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This is something I’ve thought about for years. The concept of working harder for the man, moving up the corporate ladder, and earning a bigger paycheck sounds great in theory. But in reality, most “promotions” typically come with marginal pay bumps that require massive increases in responsibilities, workload, work hours, and stress. Most “successful” people that follow the 9-5 route are unhappy, overworked, and underpaid. We’re supposed to leave away until we’re 65 and then maybe, just maybe, our 401k plans are going to carry us through our “golden years”. GTFOH with that nonsense. Employers ring their employees out like a used, wet towel and if anyone complains they’re usually replaced by another poor sap that knows to keep their mouth shut. I’ve never felt as expendable as a human being than I did working for many of the corporations that employed me in the past. We’re trained by society to feel grateful for the opportunity and our personal lives and bills require us to cling to these happiness-sucking “careers” when most of us would be far happier working for lower pay in simpler and less stressful roles. #realtalk #truth #9to5 #worksucks #corporatehell #laborunions #financialfreedom #universalbasicincome #simplertimes #simplelife #stressfree #lessstress #healthier #livelong #livelonger #screwtheman #selfemployed #thecollectiveeffortpodcast
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roxysbeachlife · 7 years
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#monsanto #poison #food #healthcare #corruption #bribes #bigprofit #screwtheman #chemtrails #roundup #government http://ift.tt/2rBt86N
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del-roba-creations · 7 years
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Brave little chicken. #deathwish #screwtheman #anticorporation #bravechicken #chickensofinstagram
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darkblueelectricskies · 11 years
Me and my dad have turned out all the lights in our house because the government is taking our lightbulbs away......my mom has already sprung her wrist...... But we are the rebellion
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