#sdr transceivers
hackgit · 1 year
[Media] ​​HackRF One + Portapack H2 Mayhem
​​HackRF One + Portapack H2 Mayhem The HackRF is an exceptionally capable software defined radio (SDR) transceiver, but naturally you need to connect it to a computer to actually do anything with it. So the PortaPack was developed to turn it into a stand-alone device with the addition of a touchscreen LCD, a few buttons, and a headphone jack. With all the hardware in place, it’s just a matter of installing a firmware capable enough to do some proper RF hacking on the go. Enter MAYHEM, an evolved fork of the original PortaPack firmware that the developers claim is the most up-to-date and feature packed version available. Without ever plugging into a computer, this firmware allows you to receive, decode, and re-transmit a dizzying number of wireless protocols. From firing off the seating pagers at a local restaurant to creating a fleet of phantom aircraft with spoofed ADS-B transponders, MAYHEM certainly seems like it lives up to the name. Detailed blog post about installing and using MAYHEM on the HackRF/PortaPack, complete with a number of real-world examples that show off just a handful of possible applications for the project. Jamming cell phones, sending fake pager messages, and cloning RF remotes is just scratching the surface of what’s possible. Example of use: exploitation of a Honda vulnerability Honda's Remote Keyless System (CVE-2022-27254) Firmware to open any and all Tesla vehicle charging ports in range! Buy online: 🛒 https://bit.ly/3AEBFHS #radio #RF #SDR
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icom-uk · 23 days
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Our current range of SDR transceivers all together...with the IC-7760 to come later this year. To find out more about these popular models, visit the Amateur radio section of our website, where you will be able to find a lot of product content including news, brochures and product specifications: https://icomuk.co.uk/Amateur_Radio_Ham
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jayakody2000lk · 4 months
RDS Data Extraction with RFtap and Wireshark
RDS (Radio Data System) is a communication protocol standard used for embedding small amounts of digital information in traditional FM radio broadcasts. It enables radio stations to transmit data such as station identification, program information, and traffic updates. 
To capture and decode RDS data, one method involves using a Software Defined Radio (SDR) along with GNU Radio and RFtap. GNU Radio provides a framework for creating software radios, while RFtap acts as a bridge between GNU Radio and conventional network monitoring and packet analysis tools like Wireshark.
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Unfortunately, as of the time of writing, RFtap is no longer being maintained and does not work with the latest version of GNU Radio (version 3.10.10). This post offers guidelines for rebuild and using RFtap with the new GNU Radio release.
This post assumes that the reader has access to DVB-T dongles based on the Realtek RTL2832U and a PC running Ubuntu or Debian Linux. For this, I used an RTL dongle with Rafael Micro R820T tuner and Ubuntu 24.04 LTS release.
As the first step install the following GNU Radio build dependencies into the OS:
sudo apt-get install cmake libboost-all-dev \ liblog4cpp5-dev qtcreator qtbase5-dev \ qt5-qmake python3-cheetah python3-numpy \ python3-pygtk python3-gi python3-gi-cairo \ gir1.2-gtk-4.0
sudo apt install git g++ libgmp-dev swig \ python3-mako python3-sphinx python3-lxml \ doxygen libfftw3-dev libsdl1.2-dev \ libgsl-dev libqwt-qt5-dev libqt5opengl5-dev \ python3-pyqt5 liblog4cpp5-dev libzmq3-dev \ python3-yaml python3-click \ python3-click-plugins python3-zmq python3-scipy \ libcodec2-dev libgsm1-dev libusb-1.0-0 \ libusb-1.0-0-dev libudev-dev \ python3-setuptools
sudo apt install pybind11-dev python3-matplotlib \ libsndfile1-dev libsoapysdr-dev soapysdr-tools \ python3-pygccxml python3-pyqtgraph
sudo apt install libiio-dev libad9361-dev \ libspdlog-dev python3-packaging python3-jsonschema \ python3-qtpy
sudo apt remove swig
Next, clone and build Volk (Vector-Optimized Library of Kernels)
mkdir ~/rf cd rf git clone --recursive https://github.com/gnuradio/volk.git cd volk mkdir build cd build cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=/usr/bin/python3 ../ make sudo make install sudo ldconfig
After installing the Volk library, we can proceed to build GNU Radio.
cd ~/rf wget https://github.com/gnuradio/gnuradio/archive/refs/tags/v3.10.10.0.tar.gz tar -xvf ./v3.10.10.0.tar.gz cd gnuradio- mkdir build cd build cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=/usr/bin/python3 ../ make -j8 make test sudo make install sudo ldconfig
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Now GNU Radio is installed with all necessary components. To enable RTL SDR support, we must build and install Osmocom RTL SDR libraries and SDR components.
cd ~/rf git clone https://gitea.osmocom.org/sdr/rtl-sdr.git cd rtl-sdr mkdir build cd build cmake ../ -DINSTALL_UDEV_RULES=ON make sudo make install sudo ldconfig
cd ~/rf git clone https://gitea.osmocom.org/sdr/gr-osmosdr cd gr-osmosdr mkdir build cd build cmake ../ make sudo make install sudo ldconfig
Before plugging in the RTL-SDR dongle, we need to prevent the kernel modules for the RTL-SDR USB device from being loaded into the kernel and taking ownership of the device. To do this, simply navigate to the /etc/modprobe.d directory and create a file called rtl-sdr-blacklist.conf with the following content:
# This system has librtlsdr0 installed in order to # use digital video broadcast receivers as generic # software defined radios. blacklist dvb_usb_rtl28xxu blacklist e4000 blacklist rtl2832 blacklist rtl2830 blacklist rtl2838
Next, you should clone and build the FM RDS/TMC transceiver module for GNU Radio.
cd ~/rf wget https://github.com/bastibl/gr-rds/archive/refs/tags/v3.10.tar.gz tar -xvf ./gr-rds\ -v3.10.tar.gz cd gr-rds-3.10 mkdir build cd build cmake .. make sudo make install sudo ldconfig
For the next steps, we need to have Wireshark and RFTap. Wireshark can be installed using a package manager.
sudo apt-get install wireshark
To run Wireshark without requiring root user permissions, use the following set of commands:
sudo dpkg-reconfigure wireshark-common sudo usermod -a -G wireshark $USER newgrp wireshark
A message may be prompted in the first step above and proceed by selecting the "Yes" option.
Now restart the OS and continue with the RFTap installation.
The official RFTap repository is no longer being maintained and is not compatible with newer versions of GNU Radio. For this step, please use the RFTap fork available in my GitHub repository. This version has been successfully tested with GNU Radio 3.10.10 and Wireshark 4.2.2.
cd ~/rf git clone https://github.com/dilshan/gr-rftap.git cd gr-rftap mkdir build cd build cmake .. make sudo make install sudo ldconfig
Now get the modifier version of rds_rx_rftap.grc from the above repository.
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The Wireshark Dissector file for RDS data is also available in the repository. Copy it to the ~/.config/wireshark/plugins directory. Create the directories if they do not exist.
Launch Wireshark and monitor the loopback (lo) adapter. Start GNU Radio and execute the rds_rx.grc file, which was downloaded in the above step.
If all the steps are performed correctly, the RDS data should appear in the packet list pane as UDP messages. The dissected messages can be observed through the packet bytes pane.
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qsotodaypodcast · 9 months
Episode 482 Ram Muthukrishnan VU2JXN
Ram Muthukrishnan, VU2JXN, while growing up in India, had a difficult time finding any information about amateur radio in the libraries and magazines.  It was not until Ram attended university that he met licensed amateur radio operators and could pursue the hobby.  CW is Ram’s favorite operating mode, especially after attending CW Academy.  He modified his SSB only BitX transceiver to operate CW and to use it for CW practice. As a software engineer by trade, Ram has a keen interest in software defined radio, SDR, homebrewing radios, and CW.  VU2JXN is my QSO Today.
Check out this episode!
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realita-lampung · 1 year
Perkara BAKTI Kemenkominfo, 1 Orang Ditetapkan Sebagai Tersangka
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Tim Penyidik pada Direktorat Penyidikan Jaksa Agung Muda Bidang Tindak Pidana Khusus (Jam Pidsus), telah menetapkan dan melakukan penahanan terhadap 1 orang Tersangka, yang terkait dengan perkara Base Transceiver Station (BTS) 4G dan infrastruktur pendukung . Penetapan Tersangka tersebut berdasarkan dugaan tindak pidana korupsi pemufakatan jahat gratifikasi atau tindak pidana pencucian uang dengan tindak pidana asal tindak pidana korupsi, pada penyediaan infrastruktur Base Transceiver Station (BTS) 4G dan infrastruktur pendukung paket 1, 2, 3, 4, dan 5 BAKTI Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika (Kemenkominfo) Tahun 2020 s/d 2022. Adapun 1 orang Tersangka tersebut yaitu NPWH alias EH. Demikian disebutkan dalam siaran pers Pusat Penerangan Hukum Kejaksaan Agung, oleh Kepala Pusat Penerangan Hukum Kejaksaan Agung Ketut Sumedana, kepada Realitalampung.com, Jum’at (13/10/2023). Disampaikan, setelah dilakukan serangkaian pemeriksaan saksi, tindakan penggeledahan dan penyitaan, Tim Penyidik telah menemukan 2 alat bukti yang cukup untuk menetapkan yang bersangkutan sebagai Tersangka. Setelah dilakukan pemeriksaan kesehatan dan dinyatakan sehat, Tersangka NPWH alias EH dilakukan penahanan di Rumah Tahanan Negara Salemba Cabang Kejaksaan Agung selama 20 hari terhitung sejak 13 Oktober 2023 s/d 01 November 2023. Peranan Tersangka NPWH alias EH dalam perkara ini yaitu telah secara melawan hukum melakukan permufakatan jahat untuk melakukan penyuapan atau gratifikasi atau menerima, menguasai penempatan, menggunakan harta kekayaan berupa uang sebesar ± Rp15 miliar yang diketahuinya atau patut diduganya merupakan hasil tindak pidana dari Tersangka GMS dan Tersangka IH melalui Sdr. IJ (staf Tersangka GMS). Akibat perbuatannya, Tersangka disangka melanggar Pasal 15 atau Pasal 12B atau Pasal 5 Ayat (1) Undang-Undang Pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Korupsi atau Pasal 5 Ayat (1) Undang-Undang Pencegahan dan Pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Pencucian Uang. ( * ) Read the full article
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hackernewsrobot · 1 year
GNU Radio software-defined radio (SDR) implementation of a LoRa transceiver
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15 May – The T41-EP ALPS: A High Performance CW Decoder by Jack Purdum, W8TEE and Al Peter, AC8GY
The presentation Jack and Al collaborated to build the T41-EP, a 7 band, 20W, CW/SSB SDR transceiver and this presentation is chiefly about how they developed the high performance CW decoder. Jack and Al co-authored the Software Defined Radio Transceiver (2022) and Microcontroller Projects for Amateur Radio (2019) books and numerous articles and presentations. They are also […] http://dlvr.it/SpDSTq
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kenzingmedia · 1 year
Four Band Digital HF SDR Transceiver Offers High Performance For Only $60 | Hackaday
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www-vcan-cc · 1 year
MESH ultra SDRU Transmitter
Single Board UxV Transceiver The SDR-UC is a multi-role Mesh transceiver with a built-in amplifier, composed of one single board. Designed with large-scale multi-role integration in mind, the SDR-UC is rich in connectivity options including Ethernet, USB/RNDIS, RS232 / RS485, TTL, and analog audio. At just 15mm thick, weighing only 142g but with a full 2W, 5W, or 10W of RF power, the TX900 has…
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epiqsolutions · 2 years
Epiq Solutions - RF Sensing & Monitoring Solutions
https://epiqsolutions.com Understand the RF World around you with our RF Sensing Solutions and RF Transceivers. We make turnkey solutions that give you insight into your RF environment. Modern compact form factor software defined radio (SDR) systems and distinctive wireless applications are created and developed by Epiq Solutions, an engineering firm. Epiq Solutions creates radio platforms and apps with knowledge from the antenna to the user interface to give our clients access to a new generation of radio capabilities. The group that makes it all possible is shown here.
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dannyradiodx · 2 years
Xiegu G90 HF SDR Transceiver Radio - Amateur Radio listening on 160 Mete...
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hackgit · 2 years
[Media] ​​HackRF One + Portapack H2 Mayhem.
​​HackRF One + Portapack H2 Mayhem. The HackRF is an exceptionally capable software defined radio (SDR) transceiver, but naturally you need to connect it to a computer to actually do anything with it. So the PortaPack was developed to turn it into a stand-alone device with the addition of a touchscreen LCD, a few buttons, and a headphone jack. With all the hardware in place, it’s just a matter of installing a firmware capable enough to do some proper RF hacking on the go. Enter MAYHEM, an evolved fork of the original PortaPack firmware that the developers claim is the most up-to-date and feature packed version available. Without ever plugging into a computer, this firmware allows you to receive, decode, and re-transmit a dizzying number of wireless protocols. From firing off the seating pagers at a local restaurant to creating a fleet of phantom aircraft with spoofed ADS-B transponders, MAYHEM certainly seems like it lives up to the name. Detailed blog post about installing and using MAYHEM on the HackRF/PortaPack, complete with a number of real-world examples that show off just a handful of possible applications for the project. Jamming cell phones, sending fake pager messages, and cloning RF remotes is just scratching the surface of what’s possible. Example of use: exploitation of a Honda vulnerability Honda's Remote Keyless System (CVE-2022-27254) Firmware to open any and all Tesla vehicle charging ports in range! Buy online: 🛒 https://ali.ski/zja-1o #hackrf #radio #sdr #spoofing
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icom-uk · 23 days
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Our current range of SDR transceivers all together...with the IC-7760 to come later this year. To find out more about these popular models, visit the Amateur Radio section of our website, where you will be able to find a lot of product content, including news, brochures and product specifications: https://icomuk.co.uk/Amateur_Radio_Ham
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guncelkal · 2 years
Xiegu G90 HF Radio 20W SSB/CW/AM/FM SDR Structure with Built-in Auto Antenna Tuner
Xiegu G90 HF Radio 20W SSB/CW/AM/FM SDR Structure with Built-in Auto Antenna Tuner
From the brand Product Description The G90 is the first model of the new Xiegu G-series. It’s a portable 20W HF 10-160 mtr. multimode transceiver. The G90 uses 24-bit digital architecture. It also includes an internal automatic antenna tuner. The G90 has excellent transmit and receive performance. It packs huge performance into a small portable package. The G90 has a removable display head that…
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qsotodaypodcast · 9 months
Episode 482 Ram Muthukrishnan VU2JXN
Ram Muthukrishnan, VU2JXN, while growing up in India, had a difficult time finding any information about amateur radio in the libraries and magazines.  It was not until Ram attended university that he met licensed amateur radio operators and could pursue the hobby.  CW is Ram’s favorite operating mode, especially after attending CW Academy.  He modified his SSB only BitX transceiver to operate CW and to use it for CW practice. As a software engineer by trade, Ram has a keen interest in software defined radio, SDR, homebrewing radios, and CW.  VU2JXN is my QSO Today.
Check out this episode!
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mywebsoftgo · 2 years
Hackrf one sdr
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Software Defined Radio and Digital Signal Processing.The 3-day advanced SDR covers both theory and application of SDR using HackRF One. SDR Training with HackRF, Advanced Software Defined Radio Training is a 3-day hands-on advanced SDR training course, Software-Defined Radio Development with GNU Radio using HackRF One. The overall concept behind HackRF is to bring an open source peripheral that can assist modern day engineers and researchers for improving next generation communication systems. That’s because this SDR device can interact with a number of technologies including smartphones, GPS, IT infrastructures, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and even broadcasting stations. With both military and public applications, the majority of wireless systems in the digital age could easily be transcieved by HackRF One. It is small enough to fit easily into a typical laptop bag. You don’t have to carry an external power supply with you when taking HackRF on the road because it is powered by USB. HackRF is designed primarily for use with a USB-attached host computer, but it can also be used for stand-alone applications. HackRF is a wide band software defined radio (SDR) half-duplex transceiver capable of receiving and transmitting (although not at the same time) on a frequency range of 1Mhz to 6Ghz with output power of 30 mW to 1 mW depending on the band. In other words, SDR is like a very fast sound card with the speaker and microphone replaced by an antenna. Just as a sound card in a computer digitizes audio waveforms, a software radio peripheral digitizes radio waveforms. It is similar to the software-based digital audio techniques that became popular a couple of decades ago. SDR is the application of Digital Signal Processing to radio waveforms. Further, it does not require the use of capacitors and resistors, as the software-based filtering algorithms can be utilized to select specific frequencies. What this means is that the functionality is modified or changed by software alone, eliminating the need to make any physical changes to the hardware. Software defined radio (SDR) is a wireless communication device in which the transmitter and receiver modulation/demodulation occurs in software. SDR Training with HackRF, Advanced Software Defined Radio Training Space Operations and Cybersecurity Training.RF Engineering Training | Bootcamp Style.Includes: -1 x SRD Radio (PortaPack H2+HackRF)-1 x Data Cable-5 xĪntennasNote: -The product is assembled. Reception sensitivity varies from band to band, but will not perform as well as a real ham radio receive-Built-in rechargeable lithium batteryPackage PortaPack and HackRF of Un will not replace your handheld ham radio receiver. If you have an RF shield installed on your HackRF, the PortaPack should be fine. It is not compatible with the first HackRF Jawbreake design. PortaPack is only compatible with the HackRF Uno. Sleep mode saves energy by turning off the display only.įeatures: -Your HackRF will continue to work with the computer-based SDR software when you put the PortaPack in "HackRF mode".
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Calibration PPM for more accurate tuning. HackRF mode runs HackRF firmware for use with the SDR host computer software. Monitoring of boat (AIS), automobile (TPMS), E utility counter transponder (ITRON ERT). Broadband (18MHz) spectrum and cascade analysis. Micro SD card slot for data and storage code-SSB, AM, narrowband FM, broadband FM audio reception, with cascade spectrum. Coin battery to preserve settings and date / time. Four-way arrow buttons, rotary wheel and select button. No computer is needed (except for firmware reprogramming).įunctions: - 3.2 inches, 240 x 320 RGB LCD with resistive touch panel. The PortaPack firmware works with the fast ARM processors in your HackRF. Just add a USB battery, and you're ready to explore radio spectrum wherever you are.
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Hardware Configuration: - 3.2 inches TFT 240 * 320 screen-Navigation switch-Audio output-Microphone input-DC 2.1 interface-4-layer gold plate-ROSH process Add a PortaPack to your software defined radio HackRF, and leave your laptop behind! The PortaPack connects to your HackRF and adds an LCD touchscreen, navigation controls, headphone jack, real-time clock, micro SD card slot.
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