#second new people or those that i know cant go 15 minutes without scrolling on their phone or texting
newvegasceo · 1 month
i realize how little i have in common with my peers simply because im not constantly on tik tok/instagram/facebook 👴
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princessjungeun · 3 years
Hi! I hope you're doing well :) Can I request a Heejin x Reader scenario where reader spends the New Year celebration with LOONA and everyone knows they both have a crush on each other so they try to set them together for a new year's kiss?❤️
Cherry Chapstick: Heejin x Reader
when heejin invited you to celebrate new year’s eve with her at the loona dorm you lowkey panicked. you’ve been there before on multiple occasions and you happened to be friends with some of the girls as well. the problem was that it was new years. any other holiday would have been fine but new years....everyone knows about the infamous new years kiss. and that kiss was the only thing that was bugging you.
see, you liked heejin a lot, you have for a long time but you’re very convinced it’s unrequited. despite the fact that hyunjin told you that heejin liked you too, it was still hard for you to believe. you had even tried to make yourself un-like her by distancing yourself from her.
but that fell through last night when she told you to your face that she knew you were trying to push her away. heejin was the first for you made since you moved from north carolina to south korea for your mother’s job. she was close to you and she didn’t want to lose that. but since heejin wasn’t one to force you to explain yourself, only asking a simple yes or no question:
do you hate me or something?
you were quick to tell her no which prompted her to invite you to the dorm so you could celebrate new year’s with the girls.
all of that leading up to now. you paced around your bedroom trying to figure out what to do. heejin told you to be there at 8 and it was already 6. most people would think that’s plenty of time but they couldn’t be more wrong.
styling your hair alone would take an hour, then picking out your outfit, eating before you go, walking there, and probably getting distracted on the way. all of those leave you with 10 more minutes of standing around before you’d be late.
without wanting to waste too much time you scrolled through your phone looking for a hairstyle. it didn’t take long to find a simple yet cute one, two braids into a high puff. simple enough.
like you expected doing your hair took an hour, although yes the styling part was quick. you somehow allowed yourself to not comb your hair for four days, which lead to a very not fun detangling process. all is well now though because you looked fantastic, the curls are all types of popping.
you got overwhelmed choosing an outfit and ultimately decided on a sweatshirt and black jeans. just as you were putting on your coat your grandmother stopped you, “where you goin lookin all prettied up pum’kin?”
you replied “heejin’s. remember i told you about it last night...you said yes.”
your grandmother onced you over “put on anotha’ layer, you finna get a cold baby cakes...n change ya shoes too.”
checking your phone you saw it was already 7:45 heejin’s dorm is a 20 minute walk away, 15 if you’re fast.
you whined “momma i’m gonna be late, i’ll only be outside for 15 minutes i won’t get sick.”
she came back from around the corner, a scarf, ear muffs, gloves, and your pair of tims in her hand. “see dats what ya ancestors said bout dem diseases n look what happened.”
you sighed deeply “momma-“ she narrowed her eyes at you and just like that you were on the floor changing your shoes.
when you were done you stood up and asked “alright can i go now?”
the older woman asked playfully “tryna leave me so soon?”
you quickly replied “n-no of course not momma i just-“
she laughed and told you “i’m just messin’ wit ya baby doll, go on now. have fun for me aight?”
you hugged her and placed a kiss on her cheek before running out the door.
it started snowing right as you were approaching the dorm building, you thanked lord that it didn’t happen sooner or your hair would have gotten messed up.
you texted heejin that you were outside and she quickly came and got you, leading you up to their dorm.
when you got upstairs the girls were all scattered around the dorm. haseul and kahei were still hanging decorations while gowon was playing on her switch. hyejoo and hyunjin were arguing over some game that they were playing on a laptop. yerim and yeojin were singing their hearts out in karaoke while jungeun was literally rolling on the floor laughing with jiwoo about god knows what. jinsoul was spaced out staring at a wall while sooyoung went to find her headphones to tune out everyone else.
heejin didn’t even get a chance to ask what you wanted to do because yeojin immediately grabbed you to sing a song on the karaoke machine.
the one perk about you being an american was the fact that you were quick to school the girls on all of the classic movies. from mean girls to clueless to white chicks, they’d seen them all. which is exactly why yeojin had no problem singing A Thousand Miles with you in english.
heejin could only laugh from the side as the two of you intentionally butchered the song. she watched as you went by each member to check out what they were doing as well. her heart eyes didn’t go unnoticed either, especially by hyunjin and haseul.
you’d excused yourself to the restroom and that was the time for all of the girls to grill heejin. each of them admitted they saw the way she watched you, they knew she liked you. heejin caved and admitted it to them all, but quickly following up with “but don’t do anything to embarrass me...please. i don’t want to mess up what we have.”
the girls all agreed, but because all they promised was to not embarrass her, they still managed to devise a plan to get you two together.
you returned from the bathroom, all of their eyes went to you and the room fell silent. your furrowed your brow “w-what? did i do something?”
yerim replied quickly “no no of course not! you just...uh”
jiwoo jumped in “you just look so gorgeous! all of us were stunned by your beautiful.”
you felt your cheeks heat up as your ears felt like they were burning red. hyunjin laughed “awwww she’s bLUSHINGGGG!”
heejin slapped her arm and hissed, “stop that!” before pulling you off to the side, back so the two of you were watching the television.
the two of you stayed side by side for the entire night, her arm looped in yours. by now it was 11:30 and the countdown was nearing.
you personally noticed how all the girls would start to mumble, then suddenly stop when you looked at them. not wanting to assume you just brushed it off, telling yourself it was “work stuff” even though you knew damn well it wasn’t anything work related.
both you and heejin were mindlessly scrolling through your phones, she was sitting next to you, half of her body already on your lap with your arm wrapped around her shoulder, holding her close to you.
“i’m bored let’s play a game!” haseul got everyone’s attention from the middle of the room. the rest of the girls agreed, you and heejin included.
“let’s do truth or dare.” hyunjin stated with a small smirk. everyone nodded immediately agreeing with her on the game.
you already knew it was a set up, but you also wanted to see how it played out so you didn’t say anything.
the the time fifteen minutes had passed, hyejoo danced all of Kiss Later, jinsoul ran down the street in her infamous lemon pants, sooyoung and jiwoo swapped clothes, and chaewon successfully made microwave popcorn (it was sooyoung’s dare to allow her to do it without supervision).
it was now your turn and you were starting to regret not telling the girls that you were onto them.
“alright...y/n truth or dare.” sooyoung asked with a smile.
you replied “truth.”
sooyoung laughed and said “is it true that you have a giant crush on heejin?”
your eyes widened and you switched to english quickly, hoping the foreigner card will get you out of this one, “i don’t understand the question...sorry.”
all of the girls excluding heejin and haseul booed you playfully, teasing you lightly sue to the blush on your face.
“alright that’s enough.” haseul quieted her members down so heejin could go next. the leader also got up and went to the kitchen for a glass of water.
“heejinnie truth or dare?” hyunjin wiggled her eyebrows dramatically.
“truth.” heejin answered without hesitation.
“oop sorry nope that’s not an option. you close dare by default settings.” hyunjin smiled.
heejin quickly whined “wha- she cant do that can she do that? haseul unnie! she cheated.”
haseul came back with her glass of water, a fake confused look on her face “sorry i wasn’t here i can’t do anything about it. sorry heekie.”
heejin mumbled “you all suck...” she took a deep breath before asking “fine what do you want me to do?”
hyunjin along with everyone else looked at each other before saying in unison, “kiss y/n at midnight.”
the two of you immediately froze in place, your face went pale as panic coursed through your veins. did she actually find out? who told? maybe hyunjin was right?
before you could decline you felt heejin dragging you to her bedroom, all of the girls giggling and squealing as you left.
you say on her bed, your feet dangling off the edge as heejin laid on her back, her head in your lap.
“sorry...they can be a little- you know how they are.” she spoke softly as she reached for your hand, playing with your fingers as she talked.
you replied “it’s cool...my friends back home were the same way- really i’m not upset or anything.”
a thick silence fell over the two of you as you stared blankly at the window and heejin looked up at you.
she asked “so...?”
you replied “so what?” you laughed a little at the end, humming a second of the song before focusing back on the conversation.
heejin responded “d-do you actually...like me?”
you looked at your feet, “yeah...i do. but it doesn’t matter.”
heejin sat up “why?”
you replied “for starters i cant really speak korean, your job wouldn’t allow me to even be with you, and even if we did the media would tear me apart for being black and you for being queer, you’re busy and i’d just hold you down. i don’t wanna do that to you...”
heejin frowned and opened her arms for you, “why would you say that?”
you mumbled into her chest “cause it’s true.”
heejin pulled you closer and said “you’re wrong...all of it. you’re wrong. your korean improves every single day. my dating ban ended three months ago, i’d protect you from anyone and you know that. plus i couldn’t care less about what they think, half of the group is queer too. if anything you push me to do better.”
you mumbled “really?”
she hummed “mhm”
you brought your hand up to heejin’s running your finger over the prominent tendons in her hand. softly you asked her “do you like me though?”
she let her voice deepen, “of course” she rasped out gently with a smirk creeping onto her face.
pushing her gently you mumbled “you’re such a tease, stop it.”
she lifted your chin with her finger and asked “what if i don’t hmm?”
your breath hitched in your chest for a minute before you replied “then i’ll have to....”
your eyes flickered to the digital clock across the room, 11:55:00 it read.
“you’ll have to what? hmm? cat got your tongue?” she pushed her face closer to yours, biting her lip lightly as her gaze narrowed, her eyes crawling up and down your body.
you let her push you back against the wall behind you gently. her face was centimeters from yours, you stuttered “h-heekie”
heejin ran her pointer finger underneath your chin lightly, “yes princess?”
your mind was cloudy, your couldn’t think about anything but the girl in front of you. words simply were not coming out of your mouth no matter how hard you tried. the best you were able to get out was, “i-”
she asked gently “is this okay baby?”
you resorted to body language instead, snaking and arm around her waist and holding her hand.
heejin held your face in one hand, her thumb tracing your jawline, “tell me yes or no pretty girl.”
you nodded and choked out “y-yes. yes.”
her eyes looked at the clock once more, only two seconds to midnight. she smiled as lifted your chin so her lips met yours.
the second you two pulled away she told you, “happy new year y/n.”
you were still thinking about the feeling of her lips on yours, the way she held you close, and how all of her emo were put into one simple kiss. without thinking you mumbled “your lips taste like cherry chapstick....”
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loki-laufeyson233 · 5 years
The Gold at Dusk
Chapter 2 unedited
I woke early in the morning, still wearing the clothes from the night before, my phone in hand. Sitting up, my back pops, and I walk to the bathroom. Someone knocks at my door and I wave them away, even though they can't see it. The person knocks again and I groan, walking to the door. I open it and see Steve standing there. I groan again and go to shut the door; he slips into my room and grabs my arm. I jerk in his grip.
"Let go." I state firmly and groggy. He doesn't let go and I get angry. I shoot some electricity into his hand, forcing Steve to let go.
"Then listen to me. I know I'm not your father. But I am in charge here. And you will listen to my instructions. We could have needed you last night and you weren't here." I turn around sharply, pressing my face to his like I did last night.
" you have never let me help on a mission. Last night would have been no different. Now if you'll excuse me I have to go to the bathroom. " I turn sharply again and walk into my bathroom, relieving myself quickly. I walk out after swiftly washing my hands to see Tony where Steve was.
"Where's steve?" I notice we were the only two on the room.
" not important Nikole. Are you ok? " I look at him, confused. Did he just ask if I was ok?
"What do you think? I never had a family. And you're new to me. I was fine out with Xaviar." I try to push past Tony, only for him to grip my shoulders.
"No you weren't. We were told of what you were doing." I look up at him, starting to shake with anger and some sadness.
" get out. " I order tony.
"You ran every night. You exposed yourself to the public. And you made friends with normal people. All before you were allowed to. Must I go into what you did AFTER you were allowed to?" I lean against him, shaking with sadness.
" I just wanted to find my family... " Tony hugs me and pats my back, clearly unsure of what to do. I push against him and storm from the room. I opened up. The last time I did that- I make it down the hallway before slumping against the wall, crying. I can't do that again. Tony must have followed me as he pulls me into another hug, right there on the floor for anyone to see if they just walked past.
After I stop, Tony pulls back and looks at me.
"Better?" I nod and stand again, wiping my face from tears. Tony stands as well and leads me into the kitchen. I sit at the bar part of it and reach over, searching for the vodka bottle.
"No. It's too early for that." Tony swats my hand away and calls for Steve. And I'm too young for it. I stand and walk from the room the moment Tony calls. No. Not today. I walk swiftly, no idea where I'm going. I collide with someone in the hallway, and they instantly put their hands around me. I look up to see Loki again. I smile and lean against him.
"You seem like the only one who understands..." I mutter to myself. He pulls back, looks around, then leads me to the elevator.
" they don't understand the unique and gifted. People like us. " Loki speaks once we get to the elevator and punches in a combination I know so well. The top floor.
"I'm not gifted. I'm cursed." I look at the ground as the elevator goes up. I hear Loki shift to face me.
" and I am not? Nikole, look at me. " I look up slowly. Loki had switched from his Asgardian form to his Jotun one. I knew I couldn't touch him without getting hurt, but I suddenly had the urge to hug him. Loki smiles and returns to Asgardian. I hug him softly once he returns. The elevator doors ding and open to the floor, Loki pulls me to the roof and we sit on the edge again.
"Go on. Tell me everything." I shake my head and lean against him, starting to shake again.
" I-I cant... " he wraps a hand around me.
"You will one day." He smiles and we watch the cars drive past the building. I nod again.
" Maybe. " I lean forward, testing my limits. Loki pushes me back, eyes wide.
"Hey. It's ok. It'll be ok. We got the dinner tonight." I chuckle softly.
" Yeah. The dinner. I know you don't care, but I invited Cierra. " Loki messes up my hair.
"Of course you did." He smiles and I look at him, laughing a little.
I sit in my room, thinking about wearing a green t-shirt and black pants, when my phone buzzes.
Headed over. Hope it's casual dress.
Yeah. It is. See you in 25min.
I throw the outfit on, deciding to go barefoot, and walk to the main floor. I keep my phone out and go into Pinterest, scrolling through the pins. Ugh. This dinner can't come fast enough. I shift my position on the couch and hanging my legs over the back, sitting upside down. I get out of Pinterest and text Cierra.
Come on, C. It's been 20 minutes.
I sigh out of boredom and start to count the window panes. Over and over again. The same eight panes. It seemed like years passed before my phone buzzes again. I jerk and grab it, quickly opening the message.
Here. :D
I fly from the couch, Steve and Tony start yelling from the floor above me, the kitchen level. I chuckle and go to the main entrance. I open the door to see Cierra. Holding rolls. I smile.
"Welcome, my dude." I place an arm on her shoulder and walk to the elevator, Loki appearing seemingly out of nowhere. I jump a little and look at him.
" This Cierra you speak so much about? " He speaks smoothly and I feel Cierra prob my mind a little. God, Loki, stop doing that. You're too hot to do that without making me blush. I hear Cierra chuckle, pulling me from my thoughts.
"Damn it, C. Yeah this is her Loki." I feel my cheeks heat up. Wanna walk with us? I shake my head at myself .
"Hey, Loki, my dude, wanna come with us?" Cierra asks Loki. I glare at her and bump her shoulder, a little frustrated.
"Of course. I'm headed to the kitchen to see the fail between Tony and Steve." He winks at us and opens the elevator. Cierra and I walk in, followed shortly by Loki. We stand, with me in the middle, as the doors shut.
" So, how's life N? " I groan internally.
"Wonderful." I keep my answers short. Loki looks down at me and places and arm on my shoulder. I blush again and Cierra bumps my shoulder a little.
"Loki, how's hanging with my bud here?" I suddenly wonder what's going on in Loki's mind. Cierra chuckles at me.
"If only you knew." She whispers in my ear.
" if only you knew the adventures we go on. It's amazing. " He speaks gently and Cierra leans to me.
"Just like her." She whispers, forcing me to blush harder. The elevator doors open and the room is covered in smoke.
"Tony?! Steve?!" I call and Sprint into the room, quickly opening windows and using another ability to get rid of the smoke. The room clears and a pan filled with burned items sits on the table, both Tony and Steve standing with pans and towels in their hands.
"Oh my god. Don't do that!" I slap them both then give them a hug; I try to hide my emotion. I can't loose my family today. I think while hugging tony, a little longer than a normal hug, which causes Steve to join in and make it a small group hug with me in the middle, again. I release Tony and push from the two of them. I turn around to see both Loki and Cierra staring at us. Cierra looks sympathetic and Loki looks like he's calculating everything.
"Don't do that again." I whisper sternly. I walk from the room and to mine, tears starting to fall.
I call down the hallway, "introduce her please loki." I shut my door and sit against the wall, crying into my knees.
After about 30 seconds, a knock comes from my door, and I call them in. Loki enters and sits next to me, after closing the door. I lean on him, forcing my tears to stop.
"Nikole. Let them go." He places an arm around me again as I shake my head.
"I told Steve last night that he's not my father, but he's the closest I've had. Besides Xavier. I-I couldn't loose them." I look at Loki.
"I know. I know." Loki presses his lips against my head and then rests his chin there. I smile softly, not really registering the action.
"We should go back." Loki sighs and nods, standing up. I look up at him and stand as well. We walk back to the kitchen and there sits Steve on a bar stool, sitting next to Cierra. Tony standing across them, drinking a bottle of alcohol. Thor had joined, along with Natasha and Clint. I smile at everyone and subconsciously side hug Loki. He tense for a second before returning the action. That's how we walked into the room. Cierra was the first to notice us, followed shortly by Steve and Tony. Thor gazes at his little brother fondly as Natasha and Clint talk without noticing us.
I smile a little before realizing Loki's hand is on my waist. I blush and step away from him and to the bar. Loki walks to his brother, everyone having their own conversations. I look around the room before my attention is brought back to the bar group.
"Good thing you brought those rolls, Cierra. We had burned ours..." Steve chuckles and shakes his head. Tony glances up at me and I make eye contact, nodding to show that I'm ok. Cierra laughs and brings me back to her and Steve. I smile and nudge her before thinking to her, knowing of her ability. You two look so cute together. She looks at me and I wink at her, making her blush. I chuckle softly and reach over to grab a bottle of vodka. Tony shakes his head and slides over to me, leaning on the counter. I open the bottle and drink a few gulps.
"Hey, you ok kid?" I smile softly and look around the room before back at him.
"Yeah. You guys did scare me with all of the smoke and stuff." I take in a few more gulps, a hand places in my shoulder and I look up to see Tony reaching at me.
"I'm sorry. Steve had said seven more minutes. I disagreed. We kept them in for another 15." Tony chuckles and finishes his beer. I laugh with him and drink more of the vodka.
" I just wasn't ready to loose you guys. And if you tell anyone this, I'll deny I ever said it, but you're my family. I don't know what I'd do without you. " I whisper softly. Tony smiles and pats my shoulder a few times.
"Love you too, kid."
" I'm 18. Not a kid. " I smile any way. Tony messes up my hair and calls for everyone to gather around, standing up. I keep facing Tony as everyone gathers around, a hand places themself on my shoulder, causing me to jump and look up. Loki! I smile at him then look back as Tony starts to speak.
"Ok. This is our monthly family supper and we're all glad to be here. Family," Tony nods to me, " and friends. " he gestures to everyone else. "Well. You all know I don't do speeches, so I gue-" Tony stops as the elevator doors open and Peter walks in, his arm wrapping around the waist of a fair skinned, long black haired female. She looks nice.
"Peter! My boy!" Tony grins and walks towards him.
"And who is your date?" Tony wraps his arm around Peter's shoulder and guide him to the bar, where everyone is at.
"Emily." Peter grins and kisses her cheek. A shot of jealousy shoots through me and I look up at Loki. Why can't I have a relationship like her? Loki gently squeezes my shoulder and I smile at him, looking back at Tony as he begins to speak again.
"With all that said, let's eat!" We all cheer and Loki helps me up.
" You didn't need to do that. I can stand on my own. " I smile at him.
"I know you can." He smiles back and we all walk into the dinner room.
We all walk into the room and sit. Tony at the head of the table, Steve to his right, Sierra next to him, then Thor. Peter on Tony's left, Emily next to Peter, Clint then Natasha. Loki sits down next to Thor, leaving me to sit on the opposite end of the table from Tony. I look around the table and take in the sights of everyone talking to different people. A smile crawls on my face as I look at the fried chicken on plates, the green beans in a bowl with a touch of butter on top, mashed potatoes covered with brown gravy. I notice a slight shift in Loki's position and his hand slides under the table. I feel a small warmth as his hand finds my knee. I look at him, finding that he is already looking at me. The smile fades a little as I tilt my head. Loki shakes his head a bit, removes his hand, and starts talking to Peter. I keep smiling and rest my head against my hand. Thank god my family's here. I wish we could do this more often. Tony breaks my thoughts as he tells everyone to begin eating. The chicken starts down with Peter and Emily. The potatoes with Cierra and Thor. And the green beans with Natasha and Clint. I look over at Loki and levitate some chicken, potatoes and green beans, enough for both Loki and I. I set them on our plates and look at the shocked faces around the table.
"Nope. You get to guess my power. I'm not going to tell you." A few groans escape from the people around me; I smile and take a bite of the chicken. Ha. Tony cheated again. Kfc. I keep eating and glance quickly at Loki, to see him eating happily.
"So, Tony, where's Banner?" I ask.
" He's doing some research and new developments. He sends his apologies. " Tony responds and fills his mouth with chicken.
We eat swiftly and sit around the table, nothing much was going on. Or that is until Thor accidentally flings some potatoes at Tony. Which opened a new jar of pickles. Tony flings potatoes back and Steve throws green beans at Natasha. I catch Loki's eye and he rolls them, both of us chuckling at their childlike behavior. I notice movement and look at it to see Thor pick up the bowl of mashed potatoes and gravy. Loki looks at Thor, just in time for the bowl to dump on Loki's head. Everyone stops. We wait. Loki slowly wipes the potatoes from his eyes and glares at Thor. Oh, shit. We're screwed now. Loki begins to laugh a little, clearly not in humor, and uses magic to tie Thor up and dangle him from the ceiling.
"You can continue now." Loki states smoothly and everyone decides not to. Good choice.
After a few minutes, Loki turns off the magic and Thor comes crashing down with a loud thump. I look at Loki and signal for him to go to the kitchen. He nods and walks silently into the room and I follow shortly. I smile at his potatoed hair and his confident position.
"May i?" I ask calmly and gesture to his hair.
" of course. " He smiles gently and sits on a stool, bringing it to the kitchen sink.
"Lean back." I speak gently and turn on the sink. Loki places his head down and looks up at me. I keep smiling and get some of the non scented soap Tony buys and place it next to me. Nerves hit me as soon as I begin to wash the potatoes out. I don't touch Loki until I have to; I work in small circles, rinsing the hair clean. I grab some soap, wash it a little before rinsing again, and turning off the sink. Loki looks at me again and I blush lightly.
"Thank you." I nod and find a towel. Loki's gaze burrowing into my neck, causing the hairs to prick a little. I walk back to him and hand Loki the towel. He dries his hair a little and places the towel on his shoulders, to catch any excess water. I shuffle my feet a little and point with my thumb to the diner room.
"So you want to go back." Loki nods again and returns the stool, walking back; I follow suit and walk in to see everyone just lounging around and talking to one another. I don't sit again, but instead, I look at Tony before clapping my hands together. All pairs of eyes fall to me and I grin a little.
"Ok. That's it. Let's go to a room with couches and play a game." I walk from the room quickly and to the elevator.
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burgermiester · 7 years
Grinding Renown Made Fun!*
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*Grinding for Renown in Fire Emblem Awakening is never really fun.  Its tedious, and if you want to max it out it will take many, many hours. This guide is just to show you how I made it as fun as I could while still keeping it relatively fast and efficient.  Maybe you will want to try it for yourself or make a variation based on what you like. 
(also note that my method uses a lot of the DLC so if you dont have at least Lost Bloodlines 2 and Smash Brethren 2 for Dread Fighter and Bride then it probably wont work very well, but maybe you can modify it, I am not sure.  It also would probably be nice to have Lost Bloodlines 3 for Paragon and I liked having all stats +2 from Champions of Yore 3 but those 2 arent necessary)
For starters I want to be very clear that everyone knows this isnt technically the fastest way to grind renown.  The fastest way to grind renown is exactly what it says on the wiki: make a ton of money on golden gaffe then summon a weak/cheap character, pay to recruit them, then dismiss them, repeat 2000 times.  I tried doing this on a file where I was at endgame and I found it terribly boring, which in turn meant it was not the fastest way for me to grind renown since it would take me forever to find the energy to do it. 
So when deciding how I wanted to grind renown for myself I had a few objectives: fight the spotpass characters, not buy them, and make fighting them as quick as possible; minimize the number of spaces that a spotpass character could spawn when I summon them to cut down on walking around the world map; minimize the number of times that I go into the wireless menu to make it easier to multitask (basically it was harder to watch movies or tv in the background using the fastest method since its so menu heavy, so I wanted to cut that time spent down); if possible, completely eliminate the need to manage items on my units.  I solved all these issues and these are the steps of my method (the Miester Method?):
Step 0: Grind supports before you even start grinding renown. Grinding out supports is much more interesting than grinding renown.  You get new dialogue after most fights and a lot of it is interesting.  Just make sure you are grinding on spotpass characters instead of risen since spotpass fights/purchases give the most renown, that way you are maximizing your gains for when you run out of supports to grind and are ready to move onto proper renown grinding.
Step 0.1: Pray your past self really loved playing Awakening.  Just having played the game a lot normally will put you in a nice starting position.  By the time I finished support grinding gen 1 and moved on to renown grinding I was at nearly 45,000 renown, close to half of the 99,999 max.  I cant recall how much of that was support grinding on spotpass characters and how much was there from just playing a ton of Awakening, I forgot to check, but both helped. 
OK, now on to the actual steps for renown grinding.
Step 1: Start a new game.  You arent challenging yourself here so just go normal casual. 
Step 2: Play the game up until Chapter 8 (but dont play chapter 8.)  Also beat Paralogues 1 and 3 but not 2.  This should have your world map looking like this:
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The reason you want to do this is because it leaves your world map with exactly 10 empty spaces in which to summon spotpass characters.  As 10 is the maximum number of spotpass units you can summon at once, having 10 spots on the map lets you spend the least amount of time in the wireless menu.  Its also good to not allow more than 10 free spots because every extra square you add means more time wasted walking across the map.  This is why its not a good idea to do this grinding at endgame: you could be on Donnel’s island and summon a bunch of spotpass units in Valm and vice versa. 
Now, as for why I picked prologue-chapter 7 and paralogue 1 and 3 over other choices for my 10 map spots, it mostly came down to map layout.  They are all small early game chapters that take only 2-3 turns to beat on auto battle most of the time.  Paralogue 2 was much too big and would take more turns to beat and Chapter 8 is full of turn adding desert.  Remember, youll be fighting MANY battles in these maps, an extra turn or two each time translates to hundreds of extra turns in the long run.  That being said, I want to emphasize that if you havent gotten lucky getting second seals from the random shop annas, you should play chapter 8.  Chapter 8 gives you Gregor and another second seal, Gregor is especially important because hes got armsthrift without using a second seal (more on that in a bit).  I had already gotten 1 other second seal from Anna by the time I got to chapter 7 so I chose to not play chapter 8, whether or not you do is up to you.  If you choose to play chapter 8 then you need to cut either paralogue 1 or 3.  Paralogue 1 is a smaller map so will be more likely to give you a 2 turn clear over paralogue 3′s 2-3 turn clear, but paralogue 3 gives you a store with access to javelins and hand axes, two weapons that are very nice to have. 
Step 3: Build an Army.  Trust Armsthrift.   Now its time to prepare your team.  The maximum number of units youll need to field in any of these battles is 9.  If you go under 9 youll need to waste time in battle prep deselecting units, and we dont want that, so getting to 9 units is important.  To eventually get to a point where you never need to buy items for your units youll want armsthrift on your whole team.  Unfortunately theres a few hurdles to jump to make this happen since we only are at chapter 7/8.  First, we dont have our full team to pull from and second we cant buy second seals.  Naturally we will need to get as many spotpass units with armsthrift as we can, but only 5 come with armsthrift: Malice, Linus, Ike, Roy, and Ogma.  This means youll need 4 second seals to get a full armsthrift team.  Robin, Cordelia, Donnel, and spotpass characters can reclass to mercenary this way.  You will have one second seal from renown rewards meaning you need 3 more from anna shops (or only one if you choose to do chapter 8 and get Gregor and another second seal.)  Chrom is a good temporary member while you train up your team since he has an unbreakable weapon, but sadly its only 1-range which is not going to cut it since enemies will always attack him at 2 range making battles last at least 1 turn longer than they would otherwise.  As for the actual training, do Yore 3 over and over to collect all skills plus 2 for everyone and gain levels to be better prepared for Bloodlines 2 and 3 which are a bit tougher but also get better rewards (and youll be doing Bloodlines 2 a hell of a lot to get all the dread scrolls youll need to reset levels until everyone has max luck.)  Bear in mind you will need limit break to go over 50 luck, but just capping it normally or even just pushing it into the 40s then giving all your dread fighters and brides a full inventory of hand axes or javelins will make it so that your stops at the armory are few and very far between.
(optional step: if you have golden gaffe then once your units are decently strong run it 5-10 times and then never think about money again)
Step 4: Setting up the grind.  By now you are ready to fire up a couple of rounds of proper spotpass grinding.  You might want to wait until you have a full team of limit broken armsthrifters but I recommend waiting a bit, I will explain why in a sec.  So I will now give the rundown on the actual grinding that will probably become auto-pilot like for you before too long.  Open the wireless menu, go to bonus box and bonus teams and summon 10.  If your team isnt maxed out then I say pull the first 5 from one game and the first 5 from another, just to be sure you wont run into anything that kills you.  You are on casual, so its not normally a big deal if a unit dies in this process, but if its Chrom or Robin its a game over, and even if its not thats stopping for a text box which slows you down.  I recommend the shadow dragon and binding blade teams because there are no cleric/troubadour team leaders who slow things down by not killing themselves on your units and theres no armor knight leaders (and few armor knight other units) who sometimes add turns by not making it to your units as quickly in the bigger maps.  Dont save after every battle, it adds like 3 seconds each time, just do it after every cycle (10 battles).  If your units are over the 50 luck line give them their best weapons and let them go to town.  If they are under 50 then give them a full set of hand axes for dread fighters and javelins for brides and they will last dozens of cycles before you need to restock their inventory. If you are still using Chrom and/or another non armsthrift unit then make sure they are at the 9th slot on your team so they dont go into most fights.  Then just turn off and skip all animations and phases and set auto battle to blitz and auto battle every turn, forever.
Step 5:
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Step 6: Break up the Monotony. This is the crux of the Miester Method.  Summoning a full set of 10 spotpass units and killing them with a very strong team will take ~8 minutes and net you 500 renown.  From 0 renown thats closing in on 24 hours of still very repetitive grinding (now you see why I recommend you grind supports first, if you can get close to 50k renown before beginning actual renown grinding youve cut that time in half).  Some people might not find level grinding to be a sufficient break in the monotony but for me leveling up in awakening, especially if your units have Paragon, is very fast and fun and rewarding.  I might even go so far as to say that building super units is the most fun part of Awakening’s gameplay.  So what I recommend is every 15 minutes or so (2 cycles of 10 spotbass battles roughly) head back to dlc land and power up somebody.  Get another dread scroll to reset the level of someone with a lot more stats to cap then run them through Bloodlines 3 solo to gain like 20 levels in 5 minutes.  Then pop back to the world map and do another cycle of spotpass renown grinding.  When enough of your units are close to max stats try and start taking on Rogues and Redeemers 3 to get limit break for everyone and start getting luck to 50.  Once they are at 50 luck you can throw your ultimate bonus box weapons like book of naga and mjolnir on them and they will never break and you wont need to mess with their inventory ever again.  Try to be going back and forth this whole time too: do a few spotpass cycles, then grab a limit break skill, back and forth.  Once everyone has limit break on them go for capping every single stat on every unit.  This will take a while because some of them really dont want to get points of magic and/or resistance.  So back and forth now between cycles of spotpass and getting more dread scrolls and resetting levels to try to get that res.  Everytime one of my units maxed all stats I gave them a forged weapon to celebrate.  I ran out of characters to cap before I finished renown grinding so I then broke up my cycles running Infinite Regalia to try and get a ragnell for Ike and a second Gradivus for my second Bride.  By the time that was done, I had less than 20k renown to go, and so I was ready to buckle down and sprint to the finish line.  That last 20k wasnt even all that bad because I felt like only now was I really in a total grind, breaking up the monotony for the majority of the experience really helped make it more fun for me. Hopefully it makes it easier for you too!
Step 7: !!!VERY IMPORTANT!!! Once you finish Renown grinding you need to beat the game on that save file or it wont carry over on new files!!!! So do that. It will be....very easy.
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I dont expect it will take more than an hour. 
Once its over, congratulations! You are now W o r l d  R e n o w n!
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