mortia · 6 years
Sooo many replies
For @klmt1, @esotheria-sims, @theatticbox, @niamh-sims, @julsfels, @scribblessims, @meryses, @scibirg, @dramallamadingdang
Omg I love the job description.
Same here, I think Morganna’s Default Replacement careers are just the cutest. And considering how MUCH text is required to make even a single custom career...it’s very impressive that they are all fun and unique. 
esotheria-sims replied to your photo “Lol, this household keeps me guessing, that’s for sure. ”
So Ambrose has a thing for ladies of a certain age, huh?
I’m not sure if it’s ladies of a certain age or just ladies in general, lol! He still wolf-whistles every time he sees Joan, but this is the first time I’ve seen hearts appear for him! Hey, I’m down. She’s a widow and they could both use love ;)
theatticbox replied to your photoset “Paying respects to the god of warriors and to those lost in battle. ”
I adore your church building. You did an amazing job with it!
niamh-sims replied to your photoset “Finally adding our final place of worship in Dallùbach, the Cathedral...”
Beautiful build! When I first saw it, I thought it looked a bit like my ‘Church of the Watcher’, but not quite! At last your higher classes will have somewhere to mingle!
Thanks guys! Yes, I wasn’t aware until I saw them all starting to appear on Sunday how much I had wanted to see my Gentry and Nobility actually mingling. It was very satisfying. 
niamh-sims replied to your photoset “Lol as much as I love Margery commandeering the dinner table, I do...”
Margery looks like a little firecracker!
She really is, I am quite fond of her character :)
niamh-sims replied to your photo “AWKWARD. Hahahaha. It’s OK though, I’d always intended Joan to marry...”
They would make an awesome couple. Their kids would be super cute!
They would BUT I do intend to keep Nobility in the same circle. She’s just not high status enough for him, so we will have to wait until some appropriate Nobles move into town! 
julsfels replied to your photo “I’ve realized that I need to start thinking about family portraits now...”
Beautiful portrait! But the story is so sad. :(
It is, isn’t it? When I rolled the dice for this family, it was for 3 females only so I had to come up with some reason why there were no male heads of the family in my patriarchal knightly household...but it wasn’t until I gave those “missing”characters faces and names and personalities that I felt sad about never meeting them. 
esotheria-sims replied to your photoset “There are some days that are pretty easy for Ambrose, and some where I...”
This is kind of becoming a refrain with this household, but... poor guy! XD
Yeah pretty much, lol. He had days where he could chat with Gertrude and have a bit more leisure time, but he was mostly on his feet from dawn till dusk looking after the house and its inhabitants. And this was a small manor house. Woe be unto the servant who has to look after a castle >.<.
dramallamadingdang replied to your quote “I’m curious as to how you managed this - is he set as a repairman NPC?...”
That's what I do, too, but I've heard other people saying they use Sim Surgery to make their nannies/repairpeople/maids look like their playables who have those "jobs." I've always thought that was a great idea, but I've never actually done it...
Yeah, I heard about that method too but tbh, the less time I have to spend fussing in SimPE the better for me. Plus, I actually enjoy having the actual Sim come out to these households and meet people he ordinarily might not get to see. I can live with that :)
scribblessims reblogged your post and added:
IIRC, Moi’s water mod has a ‘deep green’ color...
meryses replied to your post “WCIF”
I only know of these two buyable overlays, hopefully they're what you're looking for: http://modthesims.info/d/328098 http://gardenofshadows.org.uk/gardenofshadows/index.php?PHPSESSID=r7h42s8bad0sthbfeognchg7n5&topic=19887.msg512251#msg512251
scibirg replied to your post “WCIF”
There is an overlay mod for that. I think perhaps made by iCad/dramallamadingdang?
Thank you all for your suggestions! In the end I decided to go with a “square pond” (which I’ll probably post pics of in the near future) but definitely keeping all these cool overlays in my back pocket. Swimming in blood would be cool as hell! 
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equinoxts2 · 5 years
Restocking Issue: Replies
Thanks to everyone who offered advice and reblogs on the restocking issue: @kaylynn-langerak @randomrats-sims2 @squeezleprime @scribblessims @lilithpleasant @rockethorse
Here’s an update for you: I played a business without any mods or CC in a test version of Bluewater, and the out of stock signs showed ok on shelves and display cases. That leads me to suspect CC of some description - time for the 50/50 method! I’ll let you all know the culprit when I find it. :)
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midgethetree · 6 years
Asks & Replies
Gonna try clustering asks and replies together more often, at least when they’re not a request or mod support related. Let’s see how this works out...
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1) I feel like “masterpiece” implies something I’m never going to be able to top, which would be... a little disheartening, honestly. Learning and growing as a modder is a big part of what makes this so much fun for me. So I think my answer has to be no, I haven’t created a “masterpiece” yet, but it’s something to aspire to.
2) Thank you! I’ve said it before but I’ll say it again, I’m just happy to give back to the community that brought me so much joy growing up (and now as an adult lol).
3) As you can see I’m trying out your suggestion! I’ve already clustered replies in the past but back when I didn’t get as many asks adding them usually felt unnecessary. Now that I get more asks it’ll be nice to reduce the number of posts I spend answering them, so this’ll probably be a better format. Thank you (and everyone else) for being understanding while I figure out what’ll work best for me going forward.
sadoalicesims replied to your post “Replies ❤️”
glad that you're feeling better! (aaa sorry, I never saw the reply! My dash tends to either be dead or jam packed.)
Thank you! (and lol don’t worry about it, it’s tumblr fault for making it so hard to keep track of this stuff)
lady-silverwolf replied to your post “Beta Releasing my Mods”
I suggest doing what makes YOU most comfortable because its your work, your time, and your passion that is central in all this. I realize you love to contribute, and we love your contributions, but your creativity is only at its best when you are happy, no? I will continue to watch (or help if I can) wherever you decide to work from. :D
Thank you so much for your support! I’m not sure dreamwidth is perfectly suited for this but it feels like the best fit for now, so hopefully it’ll work out.
fracturedmoonlight replied to your photo “Tutorial For Modifying Want Check Trees Hello! Disabling wants is...”
A tutorial! That's even better! Thank you!
fracturedmoonlight replied to your post “Want Disablers”
Thank you! Now to dig in to more lol
No problem, I’m glad I was able to help. Good luck in your want-disabling ventures ;)
lady-silverwolf replied to your post “Want Disablers”
I can see this being useful for theme related hoods!
Yeah. it probably could! Now that I’ve explained how I made these mods hopefully creators with themed hoods will be able to come up with some interesting sets of want disablers suiting their themes :)
scribblessims reblogged your post “Hello there! Is it possible to mod the university espresso bar for an OFB owned lot without spawning a barista? So you...”
IIRC, one of the pescado bug fix mods disables baristas and bartenders from spawning on owned lots: I think it’s an update to the anti “met self” glitch mod. Otherwise it’s probably a TwoJeffs fix.
And the plot thickens... If I was right the first time that anon’s problem is NPCs spawning hopefully they’ll see this and try out some of those fixes, but @keoni-chan was right about how if the owner is the one working at the espresso bar customers don’t line up so there does actually seem to be something broken that's not fixed by pescado or twojeff. We’ll see how easy the problem is to identify when I look into it properly...
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medleymisty · 7 years
Don’t listen to the hate my friend! You’re an amazing writer, people are just stupid and jealous. Never give up on what you love doing!
Thank you, new friend! You’re cool. We should hang out. :)
I’m not giving up. If I was gonna stop writing Sims stories, I would have done it years ago. 
Gonna get started on Seth’s reply to Anya, who is written by @scribblessims, soon. Warning: it will probably mention cardboard! ;)
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deathlygristly · 8 years
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@scribblessims @quill-of-thoth
Here is your fucking photo reference! ;)
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deathlygristly · 8 years
quill-of-thoth replied to your photo “@scribblessims @quill-of-thoth Here is your fucking photo reference!...”
I <3 you and now you know what I'm doing tonight.
Do you also need coat colors and patterns for cats? Because I want to see you make a Titania.
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