#screenshot mockup
mothstache · 2 years
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this took 3 hours. Guess what happens when I actually put effort into things
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shoehedd · 9 months
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Got fully obsessed with Elden Ring last year, and made a series of mockups of a strange world where it came out in 2001 for the game boy color. Maybe a better world??? Here's all of the fuckers for ya anyway
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donnyclaws · 4 months
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I should make a tag 4 website stuff. Anyway working on things, I'm making a big tile bg for Tiger crawl home's page and I fixed the scroll so now it's just a fixed width with the only scroll being the content box <3 Still not sure how I'll organize my writing for this year bc the vibe I'm going for is kind of Higurashi style non linear character perspectives, but ect ect we'll figure it out
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dukejinyu · 22 days
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timbo-johnson · 1 year
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Fishy Capers was a series of mock-up screen shots for a game I dreamed of making about a world of Fish people. There would be a “Freak Show” at the local circus which is full of normal humans, and the local church would be dedicated to Dagon but the focus would be Steven Pennington, a bored upper class bachelor who fancies himself as a bit of a detective.
Still a project I’d like to return too one day when I can find the inspiration needed to write a good script!
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ultra-nohai · 26 days
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The Minimighty Kids on Cartoon Network (Summer 2010, MOCKUP)
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nickmakura · 11 months
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Street Fighter RPG: World Tour (Unreleased) Due to the immense popularity of Street Fighter, it's a no brainer that Capcom would want to branch off into spinoffs. One such spinoff was the rather strange Street Fighter RPG. It seemed like it would have been some sort of strange hybrid RPG akin to Nintendo's Mario Sports Titles on the Gameboy, but there are some very obvious Pokemon comparisons to be made.
It seemed like you would have trained by Luke, who acted a lot like your average Pokemon Professor, and ran around Final Fight's Metro City learning moves from various Street Fighter Characters.
What's really fascinating is the appearance of Luke! Who might have appeared 21 years before his debut in Street Fighter 5. It's a shame we'll never see what SFRPG would have looked like on the Gameboy it's self in action.
But it seems that Street Fighter 6 took a lot of inspiration from this unreleased title.
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supersonicbros2024 · 5 months
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Peppermint Patty and Marcie watching the sunset (04/17/2021)
A while ago I had the thought, "What if they made a movie adaptation of when Peppermint Patty and Marcie first met with traditional animation?".
So this art looks a lot different from the drawings I usually make, this is because I used more tools that Clip Studio Paint provided. I tried going for a soft watercolor/natural look and I also looked at references of The Snoopy Show from Apple TV+. I also used way thinner lines then I'm used to, using traditional 2d animated films as references, so consider this as a mock-up screenshot if you will. I'm quite proud of this one.
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puppiesandanime · 2 years
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Brave Dog’s Road animated screenshots
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unpretty · 2 years
good evening! so sorry to bother you with this bc I'm 95% sure it's been asked and answered before, but if you have the time/spoons/inclination, I'd really appreciate a nudge towards the site(s)/app(s) you use to do your social media/text fakes! I've found some basic ones but nothing that gives as high-level results as yours so I figured I might as well ask. thank you for all your awesome work!
for twitter and tumblr i just used firefox devtools (ctrl+shift+c) to edit the text and then edited them afterward in gimp to change the avatars or any image attachments. i did something similar for youtube. for whatsapp i think i used whatever 'fake text generator' i found that worked in a browser and looked halfway to accurate, but they were all nightmares to use and might not exist anymore (there are fake text apps, but they all suck and stick watermarks on things; in a browser i can just take a screenshot myself to avoid that). there is probably a lesson to be learned in the fact that the whatsapp texts are my most popular and also look the absolute shittiest.
for twitter DMs, discord chat, and the fake chat app i just invented, i just. made them from scratch. i think i had a subscription to photoshop but these days i use affinity designer (which i like a lot better actually and it has a lot of built-in tools for designing a ui which come in very handy for designing a fake ui). you could probably do similar or the same in gimp, i just don't actually like using gimp. twitter DMs turned out the worst because i actually got the font VERY wrong (i do not DM people on twitter so trying to recreate it was a nightmare, at the time the twitter app looked subtly but completely different from web twitter so it really fucked me out of using devtools). discord also didn't turn out perfect but since i basically just screenshotted discord and tried to recreate my screenshot as closely as possible before changing the avatars and text i don't think it turned out too bad.
these days discord is more popular so you might be able to find fake text generators for it, i haven't actually looked. i have to assume imessage generators are also more ubiquitous, i just can't convince myself that batman would use an iphone
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shoehedd · 9 months
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I figured seeing as everyone liked the Zelden Ring post so much I'd repost my follow up for May the 4th this year, in a nicer format. Another look into a better timeline where we got... a better GBC Star Wars game..
This was the last real big art thing I could manage this year after losing our home. I'll get back to art I think once things get better or my heart heals who knows??
Also yeah don't ask me why you play as Leia for a second in a game about Luke, I just wanted to draw that scene!
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starrysharks · 9 months
Hello! Spectre City Online sounds really cool! I don't know much about coding, but if you can't make it from scratch, maybe you could make it on Roblox or something like that?
ideally, i'd like SCO to be a 2D point and click game (basically the same as animal jam because that was the main virtual game i was obsessed with as a child), so i don't know if roblox which is a 3D-exclusive game afaik would work for it. i also don't have any experience with roblox at all 🥲 but thank you for the suggestion, i'm glad you like the idea :D
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korattata · 5 months
I think this is the funniest email i've ever gotten from my boss
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taohun · 11 months
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messed around with a lot of possible versions of this before i settled on the nokias thought i'd share <3
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moth--punk · 1 year
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siren vn
siren vn
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asspull3x · 1 year
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ancient-ass d-grade mockup made three years ago of a platform game on the A3X because why not lol
thing doesn't even have a status line or whatnot
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