#secret face image database
mudwerks · 2 months
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(via Vending machine error reveals secret face image database of college students | Ars Technica)
Canada-based University of Waterloo is racing to remove M&M-branded smart vending machines from campus after outraged students discovered the machines were covertly collecting facial-recognition data without their consent.
The scandal started when a student using the alias SquidKid47 posted an image on Reddit showing a campus vending machine error message, "Invenda.Vending.FacialRecognitionApp.exe," displayed after the machine failed to launch a facial recognition application that nobody expected to be part of the process of using a vending machine.
"Hey, so why do the stupid M&M machines have facial recognition?" SquidKid47 pondered.
The Reddit post sparked an investigation from a fourth-year student named River Stanley, who was writing for a university publication called MathNEWS.
Stanley sounded alarm after consulting Invenda sales brochures that promised "the machines are capable of sending estimated ages and genders" of every person who used the machines without ever requesting consent.
This frustrated Stanley, who discovered that Canada's privacy commissioner had years ago investigated a shopping mall operator called Cadillac Fairview after discovering some of the malls' informational kiosks were secretly "using facial recognition software on unsuspecting patrons."
Only because of that official investigation did Canadians learn that "over 5 million nonconsenting Canadians" were scanned into Cadillac Fairview's database, Stanley reported. Where Cadillac Fairview was ultimately forced to delete the entire database, Stanley wrote that consequences for collecting similarly sensitive facial recognition data without consent for Invenda clients like Mars remain unclear.
Stanley's report ended with a call for students to demand that the university "bar facial recognition vending machines from campus."
what the motherfuck
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roosterforme · 2 months
Always Ever Only You Part 34 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: Without you at home, Bradley's big mouth is about to get him in trouble. As he counts down the hours until he can pick you up from the airport, you wrap up your trip to Maryland with a visit to your childhood home. However, you're not as smooth as you think you are. By the time you get back to San Diego, you are an absolute train wreck, and some secrets have been revealed.
Warnings: Swearing, pregnancy topics, angst, fluff
Length: 4500 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female Reader
This was written to accompany my series Is It Working For You? along with a bunch of my one-shots and other series, but it can be read on its own! Check my masterlist for the reading order. Always Ever Only You masterlist. Gorgeous banner by @mak-32
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On Thursday morning, Bradley got to work a little bit early. He just needed to make a tiny detour to one of the database computers. He really wasn't sure if you realized that you told him Commander Patterson's first name last night, or if you let it slip by accident, but now that he knew it, he just wanted to check him out.
Every trip you took to Annapolis turned into some sort of disaster at one point or another. He couldn't imagine you were out there looking for trouble, but it sure did find you in the form of Derek or Josh. You were the most capable person Bradley knew, but he loved and respected you enough to know that sometimes you needed a break. Right now, he just wanted to bring you back home and take care of every tiny need or want that you or the baby might have. He'd honestly fucking delight in that.
As soon as he logged into the system, Bradley typed in your full name, complete with Bradshaw hyphenated at the end. A second later, your image appeared on the screen complete with lovely smile and gorgeous eyes. "That's my Baby Girl," he muttered, still captivated by this photo of you. 
He forced his fingers back to the keyboard, but no results appeared when he looked for Derrick Patterson. He tried Paterson. Then he tried Derick. Then he tried Derek Patterson and saw the face of the asshole who made his wife cry over a steak dinner. Were you more emotional right now than perhaps you would usually be? Absolutely. But that was only because you were pregnant. As soon as you told him you had a positive pregnancy test, Bradley's number one concern in this world simply switched from his wife to his wife and his child. 
This guy looked like a real tool. Forty-four years old. Ranked up to Commander two years ago. Worked in a simulation lab. Had the same degrees from the Naval Academy that you earned. "Yeah, well I can guarantee you're not as smart as her, you motherfucker."
He took another minute to memorize what he saw there before logging out. Maybe he'd ask Maverick about him. Cyclone and Warlock would be good resources, too. Bradley just hated that he wasn't able to make you feel safe and comfortable at the moment, but as soon as he picked you up tomorrow, he'd take care of everything. 
When he started to head out to the tarmac, he literally ran into someone while he was adding steaks to the grocery list he saved in his phone. He didn't know how to cook a steak, but he'd get them just in case you were still in the mood for one. "Sorry," he muttered, not really looking up, too concerned with what else you might want.
"It's okay, Bradley."
Then he did look up into the dark eyes of Maria Wilson. "Hey," he said with a smile at your good friend. "I've been meaning to ask you... how's rooming with Bob going for you?"
"Great," she replied with a little shrug and a completely neutral expression. "He's clean and courteous, and I think the arrangement is going to work out really well." 
If he didn't know better, Bradley would have believed nothing was going on. She was that good. But he did know better. He wasn't going to do Bob dirty, so he just nodded and said, "I hope it does work out. I've always felt a little bad about stealing my wife away from you."
She just laughed and said, "Like we didn't all see that coming a mile away."
He wandered off with a grin on his face after he said goodbye. He was planning on making a few stops on the way home before Jake showed up to workout together later. Bradley just had to get through one more night and then you'd be back.
You were an idiot for eating two steaks and seventeen pounds of sides and then passing out for the night. Sure, at the time, it seemed like the best idea you'd ever had. Derek's porterhouse hit the fucking spot like nothing else. The potatoes were creamy and delectable. The brussels sprouts? A thing of beauty.
But Thursday morning, you were back to your normal routine of throwing up as soon as you got out of bed. "I get it, okay?" you gasped as you sprawled out on the bathroom floor. "I understand," you added, letting your hand settle on your belly. "You miss your Dad. Well guess what. I miss him, too. Now will you stop acting out if I promise to take you home tomorrow?"
A soft gurgle as your stomach started to settle was the response you got, and that was actually better than you could have hoped for. When you heard tapping on your hotel room door, you knew it was Cat, and you wanted to cry. You were wearing Bradley's UVA shirt and a pair of your ratty underwear and nothing else, and she'd just keep knocking until you answered. 
"I'm coming," you moaned, actually crawling most of the way there. You pulled yourself up and then cracked the door open a few inches, and you were met with Cat's appraising eyes. "Hi."
"I just wanted to know if you wanted to get breakfast with me," she said cautiously.
"No, I'm good, but thanks for asking." You tried to close the door, but her foot was immediately preventing that. 
"Are you sick?" she asked. "I can bring something back for you."
"No, I'm okay," you told her. Your stomach lurched, and your eyes went wide. You had about ten seconds to get rid of her and make it to the toilet. You didn't know what to do as saliva pooled at the back of your tongue. You started to gag as your eyes filled with tears. 
"Hey," she said softly. "If something's wrong, you can tell me."
But you shook your head and let go of the door, making a mad dash back into the bathroom. You barely made it to your knees in front of the toilet before you barfed again. "Why?" you moaned, wiping your mouth with toilet paper before rolling onto the bath mat which had become your best friend.
"Oh my god," Cat muttered as she walked right into your hotel room bathroom. She flushed the toilet and then turned to the sink and started to fill one of the disposable cups with water. "You're pregnant," she stated plainly. "You could have told me, you know. Congratulations, by the way."
As she knelt on the floor next to you, she helped you sit up. You accepted the cup from her and said, "It's just food poisoning." She blinked at you a few times, giving you no wiggle room to lie to her. "Fine," you admitted with a little smile, "I'm pregnant."
She ran the backs of her fingers along your forehead while you sipped the water. "How far along are you?"
"About nine or ten weeks," you whispered as you closed your eyes for a few beats. "I'm just really tired and really fucking sick. I felt good last night, but now I feel terrible again."
Cat took the empty cup from your hand and wrapped you up in a soft hug. "Thank you for holding it together for the presentation. Now you need to get back into bed."
You shook your head and said, "I need to get up and moving so I can go see my parents later."
"No," she said firmly, guiding you back to the bed. "You need to rest right now. You'll feel better if you do." 
Part of you wanted to make sure your suitcase was closed so she didn't see your vibrators, but mostly you didn't even care. She had a certain way about her that was calming you down, and as soon as you were in the bed, she tucked you in. You almost believed her when she told you that resting would help you feel better. 
"Where's your room key?" she asked once you were curled up on your side.
You let one hand sneak out from under the covers and pointed. "Next to the TV."
She patted your shoulder and promised she would be back soon, and then she was gone. You dozed on and off while your stomach gurgled, and you missed a few texts from Bradley. When Cat eventually opened your door and let herself in, you were actually feeling hungry. And that's when you noticed two bags and a cup carrier in her hands. 
Quietly, she set everything down on your nightstand including some orange juice that almost brought a tear to your eye. Somehow she knew that was what you needed when you didn't even know yourself. You sat up as she poked a hole in the lid and handed it to you, and you drank half of it down in one sip.
"You need to eat something," she whispered, taking the cup away again. "I got you a bagel with cream cheese, an egg sandwich, a few different kinds of donuts and a muffin."
You reached for the bagel, and she unwrapped it for you. "I'll pay you back," you rasped, but she shook her head.
"Don't worry about it. Just make the baby happy, and we're square," she replied as she sank down into the chair beside the bed.
But you were definitely going to worry about it. Money was very tight for Cat and Jeremiah, so you would have to figure out a way to make it even. She probably spent about forty bucks on all of this for you, and somehow she knew that a sesame seed bagel with cream cheese would go down as happily as the steaks did. You devoured the whole thing and then took some bites out of the egg and cheese sandwich before finishing the orange juice. 
Then you drank some of the hot tea as well and nibbled on a muffin, and you felt so much better. Cat asked you a few questions, but she didn't pry. "Bradley must be over the moon," she said softly with a sad smile. 
"Oh yeah," you told her, knowing that her ex-husband did not have a relationship with Jeremiah. "He dubbed the baby the chicken nugget." When she laughed, you added, "He's very excited to be a dad."
"He'll be a good one," she confirmed with a nod. "Now why don't you rest for a few more hours, and then I can drop you off at your parents' house so you don't have to drive."
"You don't have to do that."
"I'll drop you off and then go to the outlet mall. There are some things I want to get for Jer, and then I can pick you up again." She probably knew it wasn't a good idea to let you drive like this, and you were honestly kind of thankful that she offered.
"Alright." You fell asleep again as soon as she was gone.
When Bradley left work, it was blazing hot out, and he had his aviators on while he walked to the parking garage. It was already late as hell in Maryland, and he was a little afraid you had already left your parents and gone back to the hotel for the night. But your phone only rang briefly before you answered his FaceTime call.
"Bradley," you sighed, looking better than he'd seen you in weeks. "Here, say hi to everyone."
You turned your phone to reveal both of your parents along with Cat, sitting around the dining room table in the house where he was finally getting used to spending his holidays. They all greeted him warmly before your mom took the phone and asked him at least a dozen questions.
"Are you eating enough without her at home? How's work? How's Tramp? When can we come visit again, because she's not giving us a clear answer?"
She said nothing about the baby, so Bradley assumed you were holding yourself together well enough that it hadn't been mentioned. "I've been subsiding on cereal. Work is great. Tramp is great. I've been thinking about starting a project to expand the upstairs into another bedroom or two, so hopefully after that's finished, you and dad can stay as long as you want."
Bradley knew they would feel like a handful for him if they stayed at the house again, but that was only because he liked being alone with you. He really wanted to take a minute to talk to you privately, but your dad took the phone next so he could show off his latest painting project. When he finally got handed back to you, apparently it was time for you and Cat to head out. 
"I'll let you know when the flight leaves tomorrow," you told him. "Love you, Roo."
And that was it. With a deep sigh, he started up the red Bronco and headed to the store on his way home. He hated shopping in his uniform; he always got a bunch of looks from people, mostly women. He tried to make it quick, but it took him a little time to gather up steaks, potatoes, garlic, your favorite coffee, and all of the yellow flowers in the floral section. 
He barely had all of the food put away at home when Jake knocked twice on the front door before letting himself in the house. "It's like he fucking lives here," Bradley muttered to Tramp who had been waiting for his scoop of dinner before he ran to see Jeremiah.
"Hey, man," Jake called out. He had Cat's son tucked under one arm and some weird contraption under the other, and he was wearing gym clothes. "Did you just get home?"
"Yeah," Bradley replied, unable to keep himself from smiling when Jeremiah reached out for him. He took the little boy in his arms and told him, "I had to get some stuff for my wife. You remember her. She's your favorite babysitter. She read you some books while you fell asleep, because her voice is the sweetest thing in the world."
Jake rolled his eyes. "Angel made you soft, old man."
Bradley pointed to Jeremiah. "And this little thing made you soft, so you don't have a leg to stand on."
He just kind of shrugged in response and took the child back as he said, "Go get changed. I'll meet you in the garage."
As Jake disappeared through the sliding glass door, Bradley headed to the bedroom. He stripped out of his uniform and put on some shorts and a Top Gun shirt that was starting to fit a little snug across his biceps and chest again. This was a good sign, because he wanted to bulk up as much as possible. He'd be ready to haul the baby and all of the gear around so you didn't have to. 
His thoughts were on you and the baby. You. Baby. You. Baby. He couldn't wait until both of you were home tomorrow. When he walked out to the garage, he found Jake doing a few pushups while Jeremiah played with a stuffed tiger while he sat in some sort of portable crib.
"What is that thing?" Bradley asked as he reached for his lifting gloves. "A mini crib?"
Jake jumped to his feet as he said, "It's called a pack 'n play, but yeah, it's kind of a mini crib that folds up."
"Huh," he replied, eyeing it up so he could search online for that kind of thing later. "Looks handy. We're definitely going to need one of those."
Jake was frozen in place, eyes wide and jaw hanging open. "Is Angel pregnant? I knew her ass looked bigger." A grin curled along his lips, and that was when Bradley realized he had fucked up.
"Oh, shit," he muttered as his heart rate sped up and he started to sweat. You were going to be so upset. Your own parents didn't even know yet, but now Jake did, and it was all his fault.
"She's pregnant!" Jake practically shouted. "Congratulations, Rooster," he said, pulling Bradley into a hug and slapping him on the back. "You finally figured out which hole to put it in, huh?" he asked with an absolutely obnoxious grin.
Bradley glared at him. "Seriously. Nobody else knows about this yet. She might murder me if she finds out you know."
"I won't say shit about it," Jake promised, cuffing him on the shoulder before releasing him. "Damn, she must be excited. I know you both wanted this."
"Yeah," Bradley rasped, just knowing his face must be flushed pink. He ran his fingers through his hair. "I'm so fucking happy and scared and nervous, I can barely make it through a day without her here, you know?"
Jeremiah roared and held up the tiger for Bradley. He took it and made it roar back before pretending it was kissing Jeremiah all over his face. His laugh was infectious, and it left Bradley smiling. 
"Damn," Jake drawled. "I think you're ready for the parenting thing."
"I know I am," he replied, fixing him with a serious look. "I'm ready."
Jake sighed and nodded. "But you still have a lot to learn. Do you know about outlet covers?"
Bradley's eyes went wide. "No. What are those?"
"How about white noise to help a baby sleep? Do you know what a convertible car seat is?"
"No," Bradley whispered, "No, I don't."
Jake settled back onto the bench and reached for the barbell. "Spot for me, and I'll tell you everything I've learned."
It was finally Friday morning, and Cat was knocking on your door with another round of food and orange juice before you were even out of bed. When you let her in, she set everything up on the nightstand while you went to use the bathroom, and you were pleasantly surprised that you didn't need to throw up while you were in there.
"Eat as much as you can," she told you. "I asked them to give you a late checkout, so you can stay here until noon, and then we'll head to the airport."
"You're a saint," you told her with a mouth full of bagel. "I owe you so much money for this, you have to let me pay you back."
She just shook her head. "I'll let you babysit Jer so Jake and I can go out one night. Assuming I'm still in a relationship after we get bad to San Diego later tonight."
"You will be," you told her as you sipped the orange juice. "Jake isn't stupid." You paused before you set the juice down in favor of a donut. "Well... he's kind of stupid, but not when it comes to this."
Cat reached into the bag for another donut. "Seriously, if he and Bernie can't figure their shit out, I'll pull the plug and never look at another man again."
"Sometimes they really aren't worth the aggravation," you remarked, thinking back to every guy you dated before Bradley. "But sometimes they surprise you."
She didn't say anything else as she finished her donut. Then she let you take a nap, and when you got up and got dressed, you felt pretty amazing. Your stomach was gurgling quietly, and you looked okay enough to skip the makeup today. 
You dragged your suitcase out into the hallway and texted Bradley, letting him know you were going to be heading to the airport soon, and he responded almost immediately. 
Bradley Rooster Bradshaw <3 <3 <3: i'll meet you in baggage claim sweetheart. i can't wait to have you and the nugget back home with me
You practically moaned, and also started tearing up as Cat met you in the hallway. "When willI I be normal again?" you whispered. "All I want to do is have rough, frequent sex with my husband, but every time I think about how sweet he is, I start crying."
She laughed and said, "You won't feel normal until about six months postpartum. Just have fun running that man ragged."
You nodded and wiped at your tears. "Where's our equipment bin?"
"Already in the car."
"You weren't supposed to move it alone! It's so heavy."
"And you shouldn't be carrying anything like that at all," she scolded, pushing you gently toward the elevators. "I took care of it. I'll take care of it all day, and I'll get your suitcase when we get to the airport, too."
You sobbed the whole way down in the elevator and most of the ride to the airport. When you said thank you, Cat told you to be quiet which made you smile and also cry more. You'd get Bradley to agree to watch Jeremiah for a whole weekend. It would give the two of you some practice, and it would give Cat and Jake time alone. There was no way he was going to mess anything up.
Bradley parked the red Bronco at the airport with a vase of flowers in the cup holder and an ultrasound picture tucked into the visor. Your flight had been delayed a few times, and he figured you were probably starving now. He picked up the container of peanut butter crackers he prepared and started to head inside, still a little too early but with nothing better to do.
He found an empty bench, and it wasn't long before Jake came strolling in with Jeremiah in his arms. Bradley stood up, jostling the snack container as he muttered, "You're not going to say anything to her, right?"
"Relax," Jake replied as Jeremiah reached for the crackers. "I won't say a word about her being pregnant. You can count on me."
That actually made him feel a lot more nervous as he opened up the container, broke a cracker in half and handed it to Jeremiah. "Okay. Just pretend you don't know a thing about it."
He watched Jeremiah get crumbs all over Jake's shirt as Jake checked his phone. "Sure. Hey, they landed. Cat said they're walking off the plane now."
Bradley checked his phone, but there was absolutely nothing from you, which was really strange. "Huh." He stood there awkwardly as he'd been left out of the loop, handing the other half of the cracker to Jeremiah when he reached for it. 
He watched Jake typing one handed, and then he said, "Apparently there was a ton of turbulence. Angel got pretty sick." When he met Bradley's eyes, he kind of shrugged. "Sounds like she's in bad shape."
Bradley ran his fingers through his hair until it was sticking up at an odd angle. "What's that supposed to mean? How is she in bad shape?" He looked over toward the partition that blocked off the area he wouldn't be able to get past without a boarding pass while he started to panic. Was he going to have to take you to the hospital or something? The cereal and potato chips he had for dinner started to sour in his stomach as he started walking in that direction. 
Then he saw you, and he started running. Cat had her arm around you, and she was carrying your tote bag along with her backpack while you sipped a can of ginger ale through a straw. Bradley could see fresh tears in your eyes as they met his. "Oh, Sweetheart."
"Roo," you croaked, and he closed the rest of the distance to you and carefully took you in his arms. "I was horrible."
Cat took the ginger ale from your hand, and you collapsed against him, a sobbing, shaking mess. "It's okay," he promised you. "You're home now, and I will take care of everything."
You nodded against his chest, and he let you cry. "I threw up so much. I was fine, but then it was really rough, and the baby hates me anyway." You cried harder, and then Jake was there with Jeremiah. He took the container of crackers so Bradley could rub your back with both hands. You hiccupped against him and mumbled, "You can say what you want. Cat knows. She guessed it. Then she took care of me."
Bradley wasn't surprised in the least that someone who had been pregnant before was able to tell that you were now. "Okay," he whispered, kissing the top of your head. He held you close and gave both Cat and Jake a stern look. "Do you want to go ahead and tell Jake?" he asked carefully. 
"Yeah," you groaned, leaning toward Jake slightly. "I'm pregnant."
If Jake didn't get Bradley out of this debacle safely, he was going to ban him from the home gym. But he should have known that above anything else in this scenario, Jake was going to have your back.
"Aww, Angel," he crooned as Jeremiah climbed into Cat's arms. "I'm so happy for you, mama." Then he kissed your cheek and winked at Bradley. "You'll be a natural, and ol' Rooster here's gonna be a class act. Now why don't you let him take you home? I can get the bin of your work stuff."
"You sure?" Bradley asked, giving Jake a discreet fist bump as you buried your face against his chest again. You were half burrowed inside his tropical print shirt at this point, and his undershirt was damp; he just wanted to get you home.
"We'll take care of it," Cat promised. "She's dehydrated. Make sure she drinks water or gatorade. And she needs to try to eat something." Jake handed the crackers back to Bradley. "Yeah, those might work, but she really needs to keep drinking."
"Got it," Bradley replied, kissing your forehead. "Thank you, Cat."
"It was my pleasure," she said with a smile as she cuddled Jeremiah. 
"Let's go, Baby Girl," Bradley whispered, leading you to get your suitcase as you sipped the ginger ale and nibbled on a cracker. He kept his hand at the small of your back as you sucked in deep breath after deep breath. "I'll get you home and into bed as quickly as possible."
You sniffed and looked up at him. "I just want you with me. That's all I wanted all week." 
Your lips quivered, and Bradley leaned in to kiss you as softly as he could. "That's all I wanted, too. I'm not going to leave your side." He kept you right there with him as he scooped up your luggage, and then he had his arm around you until he got you to the Bronco. With a kiss to your perfect cheek, he opened the door, helped you in, and buckled your seatbelt.
"Thanks, Roo," you sighed, eyes closed as you leaned back against the headrest, already looking more serene now that you and he were together.
"I would do anything for you." He stroked your belly with his fingertips. "Both of you."
Five minutes into the drive home, you were sound asleep, your fingers laced with his.
I can already feel how much calmer she is just knowing she doesn't have as much to worry about with Bradley by her side. And he's going to be so much less stressed with her at home. It's looking like next chapter could be the last one in this series!!!! I'm hoping to do some one-shots for them and then pick up with another series? Please let me know what you'd like to see during and after her pregnancy. And thank you for reading! Thanks @mak-32 and @beyondthesefourwalls
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codenamesazanka · 4 months
Hi! sorry to trouble you but do you know where in the manga/anime its mentioned that Dabi's appearance is what led the villain's bar to be discovered? I tried looking it up a few months ago with no luck. If this is too much to ask do ignore this I don't want to bother you 😭😭 I love all the writing you do on the LoV 🫶
Thanks for the ask! It's no trouble at all!
It's never stated explicitly, but we can infer from this page from Chapter 83, right after the Forest Training Camp Raid:
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I'll transcribe the image because it's literally just Detective Tsukauchi giving All Might the whole thing via a phone call:
All Might: Sorry. What's up... Tsukauchi? Tsukauchi: I'm getting statements from your two colleagues right now, but... we're got a shocking developing in the case! We may have pinpointed... The League of Villains' hideout. About two weeks ago, one of my men was out canvassing for information. One witness saw a man with a "patchwork face" enter a building. A building that didn't have any tenants. We searched the database for convicted criminals around 20 years of age, but none fit the profile. When we contacted the building owner, we learned that there's a bar inside. A hidden one, though, like a shelter. It didn't seem connected to the investigation at the time, so we moved on, but now... That description matches one of the villains who kidnapped your student! Given the situation, we're going to raid the place as soon as we've got enough evidence! This is all top secret, but I figured you should know!
So what happened was this:
About two weeks before the Forest Training Camp Raid, a rando saw someone with a 'patchwork face'. We can safely assume this is Dabi, given the stitches all over his eyes and jaw; no one else in the League matches that description as fittingly.
The civilian saw Dabi enter a supposedly empty building. Later, when the police come poking around, this civilian gives a description of Dabi, as well as pointing out the building. The police - specifically Sansa, the cat heteromorph policeman - records all this down.
The police checks out the building, and finds that it even has a hidden bar. However, because Dabi hasn't made his public debut a Villain, nor as part of the League of Villains yet, the police deem this information irrelevant to their investigation of Shigaraki Tomura (who, as far as the police know at this moment in time, is still working with only Kurogiri, and could be plotting from the sewers of Siberia). The police set it aside.
Two weeks later, the League of Villains attack the Forest Training Camp Raid. Dabi (or rather, the clone Twice made of him) attacks Eraserhead and Vlad King. They both get a good look at him.
In the aftermath, the police interview Eraserhead and Vlad King. In the image above, you can see them in the interrogation room with Tsukauchi and Sansa.
Eraserhead and Vlad King described the villain they encounter - Dabi. Sansa recognizes that description; remembers his notes - the location, the building. And suddenly, everything links up: Dabi, part of the League of Villains, is seen going into a supposedly empty building, one that has a hidden bar, which means it could very well be the League of Villains' hideout.
(And we the readers know it is, because a bar is where we most often see Shigaraki Tomura and Kurogiri regroup after failed missions, meet up with other villains to conduct business, generally hang out.)
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pyralart · 2 years
Beginning to see AI imaging being posted on Tumblr and NOT tagged as AI and instead as like "watercolor illustrations" or "digital art" or even "photography", and it's pretty obvious that people in the notes don't realize it's AI and I'm starting to lose my fucking mind.
As an advice to recognize them: Those pics always are too overly detailed in a weird way because the AI has to fill up those pixels. You can often not really even tell what's going on. They have some kinda cool *aesthetic* going on at times, but if you try to actually look at it, you'll see it's completely wonky. It's literally just "vibes". Trying to put some logic into the pictures makes it fall completely apart.
Usually composition and perspective are shit too, and you'll mostly see landscapes because you will scream if you ever stumble upon an AI-generated hand.
And of course people doing that call themselves "Generative artists" on Instagram and get 60k followers because since it's just typing some words in to get pics, they can literally have a 50 pics backlog and post 2 a day, because that's all the algorithm asks for, right?
Going fucking insane. I don't wanna look at some trash that a computer spit out using millions of artworks taken without consent and then recycled. At least if they correctly tagged this shit we could make fun of it.
I look at art to wonder how much time and love and skill and passion someone put into it, sometimes despite their own condition. I look at art to be inspired at how people just so carefully handcrafted something out of their own mind. I don't look at art to wonder what words someone put into a computer. You can't even control it, it's literally a gacha game. It isn't art, it's AI imaging.
It literally puts out recognizable signatures and shutterstock watermarks and then they pretend that it's not using stolen art?? My dude the #1 advice they give people to make "good" AI prompts is using an artist's name! How do you think the AI knows about this artist?? It's in the fucken database, Jessie!! They put everyone's art in a DATABASE to use it for profit, JESSIE!! (Yes, AI programs require subscriptions and "give you the commercial rights" of the pics. Right now you can literally ask the AI "Cool landscape by -Artist-" and then sell the picture. You can even ask for actual people's faces if you'd like! And if you use an open source one, it can make realistic [redacted]! Such fun/s)
They use "trending on ArtStation" as a keyword for their AI prompt for fuck's sake. Everyone's art and photos and everything is neatly labeled in a giant fucken database and the artists were never asked if they could... You know... Maybe not have their art in a giant database used to copy them?
The best part of this is that they already made a marketplace to sell prompts. They sell "secret words" I'm not even kidding.
Do I have to pretend it's normal or am I allowed to lose my mind, because I can't pretend for much longer. The more I learn about it the more insane I get about how little respect some people have for artists.
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madeofthreads · 3 months
@housetummelt | x
Ji-eun exhaled a slow breath. The tension was still there, but it wasn't quite as explosive as it had been before... she didn't want to shout, and she didn't want to assault him with questions after all. She simply needed a moment to gather herself back together.
Following his guidance, she pulled back from the hug, and it was then that she realised his was the first familiar face that she had seen in the aftermath. Of all the people she had ever known, Baldur Tummelt was the first she could confidently say 'he survived'.
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"It is good to see you Mr. Tummelt." Ji-eun meant to apologise to him. To dismiss her reaction in some way, but really, she wasn't sorry about it at all.
"I... am alive." It almost sounded like she questioned that, whether she truly was alive, whether this could truly be called living. It felt more like surviving. Her parents had both been listed as dead, according to a security database they were both swiped into their non-military work, and both placed at the epicenter of disaster. Even if it were a lie, even if they somehow survived the initial assault from within Gralea, they would not survive the cold and the dark that was to come.
When asked whether she needed anything, she gave a small pause. Yes. Yes, but a secret need. "Perhaps..." she couldn't get out the words. "That is, I do have a favour to seek, but I wouldn't ask for it until I see for myself the state of this Nifen base. There has been so much that has gone wrong. So many people in greater need. I can wait."
Then she managed a very weak smile. Barely a tug of her lips, and it was gone just as quick. "Mrs. Tummelt. I would very much like to see her as well. People have been slowly arriving, and I haven't seen any faces that I recognised until now. I'm... I think I'm in need of familiar company. The Lord Hi- former- Ravus." It felt strange to use his name in a setting that wasn't private. "We arrived together, but we were made aware of intel concerning a Tenebraean escort that needed assistance. He left to receive them but I... well, I'm here, unfit to deploy." That was her favour, but Baldur was a smart enough man to put two and two together.
Ji-eun maneuvered to stand at his side. She followed his lead, hoped quietly that the lower decks weren't as depressing as the image that came to mind. Not a sad and decrepit slum where the Nifen had been dumped. "... and how are you?" she dared to ask after she herself had spilled her troubles upon him. "Are you well?" Or was he also surviving.
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thechanelmuse · 3 months
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My Book Review
"If you're not paying for it, you're the product."
Your Face Belongs to Us is a terrifying yet interesting journey through the world of invasive surveillance, artificial intelligence, facial recognition, and biometric data collection by way of the birth and rise of a company called Clearview AI — a software used by law enforcement and government agencies in the US yet banned in various countries. A database of 75 million images per day.
The writing is easy flowing investigative journalism, but the information (as expected) is...chile 👀. Lawsuits and court cases to boot. This book reads somewhat like one of my favorite books of all-time, How Music Got Free by Stephen Witt (my review's here), in which it delves into the history from birth to present while learning the key players along the way.
Here's an excerpt that keeps you seated for this wild ride:
“I was in a hotel room in Switzerland, six months pregnant, when I got the email. It was the end of a long day and I was tired but the email gave me a jolt. My source had unearthed a legal memo marked “Privileged & Confidential” in which a lawyer for Clearview had said that the company had scraped billions of photos from the public web, including social media sites such as Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn, to create a revolutionary app. Give Clearview a photo of a random person on the street, and it would spit back all the places on the internet where it had spotted their face, potentially revealing not just their name but other personal details about their life. The company was selling this superpower to police departments around the country but trying to keep its existence a secret.”
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dirtyriver · 2 months
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Vending machine error reveals secret face image database of college students
The scandal started when a student using the alias SquidKid47 posted an image on Reddit showing a campus vending machine error message, "Invenda.Vending.FacialRecognitionApp.exe," displayed after the machine failed to launch a facial recognition application that nobody expected to be part of the process of using a vending machine.
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bracketsoffear · 9 months
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Man with the Upside-down Face (Mayfair Watcher's Society/Trevor Henderson's art) "A voyeur that can only appears in photographs and still images, and cannot be seen on video or with the naked eye. It thrives off of negative feelings and emotions, purposely showing up at car crashes, accidents and other disasters to watch and feed off the pain. It's been described as incredibly sadistic by Trevor Henderson himself. It cannot directly cause these accidents, being described as "bottom feeder" and feeding off of events that have already occurred, but has driven people to the point of causing harm and death to others. It's appearance is purposeful to cause unease to any who might see it."
Cypher (Valorant) "Cypher is an extremely skilled surveillance specialist and information broker, capable of sniffing out any secrets the enemy could be hiding. He has a penchant for constantly gathering data and information on both his enemies AND allies at all times, to the point where he can make casual reference to the more classified or fabricated details of some of his teammates' backgrounds, as well as pull out everyone's personal passwords at the drop of a hat. His official description even declares that "No secret is safe. No maneuver goes unseen. Cypher is always watching", several of his voicelines place emphasis on vision, eyes, blindness, or some derivative thereof (particularly in relation to his spycams), and one of his in-game abilities involves him performing neural theft on dead enemies to recover intel on the opposing team. Which isn't blatantly Eye-related as far as I know, but does illustrate the levels he is willing to go to in order to gather information -- not even the things tucked into the recesses of your mind are safe.
However, that's not all: whilst Cypher is very much fixated on amassing knowledge about the people around him, he is also desperate to keep his own secrets under lock and key. His personal file in the Protocol's database is missing, he constantly covers up every inch of skin, and where Cypher knows basically everything there is to know about his teammates, his teammates barely know anything about him, which has caused people to distrust him on more than one occasion. This secrecy is partly for practical reasons, as his being compromised could easily lead to a massive security breach, but also for personal reasons as well: while he is on a mission to capture Fade, she uses her fear-based powers to manifest the deepest, darkest nightmares of all the agents present. Cypher's fear is represented by being tied to a chair and surrounded by cameras, while a figure comes up from behind and pulls off his mask. Additionally, the blackmail dossier he'd recieved from Fade some time prior to this mission taunts him for his constant desire to run and hide when faced with the prospect of anything about him being known, as well as how protective he is of his secrets to the point of alienating everyone around him including his loved ones.
All this effectively makes Cypher an avatar that both spreads the paranoia of being watched and having your secrets known while at the same time suffering from it. Which, yeah, seems about right."
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meret118 · 2 months
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upsidedowngrass · 1 year
Honestly I think Airy wrote down notes if they were just... interesting to him. Or maybe if they sparked some sort of memory?
Because yeah! He DOESN'T use that info for anything! No one else is going to see it but him! Why not write cool stuff about the people in your show! Secret lore!
But MAINLY the thing that freaks me out is how did Airy get that picture of Bryce. Everyone else's could possibly be on social media, a phone, some sort of camera, Liam's is his work computer. But Bryce is passed out drunk on the FLOOR. He doesn't have FRIENDS. Why would his phone be out??? There aren't cameras in apartment buildings either??? HOW DID HE GET THAT PICTURE. Does the computer give you some level of omnipotence in the real world that isn't through technology? That's SO scary!!!
Airy also could have updated it as he went? Maybe after the pool incident he wrote it down? But again like you said he doesn't really... pick up on it well. I GUESS Bryce could have mentioned it somewhere but... Why would he? Unless it was in a conversation with someone (wait. a therapist maybe? telehealth?), which brings me back to Can Airy See Things On Earth That Aren't Cameras/Videos? Did he pick the contestants randomly like season one or did he put thought into them? He made the pages for everyone either way but... Still.
Sorry this is so rambly I've been thinking about this my entire work shift and I still can't be coherent T-T
ITS OK i also think abt it A LOT and i like to talk about one ALL the time!!!!!!!!
tbh YEAH itd track so much for airy to just. write down little notes for very little purpose other than fun. just taking notes of all these fascinating things about his contestants. like 'wow theyre all so interesting huh!!' it is VERY in character for him to just write things down for the sake of it
GOD YEAH... it is SOO. its one of the most unsettling things abt the database, and raises SO many questions. i think maybe?? it COULD be an omnipotence thing but maybe someone was there? maybe bradley brought him home and his phone out for literally anything ??? and airy was like oh well theres my image! but even then its. you have NO other image of this guy, why did you PICK him. how did u even FIND him if the apparent only image you can get of him is smth that def was not easily available. its JARRING and UNSETTLING
i think if airy were to connect the dots that ep 6 gave any of them thalassophobia, hed put it for all of them, but telehealth IS a good bet??? assuming the computer can only access things like cameras and stuff. this WOULD also mean bryce got a therapist after getting home which WOULD track w him trying to get his life in order, and also the idea of this makes me SO happy. but also sad. bc he was trying to RECOVER good for him!!!! but also . then this wouldve been a bit halted. tho also this would be one more person concerned for his wellbeing after he disappears AGAIN which IS good i think. but sorry bryces therapist thats prob a bit concerning for ur client to drop off the face of the earth (literally)
i DO all the time think abt how much he planned. bc i do think it was prob a bit less random?? maybe?? what with none of the people being picked being from france this time. but he also DID bring a baby. but also?? he does clearly put at least a little thought into it, since s3 was a bit planned out!!! he seems to plan things out more and more thru the series so this could be New, but i think it indicates some level of consideration abt who he picks!!! (that and... he picked bryces coworker and NOT his friend? so he may just not be the greatest at sticking to contestants that make sense Logistically, making that a running theme in all of his seasons)
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xasha777 · 4 days
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In the year 3050, the Council of Ephesus was no longer merely a historical ecclesiastical assembly; it had been reimagined into a governing body of the most enlightened minds across the galaxies, arbitrating disputes not just of faith, but of science, politics, and art. It was here that Aria, a young historian from the Terra constellation, found herself, not as a spectator, but as the focal point of a galactic debate that would reshape the course of history.
Aria had discovered an ancient artifact during her excavation on the now-ruined planet Earth— a holographic portrait that had survived the eons. The image displayed a woman, clad in red with eyes like the nebulae, adorned in jewels that glinted with the wisdom of the world. She wore a headdress that was once called a 'tikka', her face veiled in a 'dupatta', her presence regal, almost divine. The portrait held an enigmatic quality, for it did not match any known civilization in the historical database.
Upon presenting her findings to the Council, the portrait inexplicably activated an ancient machine hidden beneath the council chambers, revealing a holographic library of lost human knowledge. This library contained the missing link between the current era and the forgotten past when Earth was a hub of culture and diversity.
As Aria delved deeper into the library, she learned that the woman in the portrait was not just a figure of beauty, but a scientist named Eshana, who had mastered the fusion of technology and tradition, embodying the balance between advancement and heritage. Eshana had theorized a cosmic network, a web of knowledge that connected all life forms in the universe, which she believed could only be accessed by harmonizing the old world with the new.
The Council of Ephesus was stunned. They had long believed that their technology was unprecedented, yet here was evidence of a concept that predated their civilization by millennia. A debate ensued, with factions forming amongst the council members. Some saw Eshana's work as heretical, threatening to upend the established order, while others saw it as the key to the next stage of universal evolution.
Aria, standing at the center of the council's grand hall, under the gaze of holographic depictions of ancient scholars and the starry-eyed Eshana, spoke with unanticipated eloquence. She argued for the integration of Eshana's principles, stating that to evolve, one must acknowledge and learn from the past, not merely overwrite it.
"Let this Council of Ephesus mark a new epoch," Aria declared, "where we do not fear the convergence of our paths with those who walked before us. Let us not repeat the silencing of voices that occurred at the original council, but let us listen and grow stronger through the shared wisdom of all civilizations, both lost and thriving."
Her words resonated throughout the chambers, and after what seemed like an eternity of discussion, the Council agreed to a trial period where Eshana's theories would be tested. Aria was appointed the head of a new division, tasked with exploring the cosmic network.
The portrait of Eshana became a symbol of this new age, her image replicated in every star system, her story told in a thousand tongues. Aria, once a mere historian, had become the emissary for a united future where the past was not just remembered, but celebrated as the foundation of tomorrow.
And so, the Council of Ephesus, once a memory from the dust of a lost world, became the beacon of the most significant scientific renaissance the universe had ever witnessed, all sparked by the serene gaze of a woman adorned in red, whose secrets had traversed time to ignite the stars anew.
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granlibroderefes · 2 months
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fundgruber · 2 months
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y2fear · 2 months
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Vending machine error reveals secret face image database of college students
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reddragonblacklotus · 2 months
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ericvanderburg · 2 months
Vending Machine Error Reveals Secret Face Image Database of College Students
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