#secondo x marzanna
copiousloverofcopia · 9 months
Hey there ghesties!!!
Here is a new fic trade I did with the amazing @sirlsplayland with their OC Marzanna and Daddy to be Secondo!!!!
Thank you so much for allowing me to write for you! Hope you all enjoy!
Commissions are OPEN, please see pinned post for Carrd info!
Timing Is Everything
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Prime Mover Marzanna is ready to give birth to her and Papa Secondo's first child. As the time draws closer though all she can think of is convincing her hovering husband to give her some space.
Also available HERE on AO3!
Read below the cut!
The bed, laced with emerald silk sheets and a mountain of plush feather-down pillows, had felt like both her sanctuary and prison. While she was never happier, Marzanna entered into the last month of her pregnancy filled with anxiety. Everything was going smoothly, her and Secondo’s child growing strong and well throughout. However, the more her belly grew, the more her husband’s concern followed suit. 
Secondo was insistent on accompanying his Prime Mover everywhere. Not allowing her to do anything on her own. If by some unavoidable circumstance he was detained, Marz knew that she would get stuck with a clowder of companion ghouls in his stead.  While she loved him dearly for his dedication, his care, and protection—it was honestly starting to get on Marz’s nerves. 
The constant hovering and keeping watch, made her feel at times more like a captive by her condition than the excited, expectant mother that she was. It wasn’t his fault, Secondo loved her so very much that even the slightest note of sadness in Marzanna’s tone, or a less than enthusiastic look on her face, has always sent him into a spiral. Determined to figure out what was wrong and how to fix it—a trait he held for no other than her. A pregnancy with its aches and pains was bound to draw that out of him, but Marz was desperate for things to return to normal.
She missed being out in the fresh air. Her place of solace in the garden—an almost distant memory now that she had spent so much time away. Only days away from her due date. Missing the warmth of Primo’s humor and the scent of budding flowers as they filled the air with the most wonderful perfume. Marz let out a heavy sigh as she laid there, her husband by her side, knowing that it would not last forever. 
“What is on your mind tesoro?” Secondo asked her, looking up from his copy of The Expectant Father . Marzanna, smiling over to him as she attempted to sit up higher in the bed.
“Argh… my back has just been awful today.” she groaned, Secondo quickly popping up out of his chair to come help her. Shifting things around in the bed until Marz had found a more comfortable position. 
“Are you alright, is there anything else I can—” 
“No Sec, stop. You’re smothering me.” Marz laughed, joking with him, but also quite serious about his hovering. “Fine… could you please hand me another pillow?”
“Of course, of course.” he replied, grabbing another pillow to adjust behind her back. Watching as the look of contemplation fell over his wife’s eyes. “What are you thinking about?”
“I was thinking of skipping the meeting today, you go ahead without me.” she told him, knowing full well that he had refused to leave her side for days. 
“Amore. That's not—”
“Sec, now you listen. I adore you more than Lucifer himself, but you have to give me some breathing room. I already have limited space because of the baby, I don't need you making it worse for me too.” she reasoned, watching Secondo’s eyes fall.
“I’m sorry, I know I have been a bit overbearing.”
“A bit?” Marz laughed.
“Ok a lot overbearing, but tesoro I love you both so much. I don't want to miss anything. I don't want anything to happen to you or our child.” he reasoned, Marzanna seeing the heaviness weighing on his heart as he spoke.
“I know. I promise you we are going to be just fine. Why don't you let me have the day. Just today. I will go about my usual WITHOUT you or the ghouls trailing after me and you will see that things will be just fine.” 
“And if I do? Then what?” he asked her, confused where this all might lead. 
“Then I will let you carry me around the Abbey for the rest of this pregnancy if you so desire.” Marz laughed. “Just give me this one day Secondo, I’m going stir crazy here.” Though he was not thrilled with her proposition, as a man who very much valued his own independence and privacy he knew just how much she needed this. 
“You promise? Just for today?” he asked, sending her a smile. A smile that told Marz he was already, reluctantly, on board. She pulled her husband down to sit beside her on the bed, staring deeply into his eyes.
“Ti mentirei, Papa?” she winked. Secondo, rolling his eyes before pressing his lips to her forehead. Marzanna’s swollen belly nestled between them as he embraced her. Little kicks, fluttering away inside, drawing both their attention.
“He is so strong.” Secondo mused, a proud father already before his child was even born.
“He? What if it's a girl?” Marz asked him. Secondo had already been anxious from them being unable to know, Marzanna wanting to keep it as a surprise for everyone. Would the Ministry have a Papa to be or a Papess to be, everyone would find out soon enough. 
“Your cruelty knows no bounds. Besides, Emeritus men tend to have sons.” Secondo kidded, feeling the sting of Marzanna’s playful slug to his shoulder.
“Uh huh.” Marzanna said, raising her eyebrow at him.
“Now shall I help you to—”
“Sec.” she whined.
“Alright I will go. I shall see you this evening amore. Please…be careful.” he pleaded as he rose from the bed. Ready to allow Marzanna the space she so desperately needed.  
“I will.” she assured him as he made his way out of their shared Papal suite.
It had only been mere seconds since her husband had left the room and Marz was ready to go. Hoisting herself up from the bed, after a bit of a struggle, and frantically trying to decide what she might wear. Knowing her usual habit had grown a bit too tight in the belly to be worn at this point in gestation. Deciding instead to go for a more relaxed dress. Sweeping her white striped tresses up from her face and into a bun as she made her way towards the door. 
As she cracked it open, she half expected to find ghouls flanking the entryway. Astonished when she found the hall had been left empty. The sounds of the Abbey echoing from down the corridor in the distance. Marzanna beamed, ready to travel around the whole Abbey. Feeling the need to go exploring it as if she hadn’t lived there most of her life. 
“I think I will head to the garden first, Primo must be swamped with all the seedlings sprouting. I bet he could use some help.” she thought aloud. Slipping on her shoes before heading out the door. Just as her foot stepped over the threshold, another nagging pain came from her back. This time much more pronounced and crippling. 
Marzanna quickly held on to the doorframe. Her hand wrapped protectively around her belly and her breathing, quickening with the pain. Her discomfort had lasted only a few moments before she could fully stand. She tried to take things more slowly this time, walking carefully down the hall towards the grand staircase.
When she reached the landing, however, the pain hit her once again. This time however it was followed by a squeezing sensation that traveled up from her back and around the width of her belly. Instantly Marz stopped, her breath stolen as she winced in pain. She was having contractions—this baby was on its way. 
“You have got to be kidding me?” she cried, angry at her body for choosing now to go into labor, but also trying to wade through the pain. Marz tried her best to continue, but the contractions became too great. Bringing the normally strong and vibrant sister to her knees. As luck would have it, one of her husband’s ghouls, Earth came traveling down the hallway. 
“Earth!” Marz called out, now doubled over on the floor. 
“Sweet Satan! Sister Marzanna, what's wrong, is it the baby?” he asked. Marz couldn’t even respond. Teeth clenched and eyes squeezed tight as he ran to her. The ghoul impressively strong, lifting her up with ease off the ground and into his arms. 
“It's time. Take me to Papa, he’s with Sister.” Marz told him, barely able to get out the words. Earth, panicked inside, hoping that he would get her there on time or suffer Secondo’s wrath.
“Maybe we should just take you to the infirm—”
“Earth, I said take me to my husband!” Marz demanded. The look of fire filling her eyes and the pain overwhelming her. The ghoul took off in a flash, careful not to injure her as he made his way to the main floor. Pushing passed the crowd of confused siblings and ghouls as he took Marzanna right to Sister Imperator’s office.
“I’m telling you… we should give it a re-release. I know what the people want.” Secondo explained. The prideful Papa, kicking back in his chair as he, along with all the other members of the Clergy in the meeting, discussed bringing back the Phallos Mortuus collection for the upcoming tour. 
“It has been 10 years.” Copia reasoned, raising up his shoulders, letting them all know he wouldn’t mind it.
“Then it's settled. I will have Mr. Saltarian contact the merch team to have them re-issue it. Anything else on the docket for today?” Sister asked, looking over the paperwork scattered about along her desk. 
“I feel like maybe another release of Seven Inches—” Papa Nihil began before Terzo lifted up his hand to shush him.
“I’m gonna stop you right there old man. Your time has ended, the Tiktokers have moved on.” his son assured him, snickering between himself and Copia. Nihil stood there, pouting to himself as the meeting continued on. Sister Imperator allowing her face to fall in her hands in frustration with the antics of Nihil and his misbegotten sons, when suddenly there was banging at the door—frantic and loud. 
“Come in” Sister Imperator called out as the door came flying open. Earth and Sister Marzanna materializing within the doorway. Secondo immediately went into full blown panic mode, jolting out of his chair, all the color having drained from his unpainted face, 
“I think I need to borrow Secondo for a bit.” Marz said, doing her best to smile through her pain. Secondo rushed to her side. Almost taking out Copia and Terzo as he went to hold her hand. The other one placed tenderly on her belly. 
“Is it?” he asked her, tears beginning to fill his eyes. The hardened, stoic Papa—softening before his beloved Prime Mover. 
“It is.” she smiled, her own tears spilling down her cheeks. Finally the moment they had waited so long for had arrived. Just as they went to head to the infirmary, Nihil drifted towards them, a look of irritation in his eyes.
“Are we going to have to continue this meeting or are we finished?” he groaned. If his father’s insolence wasn’t enough to worsen things, Secondo turned to see a large gush of clear fluid pouring from Marzanna. Drenching both her and Earth completely from the waist down. 
“We better go, NOW!” Marz howled as another intense contraction ripped through her. The three of them, taking off like lightning to the infirmary. When they arrived, Marz was instantly placed in the bed, the doctor confirming that it was already time to push. Secondo, taking onAe of Marz’s legs while the sister nurse took the other. 
“Alright Marzanna this is it, I can see the baby’s head.” the doctor told her, in position for delivery. Marz was dripping in sweat, writhing in pain, her body working too hard to deliver her child. 
“You see what happens when I leave you? You go and decide to have the baby on me.” Secondo said, trying to lighten the mood only for it to backfire in his face when Marz turned to look at him with all the fury and rage of Hell in her eyes. 
“Sec. SHUT. UP!” she screamed, Secondo deciding to do as he was told. 
“Alright let's do this.” The doctor told her as the nurse helped Marzanna curl around her belly to push. Crying and groaning as she pushed with all that she had in her. Secondo, watching as their first child was delivered onto the world. 
“It’s a—”the doctor began when suddenly Marzanna fell limp. Her body, dropping down on the bed. Eyes closed and her skin clammy and pale. Secondo’s gaze widened, feeling like he was on fire within. Sweating bullets as the doctor went to check her vitals. Their newborn child, having been carefully handed over to her father.  
“Is she alright? What's going on.” Secondo commanded, though the fear inside him caused his voice to stammer. Scared with every fiber of his being that something awful was happening to the love of his life—his beautiful Marz. The tears stung in his eyes, almost blinding him from his surroundings as Secondo waited for the doctor to say something—anything to let him know that all would be alright. Trying his best to calm down the baby who was crying its lungs out within his arms.
“It’s alright Papa, she’s gonna be just fine. Childbirth takes a lot of someone.” The doctor assured him. Secondo bursting into tears in front of them all. Not caring who saw the emotion, the relief he felt. Both Marzanna and their child would be ok.
It was hours later now when the sounds of chaos and crying returned to a quiet calmness. The room lights dimmed as an exhausted Marzanna rested in bed. Her husband loyally at her side, as their small newborn baby, slept so peacefully in Secondo’s arms. Both of them, feeling more happy than they had ever felt in their entire lives.  
“She’s perfect isn’t she?” Marzanna asked, smiling over to Secondo as he watched lovingly the small bundle wiggling gently in his arms. Quiet coos from a sweet, slumbering babe, like music to his ears as he couldn’t help but sniffle. 
“She is, just like her mother.” Secondo turned to kiss Marz. His eyes filled to the brim with his tears. Beginning to fall freely between them as they both laid gentle kisses on the baby. 
“We made her… the most beautiful thing in creation, our little Zara.” Marzanna cried, looking deep into her husband’s eyes. Having loved him more now than ever. The bond between them immortalized their love for all time in this little life they created.
“I will love you until the moon and stars fall from the sky.” Secondo promised her as he stared down at her. Marzanna, pulling him back to look at her, adjusting to be closer to him, though she was still sore from the birth. Ready to face the pain in order to kiss the man she loved and adored. Just as their lips met, the baby began to stir. Waking from her gentle sleep and erupting in a cry. Pangs of hunger for the first time having reached her belly. 
“Oh my, looks like we are getting interrupted.” Marz laughed as Secondo handed her the child. Readying the bottle to feed her, the small baby instantly suckling away, almost soothing her back to sleep. 
“I am sure it won't be the last time… seems like we will have to take our moments when we can.” Secondo smiled. Marz nodded, content to know that their family was complete at last. She leaned in to kiss Secondo, warmed by his affection as she spoke.
“You know with kids, timing is everything.”      
Notes: Ti mentirei, Papa?- Would I lie to you Papa?
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copiousloverofcopia · 7 months
💖✨💗Happy Lupercalia Ghesties!💗✨💖
In honor of the holiday, I am sharing my trade fic for the incredibly talented and sweet @sirlsplayland featuring Secondo and his beloved Marzanna (her OC).
Thank you so much for once again wanting me to write for you ghestie! I really appreciate all your support!
Happy Valentine's Day everyone!!!
Commissions are still open! See pinned post for details!
(if you want to read more stories with Marzanna and Secondo please see my pinned post under Secondo's section!)
Good Intentions
Secondo is about to take a huge leap, asking his beloved Marzanna to become his Prime Mover. Though his brothers want the best for him, their concerns for his wellbeing lead them and Secondo into trouble.
Also available HERE on AO3!
Read below the cut!
It was finally Uno night. Not unlike any other evening spent at the Abbey, except that the Emeritus brothers would find themselves all huddled together in the small clergy breakroom. Sitting around the old kitchen table as Primo poured drinks into glasses and Copia dealt out the cards. Readying themselves for a boy’s night, ready for the ritualistic banter to begin. All of them, usually in good spirits—for the most part. 
Tonight was a bit different as Terzo entered the room in a slump. Plopping down into his chair like a sack of potatoes. Copia and Secondo, both raising their eyebrows at him. Watching as he let out a big sigh, reaching for his usual amaretto sour. Freshly poured by Primo.  
“You’ve looked better.” chuckled Copia. Terzo, shooting him a look. His eyes scrunched up as he mocked Copia’s comment under his breath. Taking a swig of his drink before making his rebuttal.
“You’d look this way too stronzo if you were up all night with a screaming bambino and then had to be on confession duty all day.” he groaned, wiping his mouth of the escaped liquid before gesturing to Primo to hurry up and deal him in. 
“You know if you’d stop having them every other year, you might be able to actually get some sleep fratellino.” Primo shrugged, tapping his cards on the table to even out the stack. The comment had struck a nerve, but Terzo knew all too well how true the observation was.  
“We weren’t sure you were going to make it down…glad you did” Copia smiled, bouncing his leg as he waited for the game to begin. Finally Primo placed down the first card, a red 2 on the table. 
“Yeah… yeah.” Terzo said, shaking his head as he placed down his own card. It was about then he noticed something peculiar. In all the comments and snark being thrown back and forth between them, there was a distinctive thing missing. A notable lack of participation by the one man who was usually all too happy to participate—Secondo. 
He was sitting in his usual spot, like always. A whiskey in hand, like always. But his mind was clearly someplace else. Silent as the rest of them went about the game and pointed conversation. Only half heartedly paying attention to things to know when it was his turn. 
“Hey…what's up with you?” Terzo asked him. The room of men, growing quiet as they all waited for his response. At first he didn’t even notice, his thoughts heavy with his decision. Only noticing when he felt it was time to place down his card that all eyes had fallen on him.
“It’s—It’s nothing, just play your damn turn.” he replied, waving his hand to hurry them on. 
“Io la chiamo una stronzata.” Terzo jabbed. Secondo sending him a look of annoyance. He had no right too however, knowing all along they were right. He was absolutely distracted—by Marzanna. 
It had been some time now since they first met. Secondo, recalling fondly that fateful day in the greenhouse when he had a gripe about Sister Imperator ready on his lips and a mind to seek out his brother’s advice. 
It was then that he saw her—tending to Primo’s garden in his stead. Reserved and demure, so delicate in her task. It was clear to anyone who met her that she had a beautiful, kind heart. One that compared only to the beauty of her face. Her white streaked hair and delicate features, setting her apart from all the other sisters around her.  
When their eyes locked together, Secondo could feel the warmth of her soul. She was unafraid to be herself with him and in that first moment—he knew. She made him feel young again, the way he did before the years of loneliness had withered down his heart. Her own calm demeanor, lending itself to help soft him. The bitterness of the past left behind him until there was nothing in its place but his feelings for her. 
“You have been unusually quiet this evening Secondo.” Copia chimed in, setting down his card. 
“If you all must know, I have made some decisions.” Secondo replied, ready to let out the secret he had been holding within himself. His fingertip, tracing the edge of his hand of cards as prepared the words to leave him.
“Oh?” asked Primo, almost certain he already knew. 
“I am going to ask Marzanna to be my Prime Mover.” he explained. 
“Pah! Sei serio?” Terzo asked, spitting out his drink. Choking a bit as Copia patted on his back. The two of them, in shock as Primo sat with a smug, assured smile.
“I had a feeling it would come to this.” he laughed. 
“You smug bastard, how did you know?” Terzo asked. Primo shrugged again, he always seemed to know what was going on before anyone else. A fact which infuriated Terzo and Secondo most of the time. 
“Forgive us Secondo… it's just well out of all of us. I would not expect you to take a Prime Mover.” Copia explained.
“Yeah, you don’t even like kids.” Terzo whined, standing up from the table in protest. 
“I like kids.” Secondo quickly replied, raising up to meet with his brother’s eyes.  
“You don’t like mine!” Terzo exclaimed, feeling a little insulted. Secondo rolled his eyes, unamused with his brother’s grumbling.  
“That's not true I—”
“Va bene bambini, calmiamoci tutti.” Primo laughed gently pressing against Terzo and Secondo’s chest to settle them back down. “I am happy for you fratello.”
“Thank you.” Secondo smiled, thankful at least one of them was on his side. 
“Old man, are you sure?” Terzo asked him. Both him and Copia, looking worried for him. Secondo smiled again, the look on his face was full of sincerity. 
“I have never been more sure of anything in my life. What do you all have against Marzanna anyway?” he groaned.
“Oh no, it's not that…well maybe a bit Secondo. We just…well we don’t wanna see you hurt.” Copia explained, Terzo nodding along with him. 
“I can assure you both Marzanna is a fine woman and perfectly suited to him.” Primo told them.
“We just don’t want to see your hurt again Secondo… that's all.” Copia said, trying to reason with him but it was too late. 
“Voi due non sapete di cosa state parlando. Idioti.” Secondo hissed before storming out of the breakroom, leaving his three brothers behind.  
The next day Terzo was sitting in his office, drinking his espresso after another night of unrest when there was a knock. He sighed as he sat down his cup, getting up to reluctantly greet whomever was at the door. Opening it up to find Copia staring back at him. 
“Buongiorno.” Copia smiled, shutting the door behind him. Terzo was already making his way back to the desk.
“Is it?” he asked him, the bags under his eyes speaking volumes for his state of being. 
“The bambini keeping you up all night again?” Copia laughed, Terzo squinted his eyes at him and waved him to go sit down. 
“What do you want, Copia?” he asked, waiting for him to get on with it. The former cardinal brought himself to sit in the chair opposite Terzo. Crossing one leg over the other and nervously bouncing it as he began his thought.. 
“I wanted to ask you, you know about all this Prime Mover stuff with Secondo…” 
“What of it? If you don’t mind, I have another meeting in 20 minutes with Signora Anastasia about Mena’s behavior. She’s been biting people in her class again.” Terzo cringed, shaking his head and letting out a sigh. His mind, never far away from his own budding family. Especially when it came to the antics of his eldest daughter. 
“Oh again?” Copia winced, knowing that the whole Ministry was in for it when it came to that child. 
“Yes again… now what is it?” Terzo asked.
“Mi dispiace… I just wanted to ask what Alessandra thinks of it? You know since they are friends.” Copia continued, curious of what Terzo’s own Prime Mover thought about Secondo’s choice of a mate. 
“She seems all for it actually. Not surprised, they are pretty close. Alé even told me that someone like Marzanna would be good for him. Though she did also tell me something I found to be interesting last night.” 
“Yeah… seems our would-be Prime Mover has been spending an awful lot of evenings lately in the Ghoul’s den.” he explained, a note of suspicion in his tone.  
“Ghouls Den? Why?” Copia asked confusedly. 
“Good question, that I don’t know and neither did Alé… said she wasn’t going to pry. But she didn’t say anything about you and I, not looking into it.” Terzo said, waiting for Copia to take the lead.
“Are you saying we should follow her in the Ghoul’s den and see what she’s up to?”
“You see, now that sounds like a good idea, old man. I’ll meet you in the refectory after dark—it’s a date.” Terzo laughed as he tapped Copia’s shoulder before heading out the door. Leaving Copia dumbfounded on just how easily he was conned into agreeing to it.  
After dinner service, Terzo waited at the entryway to the refectory for Copia. Nodding and smiling at the odd sibling or ghoul passing by as he waited. Finally, when Copia came up to meet him, he was sipping the remains of his juice box. Terzo, rolling his eyes before motioning for him to turn around and set his sights on Marzanna.  
“Ready?” Terzo asked him, watching Marzanna in the distance talking to Cumulus in the hall. 
“As ready as I’ll ever be.” Copia responded when he felt a cold chill run down his spine. Turning around to see Secondo staring him down.
“And just what are the two of you up to?” he asked, both Terzo and Copia scrambling to come up with some reasonable excuse. Failing pitifully as they began to blurt out gibberish until Terzo finally took a moment to collect his thoughts.  
“Us? What about you? What’s got you all sneaking up on us?” he asked. Secondo uncrossed his arms and let out a sigh. Both Copia and Terzo, now realizing they could relax.
“I was just coming to tell you both I was a bit out of line last night.”
“Oh?” Terzo asked snidely.
“Yes, you stronzo, but then I come over and catch you spying on Marzanna.” Secondo groaned, “Why is it that the two of you are so suspicious of her?” 
“We just want to make sure she’s right for you…did you know she's been spending a lot of time with the ghouls lately?” Terzo asked him. Copia, giving him the side eye as he let out his admission. Wishing that they had kept things to themselves before involving Secondo. It was too late now, all three of them were in on the mission.  
“I did not.” Secondo said, furrowing his brow. He had noticed that Marzanna had been acting strange the past couple of weeks. Wondering if he had to do with all the Lupercalian celebrations. Secondo was never one for grand gestures of affection—until Marz. Maybe she was needing more from him. Secondo hoping that she wasn’t getting something from the ghouls she couldn’t get from him. Frightened by the alternatives. 
“Ah we should get going…seems she is on the move.” Copia commented as the three of them ducked behind the entryway. Peering around the corner to see Marz and Cumulus heading towards the Ghoul’s wing. All of them carefully, following behind, just close enough to keep up. Praying they wouldn’t be noticed. 
When Marzanna and Cumulus arrived at the den, Sunshine, Cirrus, Mountain, Aurora, and Earth were waiting for them in the common room. Cumulus plopped down on the sofa, the TV ready and mountains of popcorn freshly popped was just waiting to be munched on for their evening ritual. Movies with the ghouls. A nightly tradition that had been helping Marz cope with her troubles. 
“Marz, Luss… what are we watching tonight!” Aurora asked.
“Shaun of the Dead.” Cumulus said, clicking the remote to start up the old DVD player. 
“Oh, come on. Didn’t we just watch that one?” Mountain protested.
“No. We watched Dawn of the Dead… definitely not the same thing.” Cirrus explained. 
“Exactly.” Cumulus said, rolling her eyes as Marz and Aurora couldn’t help, but let out a chuckle. Marz was always so much more relaxed around them. The ghouls were a tight knit group and growing up in the Warsaw chapter, Marz was taken care of by them—more specifically the ghoulettes. 
She didn't have a family of her own. They were the closest thing to it, like the siblings she never had. She needed them now more than ever. Overwhelmed with the feeling of suspicion and fear. 
Scared that Secondo was beginning to question continuing their relationship. Marzanna, growing more worried as the days passed that Secondo wanted to break things off. Only making the situation worse for the things that remained still unsaid between them. Despite it all, she knew she still loved him and she wanted nothing more than for him to love her back.
“I don’t care what we watch honestly, I’m just glad you all are ok with me crashing.” Marz laughed, curling up on the sofa. Nuzzled her head on Cumulus’s lap as she began to relax. The ghoulette, running her fingers through her hair.
“Works for us. Popcorn?” Earth asked, ready to pass the large bowl, full of buttery popped kernels, Marz’s way.
“Ah…yeah maybe not tonight.” Marz said, waving her hand in protest. 
 “Your stomach, still giving you the icks?” Cumulus asked her, stopping her petting a moment in concern. 
“Seems that way, though I suppose it's par for the course.” she replied, settling back down again just as the opening credits began.
“You're gonna have to figure out a way to tell him Marz… it's not gonna go away.” Cumulus reminded her. Pressing her lips into a smile before her friend replied.
“I know Luss. I know.”
The door to the ghoul common room was just down the hall as Copia, Terzo, and Secondo stared at it from atop the stairs. Each of them carefully timing their footfalls. Paying careful attention to their surroundings as they approached. All three men, completely overcome with fear—and all for different reasons. 
Terzo was hoping he wouldn't get caught spying by Alessandra, Copia worried that Secondo would become enraged and take it out on them if something was going on with Marz, and Secondo—Secondo had begun to fear that maybe things between him and Marzanna were too good to be true.
When they reached the door, they argued in whispers about who would peek in. Finally deciding on Terzo—mostly so because he was the nosiest of the three. He took a moment to swallow back his apprehension and carefully brought his eyes to the crack in the doorway. Practically jumping out of his skin when he felt the weight of a hand tapping at his shoulder. 
“And just what do you think you are doing stronzo?” a familiar deep voice asked. Terzo, turning back around to see Alessandra and Primo staring at the three of them. Both holding a look of disappointment on their faces. 
“I can’t believe you… and you got Copia and Secondo to go in on your foolishness too?” Alé asked, shaking her head and crossing her arms over her chest. 
“Alessandra really—” Secondo started, but immediately stopped when Alé whipped a look over to him. Telling him to stay out of it.
“Amore, it’s not what you think I–” Terzo began before Alé cut him off. 
“Oh, so you aren’t spying on Marzanna to see what she’s doing in the ghoul’s common room?”
“Ok…it's exactly what it looks like, but Alé the man needs to know if he’s gonna ask her to…” Terzo started once more when they all began to hear the sounds of moaning and groaning from just beyond the door. 
“Oh no it couldn’t be.” Copia said, hardly believing his ears. Without a second thought Terzo pushed open the door revealing Marz and the ghouls. All of them huddled together on the sofa in the dark while watching a scary movie. 
“Unholy fuck!” Cumulus yelped as she jumped up off the sofa. Popcorn flying in the air as the lot of them all panicked at the sudden unexpected intrusion. Instantly Terzo, Secondo, and Copia felt horrible. What they had been worried was a torrid affair, turned out to be nothing more than a movie night with a group of friends. 
Secondo now was concerned more than ever that with his indiscretion, Marz would certainly refuse him. Knowing how he hadn’t trusted her, spying on her like she was some common harlot who would disgrace him and the Emeritus name. It was clear he had made a mistake. Wondering to himself if that mistake would cost him everything.
“Sec… what are you doing here?” Marz asked, her hand over her mouth and heart still pounding inside her chest. Coming down fast from the heights of fight or flight. Secondo looked absolutely distraught—ashamed even. 
“It wasn’t his fault, sorella, you see I may have… well we were just trying to help and…” Terzo said, trying to explain.
“He may have put his foot in his mouth and spoke on matters he had no right to speak on.” Primo said for him. Terzo, nodding his head in response. The ghouls remained quiet, Mountain and Earth watching as they ate the popcorn. Enjoying the drama unfold just as if they were still watching a movie. 
“I don’t understand. Were you spying on me?” Marz asked him, looking into his eyes. Her mind, still swirling in confusion and worry.
“Yes we were but—” Copia began nervously explaining before Secondo placed his hand over his chest. Stopping him from continuing on.
“I—I was afraid that you might have been keeping things from me. I let myself be convinced of the possibility…and for that amore I am so deeply sorry.” Secondo apologized. Marz began looking down at her feet. Knowing that she was hiding something—-just not what they had been thinking. 
“Oh Secondo I—” she began, sniffling back as she tried to stop herself from crying. 
“No Marzanna, don’t… I hope you can forgive me. It’s just that I have been wanting to ask you something for some time now and… and I think the anxiety of what you may answer has been haunting me. So much so that I let it drive me to think you might be hiding things from me. Or maybe it was my way of trying to protect myself from pain again, but I know now that it only makes me hurt even more to think of a life without you.” Secondo confessed, pouring his heart out to Marz as the rest of the room fell quiet. 
“What are you saying?” she asked, the tears unable to stop themselves from beading up in the corners of her eyes. Marz, nervously wringing her habit in her hands as she trembled.
“What I am saying is—Marzanna, I love you more than I have ever loved anyone else…” Secondo began, dropping down his knees before her. 
“Oh my—” Marz said as he took her hand in his and stared up into her eyes. 
“My heart has been wounded before and I have been afraid to love, but you—you have shown me what true love really is. What it means to love someone and to have them love you. I wake up every day thanking Lucifer that he has brought you into my life. Even from that first moment in the garden I felt it, there was something different about you. Something I never want to be without. I love you Marzanna and I want to spend the rest of my life proving that to you. I want you to be my Prime Mover. For our love to manifest itself in physical form—for you and I to have a child. I want it all—and I want it with you.” Secondo confessed, laying bare his soul. His own eyes pricked and stinging with tears. Vulnerable in front of her and everyone else, a true testament for just how deep his love was for her.  
“Oh Secondo, do you really mean it?” Marz asked him, noting Cumulus and Aurora off to the side practically chomping at the bit for her to tell him her own confession.
“I do, will you have me? Will you do me the honor of spending the rest of your days by my side—will you carry our child?”
“I—I have something I need to tell you.” Marz said, Secondo becoming instantly on edge for what may come next. 
“I’m pregnant.” she said, with her whole chest. Her eyes closed as the tears came streaming down her cheeks. Secondo, rising up to his feet. Pulling Marzanna up in his arms. Spinning her around in pure joy as he kissed her deeply. 
“Is it true amore?” he asked, Marz happily nodding her head and kissing him once more. Both of them, crying and smiling against each other’s lips. 
“Oh shit… that was fast.” Terzo said, breaking the silence of the room. Alé, giving him a slap to the chest as she rolled her eyes. Primo, shaking his head knowing that he, along with the ghouls, had already known for weeks about Marzanna’s pregnancy. 
“That's why she’s been hanging out with us a lot… trying to figure out a way to tell you. We picked up on it right away.” Aurora beamed.
“Oh, so that explains it then.” Copia said, putting it all together. Secondo finally set Marzanna’s feet back down on the floor. Both of them, stupidly smiling at one another. Like a pair of highschool lovers, starry eyed and overcome, when Secondo placed a gentle hand to her belly. 
“How long have you known?” he smiled.
“For sometime now.” she admitted, smiling back.
“Why didn’t you tell me sooner? We could have saved ourselves from all this mess.” Secondo said, chuckling a bit as his fingertips grazed the spot just above where his child slumbered inside her. 
“I meant too, but I wasn’t sure how or when. Why didn’t you tell me you wanted me to be your Prime Mover?”
“I was worried I would get hurt again… but that is in the past now. I am ready for the future.”
“And this whole thing with them?” Marzanna laughed, motioning over to a very guilty looking Copia and Terzo.
“Don't mind them amore, they were just trying to help and well you know what they say about the road to Hell. it’s paved with—” Secondo began, hugging Marzanna before she finished his thought.
“Good intentions.” she smiled, kissing him once more.
Sei serio?- Are you serious?
Va bene bambini, calmiamoci tutti- Alright children, let's all calm down. 
Voi due non sapete di cosa state parlando. Idioti.- You two don’t know what youre talking about. Idiots. 
Mi dispiace- I'm sorry
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