#or trying to engage with me by showing me something they found on their phone.... girl-
newvegasceo · 24 days
i realize how little i have in common with my peers simply because im not constantly on tik tok/instagram/facebook 👴
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scarletwinterxx · 1 month
middle finger and promise rings - jaehyun scenario
helllooooo a fluff moment with jung jaehyun. I was scrolling through tiktok the other day and I found a compilation of him laughing and it was the cutest thing ever so now we're here😅
For my other works you can check them out here, and for my other story series’ you can check them out here.
and if you want, u can buy me coffee(totally optional but any donation is very much appreciated!) thank you🥺💛
All works are copyrighted ©scarletwinterxx 2024 . Do not repost, re-write without the permission of author.
(pics nad gif not mine, credits to rightful owner)
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Jaehyun enters the apartment and the first thing he hears is your laugh. He hangs his jacket on the hook, takes off his shoes before walking towards the living room where he sees you lying on the couch giggling to yourself.
You spot him over your phone, quickly turning it off when you spot your boyfriend "Hi, you're home early" you greet him, walking towards him.
He smiles at you, opening his arms to give you a very much needed hug. He does everyday, without a fail. Whenever he gets home from work or somewhere, he asks for a hug from you.
"What were you watching?" he asks
"Huh?" he peaks down at you, still caged in his arms
"I was looking through my phone then I saw a bunch of videos, like from when we started dating until recent. You looked cute, especially when you laugh" you answer him
"I thought my laugh was loud" he chuckles, letting you to sit on the couch. You follow him, taking the seat beside him.
"It is. But I love it so much, you know you have this kind of laugh when you find something really funny and your face scrunches up in a cute way" you try to mimic it while Jaehyun watches.
You might as well tell him you'll marry him with the way you're making his heart explode right now. Moments like these are what he looks forward to the most when he comes home. The simple conversations with you, no matter how random they are, he cherishes them so much.
"Oh by the way, can we order chicken and pasta for dinner? Or chinese food? I can't decide, how about you what do you want?"
"Chinese sounds good, do you want me to call our favorite place?" he asks, already getting his phone out
"Okay, and this came in today by the way" you say, passing the package that arrived today. "What is it?" you ask, while waiting for him to open it
"I forgot, must've ordered this a long time ago"
Without checking the label he opens it. When he flips the unsealed package upside down, a velvet box falls on his lap.
The two of you freeze.
He should've checked the label. Jaehyun internally panics.
Meanwhile you don't say anything, waiting for him to do or say something. But he doesn't so you clear your throat, getting your phone on the table "I'll order, tell me if you want anything else" you tell him.
"Uh yea sure" Jaehyun swallows the lump in his throat, finally coming to his senses. Taking the box before excusing himself. You hear the bedroom door open and close.
After that night you don't mention anything about it. You didn't ask questions. You acted like you didn't see it. Jaehyun wondered if he should ask but he doesn't know where to start.
What do you think it was, did you have your suspicions, were you upset with him? These are the questions running in his mind. But you never said anything to him, like everything was normal.
He was debating if he should've just showed you what was inside. If you were thinking it was a ring then you're right.
About a few months ago, he ordered a ring after finally getting your size. He's still worrying if you'll like it. It's not an engagement rring, not yet atleast. The ring inside was a promise ring for you. You told him a story about wearing a ring ever since your teen years, way back before the two of you met. You bought yourself a ring, a promise to exchange it to something else when you get yourself a boyfriend.
You showed him the ring before, it was a simple metal band you used to wear on your middle finger. You never took it off, not a day. That was until he asked you to be his girlfriend.
Of course he had to get you a new one, he was just waiting for the right time to give it to you.
He forgot to check the email about the shipping and didn't expect it to arrive when it did. It definitely wasn't part of the plan to open it infront of you.
It's been a few weeks since then. You honestly kind off forgot about it. You trust Jaehyun will tell you in the right time.
Tonight, he's running a bit late. He got caught up in a meeting so when he got home you were already sleeping. He enters the apartment carefully, walking through the hallway and cracking the bedroom door slowly.
The lights were all off, the only light coming from outside but he can see your silhouette from under the blanket. Quickly but quietly he gets ready for bed, sliding beside you.
He turns sideways to watch you, eyes closed, face peaceful, breathing slow and quite. You're giving off the most serene aura, he can't think of anything else but you.
Your hand was resting open beside your head, he reaches a finger out to trace random patterns while still watching you. He missed you so much today, he don't want to wake you up but he wishes he can give you a hug.
He does that for quite some time, tracing things on your palm while watching you waiting for sleep to come to him too.
From random patterns, to short words. He's now tracing random words on your palm, like you always do with his. You always do it randomly, in public or when it's just the two of you. Most times you spell out the word 'I love you' on his palm, that was actually how you said it to him for the first time. It took him some time to finally realize it, and when he did looked over at you with a surprised look. Saying the same three words back at you.
Right now he traces the word 'mine' in yours, while his mind wonders just how lucky he is to have you in his life.
He believes this isn't the only lifetime he'll love you, it isn't possible. Wishing hoping praying that in all alternate universes, however many there are, that version of him meets their version of you.
Suddenly feelings emotional, he sits up on the bed before reaching for something in the bedside drawer.
You're a light sleeper, especially when you're by yourself. The only time you really fall into deep sleep is when Jaehyun's with you. That's why when you hear some ruckus from Jaehyun's side, you wake up from your slumber
"Jae? You're home?" you mumble, your eyes still closed
"Did I wake you? Sorry, baby. Go back to sleep, I'm here" he whispers. He pulls you towards him, resting your head on his chest. You cuddle him more, making yourself comfortable again.
You listen to his heartbeat to lull yourself back to sleep when you feel him take your hand that was resting on him, he puts something on you before you feel his lips kiss your knuckles.
"What are you doing?" you mumble, opening one eye to peak at your hand only to see a ring that definitely wasn't there before you slept.
You open both eyes this time, sitting up to look at it then at Jaehyun
"Explain" you tell him, gesturing at your hand
"It's a promise ring, remember you used to wear one before we started dating. It took sometime but I finally replaced that one, I didn't want to freak you out on our first anniversary so I waited until now" he explains
"Is this real or am I dreaming?" you ask him
Jaehyun chuckles before sitting up, now face to face with you. He takes your cheeks in his hands before pulling you towards him for a kiss
"This is very very real, my love"
"It's so pretty" you pout at the ring, a simple band with a diamond on it. Like a leveled up version of the one you used to wear
"I'm glad you like it even though I kinda ruined the surprise" he tells you
"I thought it was an engagement ring, not gonna lie"
He kisses you one more time before he pulls you down, settling you on his chest once again. "We'll get there one day. This time I'll make sure it's a surprise"
"But I am surprised, I love this surprise"
"And I love you, that ring is a promise to keep my promise of forever with you. One day we'll get there, one day I'll watch you walk down the aisle to me" he mumbles against your forehead, sealing it with a kiss after
"I'd love that, and I love you too"
"Let's go to sleep now, dream of me okay?"
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peachesofteal · 8 months
Ghoap x reader zombie apocalypse AU? 👀 just gonna leave that here...
Ooh anon you got me with this. Thought about it all night. A full fic of this dynamic in an apocalypse setting would be so good. Sadly, I don't have it in me to write an entire fic for this but I scratched it out as a dead disco au down below on my phone (I took bits and pieces of zombie media and smashed them together as I like):
18+ MDNI / angst, death
It was an accident.
All you had wanted to do was try to find some mushrooms. You knew this part of the woods usually had a fair amount to forage, and you were pretty good at distinguishing the good ones from the not so good ones. You hadn't meant to get distracted.
You knelt down to the forest floor, picking at a piece of bark on a downed log when you heard the rustling, the suspect sound of something moving through the brush near you.
You expected one of the slow ones. The ones that usually found themselves this far from the city, wandering aimlessly, looking for the next meal. Decaying and rotting flesh hanging from their limbs, a sign they had been long infected, the decomposition marking them as something easily escapable.
You did not expect a runner.
You screamed- a huge no no, as Simon had been drilling into your head- when you saw it, far too late, tripping over yourself to try to get away, your hunting knife pressed into the palm of your hand.
You stood little chance against a runner. They were fresh, muscles still intact, lactic acid burning through their bodies, movements fast and sharp, able to take down an entire human in one fell swoop. They even looked like you, still holding their pallor, their posture, their fine motor skills.
Only their minds were gone. Addled by the infection, brains turned to hot mush inside their skulls.
They had one objective.
You managed to clear the log, sprinting as fast as you possibly could, trying to take long, deep breaths through your nose just as Johnny taught you.
"More oxygen that way, love. It'll help your endurance, keep you runnin' longer."
They were always doing that now, equipping you for survival. Trying to train you like a solider, teaching you the finer points they thought you should know.
"We're gonna make it, together." Simon had said, the morning they showed up in the middle being away for work, clad in full tactical gear, guns in hand. "As a family."
"Ye have to listen to everything we say, alright darling? Everything's goin' to be okay." Johnny promised at the same time as you tried to pack some essentials into your backpack with trembling fingers.
They were obsessed with trying to instill as much of their knowledge into as possible, trying to prepare you, help you, listing off rules they thought were key, ensuring you knew to follow them.
One being: don't get distracted.
You curse yourself, feet flying underneath your body and heart thrumming in your chest with panic. You're too slow, and you can hear it behind you, sprinting just as fast as you are, preparing to launch and take down it's next meal.
You don't see the snare of brambles until you're in them, nearly slamming to a stop, thorns scratching against your skin as you fight against the thicket. It's too dense, slowing your ability to get away... and the runner is still hot on your heels, working its way through the mess, snapping its jaw like a shark.
Simon comes out of nowhere. One second you're hacking away at the branches and the next, there's a massive, solid warmth at your back, standing between you and the snarling monster. He's facing away from you, brandishing a knife, engaged in a full fight with the runner, taking it to the ground in an attempt to get the blade into its temple. You watch mouth wide, frozen, holding your breath until the job is done, and Simon is hauling himself upwards, pulling you into his arms before stepping back to look you over.
You burst into tears. You've always told them, you're not for this kind of world. You're too gentle, too sensitive. You're a painter, for fucks sake. Not a killer. You're too soft to survive.
They say it doesn't matter. That you can be as soft as you want, because you have them, and they'll be the killers. They'll be the hard ones.
"Did it get you? Let me see, c'mon-" He checks your arms, your neck, the tear on your shirt but finds nothing. "Alright, you're alright." He's telling you, and himself, relief exhaling from his body with each syllable. "You're alright, darling. I've got ya. Come here." He holds you tight, rubbing your back, kissing your cheek, your forehead until you're calm, breathing deeply and wiping your face.
You believe the worst has passed, until you blink up at him, and see the blood on his neck.
The bite.
"We need to make a plan."
"We're nae makin' a bloody plan." Johnny hisses, and Simon closes his eyes like he's tired. "We keep goin'. We'll make it to the rendezvous with Price and they'll have a solution. We dinnae even know how fast it spreads."
Simon lets loose a sigh, heavy with exhaustion. With the toll that this life has become. With the weight, of everything. He tucks you into his body, wrapping his other arm around Johnny, and holds the two of you close. Tightly. Tighter than he ever has before.
The next morning, everything is different.
You woke up last, fire still barely smoldering, little energy bar on the ground next to you. The guys sleeping bags were already rolled up, stacked neatly with Simon's pack, and the long gun that Johnny carries.
But they were nowhere to be found.
Confused, you slid free, stretching with a silent groan, scanning your surroundings until you spot them on the edge of the woods, locked together on their feet, Johnny's face mashed against Simon's neck, strong arms holding him close.
"What's going on?" The question comes out confused when you get close, and Johnny pulls away with wet eyes, hands shaking. What's happening? Why are they both crying? Fear screams through your body, red alert systems firing up as your brain struggles to put all the pieces together.
"Simon-" Johnny begins, but stops abruptly, eyes slamming shut, lips pressed together in agony.
"'m not feelin' too well." Simon explains gently. "You and Johnny are gon’ start on ahead, and 'm gonna stay here for a while." Something, something logical, something smart, is shouting at you from the back of your mind but you shove it away, opting for delusion instead.
"Okay, you're going to catch up though, right? You said. We'll find-" You frowned, looking from him to Johnny as a sick feeling grew in your stomach. "Johnny?"
“Look at me.” Simon combs through your hair with trembling fingers, unsteady for the first time in your entire existence. “I love you, darling. I love you so, so much.”
“S-stop, we're supposed to stay together, you- you said-“
“You have to go with Johnny now, okay? He’s gonna take care of you.” He jerks you forward, closed mouth pressing against your forehead. "I love you."
“No, Si.” You sob, fingers curled in his vest. “You have to come with us. You have to, we’ll fi-find a cure, they’ll be help, somewhere.”
“Johnny.” He chokes, and a strong arm wraps around your waist, Johnny’s heavy, tearful breathing echoing just above your ear. Someone works your fingers free, pulling your hand away but not letting go, holding onto you like a lifeline.
You look up between him, to his face, to Simon’s and realize. They’ve already said goodbye.
Simon strokes the back of his fingers down Johnny’s cheek, tears dripping down his own.
“I love you both, more than anything. More than life.” He squeezes your hand, rubbing a thumb over the back of your knuckles, and then steps away, pulling the handgun from the holster on his thigh. "Take care of each other."
"NO!" you scream, but Johnny is dragging you backwards like a rag doll, away from where Simon stands in clearing, gaze never breaking from the two of you, face wet with tears. "Johnny!"
"Darling-" he chokes out amidst a sob. "Shhh, please. Please." He begs you to be quiet, to hush, but you can't, you can't stop screaming, or fighting him, trying to get back to Simon, to reunite your family, to stay together. You scream and scream until Johnny’s hand claps over your mouth, his own words clogged by his cries, pleading and begging until he's cutting off your oxygen with a desperate apology and lifting you over his shoulder like dead weight.
The last thing you hear before you lose consciousness is the sound of a gunshot.
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morosis-haze · 10 months
𝐂𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦 𝐨𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐢𝐠 𝐩𝐚𝐠𝐞
Ft. Aomine,Kagami,Kise x fem!reader | Pre-established relationship
Warning: Swearing
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𝐀𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐃𝐚𝐢𝐤𝐢
❒ Would’ve thought he found his magazines digitally with the way he was staring at his phone
❒ Someone is trying to talk to him and his ass not even making eye contact just staring at his phone
❒ Like damn can you act like you care?
❒ The person starts to get annoyed and walks off just as you walk into the room now wondering what your boyfriend did now to piss someone off
❒ Aomine didn’t even look up from his phone not paying attention to his surroundings
❒ You of course now curious about what has your boyfriend’s attention have the need to figure out what has him so engaged in his phone
❒ You walk up getting behind where he was sitting and look at his phone… just to see your instagram page
❒ “You know you could stare at the real deal when she’s right beside you, right?”
❒ He flips his phone to face down as if now he couldn’t get caught
❒ He looked embarrassed judging by the wide-eyed expression from noticing him
❒ Aomine tries to recollect himself rolling his eyes and acting unbothered “I don’t know what you're on about” he grunts
❒ “Don’t play stupid in my face. If you miss me just say that”
❒ “I was waiting for you since you wanna be late” Getting up, he rolls his eyes, wrapping his arm around your waist “Let’s just go”
𝐊𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐦𝐢 𝐓𝐚𝐢𝐠𝐚
❒Kagami and you were laying in bed it was another one of those chill days
❒ The fan was on, another rewatch of your favorite tv show started, and conversation was held between you two
❒ You both start to go into comfortable silence not really paying attention to the tv, starting to go on your phones
❒ After a while you're about to get up and grab snacks for you two
❒ When you turn to look over at him to ask what he wants you see his phone open on your instagram page
❒ He’s over here scrolling through lingering on the photos for a while
❒ “Hmm you think she’s pretty?”
❒ He gets all embarrassed not knowing what he should say after getting caught
❒ You laugh at his reaction and he groans “Why are you like this?”
❒ “Beautiful? I don’t know maybe so my boyfriend could just stare at any photo of me”
❒ “Yeah guess so since my girlfriend is really pretty” he mutters
𝐊𝐢𝐬𝐞 𝐑𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐚
❒ Who is he to not wanna fawn over his pretty girlfriend
❒ He was always one to be complimenting and hyping you up like no other
❒ He always wanna see his girl so that lead him to be on your ig page
❒ First, it’s just looking at your more recent post then it’s going past photos before y’all were even dating
❒ Next thing he knows he liked an old photo
❒ He has the most dramatic reaction
❒ Being mad loud got his teammates looking at him sideways
❒ It’s a gasp, scream, then whining and falling all over the place holding his head
❒ Literally is doing the absolute most like you could’ve just quickly unliked the photo… which he didn’t do
❒ Meaning you had the time to see the notification and you of course checked what he liked because you didn’t even post something today
❒ Once you see it was something old you just know you had to tease him once you saw him
❒ You went to go meet up with him like you usually did when it came to the end of the school day
❒ You already see from a distance your boyfriend’s dramatic actions and his team staring at him with deadpan expressions
❒ You wave to his team and they seem slightly relieved seeing you get your boyfriend
❒ "Ryu what are you doing? You plan on joining theater?"
❒ He straightens up putting on the suave act
❒ Smile on his face looking at you as if nothing just happened
❒ "A few have wished to see my face on theater but y'know it's just not for me"
❒"Yeah I'm sure they ask just cause of your face... anyways what's up with the stalking?"
❒He freezes staring blankly at you "You know?"
❒ When you show him the notification he can only whine more before getting a sudden burst of energy now claiming he can't be embarrassed for liking his girlfriend's pictures
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𝐀/𝐍: @katsumiiii your man is in here
𝐓𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭:: @jackibrown / @goldenglow149 / @userwithlotsoftime want to join taglist? fill out this form here!
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jeysmullet · 1 month
Hi hun! Could I request for a Jey fic where reader is engaged to Jey, but gets mad when she read that he had invited Sexxy Red to be his VIP guest and he makes it up to her. Smut or fluff, you decide!
Love your writing!
fuck my baby daddy.
jey uso x fiancé!fem!reader.
warnings: jey being an idiot, smut, the tiniest bit of exhibitionism (but not really), praise kink, and finally fluff!!
hope you enjoy it bookie 💋. @bebesobrielo
xoxo vaeh.
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y/n l/n pov.
Upset can’t describe how i’m feeling right now. Joshua decided it would be a good idea to invite no other than mrs fuck my baby daddy herself, Sexyy Red, to be his vip guest.
“hey mrs fatu,” i heard from someone in front of me. I looked up before locking eyes with Trinity’s. I rolled my eyes laughing before shaking my head.
“girl what’s wrong, you look off?” she spoke as she sat in the chair beside me.
“you’re fucking brother in law is what’s wrong.” i sighed as i ran my hands over my face.
“lord, what did thing two do now?” she shook her head. i didn’t say anything as i just unlocked my phone before showing her the twitter post.
“sexyy red?? what the fuck do he got going on.” she semi-yelled as she read the post.
“girl he got me fucked all the way up, entirely.” i spoke as i placed my phone back into my lap.
“oh girl. i know exactly what you can do.” Trinity said before grabbing my phone &’ tweeting something.
i looked at her after she hit post and smirked as we made eye contact.
。゚•┈୨time♡skip୧┈• 。゚
“FUCK MY BABY DADDY??” Jon flinched as he heard his twin brother yell. Jon turned around looking at Josh with wide eyes.
“uce what the hell wrong with you, yelling in my damn ear like that.” Jon said shaking his head before having a phone shoved in his face by Josh.
Jon laughed as he saw what his brother was yelling over. his soon to be sister in law had tweeted out, “fuck my baby daddy” and Josh was freaking out.
“damn uce, what did you do?” The older twin asked as he watched his younger brother pace back and forth.
“man uce, i don’t kno-“ Jon looked at his brother trying to understand why he cut hisself off. Josh’s eyes widened as he came to a realization.
“Sexyy, that’s why.” Josh said sighing as his brother looked at him confused.
“i invited her to be my vip guest and i guess y/n found out.” Josh continued as he ran his hands down his face.
“dumbass,” Jon mumbled before getting smacked in the back of the head.
“not the time Jonathan. i need help.” Jey sighed.
“alright uce , just calm down. i’ll call trin.” Jon speaks as he pulls out his phone before going to his wife’s contact and calling her.
“hey baby,” Trinity’s voice spoke from the phone.
“hey baby, look josh-“ Jon started to speak before the phone got snatched out of his hand.
“trin please i need your help, what did i do?” Josh spoke fast as he held the phone.
“well josh, we can start off by bringing up the fact you invited sexyy red to be your vip guest without warning your fiancé and now she’s upset because she found out from twitter instead of her fiancé.”
Josh could pass out from how stupid he felt at that moment. of course he was going to tell y/n about it, he just never got the chance to.
“shit trin, what do i do to make it up to her?”
“surprise her, take her to dinner and tell her why you didn’t tell her yet i guess.”
“thanks trin, i owe you.” Josh hung up the phone before handing it back to his brother.
“i’ll be right back.” Josh grabbed his phone and sped out of their shared locker room.
Josh passed by multiple superstars on the way to the women’s locker room. Some were confused on where he was rushing to and some had an idea on what was happening.
Josh stood outside the women’s locker room before knocking. He stood there for a minute before Nia Jaxx opened the door.
“Yo can you tell y/n i need to talk to her.”
Nia nods before closing the door again, only for it to open again a few seconds later to reveal an annoyed looking y/n.
“what josh?”
“listen baby i know how this seems but i promise you i was gonna tell you but every time i tried to one of us had something to do.”
Y/n sighed as she stepped further into the hallway closing the locker room door behind her. She grabs Josh’s hand before dragging him to an empty corner.
“I know we’re busy Josh but i wish you would’ve told me instead of me finding out from twitter. you know how twitter mixes things up.”
“I know baby but please believe me. i was gonna tell you.”
“i do believe you josh.”
“oh thank God.” Josh sighed out in relief as Y/n laughs.
“well i still want to make it up to you, let me take you out to dinner after the show tonight. it’s been a while since i’ve treated you to a night out.”
“okay Josh.” Y/n says as she smiles and leans up to place her lips onto Josh’s.
Josh smirks as the two engage in a heated make out session. His hands traveled down her body before reaching her ass. He smacked it before picking her up and placing her on a crate beside them.
Y/n leans her head to the side as Josh kisses her down her neck before going back to her lips.
The two were so lost in one another that they didn’t see Jon standing at the corner. Jon cleared his throat making the two jump.
“Sorry to interrupt but we got a match Josh.” Jon stated while awkwardly looking down.
Josh turned to Y/n and picked her up off the crate before placing her on the ground.
“you good?” Josh asked her when she straightened herself out.
“yeah i’m good, go ahead so you aren’t late.”
“alright, remember dinner tonight.” Josh said as he walked over to his brother.
“i’m guessing your apology went good.” Jon laughed.
Josh shook his head before laughing.
゚•┈୨time♡skip୧┈• 。゚
yourusername posted on their story
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nobody’s pov.
Josh staggered into the hotel room before closing the door with his foot as he held Y/n in his arms.
He made his way over to the bed before slowly sitting Y/n down on the bed. He let his hands roam her body before making his way to the back of her dress unzipping it. he slid the straps off of her shoulders before pulling the rest of it off her body.
He felt the blood rush to his lower body as he saw her bare body under the dress.
“oh so you wasn’t wearing nothing under that huh? You wanted other people to see what’s mine?” Josh spoke lowly as he lowered his lips to her collarbone sucking the skin before going lower.
Y/n moaned as she felt Josh start sucking on her chest. She let her hands snake down to his head before grabbing it and playing with his hair.
The two were lost in each other as their bodies pressed together in a long and passionate embrace, the weight of the world seemed to lift off their shoulders. The disagreement from earlier fleeting from both of their minds. They moved together in a slow and tender dance, lost in each other's touch.
Josh lifted his head from Y/n’s chest before he slipped his fingers down to her core.
Josh smirked at the girl under him as he feels how wet she is.
“I got you like that mama?”
as the sentence was being spoken, Y/n felt as he brought his thumb to her clit and started rubbing it.
She felt her breath get shakey as she tried to respond to him before giving up after she felt Josh’s fingers slid into her slick. she grabbed his arm trying to push it away from her.
“why you running baby? you wasn’t running when you was rubbing all on my dick at dinner. had me hard in front of all them people.”
“Josh please.” Y/n moaned out as Josh sped up his fingers.
“please what mama? i need your words.”
“i need you baby, i need your dick.”
Josh smiled before pulling his fingers out of his fiancé and bringing them up to his mouth.
He started to line himself up with her entrance before slowly pushing himself in.
Y/n’s back arched off the bed as she felt his dick inside of her.
“you feel so good around this dick baby. this yo dick.” josh grunted as he pounded mercilessly into her.
Y/n could only sob and beg shamelessly for more, hands clawing down his back as she felt her orgasm approached fast under his skilled touch.
Y/n felt her body shake as her orgasm took over her body, gushing around her fiancés dick. Josh felt his dick start pulsing inside of her as her pussy grips him over and over again.
Josh followed Y/n soon after as his cum shoots deep in her before his body collapses on top of hers.
“I love you girl and i’m sorry i didn’t tell you earlier.” Josh lowly said as he softly slid out of her before getting up.
“I love you too Josh. I promise it’s okay.” Y/n’s eyes followed her fiancé as he walked to the bathroom before coming back out with a wet rag.
Josh walked over to y/n before cleaning her up and picking her up to take her to the bathroom.
after she finished with her business and cleaned herself again, Josh came back into the bathroom before picking her up again. He laid her on the bed and gave her the water bottle he got her while she was in the bathroom.
He placed the cover over the both of them before leaning over and turning the light off.
Y/n placed the water bottle onto the nightstand before snuggling into Josh’s chest.
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slayfics · 4 months
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Explosive Tendencies a slow burn fan fiction about the readers developing relationship with Katsuki Bakugo.
Chapter seventeen: Katsuki ghosts you.
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It had been a few days since the provisional licensing exam, and Katsuki still hadn't spoken a word to you. You knew he was undoubtedly upset about not passing the exam, but you hadn't expected him to suddenly pretend you didn't exist.
In lectures, he left as soon as class was dismissed. In class training exercises, he never looked your way, and when it was time to go back to the dorms, he went straight up to his room.
You gave in and texted him. However, figuring out what to say was no easy task. It was hard to think of something that he wouldn't blow up at. You couldn't ask him if he was okay. Obviously, he wasn't. You couldn't ask him if he wanted to talk about it. Obviously, he didn't. So, what could you say? Finally, you decide on a response.
Hey, let me know if you need anything.
Your message had been left on seen for another day, and classes the next day were the same. He never acknowledged your existence once. It pained you to know how upset he was but refused to talk about it with anyone. Why did he have to be so damn stubborn?
Suddenly, a thought occurred to you: He was blaming you as the reason for failing the provisional licenses exam.
You felt your heart race as you realized- he had stopped to help you pass the first part of the exam. Was it possible they deducted points for that? 
The room seemed to dull around you as you got lost in thought. Your classmates chatting in the dorm common room suddenly vanished. Your hands shook as you reached for your phone and messaged him again.
Bakugo please talk to me.
You stared at the message but never received a response back. Just like the last three days Bakugo was in his room and spent no time down in the common room.
"Hey- are you alright?" You heard someone ask.
You looked up to see Mina standing next to you with a concerned expression on her face.
"I'm fine," You lied.
"Mmm- that wasn't believable at all, but I won't pester you. Why don't you come with me though? A couple of us are going to hang out in Jiro's room while she shows us some of her instruments," Mina suggested.
"No, I-," You began to turn her down, but she interrupted.
"I'm not going to take no for an answer. I won't push you to say why you're upset but- I can't just leave a fellow classmate to sulk alone. Come on, some girl time will cheer you up," She insisted.
You reluctantly followed Mina to Kyoka's room, where Tsuyu and Ochaco already were. Kyoka was showing them her bass guitar and basic chords to play it. 
"Hey guys!" Ochaco greeted you both as you made your way to sit down on the floor.
"What did we miss?" Mina asked, sitting next to you.
"Not much just some basics," Kyoka explained. You tried to seem interested, but your mind kept drifting off as she explained some more instruments and played some songs. Kyoka was talented, and you found yourself wishing you could be more present to be engaged.
"Soooooo- feeling any better?" Mina asked you.
"Hu?" You jumped in response as her question dragged you back out of your thoughts.
"I told you I was fine," You replied.
Mina rolled her eyes, "Yeah right! You're a terrible liar. Come on, that's what we're here for, you can talk to us you know?"
"Yeah, is everything ok? It's not good to hold stuff in." Tsuyu said, looking concerned.
"If there's any way we can help please let us know," Ochaco said.
All the attention caused you to start to panic. You hid your face in your knees trying not to become overwhelmed as tears started to form in your eyes.
"Hey, it's ok. Talk to us," Mina said, placing her hand on your back to comfort you.
"It's Bakugo-," You mumbled into your knees.
"BAKUGO?!" The girls said in unison shocked. That was the last thing they were expecting to hear.
You picked your head up to see their confused expressions.
"He hasn't talked to me in days-," you said beginning to sob. "Ever since the licensing test- I think- I think he is blaming me for failing." You explained.
"WHAT?! That's ridiculous! He failed because he's a hothead with no manners!" Mina yelled.
"No," You shook your head back and forth. "He helped me during the exam, and I think it's my fault. But he won't even look at me, and he won't respond to any of my messages," you said, wiping some of the tears from your eyes.
"Oh, I'm sorry," Ochaco said, trying to soothe you.
"Bakguo sucks, don't be so concerned about him," Tsuyu said flatly.
You sighed as your tears began to subside, "I know you all don't think much of him- but he's really not so bad," you said, trying to defend him.
"I don't know what you and Kirishima see in him, but he's as trash as they come," Mina said "Especially, to be blaming you for something that was obviously his fault. He failed because they think he has more to learn to be a pro hero- not because of you. So- him taking it out on you is completely unfair and proves he sucks." Mina said, crossing her arms in a huff.
"Yeah, if he's going to react that way, it's better not to be around him," Tsuyu agreed.
"Don't be so hard on yourself, ok? It's not your fault he failed. His actions were his decisions," Ochaco spoke.
"Yeah, definitely," Kyoka agreed.
"Thanks-..., I think I needed to hear that," you said, beginning to feel your mood lift a bit.
"Of course, you can always talk to us. You don't have to be so mysterious all the time," Mina said, teasing you.
You enjoyed the rest of the night with the girls and even found yourself laughing with them. It felt good to get all of that off your chest.
Mina walked with you to the elevator at the end of the night to go back to your respective rooms.
"Hey- I didn't want to say this in front of the other girls because I know how squeamish you are," Mina laughed. "But- it was totally Bakugo you were crushing on, wasn't it?! I mean, it has to be given how upset you are he hasn't been talking to you," Mina concluded.
You sighed and decided there wasn't any reason to hide it from Mina anymore. "Yeah... I guess I do- or did- I don't know..."
"It's ok, your secret is safe with me. He is a total asshole for treating you that way though. Forget about him until he apologizes or fixes his attitude which- uh will probably never happen," Mina laughed.
"Yeah yeah," you said, rolling your eyes as you unlocked your dorm. "Good night, Ashido."
"Good night!" She called back as she went into her own room.
Just as you fell into a deep sleep, you heard a loud knock on your door.
You opened the door to see Mina standing with her phone in her hand.
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Tags: @anon-mouse223 @unofficialmuilover @maddietries @sikuthealien @queenpiranhadon @melrs21 @poemzcheng @kazuumii @bakunianadecorazon @ur-crusty-uncle @reads-stuff-quietly @chixkadee @perfectsukii @faetoraa @fem-weeb @nagicats @lees-chaotic-brain
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l5byrinth · 10 months
“even in my worst times, you could see the best of me”
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pairing: cam cameron x fem!reader
summary: in which you and cam have hated each other for as long as you can remember. but what if that hatred wasn’t actually what you thought it was.
warnings: fluff, angst (a little idk), enemies to lovers, lmk if i should add more, not edited
a/n: FINALLY i’m back yall!! i’ll probably disappear for like another few months again but i really had to post this one bc there aren’t enough fics for my bae cam 🫶🏼 and my requests are open!! i don’t want my work copied, translated and/or posted on another platform without it being discussed with me.
my masterlist
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Inhale. Exhale.
The nerves were flooding in as you waited for your turn to be ‘presented to society’. Being a debutant and actually participating in the stuff you found nonsense at first was the last thing you expected you’d be doing this summer. What you didn’t expect in a million years either, was falling for the one you sworn you hated with every single part of you.
You couldn’t pinpoint the exact moment it began, but it hit you hard when you heard that Belly broke up with Cam. Thoughts of the two of you being together flooded your mind, and though you tried to push them away, they lingered.
Instead of pursuing these thoughts, you distanced yourself from Cam, which turned out to be more difficult than expected since he seemed to be everywhere you were.
Cam was taken aback by your sudden distance. Although you both disliked each other, you never missed the opportunity to bicker. Now, whenever he tried to engage, you either ignored him or replied formally without any insults.
And if Cam had to be honest, it made him feel this pain in his chest. Especially when you started to hangout him with this guy you had met at the bonfire. The same guy you befriended to try to forget Cam. And also the same guy who was your escort to the debutant ball.
Cam tried to come up with reasons for your distance, and one day, he found himself standing in front of your house. Cam wasn’t sure what he was going to say or do, but he was determined to see you. His heart skipped a beat when he made it to the porch and he halted in front of the door, taking a deep breath in.
He was about to knock, when a thought jumped into his head.
You were scrolling on your phone, trying everything to get Cam out of your head. But everything you saw reminded him of you. You even came past a video of whales and wanted to scream out loud. Why was your phone working against you?
A knock on your window interrupted your furious thoughts and confusion washed over you. You don’t remember meeting up with anyone, or telling someone to come by your window. Scared that it might be a burglar, you grabbed the first object you saw to use as a weapon. However, when you opened your window, the last person you expected was in front of you, heavily panting. “Cameron?” You questioned, lowering your weapon since there wasn’t an actual real threat.
“Hi.” He simply greeted with a grin, before climbing into your room. He stood way too close to you, making your breath hitch as he dusted himself off. But you weren’t going to let him notice what kind of effect he had on you, so the best you could do is just bicker like you used to to mask it.
“What are you doing here? Trying to rob me or something?” You asked as you took a few steps back, “‘Cause I’m not afraid to use this!” You showed the bedside table lamp in your hands.
“Calm down, Y/l/n,” He chuckled as he put his hand on your arm to lower it, and you just allowed him to do so. You felt yourself relax at the warmth and touch of his hand and mentally cursed yourself for this. He liked at you with a small smile, a smile that made your heart flutter in your chest.
Cam’s hand lingered on your arm, before he cleared his throat and quickly removed it. Around everyone, he was always shy and reserved, but with you it was different. You brought out some confidence in him he never knew he had. And Cam never understood why, but with you, he felt at ease and weirdly enough, safe. Whenever he even looked in your direction, his worries would vanish as if they never existed.
Cam walked past you slowly and looked around your room. He tried to memorise every object on your desk, every little detail in your room. “Why are you ignoring me?” He asked, throwing his head over his shoulder to look at you. You were standing there at loss for words, trying to come up with a good excuse. He nodded to himself when you didn’t answer before continuing his walk around your room.
“I should be asking you the questions! Why are you in my room, Sextus?” You crossed your arms over chest and watched him let out a laugh at the name you called him. The sound made you burst of out happiness, but you weren’t planning on showing.
“Please, Ceres, be honest with me…” He started walking back towards you slowly, his eyes never leaving yours. The way he remembered the name you used at the latin convention made your heart skip a beat. “Why would I?” You said with a loud huff and you turned your head to the side with your eyes closed.
When you opened your eyes, Cam’s face was only an inch from yours, and you felt your guard fall down. It would’ve been so much easier if Cam didn’t have this effect on you. Your face fell. “Stop.” You mumbled, inaudible for him to hear.
“What was that?” He inquired genuinely, getting even closer if that was even possible. “Stop!” You spoke out louder, making him jump out of his skin, but soft enough for it to be a whisper. “Stop what?” Cam asked curiously. You stared into his eyes, trying to find something, think of something to make you hate him again. But as you looked into his deep eyes, all you could think about what you could be, as something else than enemies.
You looked at the ground in defeat, before continuing, “I’m trying so hard, Cameron, so hard.”
Cam was quiet as he looked at you with a confused look on his face, and he wanted you to tell him everything that was on your mind. When you looked up at him, Cam noticed that there was something else in your eyes. Something else than what he usually saw, and he couldn’t quite place what it was. “Cameron, I’m trying so hard not to hate you.” You whispered.
Cam’s heart was pounding out of his chest, while he was looking at you with his mouth agape ever so slightly. He hoped your words meant what he thought they meant, and his hand reached for yours.
A yell of your name woke both you and Cam out of your trance, eyes widening in panic. “Is everything okay up there?” Your mom yelled from downstairs, and you heard her footsteps coming up the stairs. Cam rushed towards your window, and you helped him get out quickly. Before he got down, he said something that you spent thinking about the weeks that followed, “I’m really trying hard to hate you too, but I can’t. No matter how hard I try.”
Ever since he dropped by, you had avoided him more than you initially did. And that made Cam wonder what he did or said wrong that day. You were all what he could think about, and if he wasn’t thinking about you, he was dreaming about you or speaking about you.
Whenever you saw him, you would walk the other way, you would pretend you didn’t see him standing. You basically ignored his existence. And for Cam it felt like a stab through the heart, a deep and painful one.
This continued until the debutant ball.
Cam was standing on the flight of stairs behind two other escorts and in front of many others, waiting for the girl’s name he was escorting to be announced. He didn’t know how he ended up here, escorting a girl, who he didn’t even really knew that well, to the debutant ball, But he would do anything to keep his mother happy, so here he was.
He was nervously fidgeting with his fingers, his mind on you like it always has been since the first time he saw you. A part of him wished it was you he was escorting. He wished that he was the one who first saw you in your dress before your presentation.
He fantasised how he actually wanted this day to go. You standing there in a beautiful dress, looking drop-dead gorgeous like you always did. Him being the one to look at you with an encouraging smile and mouthing to you how enchanting you looked. It was all you deserved and more. It killed him he wasn’t the one to be doing it.
When it was Cam’s to turn to go up stage and escort the girl, he imagined it was you by his side. He flashed her a polite smile as she did the same and watched as her eyes drifted off to behind him. Cam followed her eyes and saw that she was looking at none other than the guy who was escorting you.
Cam and the girl got off the stage and walked over to the other debutants, waiting for the next debutant to be presented. And when your name was called, Cam felt a heavy flutter in his chest he most certainly couldn’t ignore.
The girl beside him watched his demeanour change at the sound of your name and smiled to herself. She always had the feeling Cam had a thing for you.
When you appeared on stage, Cam’s eyes were drawn to you. The way you looked in your dress was indescribable and the way you glowed made his heart race a million miles per hour. You scanned the crowd, trying to find a familiar face to ease your nerves. And when your eyes locked Cam’s warm ones it felt as if the world stopped turning. Every single person around you disappeared, it was just you and him.
And your nerves disappeared as quickly as they appeared.
You never pulled your eyes away from his gaze as you walked down the stage with your escort. The escort who had picked up on your crush on Cam a long while back.
Cam tried his best to keep his composure, he was refraining himself from running over to you and holding you like there was no tomorrow, he tried his best not to think about all the ways he would compliment you and make you feel good.
You and your escort halted in front of the table your parents were sitting at and you finally broke eye contact with Cam. Your heart was pounding out of your chest and you were thinking about Cam all the damn time as you waited for the presentations to finish.
When they did, every debutant with their escort bowed down to the table with their family. Afterwards, everyone sat down and waited for some surprise performance the escorts were giving. Your escort waited for you to take a seat next to one of your parents, before he parted as well after flashing you a small smile.
“You looked amazing, honey.” Your mom praised, putting a hand on your shoulder. You thanked her and looked around the ball room, trying to find the one person who lived in your mind rent free. Cam was just walking past to get to the other escorts, when his eyes met yours once again. But this time you looked away after a few seconds, trying to nonchalantly brush off the fact you had a major crush on the guy you had thought was your number one enemy.
After the sudden dance performance, your escort had disappeared somewhere, along with the girl Cam was escorting. But neither of you seemed to care, as all you did was gaze at each other longingly, waiting for the people to announce when the first dance was about to take place.
Your parents, who were seated beside you, had noticed your stares and stolen glances towards the boy and smiled at each other knowingly. You tried to hide it, but they knew you. They knew when their daughter was actually in love.
The sound of glass clinking was heard, before a woman announced that it was time. And at that moment you woke up from your trance, realising your escort was still nowhere to be seen. Every debutant, alongside with her escort was gathering on the dance floor, except for you and, well, Cam.
“Mom, where is he?” You questioned worriedly. “It doesn’t matter,” She answered, making your eyebrows furrow in confusion, “I think there’s someone else you’d much rather want to share this dance with.”
She tilted her head towards a certain direction, and you knew immediately who she was referring to. But your eyes followed the direction she meant anyway, with a racing heart.
Cam was standing there, looking at you like a man in love. That’s because he is. He is in love. And before you knew it, your feet made their way towards him. You halted in front of him with a smile. You were panting like you had just run a marathon, but you didn’t care, because you were right in front of who you wanted to be.
“Seems like we both don’t have a dance partner, huh?” Cam chuckled, scratching the back of his neck nervously. All you could do was nod in respond, the words you actually wanted to speak out seeming to be stuck in your throat.
Your hands reached for his and when your fingers intertwined, you could’ve sworn you heard Cam let out a deep breath. The music started playing, and the two of you were drowning in one another’s eyes as you danced to the music just like you had practiced. The tension between the two of you was unbearable throughout the entire dance.
And once the dance ended, when you were in the end position, his face was awfully close to yours and you had to do anything in your power to not plant your lips on his. He pulled you back up, with way more force than he intended, which resulted into you being flush against his chest. Your faces only a few inches away, which made it even harder to refrain yourself.
You pulled away slowly, even when you wish you could stay like that forever. The words you desired to speak were stuck in your throat, and your eyes fell down, feeling flustered by everything that has happened this night. He wanted to say so much as he looked at you with a lovesick smile, but he didn’t know how. His right hand fine yours as he put his left hand under your chin.
He stroked your cheek gently with his thumb, his eyes fixated you and only you. You were the only thing that mattered to him any day, anywhere, anytime.
Every couple around you started to leave the dance floor, but you and Cam stayed there without a care in the world. “Let’s get out of here.” He whispered, in which you grinned to in response.
He gave your hand a gentle squeeze as you walked towards the exit of the ball room, giggles and chuckles leaving your lips. Your parents watched from afar, knowing you were finally with the one you liked all along.
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gilverrwrites · 4 months
Castiel NSFW Headcanons
Pairing: Castiel / GN!Reader
Rating: M/18+
Please remember: to give yourself time to rest.
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Warning: Very brief mention of non/dub-con. Cas is kinda pervy and I love that for him.
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Wants to and will deliver the most excellent and diligent aftercare, but you have to be vocal and specific about it. Communication is good, tell him what you need, and he will do it, everytime.
Actually prefers receiving oral over giving. Don’t get it twisted, he thoroughly enjoys the effect it has on you, and will do it over and over for you, but it’s a sensory thing. There’s just so many particles, and molecules on his tongue, it can be overwhelming.
Incidentally like A++ when it comes to dirty talk. He doesn’t really have a filter so he will have no problem telling you what he likes, how he’s feeling. Will check on you aften.
Does that feel good? Do you enjoy when I touch you like this? You look so beautiful when you cum for me. I love the way you feel around me.
However, until/unless you teach him the slang terms and how to use them, he will refer to most body parts by their anatomical names.
Is a top, but is very open to experimentation. Is happy to and enjoys bottoming/being pegged.
A switch, with predominately dom tendances.
Taking charge comes easily to him, and he can be very impatient/intolerant of having his orders disobeyed. Bratty behavior can be fun for him, if you’re into that sort of thing, but prefers service subs who will do as told and do it well. But does not like to be the boss all the time. He likes it when you top him, especially for slow, sensual sex.  If you’re more experienced than him and can show him new positions or foreplay.
On the subject of positions, top 3: Face-off, cowgirl, and seashell.
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Art by Emily Schiff-Slater
Will ask/scold you to keep your eyes open and look at him frequently. Really enjoys watching your expressions/reactions, particularly your eyes.
Doesn’t like to restrain you with ropes and the likes, but does like using his body and/or his grace to pin you down and have his way with you.
Let him hold you down, get nice and deep inside, then look up at him with glazed eyes and let out a whimper; he may just cum on the spot.
Can and will go for hours if you let him, stamina is not an issue for him.
Especially for cock-warming. On the rare occasion he has downtime, he will happily spend all day with you on his lap, cock inside you just idly chatting, examining and teasing you as you gradually get more wound up and needy for him.
His wings and the space around their base (in between the shoulder blades) are highly sensitive. Just the brush of your finger is enough to get him riled up.
You have to inform him that it’s found upon to discuss your sex life unprompted with other people. Unless that doesn’t bother you.
Dean: Where the hell were you man?!? We’ve been prayin’! Cas: I heard you. I was busy engaging in coitus with [name]. ____ Sam: Cas I’m trying to explain something here, what is so important on your phone? Cas: [name] has sent me a photograph of their [redacted], I am uncertain of the best way to respond.
Does not particularly like sexting, as he finds it hard to concisely convey his thoughts through text. BUT he does get a thrill out of seeing and having your nudes be so easily accessible and for his eyes only.
Seldom masturbates but does watch a lot of porn. It’s for “research” in “understanding humans”. Totally not for inspiration.
If you suggest making your own DIY porn, he will jump on it. There may be some technical teething issues, but he is determined not to let that stop you. Would film it from the nightstand of something, not POV as he still wants to get lost in the moment and not have to worry about filming you from just the right angle.
Secretly a voyeur. Prior to any sexual/romantic relationship he may have ‘accidentally’ popped up and caught a glimpse (or more) of you, or his other human acquaintances getting their rocks of (be they alone, or with other people). During any relationship he likes watching you touch yourself, sometimes he’ll ask you to let loose and do it however you like, sometimes he prefers a more guided approach. So, telling you, where to touch, how much pressure, if and when you can reach your climax.
And of course, frottage/thigh riding. Watching you grind on him, per instruction, until you cum makes him giddy.
Very much enjoys a good cream pie. Typically, he’s not really into (his own) cum, it’s sticky and messy. But he cannot deny the rush of pride he feels when he see’s his own cum seeping out of you.  
Is often commando, it just feels more freeing, and allows for easer access. Yes he could just use his angel mojo, but there’s something more fun and a little sordid about doing it himself, or better yet, having undress him.
Same goes for you. He prefers stripping you by hand. It allows him more time to touch you, to feel your soft skin under his, to tease all the points of you that he knows makes you squirm.
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starlost97 · 11 months
— sundress.
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summary: It’s the first time you wore your favorite sundress after having the baby, and you got too insecure to leave the room and go to the picnic with Buck and your little girl. But your fiancé made sure to tell you how beautiful you are.
keywords: fluff, insecurities, reader had a baby, Maddie is the reader's best friend, f!reader.
characters: Evan Buckley, Maddie Buckley.
warnings: insecurities, mentions of body change.
a/n: my first ever evan buckley work! hope u like it <3
word count: 719.
requested?: no!
< also posted on archive of our own >
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It was a sunny day outside, and your plans to have a picnic with your family were confirmed when you saw the bright blue sky outside your window.
The picnic was going to be on the park that you and Buck had your first date in. It was also the park where you guys met, the place where you told him you were pregnant and the one where he proposed to you. So it was a very special place for the both of you.
It was the first time you and your little family left the house for that kind of activity. Usually, it was very hard for you and Buck to have some time together, since you two had opposite schedules: him as a firefighter, you as a 911 dispatcher.
But after you got a little bit of your old body back, you wanted to try your favorite dress. And this was the perfect occasion.
You carefully picked up your dress from your closet. It was white with blue flowers, and it stopped above your knees. It had a slit and an off shoulder neckline. It showed your curves perfectly, and everytime you wore it, Buck couldn’t stop looking at you. He never could, but it was very special when you also felt good about yourself.
You put it on, feeling the soft cloth on your skin. You felt extremely comfortable on your own skin for a little bit.
But then, you looked at yourself in the mirror.
You couldn’t see your waist anymore, not like you used to. Your arms were a little chubbier, and your smile started fading away as you found more and more "flaws" on your body and face.
Before you could take it off, the bedroom’s door opened.
“Babe?” He called, entering the room. He stopped walking when he put his eyes on you.
His mouth was half-opened, and his eyes traveled through your body. His cheeks started getting red, and a smile formed in his face.
“You look…”
“I know, I know, I was about to change.” You said, starting to open the zipper.
“No, no! You look amazing, babe. I feel like I fell in love with you all over again.” He said, grabbing your waist and caressing it.
“You don’t need to lie to me just because we’re engaged, babe.” You said, holding his face with your hands.
“I’m not lying!” He answered, grabbing your hands. “You just had a baby, my love. You are going too hard on yourself. It’s not even justifiable, because you look incredibly sexy as always, okay?” He said, making you laugh.
“Are you being serious, Buck?”
“Look, if you don’t believe me, let’s call Maddie. Act like you just bought this dress and want her opinion on it, okay? She’ll be honest.”
Before you could answer, Buck grabbed your phone and facetimed his sister, who picked up after three beeps.
“Hi, honey! How are you?”
“Hi, Maddie! Can you help me with something?”
“Sure! What do you need?”
“Does this dress look good?” You asked as you put your phone on your pillow, stepping back so she could see it better.
“Oh, honey, it looks so good! You look so pretty!” She said, smiling genuinely. “It suits you perfectly! I love it!”
“Yes! Yes, I promise.”
“Ok, thank you!” You said, ending the call. Buck was looking at you, leaning against the doorframe and smiling proudly.
“What did I tell you?” He said, walking to you and grabbing your waist again.
“Thank you, babe.” You said, putting your arms around his neck.
Buck smiled and started kissing you slowly, caressing your waist. He only broke the kiss to start distributing them around your face, which made you giggle.
His eyes started to shine as he heard the sound of your laugh. He suddenly pulled you up and started spinning you in the air, only to carefully throw you on the mattress and begin kissing you again.
“We need to go, babe!” You said in between kisses, making him pout.
“Do we really need to?”
“I'm just kidding, my love. Let's go.” He said, giving you one last kiss before pulling you up. “But when we get home, you'll be all mine.”
“Promise?” You asked while putting your hands on his shoulders.
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AITA for not telling my ex-best friend that she's not invited to my wedding? (🚫👰‍♂️ for reference)
Light context, I (20s X) used to be very close with this girl we'll call F (20s F) for close to 15 years. We had a few falling outs in high-school but maintained a casual friendship afterwards as we went into college and beyond. From a really young age, we both made the promise to each other that we'd be each other's maid of honor at our respective weddings, and that promise would be occasionally referenced during our friendship (yknow, typical bff things).
To make a very long story short, the last chunk of our friendship I started acknowledging that she really wasn't the best influence on me and really worked to make everyone around us believe her narrative about our friendship (things like lying for years about how we became friends and refusing to acknowledge the correct story, or inserting herself into my family, including during a really traumatic time and she got upset when people weren't asking her about how much she was upset, things like that ect.). I had given up even trying to argue against it so I'd agree with her on a lot of it.
She was engaged a few years ago and ended up asking me to be her MOH, which I accepted at the time. What ended up happening was that the wedding was canceled, and I never got my dress I had pulled money from my savings to pay for, nor the money back.
I made the conscious decision at that point to start to distance myself from her, both in person and on the phone, but would still losely message her if I knew she was the best person to talk to about something. When I first started dating my fiancé, F was one of the main people I talked to about our budding relationship.
It's been several years now, and I have basically stopped interacting with F on all accounts. I found out from an old high-school friend that apparently she still tells people we're really close and hang out all the time, which I was quick to clarify wasn't true.
Here's where I feel like I could be TA: in all these years of me slowly backing away, I've avoided ever actually telling F that I wasn't comfortable with us interacting anymore, and I wasn't even sure I wanted to have her at the wedding. This is because she's been known to do some pretty drastic things in the past and cause scenes, and I really didn't want to deal with possible fallout, and now it's gotten so late that it feels harder and harder to do.
We had our first conversation in like 8 months recently with a few snaps where she showed off her new engagement ring and then asked about how wedding planning was going and when she was going to get asked and invited to it. I kinda let the question flop and never really responded, but now I know it's still on her mind.
The whole wedding party has already been chosen, as has our guest list, and F and her fiancé aren't on it. I feel like I should try to tell F at this point that I don't feel comfortable inviting her, but I really just want the whole situation to die out and would rather somehow miraculously get married without F even hearing about it until it's already done (which is basically impossible since F is still social media friends with my mom). At this point, I still have no plans to tell F that she's not part of the wedding, nor is she invited. I am genuinely worried she'd crash it if she found out where it was happening, but I'd rather take that risk and not mention it at all, despite it being a childhood promise when we were actually friends.
So, AITA for not telling her that I've been uncomfortable with our friendship and don't want her at all in or at my wedding?
What are these acronyms?
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captain19cb97 · 1 year
Pre-Anniversary (M) s.cb
What's better than celebrating an anniversary? Celebrating the night before.
Pairing: Idol!Changbin x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 5.4k
Genre: Fluff, Smut (18+ MDNI) Established Relationship
Warnings: This is 100% smut, meaning, if you are not 18 or older, please DO NOT INTERACT with this story. Unprotected sex (reader is on birth control but as always, be smart and safe, use protection of multiple kinds) Pet names (baby, jagi, jagiya, princess) Praise, cursing, slight overstimulation and mentions of food.
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"So what are you guys doing for your anniversary tomorrow?"
Changbin turned around from the mixer to look at Han. They had both stayed longer than everyone else tonight to try to finish brainstorming some more lyrics on a song that Chan had started and it was getting really late.
"We're not doing anything. Why?"
Han could've snapped his neck with how quickly he turned his head, letting his phone fall into his lap. "What do you mean you guys aren't doing anything?! It's your guys 6 month anniversary! You've got to do something!"
Changbin just shrugged as he turned his attention back to the screen in front of him, "She doesn't really like celebrating them. So we haven't."
"Any of them?"
Changbin just shook his head, "We celebrated our 3 month and then she told me that she didn't really care to celebrate them like most people do with like gifts and things. So we make dinner together, take a walk after we eat and then we watch a movie before we go to bed."
Han couldn't believe what he was hearing. This was the same man who constantly whined about wanting to buy her things before they were dating, but didn't half the time, because he was worried it would bother her. Now he has a reason to do it and doesn't?!
"You don't buy her gifts?" Han asked slowly, finally sitting up to fully engage in the conversation that he started.
Changbin saved the file then turned to look at Han and smiled, "I buy her flowers every two or three weeks. I buy her lunch twice a week, coffee every day that she has a meeting first thing in the morning. She goes to the gym with me every other day, if she can. She buys me lunch twice a week too, and coffee when we spend entire days in promotions." He shrugged a little, "If she noticed that her bouquet of flowers this morning, was bigger than usual, she didn't say anything. And she bought me lunch today, even though she was on a shoot set."
Han knew now. He knew by the look on Changbin's face, every day was like an anniversary for you guys. You both were happy and fit together like a lock and key- like everyone knew you guys would. He nodded and smiled, "You guys are disgustingly cute, you know."
Changbin laughed, "Yeah, I know. Not all the time though."
Han was skeptical and made a face to show it. "You sure? Because it sounds like you just described something that happens in movies or dramas. And that's your guys actual relationship."
"It's not always perfect, Hannie." Changbin shook his head. "We argue, we've had a couple fights. We get mad at each other sometimes when we disagree on something."
"Yet, you still do all of those things you just told me." Han pointed out, leaning back into the couch. "You guys have found a good balance obviously."
The older man nodded, finding no reason to disagree with Han. "Yeah, but that's the whole point of being in a relationship, isn't it?" He asked rhetorically, "We fight, we make up. We disagree, we try to find a middle ground. We get mad at each other; we give each other space to cool off then talk about it before the day's over."
Changbin wondered if your ears were burning because his phone went off on the desk behind him. Your specialized ring tone blasting "Hey Stupid, I Love You" for a few seconds before he answered the call.
"Hey, Jagi. What's up?"
"Are you still coming over tomorrow? I know you're still working on new music, so you've been staying later lately, so I just wanted to double check."
He smiled at your voice. The soft tone, told him you were ready to fall asleep, likely had already fallen asleep on your couch before you called him, actually. The slow way you spoke when you were sleepy always made his heart flutter and brought a smile to his face. There was just something about it that got to him and reminded him just how much he loved you.
"Yeah, I was planning to. I was going to tonight too, but you sound tired." He answered finally, seeing the dumb grin on Han's face.
You mumbled something softly, sleepily and it made him chuckle.
"One more time, baby. I didn't understand that."
You sighed loud enough for him to hear, "I said, I want you to come over though." He could hear the pout in your voice, and it made him smile even more, picturing the look on your face.
"It's late though." He said softly, only to hear you whine.
"Please?" You begged. "I haven't seen you in a week because of this shoot and I miss you."
That was true and it made him frown slightly, hearing the hurt in your voice. You had been working off property for another company the last few days and hadn't actually seen each other since you had dinner with all of the guys the weekend before. He had to have your flowers delivered to your apartment this morning because he couldn't actually give them to you, and you did the same thing with his lunch.
Han could see Changbin's face change, ever so slightly, but it was enough to know that he was bothered by whatever you had said.
"I know, Jagi. I miss you too." He sighed.
Han nodded to himself, moving to push Changbin in the chair, out of the way of the computer and saving everything before shutting it all down.
"Hold on, Jagi, okay?" He heard Changbin say before he turned to look at him. "What are you doing? We need to finish this."
Han just shook his head, "Go see your girlfriend, Hyung. I'll work on this some more at the dorm and then we can finish it in the morning."
Changbin didn't argue, not that he wanted to. Instead, he clapped Han on the shoulder as he stood from the chair and pocketed his things quickly, still holding his phone to his ear. "Okay, baby? I'll be there soon, okay?"
"Really?" You asked excitedly, the sleepiness in your voice still present but not as much.
Changbin nodded to himself, "Yeah, do you want me to pick something up to eat? Have you eaten dinner yet?"
"No, I haven't. I got home at like 9 and ended up falling asleep on the couch right after that." You admitted.
He hummed, "I'll get something then. I'll see you in a bit." He stopped, "I love you."
It had only been about a month or so since the first time he told you he loved you and every time he did, he was still nervous. You still made him nervous in general, but it was always in a good way. Like he still couldn't believe you had ever said yes to going out with him, couldn't believe that you loved him back.
"I love you, too. Thank you, baby. And tell Ji I said thank you, too."
He nodded, "I will."
He slid his phone into his pocket and looked at Han, "She said thank you. I'm assuming for sending me home, I don't know. But seriously, thanks, man."
Han smiled and grabbed his own stuff, "Don't worry about it, Hyung. You guys are used to seeing each other every day and I know that you've been upset this whole week because you guys haven't had time together."
Changbin shrugged a little as they both walked out of the studio and headed for the elevator. "I'm going to have to get used to not seeing her everyday though. As much as I don't want to. Especially with the tour coming up."
"I thought she was going with us?" Han asked, stepping into the elevator after Changbin.
"She was going to, yeah. But she just got offered a contract with Starship to do a couple shoots with Monsta X again, while we're gone." Changbin made a face, "I told her she should take the contract."
The elevator dinged, opening to the lobby, "Why? Don't you want her to go with us?" Han asked, walking out into the lobby.
Changbin looked up from his phone where he was currently ordering food to pick up. "Yeah, of course I do! I don't like the idea of not seeing her for 4 months, but we both have responsibilities and it's not always up to us how things go."
"But this could be something that goes your way, Hyung! She can get a different contract with them after the tour or something."
Changbin shook his head, "They go on tour, right after we do. And she'd go to the first couple dates with them."
Han looked at Changbin, a confused knock between his brows, "You'd rather she go on tour with a group that isn't us?"
Changbin groaned, rubbing at his forehead, "No, Han. I want her to go with us, but I know that she also wants to take the contract. But I'm not going to make her choose between us and them, that's shitty." He shook his head, "I'm never going to ask her to choose between me, or our group, and anything else."
They stood there in silence for a moment before Changbin sighed and looked back at Han, "I'll see you tomorrow, yeah?"
Han nodded, "Yeah. I hope you guys have a good night. Is she coming back to work tomorrow?"
"I think so, yeah. Today should've been the last day for her shoot." Changbin answered, slowly heading for the garage.
"Cool. Maybe we can all get lunch together tomorrow then."
Changbin smiled, "I'm sure she'd love that. Night, man. See you in the morning."
"Yeah, night, Hyung."
It took about 20 minutes before Changbin was stepping through your apartment door and tugging his shoes off, before his eyes landed on your figure on the couch, the light of the movie you had playing on the tv, hitting your face in the dark living room.
Asleep again.
He set the bag of food down on the counter before softly padding into the living room and kneeling down in front of you. "Jagi?" He moved your bangs away from your face. "Jagiya, wake up." He spoke softly, cupping your cheek as you slowly peeled your eyes open and looked at him. He smiled, leaning in to kiss your forehead, "Hi, baby. Sorry it took me so long. Are you hungry?"
You nodded slowly, curling your arms around his neck tightly, "Hi. I missed you." You breathed into his neck as he wrapped his arms around your waist just as tightly.
He chuckled, "I missed you, too. How did your shoot go?"
You made a noise in response. Not wholly negative but not positive either.
"That good, huh?" he grinned.
You leaned back enough to look at his face, scrunching yours up, "It was a shoot. I miss my boys." You laid your head back on his shoulder, tucking your face back into his neck. "Missed you the most though." You mumbled, pressing a soft kiss to the skin under his jaw. You felt his fingers on your skin at your hip, sliding slowly under the fabric of your shirt, his shirt, as you pressed another kiss to a different spot on his neck.
"Baby, you need to eat." There was a slight edge to his voice that got worse as his sentence tapered off as you kept kissing his neck.
You hummed, "What if I'm hungry for something else right now though?" You whispered, pulling back to look at him as you threaded your fingers through his hair, pushing his baseball hat off his head and to the floor.
In the 6 months you guys had been dating, there had been a lot of making out, tender touching and some action- that had only been in the last couple weeks though and neither of you ever got fully naked- you had yet to actually have sex together. You guys had talked about it, it wasn't something that you were waiting for the perfect time or anything, it came down to having the time and both of you being in the mood for more than some light, over the clothes stuff.
You had made your mind up about a month ago that you were ready to take that final step about it but you were waiting to actually do anything about it until you knew that Changbin had decided the same. Not wanting to just spring that on him if he wasn't quite ready for that yet.
He looked down at you, your eyes peering up at him with a look he hadn't seen yet, but he knew exactly what you meant and wanted, and he'd be damned if he didn't want it too. He came to the same conclusion about the same time you did but was nervous to bring it up at the time. "Are you sure?" He asked softly, his eyes roaming your face as he waited for you to answer him.
You smiled, nodding slowly, "I am. I have been for a while, but I was waiting in case you weren't."
He made a quiet noise in disbelief before his hands were somehow under both of your thighs and he had you in his arms as stood before the couch. "I was waiting in case you weren't." He mumbled, grinning wide at your surprised expression as you clung to him. "But now that that's out of the way, will you let me take care of you, baby?"
You felt your body still as his tone dropped low, his eyes meeting yours. You nodded, wrapping your legs around his waist. "Only if you let me take care of you too."
He shook his head, heading for your bedroom, "Another time, princess. Tonight, is about you. I'm going to show you how much I love you and you're going to let me. Right?"
You giggled as he pushed your door open wide enough to walk you both through it, "Are you telling or asking, baby?"
"Both. Will you let me show you how much I love you? Will you let me imprint every inch and curve of your body to my memory for all the times I can't have you? Will you let me write songs in my kisses on your skin," His knees hit the edge of the bed, "As you make every noise that I've dreamt of hearing?"
You whimpered as you leaned down, softly connecting his lips to yours, "Please, Binnie." You whispered against his lips before he dropped you onto the bed, wasting no time in leaning over you and planting one hand beside your head and the other on your side, under your shirt as he settled between your legs.
You grabbed at the front of his shirt, balling the collar in both of your hands as you pulled him closer to you, reveling in the pressure of him in top of you, his hips pressing teasingly into yours before you trailed your hands down his arms then down his back, grabbing the hem of his shirt and giving it a light tug. He pulled away long enough for you to pull it over his head before you let it fall to the ground, forgotten, as your eyes greedily took in the golden expanse of his chest as his hands found the hem of your shirt next.
He sucked in a breath once your shirt lay forgotten next to his, his eyes landed squarely on your bare chest beneath him. "Have you been like this all day, baby?"
He met your eyes, and the growing blush on your cheeks as you looked back at him and nodded slowly. "I didn't want to wear a bra today, so I didn't." You admitted softly. "I like how your shirts feel against my skin."
He groaned deeply, quickly pressing his lips back to yours for a moment before he trailed them down your neck and across your chest before he swiped his tongue over one of your nipples, taking the other in between his fingers and giving an experimental pinch as you moaned, and your fingers found his hair once again.
"Bin," You moaned softly again, closing your eyes as he moved, giving your other nipple the same attention.
He hummed against your skin, trailing his tongue between the valley of your tits before he looked at you, his hands trailing down your sides and just barely sitting on the waistband of your jeans. "You're going to let me worship you, right, Jagi?" You nodded, meeting his eyes as he ran his fingers along the band. "And you're going to tell me when I'm making you feel good, right?" You nodded again. "Words, baby. I need you to talk to me."
"I'm going to let you worship me, Binnie. I'll tell you when you're making me feel good, I promise." You breathed in anticipation as his fingers quickly popped the button on your jeans. "Please, just touch me, baby, please?"
He grinned, pressing a kiss below your naval and slowly tugging your pants down your legs, taking your panties along with them. "Anything for you, princess. You sound so pretty when you beg, you know that?" He wasted no time trailing his lips down the rest of your body, pressing soft kisses to both of your hips as he gently pushed your legs apart, smirking up at you as he slid his thumb between your folds, gently flicking your clit a couple times. "You're soaked, princess. Is this for me?"
You nodded, panting softly as his thumb followed the same path again, a little harder on the flick, making you buck your hips a little. You moaned, "All for you, baby." You breathed, letting your head fall back as he rubbed tight circles against you.
You felt his lips on the inside of your knee, once, twice, then a third time and before you could moan at the feeling of his thumb on your clit again, it was replaced by his mouth and you knew immediately, it wouldn't be long before he had you coming undone.
Your hand flew to his hair, pulling the strands through your fingers as you tried to move your hips to grind against his mouth. "Fuck, baby. That feels so good." You moaned.
He smiled against you as he doubled down, splaying one of his hands across your pelvis to stop you from moving, before teasingly prodding your hole with one of his fingers.
"D-don't tease me, Binnie, please?" You shook your head softly, squeezing your eyes shut as he kept up his assault on your clit.
He hummed, pulling away just enough to fully look at your face as he slid his finger in completely and watching your face contort in pleasure. "But you make the prettiest sound when you beg for me, princess. How could I not tease you?" His voice was low, lower than you ever thought you'd heard it, before he pressed a kiss to your swollen bulb. "Eyes on me, princess, I want you to see how much I enjoy tasting you."
You arched your back as his lips wrapped back around your clit and he added another finger, curling them just so to have you moaning louder as you pulled at his hair. "Ugh, Bin, more, please?" You picked your head up to look him in the eyes, and what a sight that was, "Fuck, baby that feels so good, but I need more."
He hummed against you, "What do you want, princess?"
"Make me cum. Make me cum and then fuck me until I cum again, Binnie. Please!" You cried, tears in the corners of your eyes as you quickly neared the edge of your orgasm.
Your words stoked the fire that was already in him, and his eyes darkened. "You wanna cum?"
"Yes, please! Make me cum, baby."
He nodded, his fingers moving quicker along your walls as you tightened around them. "I'll make you cum, princess, don't worry." He growled, his lips around your clit with renewed vigor, tongue lapping at the juices that were flowing from you.
The sounds echoing through your room were lewd. You were wet, wetter than you could ever remember being and your moans were pornographic as you teetered on the edge, your thighs shaking as you met his half lidded eyes.
"Bin," you warned, "Fuuck, I'm- I'm gonna cum."
He moved his hand, no longer holding you down and instead took your fingers between his and hummed against you again, "Cum for me, baby. Cum on my tongue."
You threw your head back for the final time, feeling grounded, in a way, with his finger in yours as you came. Your eyes were in the back of your head and Changbin didn't let up in his movements until he knew you were finally coming down from your high.
Your hand felt limp in his as you tried to catch your breath, gazing down your own body at the face of your boyfriend as he lifted his cum slick fingers to his lips and kept eye contact with you as he licked them clean of your essence.
Without another word, you shot up, grabbing his shoulder and flipping the both of you so he was on his back, and you were straddling his hips, hands on his shoulders before your eyes briefly caught the time on your clock.
12:32 a.m.
"Happy anniversary, baby." You smiled, leaning down to kiss him gently.
He hummed against your lips, "Happy anniversary, Jagi."
"So, how are you going to fuck me, Binnie?"
His hands found purchase on your hips as you slowly ground against his painfully hard dick. "Whatever way you want, princess."
You grinned, somewhat evilly, before kissing him again, your hands finding the band of his jeans and then quickly popping the button. "Do you want a condom?" You asked, leaning away from him a little.
He looked up at you, slightly confused before he remembered that you had an iud and grinned widely, "Do you?"
"We're both clean," You smiled, tangling your fingers into the back of his hair before you leaned down close to his ear and whispered, "I want you to fuck me full of your cum."
He growled deeply, his hands moving to squeeze under your ass as he flipped you back over. "Don't move." He pointed at you after he stood up, reaching to pull his pants down.
You sat in the middle of your bed, watching as Changbin made quick work of both his jeans and his boxers, finally leaving the both of you bare. You openly ogled him, looking at him from head to toe as he stalked near you again. "Baby, you're so fucking hot." You gushed, wrapping your arms around his shoulders as he leaned over you again.
He pressed a kiss to your lips, taking your bottom one between his teeth as he pulled away, "You're one to talk." He laid you back, trailing kissing down your neck again, "You want me to fuck you full of my cum, huh?" You nodded slowly, knowing he couldn't see your face. "I'll do it, baby. But I want you to keep it in. Do you understand?" He grabbed your jaw, not roughly but enough to make sure your eyes were on his. "I don't want you wasting a single drop. Got it?"
"I won't waste any, baby." You whimpered before he crashed his lips to yours and you felt him line himself up at your entrance.
He kept kissing you as he slowly pushed in, inch by glorious inch until he was bottomed out and you were already gasping for air, moaning against his lips.
He dropped his forehead to your shoulder, "Oh shit, princess. You're so warm, baby. You feel so good." He gently kissed the skin by his lips.
Your hands were moving, holding his arm, around his neck, the sheets below you, anywhere you could grab, "Move. Do something, Bin, please."
Your plead was all he needed to pull out almost completely before pushing back in just as slowly, groaning at the feeling of you wrapped around him completely.
You moaned, wrapping your legs around his waist in an attempt to pull him closer as he thrusted in and out of you and kissed along your collarbone. "It feels so good, baby. Just like that."
He groaned against your neck, biting down hard enough to make you clench around him, digging your nails into his shoulders, "You feel so fucking good, baby. Taking me so well, like you were made for me. Fuck."
He accented his words by trailing his hand down your body, his fingers making contact with your clit again, making you arch your back off the bed, pressing tightly against his chest. "D-don't stop." You whined, raking your nails down his back.
"I'm not stopping until you beg me to, baby." He growled, leaning back and pulling your legs from his waist and basically folding you in half, "Not when you sound this good, feel this good. Fuck, do you feel good." He brought one of your legs up to his shoulder, kissing along your calf and listened to you cry out when the angle made him hit deeper.
"Oh, shit! Yes, just like that!" You panted, "Just like that."
You clenched around him, the feeling of how deep he was, how he was hitting every spot inside you perfectly and the constant rhythm of him rubbing at your clit was sending you speeding towards another orgasm.
Hearing the sounds he was making above you were heaven to your ears- hearing him let out deep, guttural moans and groans as he pounded into you, only turned you on more and it felt like your skin was on fire.
He wrapped his arm around your thigh of the leg he had on his shoulder, keeping your legs spread as his hips rocketed into yours with such a lewd and loud smacking sound. Your knuckles turned white from how hard you were gripping the sheets as your back arched from the bed. "I-m gonna cum." You whimpered, moaning loudly as you clenched tightly around him.
He groaned, his fingers tightening around your thigh and on your hip. "You've been so good, baby, cum for me again."
You threw your head back, keeping your back arched in pleasure as your body started convulsing as you came, almost screaming Changbin's name.
He kept his brutally delicious pace and it felt like that only made you cum harder. His hips never stopped, even as he faltered slightly, stuttering as you clenched around him again, milking him for everything he had.
"Fuck!" He moaned, spilling inside you and painting your walls with his warm seed as he rocked into you until he came down from his high.
He slowly pulled out, and you moaned as he did, feeling suddenly empty as he dropped to his back beside you, panting.
You turned your head to look at him, staring at his side profile as little beads of sweat dropped from his hair to the bed, before he turned and met your eyes.
Quickly, he leaned over and connected his lips to yours in a chaste kiss before you felt his hand on the inside of your thigh.
You shivered at the contact, shaking your head, "Baby, I can't." You whined, your eyes pleading with him in your overstimulated state. "It's too much."
He smirked, his hand cupping your sex gently, pushing the leaking mess of your combined cums back inside you. "I told you, princess, don't waste a single drop." He growled, listening to you moan softly, your hips jerking as his finger made contact with your swollen clit.
You wrapped your fingers around his wrist, gasping at the feeling of him touching you again, grinding your hips into his hand. "But I didn't." You protested between pants.
Changbin leaned over, kissing along your neck as his fingers moved along your core. "And you won't. Even if that means that I have to fuck it back into you."
You moaned loudly, whimpering as he grazed his teeth along your shoulder. "Binnie," you panted, eyes screwed shut as a familiar pressure kept quickly building in your stomach. "Don't stop."
The bed jostled a little bit as he moved to lean over you again, and before you could whine about him doing exactly what you had just asked him not to, you gasped as he easily flipped you into your stomach, pulling your hips back to meet his as he slid back in you.
"Oh fuck, baby." You cried, clenching tightly around him. "How are you ready to go again?"
"Do you have any idea how many times you make me hard on a daily basis?" He pulled his bottom lip between his teeth as he looked down at you, trailing his hand from your ass, down your back slowly. "You're so fucking beautiful, baby." He pulled out slowly, then thrust back in quickly and stopped, his pelvis against yours. "So fucking perfect for me." Out and then back in again, like he was punctuating each compliment.  "Fuck, I love you." He moaned, filling just setting another fast pace as he pulled your back up against his chest.
You gasped, reaching back and grabbed the back of his neck, keeping his head next to yours as you both moaned. You turned your head, slotting your lips roughly against his in a messy kiss- panting into each other's mouths.
It was more intense this time, the two orgasms he'd already given you, had made you incredibly sensitive but it felt so good as his cock dragged along your walls, each thrust pushing you closer and closer to a third orgasm.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck! Changbin!" Your voice an octave higher as you moaned, feeling the tension snap all of a sudden, cumming on his cock without any warning.
Your sudden orgasm threw him headlong into a second orgasm too and his hips came to a stuttering halt this time from how hard you had clamped down on him. Your nails on dug into his forearm, wrapped around your waist, but he couldn't even feel the pain as you both slowly came down from your highs this time.
If it hadn't been for his arm around you, you wouldn't collapsed right there into the bed. But, ever the gentlemen that he is, Changbin gently laid you down, staying leaned over you for another moment as he peppered your shoulders with gentle kisses while you tried to catch your breaths again.
"I thought it was too much?"
You could hear the damn smirk in his voice, without even looking back at him. "I'm going to be so sore in the morning." You croaked, nudging him a little to get him off you.
When he did move, he pulled out at the same time, making you wince a little at the feeling this time. If you were sensitive before, you're thoroughly fucked now. Well, yeah. That was the point.
Changbin watched your face scrunch up as he got off of you. "Sorry, Jagi." He muttered, looking over at you, a slight flush on his cheeks.
You turned your head and just smiled sleepily at him, before leaning over and pressing a soft kiss to his lips. "Don't be. That was amazing." You mumbled against his lips before pulling back. "I'm gonna go shower though now. Wanna join me?"
He chuckled, watching you get up on slightly wobbly legs. "Yeah. We can eat when we get out."
You made a face, "I forgot you brought food home." You admitted softly, heading for the bathroom.
He laughed, "I'm not surprised, you were pretty set on something else."
You rolled your eyes as you leaned to turn the shower on. "Hey, I'm not the one who was sending shirtless gym pictures this morning." You turned and looked back at him over your shoulder, seeing him leaning in the doorway with his arms crossed. "You can't blame me for wanting to jump you."
He let out a loud laugh, coming over and wrapping his arms around you, pressing your back into his chest. "You can jump me whenever you want to, Jagi."
You kissed him, smiling against his lips. "Be careful, I just might."
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justmeinadaze · 1 year
Could you write a steddie x reader fic where the reader is a brat and they put her in her place
No rush at all take your time :) 💗
A/N: I'm posting this on my phone so I hope it comes our right! Enjoy ❤
Warnings: Dom steddie/ sub reader, punishment (spanking with a belt)
Word count: 1157
Where are they? I hate being at these social events alone.
Tonight, your friends Nancy and Jonathan were celebrating their engagement and you seriously couldn’t be happier. The thing was as soon as you and the guys showed up to their little get together, they almost immediately detached from your side to talk to other people.
You weren’t a fan big groups of people and hated not having at least one of them near you to ground yourself. After wondering the house for a few minutes, you finally found Steve sitting by the pool talking to Robin who greeted you with a big smile.
“Hey Robin. Steve, can I talk to you for a second?”
“Actually, baby, we’re kind of in the middle of a conversation here. Is it important or do you think you can go find Eddie?”
Without responding, you turned on your heels to search for the metalhead who suddenly appeared at the kitchen table with the other Hellfire kids as they excitedly discussed something Dungeons and Dragons related.
“Um, Eddie… EDDIE!” It took him awhile to even look your way which aggravated the hell out of you. “Can I talk to you, please?”
“Is it important, sweetheart? Do you think you can go find Steve and we can talk about it later?” He didn’t wait for an answer before turning to continue his conversation with Mike.
You growled under your breath at his dismissal.
“EDWARD!” All conversation at the table ceased as the man slowly turned his head towards you. “I need to talk to you.”
He rose to his feet, his hand roughly squeezing your arm as he pushed you away from his friends. “Y/N, if you think I won’t bend you over this table and spank you in front of these people you are sadly mistaken. Now…I am in the middle of a conversation. Go find Steve.”
“Steve told me to come find you.”
“Then we’re both busy, huh, princess? Believe it or not the world doesn’t revolve around you.”
Something snapped inside of you at his words and he saw it as his head tilted to the side.
“No, Sir. You are absolutely right. The world doesn’t revolve around me. Let me just go find someone else who isn’t busy.” You glared at him before grabbing a glass of wine off the counter and disappearing from his view.
An hour and two glasses of wine later, you find your anxieties start to fade.
“I think you’ve had enough.” An arm appears from behind you and you turn to see Steve taking the glass from your hand.
“Excuse me but I don’t think I asked. This a party, Daddy. Why don’t go have fun with Robin and I’ll have fun by myself.”
A smirk paints his lips as he glares down at you. “I heard Eddie already gave you one warning so I’m not going to bother. Disobey or talk back again and we’ll punish you right here. I don’t care who hears you scream.”
Your eyes never leave his as you reach towards the counter, grab the bottle of wine, and close your eyes as you chug it back.
When you open them again you find his grin has grown as he reaches out to gently caress your cheek with his thumb. “Ok, little girl. Eddie?”
You’re suddenly lifted into the air as two arms wrap around you and carry you down a hallway into a nearby bathroom. You yelp as your thrown against the sink and a rough hand presses on your upper back to keep you still as your face presses into the granite.
“Let’s see. You said she disrespected you, she just talked back to me, and disobeyed. What do you think, Ed? 15?”
“Are you using the belt or your hand?”
“I was thinking belt. You know, make sure it really sinks in that she’s being a little brat.”
You try and push back against Eddie’s hold but he just grips you tighter as they casually talk. “Maybe 10 then for now and then an additional punishment when we get home?”
“Sounds good to me.”, Steve chuckles as you hear the sound of his belt buckle behind you. After roughly lifting your skirt and pulling down your panties, you braced for what was about to follow. “Now I know you’re struggling with listening today, baby, but this should be easy for you. I want you to count and then when we’re done, I want you to thank us. Do you understand?”
You growled through your teeth and Eddie responded by tugging at your hair. “He asked you something. You fucking answer. You keep behaving this way and we can open the door so everyone can see.”
“No. I’m sorry, Sir. Yes, Daddy, I understand.” The leather promptly came down on your behind and you gasped at the feeling. “One.”
“I will never understand why you insist on doing things the hard way, little girl.”
“I mean wouldn’t it be easier to just do what we say the first time around instead of arguing or being disrespectful?” You winced as he hit you twice and you moaned out the numbers.
“I-I-I tried to be respectful! Y-you both brushed me off!”
“What did I tell you, little one? If Daddy and I are busy then we are busy. If it’s not important then you can wait.” Your hand reached around to grip Eddie’s wrist as the belt came down again.
“Six. Y-y-you know I don’t like social situations. I-I-I get scared.” You felt the brat leak away as the little girl stepped forward into the headspace. The little girl that needed them to take care of you and make you feel safe.
The tears slowly begin to fall as he hit you two more times before you felt a hand lightly brush through your hair. “We’re almost done, honey. Two more. You’re taking your punishment like such a good girl.”, Steve cooed in a much softer tone than he had before.
Eddie lifted his hand off your back and gently placed it on your cheek as his thumb rubbed under your eyes. You flinched as he smacked the belt against you again before landing his final one against your ass.
“Ten. Th-thank you, Daddy and Sir. I’m s-s-sorry.”
Your underwear was carefully pulled up your legs as your skirt was pushed back down and adjusted the way it had looked before. Steve turned you around and you immediately wrapped your arms around his waist as you nuzzled his chest. You felt Eddie come up behind you and do the same as he rested his cheek on the top of your head.
“You did really good, baby.”
You pulled away from them as you wiped your eyes, Steve reaching his palm out to smooth down your hair.
“Can one of you please stay with me? I…I don’t like crowds.”
Eddie’s fingers reached for yours as he held your hand. “Of course, princess. That is considered important. You being comfortable IS important. I wish you had said something.”
“Instead of being a pain in the ass.”
You smile at them as you sigh. “I’m sorry. I’ll be clear next time. I promise!”
“Naw, you’ll be a fucking brat next time but that’s ok. We definitely don’t mind reminding who’s in charge.”
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ms-demeanor · 7 months
Heya, got a question about cybersecurity meetups. Do you think folks would be cool with a rando showing up because they're curious and like learning new stuff, especially for writing? And also because internet privacy is super important rn and there's no good books or written sources I can find on hacking, the dark web, etc; let alone digestible to somebody who knows what a directory is and how to use command line and not much more.
Also. I know it's gonna vary per location, so if you can't speak for all of 'em, I get it. Are these kinds of spaces like 2600 and Defcon queer friendly? Or I guess what I'm asking is are they notorious a place queer people should avoid. I'm non-binary and don't rly pass as remotely normal or straight, and I have nobody to go with me :|
Thank you!
Meetups that are publicly listed are very cool about randos showing up to learn new stuff and talk to weird people. Most meetups tend to be about 5 parts socializing and 1 part "tech activity" like a talk or a demo if they have a tech activity at all, so you're mostly just going to be meeting people and talking to them about themselves.
I will say, if you show up specifically saying "i'm a writer and i'm here to learn about stuff for writing" you're probably going to get some trolling - that's pretty common and a lot of meetups do have to deal with stuff like journalists periodically showing up to get the inside scoop about the scary hackers and that usually gets some fairly mean-spirited teasing directed at them.
So it's better to show up because you want to learn generally. People don't like being used as reference material during their socializing; they're there to hang out and talk to people with similar interests, so ask them about their interests. You can just say you're new to the scene and you heard about hacker meetups online and wanted to learn more.
If you want to do something to pregame and learn a bit about hacking ahead of time you may want to try hackthissite.org, check out 2600 magazine, or look on the DefCon forums to see what's going on in your local DC Groups. There are some good books about hacking; I like The Cuckoo's Egg and am asking anyone with good books or memoirs about hacking to chime in in the notes.
I will say, asking about the darkweb specifically might get you some eyerolls because it's something that sounds a lot scarier and more intimidating to most people than it actually is. You can get on the darkweb now. You can do it on your phone. Here's a very basic get-started guide. I don't think it's necessary to use a VPN to use Tor (most guides recommend it and then link to pages full of affiliate links for VPNs), and here's the Tor user manual to get started if you want to. Be careful, and if you're planning on doing anything that requires actual anonymity do a LOT more research before you follow the advice in any guide, but yeah pretty much everybody with an internet connection can get access to the darkweb in about twenty minutes. It's just websites that you need to use a slightly different set of tools to navigate to (granted, the content of the websites might be horrifying, so. Again. Be careful.)
Anyway moving on:
Defcon has had Queercon (a queer party for queer hackers) as a part of the con for at like twenty years and I know many queer and trans people who are part of the scene. And there are a lot of trans folks who I know who are volunteers at defcon and help to run hackerspaces and who volunteer and attend and run all manner of cons. I can't speak for your local group, but I've found that hackers in generally are more tolerant of a *lot* of things than the broader population is (they are weird people who engage in a hobby or who engage in work that is often technically criminal - they don't have a lot of room to judge and the more sensible ones among them know that).
HOWEVER I have personally had problems with defcon the conference specifically about harassment and infosec does lag behind other parts of the tech sector in participation from women. Defcon is working on it and i know their current head of conference security is very serious about ensuring that it's a welcoming space for people and that if people DO have problems at the con it is handled in a serious, sensitive way. (Legitimately, he's a good dude) I just. I don't go to defcon. There's more info in my pinned post. That conference is burned for me.
BUT there are a lot of other conferences, big and small, and there are a lot of local groups to look into. You'll have to get to know your local scene, but I'd bet that if one part of your local scene is unwelcoming that other parts are more open.
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berryhobii · 7 months
Hiiiii i just absolutely love your work and your representation for us black fans/readers thank u sm!!! im also extremely obsessed with Late for Work couple but this could go for any of the couples. im not sure if youre still taking requests (if not im so sorry not trying to be pushy kdjsks) but i wanted to know how would you think reader x Jungkook handle being an interracial couple in korea?! esp w her being a black woman? like reader feels a moment of insecurity or something and JK feels angry that someone made her feel that way and just loves her and makes her feel better? pure fluff or smut, ik you'd capture it perfectly 🥺💞 love you keep up the amazing work and take it easy!!!! xoxoxoxxxxx 💜💜💜
Hi! Thanks so much for your request! It really inspired me because I definitely understand being in an interracial relationship and the prejudice and problems we as black people face when he decide to date outside of our race. To my black people, WE ARE BEAUTIFUL. We have always been beautiful. People who hate on us fear our beauty because they know they could never replicate us or do what we do. Again, thank you for your request and I hope you enjoy! I made it a angsty but with fluff and just a tiny little piece of smut at the end. I also set this with the LFW Couple during their engagement phase🩵🩵🩵
Being a black woman, you’ve faced a lot of hate and turmoil. Some from your own community, some from others and even some self deprecation from yourself.
Regardless, you had amazing parents and friends who always assured you that your skin was beautiful and that you were beautiful. You were a black woman—the blueprint, the most elegant and graceful, the most envied.
You should be proud and you were.
Despite having so much overflowing confidence, there were moments where you could feel that little monster called insecurity crawling up your spine.
The most recent moment you could remember was a few months after you got engaged to your now wonderful husband, Jungkook.
He had taken charge of a lot of the wedding planning, saying he had a lot of good ideas and since he spent a lot of time at home anyway, he’d do most of the searching and calling. Of course, you’d come home and give some of your ideas as well.
“It’s your day, baby. I want you to have everything you want.”
Your heart and tummy soared with butterflies at hearing that. He really treated you like a princess. It was both of your wedding but Jungkook wanted you to have the wedding of your dreams. He didn’t care if you wanted him to wear pajamas or dye his hair orange, he’d do it if it meant you’d be happy.
With wedding preparations came things like makeup consultations and hair trials. As a black woman in Korea, there wasn’t a lot of options for makeup that fit your skin or people who understood your natural hair so you knew you’d probably be relying on yourself a lot for the time being. Good thing you knew how to do your own makeup and hair but doing it yourself kind of took away the magic and experience of wedding planning.
Thankfully, with some hard searching, you found a salon with a black employee. You could have cried tears of joy, seeing as her skin complexion was close to yours and that she had experience with wedding makeup.
Her name was Jazz and she was actually born in South Korea. The salon she worked at was owned by a close friend of her parents and she’s been working there for a few years.
“So, tell me about your fiancé. Is he handsome?” She asked you in English as she detangled your hair. Your Korean was pretty good but you sometimes preferred English.
You smiled just thinking about him, pulling up a photo of him on your phone. It was a selfie you two took after getting engaged—your left hand raised to show off your ring and him cheesing hard at the camera.
Jazz made an ‘oooo’ sound, looking a little closer at him. “He is very handsome. How’d you bag someone like that?”
With candy crush, you thought.
“Yeah. He’s amazing. He’s so kind and sweet too. I can’t imagine life without him.” You chattered dreamily. Your life had barely started with Jungkook but you wanted to live the rest of it with him. You wanted to laugh with him, to scold him for staying up too late, to argue with him and then make up later, to experience every joyous moment with him.
You only wanted him. For the rest of your life.
Jungkook came to pick you up after your appointment, waltzing into the shop like he owned it. You bit your lip at the sight of him—he’s being growing his hair out, claiming he wanted to see how it would look before the wedding. He asked how you’d like it and you insisted you’d love his hair any kind of way but you were secretly wishing he’d grow it out and wear a ponytail. Fingers crossed!
When you started spending more time together, you noticed how many hours he spent in the gym. You’d FaceTime him sometimes and he’d often be boxing or lifting weights, sweat dripping down his neck and muscles bulging. And yes, the first time you two had sex was after one of those calls. You had given yourself a 90 day time restraint, just to make sure he was pursuing you for more than just sex. 89 days was pretty close though so you considered it a win!
He scrunched his nose in a cute smile when he saw you, long legs carrying him over to where you were getting some final touchups by Jazz. She noticed him approaching, jaw dropping at your fiancé.
She leaned down to whisper scream in your ear, “girl he is fine as hell!”
You chuckled. “I know.” Standing to your feet, you greeted your sexy fiancé. “Hi baby.” You greeted in Korean.
Once he was close enough, he pulled you into a hug, inhaling the scent of your clean hair and all the products Jazz used. He pulled away to get a good look at you.
“You look beautiful baby.” He complimented and you smiled even wider, feeling all giddy under the praise. “Do you think this is the hairstyle you want for the wedding?”
“I like it but I don’t know. I’m gonna come back.”
“Please do!” Jazz chimed from behind you, making both of you laugh.
“Jungkook, this is Jazz.” You introduced. He smiled politely at her, reaching out a hand for her to shake.
“Nice to meet you.”
“The pleasures mine. I have so many ideas for the wedding and I just know your fiancé will look amazing in anything.” She gushed.
You felt Jungkook’s hand squeeze at your waist, looking down at you with soft eyes that made your heart flutter.
“I know she will too.”
You wanted to plant a smooch right on those lips, squeeze him tightly and never let him go.
Jazz’s grin was wider than the damn Joker. Ah, she loved love.
Jungkook’s eyes widened slightly as he remembered something, turning to Jazz, he inquired, “hey, do you guys dye hair here? I’m thinking of going purple.” He followed an excited Jazz over to the wall where they kept hair dye samples.
You smiled endearingly at both of them. They both gave off golden retriever energy. You hoped they’d be friends.
While they did that, you went back to the waiting area. You had seen a wedding magazine that you wanted to show Jungkook.
There were 2 older Korean lady’s sitting there, chatting to each other and reading magazines as well. They looked up when you entered, giving you looks that you’ve grown used to living here. It wasn’t really disgust or anything, it was more like a “what are you going here” kind of look.
You smiled at them, bowing your head a little in respect before shifting through the magazines for the one you were looking for. You found it, flipping through the pages to search for the centerpieces you saw.
“She’s marrying him? How distasteful.” You heard one of them say. You paused for a second. Were they talking about you? No, right? They were already having a conversation before you walked up. They were probably talking about someone else.
Just mind your business, you thought.
“It’s bad enough one of them is working here. I don’t want her touching my hair but Sunhee insists she knows what she’s doing. I don’t believe it. They can barely take care of their own hair. Just look at it.”
There was no way you could doubt that. They were definitely talking about Jazz. She had hair that appeared shorter, compliments of shrinkage. She showed you a photo of her hair straight and it was very close to her butt. You knew of the negative implications behind natural hair, especially when it came to shrinkage and the stereotypes surrounding it. You wished people understood more about black hair but ignorance had no bounds.
“I’d never let my son marry one of her kind. Look at her. She looks dirty. Just imagine their children. Ugh.”
Dirty? You weren’t dirty. And what was one of your kind? They were talking about you like you were less than human. You’ve experienced a lot over the years living here in South Korea—fetishization, discrimination, even people randomly touching you but you’ve never had anyone be that bold to speak about you right in front of you. They must have heard you speaking English with Jazz and assumed you didn’t understand them. Or they could very much well know you spoke Korean and just didn’t care.
You didn’t even realize Jungkook approaching you, startling a little at his hand on your back.
“You alright, baby?”
You managed a convincing smile. You didn’t want to cause a scene or anything. Jungkook was very overprotective of you. He didn’t tolerate disrespect and your comfort and safety was his number one priority. He was quick to remove you from any situations that he thought you’d be unsafe in and he was even quicker in shutting someone down who tried to embarrass or disrespect you.
You trusted him with your whole heart so why was it so hard to tell him? You took one look in those doe like eyes and you never wanted to see them harden in anger or get misty with tears.
So you smiled and reassured him. “I’m fine. I wanted to show you these centerpieces. Aren’t they nice?”
“They’re wonderful. I really like that arrangement. Let me take a picture of it.” He pulled out his phone and snapped a quick photo. “Ready to go? Taehyung and Namjoon invited us out to dinner.”
“Yup. All ready. Let me just say bye to Jazz.”
He nodded and let you go. Your smile dropped when you turned around, speed walking over to Jazz who was cleaning her station.
She noticed you walking up. “Oh, your fiancé already paid for you. He also made an appointment to dye his hair purple. Can you believe it? I personally think red would suit him better but-“
You cut her off by pulling her into a tight hug. You know you just met her so this was probably strange but you just needed her to know something.
She did think this was the tiniest bit weird but she still reciprocated your hug. You were a really nice person and she loved knowing of another black woman living in the same area.
“You okay?” She asked.
You pulled away and smiled at her. “I’m wonderful. And you’re beautiful.”
Her expression softened. “Thank you. So are you.”
“Here, take my number. I’d love it if you could come to my wedding.”
The entire car ride home, you were quiet. You had turned on the music to avoid any conversation. You knew if Jungkook started questioning you about what happened at the salon, you’d break and tell him about those women. You also knew it was stupid of you to hold it in but you just couldn’t tell him. You’d just forget and move on.
Yeah, that wasn’t happening.
When you got home, Jungkook went to take a phone call and you went to the bedroom to stare at yourself in the mirror.
You loved your hair. You loved yourself. You loved your skin. Those women were just ignorant. You shouldn’t let them get to you.
But you couldn’t stop thinking of what they said about you and Jungkook.
“I’d never let my son marry one of her kind.”
Did Jungkook’s parents think that of you? They were very kind to you and never made you feel not welcomed. You spoke to his mother all the time about the wedding. She’s even taught you how to cook Jungkook’s favorite meals. His father was a bit more stern but still a very kind man.
And what about Jungkook? Did he have an issue with you being black? You don’t think he would have dated or proposed to you if he didn’t, right? You never assumed he had an issue with your race just like you didn’t have a problem with his. Of course, you acknowledged he was Korean and you did your best to respect him and his culture. He was always so open, assuring that you could ask him anything and you did the same.
He admitted you were the first non Korean woman he’s ever dated and he didn’t want to do anything to offend you. Like he assured you, you told him that you weren’t much different from others. You still expected him to treat you well in this relationship and vice versa. Your differences in your races and culture didn’t really change very much.
So moments like these really made you wonder if you were too different.
“Baby, we have a few hours before dinner. Did you want to play It Takes Two with me?” Jungkook asked as he entered the bedroom. He noticed how you were staring at yourself but not in the normal admiring way you often did.
This time, your face looked somber. Was something bothering you?
“Baby? Are you okay?”
You looked at him through the mirror.
You couldn’t keep it from him any longer.
Sighing, you turned to face him. He had moved closer to you so now he was just inches away.
For some reason, you couldn’t lift your eyes to meet his. Shame burned at you.
Jungkook pouted his lip and tilted his head, reaching out a hand to cup your cheek and raise your head. Your eyes met and suddenly that dam broke.
He could see how your eyes began to tear up and he panicked. “What’s wrong? What happened?” He racked his brain for anything he could have done to upset you but nothing was really coming to mind. Was this one of those times you wanted him to pick up on hints? He could be a little dense sometimes which you thought was cute. You were good at communicating which helped both of you avoid any unnecessary problems.
So what was wrong?
“Jungkook…..do you….have a problem with me being black?”
Wow. Not what he was expecting. Then again, he didn’t really know what to expect. You hardly cried so he hasn’t gotten very good at determining your types of crying.
He was baffled by your question. “What? What are you talking about?”
You sighed again. “Well, I overheard these women talking at the salon. They were talking about me and Jazz. They called me dirty and said that they’d never let their sons marry one of my kind….” You inhaled a shaky breath, looking away from his eyes. If you looked any longer, the tears would fall.
Jungkook felt two emotions well up in him. The first was pure rage because how dare someone speak about you like that? He wished he had heard it because he would have given those women a piece of his mind. Respecting your elders was an important part of his culture but he didn’t give a damn about that when someone was disrespecting you.
The second emotion was sympathy because he hated seeing you doubt yourself. You were such a wonderful person, surefooted and with an unflappable spirit. You let comments roll off your back like water, only looking ahead and never letting people taint your energy. He knew you used to struggle sometimes with self love, especially trudging through the world as a black woman but he never saw it get to you and he admired that about you.
So to see you ready to cry over this made his heart ache for you.
“Sweetheart, look at me.”
You blinked your tears away, slowly shifting your gaze to stare back at him. A gentle smile was on his face, one you only ever saw during moments like this—those moments where he could fully open his heart up to you.
“Do you really think I would have even pursued you if I had a problem with that?”
You shrugged your shoulder. “I don’t know….” You mumbled, averting your gaze again but he moved his head a little to make you look at him again.
“I think you’re the most stunning person I’ve ever laid eyes on. When I first saw you, all I could think was how could such a gorgeous person exist? Naturally, I noticed your skin but only because it was glowing. You were brighter than anyone in that restaurant.”
You choked out a watery laugh. You remember that day. It was one of those days where you felt particularly hot. You weren’t expecting to meet someone but there was Jungkook, a little awkward but so charming. He caught your attention immediately. No one knew but receiving those flowers from him solidified your attraction to him and a part of you knew you’d be together in the long haul.
“I don’t care about you being black.” Then he realized what he said and backtracked a little. “Well, of course I care but you know, I don’t and….wait let me start over.” He stumbled, making you laugh again. That boyish awkwardness always managed to rear its head but it only made you fall for him even harder.
“I get what you mean.”
He sheepishly grinned before continuing, “I care about it because I care about you but I also don’t care because that’s not all you are. You’re sensible and bright and clever and so self assured. Not to mention, your ass is absolutely amazing and I want it tattooed on my forehead.”
You snorted a laugh, playfully smacking him on the chest. He was so silly but he knew if it was possible, he’d do it. He was that obsessed with you and everything about you.
“You’re ridiculous.”
He wrapped his arms around your waist to pull you closer to him, sparkling eyes blinking up at him.
“And your laugh is goofy and you’re bad at reading directions for furniture and you put your freezing cold feet on me at night which drives me insane.” He huffed.
“Socks are uncomfortable.” You defended.
“But…” He leaned down to brush his lips over yours. “I love all of that about you. I’ve never once doubted that. I love you, all of you.”
The tears finally fell but they weren’t because of your insecurity, not anymore. They were because you adored this man in front of you and you felt so unbelievably lucky to have him in your life.
“I love you too.”
Your lips met in a kiss that reminded you that he was what you needed. He was the only person you wanted.
And as you made love that night, sweet whispers of his love warming your skin, all of those previous anxieties had completely dispersed from your mind. His cock stretched you open, your arms holding him tightly and his hands grounding you to this reality. His lips blazed hot kisses across any skin he could reach, hips pushing slow and deep inside of you and bringing you closer to euphoria.
“You’re so beautiful.” He whispered, gripping your thighs that were wrapped around his waist and keeping him close.
“Jungkook….” You breathily uttered his name, not knowing what else to say but he didn’t need you to. He could feel all of your emotion through his name and he wanted to hear more of it.
“I got you, baby. Always.”
That little monster was locked back in its cage for now. You couldn’t guarantee it wouldn’t break free again but you knew Jungkook would be there to help you through everything.
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heavyhitterheaux · 11 months
Meet Me Halfway Part 3 (NSFW)
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AN: Let’s do this 🥰
Synopsis: You want to give Jack another chance, but when you go to surprise him in Louisville before NPLH, you're left wondering if you made a mistake. But maybe, just maybe everything will work itself out in the end.
Pairing: Jack Harlow x Reader
Read Part 1 and Part 2 first
Jack Harlow Masterlist
Special thank you to my girls @hoodharlow and @nattinatalia for helping 💖
Please Do Not Repost My Content Anywhere
It was dark in the house as you suspected once you stepped in and closed the front door softly behind you. You made your way over to the stairs and once you began to climb them and the closer you got to the top, you were able to hear Jack’s soft snores indicating that he was asleep. 
His bedroom door was open and you saw him sprawled out on the king sized bed and couldn’t help but to have your breathing increase as you fully made your way into the bedroom. You walked over to the nightstand attempting to set down your phone next to his in order to be able to put it on the charger while his phone went off indicating a text from "Baby" and your eyes went wide before they immediately started to water. Curiosity got the best of you so your eyes peered down to see what the message said. 
Baby- So excited for the show! Can't wait to see you! Love you 💕
He had some fucking nerve
You wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt, but from the outside looking in it seemed as if he had moved on already and didn’t want to have anything to do with you. 
Doubts were now creeping into your mind and the last thing you were going to do is be played like a fool.
Or were you jumping to conclusions?
But why in the world would he put someone’s name as ‘baby’ in his phone if it wasn’t something serious happening between the two of them?
What if he simply told you that he wanted to still be with you and go about it in the right way just for him to keep you close to him for his own benefit?
You were now in a panicked state and quickly grabbed your phone that was placed next to his and turned around to make your way back down the steps and out the door.
The thought occurred to you that you were still in possession of the house key that he gave you and it should’ve been left there right next to his phone along with a note, but at this point that was more than he even deserved.
You opened up your heart to someone who you believed would take care of it, when he had done the complete opposite and had hurt you in the process. However, he wasn’t the only one completely at fault. From the beginning you did know what the expectations of the relationship were, you just didn’t anticipate falling in love with him at the same time.
The tears that you had been trying to hold in were now cascading down your cheeks at an uncontrollable speed as you got in your rental car, and you were trying your best to regulate your breathing in the hopes of not sending yourself into a panic attack. Now would be the perfect time to use your inhaler, but for some reason you didn’t have the slightest clue where it was. 
"I can't do this." You quietly spoke to yourself as you pressed the push start and began making your way to the 21C/Delta hotel. 
But in the back of your mind, you already knew that it was only a matter of time before Jack found out where you were.  
NPLH came and went and even though you had told Jack that Alicia would be bringing the outfits for him to wear, he still couldn't help but to still have a sliver of hope that it would be you instead.
That night he sent you a text to thank you not knowing that you were in fact in Louisville and scared shitless of running into him. You would have to stay a few more days to close some business deals and then you would be heading back home leaving Louisville as well as Jack behind you. Hopefully for good, but truth be told, you were doing a bad job of convincing yourself that that happening would ever become a reality. 
You obviously knew that he was going to come look for you if you kept ignoring him, but you decided to deal with those consequences later when the time came not wanting to give yourself a headache making up fake scenarios in your head. 
Meanwhile, Jack was at home simply relaxing by himself when something told him to check his security cameras and when he did, he had to do a double take when he spotted you on it.
Three days ago.
December 17th, 2022
Jack kept rewatching the footage over and over and couldn't wrap his mind around as to why you came and suddenly left without even saying one word to him. Granted, he was sleeping, but still.
You had been in the house for less than ten minutes before the footage showed you leaving back out.
He deserved an explanation as to why you did what you did and immediately picked up his phone to call you but became frustrated when you didn’t answer, the next thing he did was blow up your phone with multiple text messages. 
Jack- Babe, I know you’re in Louisville or at least you were
Jack- Why did you suddenly just come to the house and leave?
Jack- Did something happen?
Jack- Baby girl answer me. I need to know if you’re okay. I can see that you’re reading the texts.
It’s true that you were reading his texts, but you had no idea what to say to him and quite frankly you didn’t feel like dealing with him at the moment because once again you felt that he was playing with your feelings just like he had done before. You had to focus on closing this deal and would worry about Jack later. 
You got dressed quickly and made your way to the restaurant where you would meet one of your clients and were thankful for the table being in the back and being secluded in the corner. Your client’s name was Javier and he represented Versace and they reached out to you in the hopes of collaborating so of course you jumped at the opportunity. You were thankful and grateful that your fashion was starting to be recognized all over the world. You explained to him how you were in Louisville and he immediately flew out to meet you.
Everything had been going well as you and Javier were about to get ready to go your separate ways until you were interrupted by the very last person that you wanted to see.
“Oh, so you can’t answer my texts and my calls but yet you can go on dates with other men? Does he know that you were at my house at 3 am the other night?” Jack said and your eyes immediately went wide as Javier simply looked around confused.
“Jackman, not now. We’ll talk about it later.”
“When is later? Because it seems as if you’ve been dodging me left and right. I admit that I deserve you wanting space from me, but I promise you that it's going to be different. Do you not want to be with me anymore?”
“Will you stop making a fucking scene and shut the hell up? I said that we’ll talk about it later.” You said through gritted teeth as people were starting to stare.
“So, you honestly thought that you could come to Louisville and you could dodge me? Seriously?”
“I will come to your house when I am done, now please leave.” You said fighting back tears of pure anger. If Jack had caused you to lose this deal, you couldn’t even begin to think about what would happen between the two of you.
“Don’t take too long.” Was all Jack said before leaving the table and you then turned back to Javier and started apologizing profusely.
“I am so sorry about him.”
“Who knew Jack Harlow was a jealous ex?” He said as he let out a small laugh.
“If I can even call him that.”
“I know we just met, but can I give you some advice?” Javier asked you and you felt like at this point that you honestly had nothing to lose.
“Sure, I’m all ears.”
“Look, he definitely did not go about that in the right way, however, just simply looking at his demeanor, he has it bad for you and you have it bad for him. I could simply tell by the body language. Now he didn’t have to put on a show, but if I were you I would go and talk to him and see what he wants.”
“I just don’t want to open up my heart and get hurt again because I think… no I know that my heart won't be able to take it. I love him with my entire being, and he promised me that things would be different this time around, but I don’t know if I believe him.”
“Sometimes, we just have to take a leap of faith and see what happens. But you’re never going to know unless you try, right?”
After you finished dinner with Javier, you found your way to the highway in order to go into the direction of Jack’s house. You weren’t even sure what you were expecting at this point, but he for damn sure owed you an apology for the scene that he caused earlier in the restaurant. The music was on a low volume as you drummed your fingers against the steering wheel to the beat. You had finally pulled onto his street and as you were pulling up to Jack’s house, you saw him standing in the driveway hugging someone with a much smaller frame and you could only assume that it was a woman. You saw him place a kiss on her cheek and all you could think was that this was the person who had been texting him the other night.
So, he made a scene for what?
Without making it obvious, you were able to turn the car around to head back towards your hotel and simply shook your head. At this point did he even deserve for you to hear him out?
Jack was in the driveway of his house greeting his mother while he was waiting for you to show up and of course she was teasing him about you. All it took was for him to tell her that you were in Louisville and she came right over, not having seen you in a few months. 
"Do we have a wedding date yet?" She curiously asked while looking up at him. 
"Mom! Well, I have to get her to forgive me first." He muttered and Maggie immediately gave him a look. 
"Forgive you for what!? What did you do to my daughter?" Maggie asked before finally pulling away from Jack. She was just as excited to see you as he was. 
"It's moreso what I didn't do."
"Jackman, you better not let her get away." All Jack simply did was sigh and scratch the back of his neck because truth be told at this point he didn't know what was happening between the two of you. He also bet his outburst when he saw you out with another man didn't help either.
“All I can do is hope that she wants to talk to me.”
Jack had now been waiting for you for close to two hours and was growing not only frustrated, but worried as well.
What if you were seriously done with him?
He didn’t know if he could take the thought of that.
Maggie still had a few errands to run and last minute gift shopping to do so she told Jack whenever you showed up to let her know and that she would make her way back over.
The last thing Jack wanted to do was blow up your phone, but at this point he needed an answer for his peace of mind.
He needed to know if you would be willing to move past this or simply move on from him so he could attempt to start his healing process no matter how much he knew that it was going to hurt. 
Jack- Baby, it’s been close to two hours, are you on your way?
Jack- I’m sorry for my outburst earlier, that was uncalled for. I just care about you so much and I cannot deal with the thought of possibly losing you if I haven’t already
Jack- I understand your hesitations because of what happened before, but I will continue to tell you and eventually show you if you give me the chance how things are going to be different this time around
Jack- If anything, I just want to talk to you face to face and then whatever you decide, I’ll respect it
You- I’ll be there in thirty minutes
Curiosity had gotten the best of you and after you had gone back to your hotel and taken a quick shower and got comfortable in bed with Netflix, the texts from Jack started coming in. You kept reading them over and over again having an internal battle with yourself on what you should do.
One, go and see him and get closure. It’s was up to you to decide if you wanted to give him a second chance or not
Two, completely ignore him and fly back home and block him on every possible social media site and include blocking his number
Number two would probably end up with him sending the FBI to come and find you, so you were thinking that going with the first one was the better option. Besides, you could always say no.
But those blue eyes pulled you in every damn time and knew in your heart of hearts that more than likely, you weren’t going to tell him no. 
With a deep sigh, you began to get dressed, not noticing that you in fact had pulled on one of Jack’s hoodies that you seemed to be traveling with wherever you went along with a pair of your leggings and New Balance 550’s. You were currently rocking a straight bundle sew-in and took it out of the braids you had it in and lightly brushed through it making it look presentable. 
You grabbed your phone along with the keys to the rental car and made your way downstairs to the parking garage.
The car ride to Jack’s house was silent as you tried to go over your thoughts on what you were going to say to him when you actually did see him.
But was it bad that the main thing you wanted to do when you saw him was hug him and never let go?
You were now putting the car in park in front of his house and reached into your bag in order to get the key to open the door.
This was either going to end with you giving him back the key or keeping it for the long run. 
A deep sigh was let out before you got out of the car and made your way to the front door. At this point, it was close to midnight, but you could see that Jack’s living room light was on indicating that he had been waiting for you.
Jack heard the key turning in the door and his breath immediately hitched in his throat. He got up from the couch in order to make his way over to the foyer in order to greet you properly. When you finally stepped in the house and the two of you locked eyes, Jack immediately wanted to pull you into a hug, but he was hesitant remembering his outburst from earlier. He wanted you to initiate it first.
“Hi.” Was all you quietly said and Jack gave you a small smile.
You were hesitant as you walked closer to him, but found yourself wrapping your arms around his waist and him pulling you into the hug tighter and kissing the top of your head.
Jack’s sigh of relief could be heard as he felt you relax in his arms.
This was the moment that he had been waiting to have for months.
Once the two of you finally broke apart, Jack held onto your hand to lead the two of you to the couch and broke the silence.
“Why’d you come here and then leave?” Jack quietly asked while playing with one of your rings that graced your finger.
“Because I saw something that made me think that you weren’t being serious about what you had told me.” You responded while shrugging.
“And what was it?”
“Who do you have in your phone with the contact name ‘Baby’?”
“Wait, what? That’s why you left?”
“Answer my question. I saw where they had sent you a text and it was saying how they loved you and they couldn’t wait to see you at your show so I thought that you were done with me.”
“Sweetheart, will you please look at me?” Jack asked and when you finally did all he did was simply smile at you.
“Baby is my cousin Britney. That’s what we all call her. I had actually told her about you too and she’s been excited to meet you whenever that time comes or if it does for that matter.”
Now you felt silly.
“I was serious when I said that I was all in and wanted to be with you and only you and if you gave me another chance, it wouldn’t be like it was before. Came entirely too close to losing you before, and in a way I did lose you but, I wasn’t going to let that happen a second time. I was dead serious when I said that I wanted to marry you.”
“I wanted to surprise you and be at your show since I had left Dubai early, but when I saw that flash across your phone I honestly didn’t know what to think. So me being me, I panicked and I left.”
“And hid out in Louisville knowing that someone was bound to see you and tell me?” Jack questioned and you just shrugged. 
“Not the brightest idea, but I just didn’t know what to do and had to get my thoughts together first. Besides, it was already too late since I had told Javier that this was where I was.”
“And who was that dude that I saw you with?! Javier?!”
“Why? Are you jealous?” You asked while raising your eyebrows and all Jack did was roll his eyes.
“Yes, and I can admit it. He was entirely too close to my girl for my liking.”
“He works for Versace.”
Now it was Jack’s turn to feel silly. 
“Mmm hmm.”
“Did I….?”
“No, you didn’t mess anything up for me even though you did piss me off.”
“I apologize for that. I just thought she’s not answering my calls or texts so I need to ask her and get this over with.” 
“And who were you hugging in your driveway? Because I most definitely did leave the restaurant and come here just like I said I was but…”
“Seriously? That was my mom! She was actually waiting to see you!”
“Damn, now I have to go and see her before I leave. So, all of this could have been avoided this entire time?” You quietly asked and Jack simply nodded.
“If only we had just talked to each other.”
“Okay, from this point forward, if we have a question about anything concerning one another, we simply ask, deal?”
“Deal. That caused me a whole lot of unnecessary stress. I really thought that something had happened when it showed you leaving so fast. I was seriously panicking.” Jack said being completely honest with you and you simply nodded instantly feeling bad.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean for you….”
“It’s over and done with now. But, you still haven’t given me an answer. I’ve done what you asked and I’ve been patient and gave you your space. I want to eventually be able to change your last name.”
"And thank you for doing that. I definitely needed it." This was the moment that Jack had been waiting for and no matter what answer you gave him, he was going to be at peace with it even if it took him a long time to do so.
"You know I'll do anything for you. That's a given. That’s been known since day one."
All you did was sigh before opening your mouth to speak again and this time you felt tears brimming at the corners of your eyes but quickly wiped them away hoping that Jack didn’t see them. 
"Jack, are you all in? And I mean it. Be serious because I… if this ends badly…."
"Okay, first let me stop you right there. It's not going to end badly and it's not about to end at all. You have to trust me to take care of your heart and I have to trust you to take care of mine. You already know that I love you and I'm going to show you that every single day. I'm sorry that it took me so long to admit it outloud. There’s no excuse for that."
"Okay." You quietly said while looking back down and playing with your ring that Jack had been playing with earlier.
“Okay, as in we’re doing this and you forgive me?”
“Yes, I’ve had enough time to think about it and I deserve to be happy. You just happen to be one of those things that bring me happiness.”
"I missed you so much and you don't even know how big of a relief it is to hear you say that." Jack said while sliding you onto his lap and attempting to kiss your cheek. You had turned your head so that he caught you in a full blown kiss and you eagerly kissed him back. 
"I missed you too." You replied as the two of you finally broke apart and your head went to rest on his shoulder.
"How about you let me show you how much I missed you?" Jack whispered in your ear as you eagerly nodded and moved off of his lap so that the both of you could stand up.
He placed your hand with his and both of you began to make your way up the long staircase. When you finally reached his room, you were suddenly hesitant and had no idea why, or was it just simply nerves seeing as the two of you hadn't been together like this in months.
You began to slip off your shoes, but hearing Jack's voice made you stop.
"Come here for a second."
You followed him to his walk-in closet to see that only one side of it contained his clothes and shoes while the other side contained yours and even outfits that you had never seen before indicating that he had bought them for you.
"I figured that I would have this waiting for you once you came back. I meant what I said."
You proceeded to slip off your shoes and set them next to the other New Balances that were gracing the shelf before turning back to Jack.
"That's fine, but this hoodie is going on my side of the closet."
Jack let out a small laugh before pulling you closer to lean down and kiss you.
"But for now, it's going on the floor."
Jack took the bottom of the hoodie in his hands to begin to get you out of it and as promised threw it on the floor along with your shirt which left your top half bare and exposed to him.
"I need you on the bed… now."
You smirked and followed directions and as you were making your way back to the bedroom, you suddenly stopped and took this as an opportunity to slide your leggings off leaving you completely bare in front of him. You couldn't see the look on his face since you were now crawling to the top of the bed. It was only when you finally made yourself comfortable and turned around to see that Jack too had lost all of his clothes and was simply stroking himself as he peered down at you.
"Literally a sight that I never get tired of seeing."
You crawled over to him in an attempt for you to take him in your mouth, but he gently pushed you back and shook his head no.
"Not right now, baby. It's all about you. Lay back for me."
Once you made yourself comfortable again, Jack hovered over top of you and placed a soft kiss to your lips before moving down to your neck and beginning to leave hickies all across your chest. He took one of your nipples in his mouth while beginning to roll the other one between his fingers and you couldn’t help but to let out a small moan.
A few minutes had passed by before he switched to the other one, but you were aching to feel his tongue elsewhere. However, you wanted for him to take his time and come through on the promise of showing you how much he missed you.
While still giving attention to the right nipple, he reached down to insert his fingers into you. As his fingers began to move back and forth out of you, he sucked on your nipple harder wanting you to reach your peak faster. 
Jack heard your soft whimpers and knew that you were close, but he didn't like how you were holding back.
"Come on my sweet baby, let me hear you. I wanna know how good I'm making you feel." Jack said before placing his mouth back on your chest and you quickly granted him his wish.
"Mmm, babe. Right there, fuckkk!"
Not even two minutes later, you hit your peak and as Jack slid his fingers out of you, he immediately placed them in his mouth.
"Shit, I forgot how good you taste. What do you want me to do next, baby?"
"You already know what I want." You said in response and he simply smirked.
"Use your words and tell me where you want me."
"Underneath me so I can ride your face." You quietly said and Jack bit his lip before nodding at you.
"My favorite meal. Come on then."
You moved to the side as Jack went to lay down and motioned for you to sit above his face. Once you were in a comfortable position, Jack simply held onto your thighs to keep you in place and quickly dove into your folds but not before placing kisses along both of them.
You reached up to hold onto the headboard as you quickly sped up your pace and Jack quickly began to bring all of his attention to your clit. 
Jack hearing your moans continued his motions as you began to play with your nipples.
"Baby, I'm… fuck…."
All Jack did was nod and hold onto you even tighter if that was possible in order to keep you still as he brought you to an orgasm for the second time that night.
As you rode out your high, Jack didn't stop his motions making your legs grow weak and didn't until you were softly pleading for mercy.
"Jack, baby I can't."
"Yes you can. You've been without me for how many months? We're not leaving this bed all week and I'm just getting started."
Once Jack finally released his hold on you, you swung your legs over to the left side so that you were laying next to him when he rolled on top of you. 
He peered down at you and you began to grow shy under his gaze and all he simply did was lean down to kiss you.
"I love you so much. You know that?" 
You quickly nodded before giving him a response and all you could do was smile.
"And I love you too." You whispered back as the two of your noses were touching and you let out a gasp when you noticed Jack had slipped into you.
"Relax for me, baby. Fuck you feel so good around me."
In the time that you had been away from each other, neither of you could bring yourself to be with anyone else.
"I got you, I got you." Jack said as he placed kisses all over your body and felt you slowly becoming at ease.
Jack finally felt your body relax and the two of you got into a comfortable rhythm and it seriously dawned on you how much you missed him.
Not just the sex part, but him as a whole.
Your arms wrapped around his neck to bring him closer as his thrusts began to get faster, but by placing your hand on his chest let him know to slow it back down.
You wanted to take every moment of this in.
It wasn't long before the two of you hit your peak with Jack collapsing on top of you on your chest as your fingers played in his curls.
The two of you were quiet before Jack finally spoke.
"Thank you."
"For what, babe?"
"Giving me a chance to prove that I deserve being able to call you my girlfriend." 
Over the next day and a half since it was the week of Christmas, and every year you switched off from spending it with Jack in Kentucky and spending it at home with your parents. This year was Jack’s turn, but wanting to drop your parents gifts off to them, you flew home for a day on December 22 and returned December 23. The two of you were currently in the living room wrapping gifts and Jack was so focused on wrapping something for Clay, but it wasn’t going very well when you decided to intervene.
“Umm, babe, do you need some help over there?” You asked and Jack suddenly looked startled as he turned towards you before answering.
“I think I got it.”
“Baby, you’re going to use up all the tape we have. Here let me help.” You then went over to sit next to him and took the gift that he was wrapping from his hands and started over with a fresh sheet of wrapping paper. In a matter of two minutes you were finished and set the gift aside.
“What else do you have to wrap so I can help?”
“Your gifts so you definitely aren’t helping with that. No sneak peeks.”
“Can I at least know how many there are?” You curiously asked knowing that Jack was probably going to tell you no.
“Let’s just say that while on tour, I went a little overboard and whenever I saw something that I knew you would like, I bought it. I just didn’t know what I was going to do with them if you decided not to forgive me. More than likely I would have given them to you anyway.”
“Umm, you went to a lot of places this year.”
“I know and I hope you like everything that I got for you.”
“Jack, you have literally bought me a car, you didn’t have to get me anything else.”
“Yes I did! We’re official now so expect even more gifts than before. I’ll just wait for you to go to sleep so I can wrap them or…. Attempt to that is. I bought you a car, so next is probably a yacht?”
“Jackman! Absolutely NOT!”
“I’m going to pretend that you just told me yes. Or your wedding ring for that matter is probably next.”
Jack just said it so casually when your heart was literally skipping beats and increased in pace. When you didn’t say anything, he simply looked at you and smirked.
“Rose gold always looked so good on you.” He said as he met your lips with his and you immediately smiled.
“Princess cut or else!”
“Who’s to say that I don’t already have it designed?” Jack asked and you looked at him with wide eyes.
“Well do you!?”
“You’ll find out soon enough.”
The two of you spent the rest of the day watching Christmas movies and Jack made a horrible attempt to help you make cookies which ended in him burning one of the batches. He pouted when you told him to leave the kitchen and eventually let him sit at the island while you made dessert to take with you on Christmas day for when you saw his family.
“Jackman Thomas, if you don’t stop eating everything that I make, there will literally be none left for us to take to your parents’ house!”
“I’m just so hungry! I mean I’d rather eat you instead, but you keep brushing me off and saying how much you need to get all of this done.”
“What am I going to do with you?”
“You know you missed me and you know that you’re my favorite meal. Why don’t we take a little break?” Jack asked as he got up from the chair and made his way over to you as you were decorating the cookies to wrap his arms around your waist and lean down to kiss you.
“I’m literally almost done, babe. Go back and sit down and be patient.”
“What if I don’t want to be patient?” Jack whispered in your ear and slowly slipped his hand in your shorts.
“Turn the stove off.”
It was now Christmas afternoon and the two of you were making your way over to Jack’s parents house as promised. He didn’t let them know that you would be coming or that the two of you were together wanting for it to be a surprise.
As soon as Maggie caught sight of you as Jack had opened the door and the two of you were walking in, she immediately went to you and hugged you.
“My favorite daughter! I’ve missed you! How have you been? Tell me everything. Jack go put this in the kitchen and leave us be. I see you’re still around that big headed son of mine so obviously everything worked out?”
“Hi Mama Maggie!”
“Well damn, just push me to the side.” Jack muttered while rolling his eyes at his mom.
“Jackman, I’ve been looking at you for 24 years, one day of not getting my attention won’t hurt. Now back to Y/N.”
Jack simply took everything in the kitchen as the two of you sat down in the living room near the window. 
“Everything worked out how it was supposed to although it was looking bleak there for a second.” You said being completely honest.
“Did he FINALLY ask you to be his girlfriend?! I swear he’s smart, but could use some help when it comes to talking and pursuing women.”
“Good! I should have told you sooner!���
“He did and I got this bracelet when he asked me too.”
The bracelet that you had originally thrown at him in Paris the night you left him was now gracing your left wrist again and all Maggie did was squeal.
“We took some time from each other and then realized that we had to meet each other halfway for this to work. And I couldn’t be happier.”
“JACK! COME HERE!” Maggie yelled for him and when he came and sat down on the opposite side of you, he immediately took your hand in his and all Maggie did was smile.
“So, when’s the wedding? I already have my outfit picked out.” Even though you two had talked about it, Jack immediately turned red and all you did was laugh.
“Well I need to propose first!”
“Well what are you waiting for?!”
“Yeah, Jack, what are you waiting for?” You asked teasing him while turning to look at him.
He simply sighed before reaching into his back pocket and your eyes as well as Maggie’s went wide and suddenly all eyes in the room were on the two of you.
“Babe, I wasn’t being serious.” You whispered as he got down on one knee in front of you.
“Well, I was. When I had first told you when I came to see you in Atlanta that I wanted to marry you, I started designing your ring when I got back home hoping and praying that you would forgive me for what I did. And when you say that you did forgive me a few days ago, I figured why wait? Your dream girl is in front of you and there is no way that I’m about to lose her for a second time. You came into my life when I least expected it and have been there for me ever since. You’re the first person that I would go to for everything and you would constantly be there for me when I needed you the most. I had to take time to think about how I was going to give you that same treatment in return and I want to be able to show you for the rest of our lives. So, with all that being said, Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”
“Oh shit, you were serious the other day when you said that you may have already designed the ring.” You said through tears and Jack immediately laughed.
“You know that you will never have to want for anything being with me and if I said that I’m going to do something for you that I’m going to do it. So, I need an answer.”
“Yes, my answer is definitely yes.” You said as Jack slipped the ring on your finger and once he stood up, you immediately went to hug him and he placed several kisses on your lips which you gladly accepted.
When you heard Maggie laughing, both of you turned to look at her.
“Urban, Sunni, and Cope owe me 100 dollars.”
“For what?” Both of you asked while looking at her confused.
“I said by the end of the year that the two of you would be engaged and I was right.”
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yourbucky084 · 2 years
good girl
a professor matt murdock x reader fanfiction
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description: professor murdock is the most attractive professor at your school. with his charm, cockiness, and sweet nature, you couldn't help but fall for him along with the rest of your classmates. what happens when he falls for you, too?
word count: 9.9k
a/n: HI HI SO SORRY LONG TIME NO SEE AGAIN. this took me so long to get up, but it's one of my all time faves. I re-edited a bunch of it, just adding some more details and juicy smut. the ending is a bit abrupt, I apologize! but I hope you all love it. any likes/comments/reblogs are much appreciated, more soon babes. enjoy whores - shannon <3
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“So, with that evidence, he would be….” Matt paused, waiting for someone in the class to chime in with the answer. They’d been working on this all week, someone had to know the answer. 
But all he heard was silence. 
“Anyone? C’mon guys, you know this.” 
Matt hounded the class as he paced around the front of the lecture hall, waiting for someone to speak up. He listened for signs of people at least trying to figure out the answer. An uptick in heart rate, the fluttering of notes, anything. But he came up with nothing; just steady heartbeats and constant breaths. Just his luck to get the late lecture slot on Friday night. Half the class didn’t even bother to show up. The half that did was usually either on their phones, or half asleep. 
Except for you, of course. 
You were chewing on the end of your pen, something you tended to do when you were focused. He had gotten to know your little tics pretty well over the past few weeks. You fiddled with your rings when nervous, bounced your leg when taking notes, and, his personal favorite, you smiled when he said your name. 
Matt heard the small intake of breath, the drop of a pen. Then, his favorite sound in the world: the slow rise of the muscles in your cheeks, the flush of blood to your face. Smiling and blushing; all for him. He bit his lip, slightly, in an attempt to hide his own smile. 
He just couldn’t help it. Not when it came to you. 
Matt was no stranger to the effect he had on people, particularly his students. He had been teaching a law class at Columbia for a few years now, and he was used to the way his students talked about him. He knew he was considered attractive, being dubbed the ‘hot professor’ a few years ago. By now he had come to expect the flirty comments and attempts to ‘earn a better grade.’ It was part of his job, at this point. He’d give them a small smile, and tell them he wasn’t interested in the nicest way possible. And he was telling the truth: he never was interested, especially not in a student. 
Until it came to you. 
The first day of class, you stumbled a few minutes late, muttering apologies under your breath as you found a seat in the front of the class. Matt was immediately enamored by your voice, the way you said his name that first day sent shivers down his spine. The sweet, soft spoken, “Professor Murdock” made him ache, ache for you. Which was something he was not expecting. He hadn’t been this attracted to someone at first ‘sight’ since Elektra, and he hadn’t even spoken to you yet. Yet your scent had already become one of his favorites, sweet and soft, just like you. This kind of attraction was… rare. Matt knew that. Over the coming weeks of class, he had become absolutely enamored by you: with your intellect, your kindness, your temperament, your habits, your… everything. 
And he absolutely hated it. 
University rules clearly stated students and professors could not engage in any type of relationship that wasn’t strictly professional. Until the student left the professor’s roster officially, anything was extremely off limits. Engaging in a relationship with a student, especially a sexual one, would cost him his job. It would cost him everything, his reputation, his tenure, everything. He’d have to wait until you weren’t in his class to tell you how he felt. And that was torture. There was still a month left in the semester, a month till he could do anything. It was a twisted form of purgatory, designed to make him suffer. He loved having you in class, loved hearing your voice, but absolutely hated that he couldn’t have more.
And God, forgive him, but he wanted more. 
As much as he hated to admit it, he often found himself most nights in his office alone, thinking of you. With his hand down his pants, he’d picture you beneath him, writhing in pleasure. Pleasure he would create. He often regretted it right after he finished, the shame creeping in almost immediately. Having these thoughts for someone who was his student was wrong. He knew that, knew that his feelings for you were wrong. Not being able to get off unless he was thinking of you was wrong. 
But at the same time, something about it felt oh so right. 
The sound of flickering papers brought him back to the present. You were flustered while searching for the answer; he heard the uptick in rhythm of your heartbeat. Whatever you were focused on before had really captured your attention, probably the case you guys were studying. You always got so invested in class, it was one of the things he loved about you. 
Little did he know, you hadn’t been paying attention all class. At least not to his words, or his content.
You were focused on him. 
Before enrolling in Mr. Murdock’s class, you had heard whispers about the defense lawyer turned professor. All the rumors were about his good looks and charm, called by most by the most attractive faculty member yet. Someone had even told you on a whim that “the blind thing makes only him sexier,” which one, was offensive, and two, made no sense. Everyone seemed to be obsessed with him, and you didn’t understand why. You even heard your advisor make a comment about his charm when you registered for the class, and hell, your friend was taking the class just to stare at him.  But you truly didn’t understand the appeal. He was just a professor, right? What could be so special about him?
You soon found that the answer was everything. 
Professor Murdock was, by far, the most enchanting man you had ever met. The way he spoke, the cock of his head when he really got into an argument. That cocky, wide grinned smile, dimples constantly on full display. His rolled up sleeves, god, the way those muscles looked through those too tight shirts. His intellect; the way he lectured made your head spin. He brought up ideas you’d never thought of before, he really made you think. And of course, the way he said your name. Sweet and slow off his tongue, no expectation, simply admiration. You hadn’t been this enamored with a guy since… well, ever. And you weren’t alone in that feeling: almost every girl in your class was in love with him. How could they not be? Just one class with him and you were hooked. He didn���t pay any attention to anyone, though, curving every flirtatious comment or any attempt to get him alone. 
It was clear to everyone: he wasn’t interested in any of his students.
The way he treated you, however, said otherwise. 
Professor Murdock, for whatever reason, seemed to have a soft spot for you. At first, you thought it was all in your head. There was no way the hottest professor on campus had a soft spot for you. But as the weeks went by, the evidence was too much to deny. He always spoke to you in a slightly softer tone than the one he used with his classmates. He was never stern with you, only sweet. He smiled at you more, more than anyone else. He always said your name with a smile, making you feel things you definitely shouldn’t be feeling in the middle of class. He left the sweetest comments on all your papers, sent you the kindest email replies. You lingered after class most days with some stupid question, eager to spend more time with you. And he always obliged, always changed the conversation towards you; your other classes, your weekend plans, anything. 
It was almost as if he wanted more time with you, too. 
And that thought sent shivers down your spine. 
He said your name again, calling you back to the present. You looked up from your notes to find him standing in front of you, smiling down at you.  He leaned on his cane, head tilted, awaiting your answer. 
Fuck, the answer!
“Guilty, professor. Definitely guilty.”
“Good! Good girl.”
He said the last part softly, only you could hear. He didn’t mean to, he swore he really didn’t mean to. It just… it slipped out. Maybe it was the fact your hair was down today, your scent engulfing him when he was this close. Maybe it was the fact you were wearing a skirt, a little fluffy cotton number that left your legs on full display. Images of soft, smooth skin flooded his brain, overpowered any restraint. He didn’t know what it was that made him say it, all he knew was that couldn’t resist. Not when it came to you. Not when he suspected it would turn you on. He was grateful at that moment, though the rest of the class was barely paying any attention. 
Something like that could have cost him his job. 
But, fuck, did your reaction make it worth that risk. 
Goosebumps flooded across your entire body. He felt the blood rush to your cheeks of course, and to somewhere else. Somewhere lower. Your breath caught in your throat, caught off guard by the nickname, which could have been a negative response. But the growing arousal between your thighs told him you liked it. You really liked it. And you wanted more. You were so sensitive, so responsive just to two little words, his two little words. He turned you on, he was the one making you feel this way. 
He could only imagine how he’d make you feel with his tongue…
Or his cock-
A small shuffle from somewhere in the room broke his concentration, someone readjusting in their seat. It was meaningless, sure, but it was enough to make him snap back to reality. What was he doing? You were his student, he was your professor. This was wrong, you were young, innocent, whole life ahead of you. He really shouldn’t be flirting like this. He didn’t even know if you’d been in relationships before, for all he knew, you could have been a virgin. So why did that turn him on? Why was he feeling this way? Why were you so encaptivating? Matt heard the familiar shift of your facial muscles, the sure sign your lips were creeping into a smile, and then he remembered. It was you. Everything you did, everything you said, everything you were that made him act this way. You were driving him crazy, it seemed like nearly every thought these days was of you. It was wrong, sure, but what he felt was real. 
Screw the rules. 
He wanted you. 
He got back to his lecture quickly, picking up right where he left off. That was the best way to avoid suspicion, he supposed. And to let you stew in the moment. He heard the signature scribble of a few pens as he described what comes after a verdict, one of those pens being yours. To unsuspecting eyes, you were simply listening to the lecture, taking notes, being a good student.
But Matt knew your heart was still racing. 
You got back to your notes quickly, trying to ignore your rapidly beating heart. He didn’t mean it like that, right? He just wanted to commend you for getting the answer right. Right? Surely he didn’t mean to get you all hot and bothered; you could already feel the arousal pooling between your thighs. You tried to follow Mr. Murdock’s lecture, but you couldn’t focus on anything he was saying. Not when he had said that, and walked away like it was nothing. It was too intentional, too hushed, too on the nose for it to be a mistake, you decided. He meant to say it. He wanted to see how you’d react, he wanted to see if you wanted him too. 
And, God, did you. 
You just had to decide what you’d do next. He’d left the ball in your court, you got to decide where you wanted this to go. Ever the gentleman of him.You could do the obvious, and probably the most sensible: pretend it never happened and leave class as soon as it ended. That way, you’d keep your scholarship and Professor Murdock would keep his job. But, the riskier option would be to linger behind as you usually did, to wait until your classmates left. You’d get to see what Mr. Murdock meant by his little comment, to see if he wanted to say anything more. 
Or do anything more.
It was a no brainer in your eyes. You’d be risking everything: your scholarship, your enrollment, his job, his tenure, ect. But you couldn’t take it anymore. How were you supposed to focus on anything when Matt was teasing you in the middle of class? You couldn’t take much more of the constant flirting, the never ending tension. You simply couldn’t stand another day of watching him walk across the classroom, sleeves folded up, chest hair peeking out of his dress shirt. You couldn’t take it anymore; knowing you could have him, but still holding yourself back. You wanted to, needed to see where he’d take it next, if he wanted to risk it too.
And you were almost certain that he did. 
“Alright, everyone, I think that’s it for today. Check the syllabus for your homework, and have a great…weekend.”
Before Matt even finished his sentence, the majority of the class was already out of the room, on their way to their friday night plans. There were a few stragglers of course, as there always was. It didn’t slip his mind that one of those stragglers was you. You tended to linger back after class most days, more often than not in the last few weeks. It had started at first as just questions about class, but soon morphed into you two just chatting. You’d talk about your other classes and your career plans, he’d give you advice when needed, but mostly just listened. Every little thing you shared about yourself, about your life, Matt relished. It was domestic, like a date without the formality; he felt like he already knew everything about you. Tonight though, something told him your conversation would be different. 
“Y/N, hang back a sec?” He asked, even though he knew you would stay. He just wanted to get rid of that last little bit of doubt in his mind.
He listened intently as your teeth caught on your bottom lip; your attempt at holding back a smile. These are some of the only times he wished he could see, to see your reaction, to see the happiness creep up on your face. He was lucky he had his abilities, otherwise he wouldn’t be so confident that you wanted him too. The blood rushing to your face, smile wide, alleviated all his doubts.
“Sure Professor,” Your joy was clear in your tone, and Matt felt no shame in the smile that crept up his own cheeks. He knew there were a few students left still packing up, but he wasn’t concerned. It was a well known fact you were his favorite student, you were the only one passionate about the class. Your dedication to law and his class only added to his attraction to you, Matt loved getting in debates with you about the day’s material. He was in awe of how invested you were, how much you believed that in the end, law would prevail. It was incredible, your unwavering belief. You wanted to do good, knew you could do good through the courts, just like him. 
And god, was that attractive. 
“You’re staying again to fuck him, aren’t you,” your friend blurted out, breaking his train of thought. Matt had to hold back a laugh as he sensed your face flushing red at your friend’s remark, your embarrassment clear. Normally, he’d be a little concerned at that comment. But he knew it was your friend, and had heard her encouraging you to fuck him openly at the end of every class. 
Maybe tonight, you’d finally take her advice.
“For the last time, we aren’t fucking. I just like to talk to him.”
Matt listened closely to your body as you spoke. Your heart rate was steady, indicating you were telling the truth. You did like talking to him, and you guys weren’t fucking. 
Not yet, at least. 
“Talk. Mhm, sureeeee. Whatever you say. Text me when you’re done talking,” she said as she threw a wink your way.
She grabbed her bag and left immediately, not giving you a chance to respond. Now that she was gone, you and Matt were the only people left in the classroom. Completely alone. Tension filled the room like a thick fog, goosebumps covered your skin in anticipation of what was to come. Matt hated making you nervous, making you wait. He wanted you to break the silence, to have you decide where you wanted the evening to go. But you weren’t saying anything, Matt could hear you fiddling with your skirt. It was clear you wanted him to take the lead.
So lead he would. 
“Y/N, that’s you right?” He knew it was you, of course, but you didn’t know about his abilities. He had to keep up appearances, of course. You wouldn't know that side of him. Not now. Not ever. 
“Yes, Professor. Just me.” 
God forgive him, but the way you said his title… 
It made him feel things he shouldn’t be feeling. It was downright sinful, the way the word rolled off your tongue. He wanted to know what you would sound like begging for him, pleading for your professor to fuck you harder. He was half hard in his pants already at the thought. Hard in his classroom, who was he?
You emphasized those last two words, making it clear to him that you two were alone.
That he could do whatever he wanted.
His mind scrambled for an excuse to get you out of here, to his office. It was smaller, more intimate, and he had a couch there. A couch he hoped you two would get some use out of tonight. He didn’t want to get ahead of himself, of course. He didn’t want to make you uncomfortable in any way, didn’t want to force you into doing something you’d regret. But the smell of your pheromones in the air, arousal very present, told him you were thinking about the same thing. 
You shifted on your feet again, shuffling, reminding him you were waiting for him to make the next move.
“W-would you mind helping me move these books back to my office? It’s just a few doors down, I-I also have a paper of yours to give back. Unless, of course, you have other plans.” 
His tone was slightly panicked, nervous. Like he didn’t know if you’d say yes. Professor Murdock was giving you an out, one last chance to stop whatever was going to happen. How sweet. You appreciated the gesture, sure, but your mind was made up. You knew what you wanted: you wanted him. 
“I’d love to, Professor,” you said with a smile, relishing the way your words made him smile in response. 
“Matt. My name’s Matt.” 
Matt. A simple thing, just his name. But it felt like the final step into something larger. You had spent time with him outside of class for weeks now, but he had never told you his name. It was like he had been holding himself back, his true self, and he was finally ready to let go. 
To give himself to you.
“Matt,” you said his name once, taking in the way the name tasted on your tongue. 
You liked it.
You wanted more.
“Matt. Matthew, I presume? Maybe even Matty? I like it,” you’d adopted a teasing tone, not dissimilar to the one Matt had taken with you earlier, when those two little words slipped out. You figured if he wanted to tease, so would you.
You watched as Matt’s cheeks flushed pink, his jaw twitching ever so slightly. You imagined this was how he felt earlier, seeing you all hot and bothered. A fan of nicknames, you thought. 
You’d keep that in mind for later. 
“Either’s perfect, coming from you,” he said with a smile. Now it was your turn to blush again. Matt had made nice comments before in class, sure, even the occasional compliment. But now that he was openly flirting? 
You didn’t know how to handle it. 
“Umm… where are the books?” You decided it was best to just move on, ignore his outright flirting for now. If you flirted back right now, you were pretty sure you’d jump his bones right here in the middle of the classroom. And as much as you’d love to act out your late night fantasies, you knew that the building wasn’t empty. 
And with Matt, you didn’t want to have to contain your moans. 
“Oh! Yeah, right here,” he said as he felt around his desk, finding the edge and leaning down. He picked up two books, two he could easily carry himself, but it was clear the books were just an excuse to get you in his office. To get you alone. You grabbed your bag and walked down the lecture hall ramp, meeting Matt at his desk. You walked over to him, trailing your hands down his arms, before grabbing the books out of his hands. 
“Ready?” You asked, as he grabbed his briefcase and cane from atop his desk. He balanced both items in one hand, stretching out the other to find your arm, wrapping his arm around it. He leaned in close, close enough so you could hear the contented hum he let out once you were flush against his side. His head turned toward you, as he smiled and said: 
“Lead the way.” 
You two spent the majority of the walk in silence, the only words between you two were Matt’s directions on how to get to his office.  It consistently amazed you how Matt knew where you two were after every turn, effortlessly guiding you to his office door. You used the downtime to relish in Matt’s warmth at your side, how close he kept himself to you despite not needing a guide. You’d seen him get around the building plenty of times with just his cane, using the braille on the various door signs to navigate himself. So he was clearly just using the excuse of needing a guide to be close to you.
And that sent shivers down your spine. 
“The door on your left. That’s my office. I just gotta get my keys,” he broke his grasp around your forearm, fishing his keys out of the pocket of his trousers. He unlocked the door, grabbing the books out of your arm and placing them on his desk. While he got settled, putting down his briefcase and collapsing his cane, you admired his office. There weren't many decorations, but you didn’t know why you’d thought he’d have any. The only decoration, of sorts, was a small metal sign hung above his desk, “Nelson and Murdock: Attorneys at Law.” Must have been his practice before he started teaching, you thought. Other than the sign, he had a bookshelf in one corner, filled to the brim with various textbooks in braille. Against one wall was a couch, a smaller, love seat type deal, pillow and blanket stacked neatly in the corner. You smirked at the thought of Matt, typically all tough and no bullshit, cuddled up under a little penguin blanket. 
“You sleep here?” You said with a chuckle, putting your own bag down on the floor.
“Sometimes. I like the occasional nap or two between classes,” Matt said as he fished something out of his briefcase, closing it with a snap. The room fell into silence for a second, and you didn’t know how to break it. Matt began to walk over, piece of paper in hand. Upon a closer look, you realized it was your paper, and your heart dropped. Did he really call you in here just to talk about your paper? Did you read everything wrong? 
But then Matt took a seat on the almost-too-small-for-two-people couch, patting the cushion right next to him, and all your fears disappeared.
“Sit, please, sit.” 
He heard your heart begin to race in your chest as you sat down next to him, close enough so that your legs were touching. It took everything in him to not pull you down atop him and bring your lips to his,to have you right now. But he knew he needed to take this slow. He didn’t know if this was going to be a one time thing, whatever it was. Regardless, you were young. He needed to be sure, to be confident you wanted him too. Taking things slow was part of that. But he also had selfish reasons. He wanted to be able to take his time, make sure you were enjoying it, to savor your reactions. 
To savor you.
“I-Is that my paper?” You stuttered, Matt could hear the tension in your voice. You were fiddling with your rings as you always did when nervous, though this time, Matt could smell your arousal in the air. You weren’t anxious; you were anticipating what was to come, same as him. It was turning you on, this build up. So he decided to tease you a little more.
“Oh, yeah, here,” he held the paper out, letting his fingers brush yours as he handed it to you.
“Great job as always. You really nailed the final commentary piece, too. I’ll be using it as an example for the rest of the class, if that’s ok.” 
You couldn’t hide your smile as he spoke. Matt knew you liked to hear how well you were doing, to be praised in the classroom setting. He had heard the steady uptick in your heart whenever he complimented your phrasing, or commended you for getting the answer right.  But, due to his little slip up earlier, he knew that desire to be praised carried over into other parts of your life. More intimate settings. He couldn’t help himself as he continued to speak, eager to dive deeper into this part of you.
“You really like to hear how good you’re doing, huh?” 
Matt heard the breath catch in your throat, sensed the way you clenched your thighs for some type of relief. His words had had the exact reaction he’d hoped for, going straight to your core. He knew he had you pegged, but it still felt good to see your reaction. He took another bold move, placing his hand atop your thigh, right where the skirt ended and your skin began to show. You physically shuttered, but didn’t move his hand away. In fact, he felt you move just a little closer, until you were flush against his side. If someone walked in and found you two like this, he’d lose his job. A small part of him kept reminding him you were his student, this was wrong. It wasn’t just taboo, it was illegal. He’d lose his job. 
But he just couldn’t pull himself away from you. 
“I-I just… I really like to please, Professor.” 
Now it was his turn to shiver. He definitely wasn’t expecting that in response. You clearly had caught on to his little game, the teasing banter back and forth. Your tone was light, innocent, and unpresuming. But you knew exactly what you were doing, using his title like that. He adjusted in his seat a bit, trying to hide his growing erection beneath his pants. He had never gotten this turned on, this fast, but you had a hold on him he couldn’t explain. Just your words, the contact of your body heat against his, was enough to get him going.
And he wanted more.
“Matt, sweetheart. You can call me Matt.”
Sweetheart. You liked that. You really liked that. There was a whole new wave of arousal in the air, he could smell it. You must have been practically dripping, the way your scent crowded his senses. You shifted next to him, rubbing against the couch just the slightest bit, seeking some relief. He wouldn’t be able to keep composure, to tease you much longer. His hand had already started sliding up your thigh on instinct, sliding under the fabric of your skirt. He was seeking out your wanting arousal, seeking more of you.
He needed more of you.
“Matt…” You said, his name a breathy sigh on your lips. He leaned in ever so slightly in expectation, waiting for you to do the same. But you didn’t. You stood up abruptly, leaving Matt alone on the couch. What were you doing? He had never been more confused, he hadn’t sensed any indication that you didn’t want this as much as him. If anything, you were more aroused than before. 
So what was going on? 
“Why’d you call me in here?” 
You asked with your hands on your hips, holding yourself steady. He searched your tone for any hint of hesitation, anything saying you didn’t want this. But your words were strong, clear, and concise. You knew what you were asking. You knew what he was going to say in response, and hell, you wanted him too. You were simply looking for confirmation, something to tell you that this was real, that it was happening. That it wasn’t a dream.And Matt could give you that.
After a little more teasing, of course.
He stood up from his spot on the couch, walking over to where you stood in the middle of the room. He took a bold move, placing both hands on your hips, keeping you both in place.c He pulled you flush against him, close enough so that he knew you could feel him rock hard against your stomach. He wanted you to know, to realize how much you turned him on. He leaned in, close, biting back a grin when he felt you lean in too. He paused before you two were touching, wanted to tease you just a little bit more, keep you on the edge.
“Oh I think you know, sweet girl,” Matt whispered, relishing in the feeling of your hips against his. The fabric of your skirt was soft, fluffy, and he was pretty sure pink; all he wanted to do was bury his head in it. Your hands moved from your side to Matt’s neck, one raking itself in his hair. He couldn’t help the small whine that escaped his lips, not when your fingers felt so good. You were so gentle, scratching ever so slightly, the tension disappearing from his shoulders almost entirely. You leaned in close as Matt licked his lips in anticipation, but you stopped just before you two connected.
“Wanna hear you say it, Matty,” you whispered in the darkness. He could feel your breath on your lips, could taste you in the air. You were teasing him back, giving him a taste of his own medicine. You weren’t as innocent as he originally thought, not as fragile as he had surmised. You could handle yourself. 
And he loved it. 
Without missing a beat, he whispered back.
“How about I show you instead?” 
Matt’s lips finally connected with yours. A bit softer than you were expecting, but you weren’t one to complain. Not when you were finally here, kissing the man you’ve been fantasizing about for weeks. You grabbed onto the back of Matt’s neck tighter, trying to ground yourself in the moment. This was real, this wasn’t a dream. 
You were kissing Professor Murdock. 
Matt’s tongue slipped inside your mouth, eager to deepen the kiss. You obliged, eager to take as much as Matt wanted to give. He kissed you deeply, hands moving up your back to push you flush against him. His lips moved slowly, taking his time in devouring you. And devour he did. His lips against yours made you weak at the knees, your composure slipping. But you only leaned into it, leaned into him, eager for more you knew you wouldn’t get. You suspected that this moment wouldn’t last long, there was only so much you could do in his office without getting caught. You wanted to savor it for as long as the kiss lasted, for however long Matt was willing to risk it. 
Almost as if he had read your mind, Matt broke the kiss. He rested his forehead on yours for a moment, catching his breath. Keeping your eyes closed, you let out a breathy sigh, reveling in the moment. You waited for him to speak, to break the contact and address the situation. Instead, Matt’s hands found your hips, gripping tight, and beginning to walk you backwards.  Backwards until your back was against the door. 
“Matt, what are you doing?” You giggled slightly, taken aback by the movement.  
And then his mouth found your neck. 
“Matt… not in t-the office…they’ll hear us, you’ll…oh fuck-” Your words faltered as he pressed you against the door. His fingers had somehow already found their way under your skirt, moving your underwear aside immediately as kissed down your neck. His touch was full of passion, fingertips already skimming your folds. Like he was getting ready to fuck you right here, against the door. 
You were not expecting this. 
You’d always found Matt to be a particularly level headed teacher, one fond of the rules. He turned down every advancement from his students, he never kept the class a minute past the end time. Assignments were organized, the syllabus was a word for word plan of the year. He was… put together, in every sense. You thought he liked his rules, liked to obey. But here you were: his mouth leaving marks on your neck, his fingers teasing your slick.
You were the exception to his rule, you guessed.
You couldn’t help but moan as his thumb brushed your clit, fingers already teasing your entrance. He was still kissing your neck, teeth scraping the soft skin every so often. And god, was it turning you on. What was happening? You certainly weren’t surprised when Matt leaned in for the kiss, but that’s all you thought it was going to be: a kiss. You didn’t think Matt was going to finger you in his office, or fuck you on his desk. 
But right now, those seemed to be his only two intentions. 
“Oh, they’ll hear us, huh? You think they’ll hear how wet you are for me? How desperate?” 
Matt’s tone was rich against your neck, a low growl in your ear. He was teasing you; testing your limits to see how far you’d go right here. The building was mostly empty, as it was nine o’clock at night on a friday. But you were certain there’d be a few stragglers, just like Matt. And as much as you wanted, needed him, you didn’t want to risk him losing the job he loved so much.
Especially not for you. 
“We’re gonna get c-cau-auh… ohhhhh.” 
Matt cut you off by pushing two fingers inside you, curling them just right to hit that one spot on the first try. He kept pumping his fingers in and out, in and out, hitting that spot again and again and again. You couldn’t do anything but throw your head back in pleasure and wrap your hands around Matt’s neck to keep you afloat. Deep down, you knew this was wrong. He was your professor, you were his student, you couldn’t be doing this, especially not in his office. 
But if this was so wrong, why did it feel so right? 
Your mind was blank, covered in a fog of pleasure at Matt’s hand. His fingers felt divine, a godly gift from above. And hell, with the way he looked, maybe he was a god himself. Gone were your protests from seconds ago, long gone in fact. His hair was messy, glasses low on his face so you could see his eyes. A permanent smirk was etched on his face, telling you he was enjoying this just as much as you were. All you wanted to do, all you could do was moan and beg for more. Your hands clawed at his back, shoulders, desperate for something to ground you.
Because Matt was taking you higher than you’d ever been before.
You’d been fingered before, sure, but nothing could compare to this. Matt wasn’t just doing this for your pleasure, it was clear he was enjoying it too. Soft sighs against your skin, licking his lips every so often as if he was tasting you in the air. He leaned into your body; one hand holding the small of your back while the other worked its magic. His fingers were moving at a furious pace, but something about it felt oh so gentle. Matt was in charge, dominance clear. But he treated you as a treasure, each touch was intentional. No one had ever treated you with such kindness. His lips moved from their place on your neck, leaving small kisses along your jaw, stopping when he reached your ear. 
“You’re being so good for me baby, so good. Wanna cum? I wanna make you cum. C’mon, wanna make you cum.”
You couldn’t form words to answer Matt’s question, only nod slightly while your head was thrown back in ecstasy. This was all too much, Matt’s fingers, his lips against your neck, the realization that it was him, your professor, bringing you this pleasure. He kept hitting that spot inside you again and again, curling his fingers just right with every thrust. With the feeling of his fingers, and the fact that it was his fingers, Matt’s fingers, you were going to cum faster than you ever had before.
“Matt, I’m g-gonna, I’m-” You began, trying to warn him of your impending release. Before you could reach your peak, however, he pulled away from you entirely. You whined in protest, upset at the lack of stimulation without any warning. But before you could chastise him, he grabbed your hips, moving you away from the door and guiding you to sit on his desk. He pushed your skirt up to your waist, leaving you and your underwear on full display. You expected him to fumble with his belt, to fuck you right then and there. 
But he did something unexpected.
He dropped to his knees.
“Changed my mind, sweetheart. Wanna taste you.”
You watched through hooded eyes as he removed his tie and glasses, allowing you to finally get a good look at those beautiful brown eyes. He always kept his glasses on in class, only taking them off once and a while to rub his eyes. He had told you once after class that people typically found his eyes uncomfortable. The unfocused stare, the lack of blinking turned people away. You had told him that wasn’t true, that you’d love to see his eyes. He had told you maybe someday he’d take his glasses off so you could see them for yourself.
You never would have guessed that moment would be now, with Matt kneeling beneath you like a man at the altar. 
Ready to worship.
He tilted his face up towards you and smiled, giving you another glimpse of those sinfully warm eyes. He placed small kisses along your thighs, teasing you yet again. If you had learned anything about Matt Murdock today, it was that he liked to tease. It was becoming clear that was his favorite part of all this, he lived for the chase. The taboo nature of your positions was hot to you, sure, and you were only now realizing it must have been hot to him too. The praise, the nicknames, the desire to get caught. Matt Murdock was dirty, and you were loving it.
 Despite your earlier fears, all you wanted now was to cum. You knew it was wrong, knew you could be caught at any moment. But you didn’t care. Matt clearly wanted this, to have you in this way. And you’d do anything he asked. He wanted to take his time, however, and you certainly did not. After your first ruined orgasm, you weren’t too keen on the idea of him drawing this out any longer. You huffed out loud in protest, causing Matt to chuckle against the soft skin of your thigh.
“I know, baby, I know. I’m getting there.” 
His tone was soft, but he said everything with a shit eating grin. It was clear he was enjoying drawing this out, leaving one last hickey on your thigh. He licked his lips before moving in between your thighs, licking a broad stripe up your folds. You couldn’t help the moan that escaped your lips when his tongue first made contact with your clit, raking your hands through his hair without thinking. You didn’t intend to tug as hard as you did, but you couldn’t help it. He felt too good, and you needed more, more, more. 
And he was more than eager to oblige.
Matt had decided heaven wasn’t possible for him after everything he’d done. He had accepted his fate, faced the fact he’d never reach eternal pleasure. 
Yet here he was, in heaven between your thighs. 
He had never tasted something so sweet. Your taste was addicting; the more he got, the more he wanted. He couldn’t hold back his own moans, you were bringing him pleasure he’d never felt before. The way you used your hands to bring his face closer to you, grinding down on him, turned him on more than he’d care to admit. He was already close, just by tasting you. He loved the way you were taking what you wanted from him, and he was more than willing to give whatever you needed. 
With another groan from his own mouth, he shifted up a little bit on his knees, just high enough so that his nose rubbed against your clit. You practically yelped at the contact, raking your hands in his hair even harder, hips grinding down on him. Matt tried to ignore his own arousal, his cock was painfully hard straining against the fabric of his pants. He wanted, needed to make you cum. 
Before he came in his pants like a teenager. 
“C’mon, sweetheart, need you to cum. Need you to cum, please.” 
He mumbled between your folds, the vibration of his voice adding another level of pleasure. He could tell his words did something to you, your fingers gripping his hair even harder. He could feel your walls begin to contract, could hear the uptick in your heartbeat as you approached your end. You were close, almost over that wall. 
And Matt was gonna give you one final push. 
He took your clit between his lips and sucked, intent on bringing you to your end. You chanted his name, his real name, not his title. This was real, not some fantasy. Like a silent, soft prayer, “Matt, Matt, Matt,” left your lips over and over again. Finally, with another swirl of his tongue, your muscles contracted, and a new wave of your arousal coated his tongue. You had a death grip on his hair, pushing his face between your thighs and riding out your high. He could sense the relief in your body as your heart rate slowed and your thighs relaxed. He smiled to himself, still between your thighs. He listened as you shifted yourself up on your elbows, still panting slightly. He moved out from his place between your thighs, trying his best to meet your eyes. Your hands found his shoulders, then his face, as you spoke.
“Get the fuck up here and kiss me.”
You both chuckled at your words, but Matt obeyed, standing up and finding your lips once again. He heard you groan into the kiss, overwhelmed at his taste on your tongue. If it was up to him, he’d stay like this all day, his hands on your hips, your lips against his. This was what he had been waiting for all semester, all he had ever wanted. 
To be with you.
Your hands shifted down to his belt, reminding him of his more pressing problem. He’d been so focused on your pleasure, so invested in you, he hadn’t realized how much he’d been hurting. He was painfully hard, the fabric of his boxers all too rough against his skin. But it seemed like you were intent on alleviating that. You fiddled with his belt, struggling, but he wasn’t keen on helping you just yet. 
He wanted to feel you.
He moved his hands up to find the bottom of your shirt, teasing the soft skin of your stomach underneath. You huffed impatiently, lips pursed together in what he imagined was the cutest little pout. You broke the kiss, quickly removing your t-shirt and flinging it across the room.You went right back to his mouth wordlessly, and your attempt to remove his belt. He traced his fingers up your lower back, trying to memorize every little dip and curve he could find. He finally found the fabric of your bra, running his fingers under the elastic as he broke the kiss. 
“Can I-” He began, intent on asking consent, but you cut him off. 
“For God sakes, Matthew, pleaseee,” You whined, finally undoing his belt. He twisted the hooks of your bra, undoing them all at once, the fabric falling along your shoulders. You removed your hand from the button of his pants, shrugging the soft fabric off your chest, before returning to your original position. He slowly, carefully, traced his fingers from your back to your upper ribs, finally coming into contact with your breasts. Before he could explore them, savor them as you deserved, your hand began to palm his cock through the fabric. 
“S-shit,” Matt exclaimed, and you bit your lip at his reaction, unable to hide your satisfaction at finally having him in your clutches. This whole night, you’d been at his mercy, under his spell. 
But now it was his turn. 
You undid the last button on his pants, tugging them down past his ass, as they fell to the floor. You found the waistband of his briefs, tugging those down too, letting his cock spring from its confines. You couldn’t help the gasp that escaped your lips at his size; he was huge. You’d expected big, sure. He carried himself with too much confidence to say otherwise. But this? You  never would have thought. He was long, sure, probably around eight inches. But god, he was thick. You could barely wrap your hand around his as you moved to pump him, using the precum at his tip as lubricant. One flick of your wrist had him moaning, bucking up into your hand. You looked up to find his eyes closed, head thrown back in pleasure, mouth agape in ecstasy. He was beautiful like this: vulnerable, relaxed, finally letting go. You didn’t know what this was with Matt, whether it was a one time thing or something more. All you knew is you wanted to keep bringing him pleasure for as long as you got the chance. 
Abruptly, he grabbed your wrist, pausing your movements. You pouted, frustrated at the fact he cut you off. You were intent on sucking him off, bringing him the same pleasure he brought you. But he clearly had other plans. He brought your hand up to his lips, giving it a small peck before dropping it entirely. 
“Wanna fuck you now. Turn over.” 
His tone was firm, low. Sure. Not unlike the tone he used in the classroom, when giving the class directions, orders on what to do next. He expected to be listened to in the bedroom, the same way he was listened to in the classroom. He expected to be in charge. 
And god, did that turn you on. 
You obliged, standing up to remove your skirt before leaning over on his desk. The scene was utterly pornographic, something out of your deepest, darkest fantasies come to life. You were about to fuck your professor, over his desk. You couldn’t believe it. Matt started unbuttoning the buttons on his dress shirt, slowly, muttering praises and promises as he went. 
“Thought about this for weeks, you know. You, spread out over my desk. So fucking beautiful, so fucking good for me. You gonna be good for me now, huh? Let me make you cum on my cock?” 
Matt was definitely dirtier than you were expecting, and you were loving it. He was a rule follower in the classroom to the utmost extent, but here was where his wild side was let loose. You didn’t expect him to be so vocal in the bedroom, so filthy, but it was more than welcome. You nodded in response to his question, to his praises, turning your head back to face him as you spoke.
“Please, Matty. Please fuck me.”
He growled in response, throwing his shirt somewhere on the floor. He grabbed your hips from behind, pressing his cock against the curve of your ass. The contact caused you to arch back up into him, silently begging for more. 
And you knew Matt was gonna give you more. 
He guided his erection to your folds, rubbing up and down a few times, coating himself in your slick. After a minute, he lined himself up with your entrance, pushing just the tip in slowly. You yelped at the sudden intrusion, taken aback by the stretch despite Matt’s fingers earlier. He placed a kind hand on your lower back, rubbing his thumb across his skin. Comforting you to the utmost extent, encouraging you. 
“I got you, sweetheart. I got you,” he said as he slowly pushed himself in, taking his time as he stretched you out. It had been a while since you’d had sex, and with Matt’s size, it was more than a little stretch. After a minute or so, he bottomed out entirely, causing you both to groan. He pulled back again slowly, causing you to groan loudly, not out of pain, but of pleasure. He brushed up against your g-spot as he thrusted out, already bringing you immense satisfaction on the first move. You cried out, loud and sudden, taken aback by the pleasure. He began to pull out all the way again, afraid he’d hurt you. But you reached your hands back, grasping for him. 
For more. 
“More, god, Matt please-” you began, but he cut you off with another thrust. He continuously hit that spot inside you with each thrust, grabbing your hips to help ensure he was getting the angle right. You grabbed the edge of his desk for support, desperate for some support as he began to thrust harder, now finally seeking out his own pleasure. 
Finally taking you how he wanted. 
“Fuck, Matt, sooo good,” You moaned, words slurring, unable to hold back your sounds of pleasure. Your moans were barely discernible from your words, but you had to let Matt know how good he was making you feel. How good he felt. You’d never had sex this good, fumblings in the backseat or lackluster frat men could never compare. Matt filling you, splitting you was overwhelming. You’d reach your peak soon. 
Your words went straight to Matt’s cock, twitching inside of you. Fuck, you were hot. He’d know that before, of course. But having you writhing underneath him, pushing your hips back with each thrust to fill you even more… It may have been the most attractive thing Matt had ever experienced. You were tight, way tighter than he had expected. Between that, and the filthy fact of you being his student strewn out naked across his desk, he wasn’t going to last long. 
He needed to make what he had left count.
“Turn over,” He ordered, slipping himself out and stepping back entirely. He listened as your eyebrows scrunched in confusion, but you listened anyway, laying back down on the desk. He grabbed your legs, placing them on his shoulders as he again found your entrance, and pushed inside. He didn’t give you any lead up, any grace period as he resumed his rapid pace, thrusting in and out of you. You lifted your hips up in pleasure as his thumb found your clit, rubbing it rapidly, with the intent of bringing you to orgasm as soon as possible. He leaned over, pressing a kiss against your collarbone, then your neck, as he finally reached your ear. 
“You gotta cum for me, sweetheart. C’mon, baby, soak my cock. Be a good girl and cum for me. I know you can do it. Please, wanna feel you, need to feel you.” 
He whispered softly against your neck, voice faltering as he continued to work your clit. As soon as he spoke, he heard the signature uptick in your heart rate, the tightening of your muscles around his cock. You tightened tenfold when you were about to cum; he couldn’t last much longer. 
Your hands wrapped around his neck as you came to your end, a desperate attempt to ground yourself as you went up. You moaned his name as you came, a high pitched “Matty” that claimed your orgasm as his. Something snapped within him as you came, something dark. He’d been holding himself back, afraid he’d hurt you, scare you away. He wanted to be sweet with you, to take care of you as you deserved. But his name on your lips as you came was too much to bear. 
He needed to let the devil out.
As you began coming down from your orgasm haze, you heard Matt growl. His hand left your clit to immediately find your throat, wrapping his hands around the vulnerable skin. Your eyes widened, taken aback at the sudden gesture. He had been dominant before, sure, but never rough or too kinky. Choking? This was a new level. Despite the surprise, you weren’t scared. You should have been, though. The sight of Matt, teeth bared, hand around your neck, eyes dark as he thrusted, should have been terrifying. 
But it wasn’t.
It was hot.
“Y-you’re fucking mine,” Matt mumbled as his thursts increased, chasing his own end at a rapid pace. You couldn’t do anything but lay there and take it, and you liked that. Matt was in control, Matt was taking control. If you hadn’t just come, you were sure those words would have made you reach your end on the spot. 
“S-say it. Say you’re m-mine,” He ordered, his hand squeezing tighter around your throat. 
“I’m yours, Matt. I’m yours.” 
You whispered in the darkness, and that’s what did it. Hearing you claim yourself as his, after he’d wanted you for so long, was too much. He removed his hand from your throat, grabbing your hips rougher than he intended. But he couldn’t control himself when it came to you, the Devil was in charge. He thrusted himself deep inside as he came, coating your walls with his release.Your words brought him over the edge, the fact that you were telling the truth when you said it was too much to bear. He thrusted one more time, before forgoing his grip, and collapsing on top of you. 
You instinctively wrapped your arms around him, one of your hands raking your way into his hair, as he came down from his own high. Without warning, Matt stood up fully, scoping you up from where you two laid and bringing you both to the couch. You sat on his lap as he pressed you against his chest, one of his hands finding its way to the top of your head. He seemed panicked, an expression of fear etched across his face as he spoke. 
“ I’m so sorry, shit, I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean,I don’t… I’m so sorry,” He stuttered out, raking his way through your hair as he held you close. His heart was beating rapidly, eyes flickering back and forth like he was scanning the room. You were confused by his apology and panic; couldn’t he tell that that was the best sex of your life? 
“Why are you sorry?” 
You whispered back, wrapping your hands around his neck to bring you closer to him. He shook his head in response, flinching slightly at the contact. He seemed scared to touch you, his hand around your shoulders all too soft. He’d gone a bit rough, sure, but nothing insane. But it was almost like you could hear his mind racing, his silence said enough. You finally figured it out: he was scared he hurt you. Matt Murdock, the man with the heart of gold, was terrified he’d been too much. He’d been vulnerable with you, using you as he wanted to reach his end. But he thought he’d been too much; he’d probably been told that before. You had to calm his fears, let him know it was the best you’d ever had. He needed reassurance, just like you always did in class. 
And you’d be more than happy to oblige.
“Matthew,” you sighed, raking your fingers into the hair on the back of his neck. He softened slightly, but was still extremely tense to your touch. You kissed up his neck slowly, leaving a trail of red marks as you went. He still stayed silent, but relaxed just a bit more. Perfect.
“That was the best sex I’ve ever had. Really. I loved every second, ok? I would have told you if something wasn’t right, I promise. ” You pressed a small kiss to his temple, an added layer of reassurance. He sighed, deeply, pressing you tighter into his chest. 
“Are you sure I didn’t hurt you? I didn’t mean to, I just snapped, and-”
“I liked it, Matt. All of it. I like you. A lot, actually.”
You didn’t mean for that last part to slip out, to confess your deep feelings so soon. But Matt smiled in response, using his arms to squeeze you against him again. He kissed your forehead, then your nose, then your cheek, causing you to giggle. He kissed his way down all the way to your lips, giving you a quick peck before responding.
“I like you too. I’ve liked you for a while, actually. If you want, if you want, I’d like to take you out on a real date. Show you your worth more than a quick fuck. You’re… you’re incredible sweetheart. Let me show you how much.”
Your lips were on his in a heartbeat, trying to put all your happiness into one kiss. Your professor liked you. He liked you. He wanted to date you.
When did you fall asleep and wake up in a dream? 
You broke the kiss, smiling against his lips as he smiled against yours. You didn’t break contact as you spoke, your forehead still against his in pure bliss.
“I’d love nothing more.” 
taglist (lmk if you want to be added or removed!): @i-said-it-n-i-meant-itt-it @crazyxshit @peakyrogers @laura-palmer-del-rey @pettypartypooper @ferxaniti @m0chaminx @srquinnhexa @fairyofspring @mnxxlove @kayxvii @hisdoll107 @hellmoonsin @mattmurdock82 @zabblegrabble @leto-duke @baconmuffins1216  @laprvphette @flawssy227  @the-dragonsqueen @galaxysgal @leossmoonn @shakespeareanwannabe @dontsaypetertingle @iflostreturntobudcooper @aliceblisss @phantomkindalikejaiden @phoebe-danvers @sfr99 @twentyfirstcenturyfox @justlenastuff @btsforlif @optic-neenee @foxe @floof-butt @general-latino @tobyr68 @tatespillows @aimerriarkle  @tooflef @trapped-in-this-love @wasicskosgirl @tiredpurpleee @sadgirlhours068 @imgonnaragnorockurshit @delmoyy @exhaustedfangirl @mylittlepimp @chvoswxtch @sapphicsong
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