#sdk imagines
sitp-recs · 1 year
Do you know Drarry stories that feature a Harry/Ginny break up but with Harry the one to break of his relationship? Usually I see Harry being dumped and Ginny supportive of Drarry, but I want something else, after all that Ginny is the one who was pining for an unavailable Harry since she was 10 years old and to have her boyfriend move on to date an ex Death Eater, hogwarts bully who insulted serveral of her family members, has got to sting to some degree, at least intially
Hello! I don’t normally read established Hinny so I don’t have many break up recs to share. I trust my followers to jump in but since you mentioned hurt/resentful Ginny, I think you might enjoy these:
Poor Unfortunate Souls by DoubleApple (E, 19k)
Draco is a potioneer. Harry is trying to save his sex-challenged marriage. Everything is a mess, but at least there's an octopus in the lobby.
War Wounds by SilentAuror_HPworks (E, 30k)
Some wounds take longer to recover from than others. HP/DM, with background HP/GW. Themes of alcoholism, love triangles, and dubious fidelity.
The Wand Slipped by sdk (E, 35k)
After a messy, public divorce and a disgraceful exit from the Auror Department, Harry is trying to rebuild his life as a private investigator. But when his ex-wife ends up in St. Mungo's, and Harry's tasked with finding her attacker, he'll have to confront the mistakes of his past, and rely on an old enemy, in order to get closure and move on, and incidentally, solve the case.
See How They Run by harryromper (M, 51k)
Harry’s living above the shop in Knockturn Alley, working as a private detective after a failed stint as an Auror, when he gets an invitation from Luna Lovegood to the last place he could have imagined: Malfoy Manor.
Adding two fics where Harry initiates the break up but there’s no major fight/drama about it:
Running on Air by eleventy7 (T, 75k)
Draco Malfoy has been missing for three years. Harry is assigned the cold case and finds himself slowly falling in love with the memories he collects.
Turn by Saras_Girl (E, 306k)
One good turn always deserves another. Apparently.
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monsterblogging · 1 month
Having gathered up as much information on the original PR2 as possible (quotes, concept art, etc), I'm going through the PRU novel and trying to see if I can find anything that may have survived from a pre-SDK draft and seeing what I can piece together.
First I gotta say, knowing that the role Mako Mori played was originally going to be filled by Herc Hansen explains a lot. You'd fully expect an old ranger like Herc to have doubts about a new form of Jaeger tech. Also, it explains why that part of the story took place in Sydney, in particular.
It's also becoming very evident that Liwen Shao was developed from the original techbro-getting-his-inventions-from-the-Precursors antagonist, but for some reason they decided on PLOT TWIST it's not the corporate tech person in contact with the Precursors, it's Newt!
Also, everything I'm seeing about Liwen Shao's personality and background so far would make a lot of sense for a character initially imagined as a kind of foil or evil counterpart to Newt - a child genius with a PhD at seventeen, skyrocketing to success in the corporate world, breaking into the Jaeger scene - yeah.
It's also becoming clear that a lot of the story was originally intended to take place in San Francisco, but at some point it was replaced with other locations, including Santa Monica. (The Jaeger junkyard Jake breaks into at the beginning was very obviously meant to be Oblivion Bay, since he's specifically stealing parts from Romeo Blue.)
I also believe that Amara was originally intended to have lost her parents on K-Day (August 10, 2013). The original PR2 was only meant to be set a few years later, rather than a whole decade. If Amara was five years old on K-Day, she'd have been about twenty years old in PR2's story, which would have been a reasonable age for joining the PPDC. It would also be a fitting age for a character played by Maisie Williams, whom del Toro wanted to cast as a young Jaeger pilot.
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randomfoggytiger · 1 year
X-Files Collector’s Edition: Christmas and Emily’s Fate
Christmases... what do they mean for our intrepid heroes? Umm... ghosts and death, particularly the death of Scully’s daughter. So! We’re celebrating with an assortment of fics dealing with Scully and Mulder’s hopes and dreams: the good, the bad, and the mostly merry AUs. 
Loose Chronological order below~! 
Mainly Canon-Compliant 
Amatia‘s (mulderscreek) The Seventh Day (mulderscreek)  
““Her three-month mark was almost up, and I knew that once she reached that mark, they would drop her, as they'd dropped all the others, from the Project. Fill her full of mind-wiping dope, plant the chip, and unhook the baby, therefore setting off the chip's timeclock.
For three months, Clone 1-SDK had lived in a tank of nutrient fluid, connected to her mother by the alien umbilical cord, and some wires that wound around it. The moment that alien cord was severed, the chip was activated so that if it was removed, the cancer would begin. Clone 1-SDK was also programmed, programmed so that if her treatment was stopped, a different form of cancer would begin.””
Scully’s captivity draws to its close as her soulless captors-- along with none other than Alex Krycek-- is there to prep her and her baby for the next stage of their unwitting lives. 
@foxanddanapetrie​‘s (Ao3) Don’t Let Her Get Hurt This Time 
““She has a daughter. Mulder has envisioned just about every scenario of their life together.  Scully and him dating, them getting married, them having kids - a daughter, a son maybe.  Adopting a kid they might have stumbled across on a case. He’s imagined them buying a house - in the city or in the country.  He thinks about what they’d decorate their house with. He’s decided that he’ll let her decorate. Probably with some things from her mother’s house.  He’s imagined her as a mom, him as a dad watching their kids open Christmas presents while she holds a mug of tea to keep her hands warm. But he never imagined this.
He’s driving 20 over the speed limit in the 1992 rental car he snagged for cheap on his way out of the airport.  He doesn’t care if anything happens to it.””
Mulder speeds to Scully and Emily, making wild plans of their future together. His hopes and anxieties only increase after he meets her.
@kateyes224‘s (Ao3) 
Things You Said - Chapter 2 
““It took three days, but she finally stopped hanging up as soon as she heard my voice.  Something was wrong, I could hear it in the crushing silence on the other end of the line before a =click= signaled that the call was dead and I was left staring at the receiver, dumbfounded, growing angrier by the second at the interminable drone of the dial tone....
When had she ever not had words for me?”” 
Mulder’s hurt and dread builds after Scully’s aborted call; but it vanishes when she finally loops him into the tragedy unfolding in California. 
““Scully thought, not for the first time, how gravely serious her daughter was.  How little she smiled.  Emily lifted a small hand to Scully’s face.  “It’s okay, I’ve been to the hospital before.  My mommy used to tell me secrets on the way.  Tell me a secret.” Scully swallowed hard, closing her eyes before meeting Mulder’s gaze again in the rear view mirror.  She tried to smile at Emily, brushing the girl’s damp hair back from her face.  “Okay…well, you know my friend, Mulder?” 
Emily nodded silently.  “He doesn’t like anybody to know this, but his real name is Fox.”
Emily’s forehead scrunched.  “Fox?  Like Robin Hood?” This time, Scully’s smile was genuine as she heard Mulder chuff a laugh from the front seat.”” 
Emily wakes in the car on the way to the hospital; and Scully bonds with her while very aware of Mulder’s quiet vigilance. 
Donna’s (Gossamer, mulderscreek) 
I’m On My Way (Gossamer) 
““She was definitely not okay. "An X-file?" He tried to make his tone light, but knew, at least with this woman, he had failed.
"Apparently so."
That stopped him again. For her to admit something like that . . . his stomach hurt.””
Mulder’s fairly relaxing Christmas is turned upside down by Scully’s tearful call. 
His Emily Thoughts (Gossamer) 
““Emily was a special needs child.  He'd done his research.  The child would never be well, would probably not live to a ripe old age.  And Scully would be hurt again.  The question was should she endure the hurt now or later.  Either way, it was inevitable and that thought was devastating to him.
And he would not be there to help her.  Oh, he'd be there as much as she allowed, but this was Scully.  She would want to take on this burden and not admit she needed any help.  His help.””
Mulder’s stomach is in knots as he sits on the Scully couch-- feeling ominous about the future and hurt thinking he’d be shut out either way. 
Feeling Safe (Gossamer) 
““Safe.  A strange word, especially now, but it seemed to be the correct description for what she was feeling.  She was watching his hands gripping the steering wheel - so strong, his fingers lean and tanned.  He wasn't looking at her, concentrating instead on the road, but she knew he was totally aware of her.  He was trying to give her the space he thought she wanted.  For that she was grateful, much more solicitousness and she would explode.
That was why she has chosen to ride with him.””
Mulder is driving her home, and Scully feels safe-- so much so that she plans to fall apart with him once she arrives back at her place. 
After Emily (Gossamer) 
““He took the stairs down to the basement, ignoring the elevator.  He was in a hurry.  The door was open and the light on.  That startled him and he slowed.  Who would be here this late?  For sure they didn't belong.””
Mulder is pulled up short by the sight of Scully crying in the office after closing hours. He understands, and assures her she is not alone. 
XP1′s Still Waters 
““I’m not expressing...myself...correctly. Or very well. Or even…” He sighed and brought his hands to her biceps, stepped a bit closer. He whispered to her so closely his words stirred what loose strands of hair she had at her crown. “I...I need you to know that there’s...meaning...behind this, what I’m saying, or, asking...that this isn’t…”
She put a hand to his chest and patted once, then rubbed. He wasn’t sure who the touch was meant to console. He couldn’t watch a child die, he thought, and ... he could not watch her do the same. He bit his lip to still some of the depths of his feelings. His breathing was ragged, but she moved closer, rubbed the tension he was putting on his jaw.
“I know.” she told him, tipping her head up. The tip of her nose brushed his chin. “I know you. I know.” His jaw clenched and the lids of his eyes were hot with the promise of tears.
“Relax”. She asked of him. He tried, took a breath. “Relax.” she repeated, and so he was, after a moment.””
Mulder is brimming with anger and stress in the wake of his custody testimony; and desperation for solutions leads him to propose to Scully. He is appalled that she rejects: not at her rejection so much as his perception of her defeat. In a beautiful moment of absolute honesty, Scully lays out for him the sad realities of Emily’s impending demise, using her pain to save all three of them.
The characterization and dialogue in this piece is next-level. Mulder’s speech is phrased exactly how he’s acted on-screen; and Scully’s gentle honesty, while hard for her to admit, saves her and Mulder and Emily from more pain. 
Highly recommend reading! 
Fialka‘s Soliloquy 01 - Bill Scully 
““You took one of my sisters, then you almost took the other. Now she's sitting on the couch, crying her heart out, and what do you do? You just sit there, talking about nothing. Oh, you say, but she's not crying. That's what I mean. You don't know her. Dana doesn't cry with tears. She cries with silence. Mom knows that. Lookat her over there, fixing coffee for all of us. She's waiting.””
Bill internally directs his hatred at Mulder, darkly reminiscing about all the times he’d taken up for his sister. He settles into simmering resentment that she shuts all but her partner out.
stellar_dust’s (Ao3) Family (Ao3) 
““Wait!  I need to  need to take a sample, we've got to get this analyzed ..." her voice trailed off as she searched frantically in her pockets for a vial.
"Scully, no."  Mulder reached out and grasped her hand, stilling it. "Don't do this to yourself ... let her go."  
She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, heaved it out, swallowing.  He was right.  "All right."  She nodded.  "Give me give me one more second.””
Mulder stops Scully from taking a sand sample from the coffin, kindly affirming her choices and reflecting more deeply on the ones that his parents had made.
@baronessblixen​​‘s (Ao3) 
Unnamed Prompt #24 
““She's had to say goodbye to Emily before she had the chance to properly say hello. Baby Matthew might never know he had a cousin named Emily, once.
"I should go inside," she says, opening her eyes and biting her bottom lip. Inside, they'll look at her, pity her, watch her with curious eyes when she holds her nephew. She is not ready. What will she see once she turns to Mulder? Is that how he’s going to look at her, too?””
Scully is in the throws of grief after Emily’s death, and dreads walking back inside seeing everyone’s pity and sadness. Mulder understands and knows how to support. 
Unnamed Prompt for cuddle fic  
“““I’m sorry, Mulder. I didn’t meanto-” Scully’s voice is dull, is teary, is too much. Mulder listens with hisear close to the answering machine. Another click – the message is over. He rewindsthe message again and again. Something is wrong. The lights still off, Muldergrabs his coat again. The food on the table is forgotten, as are the files. Hisonly thought is Scully.””
Mulder receives a morbid, unfinished call from Scully on New Years, and rushes over. She just wanted company for the first holiday after her daughter’s death. 
Dashing Through the Snow 
““"Scully, look." Maybe it's because his voice is full of wonderment that she does follow the direction of his finger. The park across the street looks like a tiny winter wonderland with its snow-touched trees and meadows. That's not what Mulder means to show her, though. Scully watches as children of all ages sled down a small hill and she'll blame the cold wind for it, her eyes start watering.
"We need to get back to work, Mulder." She doesn't want to see this.””
Mulder helps Scully navigate her complicated pain around children; and the two end up borrowing one of the park kiddies’ sleds.
@frogsmulder​​/Brynstein‘s “I’m right where I belong” (Ao3) 
““In unison, they make their way to her couch, like they’ve always done it like this: him entertaining a little three year old whilst her mother cooks up a feast of spaghetti bolognaise fit for kings; telling her stories of mothman and bigfoot whilst she drew her interpretations with the crayon in her chubby toddler hand. And of course the Mr Potato head impressions that had her in fits of giggles and rolling around on the floor much to her mother’s delight. Like he didn’t play the part of domestic husband, washing the plates and dishes and cleaning up the crayons, whilst Scully had bathed her daughter and put her to bed.””
A happier reality with Emily alive and love blossoming is followed up immediately by the harsh reality of Scully’s loss and their mutual pain.
Piper’s Pajamas 
““I stand against the wall, silently bearing witness to this ritual of closure.  I don't respond to her statement - somehow I don't think that she expected me to.  There's really no reason for me to be here.  As experienced as I am in self-torture, today Scully is beating me by a mile.  All I do is keep vigil as she stubbornly insists on boxing up the clothing that she bought in such blind hope for Emily, now about to be worn by some Goodwill kid who doesn't know even know how lucky she is to be alive.””
Mulder silently witnesses Scully’s grief as she packs up Emily’s clothes for donation, both knowing that her death crushed both of their dreams.
Alanna’s Fortress 
““We're on a freeway, heading somewhere.  Driving around in circles, mimicking our souls.   Cars zip around us but I barely notice the road.  I need to touch her, to make sure she is still there inside her shell -- that she hasn't slipped away from me altogether.  So I reach my right hand over and lay it gently on the back of her hand, painfully contracting my arm muscles so that I might not hurt or startle her.  She turns toward me and the traffic is sparse so I hazard a quick glance at her, my eyes meeting hers. 
And then her hand moves under mine and her palm meets my own, her fingers twining into mine.””
Shattered Mulder decides to keep driving so he and Scully can have time to bind up their compounding wounds. He is relieved he opens up on their Tijuana detour, heartbreakingly honest though it may be.
@greekowl87​/@darkesttimelinestuff​ ‘s (Ao3) Drabbles Collection - Chapter 2 
““He hugged her tightly, ignorant of the potential older brother danger as she cried harder. He closed his eyes, wishing and willing to take all of her pain away.
“I just wanted a chance, Mulder.””
A case keeps Scully longer in San Diego; and finally she breaks. Mulder comforts her in her purgatory.
@the-spooky-alien​ ‘s Day 10 of Fictober  ““''Sometimes I think it would be better if you stayed away from me.'' It sounds weak in the air between them. Every words shake under the weight of his guilt. His eyes never leave the road. She wishes he would look at her.”” Scully insists Mulder pull over so that she can instantly squash his self-loathing; however, she still can’t fully admit why she chose him.
Diana Alexander‘s Introspections 
““After my cancer was cured, I had to get used to actually *living* again.  I was so prepared to meet Death with stubborn will blazing in my eyes, and a straight spine that I hadn't really prepared myself for the chance that there would be a cure that would keep me in this world a little while longer. I was lost for a long time afterwards, and now, at Christmas, I get the biggest blow since I discovered the cancer that was lodged in my head.””
Scully had been prepared to lose the fight to cancer; but can’t seem to recover from the painful loss of her daughter. She retreats internally to lick her wounds.
@starbuck09256​‘s (Ao3) Hope  
““Everytime she closes her eyes she sees a scared little face begging her to stop the tests. She sees Mulder clutching yellow flowers too tightly as his own sorrow for her pours from his eyes. He knows what this tiny child was to her. He knows that she wanted another life another path, not because of him or their quest. But because fate had chosen her to live on, she had been returned survived the incurable and yet her destiny wasn’t to find the joys that she had forsaken it was as if she was being punished for fighting.””
Mulder barges into Scully’s apartment, refusing to let her shut him out. His comfort and common sense make all the difference.
Sheryl Martin’s
““Dropping the suitcase by the stairs, she walked into the kitchen and put the kettle on; making a mental note to call Dana in a few hours and see how she was feeling. She had looked pretty rough in the car. Hadn't slept a wink on the flight, although she had put her head down on Mulder's shoulder for most of the time. He hadn't said a word, just put his hand atop hers and looked quickly over for approval. A smile was all he needed, and a slight nod of her head. He'd take care of her as best he could. And she had faith in him.””
Maggie adds Emily to the family Bible because she was her granddaughter no matter what.
A Mother’s Thoughts 
““Whatever the mystery behind her existence, she was still my grandchild - maybe the one I'll miss the most. But no matter how much I talk to the priest; how many candles I light and prayers I say for all of them, I still don't understand why. Specifically, why me. Why Dana. Why Fox.””
Maggie’s pain over their combined familial loss in Emily’s death bleeds into her doubts and constant questions to God. It’s a hard road trying to trust in His plan. 
Gillian Leigh‘s (mulderscreek) Sleepless Roads  
““Stepping into the living room, she stopped short of saying her daughter's name a third time when she found her sitting on the couch, sound asleep with her laptop open on her lap. There was a large postal manila envelope on the couch beside her marked with the words "Films Included: Do Not X-Ray". A quick glance at the screen of the laptop showed her that her daughter had been researching adoption. Puzzled, she gently shook Scully's shoulder to wake her.””
Maggie is the quiet glue keeping Scully together; but she makes time to drop in on Mulder and make sure he’s getting some sleep. She convinces her daughter not to shut him out; but isn’t privy to the bigger bombshell that Scully reveals to Mulder later.
@i-gaze-at-scully‘s (Ao3) 
Chapter One: Protect  
““On a plane to California, Mulder considers briefly if the ova he carries in his pocket should be allowed past airport security. He’s a federal agent, so no one really ever asks, but he wonders. He turns the cylinder over in his pocket, the smooth surface spinning, spinning under his fingertips. She has no idea. Tens of thousands of feet in the air and he knows he’s about to drop the biggest bomb on the person he cares most about in this world. He hopes it is the right decision.””
Mulder’s developing thoughts throughout the episode crescendo in love and happiness when he finds a cure for little Emily. He assures Scully she won’t be raising her alone. 
All I Want for Christmas (Ao3) 
““Scully is not a last minute shopper. She has all her gifts purchased, wrapped, and packed by 9 AM, December 24. She’ll drive to Annapolis on Christmas morning, early to beat the traffic, and spend the day accepting her mother’s well-intentioned pity. Dana, could you help me in the kitchen? Dana, would you ask Tara to grab your brother? I want to take a picture of you two. Maggie knows. 
Mulder, Mulder knows too.””
Scully is so grateful that Mulder distracted her from the painful reminder of last Christmas that she gets him an extra special gift. 
Mystic‘s Beautiful Release
““Her eyes stung as she wiped at them and looked back to the window, not able to sleep without dreaming about Emily.
She sometimes wondered just why the girl had affected her so much. How she'd been able to become attached so quickly to her.  
She tried to stop herself from thinking her name, but it didn't work.  It had etched into her mind as had countless other moments and names in her life.  She could only make Emily go away by thinking of Mulder and that brought her pain too. ””
Mulder and Scully finally make that next step when a case stirs up a painful Emily reminder. 
Jennifer Brady’s December 
““Scully brought my world down in the simple words she spoke. "Mulder, I need you," Maybe those were'nt her *exact* words, but that's what I heard. You know me, when Scully needs anything that I can provide, I'm all over it. So here I am, out the front door, heading to my partner's side. 
I really would'nt have it any other way.””
The devastation of Emily’s death pushes Mulder and Scully closer together. 
Maidenjedi’s Would That I Could Travel Both
““She went to California a single lady in her thirties. Hard not to think about her age and her marital status in one sentence like that; she'd been thinking too much about families and love and her place in the world. And then Bill and Tara were standing outside the terminal waiting for Dana and Maggie, Tara as big as a house and a year younger than her sister-in-law. It was a lot to take.””
Amidst many assorted AUs, Scully leaves the FBI to become Emily’s mom, much to Mulder’s resigned and pained disappointment.
@leiascully​‘s (Ao3) Unnamed
““Under observation, they spend several days with Emily.  Mulder promises to take her to Disneyland in the summer.  Her face lights up.  The social worker smiles and makes notes on her clipboard.””
Mulder and Scully rush into marriage to adopt Emily and quit the FBI. Fortunately for them, Mulder is independently wealthy and ready to re-prioritize his life.
@scapegrace74-blog​​‘s (Ao3) Wraith
““Perplexed and perhaps a bit put off by the fact that Scully was entertaining a guest in her pajamas with no make-up, he made his way cautiously to the kitchen.   An empty cereal bowl and a half-drunk glass of orange juice were laid out on the table, but there was no other sign of occupation.
Scully stood by the doorway, her bloodshot eyes shining brightly, and gestured toward the empty kitchen chair.
“Mulder, I’d like you to meet Lily.””
Scully is gradually descending into madness-- or Mulder thinks so, until he arrives barely in time to see a wraith drowning her.
Donna’s (Gossamer, mulderscreek)
Trick or Treat (Gossamer)
““This wasn't happening.  He wasn't having a conversation with Emily, Scully's Emily.  Even if . . . if Emily had lived, she'd be older.  And she hadn't lived.  Okay, the body had been stolen, but she had been dead.  He'd been there.
"For Halloween."
"Oh."  This was not happening.  Who was this little girl, and where were her parents?””
Mulder is shocked to see Emily’s spirit within eyesight everytime he tries to meet up with Diana. The little girl has some sage advice for him and his relationship with Scully. 
jeri‘s (mulderscreek) Ersatz Matriarch 
““Scully studied the paper carefully. "Do you think it's really over? Could we possibly lead normal lives?"
"Only one way to find out." He dropped the sheet and held her hands tightly in his own. "Marry me, Scully. I mean, like next week. Before the boys are born."
Scully blinked. "What?””
Mulder and Scully decide to use their downtime under Kersh to pursue IVF-- after faking a marriage at the clinic and failing at their first round, they scrounge up a successful surrogate and begin the rocky road to parenthood (while being deluged with weird X-File info about the pregnancy from Marita, congratulating a newly-married Byers, and avoiding Bill’s newest tantrum.) Skinner even manages to make their New Years the best yet.
sohmer‘s discrete edges 
““i'm not unhappy, she thinks suddenly. mulder coughs beside her and she blinks several times in rapid succession in an attempt to refocus her vision. her surroundings click into place.
the thought comes again, louder. it hurts her like vertigo, like ice on naked skin. not unhappy, she tells herself. discomfort comes to mind, or perhaps loneliness. i hadn’t felt lonely with emily.””
Scully’s repressed pain over Emily builds and builds after a trip to Skinner’s Christmas Party. Mulder bides his time, slowly peeling the words out of her. 
@ghostbustermelanieking​/skuls‘s (Alt. Ao3) 
Christmas Ficlets - Chapter 2 
““She's felt sick on and off these past weeks, growing dizzy and nauseous and eventually having to lean over the sink the night before, but she never expected this. Never thought she'd actually faint at work.
One minute, she's standing by a festoon of Christmas decorations in the hallway (the FBI has Christmas decorations?) and arguing the authenticity of Mulder's toxic slime theory, and the next, her vision is spotted and her legs are weak, the room spinning as she falls and darkness falling like a curtain.””
Requiem--Scully faints at the office; but the panic that gripped her and Mulder melts with their shocking pregnancy news. They barely contain themselves before telling Emily back home. 
where the love light gleams  
““William wants to know about their mother. “Did you ever know her?” he asks Emily one day, shoving away the copy of Peter Pan. He’s been asking questions tiredly for the past couple of weeks, and she’s been avoiding them, doesn’t want to let him down.
She thinks she had parents, a long time ago, but they can’t be William’s parents because they died. She remembers that. And her mother always told her she was adopted, so that must mean she has a different mother somewhere. She thinks she remembers someone who sat with her on the floor and colored, who whispered things about how they might live together someday. She thinks that the woman had bright hair like her, eyes and freckles like hers and William’s.””
In an alternate universe, Emily was shuffled off to a compound run by the CSM; soon to be joined by a captured William. Following the few and vague memories she has to rely on, the two are able to escape and try to find a way to West Virginia (with help from an unnamed woman who seems to recognize them.) 
Lapsed_Scholar’s Family Stories
“““It’s Picture Day next week,” explains Emily, still serious. “Mrs. Martin gave us forms. I want to be pretty for the picture, so I need a pretty dress.”
“You look pretty every day, sweetheart. You don’t need a special dress for that.” She’s trying to reassure, but Emily looks up at her, small face conveying disapproval, so she hurries to clarify, “But picture day is a special occasion, and a special occasion does deserve a special dress.”
She’s still fairly new to this—parenting. She wonders if parents who have more experience are more prepared for these conversations, or if it’s something that you always just sort of fumble through.””
This series deals with Mulder and Scully navigating the uncharted waters of parenting Emily-- as new parents, then as parents on the run with their children, then as parents of a teen girl with a rambunctious little brother. But they wouldn’t trade it for the world. 
Wheeeeeew! That’s over! Hope you all have a merry feast of angsty fics~. 
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monstersqueen · 2 years
I've apparently (why ??!!) decided to reread samurai deeper kyo (don't check; it's not on The List)
anyway kyoshirou keeps running into people who knew kyo and are after his head and i wonder if it helps him convince himself that sealing kyo is the right thing to do
meanwhile he's running around with yuya. who's. actually. after him. if i remember right.
it's hilarious.
(also yuya went 'i want to kill the man with scar on his back !' and kyo decided to spare her. lol i imagine he went 'oh you want to kill kyoshirou ? this is hilarious and also a goal i support.')
...sdk is a very obvious example of manga where the full story wasn't planned initially. still, imagining kyo and kyoushiro watching from inside while the other is out is really funny :p
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I believe in bringing visualization beyond your imagination. With the technical expertise, flexible management model, moderate budget and defined execution methodologies I offer scalable and secure services across multiple industries. This means you will have a better way to build your business presence. I aim to serve clients with high-end enhancements of existing reality objects. When you are reaching me I will take command of your project right from beginning to finish with all technical support. There are different key advantages of Freelance AR development services –
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At present maximizing brand growth is a necessity for a business to run. With the emergence of new and advanced technology, businesses are adopting benefits. As the top freelance AR developer services for android and iOS and increase customer engagements. Customers can go through your product/services to undertake the knowledge of services beforehand. Read More...
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heretherebedork · 2 years
i also agree abt sdk! i'm actually kinda pissed that they've been so faithful to the manga and then decide to divert from it here. the full separation to awkward new beginning just falls so flat. 😭😭😭 (ik you don't care much abt source material, but in the manga kaneda goes to canada w/ yanase and they live together so there's actual linear development to their relationship unlike the drama 😔) i just feel like the drama could've done smth different if they wanted more conflict, not this.
Yeah, that makes more sense.
But even with the separation they could have made it work! They could have grown as people! Kaneda could have become more confident or more comfortable in his skin or just anything besides reverting to his old self with nothing to show for it.
Why have the apart for a year for nothing to grow or change? That whole point of a separation or time jump is for things to happen. Kaneda should be braver. he should be more certain, he should be a more confident person. Yanase should be more creative and full or energy and life.
This should be something more and not less. Imagine if Yanase had come back to a very confident Kaneda and suddenly felt like he wasn't good enough for him still, like Kaneda would always outgrow him and he backed off when Kaneda approached him at work. Or if Yanase came back and Kaneda was in a new department and busy and they never even ran into each other and they both felt abandoned.
Just... anything. They needed to change and grow as people if there's going to be a separation and if they don't do that there's no point.
12 notes · View notes
90363462 · 2 years
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Getty Images
Master The Flick Of The Wrist With These Climactic Solo Sex Positions
Let's master the flick of the wrist.
Kiarra Sylvester
May. 10, 2019 06:31PM EST
Optimal positioning is … well… optimal for solo sex. It seems like lying on your back is enough but we deserve so much more than the bare minimum. After all, if we don't make our own pleasure priority, then how will we demand that others? Just like with actual sex, there are some positions that can reach a little bit further than others, and you'd be foolish to rollover without getting the most out of your masturbation time.
Every time I switch it up, I'm amazed at how much more thrilling the intensity and sensation is, and I almost never regret it. The best part about switching it up is that I, personally anyway, feel that I'm able to simulate an intimate type of pleasure derived from partner sex. I can hug breasts while I ride the grooves of my toys. I can speed it up and I can slow it down. I can pretend I'm riding an actual dick, should I be in the mood for the real thing. 
There are so many small wins in switching up your positions while you sex yourself and we could talk about those all day. In honor of May being National Masturbation Month, I thought it'd be more interesting if I gave you the 4 positions likely to wear you out as I master the flick of the wrist. 
1.The Titty Twist & Armchair Straddle
I stan all standing positions for masturbating, but this one is a real one because it promotes titty play. My breasts are my hotspot, always have been. The only thing that saddens me is that I'm not able to do more for them, but I do what I can making sure that I caress and arouse them as much as a man would (a man without a tongue, of course). Additionally, standing for masturbation is a jackpot position bound to make you light up.
2.The Squat-and-Rock
If you really love girl on top, this one has your name written all over it. You'll feel the burn as you would if you were dropping down and getting your Eagle on and rock while playing with yourself.
3.The Invisible Man
One of my personal favorites. I often use this one to imagine I'm having the most unimaginable, mind-blowing sex with the man I don't have. Sometimes I straddle my knees further apart to expose my uber innie clitoris. I also prefer to use this position when I'm using my rabbit, which allows me to ride, but make no mistake I'll ride the hell out of my bullet too. This or anything semi-doggystyle are some of my most preferred methods of getting off.
4.The One Person Three-Way
When I peeped that was an actual position, some part of me got really hype. I suppose I should know by now that it's all been done before but in the moment that I'm doing it, it feels so odd and creative. Still, it's one of my favorite positions when I lift my legs up in this way.
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Kiarra Sylvester
Motor City native, Atlanta living. Sagittarius. Writer. Sexpert. Into all things magical, mystical, and unknown. I'll try anything at least once but you knew that the moment I revealed that I was a Sag
Sent from my iPhone
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penny-nichols · 2 years
I was fucking ranting about the MCU on my main because they fucked up Ms Marvel which is my second favorite marvel comic. So I guess to lighten the mood it's time to talk about my first favorite marvel comic and Ace Attorney
Squirrel girl ace attorney au.
Idk if this would be a crossover (squirrel girl in court) or a replacement (Ace Attorney Characters in squirrel girl) but some thoughts for both
-Doreen's tail/identity as squirrel girl would be one of the major changing points in the case.
- real killer would probably be the villain from the second to last arc(?) I think her name was Melissa? The series ended like 2 years ago at least and I haven't reread.
-but like. Rich CEO lady. Obviously the killer
-honestly Koi Boi and Chipmunk Hunk effortlessly slot into ace attorney
-I feel like this would be 3DS era (because I'm imagining the Squirrel Girl characters as 3D sprites) . Either Apollo or Athena case with Trucy assistant.
-IDK who the victim would be. We can make up a guy.
-Brain Drain being a human brain in a jar is ALSO a reveal. Idk how it would be (maybe we only hear him through a walkie talkie SDK style at first?)
-I am making. No sense to people who don't know squirrel girl
Direct Replacement:
- I feel like either Athena or Trucy would be Doreen. Idk... I mean I want to lean towards Trucy???
-Apollo as Nancy
-Klavier as chipmunk hunk
-I was gonna say IDK who Koi Boi would be and was thinking maybe like. Daryan with an entirely different personality because friend of Klavier's/fish but no actually Koi Boi is Clay. He WOULD make puns at every available opportunity.
-Tippy is still tippy because if we change her to Mikeko or Taka or whatever she wouldn't be SQUIRREL girl anymore
-Brain Drain is Nahyuta? Idk he seems like a philosophy student (Nahyuta. Not Brain Drain. Brain Drain is CANONICALLY a philosophy major)
-actually wait Athena would be Squirrel Girl because Doreen's a compsci major and that's Important
-most of the other characters are like. Normal marvel villains like Kraven and Galactus and Dr Doom.... They can be the same or be replaced with random AA characters IDK
-Howard the duck is there for an issue. IDK who he would be I just thought I'd mention it
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backspacee432 · 1 month
RIDOTTO: Built on Multi-Chain, approach is to provide an open protocol driven by the community
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Ridotto Presentation
Ridotto is a multi-chain and decentralized lottery and gaming protocol that introduces permissionless casino ownership and open source bankrolling of slot machines, lotteries, table games, bingo, sports betting, and so much more. Ridotto makes the most of cross-chain technology, the future of Blockchain. Ridotto’s innovative cross-chain gambling and lottery protocol is the first of its kind in the gambling sector. The protocol is robust enough to deliver the promises of Blockchain technology to the market and address specific challenges that have plagued the sector since time immemorial. Ridotto’s overarching goal is to elevate the user to the role of “house,” thereby offering a fully scalable alternative to centralized online gambling.
Ridotto Vision and Mission
Ridotto’s mission is to disrupt this controversial industry by introducing elements of transparency and decentralization via blockchain technology. The design of Ridotto is underpinned by complete transparency, anonymity, security, and fairness. Ridotto is an open-source, community-driven protocol that allows users to play, build games and earn rewards by providing liquidity in its DeFi ecosystem.
Ridotto plans to deliver never-before-seen gaming and lottery features to its patrons and fundamentally re-imagine the joy of gaming, stripped away of centralized inefficiencies. Through the Ridotto protocol, users can play, build and even fund casino games, making our platform the single most robust to come to market. In this way, Ridotto will break down the traditional boundaries that separate casino owners from players, and instead elevate the player to the position of “house.”
The Ridotto platform boasts six key features:
Full Transparency: By running on decentralized blockchains, players and liquidity providers are able to verify the odds of winning, probabilities, and other aspects that are undisclosed by traditional casino operators.
Nested Interoperability: As a cross-chain protocol, Ridotto optimizes transaction fees and smart contract costs to enhance user experience.
Easy Build: Ridotto Lab boasts an extensive suite of tools, SDKs, and libraries that allow users to build unique games on its platform.
Community Governance: As a community-driven platform, Ridotto will incorporate community input in its development. $RDT token holders play an important role in deciding the improvements and implementation of new proposals on the platform.
All-in-One App: The platform is designed to offer an engaging gaming experience via a streamlined user interface.
Staking Rewards: By staking and providing liquidity on the RIDOTTO protocol, users become the House as they are able to receive a portion of the earnings, rewards, and fees that are shared across the pools.
RIDOTTO The State of the Gambling Sector
While online gambling has witnessed tremendous growth over the years, the industry is ridden with many perennial and chronic challenges. The lack of transparency still persists in the industry. The public strongly believes that the odds are stacked in favor of the house. To entice first-time gamblers, online betting platforms and casinos should be more transparent. Players’ privacy is also a challenge due to the susceptibility of centralized servers used by conventional platforms. Operators using centralized servers require personal information for vetting users. Yet, these servers are highly susceptible to hacking.
Additionally, collecting massive quantities of personal information also slows down the process of creating accounts. Lengthy and complex registration processes can discourage new players from joining. It also limits operators’ ability to grow the number of users and their profitability. Blockchain can eliminate the need for excessive data collection. Innovative Blockchain-based technologies like cross-chain can cut operational costs. However, early adopters set up their platforms on the legacy Blockchain, which is costly and can undermine players’ experience.
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RIDOTTO The home of decentralized gambling delivers the best-in-class experience across blockchain.
PLAY: Vibrant platform with lotteries, slots, table games, betting, mini-games, NFTs, and so much more.
BUILD: User-friendly build infrastructure for developing never-before-seen games and experiences on blockchain.
BANKROLL: Open-source so the community can enjoy the industry’s untold profitability. Choose the game, bankroll it, and earn APY from the House’s edge.
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25% - Staking - 125,000,000 15% - Token sales - 75,000,000 15% - Ecosystem - 75,000,000 15% - Marketing & Partnerships - 75,000,000 10% - Reserve - 50,000,000 10% - Bug Bounties & Accelerator - 50,000,000 10% - Team - 50,000,000
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Ridotto brings about a paradigm shift in the gambling sector and how players earn rewards by staking and providing liquidity. This disruption in the gambling, casino, and lottery sector has been birthed by the need for change from how traditional casino businesses constantly earn from players and are designed to always be in favor of the house. Ridotto leverages Blockchain technology to provide the best earning opportunities for players and liquidity providers. Ridotto is the next-generation gambling protocol.
Follow us on social media
Website: https://ridotto.io/ Whitepaper: https://ridotto.io/pdf/whitepaper_ridotto.pdf Twitter: https://twitter.com/ridotto_io Discord: https://discord.com/invite/ridotto Telegram Community: https://t.me/ridotto_community
BTT username: Back Space BTT Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2773957 Bep-20 address: 0xf2700b1db9f0efdb9cd2934f8d22c28531d69682
0 notes
ecocamel70 · 1 month
RIDOTTO: Replacing centralized ownership with an open-source ecosystem of players, builders, and bankrollers
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Ridotto Presentation
Ridotto is a multi-chain and decentralized lottery and gaming protocol that introduces permissionless casino ownership and open source bankrolling of slot machines, lotteries, table games, bingo, sports betting, and so much more. Ridotto makes the most of cross-chain technology, the future of Blockchain. Ridotto’s innovative cross-chain gambling and lottery protocol is the first of its kind in the gambling sector. The protocol is robust enough to deliver the promises of Blockchain technology to the market and address specific challenges that have plagued the sector since time immemorial. Ridotto’s overarching goal is to elevate the user to the role of “house,” thereby offering a fully scalable alternative to centralized online gambling.
Ridotto Vision and Mission
Ridotto’s mission is to disrupt this controversial industry by introducing elements of transparency and decentralization via blockchain technology. The design of Ridotto is underpinned by complete transparency, anonymity, security, and fairness. Ridotto is an open-source, community-driven protocol that allows users to play, build games and earn rewards by providing liquidity in its DeFi ecosystem.
Ridotto plans to deliver never-before-seen gaming and lottery features to its patrons and fundamentally re-imagine the joy of gaming, stripped away of centralized inefficiencies. Through the Ridotto protocol, users can play, build and even fund casino games, making our platform the single most robust to come to market. In this way, Ridotto will break down the traditional boundaries that separate casino owners from players, and instead elevate the player to the position of “house.”
The Ridotto platform boasts six key features:
Full Transparency: By running on decentralized blockchains, players and liquidity providers are able to verify the odds of winning, probabilities, and other aspects that are undisclosed by traditional casino operators.
Nested Interoperability: As a cross-chain protocol, Ridotto optimizes transaction fees and smart contract costs to enhance user experience.
Easy Build: Ridotto Lab boasts an extensive suite of tools, SDKs, and libraries that allow users to build unique games on its platform.
Community Governance: As a community-driven platform, Ridotto will incorporate community input in its development. $RDT token holders play an important role in deciding the improvements and implementation of new proposals on the platform.
All-in-One App: The platform is designed to offer an engaging gaming experience via a streamlined user interface.
Staking Rewards: By staking and providing liquidity on the RIDOTTO protocol, users become the House as they are able to receive a portion of the earnings, rewards, and fees that are shared across the pools.
RIDOTTO The State of the Gambling Sector
While online gambling has witnessed tremendous growth over the years, the industry is ridden with many perennial and chronic challenges. The lack of transparency still persists in the industry. The public strongly believes that the odds are stacked in favor of the house. To entice first-time gamblers, online betting platforms and casinos should be more transparent. Players’ privacy is also a challenge due to the susceptibility of centralized servers used by conventional platforms. Operators using centralized servers require personal information for vetting users. Yet, these servers are highly susceptible to hacking.
Additionally, collecting massive quantities of personal information also slows down the process of creating accounts. Lengthy and complex registration processes can discourage new players from joining. It also limits operators’ ability to grow the number of users and their profitability. Blockchain can eliminate the need for excessive data collection. Innovative Blockchain-based technologies like cross-chain can cut operational costs. However, early adopters set up their platforms on the legacy Blockchain, which is costly and can undermine players’ experience.
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RIDOTTO The home of decentralized gambling delivers the best-in-class experience across blockchain.
PLAY: Vibrant platform with lotteries, slots, table games, betting, mini-games, NFTs, and so much more.
BUILD: User-friendly build infrastructure for developing never-before-seen games and experiences on blockchain.
BANKROLL: Open-source so the community can enjoy the industry’s untold profitability. Choose the game, bankroll it, and earn APY from the House’s edge.
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25% - Staking - 125,000,000 15% - Token sales - 75,000,000 15% - Ecosystem - 75,000,000 15% - Marketing & Partnerships - 75,000,000 10% - Reserve - 50,000,000 10% - Bug Bounties & Accelerator - 50,000,000 10% - Team - 50,000,000
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Ridotto brings about a paradigm shift in the gambling sector and how players earn rewards by staking and providing liquidity. This disruption in the gambling, casino, and lottery sector has been birthed by the need for change from how traditional casino businesses constantly earn from players and are designed to always be in favor of the house. Ridotto leverages Blockchain technology to provide the best earning opportunities for players and liquidity providers. Ridotto is the next-generation gambling protocol.
Follow us on social media
Website: https://ridotto.io/ Whitepaper: https://ridotto.io/pdf/whitepaper_ridotto.pdf Twitter: https://twitter.com/ridotto_io Discord: https://discord.com/invite/ridotto Telegram Community: https://t.me/ridotto_community
BTT Username: Camel eco BTT Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2778548 BSC address : 0x8ea71176a39e51ea869146a959eeb374468b832f
0 notes
neversettle280 · 1 month
RIDOTTO: The first cross-chain gaming & lottery protocol that offers the possibility to play & build games
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Ridotto Presentation
Ridotto is a multi-chain and decentralized lottery and gaming protocol that introduces permissionless casino ownership and open source bankrolling of slot machines, lotteries, table games, bingo, sports betting, and so much more. Ridotto makes the most of cross-chain technology, the future of Blockchain. Ridotto’s innovative cross-chain gambling and lottery protocol is the first of its kind in the gambling sector. The protocol is robust enough to deliver the promises of Blockchain technology to the market and address specific challenges that have plagued the sector since time immemorial. Ridotto’s overarching goal is to elevate the user to the role of “house,” thereby offering a fully scalable alternative to centralized online gambling.
Ridotto Vision and Mission
Ridotto’s mission is to disrupt this controversial industry by introducing elements of transparency and decentralization via blockchain technology. The design of Ridotto is underpinned by complete transparency, anonymity, security, and fairness. Ridotto is an open-source, community-driven protocol that allows users to play, build games and earn rewards by providing liquidity in its DeFi ecosystem.
Ridotto plans to deliver never-before-seen gaming and lottery features to its patrons and fundamentally re-imagine the joy of gaming, stripped away of centralized inefficiencies. Through the Ridotto protocol, users can play, build and even fund casino games, making our platform the single most robust to come to market. In this way, Ridotto will break down the traditional boundaries that separate casino owners from players, and instead elevate the player to the position of “house.”
The Ridotto platform boasts six key features:
Full Transparency: By running on decentralized blockchains, players and liquidity providers are able to verify the odds of winning, probabilities, and other aspects that are undisclosed by traditional casino operators.
Nested Interoperability: As a cross-chain protocol, Ridotto optimizes transaction fees and smart contract costs to enhance user experience.
Easy Build: Ridotto Lab boasts an extensive suite of tools, SDKs, and libraries that allow users to build unique games on its platform.
Community Governance: As a community-driven platform, Ridotto will incorporate community input in its development. $RDT token holders play an important role in deciding the improvements and implementation of new proposals on the platform.
All-in-One App: The platform is designed to offer an engaging gaming experience via a streamlined user interface.
Staking Rewards: By staking and providing liquidity on the RIDOTTO protocol, users become the House as they are able to receive a portion of the earnings, rewards, and fees that are shared across the pools.
RIDOTTO The State of the Gambling Sector
While online gambling has witnessed tremendous growth over the years, the industry is ridden with many perennial and chronic challenges. The lack of transparency still persists in the industry. The public strongly believes that the odds are stacked in favor of the house. To entice first-time gamblers, online betting platforms and casinos should be more transparent. Players’ privacy is also a challenge due to the susceptibility of centralized servers used by conventional platforms. Operators using centralized servers require personal information for vetting users. Yet, these servers are highly susceptible to hacking.
Additionally, collecting massive quantities of personal information also slows down the process of creating accounts. Lengthy and complex registration processes can discourage new players from joining. It also limits operators’ ability to grow the number of users and their profitability. Blockchain can eliminate the need for excessive data collection. Innovative Blockchain-based technologies like cross-chain can cut operational costs. However, early adopters set up their platforms on the legacy Blockchain, which is costly and can undermine players’ experience.
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RIDOTTO The home of decentralized gambling delivers the best-in-class experience across blockchain.
PLAY: Vibrant platform with lotteries, slots, table games, betting, mini-games, NFTs, and so much more.
BUILD: User-friendly build infrastructure for developing never-before-seen games and experiences on blockchain.
BANKROLL: Open-source so the community can enjoy the industry’s untold profitability. Choose the game, bankroll it, and earn APY from the House’s edge.
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25% - Staking - 125,000,000 15% - Token sales - 75,000,000 15% - Ecosystem - 75,000,000 15% - Marketing & Partnerships - 75,000,000 10% - Reserve - 50,000,000 10% - Bug Bounties & Accelerator - 50,000,000 10% - Team - 50,000,000
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Ridotto brings about a paradigm shift in the gambling sector and how players earn rewards by staking and providing liquidity. This disruption in the gambling, casino, and lottery sector has been birthed by the need for change from how traditional casino businesses constantly earn from players and are designed to always be in favor of the house. Ridotto leverages Blockchain technology to provide the best earning opportunities for players and liquidity providers. Ridotto is the next-generation gambling protocol.
Follow us on social media
Website: https://ridotto.io/ Whitepaper: https://ridotto.io/pdf/whitepaper_ridotto.pdf Twitter: https://twitter.com/ridotto_io Discord: https://discord.com/invite/ridotto Telegram Community: https://t.me/ridotto_community
Author :
Bitcointalk name: Never Settle Bitcointalk link : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2773407 My BSC Wallet Address : 0xdc33321eac59e5d9f17836c25eab97a15c5e1587
0 notes
sportshighlight · 1 month
RIDOTTO: Play, Build, Bankroll
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Ridotto Presentation
Ridotto is a multi-chain and decentralized lottery and gaming protocol that introduces permissionless casino ownership and open source bankrolling of slot machines, lotteries, table games, bingo, sports betting, and so much more. Ridotto makes the most of cross-chain technology, the future of Blockchain. Ridotto’s innovative cross-chain gambling and lottery protocol is the first of its kind in the gambling sector. The protocol is robust enough to deliver the promises of Blockchain technology to the market and address specific challenges that have plagued the sector since time immemorial. Ridotto’s overarching goal is to elevate the user to the role of “house,” thereby offering a fully scalable alternative to centralized online gambling.
Ridotto Vision and Mission
Ridotto’s mission is to disrupt this controversial industry by introducing elements of transparency and decentralization via blockchain technology. The design of Ridotto is underpinned by complete transparency, anonymity, security, and fairness. Ridotto is an open-source, community-driven protocol that allows users to play, build games and earn rewards by providing liquidity in its DeFi ecosystem.
Ridotto plans to deliver never-before-seen gaming and lottery features to its patrons and fundamentally re-imagine the joy of gaming, stripped away of centralized inefficiencies. Through the Ridotto protocol, users can play, build and even fund casino games, making our platform the single most robust to come to market. In this way, Ridotto will break down the traditional boundaries that separate casino owners from players, and instead elevate the player to the position of “house.”
The Ridotto platform boasts six key features:
Full Transparency: By running on decentralized blockchains, players and liquidity providers are able to verify the odds of winning, probabilities, and other aspects that are undisclosed by traditional casino operators.
Nested Interoperability: As a cross-chain protocol, Ridotto optimizes transaction fees and smart contract costs to enhance user experience.
Easy Build: Ridotto Lab boasts an extensive suite of tools, SDKs, and libraries that allow users to build unique games on its platform.
Community Governance: As a community-driven platform, Ridotto will incorporate community input in its development. $RDT token holders play an important role in deciding the improvements and implementation of new proposals on the platform.
All-in-One App: The platform is designed to offer an engaging gaming experience via a streamlined user interface.
Staking Rewards: By staking and providing liquidity on the RIDOTTO protocol, users become the House as they are able to receive a portion of the earnings, rewards, and fees that are shared across the pools.
RIDOTTO The State of the Gambling Sector
While online gambling has witnessed tremendous growth over the years, the industry is ridden with many perennial and chronic challenges. The lack of transparency still persists in the industry. The public strongly believes that the odds are stacked in favor of the house. To entice first-time gamblers, online betting platforms and casinos should be more transparent. Players’ privacy is also a challenge due to the susceptibility of centralized servers used by conventional platforms. Operators using centralized servers require personal information for vetting users. Yet, these servers are highly susceptible to hacking.
Additionally, collecting massive quantities of personal information also slows down the process of creating accounts. Lengthy and complex registration processes can discourage new players from joining. It also limits operators’ ability to grow the number of users and their profitability. Blockchain can eliminate the need for excessive data collection. Innovative Blockchain-based technologies like cross-chain can cut operational costs. However, early adopters set up their platforms on the legacy Blockchain, which is costly and can undermine players’ experience.
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RIDOTTO The home of decentralized gambling delivers the best-in-class experience across blockchain.
PLAY: Vibrant platform with lotteries, slots, table games, betting, mini-games, NFTs, and so much more.
BUILD: User-friendly build infrastructure for developing never-before-seen games and experiences on blockchain.
BANKROLL: Open-source so the community can enjoy the industry’s untold profitability. Choose the game, bankroll it, and earn APY from the House’s edge.
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25% - Staking - 125,000,000 15% - Token sales - 75,000,000 15% - Ecosystem - 75,000,000 15% - Marketing & Partnerships - 75,000,000 10% - Reserve - 50,000,000 10% - Bug Bounties & Accelerator - 50,000,000 10% - Team - 50,000,000
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Ridotto brings about a paradigm shift in the gambling sector and how players earn rewards by staking and providing liquidity. This disruption in the gambling, casino, and lottery sector has been birthed by the need for change from how traditional casino businesses constantly earn from players and are designed to always be in favor of the house. Ridotto leverages Blockchain technology to provide the best earning opportunities for players and liquidity providers. Ridotto is the next-generation gambling protocol.
Follow us on social media
Website: https://ridotto.io/ Whitepaper: https://ridotto.io/pdf/whitepaper_ridotto.pdf Twitter: https://twitter.com/ridotto_io Discord: https://discord.com/invite/ridotto Telegram Community: https://t.me/ridotto_community
Bitcointalk Username: Lost Stories Bitcointalk url: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2733279 Wallet address: 0x4f4ae7d50ac11fb9ed49b27464ad700dfec7df28
0 notes
trtyiamu · 1 month
Ridotto - Fully decentralized and scalable alternative to centralized online gaming.
Ridotto Presentation
Ridotto is a multi-chain and decentralized lottery and gaming protocol that introduces permissionless casino ownership and open source bankrolling of slot machines, lotteries, table games, bingo, sports betting, and so much more. Ridotto makes the most of cross-chain technology, the future of Blockchain. Ridotto’s innovative cross-chain gambling and lottery protocol is the first of its kind in the gambling sector. The protocol is robust enough to deliver the promises of Blockchain technology to the market and address specific challenges that have plagued the sector since time immemorial. Ridotto’s overarching goal is to elevate the user to the role of “house,” thereby offering a fully scalable alternative to centralized online gambling.
Ridotto Vision and Mission
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Ridotto’s mission is to disrupt this controversial industry by introducing elements of transparency and decentralization via blockchain technology. The design of Ridotto is underpinned by complete transparency, anonymity, security, and fairness. Ridotto is an open-source, community-driven protocol that allows users to play, build games and earn rewards by providing liquidity in its DeFi ecosystem.
Ridotto plans to deliver never-before-seen gaming and lottery features to its patrons and fundamentally re-imagine the joy of gaming, stripped away of centralized inefficiencies. Through the Ridotto protocol, users can play, build and even fund casino games, making our platform the single most robust to come to market. In this way, Ridotto will break down the traditional boundaries that separate casino owners from players, and instead elevate the player to the position of “house.”
The Ridotto platform boasts six key features:
Full Transparency: By running on decentralized blockchains, players and liquidity providers are able to verify the odds of winning, probabilities, and other aspects that are undisclosed by traditional casino operators.
Nested Interoperability: As a cross-chain protocol, Ridotto optimizes transaction fees and smart contract costs to enhance user experience.
Easy Build: Ridotto Lab boasts an extensive suite of tools, SDKs, and libraries that allow users to build unique games on its platform.
Community Governance: As a community-driven platform, Ridotto will incorporate community input in its development. $RDT token holders play an important role in deciding the improvements and implementation of new proposals on the platform.
All-in-One App: The platform is designed to offer an engaging gaming experience via a streamlined user interface.
Staking Rewards: By staking and providing liquidity on the RIDOTTO protocol, users become the House as they are able to receive a portion of the earnings, rewards, and fees that are shared across the pools.
RIDOTTO The State of the Gambling Sector
While online gambling has witnessed tremendous growth over the years, the industry is ridden with many perennial and chronic challenges. The lack of transparency still persists in the industry. The public strongly believes that the odds are stacked in favor of the house. To entice first-time gamblers, online betting platforms and casinos should be more transparent. Players’ privacy is also a challenge due to the susceptibility of centralized servers used by conventional platforms. Operators using centralized servers require personal information for vetting users. Yet, these servers are highly susceptible to hacking.
Additionally, collecting massive quantities of personal information also slows down the process of creating accounts. Lengthy and complex registration processes can discourage new players from joining. It also limits operators’ ability to grow the number of users and their profitability. Blockchain can eliminate the need for excessive data collection. Innovative Blockchain-based technologies like cross-chain can cut operational costs. However, early adopters set up their platforms on the legacy Blockchain, which is costly and can undermine players’ experience.
RIDOTTO The home of decentralized gambling delivers the best-in-class experience across blockchain.
PLAY: Vibrant platform with lotteries, slots, table games, betting, mini-games, NFTs, and so much more.
BUILD: User-friendly build infrastructure for developing never-before-seen games and experiences on blockchain.
BANKROLL: Open-source so the community can enjoy the industry’s untold profitability. Choose the game, bankroll it, and earn APY from the House’s edge.
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25% - Staking - 125,000,000 15% - Token sales - 75,000,000 15% - Ecosystem - 75,000,000 15% - Marketing & Partnerships - 75,000,000 10% - Reserve - 50,000,000 10% - Bug Bounties & Accelerator - 50,000,000 10% - Team - 50,000,000
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Ridotto brings about a paradigm shift in the gambling sector and how players earn rewards by staking and providing liquidity. This disruption in the gambling, casino, and lottery sector has been birthed by the need for change from how traditional casino businesses constantly earn from players and are designed to always be in favor of the house. Ridotto leverages Blockchain technology to provide the best earning opportunities for players and liquidity providers. Ridotto is the next-generation gambling protocol.
Follow us on social media
Website: https://ridotto.io/ Whitepaper: https://ridotto.io/pdf/whitepaper_ridotto.pdf Twitter: https://twitter.com/ridotto_io Discord: https://discord.com/invite/ridotto Telegram Community: https://t.me/ridotto_community
Author Details
Bitcointalk : TrTyiamu Bitcointalk profile : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2696234 Address: 0x24397ad3ef4e65af0f72c09a0454619be6c62939
0 notes
tesylor · 1 month
Ridotto - World's First On-chain & Transparent Crypto Casino
Ridotto Presentation
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Ridotto is a multi-chain and decentralized lottery and gaming protocol that introduces permissionless casino ownership and open source bankrolling of slot machines, lotteries, table games, bingo, sports betting, and so much more. Ridotto makes the most of cross-chain technology, the future of Blockchain. Ridotto’s innovative cross-chain gambling and lottery protocol is the first of its kind in the gambling sector. The protocol is robust enough to deliver the promises of Blockchain technology to the market and address specific challenges that have plagued the sector since time immemorial. Ridotto’s overarching goal is to elevate the user to the role of “house,” thereby offering a fully scalable alternative to centralized online gambling.
Ridotto Vision and Mission
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Ridotto’s mission is to disrupt this controversial industry by introducing elements of transparency and decentralization via blockchain technology. The design of Ridotto is underpinned by complete transparency, anonymity, security, and fairness. Ridotto is an open-source, community-driven protocol that allows users to play, build games and earn rewards by providing liquidity in its DeFi ecosystem.
Ridotto plans to deliver never-before-seen gaming and lottery features to its patrons and fundamentally re-imagine the joy of gaming, stripped away of centralized inefficiencies. Through the Ridotto protocol, users can play, build and even fund casino games, making our platform the single most robust to come to market. In this way, Ridotto will break down the traditional boundaries that separate casino owners from players, and instead elevate the player to the position of “house.”
The Ridotto platform boasts six key features:
Full Transparency: By running on decentralized blockchains, players and liquidity providers are able to verify the odds of winning, probabilities, and other aspects that are undisclosed by traditional casino operators.
Nested Interoperability: As a cross-chain protocol, Ridotto optimizes transaction fees and smart contract costs to enhance user experience.
Easy Build: Ridotto Lab boasts an extensive suite of tools, SDKs, and libraries that allow users to build unique games on its platform.
Community Governance: As a community-driven platform, Ridotto will incorporate community input in its development. $RDT token holders play an important role in deciding the improvements and implementation of new proposals on the platform.
All-in-One App: The platform is designed to offer an engaging gaming experience via a streamlined user interface.
Staking Rewards: By staking and providing liquidity on the RIDOTTO protocol, users become the House as they are able to receive a portion of the earnings, rewards, and fees that are shared across the pools.
RIDOTTO The State of the Gambling Sector
While online gambling has witnessed tremendous growth over the years, the industry is ridden with many perennial and chronic challenges. The lack of transparency still persists in the industry. The public strongly believes that the odds are stacked in favor of the house. To entice first-time gamblers, online betting platforms and casinos should be more transparent. Players’ privacy is also a challenge due to the susceptibility of centralized servers used by conventional platforms. Operators using centralized servers require personal information for vetting users. Yet, these servers are highly susceptible to hacking.
Additionally, collecting massive quantities of personal information also slows down the process of creating accounts. Lengthy and complex registration processes can discourage new players from joining. It also limits operators’ ability to grow the number of users and their profitability. Blockchain can eliminate the need for excessive data collection. Innovative Blockchain-based technologies like cross-chain can cut operational costs. However, early adopters set up their platforms on the legacy Blockchain, which is costly and can undermine players’ experience.
RIDOTTO The home of decentralized gambling delivers the best-in-class experience across blockchain.
PLAY: Vibrant platform with lotteries, slots, table games, betting, mini-games, NFTs, and so much more.
BUILD: User-friendly build infrastructure for developing never-before-seen games and experiences on blockchain.
BANKROLL: Open-source so the community can enjoy the industry’s untold profitability. Choose the game, bankroll it, and earn APY from the House’s edge.
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25% - Staking - 125,000,000 15% - Token sales - 75,000,000 15% - Ecosystem - 75,000,000 15% - Marketing & Partnerships - 75,000,000 10% - Reserve - 50,000,000 10% - Bug Bounties & Accelerator - 50,000,000 10% - Team - 50,000,000
Tumblr media
Ridotto brings about a paradigm shift in the gambling sector and how players earn rewards by staking and providing liquidity. This disruption in the gambling, casino, and lottery sector has been birthed by the need for change from how traditional casino businesses constantly earn from players and are designed to always be in favor of the house. Ridotto leverages Blockchain technology to provide the best earning opportunities for players and liquidity providers. Ridotto is the next-generation gambling protocol.
Follow us on social media
Website: https://ridotto.io/ Whitepaper: https://ridotto.io/pdf/whitepaper_ridotto.pdf Twitter: https://twitter.com/ridotto_io Discord: https://discord.com/invite/ridotto Telegram Community: https://t.me/ridotto_community
Author Details
Bitcointalk username : Westminster Bitcointalk profile : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2708884 Address : 0xe48d9c338f480e3f5f14a896127e89b33caca457
0 notes
analyticos · 1 month
Ridotto - Play, Build, Bankroll - World's First On-chain & Transparent Crypto Casino!
Ridotto Presentation
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Ridotto is a multi-chain and decentralized lottery and gaming protocol that introduces permissionless casino ownership and open source bankrolling of slot machines, lotteries, table games, bingo, sports betting, and so much more. Ridotto makes the most of cross-chain technology, the future of Blockchain. Ridotto’s innovative cross-chain gambling and lottery protocol is the first of its kind in the gambling sector. The protocol is robust enough to deliver the promises of Blockchain technology to the market and address specific challenges that have plagued the sector since time immemorial. Ridotto’s overarching goal is to elevate the user to the role of “house,” thereby offering a fully scalable alternative to centralized online gambling.
Ridotto Vision and Mission
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Ridotto’s mission is to disrupt this controversial industry by introducing elements of transparency and decentralization via blockchain technology. The design of Ridotto is underpinned by complete transparency, anonymity, security, and fairness. Ridotto is an open-source, community-driven protocol that allows users to play, build games and earn rewards by providing liquidity in its DeFi ecosystem.
Ridotto plans to deliver never-before-seen gaming and lottery features to its patrons and fundamentally re-imagine the joy of gaming, stripped away of centralized inefficiencies. Through the Ridotto protocol, users can play, build and even fund casino games, making our platform the single most robust to come to market. In this way, Ridotto will break down the traditional boundaries that separate casino owners from players, and instead elevate the player to the position of “house.”
The Ridotto platform boasts six key features:
Full Transparency: By running on decentralized blockchains, players and liquidity providers are able to verify the odds of winning, probabilities, and other aspects that are undisclosed by traditional casino operators.
Nested Interoperability: As a cross-chain protocol, Ridotto optimizes transaction fees and smart contract costs to enhance user experience.
Easy Build: Ridotto Lab boasts an extensive suite of tools, SDKs, and libraries that allow users to build unique games on its platform.
Community Governance: As a community-driven platform, Ridotto will incorporate community input in its development. $RDT token holders play an important role in deciding the improvements and implementation of new proposals on the platform.
All-in-One App: The platform is designed to offer an engaging gaming experience via a streamlined user interface.
Staking Rewards: By staking and providing liquidity on the RIDOTTO protocol, users become the House as they are able to receive a portion of the earnings, rewards, and fees that are shared across the pools.
RIDOTTO The State of the Gambling Sector
While online gambling has witnessed tremendous growth over the years, the industry is ridden with many perennial and chronic challenges. The lack of transparency still persists in the industry. The public strongly believes that the odds are stacked in favor of the house. To entice first-time gamblers, online betting platforms and casinos should be more transparent. Players’ privacy is also a challenge due to the susceptibility of centralized servers used by conventional platforms. Operators using centralized servers require personal information for vetting users. Yet, these servers are highly susceptible to hacking.
Additionally, collecting massive quantities of personal information also slows down the process of creating accounts. Lengthy and complex registration processes can discourage new players from joining. It also limits operators’ ability to grow the number of users and their profitability. Blockchain can eliminate the need for excessive data collection. Innovative Blockchain-based technologies like cross-chain can cut operational costs. However, early adopters set up their platforms on the legacy Blockchain, which is costly and can undermine players’ experience.
RIDOTTO The home of decentralized gambling delivers the best-in-class experience across blockchain.
PLAY: Vibrant platform with lotteries, slots, table games, betting, mini-games, NFTs, and so much more.
BUILD: User-friendly build infrastructure for developing never-before-seen games and experiences on blockchain.
BANKROLL: Open-source so the community can enjoy the industry’s untold profitability. Choose the game, bankroll it, and earn APY from the House’s edge.
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25% - Staking - 125,000,000 15% - Token sales - 75,000,000 15% - Ecosystem - 75,000,000 15% - Marketing & Partnerships - 75,000,000 10% - Reserve - 50,000,000 10% - Bug Bounties & Accelerator - 50,000,000 10% - Team - 50,000,000
Tumblr media
Ridotto brings about a paradigm shift in the gambling sector and how players earn rewards by staking and providing liquidity. This disruption in the gambling, casino, and lottery sector has been birthed by the need for change from how traditional casino businesses constantly earn from players and are designed to always be in favor of the house. Ridotto leverages Blockchain technology to provide the best earning opportunities for players and liquidity providers. Ridotto is the next-generation gambling protocol.
Follow us on social media
Website: https://ridotto.io/ Whitepaper: https://ridotto.io/pdf/whitepaper_ridotto.pdf Twitter: https://twitter.com/ridotto_io Discord: https://discord.com/invite/ridotto Telegram Community: https://t.me/ridotto_community
Author Details
BTT: Analyticsd BTT username: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3579573 Address: 0xCa9FbdBafadE686127459bae842312D4b3e6Dc0f
0 notes
nobonitaa0 · 1 month
Ridotto is the first cross-chain gaming & lottery protocol that offers the possibility to play & build games.
Ridotto Presentation
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Ridotto is a multi-chain and decentralized lottery and gaming protocol that introduces permissionless casino ownership and open source bankrolling of slot machines, lotteries, table games, bingo, sports betting, and so much more. Ridotto makes the most of cross-chain technology, the future of Blockchain. Ridotto’s innovative cross-chain gambling and lottery protocol is the first of its kind in the gambling sector. The protocol is robust enough to deliver the promises of Blockchain technology to the market and address specific challenges that have plagued the sector since time immemorial. Ridotto’s overarching goal is to elevate the user to the role of “house,” thereby offering a fully scalable alternative to centralized online gambling.
Ridotto Vision and Mission
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Ridotto’s mission is to disrupt this controversial industry by introducing elements of transparency and decentralization via blockchain technology. The design of Ridotto is underpinned by complete transparency, anonymity, security, and fairness. Ridotto is an open-source, community-driven protocol that allows users to play, build games and earn rewards by providing liquidity in its DeFi ecosystem.
Ridotto plans to deliver never-before-seen gaming and lottery features to its patrons and fundamentally re-imagine the joy of gaming, stripped away of centralized inefficiencies. Through the Ridotto protocol, users can play, build and even fund casino games, making our platform the single most robust to come to market. In this way, Ridotto will break down the traditional boundaries that separate casino owners from players, and instead elevate the player to the position of “house.”
The Ridotto platform boasts six key features:
Full Transparency: By running on decentralized blockchains, players and liquidity providers are able to verify the odds of winning, probabilities, and other aspects that are undisclosed by traditional casino operators.
Nested Interoperability: As a cross-chain protocol, Ridotto optimizes transaction fees and smart contract costs to enhance user experience.
Easy Build: Ridotto Lab boasts an extensive suite of tools, SDKs, and libraries that allow users to build unique games on its platform.
Community Governance: As a community-driven platform, Ridotto will incorporate community input in its development. $RDT token holders play an important role in deciding the improvements and implementation of new proposals on the platform.
All-in-One App: The platform is designed to offer an engaging gaming experience via a streamlined user interface.
Staking Rewards: By staking and providing liquidity on the RIDOTTO protocol, users become the House as they are able to receive a portion of the earnings, rewards, and fees that are shared across the pools.
RIDOTTO The State of the Gambling Sector
While online gambling has witnessed tremendous growth over the years, the industry is ridden with many perennial and chronic challenges. The lack of transparency still persists in the industry. The public strongly believes that the odds are stacked in favor of the house. To entice first-time gamblers, online betting platforms and casinos should be more transparent. Players’ privacy is also a challenge due to the susceptibility of centralized servers used by conventional platforms. Operators using centralized servers require personal information for vetting users. Yet, these servers are highly susceptible to hacking.
Additionally, collecting massive quantities of personal information also slows down the process of creating accounts. Lengthy and complex registration processes can discourage new players from joining. It also limits operators’ ability to grow the number of users and their profitability. Blockchain can eliminate the need for excessive data collection. Innovative Blockchain-based technologies like cross-chain can cut operational costs. However, early adopters set up their platforms on the legacy Blockchain, which is costly and can undermine players’ experience.
RIDOTTO The home of decentralized gambling delivers the best-in-class experience across blockchain.
PLAY: Vibrant platform with lotteries, slots, table games, betting, mini-games, NFTs, and so much more.
BUILD: User-friendly build infrastructure for developing never-before-seen games and experiences on blockchain.
BANKROLL: Open-source so the community can enjoy the industry’s untold profitability. Choose the game, bankroll it, and earn APY from the House’s edge.
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25% - Staking - 125,000,000 15% - Token sales - 75,000,000 15% - Ecosystem - 75,000,000 15% - Marketing & Partnerships - 75,000,000 10% - Reserve - 50,000,000 10% - Bug Bounties & Accelerator - 50,000,000 10% - Team - 50,000,000
Tumblr media
Ridotto brings about a paradigm shift in the gambling sector and how players earn rewards by staking and providing liquidity. This disruption in the gambling, casino, and lottery sector has been birthed by the need for change from how traditional casino businesses constantly earn from players and are designed to always be in favor of the house. Ridotto leverages Blockchain technology to provide the best earning opportunities for players and liquidity providers. Ridotto is the next-generation gambling protocol.
Follow us on social media
Website: https://ridotto.io/ Whitepaper: https://ridotto.io/pdf/whitepaper_ridotto.pdf Twitter: https://twitter.com/ridotto_io Discord: https://discord.com/invite/ridotto Telegram Community: https://t.me/ridotto_community
Author Details
Bitcointalk username : Nesspay Bitcointalk Profile : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2694163 address : 0xf203550cc2238fb86c6f73bb02ae5dc5dce162a3
0 notes