brucexthomasxwayne · 3 years
@sdrawkcabtiyasi​ asked:  ⭐– our muses get dressed up for a holiday party  
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“It’s the annual Wayne Enterprises Holiday party, it’ll be fun. I promise.” A box adorned in a large red bow sat upon the table for Zatanna, and inside was a neatly folded dress that complimented the suit he’d chosen for the evening. “The first of many Christmas gifts, I hope you like it.”
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poisonousisley · 3 years
The surroundings Pamela awoke to were warm, but unfamiliar - and that was enough to set her on edge while her mind tried to peace together everything that had led her there. The memory was hazy at first, but finding a TV to flick through the channels of, and a glass of water from the kitchen sink to nurse her pounding head, had helped bring it all back in startling clarity fast. She had made a rather sizable mess in Central City, one that it wasn’t recovering from quickly. They could have at least had the decency to update her APB profile - the likeness was not flattering, or all that accurate, in her opinion.
She had been intent on taking the streets as soon as possible, gathering what resources she could to hit the road for a safe house elsewhere, and then get in contact with the few people who might not completely hate her guts right now. But that had proven impossible - or at least beyond her current means - when every time she tried to go through what looked like a door to the outside world, she was looped back into the sitting room. So, she had merely cursed the magi responsible for keeping her trapped, and resigned herself to sprawling on the floor to gather up as much sunlight as she could from the patch of it coming through a window.
“You have a bar or a liquor cabinet in this maze?” Pamela grumbled as she propped herself up from her prone spot on the floor at the sound of footsteps approaching her. Zatanna wasn’t exactly a sight for sore eyes, but at least she didn’t look ready to slaughter her. “I know this ranks pretty high on my worst moments, but... wasn’t entirely my fault was it? I feel like I’m owed a drink after getting slipped some of Crane’s special brew.”
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ccfxanadu · 3 years
The night was swirling with chaos. Almost as if the world had caught on fire right in front of all their eyes. Her heels clicked quickly against the pavement as she made her way towards what would be City Hall, but something was different. It was all different around her. People fighting, screaming, crying. It took her back to the day of Camelot burning to the ground. The way she heard her people in such agony. 
That was when Nimue heard footsteps creeping fast towards her. Under her breath, she began to chant as she saw what appeared to be particles from a toxin floating around. Her words sped up as she shut her eyes. All she wanted was a chance to make it to the rest of them to help. 
Her eyes shot open with a glow as she took off. The incantation she called to was to show her where the toxin was. Almost as a cautionary tale to avoid.  That was when she heard someone, a familiar voice. “Zatanna?!” She shouted out as she made her way towards the voice. “What is all of this?!” She called out still looking for her fellow magic user.
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thelegendaryhawkman · 4 years
@sdrawkcabtiyasi​ ⛄️ – our muses build a snowman together 
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“No magic!” Carter called out as he stepped out into the small porch area outside of Zatanna’s shop, the various props he had brought to decorate bundled under his arm. He insisted it was a simple and cost-free way to bring in some business - dressing up a snow man in a typical wizard get-up for the kids to gawk at - but in truth he had been looking for an excuse to build a snowman ever since the first few inches of snow began to lie. “Magic’s cheating. We gotta do this by hand to get it right.”
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butiamsmiling · 2 years
Lori was feeling more than a little sluggish that morning. Her body was cradled tight in her duvet, burrito style, and somewhere in the distance a dog was yaping. No matter how often she tossed and turned she couldn’t seem to get comfortable enough to fall back asleep. The sunshine leaked through the gap in her drapes and fell squarely on her nose as it climbed high in the sky. She shifted till her back was to the window and its intrusive light, tugging the portion of the duvet that had naughtily fallen open back over her eyes. She fully intended to settle back into a few more minutes, nay, hours of sleep. But life’s a bitch and so was her alarm clock. Two minutes later, it blared to life and yanked her back awake. Cursing into the folds of her comforter, Lori shifted, sticking an arm out of and snatching the damn thing up, preparing to fling it across the room when the sound of her door opening stopped her violent intentions. She listened with her brow wrinkled as gentle footsteps padded across the floor and to the window, where she heard the definite sound of curtains being drawn. Her eyes was quickly inundated with light, and she cringed away automatically.
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“What…the…FUCK!” her voice became louder with each syllable, eventually becoming a roar. Lori was clearly not a morning person. She pushed the blankets away and leapt up, her face pinched in irritation and her stringy ink-black locks coiled in an elaborate tangle down her sides. She examined the room for the perpetrator and there she stood there, the light streaming in through the window giving her figure an angelic glow. “Zatanna FUCKING Zatara, have you lost your fucking mind,” her glare dimmed by the dispersed tendrils of hair obstructing her vision. It was one of her distinguishing traits, the foul mouth and the sharp glare, and Zatanna was getting the heat full notch. “Do you know what time it is?!” She brought the clock, still clutched in her fist, closer to her face, her eyes narrowing at the flashing green digits. “Fuck me, 9! 9 in the morning!” the tone of her voice had reached epic portions by this point, she turned the clock to face Z so she too could grasp the absurdity of the situation. 
They went through this procedure almost every morning; occasionally Lori was more subdued and simply grumbled under her breath as Z ushered her out of bed. This was how most days went. Of course, Lori was perfectly aware of the reason Z decided to cruelly wrench her from her slumbering comfort. She'd let her slack off the last few days of training, but she'd agreed to get an early start to compensate. However, between the time she verbally committed to the task and now, waking up in the wee hours of the morning, her determination had entirely dissolved and utter lethargy had sunk into her aching bones.
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“I love ya Z, but if you don’t shut the curtains and exit the room in the next five seconds I’m going to knock you right onto your perfect little ass”
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maddoxstone · 3 years
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“I did not expect this kind of call, Ms. Zatara, but I’m not complaining.”
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detectivechucklxs · 3 years
“I know this is going to sound crazy but I need your help..” he paused for a moment with a stiff sigh. “Magically speaking, I need your help.”
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kittysaysxmeow · 3 years
“I’ll deny it if anyone ask, but that finale was pretty impressive, I guess”
Admittedly, it took a minute for Selina to make her presence known. Her movements were shadowed by hesitation, and she was unaccustomed to such insecurity. So suited to wearing her swagger like a second skin, it had deserted her in this moment, and perhaps if it hadn't, she would not have appeared as strange standing in the doorway of Zatanna's dressing room with her hands buried in her jacket pocket. Selina wasn't certain she'd had a proper conversation with the magician in an a while, which was mostly her fault. As uncomfortable as she was with communicating her sentiments, addressing a woman who had literally saved her life was incredibly awkward for her. Aversion, of course, being a strange reaction as opposed to gratitude. Selina didn't particularly like feeling indebted to someone. Selina hardly remembered the specifics and she wasn't sure if that was Zatanna's doing or her mind shielding her, regardless she didn't ask. 
The scar was but a faded mark now...
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"I hope you weren't expecting flowers or anything, looks like you have enough as it is" she gestured to the gifted bouquets around the room. "I did pay for my ticket, with my own money so. You're welcome"
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petty--dabbler · 4 years
“Well, hello there, little rabbit,” John smiled at the rabbit that twitched it’s nose innocently up at him as he lay on the long dark green sofa in his private office. He reached his hand out to pat the soft fur, humming a little at the silky texture. “To what do I owe the pleasure of this visit so late in the evening? Isn’t it past curfew, Professor?”
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Envy.  There’s so many ways to give in.
Sir Isaac Newton proposed one of the most f u n d e m e n t a l laws of physics applicable to man: “with every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.”
What happens when the opposite reaction is greater than the action that preceded it?
Ivy’s Garden (City Hall)
Objective: The epicenter of the chaos that has plagued the crown jewel of the Midwest, Central City. Alicia Baker’s plans are motion all thanks to the manipulation of Pamela Isley’s godly gifts. Wedged in the center of the city, Pamela is reigning hell fire down from the heavens on the unworthy while Alicia pulled the strings. After weeks of prolonged neglect of her own personal health, Alicia is dealing with the voices of doubt that force her to attack the city she wishes to claim. Nimue, Tamiel, and Zatanna Zatara has been drawn to the city hall by the immense power radiating from it. All three women possess abilities beyond this world and may be the key to help save the people of this city. Barbara Gordon has been station in the Mayor’s office for a meeting earlier and has been trying to tap back into the systems without detection. City Hall is surrounded by fatally toxic growths to protect Poison Ivy from any threats. Once inside, the woman must act before irrevocable damage is done to the city. 
 Will the woman at the helm allow such infringement on her grand plan?
If the group of cannot successfully pull Poison Ivy from her trance, the consequences are as follows: 
The infected people of Central City will perish from the toxin. Especially Central City’s wonderful Mayor Van Buren. Upon her death, Alicia will assume control of the city by becoming the new defacto Mayor of Central City. 
The water systems of Central City will be tainted further with a slim likelihood to be cleared before killing more residents. 
If the group does successfully break through to Poison Ivy, the consequence are as follows:
Poison Ivy can release her hold on the city but risks being a wanted enemy of the city by all federal agencies. 
The water will be still contaminated but can be cleansed by Nimue’s powers of the potent vertigo. The half life of the fear toxin will still be present in the water ways no matter the solution.  
[ @ixamxbatgirl @tammy-melinoe @ccfxanadu @sdrawkcabtiyasi @dickxgrayscn @poisonousisley ]
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If this is the last time that I get to be this part of me and I can save this earth, so be it.
Kyle tugged at the constricting bowtie that sat at the base of his neck and pulled the chain that housed his ring off with a subtle pop. His ring dropped into his palm and whizzed in anticipation for the fight at hand. Kyle sucked in a soft breath as he slipped the sleek emerald ring on. A joly of energy surged through his veins. “In the brightest day, in the blackest night, no evil shall escape my sight. Let those who worship evil’s might beware my power--Green Lantern’s light..” each word echoed in the wake of his oath. An affirmation of his allegiance to the corps and his promise to defend earth...no matter the universe. Kyle was enveloped in the bright green light and his earthly glow illuminated with purity of his will. 
“You point, I’ll glow. Whatever is in that box or whomever is in it--we gotta get it back.”
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brucexthomasxwayne · 3 years
@sdrawkcabtiyasi​ asked:  💋 – our muses kiss under the mistletoe 
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High above the chilly streets of Central City, the Wayne penthouse was decorated from wall to window, thanks to Alfred. Bruce knew better than to interfere with his beloved butler’s love for the wintery holidays, remembering how much joy the decorations brought. Though, each year Alfred hid mistletoe in unexpected places, almost always catching Bruce off guard.
Standing on the invisible threshhold between the kitchen and dining room, Bruce’s hands held Zatanna gently as they swayed softly to the jazzy Christmas music that played throughout the penthouse. “I think we both know I’m not always great with words, but I just need you to know how grateful I am that we get to spend the holidays together,” he smiled, pulling back just enough to lock eyes with Zatanna.
Just then, as if on cue, Alfred passed through with a barely audible snicker. “Mistletoe,” he commented, voice lilting in a sing-songy tone.
Bruce looked up, and sure enough, he was caught off guard. “Well would you look at that. Tradition is tradition, right?”
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prxncessdi · 3 years
“I will admit, these cronuts from Jitter’s are pretty fantastic” 
Diana reached for the open half eaten box of donuts on the coffee table for another, two glasses and an open bottle of wine on the surface just next to it. Dessert and wine in the middle of the day was presumably a tad bit scandalous, but the pairing was in honor of reuniting with a dear friend. Most of the living room and corridor leading to it were a populace of boxes, each neatly labelled, and waiting to be unloaded. Diana had brought enough familiar things to keep her comfortable in those boxes, things that brought wonderful memories to her thoughts, playing them as if they were treasured old films. She wanted to make her temporary home feel as cozy and warm as possible. 
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“Thank you for offering to help me unpack, you were the first on my list of people to visit once I had settled in and here you are come to me!” she grinned appreciatively at Zatanna, and held up her donut in a playful toast to her presence. “Now I require a thorough summary of what I am to expect here, spare no details. Even if it takes all day," she quipped, but she wouldn't have minded spending the entire day catching up with the stunning magician.
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outlawintheredhood · 4 years
🥰💐 (Zatanna)
💐 - To give my muse some flowers 🥰 - For my muse to give yours a romantic complement
Jason blinked down at the bouquet extended out to him with confusion, not entirely sure what occasion called for it or why Zatanna was offering them to him, of all people. “Why are you being nice?” He grumbled from the couch. Even after Christmas his habit of crashing with her had extended into the new year - well past a month now - and while Zatanna had been the most accommodating host she didn’t exactly go out of her way to get him things. “...And why do you look so nice?” He muttered off-handed as he finally blinked back into focus, realising the dress she was wearing was definitely not for just sitting in the house.
“Like, really nice.” He clarified, sitting up straighter on the couch as he gazed up at her. Nothing had really happened between them since Christmas Eve, but Jason hadn’t exactly forgotten the night either. He would have a hard time doing so, he was sure.
“Charming as ever.” Zatanna rolled her eyes at him, but he could see just the hint of a smile tugging at her lips - he wasn’t in that much trouble. “It’s Valentine’s Day. You’re taking me out.” She told him, the tone leaving no room for argument as he reached out to take the bouquet from her.
“I am?”
“You are.”
He merely nodded as he rose up from the couch twirling the bouquet in one hand as he used the other to smooth his hair down, while Zatanna waited on him expectantly. “Okay.” He shrugged, holding the flowers back out to her, chuckling at the pleased smile she gave him. “Zatanna Zatara, will you do the honour of being my date this evening?”
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brucexthomasxwayne · 3 years
@sdrawkcabtiyasi  ||  C L O S E D.
Bruce applauded with the audience as Zatanna took her final bows, the Saturday evening magic show coming to a close. He rose from his seat, buttoning his suit jacket while he closed the distance between his table and the door leading to the greenroom. After knocking, he adjusted his clothing, ensuring there weren’t any wrinkles in his shirt or jacket. A beefy bouncer answered the door, glaring down at the billionaire as he held a bouquet of flowers. “I’m a friend of Zatanna’s . . . can you let her know I’m here?” Bruce asked, offering the flowers to the bouncer to hopefully give to Z, along with his message.
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brucexthomasxwayne · 3 years
@sdrawkcabtiyasi​​ asked:  ‘ ASLEEP. ’ - [ my / your ] muse sits with [ mine / yours ] while they rest.
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With Alfred finally safe, the sleep he’d been avoiding the last few months was finally catching up to him. Not that he could avoid it, given the state that he was in after the way his rescue mission ended, needing a rescue himself from Kate. Bruce was hurting, that much was clear. Though, given his stubbornness, he would never openly admit to it until he was utterly incapacitated. 
After their dinner of Chinese takeout, the pair found themselves on the couch, sitting comfortably close and sharing a blanket as they got settled. Bruce tried stifling a yawn, his expanding lungs causing sharp pains to radiate through his chest. Swallowing his pain silently, he stretched an arm to wrap around Zatanna. “Oh, I meant to tell you; I found Alfred, thanks to you. He’s safe, being cared for by the best in the city. Things have been less than ideal here, so I haven’t really told anyone, other than you and Kate.” He lay his head back on the couch, yawning once more. “You can pick the movie tonight, and I’ll try my best to stay awake, though no promises.”
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