thecdcrecliver · 6 years
“Do you need a hand with that?” Theo questioned after a moment or two of watching the person struggle. 
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lorcanxscamanderx · 6 years
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“Do you know if they’ve cut the cake yet?” Lorcan asked, “I saw it earlier, it looks delicious. I don’t want to miss out on getting a slice.”
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callistaxmcgonagall · 6 years
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Callista hadn’t stopped smiling. She was smiling so much her face was starting to hurt but she showed no sign of stopping. She didn’t want to. She was married to the man she loved, she had every reason to be smiling. She sat at the table at the head of the hall, looking around at her loved ones in a world of her own. Then she realized someone was speaking and she turned, “Sorry, I was a little distracted. What did you say?”
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adelinexmulciber · 6 years
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“Well aren’t you looking dapper?” Adeline said with a smile, “Who knew you could scrub up so well?”
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ariadnemclaggen · 6 years
“Come on, dance with me!” Ari exclaimed, pointing at the person. “Weddings equal dancing, lots of dancing, and you’re already behind,” she added with a grin.
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claraarquette · 6 years
“I don’t think I will be able to move tomorrow.” Clara commented, laughing as she caught her breath and swallowing back a glass of champagne. “This is probably the best work out I have done in a while.”
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gwcndolynhawkcs · 6 years
“Woah, careful. We’re not playing Quidditch right now and even then you don’t need to have physical contact like that.” Gwen insisted, a wink and a smile showing that she wasn’t put out. “Too much to drink already or just a little clumsy?”
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natalie-davies · 6 years
This was one of the first times that Natalie had brought Apolline in such a public setting. Every so often, someone would look at her a little too long, and she wondered if they knew. If they knew that the baby wasn’t Ben’s, like she had lead everyone to believe. That her daughter was truly Theo’s. She held her baby close to her and spun around as she danced with her on the dance floor, trying to ignore any sort of odd stare. 
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callum-segal · 6 years
Callum felt completely out of place among everyone. Everyone looked so ridiculously happy. He was definitely waiting for the other shoe to drop, like it did with plenty of events that happened at Hogwarts recently. Sipping from his glass, he sighed as he drank everyone in. “If you’re asking me to dance, I should tell you I’m quite shit at it,” he warned as he watched someone walk up to him from his left side. 
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mackenziepctter · 6 years
“Do you think Professor McGonagall, or well Kominek now I guess, wants this back? If not, I’m definitely putting them in water when I get home,” she replied. “They’re beautiful. Back to my original question though. Is it Professor McGonagall or Professor Kominek now? I mean I know I’m graduated but this is an important question.”
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hcrperleeclcrk · 6 years
Harper pressed slightly on her back to try and rub out the pain she was feeling, but to be honest, she was more tired than in pain. She danced out a lot of her energy, not to mention her energy is usually strained lately because of the dialysis treatments. She took a seat. “I’m fine, don’t worry, I just need a small break and we can get back out there,” she said with a small smile.
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sleepingdragonhq · 6 years
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Love is in the air this December. After postponing their December wedding, Hogwarts professors Callista McGonagall and Liam Kominek are finally tying the knot. The Great Hall has been enchanted for the venue of the ceremony and later reception as well as becoming bigger to fit the correct number of guests. Don’t ask how, it’s the headmaster’s secret !!
All are welcome to the event but don’t ruin any part of it on pain of death as stated by Maid of Honor, Natalie Robertson. So pull out those fancy wedding hats, best frocks and nicest suits because this is the Hogwarts wedding of the decade !!
In real time, the event will begin on the 8th of December at 12 noon GMT and end at the same time on the 22nd of December. The event will take place during the reception of the wedding, not the ceremony itself. On the first day of the event, muns Juju and Cornelia will post one shots of the ceremony from the point of view of Liam and Callista and these will be linked to the main.
You can find the invitation for the event on the news blog, here.
In addition to the normal starter tag, please also use #sdhqwedding for all starters. Please do not use #sdhqevent as this is solely for the main to use. If you wish to post edits for the event, you can use #sdhqmisc.
Please like this post once you’ve read it so that we know you’ve seen it !!
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liamkcminek · 6 years
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❝ With you in my life, I will never be lost. ❞ 
Clearing his throat nervously as he began to unfold the piece of parchment he had tucked in his coat pocket, Liam could hear his heart pounding in his ears. 
Moments before he had watched the most beautiful woman in the world walk down the aisle towards him. He had stood there as if enchanted - frozen - as she glided along in a beautiful sea of white. Liam had even felt tears spring to his eyes at the sight of his bride, unable to understand how he had gotten so lucky to have Callista in his life.
“You once, in answer to me asking what I would ever do without you, said that I would be hopelessly lost without you,” Liam began, his voice a little hoarse from nerves at first but gradually became clearer with each word, “You said that no one would be able to talk sense into me. And you were right. Every day I am fortunate to spend my life by your side. You are constantly guiding me through life.” He smiled at her, letting the general nerves and anxiety of the situation die out -- nothing mattered in that room but her. He forgot about their friends, family and students sat in the pews with their eyes on them. He forgot about the possible war on the horizon, the attacks and the threats;
All Liam could see was Callista.
“Although love was not foreign to me, it wasn’t until I sat beside a fiery blonde in The Three Broomsticks that I realized just how deep it could go. What love could really mean. I hadn’t realized a part of my soul was missing from me until I heard you laugh and saw you smile,” he said, pausing suddenly as he had to blink back the tears that had begun to well up in his eyes. Liam had told himself he wouldn’t cry. Julia and Nate were surely going to poke fun at him for it later. “You complete me, Callista.”
Liam looked out to the people that sat watching them, smiling at them through his slightly tear-blurred vision, “I knew I wanted to marry this woman the first day I bloody met her.” The comment received a gentle laugh from the crowd. “On New Years Eve I got down on one knee and asked you to marry me because I can’t imagine my life without you in it. I never want to look up and see that you’re not there,” he said, directing his words back to her. At this point that parchment in his hands was forgotten. 
“No words can ever truly explain how you make me feel and as you and I both know, we’ve always had trouble truly expressing how we feel. But I know that you don’t need words to sense it. You can just feel it. And with that I just want to say that I promise to feel this way about you for the rest of my life,” Liam reached out to take Callista’s hands into his and squeeze them tightly, the parchment dropping to the floor quietly. “I will always do whatever I can to protect and provide for you. I will always do my best to be what you deserve every day. I owe everything to you, Cal. I truly do,” he smiled thoughtfully, reaching up with one hand to stroke her cheek softly, “With you in my life, I will never be lost.”
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callistaxmcgonagall · 6 years
I Do || One Shot
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Callista didn’t remember the last time she had felt so nervous. Her stomach was doing flips and tying and untying itself in knots as she waited just outside the Great Hall. On the other side of the door was her soon to be husband and everyone coming to witness their union. Part of her felt ridiculous, she hated feeling like some little girl whose lifelong dreams were finally coming true. In truth, she hadn’t thought much about marriage as a young girl beyond the fact that one day it would happen. But this was Liam. And he had always made her feel that way.
It felt like she was waiting forever before the music started but time also felt like it was going too quickly. The rest of the wedding party went out before her as she linked arms with her brother. Smiling at him, Callista held on tight to his arms for fear of her legs giving out beneath her. The bridal chorus began and they started to walk down the aisle. The walk was excruciatingly long and she did not take her eyes off of Liam the entire time. She could tell her friends, colleagues and students in the seats around her were all looking and smiling at her but she couldn’t tear her eyes away from the man she loved.
When they reached the other end of the Great Hall, Bellamy placed her hand into Liam’s and stepped to the side. It was only then that Callista realized she was getting a little misty eyed as she took her place beside him. A short speech by the officiant and then it was time for Liam’s vows. She started to worry then that she would not make it through her own without bawling like a baby. Tears of joy were already beginning to roll down her face as he spoke.
“And Callista, your vows?” Said the officiant finally and the words surprised her. She had completely forgotten that anybody else was there for a moment. She cleared her throat.
“Umm... okay,” She laughed a little through her tears, “Liam, when I came home from America, I didn’t know where my life was gonna go. I was home for my dad. I didn’t know if I was gonna stay or go back to America or go somewhere new. When the day finally came and my dad passed, all I could do was grieve. Eventually, with a kick up the arse from a certain aunt,” Callista spotted Minerva sitting in the front row, smiling back at her, “I applied here. Teaching was never something I’d thought about, I was going to be an Auror and go on all sorts of adventures. I had no intention of standing in front of a bunch of students about creatures that they probably weren’t even interested in,” Scattered laughter filled the room, “But for some reason it felt... right. I just had this feeling that something really great was going to happen. And it did. You happened,” She shook her head and laughed again, “Merlin, that sounds so cheesy but it’s true. I went for a drink after my interview and there you were. We didn’t even realize we’d both applied to teach in the same school. It was fate. Sorry,” Callista paused and rolled her eyes, “”More cheese, more cliches but it’s true. Of all the men I could have sat next to and talked to in that bar, it was you.  I’m very good shutting people out but I didn’t shut you out. Straight away I let you in. So when I saw you in Hogwarts soon after, in this very hall, I think I knew then that you were the one I wanted to be with. The one I would be with. More cliches but I knew then that I loved you.”
Tears had gone from rolling down her cheeks to streaming as she finished her vows. The officiant began to speak once more. She tried to pay attention so she knew when to speak but she found it hard to concentrate on anything but Liam. Somehow though she managed to get the words out, “I do,” She said though her voice cracked a little from the crying. The next thing she knew they were kissing and she knew people were clapping ad cheering but it was just like people always said. Everything around them, all the sounds and the people, seemed to disappear into the background until they broke apart, “I love you,” She said again in a whisper for only him to hear before they turned to face everyone. 
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skye-macdougal · 6 years
“There is absolutely no way that my wedding is going to be as beautiful as this,” Skye sighed, her hands holding a glass delicately against her body as she took in everything around her. “Although, this is definitely the goal.”
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gracexturncr · 6 years
“Oops- sorry.” Grace chuckled, feeling another body against her own when she collided into them as she spun across the dance floor. “Guess I only know one dance move and it makes the room spin.” She spoke, stumbling a little on her heels. “Maybe I should sit down...”
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