#seasonal anime update
150en · 20 days
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Finally no more drawing on trackpad. Now Etho can move more than 2 frames. Soon he will become real.
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ryllen · 3 months
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i thought / m a n / these girls are quite heartless 🤣 when i accepted the quest at /clearly/ inconvenient time to swim & dive
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apparently-artless · 3 months
Narumi Gen's CV is Uchiyama Kouki (famously known for Tsukishima Kei's seiyuu of Haikyuu!!). Narumi's voice was also featured in the teaser for the official announcement of sequel production.
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cupiidzbow · 1 month
ok freddie’s talking about things that probably don’t matter in the long run but i wanna talk about them anyway sorry
I noticed that funky actually has a lot of surfboard variations…..I think the one most synonymous with him is the red one with the white stripe….. ( it debut in tropical freeze and was used in a lot of things since then ) im guessing it’s the one he tends to use the most bc the wear and tear
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but there’s also other variations IN tropical freeze!!! bc in his little figure of himself that you can get from the toy capsule there’s blue sea one AND you can see it behind him along with what I think is his regular red one behind him!!!!!!!!!!!
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but also he has other board variations before tropical freeze ( I think this was just them trying to figure things out so that’s why it always changes )
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My small football pitch on Windfall ⚽️
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furubaycrossing · 1 year
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summer festival update coming soon 🍡🎈✨
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uwudonoodle · 1 month
My partner went to watch the new episode of Tower of God on Crunchyroll today, and found the subtitles had been mixed up with either a different episode or show.
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This big tough bad guy seemed to be arrogantly monologing before starting a fight with the protagonists. He was also very concerned about his love life.
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These two, standing off to the side, weapons in hand, had a heartfelt conversation about romantic girls who wear red dresses.
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This guy was very concerned about his manicure after blowing up a mountainside with a fireball.
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farther-north · 1 month
Was able to work on this MAP hosted by the lovely Cheesecrackery !! Hope yall enjoy the final project :D
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cosmicfunnies · 11 months
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Here is another starry fact!
Today’s fact: Killer asteroids ☄️
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paradeofseasons · 6 months
All of Our Spots Are Filled!
Thank you for all your enthusiasm for our project; we couldn't be happier with the positive response! As of today, the entry form is closed. Stay tuned for our closing post, where we transition into the next stage of zine production.
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mashleverse · 1 year
#NEWS: Mashle - Magic and Muscles Season 2 Announced for January 2024
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rewordthis · 1 year
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Ah, Kamo my boy.
I know you just wanted to be a good kid and a good leader for the Kamo clan but you should consider the chance that both Maki and Mai may never wanted to be married to you.
And especially considering Maki’s personality, if she indeed had inherited the Ten Shadows Technique, she would most definitely try to assert dominance on her clan instead of let herself get married into another clan!😗
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Also, why are Megumi’s eyes brown?! Who forgot to colour them??? 😂
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And featuring my biggest pet peeve in 2D Universe: Paper-dimensional teeth. I’m not going to tolerate this from MAPPA again! 😤😒
Points of focus that got my attention under the cut (spoilers obviously).
“It hurts…” Yuuji after killing Eso. 🤨
Gojo is more tanned than we all think. The only ones that have a darker complexion than him are Yuuji and Yaga! This came a bit as a shock to me because I usually notice these things pretty quickly but his white hair are quite misleading. Haha I only noticed after watching him interact with the other characters in back to back episodes in my rewatch. 👀
Why was Kamo thinking of reuniting with Miwa when they fought Hanami? Does Miwa have the potential to exorcise special grades? I highly doubt that… hm.🤨
Ever since I heard this when I first watched JJK, I’m having so many thoughts about what this truly meant; what exactly Gojo meant when he told Megumi that he ‘won’t even measure up to Nanami’? Is this because Nanami is extremely strong? Like he’s the second strongest after himself— THE Gojo Satoru? Or — like I always understood it — because Nanami is extraordinarily strong despite not being complete as a sorcerer? This is giving me headaches for a year now… ugh… 🫤😬 Of course, it could mean both senses… Nah, coming from Gojo, it really sounds like the later meaning, right?🧐
What really bothers me in the movie; did Gojo really said “I love you” to Geto? Ahaha, not so much that it bothers me but more like the manga had Gojo blushing the minute he sets eyes on Geto, but Geto doesn’t blush until after Gojo’s last words to him. Yet, the movie never shows them blushing at any moment. What version is accurate? Not to mention… Gojo really had to decapitate Geto. Geto himself is a reversed curse technique user, which is probably why Yuuta went after his head during their fight (this kid knows his subject!). Geto got momentarily lucky that the katana broke but… Well, did Gojo do his job properly? He better— 😒
I think this is an unpopular opinion and people will go bonkers if I say this out loud, but the only reason for Gojo to tell Geto that he loves him in that moment and Geto to reply — well, like he did — is that besides friendship there was really nothing more between them. Individually, Geto must have loved Gojo in the more ecumenical or platonic sense— more like how you love your family, your friends, the people in general. It’s a fairly broad range of love. That’s why he didn’t consider Gojo’s ‘love’ a curse. Or at least that’s what he was comfortable with… Poor Gojo, really. This was his last chance to confess to Geto and the guy is just as blockheaded and dense as a cementbrick. Because make no mistake, by the narrative, Gojo speaks of love in the same sense of how Yuuta loves Rika… erm, loved(?) Rika… He means it as romantic love. Again, poor Gojo. If he really said ‘l love you’ to Geto, then that means he finally found the courage to admit his feelings, but his feelings didn’t come across! I did say before that his existence is a joke, right? He deserves this pain because he’s Over Powered. He can take it. 🤭😗
And what really bothers the shit out of me: what was the bluff Geto pulled while at Jujutsu Tech that they all still believe??? What did his stupid ass did??? It can’t be that he was referring to the way he manipulates cursed spirits, right? That’s too simple! Though it may hold some truth, I don’t think it is — or rather, it shouldn’t be — something so simple. Grrr 🙄😤
Ah! Btw, because I forgot to say this earlier, what was that bubble Yuuta used to heal Maki, Toge and Panda? Was that a reverse cursed technique? It seemed to sooth Maki’s pain. And in the manga, it looked like she was more or less healed(?)… 🧐 Yes, I don’t know.
Bonus Favourite juju strolls:
Gojo asking Nanami out just to break his nerves.
Gojo, Nobara and Yuuji ruining Megumi’s ‘pick up’ time.
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crownconstellation · 1 year
my cow is broken <3
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Today is the day!!! Happy Public School Arc anime premiere day!!!
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justanotherspeck · 1 year
s1 my beloved
transcript below the cut:
CASPAR: Anyway, this is Midnight Burger. I’m Caspar.
AVA (Outside): FUCK. YES.
CASPAR: That’s Ava, she’s always here.
CASPAR: And this is a... diner.
GLORIA: Are you sure?
CASPAR: The huge murder beast is having a coffee break
ZEBULON: For our marriage is made strong by a singular truth.
EFFIE: That divorce is an abomination.
ZEBULON: … And that we love each other very much.
EFFIE: Yes, also that.
THE EX: You can’t let that stand in the way of true love.
LEIF: Honey, you lay eggs.
THE EX: Why do you keep bringing that up?!
LEIF: It’s an important detail!
GLORIA: Do you ever feel like Leif is almost too relaxed? He goes with the flow no matter what, it’s weird.
AVA: Oh yeah? Watch this. Hey, Leif?
LEIF (In the kitchen): Yeah?
AVA: I’ve been thinking about it and, I don’t know, I still feel like a hot dog is a sandwich.
LEIF (In the kitchen): For fuck’s sake!
MARY: Can you help me?
CASPAR: What’s happening?
MARY: The officer outside, he’s been looking for me for days. I’ve managed to avoid him so far but now that’s him outside. Can you hide me somewhere? This desperate plea is brought to you by Arby’s. Arby’s, we have the meats.
LEIF: This Molotov Cocktail is brought to you by communism!
EFFIE: Yes, yes, of course. Our Lord is a God of peace.
ZEBULON: Indeed.
EFFIE: Unless you’re a merchant outside the temple, then look out for the chokehold of Jesus.
CASPAR: Ava, what are you doing?
AVA: I’m getting this jug of moonshine and going out in the parking lot to watch a fist fight. Suck on that, Stephen Hawking.
CASPAR: Oh, no. What are we going to do without all the essential work you do around here? Who will do the incredibly hard work of being an asshole to people?
AVA: That’s not work, that’s how I relax.
CASPAR: Well you must be really relaxed.
STEVE: We had come upon a binary star system. I looked upon these two stars rotating around their barycenter and my thoughts turned to my wife. We were like these two stars, locked into an eternal dance only due to chance and gravity, unable to recall a moment where we chose each other and unable to escape this rotation. Knowing that to move closer would obliterate us both.
CASPAR: This went from fun idea to Russian novel real fast.
STEVE: Hello, my friends. I am about to go on a date.
CASPAR: Yeah, we heard... uhhh nice work, buddy.
LEIF: Go get ‘em, tiger.
STEVE: I have no idea how to go on a date.
LEIF: Shit, okay, uh...
CASPAR: Um... Ask her about her job.
LEIF: Yeah, her life in general.
CASPAR: Listen a lot.
LEIF: Don’t try and be funny.
CASPAR: Try sharing a secret with her.
LEIF: If she asks you to do something illegal, it may be a test.
LEIF: Really gauge the situation at that point, is she kidding or does she actually want to do crimes?
CASPAR: What are you talking about?
LEIF: This is good advice.
CASPAR: Where, the Pirate Isle of Tortuga?
EFFIE: Caspar, thanks for being with us today.
CASPAR (Whispering): So great to be here, go fuck yourself.
CASPAR: Gloria, we’re going to have to go.
GLORIA: Oh, man. Okay. Guys, gather round.
CASPAR: What the hell is that music?
GLORIA: V, Jungkook, Jimin, Suga, Jin, RM, J-Hope. I want you to know that I love you all very much. But I have my own pack, and I have to go run with them now.
EFFIE: (Fighting back tears) It’s... so hard to hear her say goodbye to the wolves.
ZEBULON (Also crying): I didn’t realize she named them after the members of BTS.
CASPAR: We should get one of those signs that says “This many days since an accident”.
LEIF: Yeah, except ours would say “This many days since your sentient radio quoted the Egyptian Book of the Dead, switched personalities, or steered you into a supermassive black hole.”
CASPAR: ...That’s way too long for a sign, Leif.
GLORIA: Yeah, Leif, that’s—
CASPAR: As a straight white male you know one thing about me: I’ve watched a lot of History Channel.
GLORIA: Okay, I’m thinking a chair, some rope, and I’ll pour hot coffee on her, let’s do some Guantanamo shit.
JANE (Overlapping): It’s no use, guys.
GLORIA: Did the doors to the diner just lock?
CASPAR: They did. Effie, what in the Amityville Horror is happening right now?
JANE: Does having you kidnapped maybe count as a romantic gesture at all?
CASPAR, narrating: In Ava’s defense, she was unilaterally putting everyone in danger... That doesn’t make it better, does it?
AVA: I am going to rip your balls off!
CASPAR: Oh, don’t threaten me with a good time.
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