#scythe v
beedoes-stuff · 2 months
blade: if i were a gardener i would put our tu-lips together
dark: *blushing* blaaaaaaade
v: if i were a gardener you’d be my hoe
cheeky: thanks.
and here’s some more quotes bc i miss this series:
v: what that mouth do?
cheeky: complain
v: stop forgiving my crimes i worked really hard on those
juniper: soo how’d the date with blade go?
dark: i tried complimenting her, but i couldn’t decide between “you have an amazing smile” and “you’re eyes are so beautiful” so when she looked at me i panicked and said “you have eyes”
anima: stop calling me a bad person just because i’m orchestrating your downfall
cheeky: i’m so cute and fun and fucking doomed
wilder: *opens his mouth to speak*
L, immediately: don’t. i don’t know what you’re going to say, but shut up.
blade: free my man, he did all of it but i don’t care
v: “i expected better from you” well that was your fault lmao i got nothing to do with that
atrocity: i am normal and can be trusted around exposed neck flesh
cheeky: they hate me for my girlish whimsy and my immense fear of being useless
L: with all due respect, which is none,
atrocity: as an empath my heart really aches when you guys are losers
cheeky: and for my next trick, i’m gonna need my gun back
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vividmilk · 22 days
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‘you’ll never get away from the sound of the woman that loves you’
V AND CHEEKY HELLO?! i finally did V 🙏🙏 i love doing these tehe
characters again are from scythe audio’s villian series! >_<
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astralbulldragon13 · 9 months
A Cheeky Little Dance
(TW: mentions of some mild gore at the end as well as a little angst)
Cheeky blinked, realizing where she was. She was in Kayley’s room, she had just finished reading the little one her bedtime story out of a handmade story book. Cheeky heaved a sigh as she closed the book, and set it on her bedside counter, pressing a kiss to the little girl’s forehead as a shadow fell over them from the open doorway. Cheeky looked over her shoulder to see V.
He was leaning against the door jamb with a smirk. She stood and carefully exited to room, leaving the door cracked open so a bit of light can enter the room. Kayley may have had powers that would have terrified most Corporation agents, but she was still only five years old and was afraid of the dark.
Cheeky met V in the hall and looked up at him. “What is it?”
He took hold of her hand and began to tug her along to the living room. “There was something I wanted to show ya.”
She nodded and followed him, seeing an old LP player on the coffee table. Cheeky couldn’t help but laugh when she noticed the stack of vinyl next to it. “What are you doing V? We just put the kids to bed.”
He looked at her with a smile as he placed a disk on the turn-table. “Well, I just thought, since we finally have a minute, we might as well enjoy ourselves.”
V took her by the hands and they began to dance. It was honestly the most fun that they’ve had in a while. Most of the songs had a fast pace, with lots of spins and twists, she thinks the moves were from the Jitterbug. She didn’t know either of them knew how to dance like that. With the slower songs, they did some sort of waltz. For some reason, she couldn’t tell what the songs were, but it didn’t feel like it mattered.
V couldn’t help but make jokes about Yanks and high school proms, and Cheeky would laugh, poking his sides as punishment for his teasing.
“I just don’t get the obsession for it? Just seems like some stupid pomp and circumstance for girls to get all dressed up and show off.”
The blonde rolled her eyes. “That’s cause you’re a dude.”
Cheeky didn’t exactly have a good tell of the time, but it felt like hours. As the dancing seemed to wind down they were doing a cheesy slow-dance. His arms were wrapped around her waist and held her close, her arms were wrapped over his shoulders, with her head resting on his chest with her eyes closed.
“This feels nice,” Cheeky whispered as they swayed back and forth to some sort of acoustic song. After a few seconds she sighed and opened her eyes. “Is this a dream or are we dead?”
V took a deep breath and rested his chin on top of her head. “I dunno, love. I admit, this does feel too good… what do you think?”
Cheeky felt tears sting her eyes as she gripped his shirt. “If this is a dream, then it’s the happiest dream I’ve ever had in my life. And if this is death… it’s a better afterlife than I deserve.”
She leaned back and looked at him. His appearance had chanced. There were darker shadows under his eyes, and his hair was longer, brushing the collar of his shirt. She reached up and brushed a thumb under one eye to reveal the scar under his right eye, as thought it was hidden by makeup.
Then everything began to crash down around her as it became harder to breathe, like her chest was tightening around her.
V lifted a hand to touch her face, a sad smile on his face as he wiped something from her lips, only for her to see that it was blood.
There was the horrific sound of a scream behind her, and Cheeky whirled around to see…V, flying towards a giant creature, with long red hair and teeth so sharp it would make Atrocity look for a nail file for his teeth.
Cheeky turned to run towards the fight as the monster stuck V in mid-air with his claws like a poor mouse being pierced on a thorn by a butcher bird. She could see the others, Wilder was bisected, his blood and entrails staining the grass and concrete, L was propped up against a rock, her body as limp as a puppet with its string cut. The mousy girl was trying to pull L away as she screamed
Cheeky reached out, trying to use her light magic to do something, anything! Only to trip, fall, and land face to face with… herself. Cheeky saw her own body, laying on her back, her ribcage was exposed, as well as her lungs, but… her heart was gone. Her legs were folded under her body, she was kneeling on the ground when that monster… tore her heart out.
Cheeky could barely make out the sound of V trying to make a joke with his final breath, before she screamed to the heavens, tears falling down her face as the light seemed to fade away from everything. Leaving her alone in the dark.
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weepingmill · 2 months
new scythe audio was so good i literally went crazy. AUGH DEVELOPMENT YES! been a cheeky stan since day one that is my girl!! these mfs have been left high and dry though 😭 BEEN A YEAR AND YOU START MAKING OUT THE FIRST TIME U MEET AGAIN GOOD FOR THEM GOOD FOR THEM ‼️
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(AKA, Cheeky is getting bullied on the interwebs, and I’m choosing to take that personally.)
Science and Mathy Things- Cheeky worked as a scientist for The Corporation for YEARS. Science and Math were her main jobs, and jokes about her not getting a simple math equation (FALSE ALLEGATIONS, DISPROVEN LATER) aside, I bet that she’s really good at stuff like that.
Being Clear- Cheeky is BLUNT. She says exactly what she’s thinking, no holds barred. She does what she wants, and has a awesome time doing it. She is one of the ONLY characters to be straightforward about intentions, blind spots, and feelings on issues. Part of this is probably because the others have to hide aspects of themselves in order to stay safe, and she didn’t really have to do that, but MY POINT STANDS!!!
Learning and Evolving- Cheeky is smart. Wicked smart. She picks up on things really quickly, learns from her mistakes with little to no trouble, and finds where she can be the most service. I’m not saying that other characters DON’T do these things, but I am saying that Cheeky doesn’t get enough credit for all that she does. She’s the ONLY light magic user in the world. She doesn’t have a mentor, boss, or anyone who TRULY understands her powers. V and L can only take her so far, a lot of her learning is practical application. And yet, she picks up on concepts very quickly, to the point that MULTIPLE CHARACTERS have commented on it. I could go on, but I won’t.
Emotional Vulnerability/Stability- Nuff said. I’m playing, but seriously, Cheeky adds a human element to V’s dynamic that is needed. V cares for and about people, obviously, but he doesn’t make it a point to tell them that or express that. (Probably due to a fear that they’ll be taken from him stemming from his childhood but WE DON’T HAVE TO TALK ABOUT THAT-) Cheeky, however, has incredible empathy. She’s a protector, a healer, and a good person at heart. It’s even reflected in her magic! She does things that are difficult for her, and she handles it like a champ. Is she probably a little more sensitive rn because of the whole Atrocity situation? Maybe. But still! She also is able to bounce back from difficult situations with relative ease. (Most people would NOT be that chill with finding out that their whole life is a lie and they’ve been under mind control.)
Her Magic- Look, is Cheeky the strongest magic user? No, not by a long shot. Twinkle has more magical prowess than Cheeky, and Twinkle is making it up as she goes! But Cheeky still does have access to a whole other side of magic that the others don’t. And I think that makes her pretty neat. Furthermore! That same magic helped her break free of mind control (which we don’t have record of many people doing) and stay alive!
In Conclusion!
Cheeky is a boss, and I will not stand for this slander of her good name.
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adesperatebitch · 10 months
I was watching the villain series by Scythe and I really love the dynamic between Cheeky and V. It’s one sided; V doesn’t love cheeky, and she’s devoted to him, always at his beck and call. No healthy boundaries and a bit toxic, he manipulates her feelings for him for his benefit. He’s a villain; and I love that Scythe doesn’t shy away from the fact. He did choke her that one time and bitch still stayed
My dude hasn’t had time to process the death of his family, who got murked in the most vicious way possible. I completely understand why he doesn’t have the heart or capacity to love her as much she loves him. If that happened to me, that would fuck me up for years..
Thank you for coming to my TED talk! Good fucking writing, Scythe
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shikakan0903 · 3 months
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imagine if koshimizu actually fights with his scythe(?)
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ariablue144 · 2 months
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The Cheekylution
Featuring my headcanon that Light Magic lightens the user’s hair the more they use it. It’s in my Blade design too, just less prominent because I don’t draw her
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piffany666 · 2 months
I don't know why but he reminds me of the babe
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kainereee · 1 year
Hit the road jack!
( triple threat, at the courtesy of the lovely @broh3m3 for sowing the seeds in my brain. )
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fandomdolphin · 3 months
I think it's a very fair thing to want Creed to dress up as Sailor Moon and then Floofster can be the black cat sidekick.
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beedoes-stuff · 1 month
a new blade arc, chapter 1:
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vividmilk · 24 days
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'don't look back in anger, i heard you say.'
HOLYAHIT i'm proud of this!!! it's good ol' V on the cover of Oasis' 'knebworth 1996' live album, in honour of liam and noel gallagher reforming Oasis 🙏
The character in question, V, is owned by @scytheaudio
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astralbulldragon13 · 10 months
Movie Night
It was raining heavily outside, an occasional grumble of thunder shook the wall, and a flash of lightning illuminated the sitting room. Two people could be seen sitting on a couch with a bowl of popcorn, in front of a television. After a hard week, it was time to relax and enjoy a movie.
(I think we all need some fluffy slice of life to feel better about the state of the universes. These are movies I enjoy that I think other they best suite these characters.)
V & Cheeky (Predator)
These two strike me as horror movie fans
Cheeky was probably apprehensive when V put the movie in after the kids when to bed, especially when she saw the title.
‘V, I swear to god if this is a damn porno-” “Calm down, woman, it’s not a porno, it’s a horror movie, you like them.”
The two of them find this movie oddly hilarious, especially with all the macho men.
Cheeky laughs a lot during the dirty jokes.
V likes the scenes with Arnold, especially where they're the meme scenes.
They love the, "You're one ugly motherfucker," line.
Cheeky usually winds up in V’s lap during
JayJay & Twinkles (Care Bears II: New Generation)
A sweet movie that’s slightly dark. Best thing for these two, so let’s stick with the wholesome.
Jayjay likes the bright colors and the cute little animals.
Twinkle was thinking of getting him a Care Bear for Christmas.
Dark Heart makes them both think of a cuddly Maverick.
Will chant 'I care," during that one scene.
Jayjay always winds up leaning against Twinkle, munching on the popcorn.
Siren x Sweetcheeks (Labyrinth)
Leave it to the siren to enjoy the musical
The whole movie is a bit of a muppet mind-trip, so it fits for these two.
I fully believe that the two would sing along with the songs, like, it’s a whooole karaoke night for these two
Si definitely pulls Sweetcheeks up to slow dance to ‘As the World Falls Down’.
Great, now I want to know if A. Scythe has seen Labyrinth, and B. I need him to cover at least one of the songs.
Thier favorite quote is, 'It's only forever, not long at all.' (Yes, I know it's not an actual line, but it fits them too well!)
Also, these two wind up curled around each other on the couch.
Zombie (before the Zombie) x Wife (The Last Unicorn)
The married couple gets some love with another musical.
I imagine these two watching this movie while the wife was pregnant, just singing along with the amazing soundtrack.
Singing does have some benefit while pregnant, so I picture them singing along to every song.
And when the baby got there, they would play the movie in as background noise.
Their favorite line is 'When men are fairytales and books are written by rabbits.'
They usually wind up spooning on the couch, her back against his chest.
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pink-waves-world · 6 months
Characters and Listeners Incorrect Quotes - Scythe Audios Edition
I was so patiently waiting for an episode of Atrocity series until my day was ruined when I saw the news. I was eager to see L.L and discover her powers, but noooo 😒. I wish for Scythe only the best and take his time.
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Siren, watching Sweet Cheeks: Ah yes. The mysterious and beautiful Sweet Cheeks, so demure…
Siren: …I wonder what sort of melodic sounds this wonderful being makes?
Sweet Cheeks: *screaming*
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Twinkle: Okay, help me, please!
Maverick: Got two words for you.
Twinkle: I bet they won't be helpful.
Maverick: Your problem.
Twinkle: I was right.
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V: You know, I used to play back in my gory days.
Cherky: You mean glory days?
V: Ah, that too.
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Livana: I mean. Gray's just standing there now.
Alpha: Waiting for me, I guess.
Alpha: But it's okay, I think they've pretty much settled down.
Livana: Settled down?
Alpha: Well, they only stabbed me once.
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Twinkle, gardening: Hey, can you bring me the hoe?
Cheeky: Yeah, sure.
*A few minutes later*
Cheeky: Here you go.
Succubus: Why am I here?
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Goddess: Everyone thinks you suck.
Twinkle: I think you have the wrong number…
Goddess: Cheeky?
Twinkle: Nope. Twinkle.
Goddess: Well, you probably suck too…
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Kidnapper: I have one of your friends.
L: Which one? I have seven.
Kidnapper: The loud, annoying, rowdy one who never shuts up.
L: Which one? I have seven.
V, distantly: HEY!!!
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Twinkle: Enough! How dare you mock me in such a manner!?
Maverick: Well. How would you like me to mock you? I take requests.
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Marcus: Time for plan G.
Kreed: Don’t you mean plan B?
Marcus: No, we tried plan B a long time ago. I had to skip over plan C due to technical difficulties.
Cal: What about plan D?
Chosen: Plan D was that desperate disguise attempt half an hour ago.
Kreed: What about plan E?
Marcus: I’m hoping not to use it. Floofster dies in plan E.
Cal: I like plan E.
Floofster: D:
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Hunter: Just be careful, Demon Girl!
Demon Girl: *heading out the door* I'm always careful, Hunter!
Demon Girl: It's everything around me that's careless.
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Killian: I have a plan.
Julian: Good! As long as we aren’t breaking the law again, I’m open to hearing it.
Killian: …
Julian: …
Killian: I no longer have a plan.
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Dark Rose: I'm going to get myself some soup.
Vallakay: Be careful not to burn yourself, it's hot.
Dark Rose: Pfft, I won't burn myself.
*30 seconds later*
Dark Rose, entering the room: I burned myself.
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Alpha: Oh and for your information, I don't have an ego.
Alpha: My facebook photo is a landscape.
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Twinkle: I only have two emotions: exhaustion and stress. And I’m somehow always feeling both simultaneously.
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Atrocity: Little Love, you look deep in thought. What’s wrong?
Little Love: Did you know you can look at any object and know what it’s like to lick it? Even if you’ve never touched it before?
Atrocity: I’m never asking you anything ever again.
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Jay Jay: Twinkle, I got suspended from school…
Twinkle: WHAT?!?! What did you do?
Jay Jay: My teacher pointed at me with a ruler, and he said “there is an idiot at the end of this ruler”.
Twinkle: And…?
Jay Jay: I asked which end…
Twinkle, unable to contain their laughter: Okay, you just made my day.
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Next: Siren's Son ASMR
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aceth3second · 2 months
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