theamazingannie · 2 years
It always annoys me when catfish go to visit someone after they get blocked/get visited by someone blocked when they’re like “everything I did was me, just a different face” and it’s like. No it wasn’t. We all saw you come up with that shit. That was not you
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"The Circle" on Netflix
Started watching 'The Circle' on Netflix and I'M OBSESSED:
1. Samantha "Sammie" Cimarelli
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I immediately fell head over heels for Sammie. So authentic, so honest, so real. A woman who says what she thinks and does, what needs to be done. And, as if that wasn't enough, sooooo drop dead gorgeous! I stand this bisexual goddess!
2. Karyn Blanco alias "Mercedeze" and Chris Sapphire
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This Karyn/Mercedeze and Chris - Alliance ... 2020 means well with us and starts with two new icons in the fight for representation for our community! #ProtectTheLGBTQ+CommunityAtAllCost
3. Seaburn Williams alias "Rebecca"
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Like the cast from 'The Circle' would say: Laughing My Ass Of! I'm obsessed with this dude seeing right through the other guys but has to play his role as the kind, shy, empathetic woman perfectly. And he does! He knows exactly how to play the game and I'm here for that!
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albstories · 5 years
I can’t explain how obsessed I am with The Circle. At first I thought it was kind of dumb. But it was so hilarious and intense and I COULD NOT stop watching. Rebecca/ Seaburn is my absolute hero. His relationship with “Adam” had me dying and his attempt at “girl talk” LMFAO 😂😂😂
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dizzybelief · 5 years
i don’t know about y’all but seaburn was my favorite that whole time. every time everyone would be like “oh my god i feel so bad for rebecca” seaburn was NOT BOTHEREDDDDD!!!! he really just went “i’m sleep 😴😴😴” through the whole game and he was so funny oh my godddd. seaburn if you’re out there, u have my heart 1000000% <3
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lovebugcody · 5 years
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goopygoopygoop · 5 years
Ratings For Everyone Ever In Netflix “The Circle”: Episode 8
1. Sammie
I love Sammie so much. She’s so honest and funny and gets way to much shot from the other players. I just want her to win because she deserves it.
2. Joey
I actually thought I’d hate Joey at the beginning?? Like I honestly didn’t like him??? But at this point in the show, Joey is such a sweetheart and so honest. I really like how caring he is and how loyal to his family and friends he is.
3. Chris
Honestly he’s just really funny and I adore him. He’s been really open and honest all along and I enjoy the energy he brings to The Circle.
4. Rebecca/Seaburn
Okay so... Honestly I just find Seaburn really funny. The connections Rebecca has with everyone else on the circle are amazing but it’s gonna be so bad when everyone finds out he’s a catfish!!! Until that happens, I’m enjoying Seaburn pretending to be a girl and his two completely different personalities as Rebecca and Seaburn.
5. Shooby
He’s just so nice. Like that’s all really there is to it. Shooby is adorable and so trusting. I know it’s gonna suck for him when he finds out about Rebecca, but I like how almost everyone in the circle loves him and how genuine he is. The gym chat especially really gained me love for Shubham as he was the only one to actually do the push ups lmao.
6. Bill
He’s still relatively new, but I find him refreshingly honest and kind of funny. I hope he sticks around for a while because he’s pretty great.
7. Miranda
Miranda somehow didn’t make a lot of friends on The Circle, but during the time she was there, I enjoyed her and found her sweet. I do think she was a bit too flirty coming in, looking only for romance, but by the end I was pretty attached to her. I also really grew to love her relationship with Joey.
8. Sean
Not much to say about her hoenstly. I think I like her but also I feel like she is way to energetic sometimes. Maybe in a few more episodes I’ll like her more, but until then she’s my number 8, mostly because of how she decided to reveal her catfish status in the last episode.
9. Alana
I really felt like Alana was a good edition to the circle and it sucks she was eliminated so quickly. I think she could have been a great edition to future chats and I like how she supported Sammie.
10. Mercedez/Karyn
I found her a bit abrasive and rude at points which I wasn’t a fan of. I did hoenstly like the dynamic she brought to the circle, but I just never really connected to her.
11. Alex/Adam
I feel like I would like Alex more if Alex actually portrayed Alex on the circle. I feel like I actually like Alex but I can’t stand Adam. I find Adam really rude and disrespectful to the women.
12. Antonio
Antonio was annoying and a bit rude so I’m glad he’s gone. I didn’t like him much and didn’t find him kind to the other players. He didn’t make a nice dynamic for the people in the show and I’m okay with him being gone.
13. Ed + Tammy
I can’t stand them. It’s only been one episode and I just want them gone. Tammy is obnoxious and overbearing and Ed is sexist and rude. I hope they end up going home soon.
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meherya · 5 years
I’m crying... Shubham going on about not liking people that lie and turning around and being like “Rebecca is like my sister” got me DYING
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becca-petersen · 5 years
ok i started the circle on netflix recently and i’ll admit i was skeptical at first but this show is *chef’s kiss* INCREDIBLE TELEVISION
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alloverthegaf · 3 years
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@slythermint dude yes exactly!! don’t get me wrong I can’t claim to not love the catty drama, I am a self-proclaimed Real Housewives lover, but The Circle specifically ended up winning me over because of the unexpected wholesomeness of it. The twists and drama is fun but the second season isn’t hitting the same because when that shit’s accompanied by such a strong sense of genuine connection and friendship, in an american reality show no less, it just hits such a sweet spot! like NO ONE went into s1 thinking they would adore Joey so much, he was legit my favourite by the end.
so far this season - like the public fight between Savannah and Terelisha was fun and maybe if it had been the beginning season I’d be enjoying it more, but after S1 it just leaves kind of a bitter taste in my mouth. and even Rebecca/Seaburn- he was catfishing but at least as himself he was such an entertaining and fun person, and could still get really genuine.
anyways my last point is I actually fucking love Chloe, only because she’s so unintentionally hilarious. I literally broke when she tried reading ‘cosmonaut’. Ron hates everyone.
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unamused-kookaburra · 5 years
It fucking kills me when everyone is like "Rebecca is so authentic and sweet!" And then it cuts to Seaburn like
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danlellelickey · 5 years
Everytime they said, "I'm so glad you were real and 100% honest" to the 4 that played as themselves, meanwhile Rebecca/Seaburn was just sitting there like
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junsongs · 5 years
Alex who catfished as adam going to meet “rebecca” who is really seaburn
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mcu-but-its-vines · 5 years
Seaburn: Shubham is such a cool dude, like, I hope he’ll still be my friend.
Me, Shubham, Sammie, Joey, Chris, Ed, Sean, Alex, Alana, Karyn, Antonio, Miranda, Rebecca, Adam, Mercedeze, the narrator, The Circle itself, everyone else on planet earth: 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
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tvtalk247 · 5 years
The Circle
Judge me all the want but I love this freaking show.
I love Joey. At first glance, I thought he was going to be one of those annoying ass Bros. But he’s a lovable Bro instead. lol.
Antonio was a trip. How are you going to say you’re a chef but don’t know what a poached egg is?
Miranda didnt play the game well. She only regularly talked to like 3 people.
I cringe every time I watch scenes of Shubham because it seems like he forgets this is a game. He’s too attached to people. He’s too pure. He’s a bit gullible at times.
Rebecca/Seaburn has been giving clues left and right about being a possible catfish and people aren’t picking them up. But I like the way he plays the game compared to the other catfishes.
Chris is from my home state and I want to root for him. But he haven’t really been as entertaining as other players.
It’s funny. I don’t think Ed needs his mom to help him in the competition. It’s seems like she’s a bit out of touch. 
But Adam/Alex could have used some freaking help. THIS DUDE IS CLUELESS on how to interact with other human beings. Or maybe he has this weird idea on how attractive men talk. IDK. But Gina should have tagged along because his approach to talking to women via The Circle is downright creepy.
The white men are starting to look alike in The Circle profile icons. At a glance Ed, “Adam”, and Bill look similar.
Last but not least, SEAN. This chick hasnt even been in the freaking house more than a fucking day and she’s about to reveal her secret. I honestly think after Adam/Alex drew Sean, she got in her feels. She was thinking this attractive guy “Adam” drew her sexy and that’s not really her. And he wouldnt be attracted to the real her. So you shouldnt be a catfish on this type of show if you have insecurities. It should be reserved for the Seaburns and Karyns. LOL.
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dizzybelief · 5 years
alright imma spam about The Circle and i’m not sorry about it and imma talk about every player, as if anybody cares but here is my ranking on them too and i know i’m hella late to this too but like better late than ever anyways here’s my least to favorite:
13. adam/alex: I could not stand him at all. Catfish and IRL. The way he entered the game was awful, dont know how he made it as far as he did. Don’t know why they wouldve chosen him over miranda. I don’t know, but he was so uncomfortable. I genuinely don’t care if he was married, he just seemed like the guy to get upset if you didn’t send him a nude. I don’t know. He was weird.
12. ed and tammy: I couldn’t stand this mother and son duo AT ALL, too. I thought tammy was gonna be the one who was going to be cat fishing as ed but when they worked together the whole thing was completely off. I don’t give a FUCK if he was a helicopter engineer, you know DAMN WELL he was a shitty ass person. The fact that they REALLY thought they were gonna win over rebecca is beyond me. Message: ‘NEXT’ send.
11. bill: I honestly didn’t care for him lmfao. He was just there, but the fact that he lost over alex, that made me mad lmao. Anyways, yawn.
10. miranda: I also didn’t really care for miranda either, definitely preferred her than most but she was a lil annoying for a bit lmao. She’s pretty and what not but personality wise, it was eh. Good for Joey, tho. Shooby is better.
9. antonio: Couldn’t care less. We get it, you are professional basketball player. That isn’t a personality trait, say something else.
8. alana: She was also another white girl, but it was funny because she acted EXACTLY how you would think a white girl would act. The minute she found out Chris was gay she was literally the “YASS GIRL! SLAY QUEEN!!” for sure was the “I do it for the gays and that’s it.” type of person, which I didn’t mind. But honestly super stereotypical lmfao. it would’ve been interesting to see where she could’ve landed in the game. The “Skinny Queens” chat was the cherry on top with her, everyone else just took it the wrong way. Sammie for sure didn’t have to act the way she did with that chat name lmfao.
7. sean: Loved her! super sweet! Definitely should’ve came in without cat fishing, but it is what it is! It was understandable. For sure should’ve made it further than ed and tammy, but WHATEVER, we don’t discuss that. I appreciated the representation with the whole plus-size thing as well. Again, she’s super sweet and came in with good intentions. I feel like a 7 is a good rank for her. I would’ve loved to have seen a Sean and Seaburn duo. <3
6. mercedez/karyn: I LOVED HER BOND WITH CHRIS!! AND CALLING HERSELF MOMMA WITH SHOOBY AND CHRIS WAS ALSO SUPER CUTE. I wish she would’ve stayed longer. Anyways, for sure would love to see her play again as karyn!!
5. sammie: I love sammie, but the only thing I didn’t really like was that she was quick to point fingers. She had all rights to do so though, but when she immediately didn’t like alana bc of a group chat name (which of course, alana didn’t have bad intentions with it) was a lil petty. But other than that, she played a really good game. I loved the bi representation (along with miranda) too!
4. shubham/shooby: I didn’t like him at first with the whole “social media is the bubonic plague” vibe at first. BUUUUUT, he was honestly one of the most adorable players in the game and I could 100% agree on everyone loving him for who he was. I felt SO bad with the whole rebecca/seaburn situation but I’m so happy he took it super well considering how he didn’t take it too well with Sean. Social media can fuck you up a lot, which is true on shooby’s end, but I hope he actually tries it out and see it’s good side of it as well. He was honestly a hit or miss. He would get on my nerves too cause sometimes he’d be on high horse about the whole “social media being awful” thing. Other than that, his and Joey’s bromance is also the cutest thing in the world. Don’t hate him, and he does seem super sweet and protective no matter what. At the end of the day, he was playing a game and he played it really good, hence on him getting top influencer 4 times in a row lmfao.
3. joey: I DIDN’T LIKE HIM AT FIRST (but literally everyone and their mom would say the same thing) BUT HE GREW ON ME AND IS THE CUTEST PERSON TO EXIST. He was honestly good at what he did. Super proud of him! Deserves the world. Such a cute momma’s boy. Has my heart.
2. chris: okay okay okay okay. chris has my whole heart, too. I feel like I could feel genuine love from him with everyone in the game and that was beautiful. His faith in God was also so amazing, considering that he’s gay AND MEXICAN, that was a boundary broken for the whole “how can you be gay and also believe in god” thing. Especially in the hispanic community since it’s so taboo to be gay and also love god. I just loved that and I completely felt such a strong connection with him. I wish I could give him a hug. <3 UGH CHRIS I LOVE YOU <333
There you guys go. I said what I said. Goodnight!
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clara-unleashed · 5 years
I am generally thrilled with the people who were in the final.. it was all my favs, and I was so happy <3 I have some thoughts about some of the people in the season so here they are!
I looked through the tag and saw a lot of Alex hate which I disagree with. Obviously the character of Adam was super creepy I agree with that but it was also very obvious that Alex was just awkward and didn’t know how to flirt. Here and there he’d let his true self shine through and those were the moments where people started liking him. He obviously didn’t think he’d get popular being Alex and thought he had to counter that by being a completely different person. Don’t let that cloud your judgement on Alex bc I think he seemed like a truly good guy..
Alana... I wanna make it VERY clear that what I’m about to say is nothing with ‘models are stuck up’ or ‘she’s too caught up in her looks’ or any sort of hate that pretty girls and models get... HOWEVER... In the clips we saw she seemed like a really shitty person not gonna lie.. And all that bullshit afterwards about her getting kicked out bc she was a model?? no she was fine in the ratings where all they knew about her was her looks and the fact that she was a model.. What people disliked about her had nothing to do with her looks, it was her personality? and the way she walked into Sammys appartement.. shit she looked like she was gonna beat her up... God I couldn’t stand her... Skinny girls chat... bitch....
Ed........ Disliked him a lot... Obviously didn’t get to know him that well but man... After Sean showed her real pictures and he said some bullshit like ‘I guess we should just lie like the rest of them and give complements’! like what the hell? people were being genuine and really thought Sean was beautiful! Just because he’s a jerk doesn’t mean everyone else is...
Rebecca/Seaburn! I LOVE SEABURN SO MUCH! This sweet guy was the highlight of the show! I have never died laughing as much as when he was trying to talk periods with the girls! “I never knew girls went into this much details” there were no details seaburn lolll they just said they had cramps 😂😂
Shubyyy! Okay For a lot of the show Shuby was my fav... And I think he’s a good guy and I have never cared more about a friendship than his and joeys... However I have to be honest, he was kinda like my problematic fav sometimes.. He had kinda like nice guy vibes here and there or at least the vibe of those guys who slutshames women and says that they shouldn’t post photos in their underwear and that threw me off.. At one point he said something like ‘there's a discrepancy with Sammy’s photos’ because she was smiling and sweet on one and in her underwear in the next one... And like.. What she can’t be hot AND smart? also he was hating on miranda and saying that she was playing the flirting game bc of her pictures which urgh... I did love him though but he irked me at times.
Miranda... I love my girl! One of my fav things was her trying to flirt with Sammy and Sammy thinking that she was calling her a catfish LOL! And honestly her and Joey were so sweet! I wish she could have stayed longer..
SPEAKING OF JOEY! My love! Holy shitttt! I thought I would hate him at first because he was flirting and stuff but then he just had to be the most genuine sweet guy ever!!! He generally deserved winning because he was such a sweetheart...
Honorable mentions: Sammy:  I’m in love with her and I would marry her bc FUCK EVERYTHING I LOVED HER FROM THE FIRST EPISODE OK?! Chris: Iconic, hilarious and 100% himself! I would’ve been thrilled if he won as well! Sean: One of the first things I did when finishing the show was finding Seans instagram and following her bc a) she’s beautiful and sweet! and b) as a plussize person I need more plussize people on my feed bc its all skinny ppl..
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