illneverrecover · 4 years
trust my love | pjy
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➛pairing: Park Jinyoung x Reader ➛genre: librarian!reader, non idol!AU, Slice of Life!AU, fluff, humor  ➛word count: 2,343 ➛rating: E ➛warnings: I know we are shocked, but since this isn’t smut there isn’t many! Kissing, Making out in a library, Persistent Jinyoung. This is just softsoftcute. ➛summary: Jinyoung frequents the library in hopes of convincing you to go on a date on with him, but you’re not so easy to win over. Luckily, he’s not easily deterred. ➛notes: This is my piece for the Secret Admirer’s Project 2021 for @ksmutclub​! I’m a little nervous to post this because it’s the first time I’ve written about GOT7, however it was an honor to do so for @birbdae​. Thank you for playing along with my asks, Dae! It was fun to get to know you and I hope you like this! 🍒 Also shout out to my sweet sugar bb @taetaesbaebaepsae​ for beta reading and hyping me up, ily. Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone. ➛song: Trust My Love - GOT7 |  Love You Better - GOT7
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“He’s here again."
Sighing heavily, you spin around, running your hands through your hair. Not that you cared what it looked like, of course. Why would you?  
“Is he headed this way?”
“No, it looks like he’s headed towards fiction, turning down..” Ara pauses, eyes scanning the room, “the literature aisle - classics, to be specific.” 
Ara keeps her gaze trained on her mark, angling her body towards you. “What do you think he’ll bring you today?”
“As if I care,” you scoff, moving over to the restock cart and busying yourself by grabbing a stack of books to plop down next to your computer. You had already organized and prepped most of these already, but no one else knows that. “Believe it or not, my work day does not evolve around what’s-his-face showing up unannounced-”
“-his name is Jinyoung, and you know that-”
“-and I have important things to attend to. He’s just another customer, nothing else.”
You can feel her glare boring into your skull, but you refuse to give in to meet it. If you do, you’ll see the disbelief and frustration in her eyes, which will be an open invitation for Ara to give you yet another one of her famous ‘You Need To Live Your Life’ speeches, which you have no patience for today. 
She finally shrugs her shoulders, turning to grab the empty cart. “Whatever you say, dear. I’m off to get the books from the front drop off,” she glides away, the cart squeaking at her increased pace, “have fun with Jinyoung!” 
Closing your eyes, you inhale deeply, wondering how long it’ll be before the man in question comes striding up to your desk, a book tucked under his arm and a disarming smile in tow.
He had been coming into your library now for what felt like years, but in reality was only a few weeks. You aren’t sure what started his interest in you - his first day in your check out line had been a brief and altogether forgettable encounter - but since that day, he has come in three times a week like clock work. He always returns a book, spends anywhere between fifteen and twenty minutes pursuing the stacks, fingers dragging against the spines, seemingly searching for something. And then he finds you, regardless of what floor you are working and what your current task is, and chats you up while you scan his library card, shuffling him out the door as quickly as you can.
Conversation started off innocent at first, usually small talk about whatever read he had just finished and dropped off in the return box. You pride yourself on being polite and professional, even if it was clear he had other intentions. But it was when he began asking more about you, inquiring about your days off  that you felt your hackles raise. The next time he returned a book, he skipped the pleasantries, instead leaving you with a wink and a slip of paper with his phone number inside the pages, right next to the author note. 
‘Go on a date with me?’
Such a simple phrase shouldn’t have caused such havoc in your life, and yet here you were.
Your traitorous co-workers all though it was so sweet, so romantic how he pursued you. Nevermind that he had the face of the type of man who has done this before, who likely has a contact list a mile long of names attached to pretty women that would all fawn over him at a moment’s notice. Or the fact that he clearly came from money; his designer peacoats and dress shirts always crisp, clean, and the complete opposite of anything you owned. 
No, this wasn’t a budding romance - if anything, it was a classic case of a man who liked the chase, even if you refused to run. 
The clearing of a throat pulls you from your thoughts, eyes snapping to address the intruder. “Can I help you with something?” 
“Hi, yes you can. I’d like to check out this book, please.” Jinyoung smiles brightly, eyes dancing with mirth. He’s dressed in a warm khaki color sweater today, the tips of a white collar peeking out of the neckline and tucked into his perfect pressed slacks. He’s handsome, and you both know it. 
Seemingly catching you staring, he raises a brow in question, one that you promptly ignore. Instead, you hold out your hand impatiently, waiting for him to share which novel he’s going to try to use to impress you with today. When you glance down at the title, your eyebrow raises. 
“The Ghost Bride, hmm? Doesn’t really seem like your type,” you mutter, taking the book and flipping it to scan it. His library card awaits beside it, the elegant script of his signature seemingly taunting you. “Are you sure you didn’t mean to pick up something else? I can show you where the picture books are-”
“Nope, this was the right one. I’m just following your recommendations, you know. This was your pick of the week.” 
You scowl, swiping his card under the scanner before grabbing the automatically printed receipt, sliding his items back towards him across the counter. You had forgotten about the ‘See What Our Librarians Recommend!’ board that Mark had put up earlier in the week in an attempt to engage more with the customers. There hadn’t been much thought behind your pick other than it was one you enjoyed; getting immersed into other cultures and their traditions one of the easiest ways to relax your mind. But now you felt self conscious, like he was peering into your head. 
You shake the thought away, turning back to your screen. “Yes, I’m aware of that. Well, have a nice day, I gotta get back to work.” 
“Have you thought about the answer to my question?”
Jinyoung is still waiting at the counter, a small but earnest smirk tugging at his lips, eyes locked on to yours. If you didn’t know any better, you would think his curiosity was genuine with how he stared, how kind he was. 
But you knew better. 
“Yes, and the answer is no. I’m not looking to date right now,” you huff, breaking his gaze once more. There was something intense about how he looked at you, and it made your nerves dance under your skin. 
“May I ask why?”
Sighing, you close your eyes, counting the breath as you pull it into your lungs. What a loaded question. There were thousands of answers, a multitude of reasons why it was a bad idea to accept a date from the handsome stranger that frequents your library. Which would be acceptable to share; that you’ve had your heart broken more times than you care to admit, and don’t want to be hurt again? That you’re too immersed in your work and your goals that you don’t have time for a relationship? Or that you spend your days lost between the pages of books, delving into new worlds and reading about loves so pure and avowed that you know anything you come across in real life will be a disappointment?
Instead of those truths, you give him a tight smile. “Because I don’t know you, and you haven’t earned one yet.” 
There was an unspoken challenge in those words, but you didn’t care. You knew that Jinyoung with his pretty face and captivating charm would give up soon, and when that time came, you’d breathe a sigh of relief and continue about your life just as it was before he came in it. 
“I get it, you don’t trust me,” he looks down at his shoes, inhaling deeply before returning his amber eyes to you. “But I’m serious. I’ll prove it to you.” 
He stands there a beat more, as if he wanted to be sure you understood his promise before turning and walking away, giving a final grin over his shoulder. 
You should’ve known it wouldn’t be that easy.
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The harsh refusal of his proposal didn’t deter Jinyoung in the least, if anything, it renewed his commitment. He continued his visits to the library, this time determined to speak with you more, get to know you better. He had befriended Mark shortly into his endeavors and your traitorous coworker had told him everything he knew about you - favorite foods, your favorite color, sweets you indulged on when the mood was right. And Jinyoung had weaponized this information, bringing you Peruvian lilies  in the palest of lilacs, leaving tiny boxes of nougat de montelimar on your cart on top of the books for you to find. 
Each time he came to your check out line, he was prepared with a new book and more questions, always briefly discussing his thoughts on the novel before peppering you with inquiries about anything from mundane preferences to how your parents were doing. 
The most infuriating part was it was working. The once practiced guard you had built around yourself slowly coming undone piece by piece, day by day as Jinyoung gave you patient smiles and cheeky winks. Your heart was softening to his antics, and soon you caught yourself thinking about what a date with him would be like, how being the sole object of his affections somewhere that isn’t covered in a fine line of dust and doesn’t smell like old books would make you feel.
It’s this train of thought you’re lost in when he strides up to your counter, another book in his arms, face lighting up once he sees you. 
“Hi, beautiful. Just this for me today,” he murmurs, placing the book he selected directly into your hands instead of on the counter as usual. 
You didn’t have to look at the cover to know which novel he’d handed you, the story itself being so familiar that you could recognize it by the weight of it in your hands alone. “You’re telling me you haven’t read The Great Gatsby before?”
He chuckles then, head ducking down sheepishly. “Ah, it was one of those we had to read in school ages ago, but I don’t really remember it. I wasn’t as into books back then.” 
You nod, remembering how your peers didn’t seem to be as obsessed with reading as you had been. “That’s fair. This is one of those that the meaning tends to be lost on a bunch of teenagers, anyway.” Scanning the book and his card, you place it back in his open palm, feeling like you were giving him a tiny piece of your heart.
“I decided to give it another shot - since it's your favorite, and all.” 
Warmth spreads in your cheeks and you wonder briefly if he notices the way you fight a smile. It had been a passing comment, something said while he watched you restock the non fiction section one afternoon, but the fact he remembered caused something in your chest to ache. 
“Well, let me know what you think. I mean, if you’re able to follow along, that is.” 
His slow smirk transforms into a beaming smile, his face softening as he tucks the novel under his arm. “I think I’ll manage. I’ve been able to keep up so far,” his gaze drops to drag over your form before meeting your eyes. “And I’ve been loving every minute.”
He wasn’t talking about books, and the thought had you floating on air for the rest of your shift. 
That night, when you’re safely tucked into bed and far away from the library, you grab the wrinkled slip of paper and type Jinyoung’s number into your phone.
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The metal of the old bookcase was ice against your bare skin, back arching up as you lick into Jinyoung’s mouth. What started off as a gentle press of lips in the back stacks of the reference section quickly intensified when his tongue sought yours, the kiss hungry and dripping of pent up desire. 
You hadn’t planned on anything happening, only wanting the abandoned aisles so that you could accept his date offering without your coworkers lurking, not wanting to do it over text. However you didn’t account for Jinyoung’s excitement, the way he looked like he won the lottery when you told him before swiftly backing you into the shelves in a heated kiss - not that you’re complaining. 
His body is firm as he presses into you, hands cupping your cheeks in a gentle way that offset his fervent exploration of your mouth. You melt under his touch, body seeking him like a moth to flame, unwilling to leave his warmth.
“Jinyoung,” you breathe, pushing him away from your lips. “We probably shouldn’t do this here.”
He chuckles, a hand snaking around your waist to tug you close once more. “Probably not. But you have no idea how long I’ve been dying to do that.” 
“Do what? Fondle me in a dusty library?”
He shakes his head lightly before leaning in, his mouth inches from your own, the look in his eyes seizing the air in your lungs. “He knew that when he kissed this girl, and forever wed his unutterable visions to her perishable breath, his mind would never romp again like the mind of God.”
Swallowing thickly, you ignore the painful gallop of your pulse, the way your defenses seem to crumble each time you’re in his presence. You don’t tell him how much it means to you that he didn’t give up, that he did all of these things just to earn your trust. That he put in so much effort to learn everything about you, took time to memorize the lines from your favorite novel just to make you smile.
Instead, you look up at him through heavy lashes, an easy grin on your lips.  “Did you just quote ‘The Great Gatsby’ at me?” Giggling, you swat his arm. “That was a little cheesy.” 
Jinyoung just meets your gaze, says everything with how he peers into your eyes without saying anything at all. “It only gets better from here, trust me.” 
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sakurasangcl · 4 years
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[Image Description: a handwritten letter to @namluve​ that reads as follows: “Dear @namluve​, aka dari, Hello! It’s me, Rosie! I’ve really enjoyed getting to know you this past month! You’re so nice and friendly, and I hope we can get to know each other more! I originally was wanting to write a fanfic, but I couldn’t come up with any good ideas. I’d still love to write something for you! If you keep helping me/encouraging me to get into Stray Kids, I can write my first fanfic of them for you uwu 💜 I hope you like this letter and that we can become good friends!  💜 Rosie, aka @sakurasangcl​ Julia]
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namluve · 4 years
happy valentine’s dear avery @ksmuttherapy​! I hope your valentines will be filled with joy and love. I’m looking forward to all your wizarding world fics and couldn’t help myself but to make mood boards for two of them. you may use them however you would like and I hope they inspire you as much as your fics inspired me into making them! 
you are so sweet and I hope we can keep in touch as I would love to get to know you more. (we have to talk about k-dramas as I just saw that you replied to my answer, I’m currently watching crash landing on you) 
ps. kiss starlight for me <3 
- your lovely 
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the magic shop  ☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*
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the rule of three  °☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°☆
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maikeymonroe · 3 years
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SURPRISE SHAWTY!!!!! @kehlcnii​
Hi! It’s me, your secret admirer, otherwise known as Maika. You don’t even know how happy I was to get you to hype up throughout the week! You and Demi are truly two of my favorite artists, and I’m obviously putting in my application should you ever need a third (only half joking on that one!) 
Your badass getaway not only has one trip, but two, because I of course had to share the love with the little one. Your adorable as hell family will first embark on an all inclusion, fully paid Disney Cruise. You’ll get to lay in the sun and chill at the pool while Adeya parties it up with Queen Elsa. 
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Once the little one is fully Disney Princess-ed out, you’ll pop her over to your Aunt’s. (Don’t worry, she’s absolutely down to watch the cutie for a while!) Then the hot Mamas will head for a long weekend in Hawaii. Now this is when you get to actually relax and spend some time as a couple! 
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I hope you have the time of your life!  - Your SA: Maika 
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thatnattyice · 3 years
Hello! We haven't met which is a shame because I'm such a Nancy Wheeler fan. You seem to be quite the fashion icon and I love that. I'm also into fashion. Your style is amazing, by the way! Also... completely off topic but, I was today years old when I discovered you were in the Hannah Montana movie and now I kinda want to watch it again purely for the nostalgia. Hope you're having a good day/night! -SA
This is so sweet! Hopefully soon we can chat about all things Nancy and fashion. Oh, gosh. Please forgive me for my terrible British accent! I was so young.
Thank you, cutie! You've made my day.
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ksmutclub · 4 years
Secret Admirer Project - 2021
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It’s That Time of Year Again!     -
We here at K Smut Club want to wish everyone a very Happy Valentine’s Day this season. We are so excited to announce our annual Valentine’s project. 
How will the Valentine’s Secret Admirer Project work?    -
The admins of K Smut Club will give each participant the name and URL of another participating member. From January 22nd to February 13th you are that person’s Secret Admirer. Smut is again optional for this project. 
Who can participate?    -
Any member of @ksmutclub​ @got7writerscollective​ can participate.
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As a Secret Admirer, you have the following responsibilities    -
Create a gift for the person you have related to their bias.
Leave kind, anonymous messages in their ask box 2-3 times per week, signed with - your Secret Admirer (your pseudo) Note: you will choose this pseudonym when you sign-up.
Keep your identity secret.
Keep your own ask box open and allow anonymous messages for the duration of the project.
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Project Rules    -
You can not use your gift for two things.
You may not use something that is already in your wips or a continuation of a series you have already started.
If any Secret Admires break either of the above rules or if your gift is late, you will be added to our list of people who are not welcome to participate in our future Secret Admirer Projects.
Reblog this post
Include the #secretadmirer2021
The phrase you need to remember is the eternal
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If you need to drop out    -
We prefer for anyone who needs to drop out to do so before February 1st. If you need to drop out at any point please send in an ask to the club so that we can find a backup admirer. 
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What counts as a gift?    -
A Fic
A Heartfelt Letter
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When should you post your gift and reveal your identity    -
Post your gift on February 14th with a tag for your Valentine. Please include the following tag with your usual network tags, #secretadmirer2021. We will then add your work to the project masterlist which will be posted on February 16th.
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If you missed the signup time frame    -
You can sign up to be a Backup Secret Admirer. We can’t promise that everyone who signs up as a backup will be able to participate in the event, but if someone drops out we will reach out to you to take over the person that they had. This means that you’ll be creating a gift for this person, as well as sending them asks for the rest of the event.
Please be aware that Backup Secret Admirers cannot drop out! Do not sign up as a backup if you are incapable of creating a gift on a short deadline, or are not 100% sure that you want to be a backup.
Backup Form Here
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Dates to keep in mind    -
January 1st: Sign-ups open
January 20th: Sign-ups close
January 22nd: Messages sent
January 31st: Last day to drop out
February 14th: Posting Day
February 16th: Masterlist posted
All dates and times are on K Smut Club time (-04:00 UTC / Eastern USA time)
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illneverrecover · 4 years
thAT GIF IS ILLEGAL??!?!?!? how dare theeeee! what do you think of taehyung with long hair and lipstick hur hur hur - ma'amgo
I am a huuuuge fan of Taehyung with long hair, the Tullet ™ was one of the best things that ever happened to me. As far as Tae with lipstick, I feel like he could pull off anything if he wanted to, but in my mind I always just see this 
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illneverrecover · 4 years
i,m sleeepy but im always sleepy so lol...ig ill just suffer. also that gif in ur desktop home page is literally KILLING me how dare thee hahahaha - ma'amgo
ITS SO RUDE RIGHT?? My very talented friend who heard me have a breakdown over 5th muster Taehyung, @spotlightmp4 made it for me and made my desktop/mobile theme look legit. She’s the best!! 
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illneverrecover · 4 years
yess so rude how dare they be so talented to kill me???? i like my taehyung with a side dish of staying alive to see the next day hahaha - ma'amgo
that’s valid!! I just die every time I see him basically he has too much power over me specifically and that’s okay!!! thats on ME 
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illneverrecover · 4 years
how are you doing? - ma'amgo
I’m good! Just trying to destress after a weekend of poorly attempted house hunting. How are you, bb?
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illneverrecover · 4 years
hiiiii im ur secret admirer, ma'amgo! do you like my pun?? hahaha
well hiiii there stranger!
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thatnattyice · 3 years
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Hi, gorgeous @hfrpelsa​!
Surprise, it’s me. Your secret admirer! I’ve gone to more fashion week events than I can count, but we’d unfortunately never been able to meet until now. I hope you took my little notes to heart: you are a wonderful mother and an amazing person. 
You probably don’t know much about me, but I was born and raised in Nashville, Tennessee, and it still holds a special place in my heart. I thought it’d be fun to send you and whoever you’d like on a weeklong trip to my city! All fun excursions and accommodations are already taken care of. I know being a mom is exhausting sometimes, so take this time to breathe and get back to being you! 
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I hope you have an amazing time. Don’t forget to find a cute pair of cowboy boots and try line dancing! I promise it isn’t as crazy as people think. 
XO, Natalia Dyer
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maikeymonroe · 3 years
Happy belated birthday. Hope that it was everything you imagined and more. Consider this a late birthday gift but also something that should brighten your day. What I do know about you is that you love the beach and for that I couldn’t help but get you something that would make your beach days even better. 
A beach bag for all your necessities. I know that kiteboarding and beach going can be a lot to handle and a lot to pack. 
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From what I understand, you’re a horror queen and I do love the Jaws inspo on this one. 
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A new wetsuit was also thrown in there. It was relatively one side fits all but I kept the recipe in if you need an exchange. 
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The shirt seemed fitting for the occasion too. 
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Finally, I packed a little beachy candle in there for you. Burn it when you’re missing the ocean but are too far away to go. 
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- Your Secret Admirer
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maikeymonroe · 3 years
You’ve always been one to never disappoint people. Your unique ability to always make someone feel at ease or your ‘go with the flow’ attitude is always something I’ve admired. You also know just how to make someone feel at home or like you’ve been friends with them for years. It’s this comfort you give off but also this excitement for adventure. It’s like you’re the ease that people need along with the flare of spontaneity all in one. It’s something that I’ll never get used to so keep being you. It’s nice not to see you try and be anyone else. — Your Secret Admirer
I genuinely don't even know what to say to this. You have no idea how much this means to me... Seriously, thank you. I really, really hope we can be friends or something after this! 
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