt and pants, please. I’ll get the rest …” She feels awkward saying it, her brothers were far too young to even want to help her with anything. She wasn’t used to this, being taken care of. She didn’t like it. She also just didn’t want any of the boys going through her room and finding things she never wanted them to see.
There’s a pause, and then footsteps walk away from the bathroom door, but she can tell one or two people are still on the opposite side.
“Sunoo’s getting your clothes,” Sunghoon murmurs, and there’s another pause, “Don’t be stubborn. You know we just want to help.” His footsteps then walk away, too, and she finally relaxes, swallowing as she turns to face the bathroom mirror. The mirror is slightly still fogged from whoever took a shower earlier, and she swipes at it with her hand to look at her body clearly.
She winces at the redness on her arms and thighs, knowing from experience that it would hurt way less later on. She had no idea how she was going to explain this to their managers.
“Sora,” she jumps when she heard Jake’s soft voice on the other side, turning as if she could see him. She slowly walks closer to the door as he says, “I’m really sorry. I didn’t mean for it to spill on you.”
“It’s OK,” she shakes her head, frowning to herself. “It wasn’t your fault at all, I’m the one who spilled it.”
“But I brought it to you—”
“It should’ve been on the table,” Sora says it like it’s final, leaving no room for an argument. Jake doesn’t reply for a moment and she wonders if he left, but she didn’t hear him walk away.
“Still, it must’ve hurt a lot,” Jake insists.
“I’m used to it,” the words come out of her mouth before she can even think it through. She visibly recoils once she realizes, mouth parting in shock as she starts to frantically look around as if it’d give her an excuse on why she said that. “I— Uh—”
“What do you mean?” Jake asks, his tone being mixed of confusion and cautiousness, and she can imagine him standing on the other side with that cute confused look he gets. She curses herself for somehow managing to think about something like that in a situation like this. It’s just the videos getting to her, she knows it.
Sora sighs, “I just mean I’ve been cooking for a long time, remember? My mom taught me young.” Kind of, but this time she keeps the truth to herself.
“Oh, right,” Jake laughs, sounding relieved. “You know, I thought for a second …” Don’t say it, don’t say it. “You know what? Nevermind. Just … I’m sorry, OK?” Before they can get into another little argument over the same topic, she hears his footsteps walking away.
Sora wants to scream. Her face falls into her hands, slumping against the door. Her hand comes back and lightly smacks herself on the head, “Why, why, why …” So stupid of her to be so careless. They didn’t need to know anything in her home life. That was a mistake.
Why did she feel so compelled to just spill her guts out to Jake? That was the last thing she needed was for him to know anything in general. Sure, the basic stuff about her was fine, but he, nor the others, needed to know anything about her home life. She knew they’d overreact, and she just wanted life to slow down a bit so she could catch her breath.
Forcing herself off the door, she sighs loudly and starts the cold water.
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Sora really can’t understand why she’s doing this to herself.
She really does try her best to not avoid Jake the next few days, she doesn’t want him thinking she blames him for the spill, but she also just … needs space. Every time he touches or jokingly flirts with her, even when he just talks to her or says her name, her heart starts pounding and her face gets warm. She’s tired of it, and needs a break. So if she stays close to Sunoo or Heeseung for the majority of the next week, he doesn’t think anything of it.
It’s the middle of the week, and ENHYPEN are at dance practice, already practicing for their first comeback despite still in the middle of promotions for Given-Taken. Sora is ever so unsuspecting, pushing her hair back up with a ponytail as the only sound in the room was her and her members’ loud out of breath panting. The choreographer claps once, “Good job, guys. See you tomorrow, yeah?”
Sora forces herself to respectfully bow as her members do, waving goodbye to the staff and choreographer that leave. The only people in the room now are the group and their managers, Wooseok and Hyosun, and she glances around to see that Wooseok is calling someone and Hyosun is texting. She turns to look for her water bottle that was no longer in the same place it was before, but is startled when two water bottles were presented to her at the same time.
Feeling a creeping sense of dread, she presses her lips together and looks up, finding both Jay and Jake holding out bottles of water to her. She glances between the two, who glance at her and then to the waters and then to each other. Both of their hands move like they’re going to take it back, but when they both catch what the other is doing, they freeze.
“Um,” Sora murmurs, feeling awkward as her face heats up, mostly out of embarrassment and slightly flustered. She doesn’t like the position she’s in, at all. She notices movement in the corner of her eye and turns her head to see Niki holding up her lilac water bottle in his hand slightly from his spot against the wall. “Yeah, thanks but …” She gestures to Niki, quickly grabbing it from him and starting to chug it down. Half because she really was thirsty, the other half because she wanted to ignore the situation.
Avoiding eye contact with the other members, who were watching the awkward moment, she sits in between Heeseung and Sunoo. Pressing the cool bottle against her cheek, she waits a few moments before looking back up to see if anyone was still staring at her.
Her eyes connect with Jay’s and she abruptly turns her head back to the floor, feeling her face get impossibly hot, even with the water bottle. She feels like she just got caught doing something she shouldn’t have done.
There had to be something seriously wrong with her.
“Your face is really red,” Heeseung whispers from beside her, and she turns her head to stare at him. He blinks. She blinks before turning her head back to the floor.
“Yeah, we just got done practicing,” she mutters, swallowing. She’s afraid if she stares any longer, he’ll be able to know what she’s thinking.
Here’s the thing— Sora isn’t dumb. She was placed in the top three of her class, and she was sure to get into any university she wanted. She’s also been in a relationship before, she’s had plenty of crushes— she knows. But she can’t.
Not when they’re her members.
If it were anyone else, she wouldn’t think much into it and would let it pan out.
And it wasn’t even just one of them. It was two. She really was proving netizens right. And she hated it. So what was she going to do?
Ignore it and hope it goes away. And if not, well … She was pretty sure that plan would work. She didn’t want to think about what would happen if it didn’t.
As long as she remains strictly platonic with her members, everything would be fine. She’s worked too damn hard to get where she is now, she’s been through two survival shows, and she wasn’t going to go on another one again. She would succeed in her dream.
Still, she seems to forget that the heart wants what it wants.
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wikkedscorpion · 2 years
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#REPOST @thescorpiozone with @get__repost__app 1️⃣ A sharp mind and tongue make Scorpio a champion in verbal battles, black humor is their main hobby. If you touch a Scorpion to the quick, it will not spare you, and will give out a portion of true poison about your personality. However, self-irony is not alien to them, which makes them attractive in the eyes of others, because Scorpio can easily let go of the same taunts in his address. 2️⃣ Scorpios have tremendous willpower, are able to wait for the right moment and act purposefully. They will not be guided only by instincts, but will include reason and an analytical mindset, if they realize that this is how they will be able to get what they want. 3️⃣ For the sake of a loved one or a close friend, Scorpios are ready to sacrifice a lot. Love is what moves them through life, nourishes and fills them. However, if you once betray them-you will not expect mercy. There will always be a “red light” above you. And thank your fate if he did not take revenge on you, but most often Scorpios leave revenge to the will of higher forces. 4️⃣ Scorpios will most often tell you the truth, no matter how unpleasant it may be for you, but they will hardly express any criticism if they are not asked to do so. If you are interested in the opinion of Scorpio, ask him, and you will hear a very accurate definition without flattery and embellishment. 5️⃣ If a Scorpio has promised something or given a word, then be sure that he will keep it. The sign of the zodiac does not like when people give up their words, go back and mumble. All this is a manifestation of weakness, and the sign is not ready to sink so low and change its nature. ♏ ♏ ♏️ From: @dreamy_poster 📸 Credit: #scorpioshit #scorpiorising #scorpiomemes #scorpionsofinstagram #scorpioz #scorpioseason #scorpioproblems #scorpioqueen #scorpioteam #scorpiozodiac #scorpiowomen #scorpiobelike #scorpiomoon #scorpiobabies #scorpio #scorpiopower #scorpiogirl #repostandroid #repostw10 https://www.instagram.com/p/CYNyiP1M6eP/?utm_medium=tumblr
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timbosu89 · 6 years
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#scorpio #scorpios #scorpioz #scorpio♏ #scorpio♏ #scorpiogang♏
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liektoyota-id · 4 years
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Kumpul2 bareng dulur2 @mlintirgas_ Gas Plintir @btngarage87 ...😍😘👍 Happy Weekend...😘👍 . . #gasplintir #pio #busikiwo #busikiri #newscorpioz #newscorpio #scorpioz #scorpio225 #scorpioz225 #scorpio225indonesia #scorpiosurabaya #scorpiosuroboyo #yamahaindonesia #yamahascorpio #yamahascorpioz225 #scorpioadventure #scorpiotouring #scorpioindonesia #touringadventure #hondagtr150 #vespaindonesia #vespa (di Surabaya, Indonesia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDWrVkSp5In/?igshid=1gc6g2xfwy0o9
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fuelandfreedomcom · 7 years
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Scrambler @miftaharmanie ・・・ #pandeglangstreetkustom #bikenationmagazine #rideforpride #dropmoto #gentlemantsride #streetartcustom #tracker #scrambler #scramblerindonesia #hulk #firecustom #scorpio225 #scorpioz #scorpiocustom #caritaclassicclub #special_racer #classicmodification #kazamabikers #rodaduasampetua #canon #photographer #kustomotion #ironman #17+ #scrambler #scramblerindonesia #tracker #caferacerindonesia #caferacer #trackerindonesia #sunset🌅 #sunsetride
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ichatastrology · 5 years
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If u have venus in scorpio in ur chart & venus has a strong influence in ur chart, relationship issues may be a theme in ur life. Some with venus in scorpio value their sexuality & some may fear it! Do u have venus in ♏️♏️♏️ #astrology #astrologypost #astrologyposts #astrology #birthchart #pastlife #ichatastrology #venus #scorpio #watersign #astrologysigns #scorpioz #scorpioseason #scorpio♏️ #scorpio♏ #scorpios #scorpiohoroscope #scorpioproblems #scorpiogang♏ #scorpiolovers #scorpiozodiac #scorpiolife #scorpiowoman #scorpionation #scorpiolove #scorpiogang #scorpioqueen #scorpiomen #scorpiozodiac https://www.instagram.com/p/B3k0bSWpf4E/?igshid=fl1dh4it3g2j
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Scorpio in Frame #modified #scorpioz #motoplus #racing
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maruf89-blog1 · 7 years
Knalpot LeoVince GP Pro Bahan menggunakan stainless stell, pengelasan menggunakan las argon, suaranya bisa direquest sesuai keinginan. Invite D2490973 Hubungi 082330215187. #ninja250fans #ninja250fi #ninja250 #ninja250r #ninja250sl #ninja250cc #kawasakininja250 #r25malaysia #r25 #r25indonesia #r25_indonesia #r25modified #r25owners #mt25indonesia #scorpioz #gsx250 #gsx250s #gsx250e #gsx250r #cbr250rr #cbr250 #cbr250r #cbr250rrfans (at Purbalinggga)
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milfholder · 3 years
do all of them
do you have a crush on anyone? @thotachi 
what’s your favorite candy? chocolate (maybe those maraschino cherry chocolate things)
favorite love song? fall for you by secondhand serenade
what was your first kiss like? i have never kised
what was your last kiss like? i have never kised!!!! O////O
sexual/romantic orientation? lebanese
do you prefer poems or love letters? maybe love letters? ive sent one kinda of ksjhfdks
favorite fanfic trope? you know when like men kiss men and women kiss women? love that shit
have you ever been in love? O////O im working on it 
favorite milkshake flavor? mint choccy chip
dinner dates or brunch dates? idk
favorite flowers? lily of the valley
favorite perfume/cologne? i wear this apple scented one a lot from babw
favorite candle scent? hot chocolate
what’s your ideal first date? idk, i havent been on many dates but im more of a idc what we do i just wanna spend time w ppl
favorite love story? naruto
what’s the most attractive thing a person could wear? i have a thing for ppl with long dark hair? but i guess whatever they feel comfy in
chocolate, vanilla, or red velvet? red velvet
snow, rain, or sun? sun but rainy days are nice too
sweetest romantic memory? meeting tori for the first time was nice, wasnt exactly romantic cause im shy af and dont know what to do but it was v exciting
favorite dating sim (and favorite character)? never played one
fictional crushes? gladio and itachi
what’s your dream wedding like? idk the getting married part? idk
what makes you blush? idk, i guess we’d have to find out? 
do you believe in love at first sight? nah
do you believe in soulmates? i believe they are made thru time and work
denim jackets, leather jackets, or bomber jackets? black hoodies
what’s your sign? scorpioz
are you single? not quite
do you prefer to charm, or be charmed? i like to charm i like putting the effort
guitar or piano? piano 
favorite romcom (or any romantic movie)? naruto
do you fall in love easily? no
valentine’s decorations: yay or nay? theyre FUN
would you prefer to propose or be proposed to? what’s your dream proposal? fuck idk im like 12
cloud gazing or star gazing? stargazing but it HAS to be on maui
do you like to dance? i do im a slut on the dancefloor
what’s your OTP? bro idk
kittens or puppies? both bitch
coffee, hot chocolate, or tea? coffee :3
favorite soda? dr pepper (tori im sorry)
do you prefer gazing wistfully out the window or lying dramatically over the sofa? the latter
favorite ABBA song? idk?
fuck/marry/kill? (anons name 3 people of your choice) (mari u didnt tell me)
favorite pajamas? my black hoodies and these
favorite liquor? dont thinque ive had enough liquor to decide this
do you think about love a lot? i think about how much i love everyone a lot
a walk in the park or a walk on the beach? fuckkk. beach
hand kisses or nose kisses? never have i ever experienced neither but i guess hands? 
what’s your dreamhouse? halloween decor all tha time
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ummaurban · 4 years
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Our skidplate not only for engine guard, but for Your Style 👌 Product in Frame: Skidplate for Yamaha Scorpio #skidplate #yamahascorpio #advmoto #scorpio225 #dualsport #scorpio225indonesia #adventure #adventurer #explorer #exploreindonesia #scorpioz #scorpioz225 #yamahascorpio #rider #fourz225 #scorpio_indonesia #pioinspirasi #adv_ride #adventureride #rider #busikiri_id #makadamgearproduct #makadamgear https://www.instagram.com/p/CCq-C0qHCxy/?igshid=3cq5517ruo6n
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soraontop · 6 months
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She stresses him out on the daily. She’s always sneaking around, and gets away with the most out of the entire group but he knows. He doesn’t know the specifics of things, but he knows.
He thought it was so funny when he first teased her and she didn’t know what to do. Now, it’s half and half; she’ll get flustered before gathering her bearings and going back even harder at him.
He will roast someone with her. He’s always the first to laugh at her roasts.
She’s always used to taking care of other people so when she first tried it with him, he literally refuses and somehow turns it back on her ?? She doesn't like it at all. (Or so she says)
She gets bad cute aggression with him, sometimes she just wants to squeeze his cheeks and bite him. She’s only done it once and he made fun of her so bad she vowed to never show him skinship, but, well … She can’t help it.
She always catches him staring at her, but he never turns his head away so they just continue staring at one another and doing the absolute most until one gets flustered and looks away.
SHIP NAME heesora
Number one person who never lets her do anything by herself. Always the first to ask where she’s going when she gets up. He’s the first to notice whenever she’s gone. I think he gets separation anxiety from her. Vice versa with her, even though she pretends it doesn’t bother her.
Pays the most attention to her; she never has to ask for it. She likes to make everyone think she’s good, but he was the first to notice. So he always makes sure she’s good before she can even check on anyone else.
She pretends like she hates it when he babies her or is always so attached to her, but they all know the truth.
His biggest hypewoman. Anything he does, she loves and isn’t afraid to show it. She’s literally the mom in Mean Girls with the camera. He’s always asking her for praise, and she’ll 100% give it. On the off-chance she doesn’t and wants to tease him, he acts like he’s crying or that he’s dead from the ‘pain’.
She hates disappointing him, knowing how important she is to him, so it always hurts the most because she knows she did something bad enough for him to be disappointed.
More often than not, some part of his body is touching her. If not, she knows something’s wrong.
All sorts of logic goes flying out his head when he’s around her. She wants what? Oh, Jay will get it for her. *whip sound* She gets away with the most whenever she’s with Jay. He just can’t say no to her. Who would?
He’s the most logical person she knows, so she always goes to him before making big decisions.
He wants to be the best person he can be for her: the one she can always go to. Someone she will never doubt.
He always knows how to cheer her up. 99% of the time, she’s better within a minute.
Cooking buddies !!! She loves to cook and bake, so they’ll both be in charge of it. He always goes to her first for taste tests and vice versa.
They’re so in sync sometimes it’s scary. They’ll do the exact same thing at the exact same time without realizing it. She has copied most of his mannerisms/habits subconsciously. (With all of them, really, but mostly him)
SHIP NAME jakesora / scorpioz
When these two are together … get out the way. He’s always willing to teach her new things, especially since she didn’t get the normal childhood that most people do. He’s also the one who convinces her the most to do the craziest, wildest shit ever.
He taught her to flirt, 100%. ‘Backfired’ on him though because even when she gets flustered, she always somehow says something worse than what he says to her. Double the trouble.
She always goes to him whenever she needs help with her studies, and he loves feeling wanted/needed by her.
She goes to him whenever she needs someone to just listen and understand. And he always does.
The type of besties who can’t stay quiet and are always laughing at the wrong times, especially when they need to be quiet. One look and they’re gone.
They’re always bickering it’s kind of ridiculous. She loves irritating him so she’ll purposely say the wrong thing and he’ll correct her and she’s like, “no, you’re wrong” and they go back and forth like “no” “yes” until another member yells at them to shut up.
SHIP NAME sorahoon
She genuinely thought he disliked her when they met, and was kind of turned off by it and so she always avoided him until he confronted her out of jealousy of her paying attention to the others more than him. 💀
She’s the one that talks a lot, about the most random shit she can think of, and he’s just there, listening. Doesn’t bother to speak up, but she knows he’s listening.
He teases the crap out of her, always bringing up moments she wishes to never think of again.
Both act like they’re not bothered whenever the other isn’t paying attention to them, but they get so pouty it’s funny that the members always take their attention away just to see their reaction.
He loves to make her work for whatever she wants, even when he knows he’s going to do whatever she wants anyway. He just likes watching her beg.
She would always catch him silently watching her, especially in I-LAND. He’d immediately look away, pretending like he wasn’t. She’d continue to watch him, and a second later, he’d glance back only to make eye contact. She thought his head would detach from how quickly he turned his head away.
SHIP NAME sunora / 03z / fatez
They literally think they’re soulmates. There is a picture of her in elementary school on a field trip to the zoo, and Sunoo is in the back of the picture, facing the camera and photo bombing her with a peace sign. It’s literally fate.
Constantly flaunts that he’s her first pick in games and well … anything. Such a smug shit.
Probably the only one who lets her take care of him without complaining.
She’s always fawning over him— she’s not shy to express her admiration over him and neither is he. He is the one she does the most skinship with, even when she “doesn’t like it.”
He’s the one who always gets her into doing TikToks with him, even if she says she doesn’t like being on social media personally. (A lie)
He is the one who brings out the best in her. She seriously doesn’t know what she’d do without him and doesn’t want to know.
She doesn’t like taking selcas, and will normally only post on social media when she’s told to — and if not, she will only willingly do it if Sunoo’s in the picture/taking it/suggested it.
SHIP NAME rikora
He doesn’t really see her as an older sister figure/role model. He knows she’s always been treated like that and never wants to put that kind of pressure on her again. He’s always reminding her that she’s not even a year older than him, and that it’s okay to be young and childish, too.
When she can’t reach anything, she tries to find anyone but him because he’s the most annoying about it.
He’s always calling her out on her bullshit whenever she tells little white lies on camera or even to the members. He never lets her get away with anything, she swears he’s a menace.
She’s also his biggest hypewoman. She’s seriously in awe that he’s so good at what he does and he’s only eighteen.
They like to spend holidays together when the others are at home, since both of their families aren’t in South Korea and neither can go to them unless it’s a special occasion and they happen to not have any schedules whatsoever.
He’s the only member that really calls her noona, Jungwon doesn’t because she prefers him not to since they’re only really a few months apart. Whenever he wants something, he’ll always go in a sweet voice, “Noona~”
poly ot7 enhypen fic with female 8th member, don’t like don’t read !!!
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wikkedscorpion · 3 years
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#REPOST @scorpios_are_a_mystery with @get__repost__app Scorpios can have a wicked tongue but their eyes tell you everything. For more Scorpio quotes follow me here: @scorpios_are_a_mystery #scorpio #scorpioseason🦂 #scorpioshaveawickedtongue #scorpios #scorpioseasonishere #scorpio♏ #scorpiopage #scorpioz #scorpiofacts #scorpione #scorpiosareamystery #scorpiomemes #scorpiosofinstagram #scorpioquotes #scorpioquote #scorpiopage #scorpionation #scorpiosquad #scorpiogang #teamscorpio #scorpiosbelike #zodiacquotes https://www.instagram.com/p/CWZ8eEsreyx/?utm_medium=tumblr
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askinstride · 5 years
beer anon again, as a bro fucker, ill give you literally anything you want if you acknowledge me again. - scorpioz, os what ill call myself
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Derrick: I'ont even care what kinda fucker you are, this shit is amazing.
Derrick: Thank you.
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liektoyota-id · 4 years
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Restorasi si merah...🏍😁 Siap dibedah, biar tambah josss buat ngaspal...😁😘👍 . . #pio #busikiwo #busikiri #newscorpioz #newscorpio #scorpioz #scorpio225 #scorpioz225 #scorpio225indonesia #scorpiosurabaya #scorpiosuroboyo #yamahaindonesia #yamahascorpio #yamahascorpioz225 #scorpioadventure #scorpiotouring #scorpioindonesia #touringadventure (di Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur, Indonesia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDRpnpapNif/?igshid=13re194ghowf
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fuelandfreedomcom · 7 years
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#Repost @miftaharmanie ・・・ Scrambler never bastard !!! #pandeglangstreetkustom #bikenationmagazine #rideforpride #dropmoto #gentlemantsride #streetartcustom #tracker #scrambler #scramblerindonesia #hulk #firecustom #scorpio225 #scorpioz #scorpiocustom #caritaclassicclub #special_racer #classicmodification #kazamabikers #rodaduasampetua #canon #photographer #kustomotion #ironman #17+ #scrambler #scramblerindonesia #tracker #caferacerindonesia #caferacer #trackerindonesia #sunset🌅 #sunsetride
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